Spirit of Pinvendor |

Save me from boredom, Merula. You're my only hope!
Keyra seems a tad less interested when Merula admits the group is not a theater troupe there to perform for the event. Her eyes boggle a bit when introduced to Brother Theolan, and she points at him suddenly.
"I've seen you during the Crystalhue! When I was eight, you actually helped me send my Zonzon doll adrift down the river!" Brother Theolan smiles and nods at the excited girl.
When asked about her father, Keyra's expression turns sour. "I haven't really seen him. He sends messages and quick little notes here and there, but he's been too busy to come home." She shakes her head slightly. "I know he's doing his best to keep the city from burning, but..."
She doesn't finish her thought, but Merula can tell Keyra's fighting to keep herself from looking sullen and disappointed. Clearly, she's ashamed of the selfish feelings she has when she knows Korvosa needs the Sable Company Captain's attention during these times.
Registering...a complaint!
Across the room, Magistrate Tuttle continues to lecture the clerk regarding the law. A rather dour faced man with a long nose dressed in some kind of official robes speaks up, "Please, Madam, would you possibly be willing to file complaint on this later? We would very much like to finish this process and be shown our rooms."
Spinning towards the man who had the audacity to address her mid-sermon, Druvalia spits, "I will be finished when I'm finished!"
A man in what might be loose scholarly clothes nervously rubs his hands on the legs of his trousers.

Pippip Ooray |

Pip comes back to meet with the group after an extended absence. He was walked calmly, but his face was red. He was careful to only engage his companions in conversation after checking for eavesdroppers.
"He's back. I saw him checking on a shipment."
Pip composes himself and takes a deep breath. He starts over after a small pause.
"That man I stabbed with the rapier, Dendren. He was checking on a shipment for a Vencarlo Orsini!! I thought they were just common street toughs, not people that would be in this castle. I saw him near where the servants were gathering."
He also relays some gossip.
"One servant talked about the Curse--monarchs don't die of old age or produce an heir. Another that thieves, anarchists, wererats and cultists are plotting bad stuff in the shadows. They say the king was murdered!!"

Merula Antius |

When asked about her father, Keyra's expression turns sour. "I haven't really seen him. He sends messages and quick little notes here and there, but he's been too busy to come home." She shakes her head slightly. "I know he's doing his best to keep the city from burning, but..."
She doesn't finish her thought, but Merula can tell Keyra's fighting to keep herself from looking sullen and disappointed. Clearly, she's ashamed of the selfish feelings she has when she knows Korvosa needs the Sable Company Captain's attention during these times.
Guilt tugs at Merula's heart. She has been doing almost exactly this to Isi and her own family. "...But you need him too," she finishes softly. "It's all right to say it. I am sure he would also rather be spending his time with you, even if duty keeps him away right now." She has had only limited interaction with Lord Endrin after being hired, but by all accounts and everything she has observed, he is a good man and a good father, so she is confident in that much.
Across the room, Magistrate Tuttle continues to lecture the clerk regarding the law. A rather dour faced man with a long nose dressed in some kind of official robes speaks up, "Please, Madam, would you possibly be willing to file complaint on this later? We would very much like to finish this process and be shown our rooms."
Spinning towards the man who had the audacity to address her mid-sermon, Druvalia spits, "I will be finished when I'm finished!"
A man in what might be loose scholarly clothes nervously rubs his hands on the legs of his trousers.
Perception DC 15: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
If she would have said more to Keyra, it is lost. Merula involuntarily glances over at Magistrate Tuttle's raised voice, but this time she sees something else odd. She lets her eyes continue to travel the room with casual interest. "That man in the scholar's robes looks as though he could use a glass of cold water," she remarks slowly to the rest of the Sanctuary party. "He is sweating. Overheated? Or very nervous?" Anyone can read that spoiler if they like.She rises to her feet, unsure of whether to approach him with a glass of water herself, but at that point Pippip arrives, looking red-faced with the effort of holding in his news, so she just listens. "And this would be the missing Mister Hooray," she observes in an aside to Keyra. The servants' gossip is more or less what she would expect, so she commits it to memory and sets it aside, but the rest of his statements have no meaning to Merula, so she holds her tongue about them.
Merula will go with anyone who wants to talk to the sweating man. Is there something we should roll to recognize the name of or know things about Vencarlo Orsini?

Audria |

Meeting Keyra Endrin
Audria curtseys as best as she's able to with Pockets in her arms. She listens to the conversation between Keyra and Merula, petting Dal's familiar with the kind of child-like joy that even Talanaliel's distrust of the cat can't withstand, and nods when Merula mentions Captain Endrin's probable desires.
"Mister Bartholomew speaks highly of the Captain," Audria says as Merula's attention is drawn elsewhere. "He wouldn't praise a man that wouldn't spend time with his children unless duty demanded otherwise." She blushes as she remembers where she is and who she's talking to.
"Oh, terribly sorry, Miss Endrin," she apologizes quickly with another curtsey. "It is a pleasure to meet you!"
The Dropping of Shoes
Seeing Merula's attention being drawn to the commotion at the registration and hearing her mention the apparently nervous mage, Audria feels her eyes narrowing. Why would he be so nervous. As Merula stands and debates how to make her way over, Audria gives an apologetic look to Pockets before turning it to Keyra.
"I suppose I should see if I can he--," she starts to say when Pip makes his announcement about Dendren. Her head snaps around as her widening eyes stare at the halfling.
"What," she asks, keeping her voice low enough to keep from raising any alarm, but it's clear she's surprised and worried by this news.
"What is he doing here," she asks in a hiss. "Where is he?"

Pippip Ooray |

Pip points back where he came from.
"The servants have a place they gather to gossip. He was nearby, and I ran before he could notice me. Having stabbed him, I was sure he remembered that."
He looks around.
"What should we do about him? He may discover us here and make things bad for us. Anyone know this Orsini family?"

Spirit of Pinvendor |

Here's a little something while I work on some larger posts.

Merula Antius |

Knowledge (Local) DC 8: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24
"But certainly I know of master swordsman Vencarlo Orsini. His Orsini Academy is famed for the fencers it produces from the young scions of noble houses. Although, the latest on-dit is that he has almost entirely retired from teaching, himself, and now leaves that work to one of his most senior students." Merula looks concerned because Pippip is concerned, but not truly worried; her preoccupied gaze slips again toward the nervous scholar.
I knew that Dendren fellow was no common ruffian. He has noble blood, or I'm a Linnorm King. But those people he was with certainly seemed to be your average small canting crew. So what was an Orsini Academy student doing, running around consorting with lowborn criminals? Did his master know of his extracurricular activities? Would he want him to?
"What is it you are concerned this Dendren will do if he sees you?"

