PF2e Crown of the Kobold King Plus

Game Master djdust

Strange things are afoot in the Silverpine Forest.
Earthsday, 12 Galea, 1393 NGE
Player Resources
◆= 1 Action, ◆◆= 2 Action Activity, ◆◆◆= 3 Action Activity
◇= Free Action, ↺= Reaction

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Male Halfling Rogue 1 | HP 16/16 | AC 18 / 20 if nimble dodge | F+5 R+9 W+7 | Perc+7 |

"Didn't find no dagger. Plenty o' zombies, blood-sucking bugs and a ghost, though. Whatever this dagger is, seems like it causes ya to backstab your buddies."

Boros leads the way to where Valkor is lying unconscious. "We'll take any help we can get. I stab, sneak, and steal--I don't heal. Maybe we carry Boss to Oona's cart to rest.". This is a metagame excuse to remove Valkor from further adventuring.

Male Human, Male; AC19/21; HP 26/26: F +8, R +8, W +7 Alchemist / 2; PER +5, Speed 25', Hero Points 2/3; AA Bombs 8/8, Versatile Vials 5/6

"I've patched a few wounds in my time... but certainly not an expert. Still if you're willing to take a chance I can try my had at bandaging the worst of them... or I can give you one of these elixirs to help heal things up a bit".

Stepnik's Research Field (Chirurgeon) Let's him use crafting in lieu of medicind checks... but it's not clear if he needs a medicine kit or can use his crafting kit for these checks.

He then quickly mixes a couple of regents together, smells the combination and offers it to the most injured of the group.

1d6 Healing. I can make another if needed.

Male Human, Male; AC19/21; HP 26/26: F +8, R +8, W +7 Alchemist / 2; PER +5, Speed 25', Hero Points 2/3; AA Bombs 8/8, Versatile Vials 5/6

"I think we'd better look for that dagger, or Mr. Ghostie will come back. I know a lot about the whole ghosts, and ghouls and skeletons and whatnot"


Danus was the closest thing the party had to a healer.

Danus agrees to remove Valkor, Tor, and himself back to Oona's cart for some rest and recuperation.

Do y'all want to rest too, or willing to adventure forth?

Male Halfling Bard (Maestro) 2 HP 26/26; AC 16/18 with raised shield| F:+6 , R:+6, W+8| Perception(E) +8 (+1 DC)| Speed: 25 ft| Focus Pts 2/2 ; Hero Pts: 3/2

Sébastien seems to be following Danus.
We have been at this abandoned fort all day. I need to recuperate.

Dwarf Cleric/Warpriest 2| Speed 20 ft | HP 30/30 | AC 18/20(shield) | Perception (T) +7 | F +8 R +4 W +9 | Exploration Activity: Defend| Status: | Hero Points: 2

Bastard broke my shield in one hit. I think we'll be more ready for him though even if he does come back in a day. Waedin comes around to the idea of resting.

Last heal of the day for whoever wants it.

2 action heal: 1d8 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14


The newly combined party decides to rest together outside with the wagon.
Let's say with enough Medicine checks you are able to restore your HP, Wounded and Drained conditions removed. Waedin, do you have any means of repairing your shield?

Due to their close calls with death, Danus and Valkor decide to sit the next round out.

Feeling free to continue role-playing introductions, or else we will pick things back up at the chapel the next day.

Dwarf Cleric/Warpriest 2| Speed 20 ft | HP 30/30 | AC 18/20(shield) | Perception (T) +7 | F +8 R +4 W +9 | Exploration Activity: Defend| Status: | Hero Points: 2

LOL I forgot to get a repair kit for Waedin. Let's just say she lost it somewhere on her travels because she does have the crafting skill

Male Human, Male; AC19/21; HP 26/26: F +8, R +8, W +7 Alchemist / 2; PER +5, Speed 25', Hero Points 2/3; AA Bombs 8/8, Versatile Vials 5/6

"I don't know. I don't relish fighting that thing again, and though ghosts are hard to predict, I for one don't relish the thought of fighting it again. They are usually tied to something in the material world and can come back if that's not settled. Why don't we at least check out things a little bit more before resting. We've got some healing spells and elixirs".

Stepnik then turns to Waedin. "Looks like that thing did a number on your shield. I'd be happy to see if I can patch that up if you'd like. Or you can borrow some of my tools Repair Kit if you would rather".

