Audria |

It's alright. I was planning on Audria waiting on him to answer Shrike, but this works too.
For a moment, Audria feels the urge to end the man and be done with it. She'd seen enough suffering in her life to know what he likely did, even if he would not admit to it. Through this fog of rage she hears Brother Theolan speaking to her. Teaching her the code that all of Shelyn's paladins must follow.
"If we turned you over to the guard, they'd kill you, wouldn't they," she says more than asks.

Spirit of Pinvendor |

"I dunno, maybe? Probably? I'd rather not find out. Look, here," Pink drops a club and two curved single edge knives from his loose clothing onto the ground. "There, just like you asked. No more." He holds up his hands to show they're empty.
"Let's just get off the street. I'll tell you every story I ever heard about the Red Mantis, alright?"

Lania 'Shrike' Fordyce |

"I know a place. Start talking, and we start walking." Shrike flattens the impatience with the way this is going out of her voice and scoops up the club and knives from the ground. Then she waits, as though they have all the time in the world. She should have taken at least one of the Mantis daggers. They might be able to tell her more than this croaker. He's so wobbly on his pins already that a stiff breeze would blow him over. There is no truly safe place for him regardless of what he confesses or doesn't, and he knows it. She wouldn't put a halfpinch on him living to this time tomorrow.
If the would-be assassin does indeed start answering her questions about when the Red Mantises first contacted him, etc., Shrike motions the others to follow her, and directs him none-too-gently where to go with the flat of her guisarme's head to keep him walking ahead of them as they travel.
We players don't know where in the city we are, but Shrike should know, and would probably know of an abandoned building, back room of a shop, or rough tavern we could take him to. She'd go for an empty or burned-out building first. There are probably plenty of the latter around. She'd say and do this even on the off-chance that she doesn't know of anywhere nearby we could be off the street. The point is just to get him talking instead of extending this negotiation.

Audria |

Audria takes a deep breath and steps back as Shrike gathers up the weaponry the man dropped. She sheathes her sword and lets the vigilante take the lead as she falls in line behind.
It's then that she notices her hands won't stop shaking.

Talanaliel |

Talanaliel flies over to Audria and lands on her shoulder. The residual rage she feels through the bond they share worries her, but the young woman seems to be in control for the moment. She feels the fear and confusion that Audria feels as she notices that her hands are shaking.
"Are you alright," she asks, worry clear in her voice.

Audria |

Audria shakes her head.
"No, but now's not the time."
The embers of her anger are banked now. She can feel the concern and worry through the bond she shares with Talanaliel. She reaches up and gently pets her friend on her head and smooths her feathers.
"Sorry, Tallyfeather. I'll be alright. I promise."
She looks back and sees the man that was with Silver Sven and frowns. She feels like she should know him, but can't place his face or remember his name. Then there was what Sven had said. She slows her pace until she's even with the two men.
"My apologies for not introducing myself earlier," she says to Sven. "I'm Audria. You said something about children. Would they happen to be the ones that Lamm had under his thumb?"

Dalmano "Dal" Imperiosus |

First arriving in the alley
“Yes, exactly like the children who ran from-” Dal snapped his mouth shut as the surviving would-be assassin joined them in the alley.
The swiftness at which this group began badgering the assassin for information was beyond impressive. Especially the part where they plucked the questions directly from Dal’s own mind. A question would form and as it traveled down to his lips the words would detour to someone else’s vocal chords. After a minute or two of this display, Dal simply leaned back on the barrel to watch the interrogation unfold.
“They seem to have that part under control, huh, bud?” Dal scratched Pockets behind one ear and the cat flopped onto his side. He absentmindedly started to pet the cat’s belly, and eyes locked on Silver Sven. Dal offered Sven a warm smile and slowly peeled the beggar’s hand from his sleeve with his free hand. “It’s going to be okay.”
Pockets started clawing at Dal’s hand. “I knew it and I did it anyway!” Dal gave the cat a playful pat on one hind quarter. Then nodded to Sven and led the beggar after the others.
On the move
Dal shook his head.“There wasn't much room for pleasantries earlier, Audria. I'm sure Sven feels the same. I was actually just about to mention to Sven here that I think it’s highly suspicious that word got around about how he knew something of Lamm’s Lambs and then suddenly he had these Red Mantis-” he glanced to the woman who could have passed for a vampire, “Mantes out for his life.”
Dal scrutinized the girl and her bird.
“It was hard to place you before with all the,” Dal mimed swinging a sword, “but I remember you now. That explains why you’re looking for the kids. But what about them?”

Spirit of Pinvendor |

We players don't know where in the city we are, but Shrike should know, and would probably know of an abandoned building, back room of a shop, or rough tavern we could take him to. She'd go for an empty or burned-out building first. There are probably plenty of the latter around. She'd say and do this even on the off-chance that she doesn't know of anywhere nearby we could be off the street. The point is just to get him talking instead of extending this negotiation.
@Lania: Officially, the location you're currently at isn't particularly relevant, and as I have given you the freedom to create, describing a convenient location to lie low and/or confine Pink is certainly acceptable. If you don't feel comfortable creating it whole cloth, I will point out, all of you except Dal would remember the Lambs' Streethole, and Audria could possibly describe the place she was attacked by the Ettercap if you wanted to use that location as a more dangerous/threatening option for interrogation.
Silver Sven nods at Audria. "Many of Gaedran Lamm's acolytes would come and listen to my stories of the world's truths in the recent years. I just discovered they had finally been freed of his terrible touch, and they were planning to make their way to one of their many hiding places around the city." His brows furrow creating ripples in his sand like skin.
"Please tell me you don't believe those killers are seeking the children."
As far as Pink answering questions, he will. I will get a separate post up with that, but please advise where you're taking him when you have a moment.