Spirit of Pinvendor |

Meeting Keyra Endrin
Keyra hops off the chair to drop the barest of curtsies having been given instruction by her governess to be courteous when meeting new people. She then promptly returns to her place on the chair.
"Quite lovely to meet you." A tad perfunctory, but it would do.
Keyra's eyes go wide with shock when Pip curses, and she giggles even as her face flushes.
Registering...a complaint!
The dour faced man glances at the nervous man who appears to be his companion perhaps his attendant and gives a start when he sees the man's condition.
"Pull yourself together!" he hisses.
The nervous man jumps and winces at the rebuke. His eyes shift around the room and he jumps again when he notices the party members eyeing him. He scrubs his palms on his robe leaving sweaty marks on the fabric.
The berating from Magistrate Tuttle to the clerk continues though she might winding down finally s she takes a breath...and then launches into a fresh new tirade quoting several Korvosa city codes in their entirety.
The dour-faced man stamps his foot in frustration earning a stark glare from Druvalia. He returns his own with fury, but the woman dismissively returns her attention to the clerk. A vein begins to pulse in the man's temple.
Keyra snickers, "Wow! Dread Lord Druvalia is in rare form today! Merula, I feel for you. You're always so patient when dealing with her."

Audria |

Audria almost makes a teasing comment at Keyra's rather pro forma greeting, but other things grab her attention before she can do so. Merula seems to know the man Dendren is supposedly working for, and she wonders if he has turned over a new leaf or if something else is going on.
Possible incidents, however, fade in the face of the one brewing before her eyes however.
"I think we may need to focus on other things for the moment," Audria says to Merula and Pip after Keyra's comment. "I have a feeling, eminence of person or no, that if the good lady continues, someone's either going to lose their temper or pop a blood vessel."
With all of the fearlessness of the ignorant, she walks over to the desk to see if she can smooth things over some.
"Good evening, milady," Audria says with a curtsey, as gracefully as she can manage with Pockets in her arms and Talanaliel on her shoulder. "May I inquire as to what issue seems to be occurring here?"
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17

Merula Antius |
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Merula's expression grows briefly pained at Pippip's coarse language, but soon smooths out again into concern and resignation at the growing scene, Keyra's observation, and Audria's bold decision to interfere. "Oh, dear," she sighs quietly to Lady Keyra and the others left behind. "Miss Audria is pluck to the backbone, but I think she is about to learn that when it comes to Dread Lords, discretion is the much greater part of valor."
With the flicker of a wink at her student, she trails after Audria.
"Magistrate Tuttle, please forgive the interruption and permit me to present to you Acolyte Audria, Chosen of Shelyn," she adds, hoping to prevent the haughty bureaucrat from taking offense at being approached, against all rules of etiquette, by an animal-festooned Young Person who has not been properly introduced to her. "It is in her divine gift to mediate disputes and restore harmony. If you would be forbearing enough to summarize the thorny legal issues here for us laypersons, perhaps she can help."
Diplomacy, Aid: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16

GM Harrow |
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Magistrate Druvalia Tuttle stiffens as Audria's voice intrudes onto the heated tirade that she was currently in the middle of. For a few moments, she doesn't even look at the young acolyte of Shelyn; when she does deign to turn her head a fraction, the expression on her acerbic face is withering as she flicks her gaze up and down Audria's slight figure.
Merula is treated to a generous serving of that same icy disdain as she intervenes, although in her case it is slightly tempered by both familiarity and uncertainty at what her presence at this event can possibly signify. Merula can almost see the cogs turning in Druvalia's mind - surely her daughter's dance tutor isn't important enough to have been invited, which means that she is here as someone's guest, and perhaps that person is powerful enough that it would be wise not to antagonize them...
"Dispute? There is no dispute here. The law is clear, and no one is above the law. Once this over-reaching clerk admits the self-evident truth, we can all move on, but not one moment sooner!" She seems on the verge of launching into yet another speech about Law and Principles and Governance, just as a senior castle aide hurriedly pushes his way through the crowd to her side. "Magistrate Tuttle, our deepest apologies, please come this way. No need to concern yourself with unworthy functionaries..." His words trail off into a murmur as he delicately steers her through a door, much to the relief of everyone in the entrance hall.
The much-berated clerk breathes out a shaky breath, blinking rapidly a few times as they refocus their attention to Audria and Merula. Clearing their throat, they gesture to the smooth glass ball. "Please place a hand on the orb. I will ask you some questions, please respond with 'yes' or 'no'. First question: do you intend to cause any harm to anyone at this event? Second question: do you wish to harm Queen Ileosa?"
Please note if any of you refuse to take the test, or if the test would indicate that you are lying about either of those questions. Otherwise we will assume that everyone passes the test and move on.

Audria |
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Audria breathes out a soft sigh of relief of her own. Dread Lord is right on the money, she decides after seeing the magistrate's ire a little too close for comfort. Turning her attention to the clerk and offers a kind smile.
"Of course," she says before obeying. Against the law or not, she feels that this is a rather complicated route to try and do anyone a mischief.
"No, I do not intend to cause any harm to anyone at this event," she answers before moving on to the next question. "No, I do not wish to harm Queen Illeosa."
A bit odd, isn't it? Wouldn't Her Majesty be included as someone at this event?
After answering the questions, she frowns slightly as she asks the clerk a question of her own.
"Are you alright?"
Audria is being truthful, but she will defend herself or others if someone wishes to cause them harm. I don't know if that will affect the results of the questioning.
A little while later...
When Merula and Audria are back with the others and Keyra, she gives them all a sheepish smile.
"Apologies, I suppose I shouldn't take someone with the moniker of Dread Lord so lightly. Thank you Merula for stepping in," she says before flinching as Talanaliel gently nips her ear.
"Darn right! That woman looked like she was ready to leave nothing but grease stains," the little thrush huffs.

