GM Harrow’s Curse of the Crimson Throne - AE

Game Master GM Harrow

Map of Korvosa
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CG F Human ?? 5 | HP 40/40 | AC 14 (T 14 FF 10) | CMD 19 | Fort +2 Ref +7 Will +5 (+7 v. enchantment, +4 v. compulsions) | Init +10 | Perc. +8/+10 (dim light/darkness) | Conditions: none | Harrow Points: 6

Merula catches Dal's glance and shakes her head ever so slightly. While it is not offensive to fall to one's knees before the monarch for any reason or none at all, it is not required either. She does not know what Abella is thinking with this surprising show of overawed gratitude and humility, though she is reasonably certain from all her other words and behavior that it is false. I hope the others can remember the Queen's correct title at least! It should be 'Your Majesty,' not 'Your Highness' or 'Your Grace,' for she is a queen regnant now. No doubt many people will be making that mistake for the next little while, until we all adjust to King Eodred's death.

Merula would know and do whatever the correct etiquette thing here is, and she shared that knowledge with Audria and anyone else who was worried about exactly this moment as a brief etiquette lesson back at the Sanctuary of Shelyn, since that was officially the reason for her being there at all. So, if it is actually right to kneel like Abella, strike this post and she'll be doing that. I think Abella is being over the top on purpose though.


Yeah Abella doesn’t actually have knowledge (nobility) atm so she doesn’t know. She’s just using the strategy she used when she was enslaved by Nidalese nobles and groveling as much as she can to make up for not *actually* knowing the protocol well. Since we left all that discussion more abstract, I just went for something.

Female Human Paladin (Chosen One) 3/Fighter (Mobile Fighter) 2 HP: 46/46 NL: 0 | AC: 19/13/16 CMD: 21/18| F: +7 R: +5 W: +3 | Init: +3, Per: +7 | Smite: 1/1, LoH (1d6): 2/2 Arrows: 19 Holy Water: 2 Holy Weapon Balm: 2, Harrow Points: 8
HP: 23/23| AC: 18/16/16 CMD: 8/6 SR: 9| F: +4 R: +4 W: +7 | Init: +2, Per: +13 (Lowlight) | ToG: 1/1

Yup, Merula's right. This is the reason Audria wanted someone to help out with all of the fancy protocol stuff. Also, I just realized I left out some rather important words in my last post. Also, I hope that it's needless to say that Audria would do as she was taught by Merula, so attribute any gaffs to the player not knowing what he's doing rather than the character not knowing what she's doing.

Audria returns Dal's look with one of utter ignorance. Royal protocol is one of those things she has no idea about, and this situation wasn't covered in the abbreviated lesson that Merula had time to give.

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"Oh, my dear, please do not kneel! This is hardly a formal occasion." As Queen Ileosa addresses Abella, Sabina Merrin steps forward to take the proffered brooch and - should Abella begin to rise - to help her up to a standing position again.

Indeed, those who remember Merula's lessons from a few hours ago know that a curtsy or a bow are sufficient for such a semi-casual setting, and that 'Your Majesty' is indeed the appropriate form of address, although the queen does not seem to take offense at Abella's faux-pas.

Ileosa Arabasti examines the brooch handed to her by Sabina with a pensive, faraway look. "This was His Majesty's first gift to me after we were married. The clasp broke, and I sent one of my handmaidens to a jeweler to get it repaired, only it got stolen from her. I had not expected to see it again, and yet - here on my darkest day, you come before me with kindness. Returning this to me... it is much more than an honourable deed. It is inspiration. It is hope."

She runs a lacquered nail over the design, caressing the pseudodragon. "I know what they say about me. And though parts of it do not love me, I do love Korvosa, as my husband did before me. I will not see his legacy destroyed in death, and I shall not see my city torn apart." She raises her head, gazing intently at those before her. "This brooch is a symbol of Korvosa itself, and I choose to see in its return a symbol of what our city could be, if everyone conducted themselves with your grace and courage. You have done my heart a great service today. Thank you."

If no-one addresses her, or asks a question...

Her Majesty Queen Ileosa Arabasti inclines her head in farewell, then slides gracefully off the embrasure seat to disappear through a door to her right. Sabina's gaze follows her queen, then turns to Abella.

"A moment, please." The armoured woman takes a small silver casket from a side table nearby and formally presents it to the mage to take. "With Her Majesty's gratitude."

Sabina does not seem to require any great effort to handle the coffer, but its heft surprises Abella. Whatever is inside, it is very heavy for such a small container. "I shall escort you back to your friends. And... thank you."

If anyone wants to talk to the queen...


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Female Human Paladin (Chosen One) 3/Fighter (Mobile Fighter) 2 HP: 46/46 NL: 0 | AC: 19/13/16 CMD: 21/18| F: +7 R: +5 W: +3 | Init: +3, Per: +7 | Smite: 1/1, LoH (1d6): 2/2 Arrows: 19 Holy Water: 2 Holy Weapon Balm: 2, Harrow Points: 8
HP: 23/23| AC: 18/16/16 CMD: 8/6 SR: 9| F: +4 R: +4 W: +7 | Init: +2, Per: +13 (Lowlight) | ToG: 1/1

Audria curtseys again at Queen Illeosa's thanks.

"Your Majesty, may I speak freely, please," the paladin asks.

If Queen Illeosa agrees:

"Thank you, Your Majesty," she says with another curtsey. "If you wish to show all of Korvosa that you do love the city and her people, then I would show them that you care for their wellbeing. Abella found that in the lair of a petty crook and vile monster of an old man who has harmed us both. He is far from the only such blight hiding in the shadows and preying on those who do not have the strength to chase them off. He may no longer haunt the streets and threaten the children of Korvosa, but there are others that still do and others still that demand coin lest they ruin the livelihoods of those they seek to leech off of. I've been blessed by Shelyn to live in comfort and safety for the past two years, but I have seen too much of what happens in Korvosa's shadows and alleys to forget, Your Majesty."

Audria's eyes fall to the toes of her boots for a moment as she recalls when she saw Lamm and his cronies strung up outside of the old fishery that was his hideout.

"The other day, I failed to show others the love and compassion that I have been shown and been called to show and give to others." She looks up, her eyes flashing with the colors of an iridescent rainbow. "Please, Your Majesty, you have so much more power than I will ever know. Please, do not make the same mistake that I made. You can do so much more for Korvosa than I ever could, than I could ever hope to do."

Realizing that she's stepped closer to the queen as she gives her plea, Audria blushes and feels the telltale prickles of heat on her scalp warning her of the dangers of getting too upset or embarrassed here. She quickly steps back to be in line with the others and bows her head.

"M-my apologies, Your Majesty. I am being too presumptuous. Please, forgive my rudeness for taking advantage of your generosity and time."

She stands still, her eyes on the toes of her boots as she waits for the inevitable rebuke.

If Queen Illeosa does not agree:

Audria bows her head and mutters an apology for taking up the queen's time. Exact contents depend on the nature of Queen Illeosa's denial/rebuke.

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CG F Human ?? 5 | HP 40/40 | AC 14 (T 14 FF 10) | CMD 19 | Fort +2 Ref +7 Will +5 (+7 v. enchantment, +4 v. compulsions) | Init +10 | Perc. +8/+10 (dim light/darkness) | Conditions: none | Harrow Points: 6
GM Harrow wrote:
"I know what they say about me. And though parts of it do not love me, I do love Korvosa, as my husband did before me. I will not see his legacy destroyed in death, and I shall not see my city torn apart." She raises her head, gazing intently at those before her. "This brooch is a symbol of Korvosa itself, and I choose to see in its return a symbol of what our city could be, if everyone conducted themselves with your grace and courage. You have done my heart a great service today. Thank you."

"Your Majesty is everything gracious and kind," Merula murmurs, and curtseys again in acknowledgement of the queen's thanks. Her sympathy for the young queen is steadily increasing. This eloquent speech is much more gracious and self-aware than she had expected, and the opposite of the rumors claiming her to be entitled and disdainful of her adopted city. Has someone been spreading them deliberately to discredit her? "A steady and compassionate hand is just what Korvosa needs. May all misconceptions be cured, and may Your Majesty's reign become as renowned as your love for her."

Halfling Bard (Arcane Duelist) 3; 24/24hp; Init +3; AC 17, Touch 14, FF 14; Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +6; +2 fear; Perception +7

Pip stays quiet as the others speak. He finds that those in power often have rumors spread about them no matter how they behave, and rumor tend to be negative.

He kept his eyes locked on her throughout the engagement, looking for any "tells" that may indicate she wasn't being honest.

Pip has a +6 for sense motive -- I like the 2e way of having them hidden and get false information. So, feel free to surprise him

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The queen gestures for Audria to speak. Even without looking at her, the paladin can feel Sabina's severe gaze upon her, and she has the feeling that the bodyguard does not approve of her forthrightness. Queen Ileosa listens, then inclines her head, a slight frown creasing her forehead.

"I hear you, my sweet child. The Guard has failed, at times, to uphold its obligations and fulfill its function. I aim to correct that."

She inclines her head at Merula's words, a kindly smile erasing her previous concerned expression.

Behind the beauty and the benevolent manner there is determination and resolve. Something in Audria's address has reached Her Majesty, and... pleased her? The queen seems sincere enough, the only thing she seems to be hiding is a certain frazzeldness, which with the recent events and her new responsibilities would be entirely understandable.

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Female Human Paladin (Chosen One) 3/Fighter (Mobile Fighter) 2 HP: 46/46 NL: 0 | AC: 19/13/16 CMD: 21/18| F: +7 R: +5 W: +3 | Init: +3, Per: +7 | Smite: 1/1, LoH (1d6): 2/2 Arrows: 19 Holy Water: 2 Holy Weapon Balm: 2, Harrow Points: 8
HP: 23/23| AC: 18/16/16 CMD: 8/6 SR: 9| F: +4 R: +4 W: +7 | Init: +2, Per: +13 (Lowlight) | ToG: 1/1

The prickling heat in Audria's scalp grows more intense as she can feel Sabina's gaze on her and the woman's growing disapproval as she speaks.

