The Rusty Flagon Inn (Inactive)

Game Master Nightfiend


Completed Scenarios

Found Journal:
Entry Eleven: The track down the Sellen River was unbearable. Although Captain Shearwart did his best to accommodate our clergy, the trip was tedious. Luckily, we didn’t encounter any of the river patrols that we thought might come across our path. Once we reach Cassomir, we should be boarding a sea vessel large enough to accommodate our trip to Korvosa. We haven’t heard anything from our contacts from that regen for quite some time but the shipping lanes in that area are flush with potential. I suspect, after greasing the wheel a bit, we can pick up a few extra girls Korvosa. After resupplying, we will head to Magnimar, where Jonavan has arranged for four new girls. The pickup should be smooth, considering the area is well off the beaten path. From there, we will head to Sandpoint and meet with Gidra. Her and her crew should have a solid number for us.

Entry Fourteen: We have brokered a deal with the curator of the Quarterfaux Archive’s Darrick Humphry. He heads one of Caliphas’s underground gangs, which governs the city’s sewer system. The oversized system should take us directly to the temple without having to navigate through the city with the girls.

Entry Twenty-Three: We have collected fourteen girls in total, which should be enough to justify this trip. Adding these girls to our total should please Lord Eastabon. Assuming he doesn’t eliminate any of them, we should have enough to attempt the Gulden Ritual. If the ancient text is correct, this could free Tar-Baphon.

Entry Twenty-Seven: After investigating a disturbance that took place late last night, we have concluded that Sandpoint is aware of our operation. This could undermine our plans if they choose to pursue things further. I have decided, at no small expense, to attempt an old ritual called the awakening. If successful, it will leave Sandpoint with enough on their plate to keep them occupied for quite some time.

Entry Twenty-Seven: is the last entry within the journal.

Copied Ledger Note:
“Lost Minimum Wage Guy:” On the seventh page, second entry: The curator of the Quarterfaux Archive’s Museum, which is a subdivision of the archive, is requesting help locating a missing assistant. The contract offers round trip accommodations aboard a merchant vessel to Caliphas and four paid nights at a location of the group’s choice. The contract offers 1,000 gp on completion, with another 1,000 gp if the assistant is returned. The contract is sponsored by the Quarterfaux Archive. The listed contact is the museum’s curator Cynthia Nail.

“No More Squatters:” On the sixth page, first entry: A request to investigate and eliminate suspected cult activity north of Caliphas, in Ustalav, stands out as one of the higher paying contracts. The contract provides comfortable round-trip travel and accommodations at the Vodavani Lodge for the group’s entire stay. The contract offers 2,000 gp upon conformation of the cult and another 6,000 gp if they are eliminated. The sponsor for the contract is the Royal House of Ordranti. The listed contact is Lord Leopold the III.

1,201 to 1,250 of 1,987 << first < prev | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | next > last >>

Human (Varisian) Inquisitor (Sacred Slayer) 1/Rog 3 HP 31/31 F 5, R 7 W 6, AC 18, T 13, FF 15, Perc +10

Gravi ducks after the longsword swing, Ouch dammit! That hurt! and steps back from the guard, raising his holy symbol and clouding the man's mind for a moment... May Calistra cloud your judgement!

Cast: Daze. Will save DC 15

Female Half-Elf Bloodrager 4| HP 40/40 | AC 16 (T 12, F 14) | CMB +8, CMD 20 | F +6, R +3, W +3 (+2 vs Charm and Compulsion) (All +1 vs Arcane Spells) | Init +3 | Perc +9 | Speed 40 | Rage 12/12

Muziel's attacker flees before Bryndis can have a go at him. She could chase him down, which would be fun. He wouldn't get too far. But, things are still not completely settled in the room.

Instead she turns her attention to the remaining guard, running at him while emitting something between a growl and a shout. Bryndis is in quite a bit of pain after all, and the noise helps take her mind off it.

As he comes within reach, she swings her weapon hard, aiming horizontally across the middle of the man's torso.

Attack: 1d20 + 7 + 1 + 2 - 1 ⇒ (15) + 7 + 1 + 2 - 1 = 24

Damage: 2d6 + 6 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (3, 6) + 6 + 3 + 1 = 19

Date: Calistril 1st 4712 AR | Time: Evening | Weather: Drizzle with light winds:

Round 6

Liotierri slides back while retrieving the revered symbol that has been hanging around his neck. The trifecta of daggers, held together into a three pointed star, quickly resonates with power as the inquisitor calls to calistria to imbue his words with divine grace. Moments after he completes the process, the closest guard (Guard 5) gets a confused look on his face. (Save vs daze failed. No action for 1 rd.)

Guard 5 Will Save vs. Daze (DC 15): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7

Seeing her moment to strike, Bryndis rushes over to the confused guard (Guard 5) while bringing her blade into a powerful horizontal attack. The blade strikes true, ripping into the man’s midsection, all the while Bryndis receives a feeling of pure bliss from the sword. (Hit -19 HP)

The guard closest to Talienda (Guard 1) glances over at the guard who just raced out of the cave (Guard 4). Both men share a node as they mutually realize the demon-like female is standing all alone at the cave’s exit point. After reorienting his focus on the unusual looking female, the guard (Guard 1) moves over and takes a two-handed swing at the vixen with his long sword. Through the enveloping dark shroud, the blade finds its mark, slicing a deep gash across the Tiefling’s left arm (Hit -4 HP). "Oh my, this is going to be fun." He says while glancing past Govrina to the other guard.

Guard 1 vs Govrina: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24
Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

Boss 2 Stabilize: 1d20 + 2 - 6 ⇒ (2) + 2 - 6 = -2

Initiative Round 6

Guard 4 (18) (-1 HP)

Govrina (17) (-4 HP) (3 NLD/1 burn)

Boss 1 (16) (-38 HP) (Unconscious) (Prone)
Guard 3 (16) (-35 HP) (Unconscious) (Prone)
Guard 5 (16) (-27 HP) (Dazed, No action -0/1 rd.)

Liotierri (14) (-15 HP)
Bryndis (14) (-21 HP) (Rage 3/rds.)

Guard 1 (14) (-10 HP)
Boss 2 (10) (-39HP) (Unconscious) (Bleeding) (Prone)

Talienda (5) (Bardic Performance 4 rd.)

Guard 2 (4) (-33 HP) (Unconscious) (Prone)

Wayilant (4) (-19 HP)
Muziel (3) (-6 HP)

Talienda, Wayilant, and Muziel are up.

Percep +10|Diplo +12 (Charming +14)|Heal +12|Kn. Rel +8|Kn. His +6|SM +8|Prof (bartender) +10|Spell +6
Aasimar|HP 30/30|F +6 R +2 W +7 Resist acid, cold and electricity 5|AC 16 (FF 15, T 11)|Init +1| Cleric/5th|Channel Energy (Su) 6d6 6/6x/day (Will DC 15)|Agile Feet (Su) 6/6Rounds/day|Dazing Touch (Sp) 6/6Rounds/day

Round 6

Wayilant thrilled with his defeat of the dark-haired swordsman, the cleric was dismayed Liotierri was still in danger. The caydenite stepped forward to offer Bryndis his assistance.