Merula Antius |

Merula keeps her face blandly pleasant in the face of the magistrate's mingled scorn and calculation, giving nothing away. "Of course," she murmurs deferentially when the justice has finished speaking, with no real idea of what to say or do next. Fortunately, the arrival of the senior aide and the implication of special treatment makes further mollification unnecessary. By way of farewell, she simply bows her head in an entirely proper gesture that also holds a not-very-well-hidden relief. "Magistrate."
Miss Cordelinda's lesson next Moonday is certainly going to be... interesting.
After that, the prospect of allowing an unknown magic to affect her seems hardly frightening enough to rate a shudder, and Merula places her hand on the orb with only the barest hesitation. To both questions she returns a simple "No," exactly as instructed, and then it is over, and she is freed to return to their little group and await the others after their own questioning.
Merula half-smiles at Audria. "I will be very obliged if you do not repeat that nickname in her hearing. But in case you were wondering—" her eyes flick to the talking bird without surprise— "yes, it was earned because nothing less than total capitulation will do; or at least the appearance of it.
"I expect that Dendren fellow will depart once his delivery is made, and you can breathe easier, Mister Ooray," she adds kindly, recalling the other recent stressor. "Regardless, if he is down with the servants, I daresay he may not even find out you are here. We are guests, after all. Or we soon will be, I hope."

GM Harrow |
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The orb is smooth and a little cool to the touch. As both Audria and Merula answer the security questions, it flares with a gentle blue light, and the clerk nods.
At Audria's question, the clerk gives her a strained, thin smile. "Thank you for your concern, miss. I am just doing my duty." After that rather vague answer, they flick their eyes to the crowd of people still waiting to be tested, and the subtext is clear - they'd rather get on with it and be out of here as soon as possible.
Keyra Endrin and her governess Miss Mhartis are gestured forward to take the test as well, together with the rest of Audria and Merula's companions. The red-haired girl affects a completely bored manner as she places her hand on the orb, but observant eyes can notice a tiny crease between her eyebrows as she turns her back on the clerk after passing the test.
Abella, Pippip and Dal, please let me know if you refuse to take the test, or if your answers would be any cause for concern for the clerk.

Dalmano "Dal" Imperiosus |

“I get it,” Dal thought as he watched the Magistrate be guided from the room, “all of us crowded in here. In this little room.” Then he muttered, “Tiny, really.”
WHen it was his turn, Dal placed his palm on the orb and answered the questions truthfully. “No…no.”

Abella Tribastarion |
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Abella proudly steps forward and places her hand on the orb, answering truthfully that she intends no harm. She muses over the orb, wondering how exactly it works.
Knowledge (arcana): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7
She has absolutely no bloody idea, so she says nothing about it. She has a reputation to uphold, after all.
Abella puffs up her chest as she assumes the carriage and speech of a noble of somesort. ”You are merely doing your duty. Commendable, truly. Not enough people do their duties, nowadays. Why, so few even have duties! Disgraceful. That is why it is so important that we did our duty in bringing the Queen’s property back to her. As duty demands.”

Audria |

Knowledge(Religion, Untrained) Trying to see if she remembers a quick blessing to give the clerk: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3 That's a no. :P
Audria tries to think of some quick blessing she can do and finds herself feeling oddly like the first few times she looked a blank canvas.
"I, um? *Ahem* May Shelyn's love and beauty bless you," she says before being shuffled off to the side by those behind her. She looks to Brother Theolan and Jessica, silently praying neither of them heard her hasty attempt at trying to bless someone.
Of course, she is still in earshot of Abella to hear her impersonation of a noble, at least, she's mostly certain the other woman isn't trying to parody one. That doesn't stop her from having to suppress a laugh with an unlady-like "snerk."
"Well, Lady Keyra," Audria says quietly once she's sure that she has her voice under control as they wait on the others to be processed. "We may not be part of Miss Merula's troupe, but I do hope you'll find us entertaining, nonetheless."

GM Harrow |
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The beleaguered clerk looks at Pippip with something that is not quite a stare. "Perhaps you are but recently arrived to the city. There were some... incidents earlier, so we take the safety of everyone in the castle very seriously." They incline their head in acknowledgement to Abella, a seemingly automated response, until something snags their attention.
"My lady? The Queen's property?" Eyebrows raised questioningly over brown eyes speckled with green.
I believe this is the first time the brooch has been alluded to in front of someone connected to the castle, correct me if I'm wrong.
Meanwhile, those who have passed the test are ushered by a castle guard through another door, one by one.
For those allowing themselves to be led through the door:
Beyond, a smaller room has been converted into some manner of checkpoint. The guests' bags and purses, as well as their contents, are inspected by a guard while another does a visual appraisal of the clothes, accessories and jewelry the guests are currently wearing. Open boxes are set on a long table to the side, and the objects inside have labels attached with short lengths of string, indicating today's date and a name. The items seem to be what the guards are considering too potentially dangerous to allow beyond this point - ceremonial daggers, long hairpins, one or two especially pointy pendants, several long scarves, even rings that are particularly large.
Keyra Endrin stares straight ahead as Audria murmurs to her, chin raised. Putting on a very exaggerated upper class accent, the girl does not bother to keep her voice down. "Why, ah expect nothing less, it is after all yoor doohty to entertain yoor bettahs. And we all must do ouhr doohty. No one is above the doohty." She makes 'duty' sound like 'dirty', and manages to keep a straight face for all of three seconds before dissolving in a fit of giggles while Miss Mhartis sighs long-sufferingly behind her.

Merula Antius |

Merula gives the long-suffering Miss Mhartis a sympathetic glance and waits with interest to see if Abella will produce the flyer and brooch.

Dalmano "Dal" Imperiosus |
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“More security? Cayden’s balls! This better be the best party ever,” Dal grumbled as he turned out his pockets. He scooped up his familiar and placed the cat on the table. “Don’t forget to check this one’s vest,” Dal said with a grin. “I’ve seen him hide bits of food before.”

Audria |

Audria hands over Pockets when Dal comes for him, and Talanaliel sighs in relief. She doesn't last much longer than Keyra at keeping a straight face.
"But milady," she says while trying to stifle her own giggles, "however will we do our doohty if you keep doing it for us?"
Talanaliel does a surprisingly good impression of Miss Mhartis as the two girls devolve into snickers.
When it comes time for Audria's belongs to be inspected, she feels a little uncomfortable about pulling out both of the holy symbols around her neck and hesitates to take them off if asked or told to, though she does comply after a moment. Her pack contains her spare change of clothing (Artisan's Outfit reflavored as a not as nice set of robes); her clerical vestments for ceremonial purposes, just in case; a neatly organized drawing set with pencils, ink pens, and a small pen knife for making nibs and sharpening her pencils; and her sketchbook. Looking over what's being confiscated, she has a sinking feeling that she's going to be improvising for her morning prayers tomorrow and however long they stay as Queen Illeosa's guests.