"Thank you, Your Majesty," Audria murmurs after the queen acknowledges her words, though being called a child by someone who couldn't be more than a half-dozen years older than her only makes the feeling of embarrassment more intense. She can feel Talanaliel's concern growing as she keeps her eyes down lest she do something else foolish or show how badly her cheeks are flushing.

Those paying attention to the young paladin can see her hair starting to grow just a little longer, no more than a fraction of an inch, but enough to notice compared to her small frame all the same.

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M NG Human (Chelaxian) Witch (Alley Witch) 3 | HP: 21/21 | AC: 13, T: 12, FF: 11) | CMB: +0, CMD: 12 | F: +4, R: +3, W: +4 | Init: +4 | Perc: +8 Sense Mot: +3[ut] | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: N/A | Harrow Points: 1

Dal glanced at Pip, noting the halfling's silence.

“Pip may just be the smartest one of us,” he thought. Then again, the ladies seemed to be making a decent enough impression on the queen. Perhaps the stories and rumors were just that after all?

"I hear you, my sweet child. The Guard has failed, at times, to uphold its obligations and fulfill its function. I aim to correct that."

And perhaps not. Something about that declaration caused Dal’s skin to turn to gooseflesh.

“If there is some way that we may be of service to further this goal,” Dal said, “please, Your Majesty, simply make it known.” He was not sure why he did not like the Queen’s comment yet…a chance to have aid from the very top. That was the dream.

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Halfling Bard (Arcane Duelist) 3; 24/24hp; Init +3; AC 17, Touch 14, FF 14; Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +6; +2 fear; Perception +7

Pip observes quietly and then puts his hands on Audria's arms inconspicuously from behind. He nods encouragingly as he meets her gaze, trying to give her a large smile.

Pip whispers in a low voice.


"Well done!"

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Audria, Keyra and Merula:
Keyra looks flustered, and briefly hides her face in her hands. "Oh, I shouldn't have brought him up! This is the politest of societies, and I can just picture the queen walking up behind me just as I describe his most scandalous piece." She shakes her head, barely suppressing laughter. "I can tell you some other time, if you really want to know."

An audience with the Queen

We'll backtrack if Abella wants to add anything to this scene.

The queen's gaze shifts from Audria to Dalmano as the latter speaks up. "I will. I hope your days of serving the crown are only just beginning." With that, she inclines her head in farewell and glides through the door to her right, leaving her bodyguard to dispense the reward and escort the group back to the stage hall.

If Abella opens the beautifully decorated silver chest, she finds gold ingots imprinted with the royal seal of Korvosa nestled in red velvet lining - five stacks of three ingots. These bar are a more compact way of transporting large amounts of money, as each is worth a hundred gold sails.

Treasure: 1500 gp worth of gold bars, silver chest worth 50 gp.

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Female Human Paladin (Chosen One) 3/Fighter (Mobile Fighter) 2 HP: 46/46 NL: 0 | AC: 19/13/16 CMD: 21/18| F: +7 R: +5 W: +3 | Init: +3, Per: +7 | Smite: 1/1, LoH (1d6): 2/2 Arrows: 19 Holy Water: 2 Holy Weapon Balm: 2, Harrow Points: 8
HP: 23/23| AC: 18/16/16 CMD: 8/6 SR: 9| F: +4 R: +4 W: +7 | Init: +2, Per: +13 (Lowlight) | ToG: 1/1

Audria, Keyra, and Merula:

"Not to worry, Miss Keyra, Jessica hasn't managed to kill me from embarrassment, yet, so you would probably survive the experience," Audria says with a grin. "But I do understand not wanting to make a fool of oneself."

The young paladin ponders something for a pair of heartbeats before turning to Merula as well.

"Would you two like to come to the Sanctuary of Shelyn? I know Eliana would love to see you again, Merula, and I think you'd enjoy meeting her, Miss Keyra. With things calming down, I hope she'll be able to come back home, and I'd love for us to have some fun together, at least where we won't potentially offend half of Korvosa's high society."

Audience with the Queen
Something about the words Queen Illeosa says bother Audria, though she can't put her finger on why. Was it because she said the crown instead of the city, the young paladin wonders as they are given their reward and shown back to the stage hall.

After being escorted out and she is sure that Sabina is long gone, Audria looks down at Pip and gives him a wry smile.

"I'm glad you think I made a good impression in there, Pip," she tells the halfling bard and tutor, "I'm afraid that Lady Sabina probably doesn't share your estimation of how I did."

She looks up, her smile turning into a mischievous grin.

"Speaking of which, I can't help but notice that someone is far more deserving of the title of Lovebird than I am, Miss Tribastarion," she teases. "I may be young and hopelessly naive, but you were obviously smitten."

CG F Human ?? 5 | HP 40/40 | AC 14 (T 14 FF 10) | CMD 19 | Fort +2 Ref +7 Will +5 (+7 v. enchantment, +4 v. compulsions) | Init +10 | Perc. +8/+10 (dim light/darkness) | Conditions: none | Harrow Points: 6

Audria, Keyra, and Merula:
"Ah, never mind for now then. We would not like to scandalize poor Miss Mhartis. But I will hold you to that later," Merula says to Keyra with a reassuring smile. She looks curious at Audria's suggestion.

"Come to the Sanctuary of Shelyn? Do you mean for some specific occasion, or merely as a social visit? If Miss Mhartis can be convinced of the merits of such an excursion, I should like that too. Although I should warn you that with the city safe to walk again, my schedule is likely to be very full for the next little while." She puts very slight emphasis on the word schedule. "The Farrago was supposed to premiere a new adaptation of Grath's Hommel and Brekka this upcoming Fireday. I do not know if it will still happen, or be delayed or canceled, but I expect to be busy either way, whether with rehearsals or with looking for another opportunity."
Bluff, convey secret message: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
Secret Message, Audria: Merula has her job, but also some Shrike business left to tend to: at the very least, "[returning] a passel of infants to their families." She definitely expects to be seeing Audria around anyway, whether it's for a tea party or an Adventure.

Merula makes a final courtesy upon Queen Ileosa's departure and follows her red-armored bodyguard back to the stage hall. She maintains her silence until Captain Merrin has departed.

"Well! That was... impressive, in several ways. Those were noble words, Audria and Dalmano, but I fear no good deed will go unpunished for you. Her Majesty made it sound as though she now wants to send you all on other missions in the service of the Crown." She adds to Audria's observation, with a bland look at Abella, "And the lovely Captain Merrin did seem rather dour, but it would be terribly romantic if a soft heart was hiding beneath all that splendid armor, don't you think?"

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Female Human Paladin (Chosen One) 3/Fighter (Mobile Fighter) 2 HP: 46/46 NL: 0 | AC: 19/13/16 CMD: 21/18| F: +7 R: +5 W: +3 | Init: +3, Per: +7 | Smite: 1/1, LoH (1d6): 2/2 Arrows: 19 Holy Water: 2 Holy Weapon Balm: 2, Harrow Points: 8
HP: 23/23| AC: 18/16/16 CMD: 8/6 SR: 9| F: +4 R: +4 W: +7 | Init: +2, Per: +13 (Lowlight) | ToG: 1/1

Audria, Merula, and Keyra:

Perform(Dance): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18 Oh, nice!

Audria grins as she takes Merula's hands and leads her around Keyra in a Varisian dance that would almost certainly never make an appearance at any ball or gala with a lot more skill and grace than one might expect from someone you recently saw take a dip into the Jeggare River when she tried to make her way onto the catwalk under the Old Fishery. She laughs after her impromptu demonstration of her skill and lets go of Merula's hands.

"There's more to dancing than just the formalism of the ballroom," she says before turning to Keyra. "Miss Keyra, do you have a tutor for singing or drawing," she asks. "I'd be honored if you'd be willing to learn from me, and I could also teach you some of the dances that, shall we say, don't show up all that often on the ballroom floors of Korvosa."

"And as for your schedule, Miss Merula," she says as she spins around to face the young performer and dancer, "I'd be more than happy to help out however and whenever I can. If you're going to be so dreadfully busy, then perhaps Eliana and I could help ease your burden a bit."
Not sure if I need to roll, but Audria is trying to let Merula know she understands and is more than happy to help.

After the Audience with the Queen

Merula Antius wrote:
"Well! That was... impressive, in several ways. Those were noble words, Audria and Dalmano, but I fear no good deed will go unpunished for you. Her Majesty made it sound as though she now wants to send you all on other missions in the service of the Crown."

For a moment, worry clouds Audria's expression, but it passes as she realizes what Merula is saing.

"I-- I guess that means having lessons with Miss Keyra at the Sanctuary is not going to be possible," she says, looking more than a little deflated at that thought. It seems that in the short time she's gotten to know her, Audria has taken a liking to Keyra.

She looks up at Merula and then down at Pip since they appear to be the most knowledgeable about such matters.

"I didn't make a fool of myself in there, did I?"

Merula Antius wrote:
She adds to Audria's observation, with a bland look at Abella, "And the lovely Captain Merrin did seem rather dour, but it would be terribly romantic if a soft heart was hiding beneath all that splendid armor, don't you think?"

As the conversation turns back to Abella and Sabina Merrin, Audria feels her mood lifting considerably.

"I dunno, I think someone would need thick skin to handle Abella's sharp wit and sharper tongue, at least once she gets past going gooey around her."

Audria smiles sweetly at Abella, but she can't hide the mischievous grin glimmering in her eyes.


Abella closes her eyes and massages her temples. Bloody hell, she made a fool of herself, didn’t she? She needs Cainabeth back; she would know how to handle a situation like this, both to coach Abella on how to not act like a moony teenager and to tell her how to seduce this Sabina.

”Tease me all you want. I will do the same when any of you are faced with someone who leaves you speechless. As for Sabina, with my talent and genius, we will be drawn together. Great people are drawn to each other, and I can sense greatness better than anyone.”

Female Human Paladin (Chosen One) 3/Fighter (Mobile Fighter) 2 HP: 46/46 NL: 0 | AC: 19/13/16 CMD: 21/18| F: +7 R: +5 W: +3 | Init: +3, Per: +7 | Smite: 1/1, LoH (1d6): 2/2 Arrows: 19 Holy Water: 2 Holy Weapon Balm: 2, Harrow Points: 8
HP: 23/23| AC: 18/16/16 CMD: 8/6 SR: 9| F: +4 R: +4 W: +7 | Init: +2, Per: +13 (Lowlight) | ToG: 1/1

Her smile turns into a grin as Audria dances around Abella.