I'm willing to check out a couple more rooms especially where the ghost came from before resting if anyone else would like to go along.

M Human Fighter 1

Travis sighs when the ghost dispersed. He shivers and shakes the arm that was touched by the ghost. He Introduces himself to the group simply ..I'm Travis Meadows. then helps moving the bodies downstairs to the wagon and when he hears about the ghost and hiw hrs tied to thus place ...probably by the dagger he mentioned he agrees with Stepnik. even though I took a bit of a beating I'd rather not face him again. Let's at least look for where the dagger is. Does anyone know how much of this fortification is left to check? And if someone can heal me that'd be great

DM I think Travis is down 12 . 8 from the ghost and 4 from bludgeoning objects he caused


I think Travis was down 12 and then Waedin did a healing blast which restored 4.


OK, so everyone regroups at the wagon, long enough for some medicinal work to patch everyone up. But even though the sun is past its daily apex, it's decided that, given the ghost may appear at any given time, ts best to return and try and locate the dagger. By deciding to return before resting, Boros will retain the Drained 1 condition.

The reformed party returns to the chapel, where it is explained that the shrine to Toma Thule seems to have been tainted with the presence of evil within the Watch. The proper rites and rituals will be needed to cleanse the space and restore a divine connection.

In the next room over is an office. Shemar had detected the presence of magic within. A large wooden desk has a heavy book and a wooden box atop it. Lying in a dark stain on the wooden floor before the desk is a brass statuette, likewise stained with blood. Smears of blood lead to the door to the west, which Shemar, Boros, or Sébastien can explain leads to a rotting corpse shoved into a foot locker. A dozen or so books are arranged on the mantelpiece above the hearth.

Male Halfling Rogue 1 | HP 16/16 | AC 18 / 20 if nimble dodge | F+5 R+9 W+7 | Perc+7 |

Boros goes for what seems like the most obvious thing--the wooden box! He takes it and looks inside, hoping it has some valuables.

Male Halfling Bard (Maestro) 2 HP 26/26; AC 16/18 with raised shield| F:+6 , R:+6, W+8| Perception(E) +8 (+1 DC)| Speed: 25 ft| Focus Pts 2/2 ; Hero Pts: 3/2

Sébastien seems nervous as they re-enter the chapel. The bard looks over the shrine lies.
Don't think a simple Prestidigitation will do. Anyone good at religion stuff?

Dwarf Cleric/Warpriest 2| Speed 20 ft | HP 30/30 | AC 18/20(shield) | Perception (T) +7 | F +8 R +4 W +9 | Exploration Activity: Defend| Status: | Hero Points: 2

Waedin keeps up her own Detect Magic as she looks around at the defiled places sadly.. This place needs a thorough cleaning... or maybe complete dismantling.

I know some stuff. Waedin says, hoping something in her training will help as she carefully looks at the book.

Gotta be ready to run..

Religion Check on the book: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15

Male Human Sorcerer (Brass Dragon Bloodline) 2 |HP 22/22 | AC 17 | Init. +5 | F +5 R +7 W +7 | Percept +5 | Spell Slots 1st: 4/4

Shemar follows the group unhappily back into the ghost infested towers. Looking to Waedin, "Well, I hope you can put this thing to rest... For good. I'm Shemar, by the way. Shemar Dunebright"

As Boros moved to the box, Shemar tries to hone in on his detect magic. Moving towards the brass statuette, he will pick it up and peruse, and then move to the book to flip it open and scan

"Books aren't really my thing, but this one might be useful."

Male Human, Male; AC19/21; HP 26/26: F +8, R +8, W +7 Alchemist / 2; PER +5, Speed 25', Hero Points 2/3; AA Bombs 8/8, Versatile Vials 5/6

Stepnik seems to finally realize that they don't know the stranger who assisted with the takedown of the ghost. He pushes his goggles up above his eyes and smiles.

"Oh I'm sorry. Where are my manners. Stepnik... Stepnik Bellow. I'm a... well a scientist I guess you would say".

He then offers forth once again the two healing elixirs: one to Travis and one to Shemar. "Here. Take these. They don't tast too good, but should help heal the wounds a bit".

