ArchibaldBenedictThunderblossom |
Archibald nods and sends a runner. A few long minutes later, a huffing and puffing man arrives bearing a case of hazmat suits. Three are offered to the senior officers and a few guards don the rest. They are given Archibald's blessing to proceed.
Gm Boggbear, Possibly Evil |
With some trepidation, you approach the door.
Just as Heinrichs scan indicated, there is no lock, and the mechanism only requires a little fiddling before the doors engage and begins to open.
The layout is different from what you are used to, but it doesn't take too long for you to realise this is some form of command center.
Probably NOT a bridge, but with several similar details.
Of course, it is dark, no power to any illumination, so there is a limit to what you can see.
There are several cogitators, but not like anything you've ever seen before.
These are more slick, smaller, more austere.
And in the middle of the room is another statue.
Gm Boggbear, Possibly Evil |
If the previous statue had an aura of welcome, warmth and protection, this statue is quite different.
The lower body is covered in a robe, but the upper body is clad in armour, and by the looks of it, perhaps even power armour.
his arms are crossed over his chest, one hand gripping a long thin sword, and the other a large pistol of some sort.
In his belt there is tucked a small axe and another blade, some sort of longer, slightly curved single edged dagger.
There is also a very imposing helmet hanging there.
His face is stern, hard eyes staring down at Archibald, like a disapproving father or humourless lecturer.
His nose is regal and aquiline, and his face is framed in a powerful beard.
All in all, he looks like a cold battle master, even reminding you a little of Solonius.
Heinrich von Bastillion |
"Could this be the gunnery station of the ship...?"
Heinrich whispers in awe and is looking around intensely, trying to find some confirmation for his theory.
I'll just a roll an Int check. I have Lore: Imperial Navy, Xenos and also Trade: Voidfarer if any of that applies.
Int is 44: 1d100 ⇒ 64
Heinrich von Bastillion |
Sufficiently confused by the layout and composition of this command center, Heinrich offers his assistance to the Magos, who is probably the single "person" able to figure this out.
Technically, by RAW, I cannot actually assist you though, since Tech-Use is an advanced skill which I do not (yet) have and you can only assist if you are trained in said skill, so...
But it becomes very apparent that he is not really able to help the Magos and he decides to instead keep a respectful distance, overlooking his work and keeping an eye out for any kind of trap or hidden things that might endanger, hinder or maybe even aid the magos' work.
Scrutiny 35: 1d100 ⇒ 96
Gm Boggbear, Possibly Evil |
Searching the room as best as you can, you find a station that stands out a bit.
After some analysis, Iota comes to a couple of conclusions.
This is apparently a relay station of sorts.
When connected to and fed from the main reactor, it would efficiently distribute the power further on.
However, it also possess a secondary function, namely the ability to store a large amount of juice, that can tend be used if the main reactor gets shut down for whatever reason.
After however long the ship as been languishing here, the storage is dead.
Or so you first thought.
Apparently, it still possess a reserve power supply, but one that would require some skilful finagling with the settings to access.
Iota Signus |
Iota takes a good look at the maschinery and calls up his tech adepts. Having already found out the purpose of the room makes it so much easier to inspect the visible machinery and divine its purpose. And so they first follow the overtly visible machinery, note done possible purposes of each, then trace hidden paths with their instruments. In the end a sort of "puzzle" is created but this puzzle consists of a schematic with the description of the various parts left empty, with each having a couple of viable options.
Skilful Finagling I51 +10UnatI +20Helpers +10Mechadendrites = 91: 1d100 ⇒ 38 5DoS
After a bit of deliberation and trying out various logical seeming solutions finally a single perfect fit is found - and Iota and his adepts scatter throughout the room once more, pressinng buttons and activating machines - slowly but surely coaxing the machines of this room back to wakefulness.
Forbidden Lore(Archeotech) I51+10UnatI: 1d100 ⇒ 19 4DoS
Once the lights are back on and the room is revealed in its entirety Iota contemplates once more on the original design of this room - when it might have happened, what other forgotten principles they could expect from this ship.