"I'd expect nothing less from a friend," Audria laughs before twirling to a halt in front of the flustered mage. "And if we didn't like you, we wouldn't tease you. It's okay to laugh at yourself, Abella. Trinia always tells Ellie and me that if we can't laugh at our selves, then what can we laugh at?"

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M NG Human (Chelaxian) Witch (Alley Witch) 3 | HP: 21/21 | AC: 13, T: 12, FF: 11) | CMB: +0, CMD: 12 | F: +4, R: +3, W: +4 | Init: +4 | Perc: +8 Sense Mot: +3[ut] | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: N/A | Harrow Points: 1

Back in the stage hall, and free of greedy ears, Dal relaxed…a bit. Though, now he had the thought of all that gold weighing on his mind.


Dal looked down at Pockets. "There's enough gold in that chest to keep your belly full of fresh fish for a lifetime," he said.


"That does not mean we're spending it all on fresh fish."

Merula Antius wrote:
"Well! That was... impressive, in several ways. Those were noble words, Audria and Dalmano, but I fear no good deed will go unpunished for you. Her Majesty made it sound as though she now wants to send you all on other missions in the service of the Crown."

“I think you might be on the nose with that. But, at this moment, my concern is finding a way to get the riots in check. Korvosa has suffered a major trauma and unless we can stop the hemorrhaging, getting her breathing isn’t going to help much.” Dal tugged at his collar. “I cannot wait to get out of this costume.”

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Toilday, 11 of Desnus 4708, the evening before Eodred's Remembrance

Glamping with Jessinus - Audria, Merula, Abella, Jessica, Dalsinius:
”Oh, wow!” exclaims Jessica L’Morie as she sweeps into their room, twirling around to take everything in. ”I haven’t seen so much vintage since Mira Peltherianon auctioned off the last of their family possessions.” She flings her rather large and heavy bag on the bed, which groans alarmingly and releases a puff of dust. ”As the senior in this group, I’m taking the bed. But don’t worry, I’m open to sharing.” She winks as she unbuttons her bag and begins to pull out boxes, smaller bags, paper-wrapped packages and lengths of fabric.

”Alright, it’s time! Audria, sit down.” Jessica pats the side of the bed imperiously as she flicks a lock of brown hair with her other hand. At the girl’s puzzlement, she raises a perfectly arched eyebrow, looking down at Audria over her spectacles. ”Time for what? Time to enact your transformation into the most stunning, superb, sumptuous, spectacular, scrumptious and splendiferous woman at this benighted wake. I was going to say ‘shapely’, but-” With a practiced up-down-up flick of her eyes, Jessica L’Morie judges Audria’s slim frame and finds it wanting in the shapely department. She throws her hands up in the air. ”Oh well, I’ll work with what we have. Now, for the main event.” She begins unwrapping several of the packages, holding up one dress after another against her own body, which is most definitely shapely, statuesque, striking, se- scenic and so on.

”I assure you, they are all tasteful and appropriate for the occasion!” And at first glance… they are. Black brocade, satin, lace, organza and velvet ripple in the dim lamplight as slits, vertiginous necklines and strategically placed cut-outs become evident. She lays them all on the bed for Audria to choose. ”Oh, and I brought a corset as well, to help in the … department.” The ‘...’ is Jessica cupping her hands as if holding large orbs and making suggestive squeezing gestures towards her own chest.

It is at that moment that the door to the room bangs open, and Dalinius saunters inside before abruptly stopping with an expression of profound surprise on his face. ”Oh! I could have sworn this was my room!” His gaze swivels to Audria immediately, then to the growing mounds of fabric on the bed next to her. ”I see that you are picking your dress for tomorrow. I’m happy to help with such a weighty decision, as I’m somewhat of an expert when it comes to fashion, you know.” He tucks a curl of hair behind his ear, then runs the back of a finger along the edge of his jaw.

Entirely optional for Merula and Abella to engage with this.

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Toilday, 11 of Desnus 4708, the evening before Eodred's Remembrance

Getting all the guests through the multiple layers of security takes the rest of the afternoon, during which those who have already been cleared are being shown to their rooms by castle servants, accompanied by a guard. With this many people in the castle, it seems that the captain of the guard is taking no chances, and guests are not allowed to wander.

Abella, Merula, Audria and Jessica all share a room on one of the upper floors that has been hastily made ready for guests. Two cots have been placed on either side of the narrow window and the large bed is freshly made, although the linens smell a little musty and the whole place could use a dusting or three. Two faded tapestries hang on the stone walls, one of them depicting some sort of river expedition from several centuries ago, judging by the fashions and style of armour worn by the characters, the other showing the raising of a wooden fort with a river in the background - very likely Fort Korvosa itself. The window faces south east, towards the docks and High Bridge and Citadel Volshyenek, the headquarters of the Korvosa Guard, and this high up the view is breathtaking, although marred by pillars of smoke here and there.

Dalmano and Pippip find themselves on the same floor, in a similar room, shared by two others. The younger of them is a Vudrani man in his late twenties, wearing the white and gold robes and the coin and key symbol of Abadar, who has claimed one of the cots by the window and is using the fading daylight to mend a fraying sock. The other one is an old Shoanti man with long, iron-gray hair and a lined face painted in a white skull pattern. His tall staff, capped with the skull of some huge bird, is clacking against the floor as the man paces back and forth.

At nightfall, another servant brings trays of supper to everyone’s rooms, and asks if there is anything they need, but by and large the guests are left to their own devices until after breakfast the next day.

Wealday, 12 of Desnus 4708, the day of Eodred's Remembrance

The morning meal is a simple affair of flatbread, cheese, olives and dried fruit, with a small pot of honey on the side and a pitcher of water. Perhaps the higher-ranking guests are served better fare, or perhaps the castle is struggling to get fresh provisions in this time of tumult and unrest.

Just before midday, the guests congregate in the castle’s chapel, where a religious service for the late King is held and each of the heads of the major faiths in Korvosa take turns to lead the assembled in prayer. It is a lengthy, droning affair interspersed with speeches from city officials and ambassadors praising King Eodred Arabasti the Second, his wisdom, kindness and all other kingly attributes, while expressing their hopes for the bright future of Korvosa under the rule of the queen. Her Majesty is wearing a black velvet and silk dress, the royal seal of Korvosa picked out in jet and onyx on the bodice. Her hair is intricately braided and pinned up with ebony combs, and a black veil is affixed to the crown she wears.

For those versed in the complex web of city administration and politics, there are several notable absences. For one, the seneschal of Castle Korvosa, Neolandus Kalepopolis, who disappeared around the time of the king’s death - some say slain in the initial riot that broke out at the news. Another one is Keyra’s father, Marcus Endrin, the commandant of the Sable Company, although with parts of the city still simmering on the edge of unrest his absence is understandable.

After the service, tea and finger food is served as the guests mingle for a couple of hours before assembling again in the stage hall for a series of commemorative performances. There is epic poetry recited with pathos, several requiem pieces from the Grand Cathedral of Pharasma’s Choir, and an eerie illusion and conjuration demonstration from the senior students at the Acadamae.

For the finale, two girls take the stage. One of them, clad entirely in black, gloved and veiled, takes a seat in front of the grand harp that has been brought onto the stage. The other is dressed in layers of diaphanous white with silver and gold embroidery, silver chains and strings of pearls woven into her waist-length platinum hair. She holds a silver flute with a trembling hand, her eyes searching the crowd. The song they play together is sad and haunting, the melody of the flute yearning and melancholy while the notes from the harp drop like spilled tears.

Eliana’s gaze passes over you, perhaps not recognizing you in your new glammed up outfit. It is only when she sees the queen, who gives her a little nod, that she seems to relax a little, and even manage a smile before she lifts the flute to her lips.

If anyone wants to interact with anything/anyone, or do something specific, please use spoilers with the day, place and PCs and NPCs involved.

CG F Human ?? 5 | HP 40/40 | AC 14 (T 14 FF 10) | CMD 19 | Fort +2 Ref +7 Will +5 (+7 v. enchantment, +4 v. compulsions) | Init +10 | Perc. +8/+10 (dim light/darkness) | Conditions: none | Harrow Points: 6

Audria, Keyra, and Merula:
Aid Another, (Perform (Dance)): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
Though surprised, Merula manages to follow along with Audria gracefully enough that the short impromptu dance looks almost planned. She takes her hands back with a look of slight warning.
"Yes, there is a time and place for many kinds of performance styles. I am sure Miss Mhartis is already tutoring Lady Keyra in academics and many ladylike accomplishments like drawing, but if she requested special singing or painting or dancing lessons, for instance, her father might consent. You would come to her, of course, never the other way around." As a street child, Audria likely does not understand the constraints and near-constant surveillance under which noble girls live their lives — constraints which she would once have said to be unnecessary and stifling, right up until Isi was kidnapped at the market. Now she knows better.

Audria wrote:

"I-- I guess that means having lessons with Miss Keyra at the Sanctuary is not going to be possible," she says, looking more than a little deflated at that thought. It seems that in the short time she's gotten to know her, Audria has taken a liking to Keyra.

She looks up at Merula and then down at Pip since they appear to be the most knowledgeable about such matters.

"I didn't make a fool of myself in there, did I?"

"No. I think you have done your teachers proud by reminding Her Majesty that some of her subjects are suffering in ways she could ease," Merula says. "Even if it is a somewhat impolitic thing to do upon just meeting her. And, as I said, she may subsequently call on you to be her instrument as a result. But we will see, I suppose."

Abella wrote:
"Tease me all you want. I will do the same when any of you are faced with someone who leaves you speechless. As for Sabina, with my talent and genius, we will be drawn together. Great people are drawn to each other, and I can sense greatness better than anyone."
Audria wrote:
"I'd expect nothing less from a friend," Audria laughs before twirling to a halt in front of the flustered mage. "And if we didn't like you, we wouldn't tease you. It's okay to laugh at yourself, Abella. Trinia always tells Ellie and me that if we can't laugh at our selves, then what can we laugh at?"