1d6 healing each

Stepnik stands behind the others trying to peer at the books. He is very curious... but shy among strangers. Then at the mention of a corpse his attention is instantly rerouted.

Stepnik will examine the corpse.


Boros finds several goodies in the box:
-Several sheets of blank parchment
-Three half-burnt tallow candles
-Ink and an ink pen
-Several cubes of yellow sealing wax
-Three glass vials of clear liquid, what you have already surmised is Holy Water
-An aspen wood wand with a Celestial inscription

Identify Magic: Religion DC 13:

Weadin peruses the books on the shelf. A few are collections of hymns, poems, sermons, and parables all related to the teaching of Toma Thule. Among them is the Thulian Codex, his sacred text, which includes sacred rites and ceremonies. Weadin is able to find the rights for cleansing and sanctifying a place of worship. Using this information, it will take a DC 15 Religion check to resanctify the chapel. Give yourself a +1d6 to the check if you use a vial of Holy Water.

Also, seemingly out of sorts in the little library, is a text titled 'Descriptions of Flora, Minerals, Gems, and Metals of Zethinia and Lands Beyond, an encyclopedia'.

Shemar finds the brass statuette of a lion-headed knight, a depiction of Toma Thule. It is covered and crusty with dark and dried blood. Moving towards the desk, he discovers the book on the desk appears to be a private journal, belonging to one Brother Wulfram. Most of the journal’s entries describe minor events that occurred over the last, uneventful year at the Watch. The final two entries, however, are most interesting:

Brother Wulfram's Journal:

Ninth of Torrenta
Tonight, the soldier Dolf called on me in my study. I was expecting him if truth be told. After he returned from foraging with news
that his companion, Piri, had been savaged by an owlbear, he had grown distant and isolated. His soul was troubled, but I did not
wish to force my help on him. I knew he would come in time.
But Dolf did not come to discuss Piri’s death. Instead, he told me a singular tale and brought me a strange artifact. He said
that, after Piri was dragged away, he had sought shelter in a hillside cave. There, he said, he found the bones of the ancient dead.
Unsurprising given that these lands are lousy with the barrows of the Sunderlander clansmen who ruled them. But in that
particular burial cave, he found a fabulous, jeweled dagger.
He had kept the dagger hidden away for the two weeks since his return. He claims that he thought of it often. That he feared for
its safety so much that he checked on it constantly. He mistrusts it, he said, and fears that he has angered the spirits of the dead by
taking it. My intuition told me there were details he was withholding. There is guilt in his eyes, more than befits robbing the ancient
dead. But I did not push him. It seemed to take great strength of will for him to tell me his story and greater strength still to leave
me the dagger.
The dagger. I mislike it. It has the feel of magic, though I dared not touch it with my bare skin. I bade him lay it on my desk. I
will show it to Bartoz on the morrow. He is as keenly interested in history as he is a talented smith, and he may recognize it.

Twelfth of Torrenta
What a dream I had! I have never put much stock in dreams. Some of my fellows seem to think the gods speak to us in dreams,
but I have always thought of them as the hallucinations of strained mind trying to put itself in order. Mortal things. But this
dream! I refuse to believe this dream came from my mind, though it certainly did not come from The Lion, King of Kings himself!
Already, the details are fading from my mind. But not the meaning.
I was alone. I remember that I was more alone than ever I have been. The King of Kings and his Saints were nowhere in that
total darkness. They had abandoned me. Abandoned the world. We had been left to fend for ourselves against the fiends of Hell.
But I was not sad. No. I was angry. I was angry at the gods for turning against me who had always been so faithful.
I came then upon Brother Aravis in the darkness. And I could think of nothing except that he had filled my head with lies. That
it was his influence that made me waste my life in the service of callous gods that care nothing for the suffering of the mortals under
their care. I came up behind him then. He did not see me. I raised my hand to strike him dead. And in my fist was that dagger.
With its golden hilt and green jewels.
These are not my thoughts. I have wavered in my faith in my life. All men do. But I have never lost my faith, nor have I ever held
such anger for any living person before. Least of all, Brother Aravis. Brother Aravis who was a father to me after mine had been
taken from me so cruelly. Wise, kind Brother Aravis.
That dagger is an object of evil. Of that I have no doubt. Were the weather fairer, I would have it removed to the temple of my
order in Blackwater Bridge. I would make the trek myself. But it will be a month before the winter breaks yet and this winter has
been brutal with its sudden storms. Yet, the dagger cannot remain here. Perhaps it must be melted down and its remains buried in
the deep woods. I will ask Sir Arpaad to call upon me tomorrow and discuss the matter with him.