Gm Boggbear, Possibly Evil |
Now that you can see the room more clearly, you begin to divine it's purpose.
The statue of an obvious warrior, the digital map screens, the area for genuine maps, all the strange looking cogitatos...
This is definitively some sort of tactical and/or strategy room.
Again, you are struck by just how austere it is compared to imperial architecture in general and your own ship in particular.
The only markings are again the by now familiar symbol, both on the walls, and on the hem of the statues robe.
Gm Boggbear, Possibly Evil |
As if in response to Iota's speaking, there is an electrical noise, and suddenly, in the middle of the room is projected the image of a person.
It's impossible to tell any real details due to the voluminous robe and cowl covering the entity's entire body, and it's hands are folded into the robes sleeves.
"Bah-weep-Graaaaagnah wheep ni ni bong."
ArchibaldBenedictThunderblossom |
Archibald instinctively gives a hold fire command as his conscious mind tries to process what he's seeing. It would help if he could process what he was hearing... Iota. Do you recognize that language, or should we call for someone who might?
Iota Signus |
Forbidden Lore(Archeotech)? Speak Language(Techna-Lingua)?: 1d100 ⇒ 99
"Does not sound like anything I've ever heard. Doesn't even sound very... human."
Iota rubs his chin in thought
"But before you go to the trouble of calling someone... Considering the technological marvels we've seen so far let's try this: Cogitator! Set universal translator target to low gothic and restart message!"
Gm Boggbear, Possibly Evil |
At first nothing happens, then, after about a minute or two, the hologram sparks and the message replays again, but still in the same language.
This happens two more times before the hologram appears to shut down completely.
The father has been quietly observing from the back, slowly rubbing his jaw as he contemplates something.
"We believe this ship to be VERY old, correct?
What if...and I am only guessing here, it is so old as to predate low gothic in it's entirety?
As part of my training, I am somewhat familiar with history, and I know that mankind used to speak a myriad of different languages...
But I do of the languages I know existed was called "Latin", and our high gothic is derived from IS a long shot I admit, and I myself do not speak it..."
Iota Signus |
"The thought did occur. But I hoped if it understood the older iteration it might understand my commands in gothic and would at least respond. Well the adpetus mechanicus, or in that case the mechanicum also has deep roots. Let's try this: Variable, I need you for a moment."
The servo skull returns to Iota for a moment, and linking up starts producing a sets of clicks and beeps.
Well, not deep enough. Father I believe high gothic is closer to this latin roots you mentioned compared to low gothic. Please give it a try
Iota Signus |
Replace the "If nothing happened" spoiler with this:
"Well, not deep enough apparantly. Well then there is one last thing I'd like to try - Father I believe high gothic is closer to this ancient root language than low gothic. Please try ordering the cogitator using high gothic. That is required learning material for the priesthood isn't it?"
ArchibaldBenedictThunderblossom |
Archibald ponders. We have some very old phrases in the Navy, it's true, but it's possible this "Latin" predated even our oldest dialects. Let's see. One of our oldest benedictions...
He reaches back into his mind to a time when he was a young adult. The first Lunar class frigate in 200 years, Imperator Dominus was being commissioned in the dockyards of Utopia Thracia IV. Nearly thirty thousand people were in attendance and all the pomp of a naval captain was shown as dust in the presence of the Admirals and Archmagi of the Mechanicus in attendance. The day was a blur in his memory, but one part always stood out, jogged by Heinrich. Just as the ceremonial bottle of something called "sham-pain" was smashed on her bow, the sponsor of the ship was told to read some old blessing to ward off bad luck. He does his best to recite what he heard,
Sit haec navis propugnaculum contra tenebras et facem in vacuo omnibus hominibus semper.
His accent is probably horrible, but with his Memorance Implant (and the nearly perfect memory it affords) it might just be close enough.