Abella Tribastarion |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Abella stays back and begins flipping through her “spellbook” idly. ”Oh? Are we introducing ourselves? I’m Abella. Suffice to say that I am a genius.” She does not look up while she speaks. ”Personally, I wouldn’t bother with this little nobody, but if he is entertaining you, I will not make an issue of it. Just be ready to drop him and run if his test proctors come back around.”

Audria |

She's not going to volunteer where she ran into the Ettercap, and I don't think anyone but Audria, Talanaliel, and the kids they found there even knows about that fight.
Audria finds it hard to keep the worry from her face as Sven asks about the children a second time.
"I can't think of a reason for them too, but that doesn't mean that they aren't," she admits. "If you know where they are, we could go get them while Shrike deals with this-- this one."
Anger flashes in her eyes as she mentions the Red Mantis hopeful, then turns to Dal, wondering how they know each other.

Audria |

"But he helped us fight off those bandits, didn't he," Audria asks.

Audria |

Audria quirks an eyebrow at the bird and sighs before turning and focusing her attention on Dal's companion. She looks up at the Varisian caster with a look of mingled apology and bemusement. "Sorry about this," she says before locking eyes with Pockets. Her eyes flicker with silver fire as she studies the unassuming feline.
Casting detect evil on Pockets.

Spirit of Pinvendor |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Sven nods. "Knowledge of their place of isolation is within my vault of information." He taps a thick finger to his temple. The lack of a metallic ting! is almost disconcerting.
"I will lead you as the tremors of Earthfall led the dwarves."
Audria detects no more Evil inside of Pockets than any other street cat...which may or may not console Talanaliel...
Please let me know if that url breaks for you guys.

Audria |

"Well, he's not an imp or some devil-cat," Audria tells Talanaliel. Somehow, the thrush seems unconvinced.
Turning her attention back to Sven she smiles, feeling better now that they were back on track.
"Thank you, Mr. Sven," she says. "I'll feel a lot better knowing that they're off the streets and someplace safe."
She looks around at the others to see if anyone else is interested in joining them instead of staying with Shrike and the assassin. After a moment, she turns to Dal.
"You said you recognize me, but I'm afraid that I can't recall you name, sir."

Lania 'Shrike' Fordyce |

Sure, if I have the leeway to do so I'll come up with something. I don't think Shrike knows about Audria's adventure underground with the ettercap yet.
Shrike decides to take the motley crew a few blocks east from this area of Slope district, heading for the abandoned warehouse right next to Bailer's Retreat. She has perched on its rooftop or peered out of the broken holes in the windows of its dusty second-floor half-loft many a night, waiting for some of the rum customers who frequent the tavern (despite its simultaneous popularity with the many of the guards who staff Citadel Volshyenek) to leave so she could follow them. To take them there by the most direct route, she cuts through narrow gaps between shuttered houses and boarded-up businesses, then directly across the still-eerily-quiet Harborview Boulevard South, normally the busiest artery of West Dock.
The warehouse is less than ten yards from the bank of the Jeggare, and this and the fact that it is nearly touching Bailer's in some places has protected it. If it had been allowed to burn, the tavern surely would have gone up too. Both buildings show scorch marks along their walls where attempted fires were set and quickly doused by whoever was inside the bar that first night. It looks like the tavern is closed at the moment, but it is too early in the day for it to be open anyway. If anyone is watching their progress from behind its haphazardly boarded-up windows, the additional grime left by decades of lamp-smoke and cooking greasy food make it impossible to tell.
The wide double doors of the warehouse are held fast by a rusty chain and padlock of intimidating heft, but Shrike ignores these, circles around the back side of the building, and pushes in two vertical boards whose bottoms appear to touch the floor but whose fastenings have come loose due to dry rot. She moves through in a crouch to demonstrate the way of it and continues holding the boards for the others.
Inside, the large and echoing building smells of rats and mildewed straw. The roof clearly leaks in many places. Broken pallets and long-plundered empty crates strew the floor, and the ladder up to the open storage loft no longer touches the ground and has most of its lower rungs missing. The large cranked lift for taking cargo up and down from the loft is one of the few intact objects in the room, though no doubt its heavy chains are frozen in place. In all, it is nowhere anyone would want to spend any significant amount of time, and would be hard for a human-sized creature to enter without it instantly being known, which makes it perfect for Shrike's purposes.