Deverin Blade (Inspired), flanking: 1d20 + 3 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 3 + 1 + 2 = 12
Dmg.: 1d6 + 2 + 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 2 + (2) + 1 = 8

F NG Human (Taldan) Bard 2/Sorcerer 2 | HP: 26/26 Temp: 0 NL: 0 | AC: 14, T: 13, FF: 11) | CMB: +1, CMD: 14 | F: +1, R: +6, W: +6 (+10 v. Bardic Perf.) | Init: +3 | Perc: +10 (Darkvision 120 ft.), SM: +10 | Speed 30ft | Elemental Ray: 7/7, Bardic Performance: 9/9 | Spells: Bard: 1st: 3/3, Sorc: 1st: 5/5 | Active conditions: None Echo F NG Cat (Qadirian Longhair) | HP: 13/13 NL: 0 | AC: 15, T: 14, FF: 13) | CMB: +2, CMD: 8 (12 v. trip)| F: +1, R: +5, W: +7 | Init: +2 | Perc: +6 (Low-Light Vision, Scent)

Talienda continues to sing as she turns to the guard who attacked Govrina and sends a bolt of lightning at his back.

Elemental Ray: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 3

Date: Calistril 1st 4712 AR | Time: Evening | Weather: Drizzle with light winds:

Round 6

The bleeding Caydenite slides into an attacking position with one of the remaining guards (Guard 5). The guard has a dumfounded look on his face but make solid eye contact with Wayilant as he moves into position. In an attempt to draw the guard off of Liotierri, the cleric thrusts his rapier towards the guards left shoulder. The guard, who only moments ago seemed off his game, sees the attack and manages to dodge just in time to avoid the hit. (Miss)

While continuing her hymn, Talienda conjures another bolt of elemental energy, which streaks past the large rock and slams into the guard that just attacked Govrina (Guard 1). Crackling power can be heard as the man momentarily shakes due to the electrical discharge of her spell. (Hit -3 HP)

Round 7

The guard who looked to be retreating (Guard 4) , gets a second wind when he sees his companion move into combat with the demon woman. “Looks like there’s going to be one less demon spawn in Sandpoint.” He states while sliding over. Moments later, he lunges forward into a two-handed thrust with his longsword. The blade catches Govrina’s hip but fails to penetrate her armor. (Miss.)

Guard 4 vs Govrina: 1d20 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 6 + 2 = 16
Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

Initiative Round 7

Guard 4 (18) (-1 HP)

Govrina (17) (-4 HP) (3 NLD/1 burn)

Boss 1 (16) (-38 HP) (Unconscious) (Prone)
Guard 3 (16) (-35 HP) (Unconscious) (Prone)
Guard 5 (16) (-27 HP) (Dazed, No action -0/1 rd.)

Liotierri (14) (-15 HP)
Bryndis (14) (-21 HP) (Rage 3/rds.)

Guard 1 (14) (-13 HP)
Boss 2 (10) (-39HP) (Unconscious) (Bleeding) (Prone)

Talienda (5) (Bardic Performance 4 rd.)

Guard 2 (4) (-33 HP) (Unconscious) (Prone)

Wayilant (4) (-19 HP)
Muziel (3) (-6 HP) (Shadowed)

Sorry for the delay. Had some stuff going on and I wanted to give Muziel a chance to respond. Shadowing Muziel. Govrina, Liotierri, and Bryndis are up.

Female Demon-Spawn Tiefling Kineticist 4 (Aether)
| HP 36/36 (+4 Temp) - 0 NL|Current Burn: 0/ 6 | AC 19 * T 13 * FF 16 | Fort +7 Ref +7 Will +1 | CMB +4 / CMD 17 | Init +3 | Perception +7 / Survival +6 |Active: Force Ward+Elemental Overflow

Seeing the sword fail to penetrate her demonic scales, she looks up at the man as she steps back (5ft' step toward the water) and sneers a little.

"Performance issues...huh? Yeah I've heard guys like you can't keep it up if you're not hurting little girls."

She raises a hand allowing her blue-white mist to flow over another rock and launches it at her newest attacker...

Telekinetic Blast (Burn 0) Range 30ft.w/PBS+ Inspire Courage and Elemental Overload: 1d20 + 5 + 1 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 5 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 18
Magic Damage (Blunt,Piercing, or Slashing)w/PBS: 2d6 + 5 + 1 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (4, 4) + 5 + 1 + 1 + 2 = 17

Female Half-Elf Bloodrager 4| HP 40/40 | AC 16 (T 12, F 14) | CMB +8, CMD 20 | F +6, R +3, W +3 (+2 vs Charm and Compulsion) (All +1 vs Arcane Spells) | Init +3 | Perc +9 | Speed 40 | Rage 12/12

Bryndís strikes at the man again, irritated it is taking so long to put him down.

Attack: 1d20 + 7 + 1 + 2 - 1 ⇒ (7) + 7 + 1 + 2 - 1 = 16

Damage: 2d6 + 6 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (5, 3) + 6 + 3 + 1 = 18

Human (Varisian) Inquisitor (Sacred Slayer) 1/Rog 3 HP 31/31 F 5, R 7 W 6, AC 18, T 13, FF 15, Perc +10

Liotierri, seeing that Bryndis and Wayliant have the last guard inside cornered, breaks for where he hears Govrina taunting the man, laughing as he does so, and uncoiling the scorpion whip from around his waist. Let me see if I can't help you gentlemen see the error of your ways, perhaps a little stern punishment is in order! he grins menacingly as the bladed whip snaps forward in his hands, striking at the closest mercenary guard.

Attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19
damage: 1d4 ⇒ 3

Date: Calistril 1st 4712 AR | Time: Evening | Weather: Drizzle with light winds:

Stepping away from her flanking assailants, Govrina rallies another stone with her unusual ability and sends it directly towards one of the guards (Guard 1). The stone strikes the guard in the back with a powerful thud. The guard lurches forward in response to the kinetic impact and exhales loudly before collapsing to the ground. (Hit -17)

Bryndis brings her blade into a powerful attack but finds the guard (Guard 5) somewhat alert. Right after dodging Wayilant’s attack, he turns and steps back just in time to avoid the Bloodrager's assault. (Miss.)

Adding to the unexpected stone’s impact, Liotierri snaps his whip, striking the guard through the shrubbery (Guard 4). The very tip of the whip snaps the guard's cheek, causing him to grimace at the extraordinary reach of the weapon. (Hit -3 HP) (I took the liberty to apply the damage to guard 4 thinking Liotierri likely could have moved up 1 more space. That way the attack isn’t wasted.)

Boss 2 Stabilize: 1d20 + 2 - 1 ⇒ (12) + 2 - 1 = 13

Initiative Round 7

Guard 4 (18) (-4 HP)

Govrina (17) (-4 HP) (3 NLD/1 burn)

Boss 1 (16) (-38 HP) (Unconscious) (Prone)
Guard 3 (16) (-35 HP) (Unconscious) (Prone)
Guard 5 (16) (-27 HP)

Liotierri (14) (-15 HP)
Bryndis (14) (-21 HP) (Rage 4/rds.)

Guard 1 (14) (-32 HP) (Unconscious) (Prone) (Bleeding)
Boss 2 (10) (-39 HP) (Unconscious) (Prone)

Talienda (5) (Bardic Performance 5 rd.)

Guard 2 (4) (-33 HP) (Unconscious) (Prone)

Wayilant (4) (-19 HP)
Muziel (3) (-6 HP) (Shadowed)

Talienda, Wayilant, and Muziel are up. That’s assuming Muziel is still with us. I assume Bryndis continues her rage? Guard 5 / Dazed is removed at the top of Muziel’s initiative.

Percep +10|Diplo +12 (Charming +14)|Heal +12|Kn. Rel +8|Kn. His +6|SM +8|Prof (bartender) +10|Spell +6
Aasimar|HP 30/30|F +6 R +2 W +7 Resist acid, cold and electricity 5|AC 16 (FF 15, T 11)|Init +1| Cleric/5th|Channel Energy (Su) 6d6 6/6x/day (Will DC 15)|Agile Feet (Su) 6/6Rounds/day|Dazing Touch (Sp) 6/6Rounds/day

Round 7

Wayilant takes a second to collect himself. He's hurt and the other threat is engaged with a pissed-off Bryndis. The cleric touches his holy symbol and cast cure moderate wounds on himself.

