Echoes of the Overwatched -Private Game- (Inactive)

Game Master mahuffma

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NG Male Dwarf Rogue(U) 1 HP 11/11 l AC 14 l F+2 R+5 W+1 l Perc+5 l Stealth+6 l Disable+9l Speed 20 l Active Conditions none

You and your companion are a sight for sore eyes... I've come quite a bit closer to the grave than I care. Thank Grundinnar for good friends , and that they are just sore, and not looking upon the Boneyard this moment....

Even as he spoke, it was obvious he was bothered by his recent experience, as he was constantly moving, clenching and unclenching his fists, and wiggling his fingers.

Lini looks down at the ground and kicks some rocks. "I'm glad you were here. I couldn't have beat that thing by myself, for sure!"

She then wishes you luck, and says she must be on her way.

Following Chalmer's suggestion, the rest of you gather what you can, and head back to the museum. A delegation from the Pathfinder Society is meeting with Nigel Aldain when you return. You draw a few stares, with your clothes shredded, stained red, and smelling of salt water. Nigel is ecstatic to see you, however. He thanks you profusely for avenging Anumet's gruesome murder and collecting the key to Ralzeros's mysterious chamber, which the Society collects to lock away for the time being, much to the disappointment of Nigel.

"More investigation needs to be done before this key will be ready to be fitted back in that thing." The Society rep explains. "In the meantime, I think it's time for you lot to head back to the lodge. I'm sure Venture-Captain Dreng will be wanting to hear your story over a few rounds." He concludes as he slaps you on the back and heads for the exit.

Cue rolling credits

Feel free to role-play your way our, but this concludes this very difficult mission!

The Exchange

NG Male Dwarf Rogue(U) 1 HP 11/11 l AC 14 l F+2 R+5 W+1 l Perc+5 l Stealth+6 l Disable+9l Speed 20 l Active Conditions none

new clothes, a hot bath, then after I sleep for a week, I'll be ready for a few rounds...I don't know about the rest of you, friends, but that was the hardest thing I've done in my life...

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