Dalmano "Dal" Imperiosus |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

“Suffice to say that I am a genius.”
“A genius, huh?” Dal scratched the back of his head, “Have you given any thought as to why Sven here was chosen as the subject of the assassin’s test?” His question seemed genuine. “Surely, it can’t be that they were after some kids, right? Much less ol’ Sven here?” Dal jerked his head toward Sven.
The feeling passed to Dal from Pockets. Dal looked down at the cat who was trotting along beside him and followed its gaze up to the bird perched on Audria’s shoulder.
"He has a cat! A very big, very vicious cat!"
Dal chuckled, “I can assure you, Pockets meows a big game but he’d much rather have some fish and play with a feath-uh, piece of string.”
And then the girl’s eyes lit up.
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (15) + 9 = 24
“Given the circumstances in which we all just met, I’m going to pretend like you didn’t just check to see if my cat is an evil creature in disguise.” The smile on Dal’s face failed to mask the irritation in his voice. “You wanna know where I know you from? I saw you some time ago. You and another girl. You two were slipping your fingers into other people’s purses. You looked so…” Dal paused as if to find a new line of thought. When he spoke again the irritation had melted away, “I didn’t want you to panic and get caught so I complimented your hair. Which, thinking about it now, probably made you panic even more. I just…I’d been in your shoes before and I know how Lamm makes-made kids feel. Sometimes a kind word was enough to keep going when everything else looked bleak..”
Dal looked up at the building looming in front of them and cleared his throat. “Is this where you lot live? Kind of…charming…”
If we’re splitting at all, Dal is more interested in Sven and the Lambs.

Lania 'Shrike' Fordyce |

Dal looked up at the building looming in front of them and cleared his throat. "Is this where you lot live? Kind of…charming…"
Shrike has been saving most of her attention for prodding the failed Mantis along both physically and verbally for answers while Audria and Abella make nice with the unexpectedly brave magician. Now the shrike mask turns slowly and expressionlessly from the enormous rusty padlock to the frogmaker.
What she says, however, is just a repeat of Audria's last question, which she notices he didn't answer. He's called the cat Pockets several times, but... "You got a name?"

Dalmano "Dal" Imperiosus |

"Apologies," Dal said to the masked one. He smiled but it did not reach his eyes. "I think, perhaps, I got lost in the conversation. Dalmano Imperiosus. Though, most simply call me Dal. Former child thief held hostage by Gaedren Lamm. Now simply a man trying to help Korvosa's children when he can and, if things go according to plan, do it without dying."

Spirit of Pinvendor |

It sounds like Shrike is taking Pink one place and the rest of you are going to follow Sven to the orphans last known hiding place.
"Not bad," he says looking around. "Definitely, a good spot to lie low. Now what did you want to know."
"A few weeks back, on a Wealday, end of Gozran."
"Personally? Just one. Probably male with that frame and voice.
"Same thing. Red Mantis just materialized out of thin air one night when I was alone and told me where to be."
"Each of us was to pick any target we wanted, and kill them before the end of the test. One does the deed while the others supported. I got know idea why this guy picked Silver Sven. Probably because he thought it would be easy."
With a shrug, "You know. If you're strong and they're weak."
With a laugh, "Who keeps track of that?"
"Idiots who look down on me and have more money than they ought."
"Eh? I'm my own man. Sure, I've got hired for some muscle work no and then or to run a job, but I never been under anyone's thumb."
"Regret? Only when I got caught."
Once Shrike separates from the group with the prisoner for interrogation, Silver Sven hustles down the street leading the group to an alley offshoot near a small textile factory. Some old pallets and tarps have been used to set up hut like structures that from a distance would appear as nothing more than stacks of pallets and discarded fabrics. Some small faces peer out at you. Sven calls out to them asking the children to come out as they may be in danger.
If you would like to expound on the scene you can, otherwise I will assume you return with them to the Sanctuary of Shelyn.

Lania 'Shrike' Fordyce |

"Apologies," Dal said to the masked one. He smiled but it did not reach his eyes. "I think, perhaps, I got lost in the conversation. Dalmano Imperiosus. Though, most simply call me Dal. Former child thief held hostage by Gaedren Lamm. Now simply a man trying to help Korvosa's children when he can and, if things go according to plan, do it without dying."
The bizarre bird mask does not move or change to show what, if anything, the one Audria called Shrike thinks of this. After a brief pause she nods slightly. "You a wizard?"

