DM Carbide |

What it says on the label...out-of-character discussion goes here.

EbonFist |

I'll be swapping characters for this one since both Essilor and Shenendril are level 2's.
I'll likely bring in either my Oread Spiritualist or my Halfling Cavalier, likely the former if Ryskovich is playing since I use the same picture for the latter and that just gets confusing.

DM Carbide |

Good to have you with us! I had a couple of questions about Zeta: what's her familiar, and how is it that her HP in her profile differ from those in her header?

Vellestir the Wise |

> what's her familiar
And here he is!
> how is it that her HP in her profile differ from those in her header?
I think some flashbacks from the previous scenario (there were huge bonuses so that the characters could perform deeds that did not correspond to their level). I'll check everything and fix it one of these days.

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Hello everyone, I would like to come in with Anastasia a life oracle.

DM Carbide |

I figure we'll start Friday or so; that'll give folks a couple of days for purchases and other updates after noral distributes the chronicles for the last game.

DM Carbide |

No to high tier AFAICT; so far the characters are Ftr3, Rog2/Brw2, and Spi5 (most likely), and I haven't heard from Camina (Rog3/Mnk1) or Ryskovich (Ftr5) yet.

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Then I’m bringing Anastasia after all. :-D

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Hi folks. This is a message for all games I am in. My dog was in surgery yesterday, so I am keeping him company and checking on him pretty much all the time. With that said, sorry for the slow post rate. Will improve on that as soon as possible.
Thank you for understanding.

DM Carbide |

Just waiting to hear from Ryskovich and Camina.

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Then I’m bringing Anastasia after all. :-D
I decided to bring Sakura and not Anastasia.

DM Carbide |

If you have someone in tier that you'd like to play, sure.

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Hey, I'm really sorry for the radio silence. I didn't see a ping from Discord and the game just fell off my radar. If there's room and you haven't started without me, I'd be down for another run with you.
Camina is level 4. If we're going high tier, I have a few other options (I think a wizard, a psychic, an inquisitor and possibly a non-healy cleric.)

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We are still at the briefing!! ;-)

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Thanks! It looks like my psychic is the only character in range. Everyone else is an 8!

DM Carbide |

We're low-tier, so Camina is fine.

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Oh, damn. Do you want me to backsie my character intro and just roll with Camina? I guess I don't mind either way.

DM Carbide |

That was a great entrance; alas, Keighma is the odd one out in the party (levels are 3, 3, 4, 4, and 5).

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OK, my mistake. Camina will make a feline appearance. Keighma will have to wait her turn...

DM Carbide |

Shenendril, it looks like you haven't updated your profile for 3rd level yet.

DM Carbide |

I had a busy day at work, and then family stuff at home all evening. I should be able to get a post up tomorrow, though.

DM Carbide |

I'll try to pick up the pace on this as much as I can, so we overlap as little as possible with Outpost VI.

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There's no hurry for me. My assumption is that, once you finish yours we'll roll right into the next person on the rotation so we'll either be playing this adventure or the next (or both) during Outpost.

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No hurry at all

DM Carbide |

I'm running a game for Outpost, and if possible would prefer not to have this one on the table as well. If you're all OK with going slowly, though, that works for me.

DM Carbide |

Who's up next after me?

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IDK if we'd agreed on a rotation (at least since I joined the crew), but I don't mind going next. I'm also happy with whatever pace suits you. I normally check in every day but I don't mind a slower pace.

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IDK if we'd agreed on a rotation (at least since I joined the crew), but I don't mind going next. I'm also happy with whatever pace suits you. I normally check in every day but I don't mind a slower pace.
We'd probably have to go by process of elimination at this point to determine who hasn't gone. I know out of the original crew I've run one.
But if you're willing to go next, that kicks figuring out who SHOULD go next down the road a piece.

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IDK if we'd agreed on a rotation (at least since I joined the crew), but I don't mind going next. I'm also happy with whatever pace suits you. I normally check in every day but I don't mind a slower pace.
Would love for you to GM. :-D

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Coolio. I'm happy to run whatever. I have played nearly every 1e scenario there is, so the only things I wouldn't want to run are the handful I haven't yet played.

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Would any of these work for the team?
#1-37 The Beggar's Pearl by James F. MacKenzie
Tier: 1-7 |
#3-08 Among the Gods by Michael Kenway
Tier: 3-7 |
#3-25 Storming the Diamond Gate by Larry Wilhelm
Tier: 3-7 |
#5-02 The Wardstone Patrol by Alex Greenshields
Tier: 3-7 |
#5-24 Assault on the Wound by Thurston Hillman
Tier: 3-7 |
#6-09 By Way of Bloodcove by Justin Juan
Tier: 3-7 |
#6-19 Test of Tar Kuata by Pedro Coelho
Tier: 3-7 |
#9-05 Call of the Copper Gate by Unknown
Tier: 3-7 |

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Of these, the only one I haven't played is 9-05. I have GM'd 6-09, so I'd prefer to run one of the others. Beyond that I have no preference.

DM Carbide |

All of those will work for me. Are any of them part of a metaplot or otherwise linked to other scenarios?

DM Carbide |

Current and max, as I understand it.

DM Carbide |

I haven't had much time this last week, but should have more over the weekend and into next week.

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Greetings fellow sapients. I am going out of town on vacation starting tomorrow and not returning until Monday night. I likely won't read the forums in that time and even more likely won't post, but will try to catch up on everything by Tuesday. If you are in multiple games with me, prepare to read this portion of this message multiple times...
Shenendril will fire her bow if combat breaks out, though not very effectively, especially now that her strength is down by 4 points.
She has one more Flesh Mend available to her and up to 4 CLW spells before we need to break into the wands, but she will take those wands for when the time comes.
I usually keep one on hand, but if we find any potions of healing, she can carry it and Belthelgior can dispense it to someone if they go down. He's got 100' perfect flight so he can get pretty much anywhere on these maps in one round.