Against the Grain, A 40K Story.

Game Master BoggBear

The Carsis sector, on the very edges of known space.
For centuries,it has been the off and on focus of imperial interest, but very little expansion has taken place there to date.
Some say the sector is cursed, for each time an overlord of some kind have been placed in charge of the sector, for the glory of the imperium, he or she has seen a quick and complete reversal of fortunes for the worse.
The last such "lucky" individual was the heir to the Catalan Rogue Trader dynasty, who end up finding himself in front of a firing squad charged with the crime of "unnatural conduct with a xenoform".
But the imperium is ever in need of growth, and as such, the Carsis sector WILL be brought into the fold and made stable and productive at last.
As such, the sector is now up for grabs, and a call for a new overlord has been sent out.
Aside from the Ecclisiarchy and the Admechs, three Rogue Trader dynasties have answered the call.
This is the story of one of those Dynasties.

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Tech Priest Magos Explorator WS41 BS36 S43 T41 A32 I51 Per37 Wil35 Fel37 Wounds: 12/12 Fate: 0/3 Bolter 24/24

Iota, despite remaining motionless for quite a while, is quite busy in his own way. As soon as his implants are back online he instructs every single one of them to secure and file away any and all data concerning the connected state just now. Including but of course not limited to his flesh-memory recollection of the state. Once this process proceeded far enough that the remaining tasks can run in the background he finally starts looking around - seeing Heinrichs offered hand and accepting the gesture.
"Thank you, Heinrich. This connection was... quite the intense experience..."

WS 33, BS 38, S 30, T 31, Ag 36, Int 30, Per 32, WP 47, Fel 64; Wounds 5/5, FP 1/4 | +15 command on a ship | Currently:

After a moment, Archibald raises he's an idiot and says, Sorry, yes. Please give us bridge access.

"Command accepted...processing...
Command executed. Physical lockdown of bridge has been ended.
Analysing new data...processing...
Warning, temporal distortion has been detected.
Extrapolating data...
Time inside bridge unit has been distorted and slowed down to a fraction of temporal flow outside of bridge area.
Time speeding up to match surrounding area.
It is likely that the bridge area is less effected by times passing than the rest of the ship."

WS 33, BS 38, S 30, T 31, Ag 36, Int 30, Per 32, WP 47, Fel 64; Wounds 5/5, FP 1/4 | +15 command on a ship | Currently:

Archibald's heart almost skips a beat. Do you have an approximate degree of the difference? How much time has passed in the bridge?

"Nearly incalculable.
The difference approximates minutes to years.
A rough calculation suggests as little as a standard week."

The assistant flickers for a moment.

"Power output approaching minimum recommended levels.
Several backup systems are coming online.
Life support engaged, automatic cleaning systems engaged..."

WS 33, BS 38, S 30, T 31, Ag 36, Int 30, Per 32, WP 47, Fel 64; Wounds 5/5, FP 1/4 | +15 command on a ship | Currently:

Cancel auto clean. Hold until further notice.

Archibald turns to his group and relays the info. We need to get up there. Leave a guard here and send a runner for heavy reinforcements. Let's see what we can learn about this puzzle-box of a ship.

Tech Priest Magos Explorator WS41 BS36 S43 T41 A32 I51 Per37 Wil35 Fel37 Wounds: 12/12 Fate: 0/3 Bolter 24/24

"Cleaning... Before we move on I suggest asking if it can 'clean' that filthy thing we fought earlier. Or if it can at least find out where it went and inform us somehow if it comes close to us."

"Unable to process request, auto functions unable to be shut down except from the bridge area.
Extrapolating secondary request...
Displaying all detectable life signs on holographic map."

From under it's hood, a light is emitted, forming a 3d representation of the area you are in.
On the display, a number of dots are displayed.
However, it doesn't take you long to realise that all the dots are accounted for in your own party.
Either the creature is not in the area, or it can somehow hide from the available sensors."[/b]

Meanwhile, one of your subordinates begins giving out a few orders, sending a runner with an escort to contact the main force back in the hangar bay.

Before they can set off however, the Assistant speaks up again.
"Extrapolating intent...
Brother-Captain ThunderBlossom has access to internal communication systems.
Name an area to contact..."

WS 33, BS 38, S 30, T 31, Ag 36, Int 30, Per 32, WP 47, Fel 64; Wounds 5/5, FP 1/4 | +15 command on a ship | Currently:

The currently active hangar bay containing my forces. Archibald says. If he could communicate with internal systems things were about to get MUCH easier.

"Hold one...
Communication systems are online.
Please proceed."

WS 33, BS 38, S 30, T 31, Ag 36, Int 30, Per 32, WP 47, Fel 64; Wounds 5/5, FP 1/4 | +15 command on a ship | Currently:

This is the captain. We have established limited Comms. If anyone can hear me, respond.