Eye of the Raven |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Moonday, 11 Desnus 4708
"He was going to replace me!" she shouted at Sabina for the hundredth time. "That strumpet artist pet!"
"Is that what the paper said?" Sabina asked gently knowing full well it did not.
Ileosa growled. "Well, not exactly. But a dress? Eodred commissioned a dress for her?! What else could that mean? He only started giving presents when he thought he was in love." The audacity of that womanizing bastard! Ileosa could feel her blood heating her face and neck. She knew her marriage had never been about love, but about their lusts: his of the flesh and hers for power and wealth. She allowed him to climb on top of her whenever he wanted and to parade her out as the trophy she was while she gained prestige and power. In backwater Korvosa, Ileosa is more than the nobody noble's wife she would have been back home.
But what would have happened if he had divorced her? She had never gotten pregnant something a young and nubile female should have been able to do...Ileosa's lip trembled, and she sat down quickly on one of the salon chairs displacing the rubble of a ceremonial tea set previously displayed on a now mangled stand. Tears began streaming down her face.
"I-I-I thought I was hic, hic the prettiest w-w-woman in Kor-hic-vosa. Why w-would h-ic replace m-me?" Ileosa blubbers.
Sabina looks crestfallen and rushes to her queen's side, perching next to her on the plush chair. "My queen, you truly are the most beautiful woman in the city. There's no one who can compare." She pulled Ileosa to her breast and let the queen sob into her tabard. After several moments, the queen pulled away and took a deep breath. Her eyes were puffy and streaks of her ruined make-up ran down to her chin. Yet even now the glow of her natural (supernatural?) beauty was obvious.
"You're much more comfortable when you're not wearing that plate," Iloesa said coyly her eyes containing more smoke than the burning city districts. Sabina knew that look well and leaned in placing her lips to her queen's firmly letting her desire be known. Ileosa let Sabina take the lead, and sometime later, among the wreckage of the queen's sitting room, two naked females lie intertwined sweating and sated with pleasure. Ileosa traces a finger on the scar across Sabina's face given to her in a duel sometime in her past.
"Will that always be the consequence of aging? Any other young beautiful girl will steal the hearts of the people away from me?" Ileosa asks in a small voice. "Will you ever want to replace me? Could you ever become bored with me?"
"Never, my queen, my love. Never!" Sabina replies instantly, tilting her head to look Ileosa in the eye. "I will do anything you want to prove it."
Ileosa resumes tracing the scar. "Anything you say? If only I had even more gorgeous creatures like you Sabina. Scarred yet with a beauty I can see and that I know will love me best." She sighs. "I know that now that Eodred's dead, I don't really have to worry about him replacing me as his queen, but thinking about it just...with all these rumors that I had something to do with his death, that I usurped the throne when it's mine by right, I just can't help but..."
Suddenly, another thought occurs to her. A terrible possibility that makes her suddenly suck in air hard threw her gritted teeth.
What if that trollop Trinia carries Eodred's heir?
"My queen?" Sabina said with concern as she felt the sudden tension in Ileosa.
"Anything," Ileosa says softly, "You said you would do anything to prove you won't abandon me."
"Yes, whatever I have to do." Sabina's reply only betrays a hint of her nerves. What could Ileosa be thinking?
Ileosa slowly traces the scar on Sabina's face yet again. A wicked gleam appears in Ileosa's eyes as a beautiful smile replaces the angsty pout from earlier. Regicide, they claim? Oh, I'll give them a king killer. I'll destroy all their plans to bring me down in one simple move.
"We're going to recruit, my dear sweet Sabina. Find other pretty women who understand the value of not bending their necks to these pompous and insufferable self-made patriarchs. They'll be loyal to me and be willing to prove it, just as you have. And one more thing..."
Sabina watched her queen while trying to keep the alarm off her face.
"Bring me Trinia Sabor."

Audria |

Ooooooooh snap!
Of Cats and Birds
Audria blushes as Dal calls her out for using that ability she had discovered she has. The blush only darkens as he tells her about the time he complimented her hair, hair that had grown out considerably since that day.
"Oh, I'm... I..." Her stammering and fidgeting with the end of her braid make her look more a young woman taken by surprise than someone who could hold her own in a fight.
"I'm sorry. I didn't think about how it must look when I do that," she says after a moment. "Honestly, I thought there must be something more to him if Talanaliel was acting that way. I didn't mean to give offense. I hope you can forgive me for that." She walks a few more steps before blushing again. "And thank you for the compliment that day. It was something Eliana and I talked about for weeks afterwards. She teased me about it, but it was a rare bright spot in our lives then. I just hope she's doing well wherever she's staying."
Feeling a seething, feathered weight on her shoulder, she turns her head to look at Talanaliel.
"And what has you bothered, Tallyfeather?"

Audria |

"Tally," Audria sighs. "Pockets," she glances at Dal to see if she has the name right before continuing on. "Pockets is just a cat. He's no demon, incarnate or otherwise. Besides this man is also looking for some missing children. I doubt he's going to do anything nefarious with them. with us around."

Audria |

"Says the bird that hounded me through the door to meet with the others the other night," Audria grumbles before turning back to Dal.
"I'm really sorry about that. I don't think she's every taken a dislike to anyone like that since I first ran into Dalinius at the Sanctuary," Audria says, clearly embarrassed by Talanaliel's behavior. "Still, it's nice to meet you after all this time."
She smiles as she holds out her hand.
The Children's Hideaway
A young boy tentatively steps out from his hiding spot before another and a girl follows him. Audria sits on her heels to be eye-level with the children and smiles as warmly as she can.
"It's alright. Sven wouldn't have lead us here if we meant harm. He's been worried about all of you."
Despite her assurance, the children look at her warily. She can hardly blame them. She looks to Talanaliel, but the bird has made it clear she's not getting any closer to the ground than she has to while Pockets is around. She looks to Sven and Dal, but there is no hiding how involved she was with Lamm's death forever.
"It's alright," she says again, "We took care of Old Man Lamm along with his thugs. Yargin, Giggles, and Hookshanks won't ever hurt you again, and neither will Lamm. They're gone."
The nickname the Lambs used amongst themselves for Gaedren Lamm when he and his thugs were out of earshot is like a talisman, a sign that Audria is one of them. They come closer eyes wide as hope flickers back to life in their depths.
"Didya really," one of them asks. "I mean, uh kill 'im?"
Audria nods, pushing past the horror of that memory. "We did, and fed him to Gobbleguts for good measure."
All of the children, the last ones from that night, come out as they hear about Lamm's demise. Audria feels an overwhelming sense of relief as she counts them and sees that they're all there. Tears prickle the backs of her eyes as she silently offers a prayer to Shelyn.
Thank you, O Eternal Rose. Thank you for keeping them safe so that they may create many beautiful things in the years to come.
"I can tell you all about it once we're all safe," she turns to Sven, "all of us. It's a little crowded, but I'm sure that we can find some warm beds for you at the Sanctuary of Shelyn."
Sorry if I stole the show a bit. I think I got carried away