Abella Tribastarion |

Abella laughs haughtily at the question about the Queen’s property. ”Why of course! That is why we are here, darling.” She does not produce the brooch, but pats her bag where it would be. ”We are being recognized for our dedication to duty.”
She takes the inspection happily. If anything, she finds it flattering to be treated as such a potential threat. Respect has not exactly been something she has gotten a great deal of in her life, so she will take a little fear.

Merula Antius |

"Perhaps we will have to become Dread Lords, whose duty it is to entertain everyone," Merula murmurs, with the tiniest suggestion of a smile playing at the corners of her mouth.
When the time comes, she hands over the hatbox containing the bronze combs, silk wrap, new slippers and gloves to be inspected without turning a hair.

GM Harrow |
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In the smaller room, the female guard inspecting Audria does not touch her holy symbols, and inclines her head in respect. The pen knife is taken out, labeled, and placed in one of the boxes of confiscated items, but all her other belongings are returned to her and the guards gesture that she may leave.
Merula's outfit and the contents of her hatbox are found to be unthreatening, and she quickly joins Audria in a large hall whose main features are the open ceiling that reveals the polished balustrade of a balcony thirty feet above, and a theatrical stage on a wooden platform along the southwestern wall. A colonnade along the room's perimeter supports the balcony. There is no seating anywhere, so if there is to be a performance later it will be either to a standing audience, or perhaps chairs and benches will be placed here later. Those who have already passed through the security gauntlet are milling around, some of them admiring the frescoes on the walls depicting pastoral and woodland scenes replete with nymphs, naiads and dryads. Keyra Endrin, Miss Mhartis, Brother Theolan, Jessica L'moire are also in the room, together with about a dozen others.
When Dal's turn comes, one of the guards reaches towards Pockets's vest as suggested, only for the cat's flattened ears and low growl to make him reconsider. "Er, looks fine to me. Enjoy the festivities, sir." Pip's food hoard is examined with bemusement, but other than an old loaf that has hardened to the point where it could be conceivably used as a bludgeoning weapon, he is also waved through without further inconvenience.
Abella's outfit gets only a perfunctory scan - between the tightness and the sheerness there aren't many places where she could conceal something dangerous. As her bag is being inspected, one of the guards freezes, then slowly takes out the ornate imp and housedrake brooch and stares at Abella. "Madam, are you aware that this is a stolen item?" The other guard raises her head from where she is scribbling a label for Pip's petrified bread product, sudden tension in her posture.
Audria, Dal, Merula and Pip are in the stage room. Abella is still going through security.

Audria |

Pip's food hoard is examined with bemusement, but other than an old loaf that has hardened to the point where it could be conceivably used as a bludgeoning weapon, he is also waved through without further inconvenience....The other guard raises her head from where she is scribbling a label for Pip's petrified bread product...
I read that and immediately thought of this scene.
Somewhat surprised that only the pen knife is taken, Audria is nonetheless happy to have most of her drawing kit with her. She thanks the guards before following the others through the door.
She's hiding the abalone holy symbol down the neck of her shirt when she has a thought. Rejoining Keyra Endrin, she begs her handler's pardon before turning her attention back to the young daughter of the Sable Company's commander.
"Miss Keyra, would you happen to know of a Miss Estoya Fulce? I and some friends and acquaintances found something that belongs to her among some other stolen property. I was wondering if you knew who she is so we could return it to her."
A little while later...
Audria moves next to Pip as she wanders aimless about admiring the artistry on display in the grand chamber.
"So, how much of that came from your escapade just a little while ago," she asks him, curious if he had room for anything else in his pack-turned-pantry.

Abella Tribastarion |
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Abella sighs and rolls her eyes. ”Yes, it was stolen by a criminal who we brought to a well-deserved end and then immediately alerted the constabulary that we found it. Our invitation tonight was *because* we found it, so that we could return it in-person. Does nobody tell you anything? Do you think I would have been openly talking about it right here in front of all of you otherwise? Does anyone tell you anything? Or does important information just leak out of your heads like lukewarm butter?”

Merula Antius |
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Okay, so if I'm understanding this right, Merula now has gone through the clothes-and-gear checkpoint and into the room with the stage, so that she won't be in the way. I think I know which token is meant to be Merula on the roll20 map, but I can't control or move it. However, if I'm right about who is who, she's only twenty feet away through an open door, so she probably has a very good chance to overhear Abella still talking to the guard.
Perception vs. DC 2 (0 for hearing details of a conversation, +2 for 20' distance): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
Merula turns after hearing one of the guards behind them say stolen item in a stern tone. Hiding her alarm, she walks unhurriedly back to the doorway just past the checkpoint, in time to hear Abella's response in full.
Placing one hand on the doorway, she remarks lightly, "Did you send word to anyone officially that you would be bringing along this mysterious found jewel, Miss Tribastarion?" Merula can know only the basic outline of the story as potentially related by Audria, but she can certainly lend credibility to Abella's words by treating the brooch's existence and their innocent plan to return it as common knowledge. "Perhaps it slipped Brother Theolan's mind in all the excitement when responding to this invitation. He was not involved in the doubtless heroic circumstances surrounding its recovery, correct? And I understand that the reward promised by the flyer was tantalizingly vague. It may be that he did not know of its importance."
If a Diplomacy roll to soothe any ruffled feathers would be in order here, please let me know, GM. In-character, Abella might have convinced herself otherwise, but to my knowledge, the return of the brooch was not the reason any of us were invited to the castle, and the only representative of the constabulary who definitely knows we possess it and the circumstances around that is the single Korvosan Guardsman who accompanied us into the jeweler's shop, where we explained the whole situation. No one has declared notifying any city or royal official of anything beyond that. It's not unreasonable to assume that the guardsman might have reported up the chain of command that the brooch had been found, but it's also not unreasonable if he did not, or if that news didn't make its way to royal ears yet; we didn't ask him to do anything and the Guard has been rather busy lately.

Abella Tribastarion |
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Abella is just being a b$+%+, that’s all. She’s been very nice for a while and I needed to remind myself that she’s actually *also * an arrogant, condescending ass who has a lot of work to go on fixing that.
Abella folds her arms as Merula begins speaking. In fairness, she probably should have considered that this information would not have gone up the chain. But by every god and every hell, this is supposed to be her moment of recognition! She is finally being appreciated by someone other than her sister for the first time in her life, and this guard wants to take that from her? How dare he?