Merula opens her mouth as though to continue in this vein, but then closes it with a thoughtful look. When she had given Merula the nickname of Dove, Abella had seemed to have a strange sixth sense that looked right through her. It was more than a little eerie, and she had been momentarily afraid that the odd death-mage had recognized Shrike's face in hers. That fear had been quickly shaken — Abella did not seem like the type of person to pretend not to recognize you if in truth she did — but still... "But, if you truly do not like it, we will not quiz you, Rook." She turns her gentle smile to Audria. "For that is not what friends do either."

Dal wrote:
"I think you might be on the nose with that. But, at this moment, my concern is finding a way to get the riots in check. Korvosa has suffered a major trauma and unless we can stop the hemorrhaging, getting her breathing isn’t going to help much." Dal tugged at his collar. "I cannot wait to get out of this costume."

"Pray do not say so in earshot of Miss Audria's... associate. One simply dreads to think." Merula's languid expression and bored tone are belied only by the sly crinkle of amusement at the corners of her eyes.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Human Paladin (Chosen One) 3/Fighter (Mobile Fighter) 2 HP: 46/46 NL: 0 | AC: 19/13/16 CMD: 21/18| F: +7 R: +5 W: +3 | Init: +3, Per: +7 | Smite: 1/1, LoH (1d6): 2/2 Arrows: 19 Holy Water: 2 Holy Weapon Balm: 2, Harrow Points: 8
HP: 23/23| AC: 18/16/16 CMD: 8/6 SR: 9| F: +4 R: +4 W: +7 | Init: +2, Per: +13 (Lowlight) | ToG: 1/1

This isn't what I was working on, by the way. There were just a couple of things that I wanted to reply to now instead of adding them to what's already going to be a long post.

Performances and Propriety - Time: Toilday, 11 of Desnus 4708, While waiting for the guards to return and take us to the audience with the Queen, Characters: Audria, Keyra, Merula, and Talanaliel:

Sense Motive (Does Audria catch the look?): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12 Hmm, I'd say yes, but doesn't quite get what Merula means by it.

Merula's look steals the mirth from Audria as the young woman explains what would likely be the case if she was to tutor Keyra. She looks at the young noblewoman gives her a sheepish grin.

"My apologies, Miss Keyra. I apparently have no idea how any of this works," she admits.

A Flock of Flustered Fowl :P - Time: Toilday, 11 of Desnus 4708, Right after the Audience with the Queen, Characters: Everybody!:

Merula Antius wrote:
"Pray do not say so in earshot of Miss Audria's... associate. One simply dreads to think." Merula's languid expression and bored tone are belied only by the sly crinkle of amusement at the corners of her eyes.

Audria gives Dal and Merula a quizzical look before realization dawns and she looks around to be absolutely certain that Jessica is out of earshot.

"Please don't encourage her," Audria begs the others, her face turning red and her hair about an inch longer than it had been before meeting with the queen. "If I didn't know any better, I'd think she was trying to kill me from embarrassment."

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Roll20 Map | Loot inventory

11 of Desnus, Audria, Keyra and Merula:
As the three young women begin to dance, Miss Mhartis looks dismayed and keeps glancing around to the other guests. The impromptu performance is blessedly short, otherwise the governess might well have stepped in and put a stop to the unseemly display. Audria is the recipient of a withering Glare of Disapproval and a hissed whisper. "Young miss, this is not at all proper! Do you wish to compromise Miss Endrin's reputation, for all the gods' sake!"

1d20 ⇒ 4

Keyra has stumbled through the dance, taken by surprise and unfamiliar with the steps and the rhythm. She colours in embarrassment, looking sheepishly at Merula. "I swear, my footwork is not usually this bad. Is it...?" She turns to Audria with a small, strained smile. "I would love to come by the Sanctuary, but I don't think papa would allow it, especially not now. He says the streets are just too dangerous. We had half the house guards escort me and Miss Mhartis here, with 'griff cover, and he almost changed his mind when we left. Besides, you really, really don't want to hear me try to sing!" She laughs a little awkwardly.

Eye of the Raven, 11 of Desnus, the Queen's bedroom:
Sabina is brushing Her Majesty's long, silky hair, running the jade comb through the locks in smooth, practiced motions. Ileosa watches her own reflection in the mirror of the ornate vanity, one hand clutching the imp and housedrake brooch. "It went well today, don't you think? A pleasant surprise to make up for the drudgery and boredom of organizing this nonsense affair. A sign of Shelyn's favour, and delivered by one of her devotees!" She shifts her gaze to look at Sabina's reflection instead of her own. "And what is wrong with my calling her 'my sweet child'? Technically, they are all of them my children, as I am their queen." Ileosa's full lips twist in a half-smile. "And she was sweet. I wonder what her talent is. Her and that little bird I saved the day all the unpleasantness started - they would make a pretty matched pair, don't you think?" Seeing something in her bodyguard's expression, Her Majesty frowns. "You are not allowed to be jealous! As your queen, your devotion must be entirely to me, of course, but I must share myself equally between my subjects." Sabina drops her chin in silent apology, or assent, and Ileosa seems satisfied with that.

"Oh, and that pale one throwing herself at my feet! I quite liked that, but she's not pretty enough to keep." In the pause of Her Majesty pondering something with a faraway look, Sabina speaks. "My queen, should I have someone watch them?" Ileosa's attention snaps back to the present moment. "Oh yes, what a splendid idea! Especially the one with the bird, she was so earnest! Perhaps we can use her and her friends in the future. And I'm dying to see their reactions when they open that box! A proper royal reward, for I am a generous patron to those who please me." Sabina murmurs. "Truly you are, my queen, I am humbled by your generosity."

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Just a short post today. Still getting back in the swing of things after the weekend

Abella taps her chin thoughtfully. ”Rook, eh? Not a bad choice. And I suppose turnabout is fair play, after all. I accept.” She closes her eyes and bows. ”And tease me all you want. Blame me, tease me, berate me. I can take it all. I am nothing if not resilient. I am quite used to it.” Bad attention is still attention, and Abella has never been able to get any other kind, so it is better than nothing.

The 1500 gp + is the total or per person?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Human Paladin (Chosen One) 3/Fighter (Mobile Fighter) 2 HP: 46/46 NL: 0 | AC: 19/13/16 CMD: 21/18| F: +7 R: +5 W: +3 | Init: +3, Per: +7 | Smite: 1/1, LoH (1d6): 2/2 Arrows: 19 Holy Water: 2 Holy Weapon Balm: 2, Harrow Points: 8
HP: 23/23| AC: 18/16/16 CMD: 8/6 SR: 9| F: +4 R: +4 W: +7 | Init: +2, Per: +13 (Lowlight) | ToG: 1/1

Performances and Propriety (Time: Toilday, 11 of Desnus 4708, While waiting for the guards to return and take us to the audience with the Queen, Characters: Audria, Keyra, Merula, and Talanaliel):

Though born about as far as one can be born from the upper echelons of Korvosan nobility, Audria does have the grace, not to mention good sense, to appear appropriately abashed at Miss Mhartis' withering glare and whispered words. She thinks back to the very first time she was in front of a noble, the spinster sister of some lord. While Miss Mhartis is much younger and far more polite than that woman had been Audria can't help comparing the two.

No, be fair, Audria thinks to herself. Dancing about like that is probably going to give people the wrong idea.

Talanaliel, who'd taken flight when the dancing began, lands and settles on Keyra's shoulder.

"Why do you say that," the little thrush asks Keyra, "Is it because no one taught you to sing? I think you have a pretty voice."

Teasing Abella (Date: Toilday, 11 of Desnus 4708, After the Audience with the Queen, Characters: Everybody):

Audria's smile disappears as she listens to Abella. Something about how the mage is talking leaves her wondering if Abella expected them to berate her.

"N-no, Abella. That's-- That's not what I meant," she says quietly.

The Glow Up (Date: Toilday, 11 of Desnus 4708, the evening before Eodred's Remembrance, Characters: Abella, Audria, Dalinius, Jessica, Merula, and Talanaliel):

Audria's cheeks begin to pinken as she starts to understand. It isn't often the young paladin feels self-conscious about her looks, but the appraising, one might say judging, look that Jessica gives her makes her feel as awkward as the night they'd first meet when her head was close to shaven after a run in with goo-flinging imps. She can feel the prickling of her scalp again as the alluring alchemist begins unwrapping the clothing she'd brought with her.

The dresses are pretty, Audria thinks and starts to relax, at least until she starts to take a closer look. The necklines are bad enough, but she has no idea what the slits and cutouts are for.

"Um, Jessica," Audria's cheeks practically glowing red hot after the unnecessary explanation about why Jessica felt the need to bring a corset. "Wh-what are these for," she asks pointing out the slits and cutouts.

Dalinius' entry interrupts any answer that may have been forthcoming, and Audria jumps in the air in surprise with a squeaky yelp before turning around and seeing the foppish nobleman looking around in confusion. She feels like her scalp is on fire as he offers to help pick out dresses for them.

"S-sir D-d-d-dalinius?! Wh-wh-what are you doing here?" Audria feels like an idiot before the man even answers. He'd already said why he was in the room, and it is blindingly obvious why he's here in the castle. With Audria red-faced, confused, and more than a little stressed and embarrassed, it's almost inevitable that her most impressive tell will make an appearance. In a matter of moments, her hair has grown by more than six and a half feet and is pooling around her feet as she buries her face in her hands and lets out a soft groan.

How much longer does it grow(inches, multiply by 2.54 to get centimeters)?: 1d100 ⇒ 79 79 inches, that's a shade over 2 meters of extra strawberry-blonde locks to harvest, assuming that Jessica was allowed to keep her magic shears. :P

Abella, this would be the first time you've seen this happen to Audria. Have fun. :D

Dreaming Darkly (Date:Toilday, 11 of Desnus 4708, the night before Eodred's Remembrance, Characters: Audria and Talanaliel):

The chasm yawned before them, the other side barely visible on the horizon. Down, down it went into lightless shadow. Behind the two young women, one of blue eyes and strawberry-blonde hair and the other with brown hair and eyes and the wings of a songbird, Audria and Talanaliel, stretched the road they'd traveled. Shadows and darkness could be seen there, too. Within those scars of shade were the images, the memories of pain, grief, anger, and fear. By far, they were outshone by the memories of happier times. The two of them could see each memory, each of Audria's memories, as clearly as if they were there witnessing it themselves. The light from those bright and happy memories warmed the to of them, and lifted their spirits.