CMW: 2d8 + 3 ⇒ (3, 8) + 3 = 14

F NG Human (Taldan) Bard 2/Sorcerer 2 | HP: 26/26 Temp: 0 NL: 0 | AC: 14, T: 13, FF: 11) | CMB: +1, CMD: 14 | F: +1, R: +6, W: +6 (+10 v. Bardic Perf.) | Init: +3 | Perc: +10 (Darkvision 120 ft.), SM: +10 | Speed 30ft | Elemental Ray: 7/7, Bardic Performance: 9/9 | Spells: Bard: 1st: 3/3, Sorc: 1st: 5/5 | Active conditions: None Echo F NG Cat (Qadirian Longhair) | HP: 13/13 NL: 0 | AC: 15, T: 14, FF: 13) | CMB: +2, CMD: 8 (12 v. trip)| F: +1, R: +5, W: +7 | Init: +2 | Perc: +6 (Low-Light Vision, Scent)

Talienda continues to sing as she sends another lightning bolt at the guard attacking Govrina.

Elemental Ray (Inspire Courage): 1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 4 + 1 = 18
Damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6

I kept forgetting to add that +1 to attack and damage the whole fight. >_<
Inspire is still up.

Human (Varisian) Inquisitor (Sacred Slayer) 1/Rog 3 HP 31/31 F 5, R 7 W 6, AC 18, T 13, FF 15, Perc +10

That's funny, I forgot IC also for much of the fight

Date: Calistril 1st 4712 AR | Time: Evening | Weather: Drizzle with light winds:

Round 7

After the closest guard drops, due to the powerful impact of Govrina’s stone, Talienda orients her focus on the other assailant (Guard 4). Once again, she continues her inspiration song while inscribing a ruin of power into the air. The ruin begins to draw dormant energy from the surrounding area and then unleashes a bolt of pure electricity towards the guard. The bolt finds its mark, burning a fair amount of the man’s hair as it impacts the left side of his face. (Hit -6 HP)

Seeing an opportunity to step back, Wayilant embraces his holy symbol to The Drunken Hero and then deploys curative magic on himself (CMW + 14 HP on Wayilant) . In response to the spell, the cleric’s numerous wounds begin to close.

Round 8

After watching his companion succumb to the power of the demon woman, the remaining guard (Guard 4) bolts. (Running x3 move / - Dex bonus to AC)

Initiative Round 8

Guard 4 (18) (-10 HP) (Running)

Govrina (17) (-4 HP) (3 NLD/1 burn)

Boss 1 (16) (-38 HP) (Unconscious) (Prone)
Guard 3 (16) (-35 HP) (Unconscious) (Prone)
Guard 5 (16) (-27 HP)

Liotierri (14) (-15 HP)
Bryndis (14) (-21 HP) (Rage 4/rds.)

Guard 1 (14) (-32 HP) (Unconscious) (Prone) (Bleeding)
Boss 2 (10) (-39 HP) (Unconscious) (Prone)

Talienda (5) (Bardic Performance 5 rd.)

Guard 2 (4) (-33 HP) (Unconscious) (Prone)

Wayilant (4) (-5 HP)
Muziel (3) (-6 HP) (Shadowed)

Govrina is up. If Muziel decides to post, he is welcome to at any point and I can apply his action as a delayed action.

Percep +10|Diplo +12 (Charming +14)|Heal +12|Kn. Rel +8|Kn. His +6|SM +8|Prof (bartender) +10|Spell +6
Aasimar|HP 30/30|F +6 R +2 W +7 Resist acid, cold and electricity 5|AC 16 (FF 15, T 11)|Init +1| Cleric/5th|Channel Energy (Su) 6d6 6/6x/day (Will DC 15)|Agile Feet (Su) 6/6Rounds/day|Dazing Touch (Sp) 6/6Rounds/day
GM Nightfiend wrote:

Round 8

After watching his companion succumb to the power of the demon woman, the remaining guard (Guard 4) bolts. (Running x3 move / - Dex bonus to AC)

Do Bryndis and Wayilant get AoO on the retreating guard. If so, Wayilant's Fencer Trait gives him a +1 to AoO with swords.

Wayilant Arden wrote:
GM Nightfiend wrote:

Round 8

After watching his companion succumb to the power of the demon woman, the remaining guard (Guard 4) bolts. (Running x3 move / - Dex bonus to AC)

Do Bryndis and Wayilant get AoO on the retreating guard. If so, Wayilant's Fencer Trait gives him a +1 to AoO with swords.

Guard 4 was over next to Govrina. Essentially, he was sitting right on the exit incase things went bad. Guard 5, which is still standing, is next to you and Bryndis looks to be barley holding it together. He hasn't retreated. At least not yet.

Female Demon-Spawn Tiefling Kineticist 4 (Aether)
| HP 36/36 (+4 Temp) - 0 NL|Current Burn: 0/ 6 | AC 19 * T 13 * FF 16 | Fort +7 Ref +7 Will +1 | CMB +4 / CMD 17 | Init +3 | Perception +7 / Survival +6 |Active: Force Ward+Elemental Overflow

Moving some to keep the running Guard in sight, Govrina grabs yet another rock with her power and launches it at the fleeing man and hurting herself again with the effort...

"No! You don't get away that easily slaving bastard!"

Extended Range Telekinetic Blast(Burn 1) Range 120ft. w/Inspire Courage and Elemental Overload: 1d20 + 5 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 5 + 1 + 1 = 23
Magic Damage(Blunt, Piercing, or Slashing): 2d6 + 5 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (6, 3) + 5 + 1 + 2 = 17

More Burn to move and shoot again. That should put me at '-6' total Non-Lethal damage now.

Date: Calistril 1st 4712 AR | Time: Evening | Weather: Drizzle with light winds:

Round 8

In pursuit of the fleeing guard, Govrina quickly moves up the cave's embankment. The aura that had been encasing the Tiefling, erupts into another dramatic display as it engulfs a nearby stone. Moments later, the stone streaks off towards the fleeing guard (Guard 4). The stone impacts the back of the man’s head, sending him lurching forward and causing him to stagger. The man’s strong gate turns into a hesitant walk as he tries to regain his footing. (Hit -17 HP)

The remaining guard (Guard 5) , who is now overwhelmed by a raging Bryndis and a freshly healed Wayilant, drops his sword and raises his hands. “Please don’t kill me. I’m just hired help. It’s only a job. I don’t want to die for this job!” He states while glancing back and forth between Bryndis and Wayilant.

Guard 1 Stabilize: 1d20 + 2 - 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 - 2 = 16

Initiative Round 8

Guard 4 (18) (-27 HP)

Govrina (17) (-4 HP) (6-NLD / 2-burn)

Boss 1 (16) (-38 HP) (Unconscious) (Prone)
Guard 3 (16) (-35 HP) (Unconscious) (Prone)
Guard 5 (16) (-27 HP) (Unarmed)

Liotierri (14) (-15 HP)
Bryndis (14) (-21 HP) (Rage 4/rds.)

Guard 1 (14) (-32 HP) (Unconscious) (Prone)
Boss 2 (10) (-39 HP) (Unconscious) (Prone)

Talienda (5) (Bardic Performance 5 rd.)

Guard 2 (4) (-33 HP) (Unconscious) (Prone)

Wayilant (4) (-5 HP)
Muziel (3) (-6 HP) (Shadowed)

Liotierri, Bryndis, Talienda Wayilant and Muziel are up.