Stepnik finds a dead body of a man stuffed into a trunk. The body is in a state of advanced decay, the flesh putrid and waxy. The stench is overwhelming. The body will need to be removed from the chest to be examined.

Dwarf Cleric/Warpriest 2| Speed 20 ft | HP 30/30 | AC 18/20(shield) | Perception (T) +7 | F +8 R +4 W +9 | Exploration Activity: Defend| Status: | Hero Points: 2

Well, at least I can take care of this desecrated place, bring it back to the Lion's service.. Waedin will take one of the vials unless anyone else has an objection and carry out the rites to clear the desecrated shrine of taint.

Religion Check plus one vial: 1d20 + 6 + 1d6 ⇒ (3) + 6 + (6) = 15

The work is hard and Waedin breaks a sweat while trying to follow the unfamilar Thulian rites. In the end she suspects the holy water did better than she did... either way she felt she had succeeded.

We should take that poor soul to bury as well. I'm guessing he's Thulian and I just got a whole book on how they do their buryin'.

One vial used up.


Whatever Weadin did, it feels a little bit brighter, a little less spooky in this castle of murder and death.

Weadin earns a Hero Point, plus some other behind the screen effects!

Male Halfling Rogue 1 | HP 16/16 | AC 18 / 20 if nimble dodge | F+5 R+9 W+7 | Perc+7 |

"Holy water, letter writing materials," begins Boros with a shrug as e goes through a box. And then, the jackpot: "A fancy wand! Anyone make heads or tails o' this?"

Male Human, Male; AC19/21; HP 26/26: F +8, R +8, W +7 Alchemist / 2; PER +5, Speed 25', Hero Points 2/3; AA Bombs 8/8, Versatile Vials 5/6

"Well we can pull the stinky body out of the box... but I'd suggest we maybe clear the room first. Perhaps we can slide the box close to the door, then when we pull the body we can slam the door real quick if it animates. Also, have a vial of that Holy water ready... just in case".

Stepnik moves to grab one end of the box to start sliding it.

Dwarf Cleric/Warpriest 2| Speed 20 ft | HP 30/30 | AC 18/20(shield) | Perception (T) +7 | F +8 R +4 W +9 | Exploration Activity: Defend| Status: | Hero Points: 2

Waedin moves to help. I'm guessing this probably be the Brother of Thule protecting the dagger and was killed by someone else for it and that ghost was this Sir Arpaad. Makes sense that someone who stayed faithful would be protected from the curse of undeath yeah?

Waedin also suggests pulling the box to the door as Stepnik said, but then tipping the box over into the room from the outside.

She also looks over Boros' wand.

Religion: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7

Should have paid more attention to the books she mutters to herself.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Human Sorcerer (Brass Dragon Bloodline) 2 |HP 22/22 | AC 17 | Init. +5 | F +5 R +7 W +7 | Percept +5 | Spell Slots 1st: 4/4

Shemar glances at the wand. "It looks to be a priestly wand to me. I wouldn't know anything about that either. But look at this journal." Shemar shows the book to anyone else who is interested.

"It says that the dagger we're looking for is thought to be evil and giving visions to those close to it. They were planning on melting it down the day before all of this happened. Maybe it made it's way all the way to the smithy."

Male Halfling Rogue 1 | HP 16/16 | AC 18 / 20 if nimble dodge | F+5 R+9 W+7 | Perc+7 |

"Well what are we gonna do if we find the dagger? I's got enough problems without bein' called a murderer when the dagger made me do it!"


Stepnik and Weadin are able to dump out the body from the trunk. It slumps to the floor with a sickening thunk.

DC 15 Medicine:
The body is the remains of a frail and elderly man. The body has slowly been rotting away stuffed inside the chest. The shattered skull indicates the human took a heavy blow to the head.

On the body is a holy symbol of Toma Thule, a lion's head. This may confirm Weadin's suspicions.

Boros raises a good point, how do you handle a supposed cursed dagger that forces you to turn on your friends?