There is a hesitation before a reply comes over the coms.
There is a marked undertone of suspicion bleeding through.
"Lieutenant Skeppel here...sir.
No offence intended, but we've had quite a few attempts to contact us already.
Please repeat both the day-code and yesterdays day-code for positive identification."

WS 33, BS 38, S 30, T 31, Ag 36, Int 30, Per 32, WP 47, Fel 64; Wounds 5/5, FP 1/4 | +15 command on a ship | Currently:

Archibald is confused, but provides the codes, Day Code Perseverance, Yesterday's Day Code Vigilance

There is another pregnant pause, before Lieutenant Skeppel speaks again.
"Forgive me lord Captain, but since you left, the comms come on at irregular intervals, voices trying to deceive us, but thankfully failing to do so to this point.
That you have control of the comms now gives us all hope.
What are your orders?"

WS 33, BS 38, S 30, T 31, Ag 36, Int 30, Per 32, WP 47, Fel 64; Wounds 5/5, FP 1/4 | +15 command on a ship | Currently:

Another sigh of relief, It's alright, Captain. I expect nothing less. Send at least two heavy weapons teams with support squads to the power generation room asap. We cannot loose this position. I am proceeding to the bridge where I will, by the Emperor's mercy, regain more control over this place. Also send some tech adepts for repairs and clergy for consecration if possible.

"Understood, sending the reinforcements now, lord Captain."

As the transmission ends, the assistant speaks up again.
"Detecting life-forms on the bridge.
84 life forms.
82 Life forms.
79 life forms.
75 Life forms."

WS 33, BS 38, S 30, T 31, Ag 36, Int 30, Per 32, WP 47, Fel 64; Wounds 5/5, FP 1/4 | +15 command on a ship | Currently:

Are they human? If so, do your best to preserve them!
Archibald then starts for the door. Come on, team! We have a bridge to secure! Now!

As you move towards the now powered elevator, the ominous voice of the assistant, still repeating an error and counting down, fades in the background.

You pass through the torn open doors, hurry down the corridor, and pile into the opened lifts.

It takes a few moment to translate the runes inside the elevator, until you can identify the one that spells out bridge in High gothic/Latin.
But moments later, the elevator doors close and you are on your way.

WS 33, BS 38, S 30, T 31, Ag 36, Int 30, Per 32, WP 47, Fel 64; Wounds 5/5, FP 1/4 | +15 command on a ship | Currently:

Be ready men. Anyone we can save on this bridge will be absolutely invaluable to our understanding of this place.

Tech Priest Magos Explorator WS41 BS36 S43 T41 A32 I51 Per37 Wil35 Fel37 Wounds: 12/12 Fate: 0/3 Bolter 24/24

Iota checks his boltgun one last time while addressing Archibald.
"You might want to prepare them for something big, 'Brother Captain'. Your adopted title has a chance to signify that this used to be an astartes vessel. And we're heading to meet a group of time-lost survivors."

By the time the elevator stops and the doors open, the air is thick with tension and nervous energy.
Further down the corridor you find yourself in, you can see the large doors to the bridge standing half open.

As you hurry forward, your noses are assaulted by a thick stench, like that of a charnel house or abattoir.
Those of you that are a little more disciplined, however, also notice that the stench is heavy with rot and decay.

As you approach the doors, your boots stick to the surface of the floor, squelching as you step through puddles of gore.

Inside the bridge, the stench is so thick it's almost physical, like running into a wall.

There are bodies strewn all around you, carved, shot, burnt and more.

In the middle of the bridge, stands one lone figure.
Back towards you, slightly hunched, clearly breathing heavily.

It reacts to your presence however.
Taking one deep breath, it straightens up and slowly turns around.
In one hand, it holds a hatchet, the other holds a single edged, thin blade in a reverse grip.
He, for it is a he, is covered in torn robes and broken armour, his arms thick with gore all the way to the elbows.
His hair and beard are messy and unkempt, but his eyes...
You can almost feel the weight of his will through those hard eyes.

High Gothic/Latin:
"Hark, more devilry and illusions. But of the living this time around.
Tis' a new trick to be sure, but it will avail you naught, spawn of the dark one.
I will not sell my life cheaply, one horde or a hundred, it matters not, you still fall in the end."

BS:43 | WS:32 | ST:28 | T:34 | AGI:52 | PER:35 | INT:44 | WP:30 | FEL:43 | Pilot (Space) +20 Wing Commander

Having fixed a rebreather against the stench half a corridor back, Heinrich still Gags at the sight of this man-thing standing in gore and corpses.
As he (it?) speaks, Heinrich is surprised to understand the words if not the entire meaning. He expected foul tongues ripping at their sanity...
Bringing up the bulky melta gun, he shouts an answering challenge in high gothic as well.