Percep +10|Diplo +12 (Charming +14)|Heal +12|Kn. Rel +8|Kn. His +6|SM +8|Prof (bartender) +10|Spell +6
Aasimar|HP 30/30|F +6 R +2 W +7 Resist acid, cold and electricity 5|AC 16 (FF 15, T 11)|Init +1| Cleric/5th|Channel Energy (Su) 6d6 6/6x/day (Will DC 15)|Agile Feet (Su) 6/6Rounds/day|Dazing Touch (Sp) 6/6Rounds/day
GM Nightfiend wrote:
The remaining guard (Guard 5) , who is now overwhelmed by a raging Bryndis and a freshly healed Wayilant, drops his sword and raises his hands. “Please don’t kill me. I’m just hired help. It’s only a job. I don’t want to die for this job!” He states while glancing back and forth between Bryndis and Wayilant.

Round 8

Wayilant holds the icy Deverin Blade up to the guard's neck. "Then you have a decision, friend", the caydenite began. "You can choose to come with us peaceful, fully healed, and into the custody of Sheriff Hemlock, where you shall relay ALL information truthfully about this trafficking business. Or, Lady Bryndis can continue send you to Pharasma's Court. Your choice."
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (18) + 11 = 29

Female Half-Elf Bloodrager 4| HP 40/40 | AC 16 (T 12, F 14) | CMB +8, CMD 20 | F +6, R +3, W +3 (+2 vs Charm and Compulsion) (All +1 vs Arcane Spells) | Init +3 | Perc +9 | Speed 40 | Rage 12/12

Bryndís raises her sword above her head, ready to strike down upon him like an executioner. She waits glowering for his answer.

Holding the attack for now. Still keeping Rage going.

Human (Varisian) Inquisitor (Sacred Slayer) 1/Rog 3 HP 31/31 F 5, R 7 W 6, AC 18, T 13, FF 15, Perc +10

Liotierri continues following Govrina, You, stop and you'll be spared the blade! he follows after the fleeing guard, whip at the ready...

Move to the edge of the map 50'

F NG Human (Taldan) Bard 2/Sorcerer 2 | HP: 26/26 Temp: 0 NL: 0 | AC: 14, T: 13, FF: 11) | CMB: +1, CMD: 14 | F: +1, R: +6, W: +6 (+10 v. Bardic Perf.) | Init: +3 | Perc: +10 (Darkvision 120 ft.), SM: +10 | Speed 30ft | Elemental Ray: 7/7, Bardic Performance: 9/9 | Spells: Bard: 1st: 3/3, Sorc: 1st: 5/5 | Active conditions: None Echo F NG Cat (Qadirian Longhair) | HP: 13/13 NL: 0 | AC: 15, T: 14, FF: 13) | CMB: +2, CMD: 8 (12 v. trip)| F: +1, R: +5, W: +7 | Init: +2 | Perc: +6 (Low-Light Vision, Scent)

Seeing that Govrina and Talienda are taking care of the fleeing bandit, she moves towards the cage where the woman and the young girl are being held.

Date: Calistril 1st 4712 AR | Time: Evening | Weather: Drizzle with light winds:

Round 8

After quickly making his way up the cave’s embankment, Liotierri shouts an offer of civility to the fleeing guard (Guard 4). In response, the guard glances back and appears to be weighing the distance between himself and his pursuers.

Back in the cave, Bryndis brings Shadow Talen into a menacingly dangerous position above her head. Her intent is clear as the rage in her eyes speaks volumes about what happens next if the guard (Guard 5) doesn’t comply.

While the fight seems to be coming to a conclusion, Talienda makes her way into the cave and begins heading over to the cell located in the back of the cave. Within the makeshift prison, a young woman stands towards the back of the cell while comforting the younger girl (July). July, who seems comfortable with the older woman, is staring directly at Wayilant with a giant grin on her face.

Wayilant, who is focused on apprehending the remaining guard, seems oblivious to the fact the young girl is fixated on him. With his newly acquired blade held firmly up to the guard’s neck, he makes an offer in an attempt to gain a peaceful end to the fight.

In conclusion, both guards drop their weapons and comply with the group's orders. They both agree to answer what questions they can as a condition of their surrender. A little more challenging encounter. Well done everyone. (Out of Rounds.)

Initiative Rounds Concluded

Guard 4 (18) (-27 HP) (Unarmed) (Captured)

Govrina (17) (-4 HP) (6 NLD/2 burn)

Boss 1 (16) (-38 HP) (Unconscious) (Prone)
Guard 3 (16) (-35 HP) (Unconscious) (Prone)
Guard 5(16) (-27 HP) (Unarmed) (Captured)

Liotierri (14) (-15 HP)
Bryndis (14) (-21 HP) (Rage 5/rds.)

Guard 1 (14) (-32 HP) (Unconscious) (Prone)
Boss 2 (10) (-39 HP) (Unconscious) (Prone)

Talienda (5) (Bardic Performance 6 rd.)

Guard 2 (4) (-33 HP) (Unconscious) (Prone)

Wayilant (4) (-5 HP)
Muziel (3) (-6 HP) (Shadowed)

Human (Varisian) Inquisitor (Sacred Slayer) 1/Rog 3 HP 31/31 F 5, R 7 W 6, AC 18, T 13, FF 15, Perc +10

Gravi marches the guard back, having shackled him while out there. Upon arriving in the cavern, he says, Perhaps lay it out for us, and if we can understand what's happening here, we'll bring it to the sherrif as you'd like for some leniency. he glances at the pile of unconscious guards and bosses. I must admit my failing as a Calistrian, I don't have that many pairs of shackles with me... I guess we use rope?. Let me see if I can't open this cage and get you two out of there. he sets about opening the door to the cage's mechanism to free this July and her sister.

take 10 disable device for a 22

Percep +10|Diplo +12 (Charming +14)|Heal +12|Kn. Rel +8|Kn. His +6|SM +8|Prof (bartender) +10|Spell +6
Aasimar|HP 30/30|F +6 R +2 W +7 Resist acid, cold and electricity 5|AC 16 (FF 15, T 11)|Init +1| Cleric/5th|Channel Energy (Su) 6d6 6/6x/day (Will DC 15)|Agile Feet (Su) 6/6Rounds/day|Dazing Touch (Sp) 6/6Rounds/day

Wayilant keeps his eyes on the guard under his blade, unaware of what is occurring elsewhere in the cave.

"Gravi?" the cleric calls out to the inquisitor. "How are the ladies?" The caydenite move 5 feet closer to Bryndis. Holding on to his holy symbol, Wayilant reaches out to the bloodrager, casting cure moderate wounds on Bryndis.
CMW: 2d8 + 3 ⇒ (3, 7) + 3 = 13
If you wish to add some fluff, burp when Wayilant heals you.

Male Dwarf Earth Wizard 3 | HP 25/25 | AC:11(15 vs giants) T:11 FF:10 CMD:12(14 drag/overrun/reposition; 18 bull rush/trip) | F+6 R+2 W+5 (+2 spells/SLA/poison) | Init+1 | Perc+11

Muziel emerges from the shadows he was hiding in as the fight comes to its conclusion. He finds himself by Wayilant's side.

"Jus' a job my arse!" he interjects, chiding one of the surrendering foes. "Prison's too good fer you lot." He pokes his staff toward the surrendered guard.

Female Demon-Spawn Tiefling Kineticist 4 (Aether)
| HP 36/36 (+4 Temp) - 0 NL|Current Burn: 0/ 6 | AC 19 * T 13 * FF 16 | Fort +7 Ref +7 Will +1 | CMB +4 / CMD 17 | Init +3 | Perception +7 / Survival +6 |Active: Force Ward+Elemental Overflow

Govrina goes and stands near the fallen enemy, pressing a foot upon the prone form to make sure it intends to stay put.


She forces herself not to stomp on the enemy, and grimaces.