Iota Signus |
Iota sighs
"Of course this latin predates the oldest high gothic dialects because latin is the ROOT of high gothic. Just like the root of a tree grows before the rest of the tree it naturally must predate what comes afterwards.
Now - I myself do not speak high gothic, my education favored lingua technis for obvious reasons but I believe the bright lad here has a point: If 'Gothicam' is the high gothic version of saying gothic then just try ordering it so speak latin. Or just ask it what languages it speaks for the love of the machine!"
Heinrich von Bastillion |
Heinrich scratches his chin, working his brain for a word that would translate latin ... but he considers that the word might just be the word of the language in that language.
"Loquere nobis, latin!"
Gm Boggbear, Possibly Evil |
There is a moment of hesitation, but when the hologram resets once more, it does not greet you with the previous phrase but begin to speak differently.
While not EXACTLY High Gothic, it IS similar enough that you can understand it, mostly...
A new designation is required.
Please state name and rank for system protocol."
ArchibaldBenedictThunderblossom |
Archibald immediately steps forward and states the required information, substituting words into high gothic for clarity as needed. Archibald Benedict Thunderblossom. Lord Captain Militant.
Heinrich von Bastillion |
Heinrichs mouths the words "Brother Captain" without actual speaking them out loud.
Then turns to look at the statue again.
Could this maybe be an ancient space marine?
Then turns to the Magos, whispering a single word: "Astartes?"
ArchibaldBenedictThunderblossom |
If this craft was some kind of Astartes vessel it wouldn't surprise Archibald. More than one chapter was rumored to have tech and archeotech beyond the access of even Rogue Traders. But something about it didn't feel right. No Astartes vessel he'd ever heard tell of could have been described like this one.
Gm Boggbear, Possibly Evil |
"Virtual assistant *spark*, human-to-computer interface.
Onboard database for Righteous Redeemer under the command of *Spark*.
Warning, unable to access mainframe.
Warning, unable to access secondary frame.
Warning, unable to connect to auxiliary power.
Warning, estimated runtime remaining, two standard hours and counting."
ArchibaldBenedictThunderblossom |
Well, now they're getting somewhere. Archibald switches to gothic, Iota, we have an extimated two hours with this holo-interface. It seems designed to coordinate ship's systems in lieu of standard terminals. It says it cannot access the Mainframe, secondary frame, or Auxiliary power. Estimated two hours remain. I'm going to assume our hours are roughly equivalent. Ship name is Righteous Redeemer and it's currently under the control of this interfacing construct. It isn't intelligent as far as I can tell, so no Abominable Intelligence concerns at this time. Requesting recommended repairs.
He then switches back to Latin-ish, Spark, please recommend priority repair sequence and known fault locations. Include directions to said locations in direction and distance from this location in Feet. For conversion reference, I am currently exactly 6.5 feet tall from the floor to the top of my hat.
Gm Boggbear, Possibly Evil |
"Error, unable to offer assistance, unable to connect to neighbouring systems, unable to diagnos damages.
Recommendation, repairs of main power generator, reconnection to bridge.
Locations, three floors below current location.
Distance *Spark* feet.
Location, two floors above current location.
Distance *spark* feet."
Heinrich von Bastillion |
"That is useful - even if the lack of distance is troublesome. We do probably want this machine spirit intact, so we should prioritize the enginarium over the bridge for now? I do not think that we should split forces, considering the opposition we face..."
ArchibaldBenedictThunderblossom |
awareness vs 12: 1d100 ⇒ 49
In deference to Iota's judgement, the Energarium is my first instinct. The bridge will be more useful if we have the power repaired. Do you agree, Magos?
Iota Signus |
Awareness-20 vs 17: 1d100 ⇒ 82
"Your idea is sound but you forget that the ship and all systems were online when we first boarded. Remember the hangar doors opening and live support systems engaging flawlessly. Only after a malevolent intelligence engaged me in the information net of the ship did it shut down. Both the main enginarium or the bridge should allow me to take back control over this ship and thus reactivating it should be possible from either.