High Gothic:

"Stand down in the name of the Throne of Terra and his entitled emissary, Lord Thunderblossom, bringer of light and trade."

The man slowly begins to smile, though it is not a pleasant smile.

High Gothic/Latin:
"I knoweth thee not, yet thou invade the heart of my ship just as I finish mine foe and maketh demands of me?
Tis' vessel be under mine protection, maketh no demands on mine allegiance lest thou suffert mine wrath."

Despite how dishevelled he is, he looks strikingly familiar.
Especially the eyes.

WS 33, BS 38, S 30, T 31, Ag 36, Int 30, Per 32, WP 47, Fel 64; Wounds 5/5, FP 1/4 | +15 command on a ship | Currently:

Archibald steps forward. A single motion signals Heinrich to lower his weapon, and simultaneously demonstrates his authority.

The Speech:
Hail, Brother. Be at peace. I am Archibald. And I suspect there is much we might discuss.

fellowship: 1d100 ⇒ 5

The man frowns, but after a moment, his pose relaxes somewhat, instead of his weapons being held at the ready, he crosses them over his chest, clearly still suspicious, but less overtly violently so.

High gothic/Latin:
"Mine designation is Brother-Captain of mine ship, the Righteous Redeemer.
And mine name is Brother-Captain Holt."

He looks down with disgust at one of the corpses at his feet, and with a grunt he kicks it over, revealing the disgusting face of one of the dead men you've been fighting until now.

High Gothic/Latin:
"Knowth this apparition. When the dead walk, trust is a commodity in short supply.
Thou hast the look of a living man, and thy speech is that of a mannered soul, but to find trust, a test made must be."

WS 33, BS 38, S 30, T 31, Ag 36, Int 30, Per 32, WP 47, Fel 64; Wounds 5/5, FP 1/4 | +15 command on a ship | Currently:

Archibald nods.

High Latin:
Agreed. One for you. One for me. Fortune smiles on you, however. You have already passed my test.

He motions to a nearby corpse.
High Latin:
So tell me. How can I prove myself worthy of your trust.

The man turns towards the back of the bridge.
As you follow his gaze, you notice an altar there.
On top of the altar is a golden chalice, studded with gems.
You also note that surrounding the altar are a ring of men dressed similarly to Holt.
You get the impression that they died protecting the chalice.

"Yonder is the treasure of mine ship, a blessed vessel once held by the high lord himself.
None with malice in heart could layeth hands on it and live..."

WS 33, BS 38, S 30, T 31, Ag 36, Int 30, Per 32, WP 47, Fel 64; Wounds 5/5, FP 1/4 | +15 command on a ship | Currently:

Archibald doesn't hesitate. He strides forth, removing his right glove as he walks. A few careful steps avoid the fallen. He turns with military precision and locks eyes with Brother-Captain Holt of the Righteous Redeemer.
Heinrich. If this goes poorly, try to at least give our people a good life.
He takes a breath.
The Emperor Protects.
And he touches the Chalice.

As your fingers makes contact, you are not sure exactly what you expected.
Perhaps you expected nothing, that it was merely a test of your willingness to do the test?
You've almost convinced yourself of that when it hits you.

It's cold, a chill up your spine, like the disproving glare of your father, as he prepares to chastise you for teaching your little sister a bad word.
It's the disappointed tutting of your commanding officer when your your tactics "wipes" out your troops during a training exercise.
It's your seneschal reading you the riot act when you were caught with the daughter of a minor rival dynasty, ruining a bridal contract with a much closer ally.

Then, the judgement ceases, there is a slow warmth spreading through your mind.
You might have failed, but you still have time, you can still atone.
You still have the ability to make up for your failures, and there is a sense of encouragement now, like something believes that you CAN, and wants you to believe it as well.

As your hand falls from the chalice, you notice that it is wet.
Wet from tears that flows freely from your eyes.

And your mind, it feels...healed.

Any Insanity points and/or corruption points you have are gone.

WS 33, BS 38, S 30, T 31, Ag 36, Int 30, Per 32, WP 47, Fel 64; Wounds 5/5, FP 1/4 | +15 command on a ship | Currently:

Archibald takes a huge shuddering gasp, then his iron control asserts itself and his dignity is back in place.
Well. That was... Wow.
He looks up at the tall man and raises an eyebrow.

WS 33, BS 38, S 30, T 31, Ag 36, Int 30, Per 32, WP 47, Fel 64; Wounds 5/5, FP 1/4 | +15 command on a ship | Currently:

High Latin:
I have passed your test, I assume. Now, please, let us proceed as allies at least. We are not here to harm you or your ship. In fact, I have men guarding the nearby power generators as we speak.