Date: Calistril 1st 4712 AR | Time: Late Evening | Weather: Drizzle with light winds::

PC Tracker
Wayilant: HP -5/23| Channels -0/6 | Spells Used: 2x CMW
Bryndis: HP -8/31 | Rage -5/10 | Bane -1/3
Liotierri: HP -15/24 | Spells Used: 1x Daze
Muziel: HP -6/25 | Acid Cloud -6/7 | Spells Used: 2x Glitterdust, 1x Color Spray
Taliendra: HP -0/20 | Bardic Performance -7/9 | Elemental Ray -4/6 | Spells Used: 2x Magic Missile
Govrina: HP -1/28 Temp HP -3/3 | NLD 6 / Burn +2/6 | Shatter -0/1 | -1/4 Alchemist’s Fire | -0/2 Sunrod | -0/20 Wand of Snapdragon | Wand of CLW -0/30

After taking a moment to apply a sturdy set of shackles to the fleeing guard, Liotierri returns to the cave with Govrina and the heavily injured guard. The guard nods in agreement to the inquisitor's offer as the three make their way back.

Back in the cave, Govrina’s voice can be heard shouting that the fleeing guard has been captured while Wayilant taps into Cayden’s divine energy. A powerful healing sensation can be felt as positive energy erupts into Bryndis. During the process, the Bloodrager's wounds begin to heal. (CMW +13 HP)

With Wayilant’s rapier poised sharply at the guard’s neck. Muziel begins to verbally chastise the man for his part in the skullduggery that is obviously going on.

After approaching the cell, Liotierri pulls out some refined tools and quickly makes short work of its rusted lock. As soon as the cage door opens, Julie (Which was misspelled previously) runs over to Wayilant and wraps both arms tightly around the cleric’s leg. “You saved me! I knew you would come!” She says while clinging to the cleric tightly. The young woman, who has been otherwise quiet, steps forward with an uncertain look on her face. “Are you freeing us?” She asks softly.

The two guards both agree to share what they know in exchange for sparing their lives. The larger of the two men speaks up first. “Most of our crew hails from Magnimar, which isn’t fare from here. We were hired to guard this refuge and eliminate anyone who happened to stumble on to it. The Boss.” He says while gesturing over at the woman who had been sitting at the table. “Has been sending girls out to the large ship that is anchored off a distance from the shoreline. They come and make pickups about twice a week and then sail off. During their absence, Captain Timber and half of our crew head into town for some leave. During that time, he parlays with a wiry looking wanker wearing a top hat. The man looked foul enough that none of us wanted to get to know him. If you know what I mean. The man stank, even by our standards, and looked like straight street trash. That limy is who has been providing the girls. I don’t know how or where he’s getting them, but there seems to be no bottom to his supply.”

I have updated the PC tracker as best as I can recollect. Take a look at it and let me know if anything looks incorrect. I back tracked a bit in the post to try and account for resources, but I am subject to being wrong.

Human (Varisian) Inquisitor (Sacred Slayer) 1/Rog 3 HP 31/31 F 5, R 7 W 6, AC 18, T 13, FF 15, Perc +10

Liotierri nods at the woman, Yes miss, we're here to free you and punish these wicked men. Its okay - you can call me Gravi, all my friends do. he indicates Talienda with a hand, Ms. Talienda will look after you. She's a safe person and you can trust her.

Listening to the guard's tale, Liotierri's visage darkens, Make sure you sing that story to the Sheriff and we'll ensure your peace... Now, what's behind these other doors? he asks, cutting lengths of rope and binding the unconscious guards and bosses before shutting them into the very cage which held Julie and the unnamed woman.

Let's put all these in here together, and unarmed. We'll walk these guards back to town and let the sheriff come round up the rest of em... And let's see what's behind door number one he says, crossing the cavern to the door on the left and trying to open it.

Knowledge, local on the description: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14

F NG Human (Taldan) Bard 2/Sorcerer 2 | HP: 26/26 Temp: 0 NL: 0 | AC: 14, T: 13, FF: 11) | CMB: +1, CMD: 14 | F: +1, R: +6, W: +6 (+10 v. Bardic Perf.) | Init: +3 | Perc: +10 (Darkvision 120 ft.), SM: +10 | Speed 30ft | Elemental Ray: 7/7, Bardic Performance: 9/9 | Spells: Bard: 1st: 3/3, Sorc: 1st: 5/5 | Active conditions: None Echo F NG Cat (Qadirian Longhair) | HP: 13/13 NL: 0 | AC: 15, T: 14, FF: 13) | CMB: +2, CMD: 8 (12 v. trip)| F: +1, R: +5, W: +7 | Init: +2 | Perc: +6 (Low-Light Vision, Scent)

"This way Miss...?" Talienda moves to help guide the woman and Julie around the carnage the assault had left behind. The man's tale was sickening, but there is a spark of hope. Perhaps they could get to the ship and rescue those that were on it. That would need to come later. For now she has a duty to help care for the two victims they have already rescued.

Talienda will tend to any injuries they have then spend what she can on healing anyone in our group that's hurt, starting with Bryndis. Echo will keep Julie entertained and try not to let the girl get into any more trouble.

Percep +10|Diplo +12 (Charming +14)|Heal +12|Kn. Rel +8|Kn. His +6|SM +8|Prof (bartender) +10|Spell +6
Aasimar|HP 30/30|F +6 R +2 W +7 Resist acid, cold and electricity 5|AC 16 (FF 15, T 11)|Init +1| Cleric/5th|Channel Energy (Su) 6d6 6/6x/day (Will DC 15)|Agile Feet (Su) 6/6Rounds/day|Dazing Touch (Sp) 6/6Rounds/day
GM Nightfiend wrote:
After approaching the cell, Liotierri pulls out some refined tools and quickly makes short work of its rusted lock. As soon as the cage door opens, Julie (Which was misspelled previously) runs over to Wayilant and wraps both arms tightly around the cleric’s leg. “You saved me! I knew you would come!” She says while clinging to the cleric tightly. The young woman, who has been otherwise quiet, steps forward with an uncertain look on her face. “Are you freeing us?” She asks softly.

Dexterity: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17

Wayilant wobbles, but keeps his footing as Julie wraps his arms around her 'hero'.
"THERE, there, little one!" the caydenite exclaims. "It's alright."
Due to his previous experience with grabby children, Wayilant double checks his coin bag and other mentionables.
Sense Motive (Julie): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17

Female Demon-Spawn Tiefling Kineticist 4 (Aether)
| HP 36/36 (+4 Temp) - 0 NL|Current Burn: 0/ 6 | AC 19 * T 13 * FF 16 | Fort +7 Ref +7 Will +1 | CMB +4 / CMD 17 | Init +3 | Perception +7 / Survival +6 |Active: Force Ward+Elemental Overflow

Govrina crosses her arms and frowns.

”I wonder if this ship is the one I was brought in on?”

Her wings rustle lightly and her pointy tail twitched with the thought.