Shemar supposes you may find the dagger at the blacksmith's workshop.

There's a set of stairs leading down from this level that hasn't been explored.

There's also another level up in the other tower that has been left unexplored.

The wand goes unidentified.

What do you want to do from here?

Dwarf Cleric/Warpriest 2| Speed 20 ft | HP 30/30 | AC 18/20(shield) | Perception (T) +7 | F +8 R +4 W +9 | Exploration Activity: Defend| Status: | Hero Points: 2

Well, if it's just a dead body I think we should take it away and I'll spend the next few hours burying the poor soul... and fix my shield.

Fix Shield Crafting attempt: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22

Male Human, Male; AC19/21; HP 26/26: F +8, R +8, W +7 Alchemist / 2; PER +5, Speed 25', Hero Points 2/3; AA Bombs 8/8, Versatile Vials 5/6

Using Crafters Appraisal to identify Wand. (Quick Identification also).

1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15 Crafting

"I would think that a blacksmith's shop would be down not up. Especially if they fit horseshoes and the like".

He then picks up the journal pages.

"Looks like he had planned on taking it to a temple of law before falling prey to it's influence. Perhaps we can find someting to keep it in without touching it during transit. Mayhaps this box".

Stepnik also searches the body before wrapping it for transit to burial.

I think I've got a couple of Hero points... so might as well burn one now.

1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11 Crafting (Retry).

Male Halfling Bard (Maestro) 2 HP 26/26; AC 16/18 with raised shield| F:+6 , R:+6, W+8| Perception(E) +8 (+1 DC)| Speed: 25 ft| Focus Pts 2/2 ; Hero Pts: 3/2

Sébastien takes a look at the Elusive Wand.
Occultism(T): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23

This Wand has a Heal spell in it! Nice find! Here, Waedin.

The ba4d frowns at the mention of evil murderous sharp dagger and blacksmithing shop. He does point at the fancy box and holds his nose.


Stepnik, save your Hero's Point. The DC was 13, so you either got it on the first try, or Sebastien got it for you ;)

So return outside and bury the body, rest, repair?

Dwarf Cleric/Warpriest 2| Speed 20 ft | HP 30/30 | AC 18/20(shield) | Perception (T) +7 | F +8 R +4 W +9 | Exploration Activity: Defend| Status: | Hero Points: 2

Sounds good to Waedin

Male Human Sorcerer (Brass Dragon Bloodline) 2 |HP 22/22 | AC 17 | Init. +5 | F +5 R +7 W +7 | Percept +5 | Spell Slots 1st: 4/4

Sounds good to me

Shemar noticeably does not help with the body. He does try another detect magic rotating one new item at a time within his area of effect to try to determine where the aura is coming from. He will also look around, from within sight of the group, for a smithy.

"So, what are we supposed to do with this dagger if we find it, besides put it in a box? What will put that ghost to rest?"

Male Human, Male; AC19/21; HP 26/26: F +8, R +8, W +7 Alchemist / 2; PER +5, Speed 25', Hero Points 2/3; AA Bombs 8/8, Versatile Vials 5/6

"Well according to this diary we should take it to a nearby temple of law. I certainly don't want to deal with it. Also, here take one of these elixers. You look a bit fatigued".

1d6 ⇒ 6 Healing Elixer

Male Halfling Rogue 1 | HP 16/16 | AC 18 / 20 if nimble dodge | F+5 R+9 W+7 | Perc+7 |

"Let's just get some nice rest first. Not sure we oughta be sleepin' with that dagger 'round if we find the damn thing."


Returning outside with the body of whom you believe to be Brother Wulfram, you find Oona and the others busily preparing camp. The sun is getting low and a chill north wind is blowing own the valley. Danus is skinning a buck rabbit he was able to catch while Elry builds a fire. Elry has tended to Valkor and he is back on his feet, but resting.

Oona is certainly troubled at the news from within the Watch. "Have you found Bartoz, the smith?" she asks nervously, perhaps losing hope that her friend is still alive. She confirms that the ghost must be of Sir Arpaad, "There must be a way to ease his soul," she pleads. In response to the theories of a cursed dagger, she replies "I can't fathom what must have caused this whole fortress to turn on itself, but if it's as you say, the thing must somehow be destroyed."

