oooooo rifts huh?
are we sticking with the actual book verion of rifts? or will this be heavily modified rules to allow for pbp?
i ask because two years ago i had a heavy hankering for rifts, and got some solid interest in the game from 6 people i think. I think spazmodeous was one of them.
but, what did me in and killed the game before it could start was the damn dodge/parry/combat rules of rifts. trying to incorporate them into a pbp style, and more specifically, not allowing the game to get bogged down waiting for players to respond to all the dodges/parries dice rolls/demands.
and i think thats the crux of this game system. It's a great game setting. love the post apocolyptic/scifi/fantasy intermingle! majority of the rules is solid and easy to work with and understand....It's just when you have a juicer who gets auto parries and dodges and actions with dodges and free actions as a result of said parry but it can only happen until after the npc goes but before other players can go and if said juicer player isnt able to post for a day or two.... you get the idea.

Sebecloki |

oooooo rifts huh?
are we sticking with the actual book verion of rifts? or will this be heavily modified rules to allow for pbp?
i ask because two years ago i had a heavy hankering for rifts, and got some solid interest in the game from 6 people i think. I think spazmodeous was one of them.
but, what did me in and killed the game before it could start was the damn dodge/parry/combat rules of rifts. trying to incorporate them into a pbp style, and more specifically, not allowing the game to get bogged down waiting for players to respond to all the dodges/parries dice rolls/demands.and i think thats the crux of this game system. It's a great game setting. love the post apocolyptic/scifi/fantasy intermingle! majority of the rules is solid and easy to work with and understand....It's just when you have a juicer who gets auto parries and dodges and actions with dodges and free actions as a result of said parry but it can only happen until after the npc goes but before other players can go and if said juicer player isnt able to post for a day or two.... you get the idea.
I could see how that might be an issue, but I'd have to see some actual suggestions -- like written up house rules. I don't have any ideas off the top of my head to deal with that. I don't think getting rid of the opposed rolls in combat would work -- like White Wolf games, it's balance around the idea you can avoid damage that way. Do you have any suggestions along those lines.
Also, what setting would everyone want to do? I was thinking about maybe Australia and Japan.

Spazmodeus |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Both those settings sound fun...and different than the usual North American hijinks!
I figured that someonw out there in the interweb must have encountered the same issues with Rifts in PBP.
Found these guys : https://explorersunlimited.com/
Lots of resources, including condensed and most importantly explained combat rules.
They post like this:
Post a Perception check. (D100)
Post a Just in Case (JIC) saving throw roll (D20).
Post what you want to do and say. Include flavor text to heart's content. Remember not to meta-game. You can only write about what your character intends to do or experiences.
Post a Perception check for your character. (D100)
Post a Just in Case (JIC) saving throw roll. (D20)
Post your character's initiative roll. (INT)
Post any condition already effecting your character (Invulnerability to energy spell, stumbling drunk, etc.)
Describe your intended actions for that entire melee round. Include flavor text as you deem fit.
Post the number and nature of your character's intended actions.
Include all rolls associated with intended actions, include any bonuses applicable to your posted rolls.
If you have auto-parry (all PCs with a HTH combat skill have this) and intend to parry melee attacks, provide a number of parry rolls equal to your APM.
If you have auto-dodge (very few PCs have this) and intend to dodge incoming ranged/projectile attacks, provide a number of auto-dodge rolls equal to your APM.
Post any contingent actions you might deem necessary. (It's hard to predict the outcome of things, so this can be difficult.)
Seems they've been at it along time and have figured out a nice tidy way of managing all of the roles. IMHO, that is :)

Sebecloki |

Both those settings sound fun...and different than the usual North American hijinks!
I figured that someonw out there in the interweb must have encountered the same issues with Rifts in PBP.
Found these guys : https://explorersunlimited.com/
Lots of resources, including condensed and most importantly explained combat rules.They post like this:
Post a Perception check. (D100)
Post a Just in Case (JIC) saving throw roll (D20).
Post what you want to do and say. Include flavor text to heart's content. Remember not to meta-game. You can only write about what your character intends to do or experiences.COMBAT POST:
Post a Perception check for your character. (D100)
Post a Just in Case (JIC) saving throw roll. (D20)
Post your character's initiative roll. (INT)
Post any condition already effecting your character (Invulnerability to energy spell, stumbling drunk, etc.)
Describe your intended actions for that entire melee round. Include flavor text as you deem fit.
Post the number and nature of your character's intended actions.
Include all rolls associated with intended actions, include any bonuses applicable to your posted rolls.
If you have auto-parry (all PCs with a HTH combat skill have this) and intend to parry melee attacks, provide a number of parry rolls equal to your APM.
If you have auto-dodge (very few PCs have this) and intend to dodge incoming ranged/projectile attacks, provide a number of auto-dodge rolls equal to your APM.
Post any contingent actions you might deem necessary. (It's hard to predict the outcome of things, so this can be difficult.)Seems they've been at it along time and have figured out a nice tidy way of managing all of the roles. IMHO, that is :)
Thanks, I will take a look