Date: Calistril 1st 4712 AR | Time: Late Evening | Weather: Drizzle with light winds::

PC Tracker
Wayilant: HP -5/23| Channels -0/6 | Spells Used: 2x CMW
Bryndis: HP -8/31 | Rage -5/10 | Bane -1/3
Liotierri: HP -15/24 | Spells Used: 1x Daze
Muziel: HP -6/25 | Acid Cloud -6/7 | Spells Used: 2x Glitterdust, 1x Color Spray
Taliendra: HP -0/20 | Bardic Performance -7/9 | Elemental Ray -4/6 | Spells Used: 2x Magic Missile
Govrina: HP -1/28 Temp HP -3/3 | NLD 6 / Burn +2/6 | Shatter -0/1 | -1/4 Alchemist’s Fire | -0/2 Sunrod | -0/20 Wand of Snapdragon | Wand of CLW -0/30

The woman in the cage nods with understanding as Gravi introduces himself and the others. With a little help, the group makes short work of dragging the remaining guards, and their boss, into the cell. During the process, Julie points out that the key to the cell is laying on the nearby table. Using that, you manage to secure the cell, which now contains a pile of unconscious guards. When the inquisitor questions the remaining two guards about the other rooms, the smaller of the two guards speaks up. “The big one next to the cage is the boss’s room. None of us go in there. Only the boss and Captain Timber go in there. If I had to guess, all their crap is in there. It likely contains the payment for the slave girls. The other room is for visitors. A sort of side business you might say. Captain Timber arranges visits, from time to time, where a man can enjoy some companionship. It isn't high end, but sometimes business would pick up when the ship’s roll in. I and the others rack out under the tower.” He points out two separate entrances built into the stairway of the two towers. After glancing in, you can see a number of thrown together bedding littered about. "If you’re heading into the boss’s room, the key is on the same ring as the cell key.” The larger guard says in a calm tone.

Liotierri Knowledge Local (DC 14) Thinking back to his time spent at the Fatman’s Feedbag, Gravi recalls one of Vhiski’s crew meeting the description.

The older girl accepts Talienda’s kindness without hesitation, but Julie is hard pressed to be pried off Wayilant’s leg. After examining both victims, Talienda is able to determine that both the girls have gone without food for a short spell. Simply put, they are quite hungry.

After Wayilant takes a quick inventory of his valuables, he notices that Julie is closely watching him. She giggles slightly while the cleric sorts his things. “You don’t need to worry.” She says in a playful way. “I will never take anything from you again Wayilant.” After weighing in on the girls' true motives, Wayilant can sense that she is being truthful.

Responding to Govrina’s question, the larger guard turns and looks off past the shoreline. “It’s possible. That ship is one of four that deal heavily in transporting slaves and illicit goods. The network is independent and is currently commissioned specifically for transporting these girls. That said, there are four ships, which I have no doubt they deal with other clients."

Percep +10|Diplo +12 (Charming +14)|Heal +12|Kn. Rel +8|Kn. His +6|SM +8|Prof (bartender) +10|Spell +6
Aasimar|HP 30/30|F +6 R +2 W +7 Resist acid, cold and electricity 5|AC 16 (FF 15, T 11)|Init +1| Cleric/5th|Channel Energy (Su) 6d6 6/6x/day (Will DC 15)|Agile Feet (Su) 6/6Rounds/day|Dazing Touch (Sp) 6/6Rounds/day

"Gravi?" Wayilant asked the inquisitor. "Do you have these two for a moment?"

The caydenite lowers his blade down and raises his holy symbol up by the other hand.

Channel Energy: 2d6 ⇒ (3, 4) = 7
Channel Energy: 2d6 ⇒ (2, 4) = 6
Channel Energy: 2d6 ⇒ (2, 6) = 8

Wayilant channels three waves of healing energy in quick succession. Everyone with a 30 ft, radius.

Human (Varisian) Inquisitor (Sacred Slayer) 1/Rog 3 HP 31/31 F 5, R 7 W 6, AC 18, T 13, FF 15, Perc +10

Gravi nods, taking Julie's hand for a moment, while Wayliant heals the group. I'm very impressed there you two, you are perhaps talking yourself out of the noose this evening! Anything else we need to know? he gives them a moment to share before turning back to the party, Its definitely one of Vishki's crew who confronted us whom they were dealing with. Short, bad teeth, way oversized hat. I feel like this has been a very profitable trip already in laying down our foes. Let's see if we can't find some coin to help these poor women who've endured so much, and of course, as payment for our detective work... he smiles, turning and taking the key off the boss before unlocking the boss' chambers and searching for valuables.

Female Demon-Spawn Tiefling Kineticist 4 (Aether)
| HP 36/36 (+4 Temp) - 0 NL|Current Burn: 0/ 6 | AC 19 * T 13 * FF 16 | Fort +7 Ref +7 Will +1 | CMB +4 / CMD 17 | Init +3 | Perception +7 / Survival +6 |Active: Force Ward+Elemental Overflow

Nodding, Govrina follows Gravi to give him a hand.

"Yes! Let's see if we can give these girls some sort of recompense. Justice does not fill bellies or keep oneself warm and dry of course. Silly as it sounds in the end..."

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15

Date: Calistril 1st 4712 AR | Time: Late Evening | Weather: Drizzle with light winds::

PC Tracker
Wayilant: HP -0/23| Channels -3/6 | Spells Used: 2x CMW
Bryndis: HP -0/31 | Rage -5/10 | Bane -1/3
Liotierri: HP -0/24 | Spells Used: 1x Daze
Muziel: HP -0/25 | Acid Cloud -6/7 | Spells Used: 2x Glitterdust, 1x Color Spray
Taliendra: HP -0/20 | Bardic Performance -7/9 | Elemental Ray -4/6 | Spells Used: 2x Magic Missile
Govrina: HP -0/28 Temp HP -3/3 | NLD 6 / Burn +2/6 | Shatter -0/1 | -1/4 Alchemist’s Fire | -0/2 Sunrod | -0/20 Wand of Snapdragon | Wand of CLW -0/30

Before anyone can reply, Wayilant embraces his holy symbol and begins focusing on it with an extreme look in his eyes. The copper style tankard, which reflects the lucky drunk’s patronage, erupts with positive energy that ripples throughout the cave. Everyone’s wounds begin to heal as wave after wave of energy fills everyone. (Channel Energy x3 heals everyone for +21 HP).

Gavi comforts the two captives during the healing process and then heads over to the Northern room. After trying a couple keys he manages to open the room without much trouble. Inside the room, two well provisioned beds sit nestled up against the cave’s rough stone walls, while two mid-sized chests sit next to each bed. A slightly over used table is positioned off to one side of the room, which appears to have nothing on it. Between the two beds a couple smaller chests sit gapping open, exposing a plethora of coins.

The two guards, who seem fairly pleased with Wayilant’s healing skill, answer any questions put to them about the basics of their operation. It’s more than obvious that they are both holding something back. Specifically, when anything is brought up about the girl’s final destination, or when anything is mentioned about what happens to them, both guards clam up.

Percep +10|Diplo +12 (Charming +14)|Heal +12|Kn. Rel +8|Kn. His +6|SM +8|Prof (bartender) +10|Spell +6
Aasimar|HP 30/30|F +6 R +2 W +7 Resist acid, cold and electricity 5|AC 16 (FF 15, T 11)|Init +1| Cleric/5th|Channel Energy (Su) 6d6 6/6x/day (Will DC 15)|Agile Feet (Su) 6/6Rounds/day|Dazing Touch (Sp) 6/6Rounds/day
GM Nightfiend wrote:
Gavi comforts the two captives during the healing process and then heads over to the Northern room. After trying a couple keys he manages to open the room without much trouble. Inside the room, two well provisioned beds sit nestled up against the cave’s rough stone walls, while two mid-sized chests sit next to each bed. A slightly over used table is positioned off to one side of the room, which appears to have nothing on it. Between the two beds a couple smaller chests sit gapping open, exposing a plethora of coins.

"Well!" Wayilant stated. "We probably shouldn't leave all these coin laying around. Let's take them with us!"

The cleric helps close the smaller chests tot the best of his ability and offers to help carry them back to Sandpoint.