Abella Tribastarion |

Abella muses on Dal’s question. ”Well, if I was a guild of religiously-motivated assassins, I would pick someone of low importance for testing prospective members. For a test to have any value, it must have a chance of failure, and it would look bad on the group to fail versus anyone important. Low value targets of little social-standing are also less likely to be investigated by authorities, much less protected by them. I imagine there are people found dead on streets the world over killed for the honor of wearing an ugly red bug suit, and we will never know because nobody gives a damn.” Her tone is not reproachful or indignant, but matter-of-fact.
Abella glances back-and-forth between Talanaliel and Pockets as the bird familiar lays down the boundaries. ”I assume that a familiar would be smart enough to not let raw instinct chain it, darling. But then again, I never saw much use for one myself. I am loathe to think what manner of ‘spiritual guidance’ one might try to foist on me. I suspect I am too much of a lost cause in that regard.”

Lania 'Shrike' Fordyce |

On the way:
"I'm really sorry about that. I don't think she's ever taken a dislike to anyone like that since I first ran into Dalinius at the Sanctuary," Audria says, clearly embarrassed by Talanaliel's behavior.
Shrike makes a small noise that sounds halfway between a smothered cough and a grunt, but does not otherwise challenge this assertion.
Abella muses on Dal’s question. "Well, if I was a guild of religiously-motivated assassins, I would pick someone of low importance for testing prospective members. For a test to have any value, it must have a chance of failure, and it would look bad on the group to fail versus anyone important. Low value targets of little social-standing are also less likely to be investigated by authorities, much less protected by them. I imagine there are people found dead on streets the world over killed for the honor of wearing an ugly red bug suit, and we will never know because nobody gives a damn." Her tone is not reproachful or indignant, but matter-of-fact.
Abella glances back-and-forth between Talanaliel and Pockets as the bird familiar lays down the boundaries. "I assume that a familiar would be smart enough to not let raw instinct chain it, darling. But then again, I never saw much use for one myself. I am loathe to think what manner of ‘spiritual guidance’ one might try to foist on me. I suspect I am too much of a lost cause in that regard."
Her head swivels toward Abella. "Religiously-motivated." Despite the flat tone, it's clearly a question.
In the abandoned warehouse:
Pink flips an empty crate and sits looking bored.[...]
When'd did the first encounter happen?
"A few weeks back, on a Wealday, end of Gozran."
How many did you ever see?
"Personally? Just one. Probably male with that frame and voice."
How'd they contact you when it was time?
"Same thing. Red Mantis just materialized out of thin air one night when I was alone and told me where to be."
What exactly was the test?
"Each of us was to pick any target we wanted, and kill them before the end of the test. One does the deed while the others supported. I got no idea why this guy picked Silver Sven. Probably because he thought it would be easy."
What did you mean by the natural order of things?
With a shrug, "You know. If you're strong and they're weak."
How many have you killed or cut up?
With a laugh, "Who keeps track of that?"
Who were your victims?
"Idiots who look down on me and have more money than they ought."
Who did you work for before?
"Eh? I'm my own man. Sure, I've got hired for some muscle work no and then or to run a job, but I never been under anyone's thumb."
Do you regret any of it?
"Regret? Only when I got caught."
In the silence after the rat answers the last question, Shrike paces behind him. Her voice is quiet, almost gentle. "I believe you." The sap cuts through the air for the same place at the back of his head where he already sports a goose egg.
Damage, sap, nonlethal: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
Her head turns to Audria. "I don't trust the robins to cage him or the bugs to hunt him. I'd as soon slit his throat and leave him for the sharks. But he's your prisoner."

Audria |

I had to go back and double-check, but I don't think Tally every really disliked Shrike that much. I know I said something about her having something to say about the moniker, but I don't think that ever happened. You have, however, snuck up on her a number of times.
On the way
Shrike makes a small noise that sounds halfway between a smothered cough and a grunt, but does not otherwise challenge this assertion.
Audria laughs as she hears Shrike's subtle admonishment. "Tallyfeather would like you more if you didn't keep sneaking up on her," she says as she gives Shrike a grin.
At the Warehouse
Audria's lips disappear as her mouth turns into a thin line. The man is wholly unrepentant and seems rotten to the core, but can she condemn him to die? Memories of her fight with Giggles and the fight just a little while ago, where she'd killed a man then seen several others ruthlessly murdered, roil through her mind as she tries to find the right path.
She looks to Talanaliel and wonders if her friend, her mentor, and her companion has any wisdom that might help.
"I don't think there's a right decision here, Audria," she says sadly. "He seems lost, beyond redemption, but it also seems that there is nothing that we can do to make sure he sees justice unless we see to it ourselves."
Audria nods and turns back to Shrike, wondering if the woman behind the mask is facing her own doubts, despite the confidence she protrays.
"And if we let him go, he's probably going to kill someone again," Audria says. "If he's my prisoner, then I guess I need to be the one to do it, but I don't like where that path could lead. I'm... I know he's scum! How am I supposed to condemn a man to die or to kill him in cold blood?!"