But the chasm yawned before them. Audria looked to Talanaliel, and they could see the anxiety and fear the other felt. Zellara's warning rang in their minds as they looked out before them. Dark times were ahead. Even the light of the sun could not lessen the dark abyss before them. They felt small, weak, insignificant before that gulf spanning the horizon.

A looming shadow passed over them. Talanaliel looked up, terror draining the color from her face before she turned and shoved Audria away from her.

"Run!" Her cry was clear, but Audria couldn't leave Talanaliel to face whatever this was alone.

The ground crumbled beneath her and she fell as an anvil-black shadow swallowed the sky and reached for Talanaliel.

"No! TALLY!"

Audria's voice, though she screamed with everything she had, sounded thin and hollow to her, an distant echo that faded into nothingness as the darkness above snatched her guide and friend and the darkness below swallowed her. She couldn't see. She couldn't breath. Something told her not to try as she closed her eyes and felt bony fingers, frail-feeling yet iron-fast, around her neck.

Audria fought, trying to break free, but she coouldn't pry the fingers loose from her throat. Her eyes popped open as her lungs burned and her mind screamed for her to breath. Lamm leered down at her, saying something, though the words were garbled through the icy water he was holding her under. Desperation drove her. She snatched her dagger and rammed it to the hilt into Lamm's neck. His grip loosened in death, and Audria shoved his corpse aside as she snapped upright and breathed in.

She coughed as she turned over onto her hands and knees on a polished stone floor. She looked around. She had to find Talanaliel. Her friend was in trouble. Her body ached as she pushed herself to her feet. She had to ignore it, to push through and find Talanaliel.

She froze as she heard steps on the stone. The sound brought back memories, memories older than even those she had of Gaedren Lamm. Memories of a haughty half-elven woman whose name she had almost forgotten.


On those nights when Audria dreamed darkly and Lamm was not there in her nightmares, there was always her. Halvara. She was always there to make sure terror and grief filled those nights.

Audria spun about, looking for the source of footsteps she heard. Her bloodied dagger was held out before her, readied to fend off an attack and reply in kind, but how could she defeat the woman towering before her. Halvara stood over twice Audria's height and sneered down at the young paladin with one arm crossing her chest to prop up the other, whose hand held a long, thin cigarette holder by her full-lipped mouth.

"My," she drawled, her voice oozing with saccharine disdain. "Who would have suspected you were so vicious." She took a pull of her cigarette and blew a ring of smoke in Audria's stunned face, making her cough. "Killing your mother that way, I mean."

What is she talking about, Audria wondered. Rage welled up inside of her. She hadn't forgotten how her mother died. Even as young as she was, she knew what Shiver was and what it did. She hadn't killed her mother, the Shiver had. Even if Audria hadn't known, she wasn't so addled to confuse her mother with Lamm!

She turned to point at Lamm's corpse and deny Halvara's words.

The words died on her tongue.

Her dagger clattered on the stone.

Sunken blue eyes from a woman that bore a striking resemblance to Audria stared at her. The woman's cheeks were gaunt and her skin clung tightly to her bones. The woman was older than Audria and aged further by hardship. Streaks of gray were beginning to form in the woman's strawberry-blonde hair. Hair that, frazzled and dull as it was, shone the same hue as Audria's own. Blood trailed from the corners of the woman's mouth and poured from the mortal wound in her scrawny neck. It had been years since Audria had even thought of this woman, and even more since she'd seen her.

It was her mother.

"I do suppose," Halvara said as she knelt behind Audria to bring her mouth closer to the paladin's ear, "that a dagger is a far kinder way to end someone's wretched life than Shiver is."

Audria dropped to her knees and silently wept. She hadn't killed her mother, a part of her raged. She hadn't!

But the proof was there, staring her in the eyes.

Pain lanced through Audria's skull as taloned fingers twisted in her hair and picked her up. She cried out, and Halvara laughed.

"Your mother was always a stupid b@*!+. She refused to get rid of you, and in the end, it killed her," the half-elf cooed. "But you," her voice turned gloating as she twisted her hand and made Audria wince, "you are something else entirely."

Halvara held the cigarette holder in her teeth as she reached down and grabbed the silver holy symbol Audria had been given when she and Eliana had become full priestesses of Shelyn. The half-elf leered as she turned it over.

"No, you're a more bloody-minded and self-righteous b!&&@ than that slut could have ever been," Halvara told Audria before snatching her hand away hard enough to break its chain. "Lamm was a fool. He couldn't make something from nothing, and you, my blood-stained canary, are far worse than nothing!"

Audria wheezed as the stone knocked the air from her lungs. She tried to breath, but it wouldn't come. She turned her head to see Halvara walking towards her from where she'd been thrown.

"A whore's daughter that thinks she's good enough to rub elbows with anything more than gutter rats? HA! If they truly knew you, they'd toss you out like I did. When you strip away the pretty words and the fine dresses, what's left? A lying, sniveling b$*#% who's not even good enough to spread them."

White hot pain lanced up Audria's side as she flew through the air and landed hard again. Halvara laughed as Audria tried to curl up around where she'd been kicked. Pain raged through Audria's body as she coughed and tried to catch her breath. She couldn't, not before Halvara shoved her through the stone and under the icy water once more. Audria fights, trying to figure out which way to go. Where was up? Was she sinking or floating? She held her breath as long as she could before her lungs could no longer be denied. She opened her mouth and water filled her lungs. She needed air. She needed to breath.

Her vision tunneled as her body convulsed, trying vainly to expel the water now drowning her. She could feel everything fading. The pain, the heartache, the panic. It was all black. It all faded.

She slammed into the stone, and her body heaved, fighting for life even as her mind had given up. She wanted to live. She needed to live. Water was pushed up her throat and then, blessedly, there was air. She took in a huge gulp and coughed as some of the water came back with it. She spat up the water again. She breathed. Her lungs burned. Her body hurt. Her head pounded. She did not care. She breathed.

Talanaliel, she thought as she pushed herself to her feet once more. She had to find Talanaliel. She was hurt. She was scared. Audria could feel it. She could worry about her pains later. She had to find Talanaliel.

Audria turned and began to stumble in the direction she felt Talanaliel was. She walked for longer than she could keep track of in this lightless realm. Only the scuffing of her boots marked the passage of time. She was getting closer, but each step was slow, and the distance was still great. On Audria pressed. She only had one goal now.

The first thing she heard were the screams of pain, the cries of agony. Audria pushed herself to run, to move. Faster. Faster! She could hear Talanaliel. Tally, her friend, was in danger. She was scared, terrified. Pain unlike any she'd ever known racked her. Vicious laughter echoed from the stone as Talanaliel cried out again.

Then Audria saw them. Talanaliel lay, broken, bloodied, and battered at Halvara's feet. Rage welled up in Audria. She was beyond fear, beyond thinking, beyond pain. She bellowed as she slammed into Halvara and took her to the ground. She broke the woman's nose and knocked loose some of her teeth with a punch driven by all of her emotion and strength. She raised her fist to do it again, but she heard Tally whimper in pain and fear.

Audria scrambled to where Talanaliel laid. She cradled her friend in her arms as she prayed to Shelyn for succor and relief for Talanaliel. She cried as she felt the pain her friend was feeling.

"P-please," Talanaliel begged Audria. "P-please don't leave me!"

Never, Audria wanted to say, but noise from behind her drew her attention. Halvara stood, enraged. One hand was covering her bleeding face while the other held a thin, wickedly sharp blade. She rushed at them, aiming to run one or both of them through. Audria could not tell and was too slow to run. She shielded Talanaliel with her body and prayed that it'd be enough.

As the blade dove in, blinding light flashed, brilliant colors swirled around, chasing the darkness away. Audria squeezed her eyes shut and held Talanaliel close, not daring to let go as she heard Halvara scream in rage and agony.

Morning Surprises (Date:Wealday, 12 of Desnus 4708, the day of Eodred's Remembrance, Characters: Abella, Audria, Jessica, Merula, and Talanaliel):

When Audria opens her eyes, she finds herself looking into a face much like her own.

Exactly like her own she realizes as she wakes from the nightmare. Its owner stirs, her eyes opening, a rich, warm brown to match her brunette hair. It looks as if she had been crying in her sleep, Audria notices as she tries to place the doppelganger. Then it dawns on her. The thought cuts through her sleep-fogged mind like a lightning bolt.

"Whu-- TALLY?!"

Audria's exlamation wakes everyone in the room. Audria, in her nightgown, is sitting in her cot and staring at a young woman who, save her hair, eyes and lack of clothing, looks exactly like Audria, at least until her hair moves enough to reveal her pointed ears.

"Mmmm," Audria's doppelganger groans grumpily. "Not so loud... and why is it so chilly," she asks as she rubs sleep from her eyes with one hand and folds her other arm across her chest.

The Remembrance of King Eodred Arabasti II (Date:Wealday, 12 of Desnus 4708, the day of Eodred's Remembrance, Characters: Everyone):

A reference for Audria.

Between the morning's excitement and the nightmare she'd endured before that, Audria is feeling drained by the time the ceremonies begin. While she doesn't nod off during the various prayers, she has trouble focusing on the words. Abadar's, Asmodeus', and Pharasma's liturgy blends into one, interminable, drone. Thankfully, Brother Theolan's prayer is blessedly short by comparison.

The food and tea helps, though now Audria has a new worry. Getting something on the dress Jessica had fitted for her. She picks out what she nibbles on with exquisite care, hoping to avoid getting crumbs or worse onto the rich cloth. She manages and while she still feels unsatiated, she's confident that her stomach shouldn't be growling during the rest of the event. In it's own way, the reception is as draining as her morning had been.

The commemorative performances pass by in much the same blur as the prayers and memorial earlier had, at least until the final one. Audria's eyes widen and her jaw drops as the flautist takes the stage. While her performance would have had no trouble bringing her to tears, it is not the skill with which she lays bare the soul that has Audria crying. It's who the flautist is that has the young paladin covering her mouth and struggling to hold back sobs of relief and joy.