Audria |
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Because I'm worried that this is going to be a mess otherwise with me posting out of order like this. Also, I can't move my token either. Adam W. on Roll20
- Party sans Abella get escorted to the grand hall.
- Abella has her tings searched. Attendant finds the Psuedodragon and imp brooch
- Merula comes to Abella's aid.
- Audria hears the commotion and sees Merula heading back into the baggage check
- Dealing with the stolen brooch issue
- The scene with Keyra Endrin
- The scene with Pip
Perception DC 3?: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
Audria hears the commotion and turns around just as Merula makes her way back to the area where they are checking everyone's things. She squeezes up next to Abella and waits for a chance to chime in.
"A thousand apologies," she says with a curtsey and a bow of her head. "It seems in all of the excitement we neglected to send word about recovering the brooch. We learned of the reward from Mister Gladiorus Nizlasty, proprietor of The Eye of the Peacock. He also verified the authenticity of the piece, and he should be able to corroborate our story. Abella here found it among the ill-gotten gains of a monstrous man named Gaedren Lamm after we ran across him and his cronies," she explains, choosing her words carefully at the end to avoid causing more trouble. She manages a very pleasant smile and a suitably apologetic tone.
"Again, A thousand apologies for the confusion and please, forgive our oversight. Brother Theolan would not have neglected to inform Castle Korvosa if we had not forgotten to mention this to him."
All the while, she can feel Talanaliel's displeasure through their link. She only hoped that she hadn't messed up like she had when first meeting Abella and Shrike in Zellara's home. She'd gotten an earful the next morning about how lying was not something she should be doing as one of Shelyn's chosen. She's certain she'll be hearing an amendment to that when they are in private.
Bluff for obfuscation? She's not trying to lie, but also trying to not make it sound like we hunted the man down: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17
Diplomacy (Talanaliel's in arm's reach): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28

GM Harrow |
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In the security line
The two guards look affronted at Abella's insults, but also a little concerned that something important was overlooked in the chaos. They waver uncertainly as Merula, and then Audria intervene in an attempt to clarify the matter.
2d20 ⇒ (6, 10) = 16
Without taking his eyes off Abella, one of the guards returns the brooch to her. "Well, alright then. Please wait in the next room." The other guard says to him, "I'll go get the captain," but the first makes a halting motion as he ushers everyone else out of the small room.
Audria and Keyra
The young noblewoman's eyes go wide as she hears the name. "You don't know who she is? Oh, she's wonderful! Very Chelaxian name, but don't let that fool you, I hear she's half-Varisian and half-Qadiran. She does these incredible tattoos, just... absolutely superb line work, and the colours!" Warming up to the subject, Keyra begins to describe a design that she apparently wanted to get for herself, "...but of course father wouldn't hear of it, and he said- well, nevermind what he said. Anyway, Estoya is amazing, she was in Korvosa for Crystalhue last year, I hear she's in Kaer Maga now, I think."
The issue of the brooch
The group do not have to wait long before the female security guard returns, accompanied by a striking figure. Heads turn as she strides through the crowd that parts before her. Her full plate is clearly a custom piece, fitting her body perfectly, with swirling designs etched into its polished surface, crimson leather and padded cloth visible wherever the metal does not cover. A scarlet cloak billows behind her, and she holds a visored helmet under her arm, with a great carmine plume trailing from its crest. The hilt of a greatsword is visible from a scabbard strapped to her back. Her pale features are sharp, the sweeping curve of her jaw terminating in a pointed chin, her nose long and straight. The full, dark lips and the large brown eyes under elegantly arched brows offset somewhat the severe effect of her closely-cropped brown hair.
She stops in front of Abella, clicking her heels together and offering a small, stiff bow. "Good day, milady. I am Sabina Merrin, the queen's bodyguard and captain of the guard in Castle Korvosa. I understand that you have in your possession an item that you wish to return to Her Majesty. Please follow me." Her gaze shifts to Audria and Merula, then to anyone who looks like they might be part of the group. "Your friends as well."
Without waiting for a response, she turns on her heel and begins to stride back the way she came, towards a door set to the right of the stage. As she reaches the door, she stops with her gauntleted hand on the knob. "How do you all wish to be announced to Her Majesty?"

Audria |
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An Audience with the Queen, Part 1
Perception DC 12: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24 Hot dang! Anything else for a Nat 20?
Audria listens to the two guards and frowns in concern. She could understand why they'd have nightmares. She's grateful that she hasn't had her own yet after the fight in the alley with Embercat, or whatever her name is, and seeing Lamm and his cronies strung up like gutted fish. That isn't the only reason for her sympathy, though. It was a miscommunication on Abella's and her part, not theirs. She wanted to tell them as much, but couldn't find a way to before they ushered her out.
Audria feels a little sheepish as Keyra describes the woman. No wonder the girl was surprised. Audria should have known who she was, but there was that incident that lend to her spending last Crystalhue in bed sick.
"I regret I apparently missed her. She sounds like a wonderful artist. I suppose I'll have to hang onto her holy symbol a little while longer, at least until I can convince Brother Theolan to let me travel that far." Audria says. She hesitates a moment before continuing with another question. "Your father is Captain Endrin, commander of the Sable Company Marines, yes? Mister Batholomew speaks well of him. I can imagine what he said when you mentioned getting a tattoo to him. Probably something along the lines of being far too young and far too pretty to mar you skin that way."
An Audience with the Queen, Part 2
Audria, seeing the woman's gaze fall on then Merula decides that she might better grab Pip and Dal. She excuses herself from her conversation with Keyra and gathers up the halfling tutor and the hedge magician. Her heart races as she follows along behind the stern-looking woman. The armor did not help. A cold shiver runs down her spine as she imagines what it must look like when the helmet is donned.
Her musings on what kind of person would choose something that had to be designed to intimidate come to a halt as they are asked how they wish to be introduced. How does one introduce an orphan to royalty? She has no surname, patronym, family name, or titles. She could, technically speaking, say she is "Audria of the Eternal Rose," but even with her elevation to the clergy, it feels like she is putting on airs. She shifts uncomfortably as she tries to think of something besides just calling herself Audria.
Eliana had once said she didn't mind if Audria used her surname. At the time, Audria had protested, saying it felt like she was trying to claim something she hadn't earned or deserved. Eliana, though, had insisted that Audria was her sister, by act if not by blood. After all, she'd stepped in to save Eliana from Lamm, and nothing had changed since that day or that conversation. And if Eliana heard about it, maybe she would see that Audria hadn't forgotten her with the chaos going on.
After a moment of hesitation, one where the others have plenty of time to say how they'd like to be introduced and see Audria's conflicting emotions, she looks up and steadies her nerves as she makes up her mind.
"C-could you introduce me as Audria Lumina, Sister in the service of the Eternal Rose?"