Spirit of Pinvendor |

I completely forgot about your request, Shrike. My apologies.

Audria |

After a few moments of trying to get herself back under control, she looks to the others.
"C-could we tie him up and leave him here, at least until we get the children safely to the Sanctuary?"

Lania 'Shrike' Fordyce |

Runelord - Perform (Dance) DC 20: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
"C-could we tie him up and leave him here, at least until we get the children safely to the Sanctuary?"
Shrike shrugs her assent and hunts around for some rope or lighter chain to bind the man at wrists and ankles, then sets him on the frozen lift and further ties him to the sturdy chain there. Abella has rope, I think, so this should be no problem.

Pippip Ooray |

Pip sees the man has a ‘black’ heart. ”I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. Now there is no doubt—but you can do what you want. Ending this one here is a good thing.”

Audria |

Audria shakes her head at Pip's words.
"No! I can't," she snaps with more heat in her voice than she thought could be in there. She takes a shuddering breath and looks to Pippip, regret clearly marked on her face. "Sorry, Pip. I didn't mean to bark at you like that. No, I want to get the children to the Sanctuary and then... And then I need to find someone. He used to be in the Sable Company, he'll know how to take care of him."

Dalmano "Dal" Imperiosus |

In the Warehouse
“I suppose,” Dal said with a sigh, “I may have overreacted a bit. I’m just very protective of the hairball is all. He acts as a funnel of sorts for the city and everyone who lives here. Keeps me connected to Korvosa. ” He nodded toward the unconscious man, “Even that one. The people have referred to me as a witch before. Though, I feel like there’s a negative connotation tied to the term. But, since I haven’t settled on something I prefer, ‘witch’ will have to do.” The feline flopped to one side and began kicking furiously at the toe of Dal’s boot.
Dal pointed to Abella, “Maybe you’ve hit the nail on the head. In regards to both my partner and your friend’s, well, our current captive. It could truly have been a coincidence. Maybe something bigger put all of us the same tail for a reason. He wiggled his foot a bit which renewed the cat’s determination in slaying the leather boot. When he spoke again, Dal’s voice was somber, “Korvosa is bleeding out. She’s gasping for air and the city is begging for help. That’s why Pockets and I are together. ANd, I’m guessing, why you all are together.”
Inevitably, teh conversation returned to the unconscious would-be assassin. The masked one had questioned him and…now what? They all seemed so confident in leaving the decision up to someone so young.
“Young but capable,” Da corrected himself.
He was happy to hear her final decision on the matter and gave a little nod in agreement. The guards may not be fully capable at the moment, but someone in Sable Company ought to be.
Dal’s head snapped over to look at the masked one. “You’re a bird! I mean, your mask. But still. I didn’t get a good look at it before. You’re a bird!”
Local: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (14) + 11 = 25
History: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22

Lania 'Shrike' Fordyce |

"I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. Now there is no doubt—but you can do what you want. Ending this one here is a good thing."
Shrike nods once in silent accord, but doesn't stop tying the man up.
The thrush looks to Shrike and frowns as only a small bird can. "You might need a different disguise though."
She resists as long as she can, but curiosity wins out. "...Why."
Something like the first one of these?
"Maybe you’ve hit the nail on the head. In regards to both my partner and your friend’s, well, our current captive. It could truly have been a coincidence. Maybe something bigger put all of us the same tail for a reason." He wiggled his foot a bit which renewed the cat’s determination in slaying the leather boot. When he spoke again, Dal’s voice was somber, "Korvosa is bleeding out. She’s gasping for air and the city is begging for help. That’s why Pockets and I are together. And, I’m guessing, why you all are together." [...]
Dal’s head snapped over to look at the masked one. "You’re a bird! I mean, your mask. But still. I didn’t get a good look at it before. You’re a bird!"
"But not a beak." The flat voice makes it hard to tell if this is some kind of joke. Done with her task, the elf woman stands and nods to Dal. He seems to have his head on straight, and shares their interest in ensuring the safety of the children. That's good enough for her. And a frogmaker — Witch? Doesn't that mean he made a pact with something? Well, maybe people just saw he had a cat — is always a useful sort of person to have on your side, even if she doesn't like the ability some have to twist minds. "Shrike. Let's go save some kids."
Am I missing something here? The Sable Company don't wear bird masks, right? In any case, ready whenever others are to move on to the previously described alley near the textile factory and then the temple of Shelyn with the children.

Talanaliel |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

I think this one's my favorite.
Honestly, it was an impulsive thing on my part. It seemed like something that Tally would say, but now that I'm thinking about it, I made some leaps that I, in hindsight, probably shouldn't have. Basically I assumed that Audria and Talanaliel knew more about your escapades and the whisperings around them than they really should. That said, I think it wouldn't be as much of a stretch to have Talanaliel and Audria connect you with Blackjack, Korvosa's folk hero and something that they'd both know about.
"Well, you're like Blackjack, aren't you," Talanaliel explains. "You wear a mask and beat up bad guys, but you go looking for trouble. That's what Mr. Bartholomew says is the difference between someone who is breaking the law and someone who isn't. He kept telling Audria that over and over again that she shouldn't be like Blackjack when he started teaching her how to fight. She's always had a crush on him, there's even that stash of books she thinks no one but her and Eliana knows about."