Once the rabbit is roasted and everyone gathers round the fire for a bite, she asks, "So what's the plan for tomorrow? We still need to get the gates open so we can move on to Hearth. We can inform the authorities there of what's happened."

Male Halfling Bard (Maestro) 2 HP 26/26; AC 16/18 with raised shield| F:+6 , R:+6, W+8| Perception(E) +8 (+1 DC)| Speed: 25 ft| Focus Pts 2/2 ; Hero Pts: 3/2

Sébastien feels much better now that the group has finally decided to rejoin the others at the wagon camp. The halfling shudders at the story told to the remaining group at dinner.
This cursed dagger could be inside the blacksmith shop. We place it in the box and take it to a temple of law. Oh and get the gate open...still.

The bard chews.
Busy day tomorrow. Best get some sleep.

Dwarf Cleric/Warpriest 2| Speed 20 ft | HP 30/30 | AC 18/20(shield) | Perception (T) +7 | F +8 R +4 W +9 | Exploration Activity: Defend| Status: | Hero Points: 2

Thanks for the wand Sebastien, but yeah, work in there is half done. Let's get back to it early tomorrow. Not give the ghost a chance to reform...

Does Waedin know of any Gerana temples close by?

Male Human Sorcerer (Brass Dragon Bloodline) 2 |HP 22/22 | AC 17 | Init. +5 | F +5 R +7 W +7 | Percept +5 | Spell Slots 1st: 4/4

"All that, and we still don't even have the gate open. Yes, I think that Sebastian had the right of it." Shemar still seems unnerved by the ghost and irritable at the setbacks.

Unrolling his bedroll, he looks at himself and mutters to himself, "Why did I not learn prestidigitation?"

Male Human Sorcerer (Brass Dragon Bloodline) 2 |HP 22/22 | AC 17 | Init. +5 | F +5 R +7 W +7 | Percept +5 | Spell Slots 1st: 4/4

"Sebastian, do you have prestidigitation?"

Male Halfling Rogue 1 | HP 16/16 | AC 18 / 20 if nimble dodge | F+5 R+9 W+7 | Perc+7 |

"I mean, we can tell the authorities whatever--but we're the ones takin' care o' the problem here," grumbles Boros. "They better pay us for this." He doubted they would. Funny how he'd thought this would be an easy job.

Male Halfling Bard (Maestro) 2 HP 26/26; AC 16/18 with raised shield| F:+6 , R:+6, W+8| Perception(E) +8 (+1 DC)| Speed: 25 ft| Focus Pts 2/2 ; Hero Pts: 3/2

Sébastien thinks. The Bard frowns. He shakes his head at Shemar.
Unfortunately, my creator neglected to think that dirty is real!

Male Human, Male; AC19/21; HP 26/26: F +8, R +8, W +7 Alchemist / 2; PER +5, Speed 25', Hero Points 2/3; AA Bombs 8/8, Versatile Vials 5/6

Stepnik tries not to let his frustration show at leaving the site while they were still healthy. If that dang ghost reforms at midnight or something we'll have to expand the same resources fighting it again. Don't know what we're trying to accomplish right now.

Stepnik is clearly unhappy and rolls up in his bedroll without speaking to anyone.


The night is cold, and the distant sound of wolves howling echoes throughout the valley. You sleep undisturbed, other than the horrors encountered within the Watch. The sky lightens with the dawn, although it will be another hour or so before the sun peeks over the eastern peaks and starts to warm the valley. A meager breakfast is had from what rations Oona has left in her cart (she wasn't expecting this long of a journey, nor the extra mouths to feed). Danus and Valkor offer to bury Brother Wulfram's body while you return to the Watch.

Between resting, and what healing offered by Weadin, Stepnik, and also Elry, you start the day with health fully restored.

So where to first? You have two objectives to find the dagger and to find the other winch so you can open the gates. There's the top floor of the western tower left unexplored, and most of the eastern tower left unexplored.

Male Human Sorcerer (Brass Dragon Bloodline) 2 |HP 22/22 | AC 17 | Init. +5 | F +5 R +7 W +7 | Percept +5 | Spell Slots 1st: 4/4

Rolling up his bedroll, Shemar looks around in the early morning light.

"Let's see if we can find that blacksmith shop here on ground level. I'd like to check that off the list without having to explore more of that accursed tower. And let's make a bee line for the opposite site of the wench that we did open."