Sebecloki |

Both those settings sound fun...and different than the usual North American hijinks!
I figured that someonw out there in the interweb must have encountered the same issues with Rifts in PBP.
Found these guys : https://explorersunlimited.com/
Lots of resources, including condensed and most importantly explained combat rules.They post like this:
Post a Perception check. (D100)
Post a Just in Case (JIC) saving throw roll (D20).
Post what you want to do and say. Include flavor text to heart's content. Remember not to meta-game. You can only write about what your character intends to do or experiences.COMBAT POST:
Post a Perception check for your character. (D100)
Post a Just in Case (JIC) saving throw roll. (D20)
Post your character's initiative roll. (INT)
Post any condition already effecting your character (Invulnerability to energy spell, stumbling drunk, etc.)
Describe your intended actions for that entire melee round. Include flavor text as you deem fit.
Post the number and nature of your character's intended actions.
Include all rolls associated with intended actions, include any bonuses applicable to your posted rolls.
If you have auto-parry (all PCs with a HTH combat skill have this) and intend to parry melee attacks, provide a number of parry rolls equal to your APM.
If you have auto-dodge (very few PCs have this) and intend to dodge incoming ranged/projectile attacks, provide a number of auto-dodge rolls equal to your APM.
Post any contingent actions you might deem necessary. (It's hard to predict the outcome of things, so this can be difficult.)Seems they've been at it along time and have figured out a nice tidy way of managing all of the roles. IMHO, that is :)
I'm looking at this site -- looks like a lot of great resources but I'm having trouble finding these combat rules -- is there any chance you can give me the direct link to those?
And also to clarify the setting concept -- I was imagining basically Australasia as a sphere -- so like Japan, China, south Asia, Indonesia, New Zealand, and Australia. I don't have the China books, but if you do, you could use something from that. I have Japan and Australia, and I might use the Indonesia regime from after the bomb as a stand in for the Coalition States.

Sebecloki |

Here you go: link
This seems pretty solid to me -- I like the part about also listing all buffs too. Is everyone who's interested willing to adopt something like this format for play?
The proposal I otherwise would make would be levels 3-5, 6+2d6, or whatever the equivalent is like 5d6=4d6+6, for stats -- you roll 3 sets. If you're not an RCC that determines stat placement, you can move them around (like you can't take a 5d6+6 value and transfer it to another stat that only had 2d6+6).
I don't want to run a gods and dragons game. I don't mind decently powerful stuff like glitterboys, but I'm not interested in a party exclusively made up of elder vampires, demigods, dragons, splugorth, and similar entities. This is going to be pulp adventures in the outback -- think like Indiana Jones with more guns, or Uncharted mixed with Mad Max, not Exalted or an Epic 3.5 game. We're not assaulting Atlantis to kill Lord Splynncryth, killing the Four Horsemen or Rama-Set, or anything like that -- it's going to be plots like exploring an abandoned mine or ghost town, destroying a slaver camp, or turning back an expeditionary force of an offensive power.

Sebecloki |

I also found a combat matrix that might be helpful to organize stuff -- Combat Matrix Excel Sheet
Here's another idea -- it's possible we could organize 'live text' sessions intermittently to do combat on discord if it seems feasible. I'm not promising that will work, but it's something to potentially consider.