At the end of the performance, Talanaliel takes off from her perch on Audria's shoulder and lands on Eliana's shoulder.

"Ellie! You're alright," the thrush says quietly to avoid being heard over the murmurs from the crowd now that the performances are done. "How'd you wind up here? Are you coming home with us? Audria and I have missed you so much!"

Halfling Bard (Arcane Duelist) 3; 24/24hp; Init +3; AC 17, Touch 14, FF 14; Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +6; +2 fear; Perception +7

The halfling begins to enjoy the fine food. He moves around taking generous portions.

As he watches the finale he smiles and taps his feet. Moving around the chamber he watches the guests carefully. At a show, watching others when their attention is drawn elsewhere is something he learned at a young age.

Female Human Paladin (Chosen One) 3/Fighter (Mobile Fighter) 2 HP: 46/46 NL: 0 | AC: 19/13/16 CMD: 21/18| F: +7 R: +5 W: +3 | Init: +3, Per: +7 | Smite: 1/1, LoH (1d6): 2/2 Arrows: 19 Holy Water: 2 Holy Weapon Balm: 2, Harrow Points: 8
HP: 23/23| AC: 18/16/16 CMD: 8/6 SR: 9| F: +4 R: +4 W: +7 | Init: +2, Per: +13 (Lowlight) | ToG: 1/1

Ugh, I keep spotting where I have not been at all consistent with how I've been labeling these things. I hope I haven't caused too much confusion and that y'all will forgive if I have.

Fine Dining (Date: Wealday, 12 of Desnus 4708, Lunch or whatever you call fingerfoods and tea at noon after a funerary service, Characters: Audria, Pip, and anyone else that wants to join in):

Audria's stomach growls as she sees the platters of food and tea. She isn't sure which ones to avoid if she doesn't want to risk messing up the dress she's wearing. She sees Pip with what looks like a, well, a lot of everything, and decides that he'd be the best to ask.

"Hello, Mister Ooray," she says with a curtsey. "I, um, I could use your help." She leans in so she can whisper and not be overheard. "I don't want to risk ruining my dress or getting crumbs all over it." Standing back up, she asks, "What would you recommend?"

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Abella takes great pleasure in admiring and partaking of the various dishes. Pasties, herb tarts, candied nuts, various kinds of meat pies built into structures with hot water crusts, and she particularly enjoys the garish morbidity of the cockentrice, this particular one a pig sewed together with a chicken.

She eats with little restraint or sense of etiquette, as though nobody else in the world is watching, but she does not rush. Times like this, you take your time and savor. ”Find the most dignified guest with the fanciest clothes and eat what and how they eat, Canary. You can get through anything in this world by keeping your head down and figuring out who to copy.”

Female Human Paladin (Chosen One) 3/Fighter (Mobile Fighter) 2 HP: 46/46 NL: 0 | AC: 19/13/16 CMD: 21/18| F: +7 R: +5 W: +3 | Init: +3, Per: +7 | Smite: 1/1, LoH (1d6): 2/2 Arrows: 19 Holy Water: 2 Holy Weapon Balm: 2, Harrow Points: 8
HP: 23/23| AC: 18/16/16 CMD: 8/6 SR: 9| F: +4 R: +4 W: +7 | Init: +2, Per: +13 (Lowlight) | ToG: 1/1

Fine Dining (Date: Wealday, 12 of Desnus 4708, Lunch or whatever you call fingerfoods and tea at noon after a funerary service, Characters: Abella, Audria, Pip, and anyone else that wants to join in):

Abella Tribastarion wrote:
”Find the most dignified guest with the fanciest clothes and eat what and how they eat, Canary. You can get through anything in this world by keeping your head down and figuring out who to copy.”

Audria Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21

Talanaliel Perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15

"There's a lot of fancy clothes out there, though," Talanaliel says as she hops onto Abella's shoulder to get a better vantage point.

Audria thinks about what Abella said and after a few moments decides to watch how everyone eats.

"Thank you for the advice-- and not holding a grudge about waking you up this morning," Audria says. "I was asking Pip about it since he appears to have grabbed something of everything."

Audria's stomach growls and she lets out a embarrassed laugh. "Though, I think I might better ask him what's the most filling instead."

A few minutes later, Audria is back beside Abella and Pip with a plate full of foods that the halfling had recommended. Having quieted her stomach, she turns to regard Abella.

"Yesterday, when we were talking to Queen Illeosa, why did you kneel? I know I'm not the most knowledgeable on courtly manners, but I remember Merula telling us we didn't have to do that. Was that something you learned before we all met," Audria asks the mage.

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M NG Human (Chelaxian) Witch (Alley Witch) 3 | HP: 21/21 | AC: 13, T: 12, FF: 11) | CMB: +0, CMD: 12 | F: +4, R: +3, W: +4 | Init: +4 | Perc: +8 Sense Mot: +3[ut] | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: N/A | Harrow Points: 1

Dal sat through most of the service with his arms crossed. Every so often, his head would begin to tilt forward as if a set of magnets were attached to his chin and his chest and he would jerk his head back up. This was always followed by a series of glances to see if anyone had noticed.

He had never been one for funerals. Something about them made him feel uneasy. Fortunately, Eodred’s service was so far from any Dal had been to before that it felt more akin to attending the theater. Something he had also only experienced a couple of times. But he couldn’t complain. The food alone had made the trip worth all of the hassle and uncomfortable clothes worth it. Almost.

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Abella, whose slight frame has never been able to handle alcohol particularly well, is beginning to feel tipsy already. She smiles self-satisfied at Audria’s question as she leans in, at least having enough self-awareness to not let anyone hear. ”Do you know what makes a noble, Canary? The credulous would say the blood, those with slightly more sense would say the crown, and those just shy of clever would say it’s the paperwork. They are all wrong of course. To understand what makes a noble, what truly is at their core, you have to understand how they think. The only people they see as full beings are their fellows. That’s why they call it the peerage, you know. And if they are all peers, what does that make us? Us, who must work to eat, who dirty our boots with mud and dust, who die and kill with no fanfare or memory.” She takes a drink of her wine and leans in. ”You see, there is nothing I could have done that would have been too degrading, too ingratiating, too pitiful. If she had asked me to bark like a dog, I would not even presume to ask what breed before I started woofing. I was merely showing I understood my place, and I understand better than anyone. Nidal taught me that lesson well.” She downs the rest of her goblet, bobbing her head a little as the effects of the alcohol settle in. ”Even their pity is as for a rat crushed under carriage wheel. They might feel sad a moment, but they won’t give you a second thought the second you are out of site, and they will never touch you. And that is the true heart of the nobility: contempt. Assume that their contempt has no bottom and you will never be wrong.”

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Performances and Propriety, 11 of Desnus, stage hall; Audria, Keyra, Merula, and Talanaliel:
"Oh, the voice is not the problem," answers Keyra. "I have the musical ear of- of- a slug." ("My lady!") The girl grins. "No, Miss Mhartis, it's true and you know it, you were in the room when all those music tutors were weeping over my inadequacies. Papa says I have very good lung capacity though!' She thumps her own chest with a fist, making a booming, hollow sound.

I'd like to tie off this thread now before it becomes its own campaign. :P

The Glow Up, 11 of Desnus, guest room; Abella, Audria, Dalinius, Jessica, Merula, Talanaliel:
"The holes? They're for the imagination, my peach. A clever design will make you much more enticing than if you were naked, dear." Jessica gives Audria an intense, smouldering look, and looks like she is about to say something else when she is interrupted by Dalinius's entrance.

She cocks a hip with a vigorous motion that ripples into slight bouncing in all the right places, while simultaneously placing a fist on said hip. "Oh, you thought this was your room? Well, it isn't, and we don't need your 'expertise' either." Jessica's other hand flicks towards him in a dismissive gesture, but she hesitates when he sees the astonished expression on his face. She follows the line of his gaze to find Audria being overtaken by her own hair.

"Oh, sweetheart, did he upset you? Sir, you are upsetting her, please leave." Her voice is the coldest that Audria has ever heard Jessica use, but then her tone softens and she cups Audria's cheek in her warm hand. "It's alright, you don't have to wear the dresses. I have my scissors with me, I thought something like this might happen. Let's get you presentable again, hm?"

I know you wanted Jessica to tease Dal, but I think she would instantly read his vibe and become protective of Audria. Also, apologies if I messed up and this is not the first time that Jessica has seen Dalinius.

Eyes and Ears, 12 of Desnus, at the remembrance; Pippip Ooray:
As a halfling, Pip is used to being invisible to the nobles, and this time it pays off as those gathered are not guarding their words particularly carefully.

Rumours: 1d20 ⇒ 18 Rumours?: 1d20 ⇒ 8

"Have you seen that so-called Shoanti ambassador? Positively ghastly, with all the bones." A noblewoman carelessly hands over her empty glass to Pip, her hand crowded with jewelled rings. "They want us to think he's here to broker peace, but he's just sizing us up in preparation for war, you mark my words."

More rumour: 1d20 ⇒ 19 Rumours?: 1d20 ⇒ 7 Rumours reroll: 1d20 ⇒ 4

A tall, elderly gentleman with a nasal voice is whispering to a prelate of Asmodeus. "The Sable Company are giving up on Korvosa and making plans to leave the city, I heard from Lord Damodred. Why do you think the commandant hasn't shown his face here today?" He squeezes the prelate's shoulder, speaking in a normal voice. "Good thing we have the Hellknights for protection now, eh? I heard they crushed the riots utterly."

No Good Deed, 12 of Desnus, at the remembrance; Dalmano Imperiosus:
Dal is leaning against one of the columns in the stage hall as Pockets is passing judgement on the performance currently on stage ('Noise'), when the metallic scrape of armour alerts him to a presence close by. From over his right shoulder, the voice of the queen's bodyguard comes in a low whisper.

"When you offered your help, you meant it." It is not a question. "You seem like someone who is familiar with the less... genteel areas of the city. Go to Trail's End and find T-" Sabina Merrin clears her throat and starts again. "Sorry. Too used to giving orders, I suppose. If you find yourself in Trail's End, please look up Tayce Soldado and her daughter, Brienna. They are... dear to me and I would like to know if they are alive and safe." The armour creaks and scrapes again as she shifts her weight and begins to walk away.