Looking to the new people, "Did I introduce myself? I'm Shemar Dunebright, sorcerer, he who now hates undead, which there is plenty of here."

Dwarf Cleric/Warpriest 2| Speed 20 ft | HP 30/30 | AC 18/20(shield) | Perception (T) +7 | F +8 R +4 W +9 | Exploration Activity: Defend| Status: | Hero Points: 2

Thanks for the kit Stepnik. Look I know you're in a rush at all times, but something you got to be patient, like a mountain, hah. Plus I'm a bit more prepared now I know what we're up against in there with the blessings of Gerana.

Swap out the Message cantrip for Disrupt Undead and change Magic Weapon to Disrupting Weapons

Does anyone know the layout of the place. Oona, you know where the smithy is, the winch? What's on the top floors stuff like that?

Either way, I wouldn't feel right if we don't clear out the whole damn place, it's a trap for the unwary.

GM, any info on a nearby temple of Gerana?

Male Human, Male; AC19/21; HP 26/26: F +8, R +8, W +7 Alchemist / 2; PER +5, Speed 25', Hero Points 2/3; AA Bombs 8/8, Versatile Vials 5/6

Stepnik didn't sleep very well and is still a bit morning grumpy. He grunts an acknowledgement to Waedin, and grabs some breakfast. "I'm not in a rush at all times... just when a ghost that almost took us out can reform. I've got a lot of experience with undead, and don't like giving them a second chance to claim my soul".

He then starts checking his ingredient pouches... "But what's done is done".

He then joins the others as they prepare to approach the fort again.

"If anyone is interested in MY opinion, I say we take care of the dagger and any other threats before we find the other winch. No use letting the wagon in only to be eaten by something we haven't taken care of yet".

Male Halfling Rogue 1 | HP 16/16 | AC 18 / 20 if nimble dodge | F+5 R+9 W+7 | Perc+7 |

"Name's Boros," says one of the halflings, reintroducing himself at camp. "Though some call me Snake. We're just tryin' ta get this caravan through"

Boros has long and aggressively unkempt hair, but a trimmed beard. His low cut shirt shows off a portion of a snake tattooed on his chest.

He takes in the newcomers that had arrived in the nick of time. "So why are you lot here? Someone payin' ya to clean up this mess?"

When the group discusses plans, Boros chimes in. "Don't know a lick about this place, but we already cleared out the west side. Seems like we oughta try the east side like Shemar says."


Oona advises you that, although she isn't familiar with the entire Watch, Bartoz's workshop is on the ground floor of the eastern tower. Bartoz was always friendly to Oona and willing to trade goods. She believes the top floor of the western tower served as Sir Arpaad's quarters, although she was never allowed up there.

She also informs Weadin that the Counsel House of Hearth serves as a temple of Gerana, as well as library, courthouse, and other civic functions. Pretty typical for a temple of Gerana. It is presided over by one Lady Baronova.

Shemar may want to be careful confusing his winches for wenches, and vice versa!

Sounds like exploring the lower floors of the eastern tower in search for the dagger and the winch!

With the sun just breaking over the eastern peaks, you head back into the Watch, through the only entrance in the western tower, the entrance hall, the coat room, up the stairs to the barracks (which smells even more of rot from the slain zombies laying about), past the blood-sucking insect creatures on the covered walkway (still something shiny up there in the rafters), and across to the eastern tower landing. You've thoroughly explored this level, so down the stairs we go!

Oh yeah! We're playing 2e! What are your Exploration Mode activities?

Dwarf Cleric/Warpriest 2| Speed 20 ft | HP 30/30 | AC 18/20(shield) | Perception (T) +7 | F +8 R +4 W +9 | Exploration Activity: Defend| Status: | Hero Points: 2

If someone else is detecting magic, then Waedin will Defend, Otherwise Detect Magic.

Male Human Sorcerer (Brass Dragon Bloodline) 2 |HP 22/22 | AC 17 | Init. +5 | F +5 R +7 W +7 | Percept +5 | Spell Slots 1st: 4/4

Shemar will detect magic

"There are some blood sucking bugs nested up there. They have some sort of treasure bound up in their nest but we haven't figured out a way to get up there quite yet."

Shemar will try to mage hand it down

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