Merula Antius |
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DC 12 Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
Once Abella has been ushered into the next room, Merula returns to where she was standing before to wait with the others.
"Miss Keyra, would you happen to know of a Miss Estoya Fulce? I and some friends and acquaintances found something that belongs to her among some other stolen property. I was wondering if you knew who she is so we could return it to her."
The young noblewoman's eyes go wide as she hears the name. "You don't know who she is? Oh, she's wonderful! Very Chelaxian name, but don't let that fool you, I hear she's half-Varisian and half-Qadiran. She does these incredible tattoos, just... absolutely superb line work, and the colours!" Warming up to the subject, Keyra begins to describe a design that she apparently wanted to get for herself, "...but of course father wouldn't hear of it, and he said- well, nevermind what he said. Anyway, Estoya is amazing, she was in Korvosa for Crystalhue last year, I hear she's in Kaer Maga now, I think."
"I regret I apparently missed her. She sounds like a wonderful artist. I suppose I'll have to hang onto her holy symbol a little while longer, at least until I can convince Brother Theolan to let me travel that far." Audria says. She hesitates a moment before continuing with another question. "Your father is Captain Endrin, commander of the Sable Company Marines, yes? Mister Bartholomew speaks well of him. I can imagine what he said when you mentioned getting a tattoo to him. Probably something along the lines of being far too young and far too pretty to mar your skin that way."
"My father said, 'If you still want the same thing in a year, then you can have it done,'" Merula observes idly. "And of course by then, I didn't. And his point was made. Not that I do not admire the artform, but it would have to be a rare piece indeed, that I should like to see it every day for the rest of my life. I become bored walking the same route to work two days in a row."
She smiles a little, amused by a passing thought. Not that we did not fight about my appearance. While what she had said was true, her loss of interest had also had much to do with the fact that by fifteen she had seen her first blood in combat during the annual summer stay with Malaniethar and Kethindiel, who honed their bodies into weapons. The unadorned truth of her aunt and grandmother's sun-weathered skin over sinewy muscle was more beautiful than any painting or self-decoration.
For a long time after that summer she had insisted on going everywhere in her undersized leather armor, even sleeping in it, as they often did, unmoved by either the consternation it caused in the household or the tears and head-aches from Mamma. It had stopped only when Papa, ever the diplomat, had negotiated city-appropriate dress for a single formal event, in exchange for going to his family earlier and staying longer the next year. The stark difference in how she had been treated at that party had infuriated her all the more because even she could see that he had been right. But he had only said, "The right clothes and adornments can be as important a tool as armor, joy of my heart. To control how we are seen is to control the reactions of others."
An Audience with the Queen
By purest habit, Merula returns the armored woman's bow with its equivalent in a graceful courtesy. (Only if Dal, Pip, Brother Theolan, Jessica and any other Sanctuary of Shelyn party members are included in Sabina Merrin's look) She trails after the businesslike Captain Merrin along with the other members of the Shelynite party, her hatbox tucked under one arm. The captain's scars impress her more than the eyecatching armor: despite her apparent youth, this is clearly not someone to be trifled with. Although it is odd that a queen's bodyguard would ever have scars in the first place, rather than having her injuries tended instantly by the queen's healers. Perhaps she wasn't always a bodyguard.
Lost in these thoughts, Merula appears momentarily thrown when the guard-captain asks for their names, but by the time the main body of the group has responded and it is her turn, she is able to say, "Merula Antius, if you please, Captain Merrin."

Audria |
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Audria laughs at Merula's observations. She can see how that could be true, but beneath the mirth, she wonders if there aren't other reasons for her to not want a tattoo. She pushes the thoughts aside, not wanting to let her curiosity betray her friend's confidence in her.
"Eliana and I never really considered it, at least not after we found out how much it hurts," the young paladin says. "I imagine creating them takes a steady hand and nerves of iron. At least whenever I mess up an ink drawing, it's only a single page that suffers, and I can rip it out and hide it somewhere. If you mess up a tattoo, it's on that person's skin for the rest of their life. It's not like you can rip it off and start over."

GM Harrow |
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She nods at Merula. "That's... actually not a bad point. I'll think about it." Seemingly eager to shift the topic away from her father, Keyra leans in a little, her voice lowered. "You know whose designs I would never get though? Yvos Tanguany. Have you ever seen anything of his? They make my skin crawl."

Dalmano "Dal" Imperiosus |
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“What’s the rush?” Dal asked as he stumbled behind Audira. For a kid, she was surprisingly strong and had nearly pulled Dal off his feet when she grabbed him by his arm.
Then he spotted the woman in the red and silver armor. “Oh. That’s the rush,” he muttered.
“Introduced to the queen?” Dal scratched the back of his head then snapped his fingers when the idea came to him.
“Dalmano Imperiosus, servant to Korvosa and her disadvantaged peoples.” Dal nodded as if agreeing with himself.
“Oh,” Dal looked down at Pockets. “And his faithful familiar, Pockets.”

Talanaliel |
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"You're not going to introduce the cat, are you," Talanaliel asks Sabina. The way the little thrush says cat makes it sound like a curse. She glares at Pockets before turning her attention back to Sabina.
"If you are, then please introduce me as Talanaliel, Servant of Shelyn, the Eternal Rose, and Mentor of Audria Lumina," she requests with all of the majesty a three ounce bird full of indignation, righteous or not, could muster.
The Player would like to note that Talanaliel's opinions are not his own. He rather likes cats, and for that matter dogs, bunnies, and other fluffy and furry critters.

Abella Tribastarion |
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Abella completely loses all fight in her the moment she sees Sabina. She has never seen a more ravishingly handsome woman in her entire life. Her mind is overtaken with images of this stalwart armored woman pressing her against a wall and having her way. ”A-A-Abella. Tribas…tarion.” She is too entranced by this beauty to even retreat to her thoughts. Every synapse must be focused on feasting on this Sabina’s presence, recording every single movement and angle and curve and expression for posterity. She is bewitched.