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CG F Human ?? 5 | HP 40/40 | AC 14 (T 14 FF 10) | CMD 19 | Fort +2 Ref +7 Will +5 (+7 v. enchantment, +4 v. compulsions) | Init +10 | Perc. +8/+10 (dim light/darkness) | Conditions: none | Harrow Points: 6

Performances and Propriety — Toilday the 11 of Desnus 4708, Stage Hall (Audria, Keyra, Merula, and Talanaliel):
Merula smiles ruefully at Keyra. "No, but you may be excused, for you were surprised. I myself sing like a bird. As long as the bird in question is a crow." From her low, almost hoarse-sounding speaking voice, this is entirely believable. "But no matter. It was a lovely thought. Do forgive Miss Audria, Miss Mhartis. She meant no harm by her exuberance. And why, nothing could be more proper for a young lady than a dance lesson undertaken under the watchful eye of her governess." This is, of course, a funeral, and thus it is very improper indeed to dance at all, but Merula smiles sunnily at the older woman, inviting her in on the joke. It was only for a few seconds, and likely no one was watching.

A Flock of Flustered Fowl — Toilday the 11 of Desnus 4708, Stage Hall (Audria, Merula, and Abella):
Abella wrote:
Abella taps her chin thoughtfully. "Rook, eh? Not a bad choice. And I suppose turnabout is fair play, after all. I accept." She closes her eyes and bows. "And tease me all you want. Blame me, tease me, berate me. I can take it all. I am nothing if not resilient. I am quite used to it."

Merula turns her mild gaze from the abashed Audria back to Abella. "Of course. But you shouldn't have to be, with friends. That's all." It seems to her that both of them have trouble with sticking up for themselves when it comes to what behavior they will tolerate in a friend, but that is not, strictly speaking, any of Merula's business. Abella is abrasive and projects complete confidence in her own worth and opinions, but never really gets angry or squabbles, even when snapped at; and she has done everything Audria or indeed Shrike has ever asked of her with only perfunctory grousing, even when it is clearly not what she would have done on her own.

Rooks are social birds, and only happy in a group. For lack of company, they sometimes even join mixed flocks with other kinds of birds.

The Glow Up — Toilday the 11 of Desnus 4708, Guest Room (Abella, Audria, Dalinius, Jessica, Merula, Talanaliel):
Merula, who had been briefly gone as she looked for the closest privy, returns to find that a tall and wispy dandy has invaded their room uninvited, and hears enough of the conversation to be sure his presence is unwelcome. She takes a breath to prepare herself, takes her fan off her wrist and tucks it into an inner pocket of her long-skirted entertainer's garb, then bustles into the room in a confusion and checks just before she would bump into him.

"Audria, have you seen m— Oh! I beg your pardon, sir. I should not be rushing around, only I cannot seem to find my new fan, and I am growing very much afraid I left it somewhere in the entry hall like a perfect goose! Audria, Jessica, I see you are very much in the middle of something." The shears are already being applied to this impressive cascade of new hair. "Hm... I don't suppose you could spare the time to help me look for it, sir...?" She widens her gray eyes at him limpidly.
If Bluff and/or Diplomacy is required here, I'd like her to take 10 if possible, for 15 or 16. She just wants him out of the room without fuss, and to occupy him with the 'search' for as long as possible.

Morning Surprises — Wealday the 12 of Desnus 4708, Guest Room (Abella, Audria, Jessica, Merula, and Talanaliel):
Merula turns over in her cot and squints at Audria's exclamation. Her ears ache dully and she wishes she had not been forced to share a room.

"Someone better be dying." Her voice, gravelly with sleep, suddenly sounds much more flat and menacing than it had the previous day. Audria has either managed to magically multiply herself instead of just her hair, or else another sixteen-year-old girl has snuck into their room in the dead of night, without any of them noticing, just to cuddle up to her. Of the two, 'strange magical effect' seems more likely. "...Not dying. Great. Goodnight."

She turns over and pulls the blanket over her head again.

The Remembrance of King Eodred Arabasti II — Wealday the 12 of Desnus 4708
Despite her early grouchiness, when Merula awakens the second time she finds that she has slept well, and if her dreams were anything but peaceful, she does not remember them. She spends some time in the morning admiring the view from their window of the docks and High Bridge, which she has never seen from this height before. Though simple, the food they are served is more plentiful and more varied than she gets most mornings, and she eats well while peering off to the right to try to pick out their house in Pillar Hill.

During the ceremony, Merula notes with mild concern the absence of Marcus Endrin and Seneschal Kalepopolis, and with interest the Queen's change into a still rich and flattering version of mourning attire. She rises or sits gracefully when indicated, and attempts to keep up with the prayers without much success. Abadar's she mostly knows, from long childhood practice, but the others are a mystery. The time she has spent in the Sanctuary of Shelyn over the past week is probably more than she has spent in any proper temple in the past five years put together.

When the guests are served finger foods and allowed to mingle, she eats and drinks but little, though she savors the delicious small bites of tarts and pastries and admires the more elaborate display-only creations from afar. Mostly she devotes her efforts to finding some attendees who look like they might be tastemakers or gossips, and sowing the seeds of potential interest in Hommel and Brekka. If asked about the brooch, she also manages to drop into conversation that she has heard the two girls who found it were accompanied by a violent and probably disturbed elf in a bird mask. She would take 10 for 16 on any necessary Diplomacy checks to improve attitudes and make requests to go see the performance. No need to roleplay this if you don't feel like it, GM. Just starting on downtime related things.

She happens to drift near Audria and Abella while the latter is expanding upon her explanation of nobles and how to propitiate them. "All that is well enough as far as it goes," says her husky voice practically from behind Abella's shoulder. "But I would caution you to know your audience. For instance, Lady Keyra's father, Lord Endrin, despises being 'toad-eaten,' as he calls it. His people call him 'Endrin' or 'sir,' never 'my lord.'"

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M NG Human (Chelaxian) Witch (Alley Witch) 3 | HP: 21/21 | AC: 13, T: 12, FF: 11) | CMB: +0, CMD: 12 | F: +4, R: +3, W: +4 | Init: +4 | Perc: +8 Sense Mot: +3[ut] | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: N/A | Harrow Points: 1

No Good Deed, 12 of Desnus, at the remembrance:
Dal nearly choked on an imp-shaped pastry when Sabina startled him. He coughed, causing little specks of red frosting to fly from his mouth.

“Uv..uv korz-” Dal coughed once more then swallowed the bite of pastry. “Of course..” Dal placed a hand on Sabina’s shoulder to stop the woman and immediately pulled it away as if touching a hot pan. “I meant I would help the people but, yes, I’m sure I can find time to go. Tayce and Brienna Soldado? “ Dal scratched his chin. “Yeah, I can make that happen, I think.”

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Toilday, 12 of Desnus, Eodred's Remembrance in Castle Korvosa

As the day wears on, Merula drifts from one group to another, smoothly inserting herself into conversations and either dropping rumours about the masked elf or alluding to an upcoming performance that is not to be missed.

Rumours?: 1d20 ⇒ 3

She catches a rumour of her own as she overhears an elderly lady explaining to the much younger one accompanying her, in that overly loud voice that is common to those who have almost lost their hearing: “The King didn't die of his sickness! He was made sick! My money's on the seneschal. Why else would he flee, eh?" Her companion, looking mortified, attempts to shush her, speaking in a low voice. Merula doesn't catch her words, but the old lady replies querulously, "Well, where is he, then? That's what I'd like to know!"

Sabina Merrin stops mid-stride, but doesn't turn around as Dal replies. Only the slightest swivel of her head indicates that she has heard him. She pauses for a beat, nods, then resumes walking away. Dal gets the impression of a tightly wound spring - the Queen's bodyguard is all tension and angles, save for that tiny crack in her façade that showed him a glimpse of her humanity.

Reunion, 12 of Desnus, the evening of Eodred's Remembrance, guest room; Audria, Talanaliel, Jessica, Eliana (Merula and Abella optional):
Once the ceremony is concluded, the guests are offered the option to stay in the castle one more night, to avoid returning home after dark. Jessica is packing the dresses and accessories she brought back into her oversized leather bag, when a timid knock sounds from the door to the room. She pauses in her work, pursing her lips and glaring at the door over her spectacles. "I hope it's not that dandy again. Or if it is, he'd better be wanting to apologize." She sashays to the door unhurriedly, pulling it open as she drapes herself over the jamb in a languorous pose. Then, as her eyes fall on the person on the other side, she immediately straightens up and flings the door open.

"Audria! Look who it is!"

In the doorway, still wearing her performance attire of white and silver and gold, Eliana smiles happily through tears as she flings herself at Jessica for a tight embrace. "I'm so happy to see you! Is Audria here with you?"

Oathday, 13 of Desnus, the morning after Eodred's Remembrance

Those who have elected to remain in the castle for another night are greeted in the morning with the same simple breakfast, alongside a freshly printed copy of the week's newspaper. With order mostly restored on the streets of the city and a substantial reward in hand, the queen's guests ponder the possibilities.

Let me know what you would like to do today, if anything. I'll move us onto the next AP event if there's nothing pressing.

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Female Human Paladin (Chosen One) 3/Fighter (Mobile Fighter) 2 HP: 46/46 NL: 0 | AC: 19/13/16 CMD: 21/18| F: +7 R: +5 W: +3 | Init: +3, Per: +7 | Smite: 1/1, LoH (1d6): 2/2 Arrows: 19 Holy Water: 2 Holy Weapon Balm: 2, Harrow Points: 8
HP: 23/23| AC: 18/16/16 CMD: 8/6 SR: 9| F: +4 R: +4 W: +7 | Init: +2, Per: +13 (Lowlight) | ToG: 1/1

Performances and Propriety, 11 of Desnus, stage hall; Audria, Keyra, Merula, and Talanaliel:

Fair enough on that front. I think now would be a good time for the guards to come collect everyone.

"I hope you can forgive me if I got you in trouble, Miss Keyra,"Audria whispers before she sees the guards returning.