ZenFox42 |

This is an invitational PC, Recruitment is not open.
I have yet to make my rolls for cash, goods, and Hero's Journey
Attributes :
Agility d8
Smarts d6
Spirit d6
Strength d6
Vigor d6
Derived :
Charisma : Unfriendly (Lyn-Srial)
Pace 6; d6 Running die
Fly 12; 2d6 “Running” (Lyn-Srial)
Parry 4
RATN 6 (cyber-Dodge)
Toughness 14(6) (5Toughness +6Armor+2ArmorTough+1Cyber)
Edges :
Professional (Shooting)
Expert (Shooting)
Iron Jaw : +2 to Soak and Vigor rolls to avoid Knockout Blows
Soldier : Strength is one die type higher for Encumbrance and Min Str. Reroll Vigor rolls when resisting environmental Hazards.
Skills :
Athletics d10
Healing d4
Fighting d4
Knowledge, Common d4
Notice d6
Persuasion d4
Shooting d12+2
Stealth d4
Hindrances :
Loyal (Minor) : risks her life for her friends without hesitation. They are the first to come to their friends’ rescue when they’re threatened.
Fair Play (Minor) : never attack from behind.
Code of Honor (Major) : Se keeps her word, doesn’t abuse or kill prisoners, and generally tries to operate within her world’s particular notion of proper gentlemanly or ladylike behavior.
Heroic (Lyn-Srial) : This noble soul never says no to a person in need. She always comes to the rescue of those she feels can’t help themselves.
Cybersystems (7 strain)
- Embedded Combat Coding (Strain 2)
Combat Edges can be wired directly into a cyborg’s systems : Dodge (+2 RATN)
- Adrenal System (Strain 1) : +2 to recover from Shaken or Stunned, Edges stack.
- Cyber-Wired Reflexes (Strain 1): The cyborg’s Agility is increased one step
- Reinforced Frame (Strain 1) : +1 Toughness
- Ranged Data System (Strain 1) : Ignore two points of penalties to all Shooting checks
- Targeting Eye (Strain 1) : Grants +2 to all Shooting rolls for weapons once calibrated (each weapon takes a full round)
Racial : Lyn-Srial
Alien : Lyn-Srial are quite alien, giving those unfamiliar with their biology a −2 penalty to Healing.
D-Bee : The initial Reactions to Lyn-Srial typically start at Unfriendly, or Hostile for human supremacists. Those with an Unfriendly or lower Reaction will refuse to sell wares or provide services such as healing, repairs, etc. Failed social checks with Hostile parties often result in violence.
Flight : Fly at Pace 12 and “run” for 2d6 extra movement as usual; use Athletics when maneuvering (Chases).
Four Arms: Lyn-Srial ignore 2 points of Multi-Action penalties each turn.
Wanted (Major): Lyn-Srial are hunted by the Coalition for rescuing and harboring refugees of the Tolkeen war.
Inherent Nature: All Lyn-Srial have the Heroic Hindrance and count as supernaturally good.
Low Light Vision: Lyn-Srial ignore Dim and Dark Illumination penalties.
Non-Standard Build: Lyn-Srial have unique proportions, causing a −2 on Trait rolls to use equipment designed for humans (including weapons or vehicles). Their custom armor, clothing, and equipment costs triple the listed price. All Starting Gear is assumed to be customized for a hero’s use.
Regeneration: Lyn-Srial make natural healing rolls once a day and may regenerate lost limbs.
Strong: Lyn-Srial start with d6 Strength, adjust Trait maximum accordingly
Money and Common Goods: 4d6 × 100 Universal Credits, and 2d4 × 500 credits worth of gear or valuables
Healing kit
NG-S2 Survival Pack: Survival Knife, wooden cross, and wooden stakes
Body Armor: Bushman Medium EBA +6 Armor, +2 Tough, d6 Str
Sidearm: Wilk’s 320 “Classic” Laser Pistol : 15/30/60 3d6 ROF 1 AP 2 20 shots
NG-LG6 Laser rifle & Launcher : 15/30/60 3d6 ROF 1 AP 2 20 shots
Ammo: two E-clips or magazines for each weapon
Hero’s Journey