Holt had been watching Archibald al through the proceedings with his arms crossed over his chest (each one still holding firm his weapons).
Now he gives an almost imperceptible nod.

High Gothic/Latin:
"The light ist a harsh judge, but tis' also a fair one, not withholding mercy when appropriate.
It seeth in thee something worthy of life and not immediate destruction."

Turning away, Holt walks over to one of the consol.
As he walks, one of his boots very deliberately crushes the skull of one of the walking corpses in a very obvious show of disrespect towards his foe.

As he begins to tap the console, a Virtual assistant appears and begins to talk.

"Greetings Brother Captain Holt.
Accessing systems...
Weapon systems, offline...
Propulsion, offline...
Life support, online...working at 89% capacity...
Armour, no breaches...
Power generation, working at 75% capacity.
All secondary systems working at nominal capacity..."

WS 33, BS 38, S 30, T 31, Ag 36, Int 30, Per 32, WP 47, Fel 64; Wounds 5/5, FP 1/4 | +15 command on a ship | Currently:

Brother-Captain. I must report that the ship is not wholly ours. There is a malevolent presence here and forces most foul. The ship itself is trapped among a great conglomeration of other vessels. I am but a novice to your ship's workings, but I do have a skeleton crew at my command. Let us work together to purify this glorious vessel and cast it once again into the void where it belongs.

Highly Ghotic dontcah know?:
"Aye, the darkness hath got in and infected the very systems...
It can be purged, but first, the synaps creature must be destroyth.
Cut off the head, the body perishes.
That creature is likely to be impossible to kill without holy weapons.
What in thine arsenal is blessed?"

WS 33, BS 38, S 30, T 31, Ag 36, Int 30, Per 32, WP 47, Fel 64; Wounds 5/5, FP 1/4 | +15 command on a ship | Currently:

Archibald turns to Iota, We have a lead from the Brother Captain here on how to purge the systems of chaos taint. Do we have any holy weapons in our current inventory or the ability to make some?

WS 33, BS 38, S 30, T 31, Ag 36, Int 30, Per 32, WP 47, Fel 64; Wounds 5/5, FP 1/4 | +15 command on a ship | Currently:

Archibald gets his answer, then responds, We may be able to bless some weapons if we must, but unfortunately we have no dedicated holy weaponry on us at the moment.

Holt raises an eyebrow and then frowns, but eventually he merely nods.
Instead her turns towards the display of the ship and points to a particularly ugly looking patch of darkness.
To no ones surprise, it seems to originate from the very room you so recently vacated after a difficult battle.
It seems your course is clear, return, find the beast and make short work of it's foulness.

WS 33, BS 38, S 30, T 31, Ag 36, Int 30, Per 32, WP 47, Fel 64; Wounds 5/5, FP 1/4 | +15 command on a ship | Currently:

Archibald nods. We'll see it done, Brother-Captain.

He leads his people back to the elevator and gives his orders.
Our task is clear. The source of the corruption is the monster we encountered before, or more like it's the head of the beast. Kill it and our old friend up there holds the key to controlling an entire archaeotech ship. If you don't make arch-magos from his Iota, it'll be due to politics alone.
So, let's get this done. Call in everyone we have and lets see if we can't set a trap for this thing.

While the others gather everyone available for the effort, Archibald surveys the areas of the genetorum that are furthest from anything important or archaotechy in an effort to find the best place to put the monster down.
I figure talests like Shipboard Fighter and Voidbord Ancestry might give me a boost here.
vs i have no idea. Int? Perception?: 1d100 ⇒ 89
vs i have no idea. Int? Perception? Fate point reroll: 1d100 ⇒ 10

Tech Priest Magos Explorator WS41 BS36 S43 T41 A32 I51 Per37 Wil35 Fel37 Wounds: 12/12 Fate: 0/3 Bolter 24/24

Iota nods, however still adds:
"The Omnissiah decrees such unholy corruption is to be purged and thus it is the mission of all his followers. The bounty of bringing lost technology back into the fold is just an added bonus. May my Boltgun, decreed as the Onissiahs holy weapon, be the end of that thing."

After studying the charts for a moment, Archibald does spot an area that looks a lot less...crucial than others.
It is likely that here, incidental damage to the surroundings might not be too bad.

So, you have a plan, and you've called for all the reinforcements you can spare.
And you now have on your side someone familiar with the problem AND the ship itself.

What could possibly go wrong?

BS:43 | WS:32 | ST:28 | T:34 | AGI:52 | PER:35 | INT:44 | WP:30 | FEL:43 | Pilot (Space) +20 Wing Commander

"Everything to get out of this confined space..."
Heinrich mutters under his breath and painstakingly reloads his melta gun.

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