I suppose it should have given more information on which to choose. If you would kindely translate them into low gothic for me."
ArchibaldBenedictThunderblossom |
Archibald nods and begins translating any questions the Magos may have and the answers given. First, he relays the information he already has, then, if any more questions arise, he translates those.
Iota Signus |
Iota listens to the information given so far, then nods and poses his own questions, trusting in Archibalds translations:
"Konstrukt. Is your access blocked to the other systems or are they simply offline? Is it feasible to restart the main power from the bridge or do we have to first start the power, then take the bridge?"
Gm Boggbear, Possibly Evil |
"Error, data currently unavailable.
Recommendation, restoration of power as a primary parameter.
1. Restoration of power
2. Retaking of bridge
3. Running internal diagnostics
4. Restore chain of command
7. Re-establish contact with Homebase
8. Repair auxiliary systems
Summation concluded."
ArchibaldBenedictThunderblossom |
Archibald's brows knit together. He switches to low Gothic After his translation. Looks like our experience with tainted machines will not be wasted my friend. I suggest we substitute steps 5 and 6 with a through purging.
Gm Boggbear, Possibly Evil |
Seeing as you lack the power to start up the lifts, you once again begin to descend the shaft.
Like before, the officers occupy the middle of the column, and also like before, the illumination is far too sparse to really see all that far ahead.
At one point you pass the floor you entered from originally, and get a brief update from the guards stationed there.
Thankfully, it can be summarised as "no news is good news" at this point.
Eventually, you find yourself standing on the floor once again. It would seem you have climbed to the bottom of the ship, unless there is another shaft somewhere.
Either way, by the number of doors you've passed, this is at the very least the right floor (hopefully).
As you force the elevator doors open, you are hit with a burst of extremely stale air.
This floor has not seen activity in a long long time.
Ahead of you, the corridor yawns menacingly.
Heinrich von Bastillion |
Heinrich will once again partake in the rotations of troopers providing the forward scouting party. He hefts the melta gun, fearing another close range encounter with a mutant monstrosity.
He is doing his best to use his fear to drive his awarenes up another notch, while scaning the eery surrounfings.
Awareness 35: 1d100 ⇒ 49
Gm Boggbear, Possibly Evil |
As you slowly begin to move into the corridor, the darkness feels as oppressive as before.
You are almost certain at this point that the darkness is actively fighting against your attempts to light your path.
Fortunately, you draw some comfort from the presence of the father, as he softly sings a hymn of protection as you walk.
Eventually, you reach a door, but unlike the other pristine doors you've encountered, this one is in a state of disrepair.
The left side of the door is torn of it's hinges and thrown into the room, the other side have several dints and dents in it, as well as what looks like claw marks.
You can see half of the now familiar sigill on the still standing half of the door.
The insight of the room is somewhat illuminated with a deep red glow, like that from red alert lights, but it blinks in a chaotic pattern.
Iota Signus |
"Clear indications of hostile presence. We need to get this running but hastily starting my work before the whole room is secured would not help - even if I manage to activate it if we are driven out of the room it will be deactivatet or worse. I suggest doing a thorough sweep of the room, barring all entrances we do not require as best as we can, before I try to get it back online."
Gm Boggbear, Possibly Evil |
Your men fan out, to either side of the torn off door.
After a moment, they begin to move in to secure the room.
After a few tense minutes, you receive the all clear sign and head in yourself.
You wait until The Lord captain make first landfall in the massive hangar, and then fan out from the lander to secure your landing site.
Wait, what?
ArchibaldBenedictThunderblossom |
Archibald does as is natural and makes a show of claiming the ship while memories that should not be slowly come into focus. Not wanting to so the men, he orders a pretty typical boarding and reclamation action, though a little heavy on the remembrancers and tech contingent. When he gets a moment, he calls Iota and Heinrich to a private conference.
Gentlemen, I do not wish to alarm you, but I am experiencing something my modest implants should render me immune to. Deja vous. I cannot help but know I've been here before.