Merula Antius |
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At Audria's question about her father, Keyra nods with a little sigh. "Yes, he is my father. He actually didn't say those things, he said that..." She hesitates again, glancing at Audria, then away, clearly embarrassed. "He said, ' tattoos are for moths and h-horsers'." She blushes crimson, hurriedly adding, "I don't agree with him, or- or those words he uses. He still holds a grudge from a million years ago, all those wars with the Shoanti."
She nods at Merula. "That's... actually not a bad point. I'll think about it." Seemingly eager to shift the topic away from her father, Keyra leans in a little, her voice lowered. "You know whose designs I would never get though? Yvos Tanguany. Have you ever seen anything of his? They make my skin crawl."
Knowledge (Local) - Yvos Tanguany?: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18
Merula makes a sympathetic grimace but does not comment on Commander Endrin's words. Doesn't he know that nothing is likelier to cement a rebellious thirteen-year-old's interest in something than declaring it the province of outcasts and barbarians? What is forbidden and looked down upon is only the more romantic for it. Poor strategy, Commander.While she knows the slang term 'moth' is at most mildly derogatory and can be neutral or complimentary in some contexts — Junie, who is proud to be at least as much Varisian as Chelaxian, uses it without a qualm to refer to full-blooded Varisians, especially those who travel in the traditional nomadic caravans — the same cannot be said for 'horser,' which is only ever used in scorn for the Shoanti of the steppes and carries a strong connotation of bestiality that puts it out of bounds in polite company. Junie would never let it pass her lips for this reason, though she disapproves strongly of the Shoanti. It is used by Korvosans of every class and ethnicity, however: Varisian and Chelaxian, rich and poor, united in common disdain for their poorly understood and oft-warring neighbors. Well, if Hommel and Brekka ever actually opens now, after all the unrest, I will offer Lady Keyra and her father free tickets, and perhaps his heart will be moved. But I doubt it.
Respecting the girl's desire to change the subject, she thinks about Keyra's question. The name 'Yvos Tanguany' is unusual enough that she would probably remember if had she heard it before.
"C-could you introduce me as Audria Lumina, Sister in the service of the Eternal Rose?"
"Dalmano Imperiosus, servant to Korvosa and her disadvantaged peoples. [...] And his faithful familiar, Pockets."
"You're not going to introduce the cat, are you," Talanaliel asks Sabina. The way the little thrush says cat makes it sound like a curse. She glares at Pockets before turning her attention back to Sabina. "If you are, then please introduce me as Talanaliel, Servant of Shelyn, the Eternal Rose, and Mentor of Audria Lumina," she requests with all of the majesty a three ounce bird full of indignation, righteous or not, could muster.
"A-A-Abella. Tribas…tarion."
Merula's lips twitch, but she stays well behind Audria and the clearly tongue-tied Abella. She whispers to Pip, "No one told me we were all doing titles. Now what should mine be? 'Merula Antius, Dance and Proprieties Instructor to the Gentry.' 'Merula Antius, Understudy to the Second Principal Lead in the Not-Yet-Produced Theatrical Masterpiece Hommel and Brekka.' 'Merula Antius, Just Along For The Ride.'"

Audria |
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Sorry, I apparently started a trend. :P
At Audria's question about her father, Keyra nods with a little sigh. "Yes, he is my father. He actually didn't say those things, he said that..." She hesitates again, glancing at Audria, then away, clearly embarrassed. "He said, ' tattoos are for moths and h-horsers'." She blushes crimson, hurriedly adding, "I don't agree with him, or- or those words he uses. He still holds a grudge from a million years ago, all those wars with the Shoanti."
Audria can see the distress Keyra shows, and while she's dismayed that someone that Bartholomew thinks so highly of would use those terms, she doesn't see the use in blaming the young girl for it either.
"Relax," she tells Keyra with a smile. "I'm not offended. I don't think I'd agree with your father, either, but that doesn't mean I can't understand where his feelings come from. Besides, milady," Audria's smile turns into a grin, "If I was, I could always have Tallyfeather here make my displeasure known."
The little thrush gives Audria a look that would put any governess to shame.
"Buuuut, since I'm not, I won't."
She nods at Merula. "That's... actually not a bad point. I'll think about it." Seemingly eager to shift the topic away from her father, Keyra leans in a little, her voice lowered. "You know whose designs I would never get though? Yvos Tanguany. Have you ever seen anything of his? They make my skin crawl."
Audria shakes her head and looks to Merula to see if the name was familiar to her.
"I can't say that I have," she says, pitching her voice to match Keyra's, "Merula?"
Maybe Jessica would know something. Other than her, Trinia, and Miss Olga, I don't know a lot of artists and artisans outside of the priesthood that well.

GM Harrow |
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Moving us on, hopefully you don't mind Pip. Also, I accidentally left out part of Sabina Merrin's description, which Merula caught on!
An Audience with the Queen
The scarred face of Sabina Merrin, bodyguard to the Queen, remains motionless as the names and titles are given to her. She nods once, then opens the door. Beyond, there is a short, narrow corridor leading to another door that Sabina opens as well. Beyond that... the senses tend to get a little overwhelmed.
The Queen's private sitting room is a riot of colours, scents and textures. It is clear that the taste that decorated it is at odds with what little they saw of the castle so far - no statues or portraits or martial displays of banners and weapons. Instead, the room is crowded with items that would put to shame the showroom of a merchant specializing in exotic goods. The marble floor is carpeted with thick rugs bearing intricate designs of birds and flowers in red, green, blue, yellow, the shapes outlined in black and the edges bursting into white tassels. Fragrant smoke rises from silver incense burners, their filigree so fine that it rivals the best quality lace. One wall is covered in open fans made from a dozen materials or more - paper, feathers, ivory, precious metals, silk, tortoise shell, wood - all of them either intricately carved or luxuriantly painted. The dark-lacquered furniture is inlaid with abalone, the designs depicting unknown plants, strange creatures or village scenes where both the architecture and the people look very foreign.
The queen herself is opposite the door, half-seated on the embrasure of a narrow window on a velvet cushion. She is wearing a long dress of lavishly embroidered emerald green silk, a slim sheath that flares out at the bottom to pool on the floor, like an inverted flower. The high, straight collar hugs Her Majesty's throat, and the slit sleeves flow almost to the ground in diaphanous layers. Her auburn hair is intricately braided and pinned up with jeweled combs and hairpins, completing the image of delicate and exquisite beauty.
Sabina Merrin walks halfway into the room, stopping between Queen Ileosa and the group. Her gaze fixed to the opposite wall, she announces everyone with a clear, sonorous voice. "Abella Tribastarion, Your Majesty. Her companions, Merula Antius; Audria Lumina, Sister in the service of the Eternal Rose; her mentor, Talanaliel, Servant of Shelyn, the Eternal Rose; Dalmano Imperiosus, servant to Korvosa and her disadvantaged peoples, and his faithful familiar, Pockets; Pip's introduction."
The queen smiles radiantly. "Devotees of the Eternal Rose! I do so love the arts." She inclines her head to Dal. "And I am a servant to Korvosa as well. It is beyond painful to see our beloved city suffer, at odds with itself and grappling with such enormous loss." She pauses, her gaze unfocused as her chin dips and she sighs. "Still, in these very trying times, knowing that there are upstanding citizens like yourselves brings me such joy and hope for the future." She rallies from whatever darker mood stole over her for a moment, shifting her gaze to take in everyone standing in front of her, landing on Abella in the end.