F NG Human (Taldan) Bard 2/Sorcerer 2 | HP: 26/26 Temp: 0 NL: 0 | AC: 14, T: 13, FF: 11) | CMB: +1, CMD: 14 | F: +1, R: +6, W: +6 (+10 v. Bardic Perf.) | Init: +3 | Perc: +10 (Darkvision 120 ft.), SM: +10 | Speed 30ft | Elemental Ray: 7/7, Bardic Performance: 9/9 | Spells: Bard: 1st: 3/3, Sorc: 1st: 5/5 | Active conditions: None Echo F NG Cat (Qadirian Longhair) | HP: 13/13 NL: 0 | AC: 15, T: 14, FF: 13) | CMB: +2, CMD: 8 (12 v. trip)| F: +1, R: +5, W: +7 | Init: +2 | Perc: +6 (Low-Light Vision, Scent)

Talienda stays with the young woman and the young girl while Echo does what Echo does best, cheering people up while extorting some petting.

Human (Varisian) Inquisitor (Sacred Slayer) 1/Rog 3 HP 31/31 F 5, R 7 W 6, AC 18, T 13, FF 15, Perc +10

Gravi lugs the coin out of the room, having checked all the chests with the keys. He'll then disarm (loot) the two bosses before coming back to the guards. Listen lads, I can only vouch for you to the sheriff if you are completely truthful with us now. If not, we can just report back and stretch your necks here, saving us all the walk back....

Intimidate: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (15) + 11 = 26

Date: Calistril 1st 4712 AR | Time: Late Evening | Weather: Drizzle with light winds::

PC Tracker
Wayilant: HP -0/23| Channels -3/6 | Spells Used: 2x CMW
Bryndis: HP -0/31 | Rage -5/10 | Bane -1/3
Liotierri: HP -0/24 | Spells Used: 1x Daze
Muziel: HP -0/25 | Acid Cloud -6/7 | Spells Used: 2x Glitterdust, 1x Color Spray
Taliendra: HP -0/20 | Bardic Performance -7/9 | Elemental Ray -4/6 | Spells Used: 2x Magic Missile
Govrina: HP -0/28 Temp HP -3/3 | NLD 6 / Burn +2/6 | Shatter -0/1 | -1/4 Alchemist’s Fire | -0/2 Sunrod | -0/20 Wand of Snapdragon | Wand of CLW -0/30

The coin filled chests are somewhat small compared to the larger wardrobe chests that set next to each bed. Although the girth of the small chests them easy to handle, their weight clearly indicates that a sizable amount of coin is being held within their confines. Gold, silver, and copper tumble out the sides of the overfilled chests as Wayilant and Gravi secure the small containers and carry them out of the room.

Meanwhile, back in the cave's main area, Talienda watches as Echo makes rounds and attempts to approach both captives. Up until now, Julie has been overly clingy and wouldn’t step more than two feet away from Wayilant. When Echo saunters up to the young girl, it becomes evident that her attention has quickly changed. (Pet, Pet, Pet, Pet, Pet, Pet). Julie is now heavily preoccupied with Echo, who seems more than happy to oblige the extra attention. The older woman makes note of the remaining food sitting at a couple of the tables and quickly makes her way over to it. After sampling a few items, she sets down and begins eating.

Once the smaller chests have been secured, Gravi heads back into the room and attempts to open the larger trunks. Both larger chests pop open with the use of the keys, reveling a variety of different things. After closely examining the chest’s contents, Gravi determines that most of the things appear to belong to past captives. He finds multiple lockets with images of people painted within them. A total of five different lockets in all, each with different images. Two smaller potions which don’t have anything written on them. Three scrolls, which look to be arcane in nature, four blouses of fine quality, two dresses of similar quality, seven pairs of lady’s shoes, which have obviously been worn, are found within the confines of both chests. Once the items have been set aside, Gravi heads out of the room and over to the cell. (I’m going to assume that Wayilant took the necessary precautions to avoid healing all the bad guys.) Within the cell he begins searching the two bosses and comes across a couple interesting items.

The pirate looking, dark-haired man was wielding a cutlass and a silver dagger. Both look to be of fine workmanship. In addition, he is wearing a quilted cloth armor that looks to be stitched in a way that would indicate that was masterly handled. The woman, who the guards indicated was the boss, is wearing a high quality black-studded leather armor and was wielding a matching pair of short swords. The swords have a fair amount of detail work on their guards.

After securing all the weapons and armor the group ends up with (5x crossbows, 5x longswords, 5x Chain Shirts, from the guards. That’s assuming you strip them down.)

When Gravi starts questioning them about holding stuff back, both men begin talking. The larger man starts with a modest amount of hesitation. “Well, I don’t think any of us, aside from the boss, knows for sure, but there is a lot of scuttlebutt about what’s happening with these young girls. One of our older crew, who quit some time ago, said they are being shipped to Ustalav to become lunch for a lordly vampire.” The younger guard cuts him off before he can continue. “That’s a load of rubbish. I heard they are being used for necromantic experimentation. Some old geezer-caster is turning them into the undead. Its Ustalav after all. They have a reputation for such things.” The larger guard pips back in. “I don’t know. That old guy was with our crew right from the beginning. I think he had insight that shouldn’t be discounted. I’m thinking it’s a blood sucker.” The small guard shakes his head. “Na, the old guy was making stuff up. It’s a necromancer I tell ya. I've heard it from more than one person.” After spilling the beans about what they think is going on, both guards sit quietly.

Human (Varisian) Inquisitor (Sacred Slayer) 1/Rog 3 HP 31/31 F 5, R 7 W 6, AC 18, T 13, FF 15, Perc +10

Gravi helps sift through the materials recovered from the slavers, We can fence some of this, especially what we took off the bosses - should be worth some coin in a few weeks. The clothing I'm guessing all belongs to the women they've kidnapped and might be helpful in identifying who's gone missing? Can we get out of here now? March these two prisoners back to the sheriff and let him sort this all out? he sniffs hearing the explanations from the two guards, Ustalav? You're sure? Vampires and necromancers? I'd have stuck to just selling into slavery in Katapesh or Cheliax or something - but you both seem to believe that, so I'll give you that one.

Looking down at the pile, he asks Muziel and Talienda a question, Can either of you tell what these scrolls are? Looks magic to me. he grasps the holy symbol hanging from his neck, reflecting a moment, and then his eyes flare with holy energy. He quickly glances through the confiscated equipment seeing if anything catches his magical eye.

Cast: Detect Magic

Male Dwarf Earth Wizard 3 | HP 25/25 | AC:11(15 vs giants) T:11 FF:10 CMD:12(14 drag/overrun/reposition; 18 bull rush/trip) | F+6 R+2 W+5 (+2 spells/SLA/poison) | Init+1 | Perc+11

The dwarf joins Gravi in inspecting the various items and scrolls looking for magic. Detect Magic, will roll a few times.

Spellcraft: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11

"Old guy 'ad sense 'nough ta quit," he notes. The connection to Ustalav was a troubling surprise. But it seemed a long ways away to really matter.

F NG Human (Taldan) Bard 2/Sorcerer 2 | HP: 26/26 Temp: 0 NL: 0 | AC: 14, T: 13, FF: 11) | CMB: +1, CMD: 14 | F: +1, R: +6, W: +6 (+10 v. Bardic Perf.) | Init: +3 | Perc: +10 (Darkvision 120 ft.), SM: +10 | Speed 30ft | Elemental Ray: 7/7, Bardic Performance: 9/9 | Spells: Bard: 1st: 3/3, Sorc: 1st: 5/5 | Active conditions: None Echo F NG Cat (Qadirian Longhair) | HP: 13/13 NL: 0 | AC: 15, T: 14, FF: 13) | CMB: +2, CMD: 8 (12 v. trip)| F: +1, R: +5, W: +7 | Init: +2 | Perc: +6 (Low-Light Vision, Scent)

Spellcraft(Potion that Muziel rolled a 1 on): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11 Not that Talienda has any idea what it is either.

After putting the potion that had evaded Muziel's identification with a sigh of defeat, Talienda looks up at the others.