ZenFox42 |

Second try :
Attributes :
Agility d6
Smarts d6
Spirit d8 (Hind. Points)
Strength d6
Vigor d6
Derived :
Charisma : reactions start at one level higher than normal
Pace 8 (6+2CK); d10 Running die
Parry 8 (9 w/Trademark Weapon)
RATN 4 (6 with Deflection)
Toughness 15(6) (Toughness 5+2Psi-ArmorTough; 6Armor+2ArmorTough)
Edges :
- Champion (CK free) : add +2 damage when attacking supernaturally evil creatures.
- Frenzy (CK free) : rolls a second Fighting die with any one of his Fighting attacks for the turn. The extra die may be allocated to the same or different targets as he sees fit.
- Improved Frenzy (CK free) : The fighter rolls an extra Fighting die with up to two Fighting attacks in the same turn.
- Two-Handed (Hind. Points Edge)
- Ambidextrous (Human Edge)
Skills :
Athletics d6
Fighting d12 (+1 with Trademark Weapon)
Knowledge, Common d4
Notice d6
Persuasion d6+1(CK)
Psionics d12
Stealth d6
Hindrances :
Loyal (Minor) : risks her life for her friends without hesitation. They are the first to come to their friends’ rescue when they’re threatened.
Fair Play (Minor) : never attack from behind.
Code of Honor (Major) : He keeps his word, doesn’t abuse or kill prisoners, and generally tries to operate within his world’s particular notion of proper gentlemanly or ladylike behavior.
Heroic : This noble soul never says no to a person in need. She always comes to the rescue of those she feels can’t help themselves.
Powers :
10 ISP
Boost Trait (0 PP, +1 Psionics) : increases the selected Trait one die type, or two with a Raise
Warrior’s Gift (3 PP) : gain the benefits of an Edge (Rank limited), Improved on a Raise (no Rank limits)
Deflection (2 PP) : -2 to incoming Ranged attacks
The above 3 can be rolled as a Free Action once at the start of every Round
Healing & Relief (Cyber-Knight Armor, 3PP) : removes 1 Wound or Fatigue on Success, 2 on a Raise
Psi-Sword does d6+2*d8 (or d6+2*d10 with Boost Trait) damage, with AP 12
I took more Hindrances than needed, but didn't spend the extra points.
The GM I first created this for allowed me to sell :
Wilk’s 320 “Classic” Laser Pistol : 3d6 AP 2, 15/30/60, weight 2 (Shooting +1) : 11,000
NG-L5 Laser Rifle : 4d6 AP 2, 24/48/96, weight 10 : 16,000
At half price, and replace them with :
Vibro-Longsword : d6+d10, AP 10 (11,000)
Would that be ok with you?

ZenFox42 |

Third try :
Attributes :
Agility d6
Smarts d6
Spirit d8 (Hind. Points)
Strength d6
Vigor d6
Derived :
Charisma : reactions start at one level higher than normal
Pace 8 (6+2CK); d10 Running die
Parry 8 (9 w/Trademark Weapon)
RATN 4 (6 with Deflection)
Toughness 15(6) (Toughness 5+2Psi-ArmorTough; 6Armor+2ArmorTough)
Edges :
- Champion (CK free) : add +2 damage when attacking supernaturally evil creatures.
- Frenzy (CK free) : rolls a second Fighting die with any one of his Fighting attacks for the turn. The extra die may be allocated to the same or different targets as he sees fit.
- Improved Frenzy (CK free) : The fighter rolls an extra Fighting die with up to two Fighting attacks in the same turn.
- Two-Handed (Hind. Points Edge)
- Ambidextrous (Human Edge)
Skills :
Athletics d6
Fighting d12 (+1 with Trademark Weapon)
Knowledge, Common d4
Notice d6
Persuasion d4+1(CK); better than a d8!
Psionics d10
Shooting d8+1(pistol; d10 or d12 with Boost Trait)
Stealth d4
Hindrances :
Loyal (Minor) : risks her life for her friends without hesitation. They are the first to come to their friends’ rescue when they’re threatened.
Fair Play (Minor) : never attack from behind.
Code of Honor (Major) : He keeps his word, doesn’t abuse or kill prisoners, and generally tries to operate within his world’s particular notion of proper gentlemanly or ladylike behavior.
Heroic : This noble soul never says no to a person in need. She always comes to the rescue of those she feels can’t help themselves.
Powers :
10 ISP
Boost Trait (0 PP, +1 Psionics) : increases the selected Trait one die type, or two with a Raise
Warrior’s Gift (3 PP) : gain the benefits of an Edge (Rank limited), Improved on a Raise (no Rank limits)
Deflection (2 PP) : -2 to incoming Ranged attacks
The above 3 can be rolled as a Free Action once at the start of every Round
Healing & Relief (Cyber-Knight Armor, 3PP) : removes 1 Wound or Fatigue on Success, 2 on a Raise
Psi-Sword does d6+2*d8 (or d6+2*d10 with Boost Trait) damage, with AP 12
Wilk’s 320 “Classic” Laser Pistol : 3d6 AP 2, 15/30/60, weight 2 (Shooting +1) : 11,000
NG-L5 Laser Rifle : 4d6 AP 2, 24/48/96, weight 10 : 16,000
I took more Hindrances than needed, but didn't spend the extra points.
I've added Shooting, which I can boost up to d10, and even tho the Persuasion is d4+1, that's better than a plain d8!
For me to be happy with this, I *really* need to exchange the Rifle for another Wilk's Classic (the Classic costs less, so this shouldn't be a problem).