Audria |
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Sense Motive on Abella: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11
Audria raises an eyebrow, not sure what to make of Abella's current tongue-tied state at least until she sees the blush and the look she's giving Sabina Merrin. Then her other eyebrow rises to join its fellow.
And she was calling me Lovebird, the Shelynite thinks as she tries not to grin. I do believe you are smitten, Miss Tribastarion.
Of course, the smugness only lasts as long as it takes for them to be escorted into the Queen's chambers. The amount of skill, artistry, and just plain beauty on display stuns Audria as she tries, and fails, not to look around and take it all in. Sabina's introductions are enough to snap her back to reality and she can feel her cheeks heating up as she feels that sense of not fitting in return even more strongly than before. She'd heard stories of the queen's beauty, and seeing it in person for the first time, she finds that descriptions fall short of reality.
Audria gives the Queen a curtsey when introduced. Her lips twitch as she hears the Queen call them all followers of Shelyn, but she figures that if anyone wants to correct Her Majesty, they'll do so. She isn't brave enough to try. She glances over at Abella when it becomes clear that Queen Illeosa is expecting the mage to take the lead.

Merula Antius |
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"I can't say that I have," she says, pitching her voice to match Keyra's, "Merula?"
Merula frowns thoughtfully and murmurs, "Yvos Tanguany... what, that ex-Acadamae student whose post-academic activities are so unmentionable in polite society, except in hushed allusion? I have heard of him, but no more than that. Failed Acadamae students are a silver shield the dozen, after all. I had no notion he was an artist of any kind, and never quite learned just what was so shocking about him." Yet the keen interest in her eyes indicates that she would learn it now, if Keyra should be inclined to a little gossip.
The way is shorter than she expected, and it startles Merula to be led into the royal presence without further ado and with no other attendants or guards apparent in the room except Captain Merrin. They have all been through the security procedures, but still: Queen Ileosa must trust this single bodyguard with her safety implicitly.
When the Captain introduces them to the Queen, Merula sinks into a deep and graceful courtesy, which she holds until they are acknowledged by Her Majesty before rising. She steals glances enough at the Queen from beneath her lashes to see that if anything, the stories about her ravishing beauty do not do her justice. But mostly she tries to keep her eyes modestly cast down and avoid drawing attention to herself while taking in what she can. Mamma will want to know every detail.
The amount of splendor in this one small space approaches the overwhelming. Everything in the room, from the rich furnishings to the Queen's exquisite tailoring to the fragrance of the incense-perfumed air, speaks of an expensive and exotic taste that can only be Her Majesty's own, if its contrast with the rest of the castle is any guide. She would not say it speaks of good taste to flaunt a love of every fine thing money can buy in front of ordinary citizens while the blood of quelled riots is still wet in the streets, but it does seem like the sort of thing that the overindulged and childish woman Ileosa is rumored to be would not think twice about doing. Likewise, it shows poor judgement, or a lack of consideration for appearances, or both, to speak of the city's 'enormous loss' while wearing no black at all, but a fortune in emerald silk.
But then, most in Korvosa would say it is the privilege of a monarch to rule and protect her people, not to feed and clothe them. The quelled riots are in some sense the queen living up to her new responsibilities; charity is the proper role of the churches of merciful gods, not the state. And she cannot blame this young, beautiful woman for failing to mourn the dissipated old man she had been married to as a girl practically fresh out of the schoolroom. In her position, Merula would likely feel as though she had been granted a second chance at life.

Pippip Ooray |

Pip returns from some more conversations with the castle staff. Once again, he found that the mannerisms of a servant were easy to fall back into.
"Master Ooray, free halfling will be sufficient for my introduction."

Abella Tribastarion |
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Abella follows after Sabina in a daze, to the point she hardly realizes that they have entered the Queen’s sitting room. The perfumes and scents finally rouse her, and as she finally understands where she is and who she stands before, she is ready to throw herself upon her sword in shame at her dewey-eyed mooning. But she has dealt with worse embarrassments, worse pains. She straightens her back as she tries to recover her dignity. She nods as her name is introduced, throwing in a little bow and flick of her wrist.
As soon as the queen finishes commending them, Abella falls to a kneel. She is no actress like her sister, not able to ply sweet words and twist herself into performances. Save one: that of the role she needed to survive those years in Nidal. The first thing every noble wants is obedience, the second deference, the third humility. And for a royal? Tenfold of each. ”You truly honor us with your magnanimity, Your Highness. When we reported our find to the guard, we had hardly dreamed that we would be graced with your presence, much less your kind words.” She produces the brooch and bows her head.
Even as she bows her head in supplication, she imagines herself in the queen’s place, being attended to by that gorgeous hunk of a woman. One day. One day she will be respected as she deserves. Each rock along my road, I shall take them all to build my castle.

Dalmano "Dal" Imperiosus |

Dal stiffened when Merrin began to announce their little group. At the mention of his own name, he hinged at the hips in what could be considered a bow, one from someone unaccustomed to being in a position of needing to bow. Pockets, Dal noted, simply licked his hindquarters.
"And I am a servant to Korvosa as well. It is beyond painful to see our beloved city suffer, at odds with itself and grappling with such enormous loss."
At this, Dal nodded in agreement though he could not help but once again find himself questioning the reasoning behind hosting a ball while the city was still in the midst of turmoil.
And when Abella dropped to a kneel, Dal looked at the others as if to ask “Should we do that too?” Until now, Abella had seemed such a confident and prideful woman. Maybe she knew something he did not?

Audria |

Audria returns look with one of utter ignorance. Royal protocol is one of those things she has no idea about.