"We're going to go after them, aren't we?"

Percep +10|Diplo +12 (Charming +14)|Heal +12|Kn. Rel +8|Kn. His +6|SM +8|Prof (bartender) +10|Spell +6
Aasimar|HP 30/30|F +6 R +2 W +7 Resist acid, cold and electricity 5|AC 16 (FF 15, T 11)|Init +1| Cleric/5th|Channel Energy (Su) 6d6 6/6x/day (Will DC 15)|Agile Feet (Su) 6/6Rounds/day|Dazing Touch (Sp) 6/6Rounds/day
GM Nightfiend wrote:

Meanwhile, back in the cave's main area, Talienda watches as Echo makes rounds and attempts to approach both captives. Up until now, Julie has been overly clingy and wouldn’t step more than two feet away from Wayilant. When Echo saunters up to the young girl, it becomes evident that her attention has quickly changed. (Pet, Pet, Pet, Pet, Pet, Pet). Julie is now heavily preoccupied with Echo, who seems more than happy to oblige the extra attention. The older woman makes note of the remaining food sitting at a couple of the tables and quickly makes her way over to it. After sampling a few items, she sets down and begins eating.

Once the small treasure chests are prepared, the cleric notices the starving older woman eating leftovers. While the arecane spellcaster looked over the scroll Gravi found, Wayilant sits down next to the older woman, and casts create water in a nearby cup, producing some red wine for the lady to drink.

The caydenite offers the drink. "Feel free to have some of this, dear lady. I am Wayilant Arden, cleric of Cayden Caliean. What is your name?"
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (3) + 13 = 16

Date: Calistril 1st 4712 AR | Time: Late Evening | Weather: Drizzle with light winds::

PC Tracker
Wayilant: HP -0/23| Channels -3/6 | Spells Used: 2x CMW
Bryndis: HP -0/31 | Rage -5/10 | Bane -1/3
Liotierri: HP -0/24 | Spells Used: 1x Daze
Muziel: HP -0/25 | Acid Cloud -6/7 | Spells Used: 2x Glitterdust, 1x Color Spray
Taliendra: HP -0/20 | Bardic Performance -7/9 | Elemental Ray -4/6 | Spells Used: 2x Magic Missile
Govrina: HP -0/28 Temp HP -3/3 | NLD 6 / Burn +2/6 | Shatter -0/1 | -1/4 Alchemist’s Fire | -0/2 Sunrod | -0/20 Wand of Snapdragon | Wand of CLW -0/30

Both guards seem somewhat sold on the idea that there is a much more sinister plot behind the abduction of Sandpoint’s residence. What, neither of them is sure, but the rumors about the subject appear to be common amongst their crew.

Gravi roots through the gathered items after invoking a magic detection spell and is able to determine all three scrolls, both potions, the black studded armor, the quilted cloth armor, and the cutlass all radiate with a magical aura. After looking over the scrolls, Muziel is able to determine that all three are an arcane variant of the Make Whole spell (No ID roll required) . Next, the wizard looks over the cutlass, which is a crude variant of a scimitar. After carefully examining the weapon, he is able to discern that it has a basic quality enchantment on it (+1 Scimitar) . After sitting the blade down, he looks over the two potions. Both bottles look similar in size and shape. Their contents are both blue in color, but one is a bit darker than the other. After closely looking them over, he is able to determine that one of them, the darker one, is a potion of cure moderate wounds. The other one, although similar, eludes him. He thinks it might be another heal potion but is simply unsure. Talienda takes a look at the lighter potion but concludes the same thing. (I will require 2 more spell craft checks if you wish to attempt to ID the quilted armor and the studded leather) .

While eating what remains of the leftover food, the woman doesn’t hesitate to accept Wayilant’s offer. “I’m Betty. I was on my way home when someone hit me and knocked me out. Next thing I know, I woke up here. Thank you for freeing me. They kept me here because I was unconscious. Julie said they took four others out to the ship.” Julie, who has been preoccupied with the cat, realizes that there is food on the table. She quickly climbs up and grabs something to eat for herself and Echo. “Ya, they took four other girls out to the large boat. Two of them said they were from the Pixie’s Kitten. The other two didn’t say much.” She states while cramming her mouth full of bread.

Human (Varisian) Inquisitor (Sacred Slayer) 1/Rog 3 HP 31/31 F 5, R 7 W 6, AC 18, T 13, FF 15, Perc +10

Gravi stares out of the cave, sorrow evident on the man's face, he turns back looking at Betty and Julie, and then over to the two guards. Finally he looks at his companions, shaking his head in the negative, anger now clouding his visage, I don't think we can rescue the ones on the ship, we've got prisoners to look after, and Betty and Julie to deliver back to Sandpoint. Maybe the sheriff can help form a posse to go after the ship off the coast, but I don't think we can do it alone. he kicks a rock in frustration against the wall, I hate being thwarted like this, we should get back, and get more help.

Seeing Julie feeding Echo, he does smile though, Tal, being careful not to use her full name. looks like Echo's made a new friend, thank the gods you brought him with you.

Percep +10|Diplo +12 (Charming +14)|Heal +12|Kn. Rel +8|Kn. His +6|SM +8|Prof (bartender) +10|Spell +6
Aasimar|HP 30/30|F +6 R +2 W +7 Resist acid, cold and electricity 5|AC 16 (FF 15, T 11)|Init +1| Cleric/5th|Channel Energy (Su) 6d6 6/6x/day (Will DC 15)|Agile Feet (Su) 6/6Rounds/day|Dazing Touch (Sp) 6/6Rounds/day

Wayilant gets up from the table and walks over to the distraught inquisitor.

"I know your frustration, Liotierri", the cleric began. "But we are but mortal agents for our Gods. We can only do what we are able. And we DO have a responsibility to get Julie and Betty to safety. Hopefully, either Calistria and Cayden will have other divine agents to pick up where we left off. Have faith, my friend. And who knows? We might get a chance at those on the ship later on."
Wayilant pats Gravi's shoulder; a feeling of real kinship between aasimar and human.

F NG Human (Taldan) Bard 2/Sorcerer 2 | HP: 26/26 Temp: 0 NL: 0 | AC: 14, T: 13, FF: 11) | CMB: +1, CMD: 14 | F: +1, R: +6, W: +6 (+10 v. Bardic Perf.) | Init: +3 | Perc: +10 (Darkvision 120 ft.), SM: +10 | Speed 30ft | Elemental Ray: 7/7, Bardic Performance: 9/9 | Spells: Bard: 1st: 3/3, Sorc: 1st: 5/5 | Active conditions: None Echo F NG Cat (Qadirian Longhair) | HP: 13/13 NL: 0 | AC: 15, T: 14, FF: 13) | CMB: +2, CMD: 8 (12 v. trip)| F: +1, R: +5, W: +7 | Init: +2 | Perc: +6 (Low-Light Vision, Scent)

Echo gives Gravi a death glare when he calls her a she. Talienda laughs at the indignation she feels coming from her familiar.

"Echo's followed me almost everywhere since she was a kitten," Talienda says with a smile before considering the situation. "Do you think a couple of us should stay to keep an eye on the ship? What about laying an ambush for them? Maybe we can sneak onto the ship once we're back together?"

For the sake of ease. The small chests contain 1k in copper, 2k in silver, and 3k in gold for a total of 6k in coin. A couple things have been tossed out there about what's next. All of which is possible. Talienda has suggested an ambush, whereas Wayilant and Gravi have mentioned wrapping things up and heading back to town. Still haven't heard from Bryndis or Muziel, and Govrina is in recovery. I can push things forward once I have a better idea on what the rest of the group wants to do. Because of the holiday, I will slow things down for a short while in order to allow a larger window for posting.

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