Audria |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

For a moment, the moral quandary presented by the assassin is forgotten as adolescent embarrassment turns Audria's cheeks a fiery crimson.
"TALLY," she squeaks. "You weren't supposed to tell anyone!"
Audria nods and wonders if Dal's connection to Pockets is like her connection to Talanaliel.
"I guess I understand. I know Tallyfeather is special, and not just because she can talk. She and I have this feeling. I guess I'd be upset too if anyone thought she was evil."
She glances down at Pockets, wondering if it'd be rude to ask if she could pet him, then decides that rude or not, now wasn't the time.
Ready to move on when y'all are. Lets rescue some kids and get back to the Sanctuary to see if we can find Bartholomew.

Lania 'Shrike' Fordyce |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

"Well, you're like Blackjack, aren't you," Talanaliel explains. "You wear a mask and beat up bad guys, but you go looking for trouble. That's what Mr. Bartholomew says is the difference between someone who is breaking the law and someone who isn't. He kept telling Audria over and over again that she shouldn't be like Blackjack when he started teaching her how to fight. She's always had a crush on him, there's even that stash of books she thinks no one but her and Eliana knows about."
For a moment, the moral quandary presented by the assassin is forgotten as adolescent embarrassment turns Audria's cheeks a fiery crimson.
"TALLY," she squeaks. "You weren't supposed to tell anyone!"
The idea that she is anything like the charming, laughing Blackjack of the stories of her childhood, as quick with a quip as he is with his deadly rapier, stops Shrike in her tracks. But she is saved from having to respond to this ridiculous notion by Talanaliel's revelation. The mask turns to Audria with deliberate slowness. "Any recommendations."
She is mostly teasing, and has had little time for reading of late anyway, though she once kept up with the popular Chelaxian roman à clef novels that set Society buzzing, often published by the anonymous "A Lady." She associates the Blackjack stories mostly with illustrated children's books. But she thinks Junie, Senna, Cherafine, and even Mamma enjoyed that rather more grown-up A Thief of Jewels and Hearts series about Blackjack, set in a thinly veiled version of Korvosa under Queen Domina about forty years ago.

Audria |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Audria finds it hard to meet Shrike's gaze, and knowing who is wearing the mask only makes it harder.
"The Gambler's Luck tetralogy," she mutters after a moment. "Although a certain little bird," she grumbles before shooting a glare at the bird in question, "seems rather partial to The Cad and the Cardinal series, especially when Blackjack is flirting with Lady Helena of the Shining Swords."
She takes a little petty satisfaction at seeing Talanaliel start as her own interest in the books is revealed. Eliana is going to be glowing red hot once she finds out their secret is out, and Audria doesn't see any reason to add to that mess by mentioning her friend's favorites. Besides, Shrike has a point, they have some children to save. She starts making her way out of the warehouse and onto the street, all the while praying that her face won't be so flushed when they finally get to where Sven says the children are hiding.

Talanaliel |

Talanaliel looks to the others and wonders if she could get away with a fib, but alas, Audria is a terrible liar as both Abella and Shrike can attest. Without any recourse, she beats a hasty retreat to the way out of the abandoned warehouse.
"When did you find out," she demands as she lands on the paladin's shoulder.

Audria |

"Eliana told me after I finished reading them," Audria answers.

Lania 'Shrike' Fordyce |

"The Gambler's Luck tetralogy," she mutters after a moment. "Although a certain little bird," she grumbles before shooting a glare at the bird in question, "seems rather partial to The Cad and the Cardinal series, especially when Blackjack is flirting with Lady Helena of the Shining Swords."
"Noted." The carefully affected croak sounds like more of a creak for a moment, but if Shrike smiles, the mask does not show it. She leaves when the others are ready, following Sven's directions to the alley by the textile factory.
Appreciate it, Audria. Shrike doesn't yet have the Renown class feature that gives a mechanical effect for a vigilante's reputation in a specific place. I've tried to start laying the groundwork for it, but I wouldn't expect anyone to recognize her just yet. But the point is well-taken that maybe Bartholomew, as ex-Sable-Company, would not react well to any masked-vigilante type. I'll think about what she should do.
The Children's Hideaway
Some old pallets and tarps have been used to set up hut like structures that from a distance would appear as nothing more than stacks of pallets and discarded fabrics. Some small faces peer out at you. Sven calls out to them asking the children to come out as they may be in danger.
A young boy tentatively steps out from his hiding spot before another and a girl follows him. Audria sits on her heels to be eye-level with the children and smiles as warmly as she can.
"It's alright. Sven wouldn't have lead us here if we meant harm. He's been worried about all of you."
Despite her assurance, the children look at her warily. She can hardly blame them. She looks to Talanaliel, but the bird has made it clear she's not getting any closer to the ground than she has to while Pockets is around. She looks to Sven and Dal, but there is no hiding how involved she was with Lamm's death forever.
"It's alright," she says again, "We took care of Old Man Lamm along with his thugs. Yargin, Giggles, and Hookshanks won't ever hurt you again, and neither will Lamm. They're gone."
The nickname the Lambs used amongst themselves for Gaedren Lamm when he and his thugs were out of earshot is like a talisman, a sign that Audria is one of them. They come closer eyes wide as hope flickers back to life in their depths.
"Didya really," one of them asks. "I mean, uh kill 'im?"
Audria nods, pushing past the horror of that memory. "We did, and fed him to Gobbleguts for good measure."
All of the children, the last ones from that night, come out as they hear about Lamm's demise. Audria feels an overwhelming sense of relief as she counts them and sees that they're all there. Tears prickle the backs of her eyes as she silently offers a prayer to Shelyn.
Thank you, O Eternal Rose. Thank you for keeping them safe so that they may create many beautiful things in the years to come.
"I can tell you all about it once we're all safe," she turns to Sven, "all of us. It's a little crowded, but I'm sure that we can find some warm beds for you at the Sanctuary of Shelyn."
Shrike hangs back while Audria convinces the wary urchins to come along to the Sanctuary of Shelyn. She judges the process would not be helped by her voice, so she remains silent, inspecting the well-camouflaged pallet-huts with professional interest. This, now, would make a good spot to lie low for a few hours if need be. It's at street level, so is unlikely to attract unfriendly denizens like many sheltered places in the Shingles eventually do. It's also off the main road and has no nearby businesses that seem they would be open late in normal times, so once the factory closes for the evening, there will be few passersby. She takes note of the location and how to find it again in case of need.
Once Audria has collected the last of the flock of Lambs, Shrike takes point to guard the group on their return journey to the temple.

