S'mon |
So, I know that modern Cheliax is a slaveholding nation, and this is a source of conflict with Andoran. I was wondering whether slavery was always legal in Cheliax, and in the Chelish Varisian colonies, and what the modern situation is. I'm running Curse of the Crimson Throne, set in Korvosa. From what I can tell, slavery is legal in Korvosa, King Eodred's harem were apparently slave concubines, but that seems to be the only reference - slavery does not seem to be part of the Korvosan economy, or a feature of Korvosan society. There are no references to Cheliax ever enslaving the conquered Varisians or Shoanti during the colonisation (in fact Korvosa's rural hinterland economy is not discussed anywhere, as far as I can tell) - this is a bit striking as there is something of an Imperial Spain/Latin America vibe about Cheliax/Varisia. I wasn't sure whether this should be explained by slavery being illegal at the time of colonisation, or that early attempts to enslave Varisians and Shoanti failed and were abandoned? Perhaps private citizens aren't allowed to hold slaves at all? But how would that square with Chelish influence in Korvosa, which is a LN city with a strong LE component?
I've also started running Rise of the Runelords. From what I can tell, Sandpoint is a colony of Magnimar, Magnimar broke away from Cheliax (or Korvosa?) and is a more 'good guy' city. I was thinking this might mean that they made slavery illegal when they broke free? Are there any official references?
Deadmanwalking |
Official references are spotty, but neither Korvosa nor Magnimar seem to have any kind of institutionalized slavery. Neither is explicitly anti-slavery to the extent that slaves who go there are freed, though.
And while I like Magnimar and in some ways think it's more 'good' than Korvosa, the official alignment of Magnimar is N (Korvosa, in contrast, is LN). Now, Korvosa may verge toward Evil more than Magnimar, but neither seems to really verge toward Good as a whole.
S'mon |
Official references are spotty, but neither Korvosa nor Magnimar seem to have any kind of institutionalized slavery. Neither is explicitly anti-slavery to the extent that slaves who go there are freed, though.
And while I like Magnimar and in some ways think it's more 'good' than Korvosa, the official alignment of Magnimar is N (Korvosa, in contrast, is LN). Now, Korvosa may verge toward Evil more than Magnimar, but neither seems to really verge toward Good as a whole.
Thanks. That fits my impression. But what happens when eg a Chelish merchant sells slaves in Korvosa or Magnimar? Can they be bought and owned by locals? My gut instinct would be Korvosa - yes, Magnimar - no, but maybe both should be yes. OTOH Korvosa is highly legalistic and I can imagine a Korvosan Arbiter like Zenderholm ruling that eg Korvosan law had no concept of ownership of sentients, and therefore no property right would be recognised - especially if there were Chelish precedents to this.
TheWarriorPoet519 |
There's no official answer. My gut impulse as a GM would be to take the ambiguity of canon and use it as adventure fodder: In essence, make the laws itself on the topic vague - The King of Korvosa does not want to bar an entire type of trade from his harbor afterall - so it's something that's neither explicitly permitted, nor explicitly forbidden. This is a natural source of extreme regional tension, and thus good fuel for adventure seeds.
TheWarriorPoet519 |
Slavery doesn't exist on the books in Korvosa. Note that doesn't mean it doesn't happen.
Although being sold as a slave is rare... Being sold into slavery isn't. Especially destitute children being hired as help on boats heading to chelaxian territory.
And all it takes is a few bribes to the right harbormasters to ensure the practice is just ignored.
Haladir |
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Way back in 2008, James Jacobs wrote that slavery is illegal in Varisia...for the most part.
Slavery is illegal in Magnimar, and there isn't much of an underground slave trade.
Slavery isn't practiced in Riddleport, although there are situations that more-or-less constitute slavery (like press-ganged crews of ships, etc).
Open slavery and the buying and selling of people as chattel is illegal in Korvosa. But... there is tolerance of some forms of indentured servitude or other contracted labor that people can't get out of easily. It might not be called slavery, but it effectively is.
Actual slavery, with public auctions and an active slave trade, happens in Kaer Maga.