Spirit of Pinvendor |

Moonday, 11 Desnus 4708
Maybe finding the group to be in a battle with rather suspicious folk is surprising, and you can't help but wonder if they really are a most unlikely gang trying to sweep the territory or actually a group of do-gooders cleaning up some undesirable elements. As they rush to save a silver-haired oread and a human man from a group of would-be assassins, you almost consider intervening to help them.
But as you begin to draw your precious firearm, you feel it without feeling it. There's a drawn blade at your neck. Someone is right behind you.
"Oh? You wish to help the fledgling heroes, do you?" It's a woman's voice, quiet and right at your ear. You can only just hear it above the din below from your perch on the rooftops overlooking the alley where the fighting is taking place. The voice is seductive and terrifying, as if the promise of violence and sex was mixed and served together in the same dish. Yet, despite the tone, you don't sense the immediate threat of death, but something more inquisitive.
Purely narrative section here, Gregor, so no need for initiative. The woman is the Red mantis female described in the previous section. Your conversation is just before she makes her flashy appearance to Shrike and Dal.
@Everyone but Gregor: Leaving the unconscious would-be assassin, tied up and unconscious, the party allows Silver Sven to lead them to where the last of the Lamm's Lambs have taken to hiding. Fortunately, the last of the missing children seem to be there, and are easily swayed to accompany the team back to the safety of the Sanctuary of Shelyn.
Some of the Shelynite acolytes' eyes widen as even more children troop in needing care, but the make-shift community watch which has sprung up around the temple pledges to help shelter them until more permanent solutions are found. Many of the children should in fact have families to which they can be returned once the threat of the city's violence has calmed.
Brother Theolan calls for an impromptu meeting of the minds including the party. He announces that he's recently been informed Queen Ileosa has entered into an agreement with the Order of the Nail, and Hellknight companies were already entering the city to quell the uprisings. He encourages the groups which have gathered to offer no resistance and full cooperation to any Hellknights or their armigers which approach the Sanctuary. He feels confident the recent push by the Korvosan Guard and Sable Company may have taken the Sanctuary out of the boundary of the less lawful section of the city, so it's possible no Hellknights may come at all. He suspects though that the makeshift protection surrounding the area will likely have to be dismantled soon, so to be ready for that.
Afterwards, Audria is successful in locating Olga who advises her that Olga's husband has been supporting his former garrison, but as he's retired, she expects him to come to the Sanctuary that night to check on her if Audria wishes to wait. It's early evening now, and if desired, a messenger could be sent to the known location of the Sable Company garrison of which Bartholomew was once a part to provide him the location where they could find the would-be assassin for arrest.
Any evening time activities you wish to engage? Otherwise we'll be closing out Moonday and moving into Toilday morning. FYI, we'll be moving into our visit with Castle Korvosa very, very soon.

Gregor Trevian |

The hair raises on the back of Gregor's neck, before the woman speaks. When she does speak, the investigator slowly draws his hand away from his pistol and raises both hands.
"Heroes you say? I hadn't quite made that determination about them yet, although if they are responsible for what I think they are, I'm not sure I could call them villains either." he says slowly turning, hands still raised in a non-threatening manner.
Glancing back below, Gregor matter-of-factly adds, "More than anything, I'm trying to learn more about them and their motivations. Dare I ask your part of this?"

Spirit of Pinvendor |

Gregor recognizes the ensemble immediately as the Red Mantis, a very dangerous organization which worships Achaekek, the god of assassins.
"I only came to observe a game, and I've been unexpectedly treated to young heroes doing their part to save Korvosa's undesirables. Then I saw you, and I wanted to be sure the playing field for our little match wasn't disturbed by the audience." Again her voice has a touch of the erotic, but it's simultaneously melodious. The woman could likely have a had a fantastic career as a performer or singer had she chosen a different line of work.
"You are not already a part of this merry band of Korvosan goodie-goodies then?"