"If you father and Miss Mhartis approve, though, I'd love to show you around the Sanctuary. Who knows, you're ear might not be as slug-like as you think," Audria says with a smile. She finds that she likes Keyra, and she hopes she can help the young lady's confidence a little.

The Glow Up, 11 of Desnus, guest room; Abella, Audria, Dalinius, Jessica, Merula, Talanaliel:

In hindsight, Dalinius' entrance only hastened the speed at which her hair grew out. Jessica's comment about clever design was more than enough on it's own to push her over the edge.

Still, Audria's grateful that Jessica and Merula get Dalinius out of the room before the problem can get worse. Unfortunately...

"He saw it," she groans. "He knows!"

Morning Surprises — Wealday the 12 of Desnus 4708, Guest Room (Abella, Audria, Jessica, Merula, and Talanaliel):

"See? You woke... 'Rula..."

Talanaliel stares at her arm as she realizes it's not a wing.

"Whu-- What's going on? Where are my feathers?!"

Among things learned that morning were exactly who was and wasn't a morning person.

Insert scene of frantic apologies and trying to figure out how to get Talanaliel to change back into a bird here.


Audria stares down at her plate as she listens to Abella's explanation about nobles from her point of view. By the end of it, she's quiet and not really hungry any more.

Reunion, 12 of Desnus, the evening of Eodred's Remembrance, guest room; Audria, Talanaliel, Jessica, Eliana (Merula and Abella optional):

Audria doesn't remember how she got to the door, but almost as soon as Jessica tells her to see who came to visit, she's there, beaming.

"Ellie!" as soon as Eliana lets got of Jessica, Audria wraps her arms around her best friend and laughs. "I've missed you so much! There's a lot that's happened, and-- and--" Audria's voice breaks as she feels the relief wash over her and the clear, pure joy singing in her heart.

"I was so worried, Ellie. I wanted to see you. I wanted to know that you were safe," she weeps into her friend's shoulder, unable to hold her composure with the emotions roaring through her. "I'm so glad you're alright!"

More to come. Sorry for the delay in posting.

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Oathday, 13 of Desnus, Midland

From the entrance to Castle Korvosa, a left turn on South Seneschal Street, another left turn onto South Castle Street, a right turn onto Field Marshal Avenue, and from there it's a straight line to Eodred's Walk and Gold Market. Some of the shops are still closed, and many stalls are empty, but commerce is returning to the Midlands - although the crowd of customers is smaller than usual.

The hours pass swiftly as at least some of the group seek to make purchases, passing through the market afterwards to eat some lunch and perhaps pick up some treats for the kids back at the Sanctuary. The riots and their subsequent quelling have left marks everywhere, from still boarded-up shop fronts to bloodstained cobblestones and people sporting bruises or bandages. The Korvosan Guard is out in force this close to Citadel Volshyenek, so there is a general air of safety for the law-abiding citizens, but a general feeling of tension remains. It will take weeks, if not months, for Korvosa to return to normal - if indeed such a thing is possible.

As Pip, Dal, Abella, Audria and Merula (or Shrike, if she rejoins the group) walk up Harborview Boulevard towards the Sanctuary, they pass Bailer's retreat, a tavern that serves both those freshly released from the Citadel's jails and the guards who often put them there. The place is infamous for scuffles between the two groups, but this time a different disturbance seems to be taking place. A man in a crumpled and dirty guard uniform, unshaven and unwashed, is being tossed out of the tavern to jeers and shouts from the inside. He stumbles, sways on his feet, and plants face down in the street, squarely in the path of the group.

CG F Human ?? 5 | HP 40/40 | AC 14 (T 14 FF 10) | CMD 19 | Fort +2 Ref +7 Will +5 (+7 v. enchantment, +4 v. compulsions) | Init +10 | Perc. +8/+10 (dim light/darkness) | Conditions: none | Harrow Points: 6

Wealday, 12 of Desnus, Eodred's Remembrance
So would I, madam. So would we all. This is the first whisper she has heard of any possible foul play surrounding the King's death, and if the Seneschal was indeed responsible for — well, poisoning him, as the elderly lady seemed to think — that would be an excellent explanation for his disappearance: fled, dead, or arrested. But what possible reason would there be for the Seneschal to turn on his king after serving him for so many years? And if it was true, what reason would the Queen have now to keep it quiet? It could only increase sympathy and support for her if such an event became public knowledge.
Knowledge (Nobility) - Neolandus Kalepopolis: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22 Is there anything more that Lania knows about the Seneschal besides his name and job title?

Merula leaves Castle Korvosa the same evening as the Remembrance, as soon as it is complete and she can do so while still being polite. As she leaves she explains to the others of their party, primarily Audria, that she wants to check in with her troupe at the theater they have been using for rehearsals, now that the streets are more or less safe, and see whether the performance she has just been promoting to some of Korvosa's wealthiest and most influential people is still happening.
Unless this doesn't work for some reason, GM, she will do just that and then go home.

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Reunion, 12 of Desnus, the evening of Eodred's Remembrance, guest room; Audria, Talanaliel, Jessica, Eliana:
Clinging to Audria's shoulders like a drowning woman, Eliana sobs and laughs until Jessica shepherds them both into the room and closes the door.

"Alright, little missie, tell us everything. And who got you this outfit? Are those real pearls?" The older woman further shepherds them onto the bed, pouring Eliana a glass of water.

"Oh, I'm so glad you're both alright! Brother Theolan came to find me after the performance and told me a little of what happened, I was so scared! I mean, I know you're alright and safe now, but just hearing about all the fighting it made me so scared. When it all started, I didn't understand what was happening, I was at the Ornelos party and suddenly everyone got very agitated. We stopped the performance, of course, and then Sabina - that's the Queen's bodyguard, have you seen her? - came to tell me that the city was rioting and that the Queen herself was offering me protection. The Queen! Protecting me!" The words tumble out in a rush, and it is only Jessica's insistent shoving of the glass at her that makes Eliana take a break to drink some water and breathe.

"So, that's where I've been since then, anyway. Her Majesty has been so kind to me, she gives me all these amazing gifts and sometimes I play some music for her before she retires in the evening. She's so beautiful and amazing and kind! I don't know why those people say those awful things about her." Eliana takes Audria's hands into her own, squeezing them. "Audria... I missed you so much. And I missed Brother Theolan, and Sister Jenelyn, and the Sanctuary..." An unspoken 'but' hangs heavily in the air between them.

"I- I want to stay here, at least until Her Majesty no longer wants me, I mean, it would be absurd to think she needs me, right? Haha. It's so nice here, a real castle! And I'm living in it! And I play music for the Queen of Korvosa! Can you believe it? Remember where we were only a couple of years ago, and look at us now! I- sometimes I hardly can believe it myself, to be in such a place and meet all these important people and- and... I'm not brave like you, Audria. You are the Champion of Shelyn, and I'm just silly little Eliana who plays the flute and dances, but here I feel like I can make a name for myself!" Her eyes seek Audria's beseechingly, imploringly, craving her best friend's understanding and approval.

What Merula Knows About The Seneschal:
Neolandus Kalepopolis is not from any of Korvosa's major noble families. As the brother of the Sable Company's commandant, he was appointed to his position almost 50 years ago, by the field marshal of the Korvosan guard at the time. He has served with undeniable competency since then. The next in line to become seneschal after Neolandus is Marcus Endrin.

CG F Half-Elf Vigilante (Double Scion) 5 | HP 40/40 | AC 18 (T 14 FF 14) | CMD 19 | Fort +2 Ref +7 Will +5 (+7 v. enchantment, +6 v. compulsions) | Init +10 | Perc. +8/+10 (dim light or darkness) | Conditions: - | Harrow Points: 9

Oathday, 13 of Desnus, the morning after Eodred's Remembrance
I hope no one minds me claiming the disguise kit we found at the Old Fishery.

GM — trying to buy elven branched spear:
Shrike rises early after a late but enjoyable evening spent sharing all of her observations and experiences of Castle Korvosa and its denizens and guests with Junie and Mamma over some tea and a plate of simple sweets that their new infusion of cash had allowed. She is satisfied that both of them are quite in charity with her despite an unavoidable night of absence. Isi had already been in bed when she arrived home from the theater.

She is thankful to not have had to sleep with bound ears the previous night, and uses some special eye lenses and a wig from the disguise kit found in the Old Fishery, along with careful application of its cosmetics, to affect the appearance of an anonymous brunette elf with solid black eyes. 9/10 uses remaining on disguise kit, and a +2, as a masterwork tool. Shrike takes no penalties on Disguise checks to appear as an elf, and is only changing her hair and eye color here (hopefully these are 'minor details' only.) If it is possible to take 20, she will spend the extra time to do so; if only to take 10, she will do that. If neither is possible, Disguise is supposed to be a secret roll, so feel free to roll it for her.

She wears her armor, the fine pack to carry both Merula's outfit and Shrike's normal clothes and mask, her weapons, and a concealing cloak as she leaves the Midland district with the sun barely up and makes for South Shore. Though the small enclave of Mierani elves here makes her self-conscious and uneasy, this is the other place in the city where one might expect to find elf-made weapons for ready money, and she suspects it will have been untroubled by the riots. The forested miniature neighborhood a block back from the district's main square, its structures built upon and within living trees, looks perfectly intact and manicured down to the leaf, as it always does. Hunter, please favor me with a swift, inconspicuous, and successful pursuit of my ends.

Shrike wants to buy an elven branched spear (20 gp), or one of masterwork quality (320 gp) if that is available. She is trying to be an unremarkable elf with no mask and different hair color than Shrike for the transaction, because the mask is suspicious and she doesn't want them to remember her later in case anyone comes looking. I saw you said something about reuniting her with her family's heirloom weapon, but she is not expecting to find that specific spear again, because the shop she sold it to seemed not to have it anymore as of a few days ago. She assumes it is sold on and gone — probably gone from the city entirely — which is a shame, but she is too practical to let that stop her from simply finding another in the same style. If she did find it here that would be a pleasant surprise. I generally prefer not to roleplay ordinary merchant transactions, but that entirely is at your discretion. Please let me know what she finds and I will mark off the right amount of money on her sheet. Whatever the outcome, she heads back to Zellara's house to change in privacy before continuing on to the Sanctuary as Shrike.

Shrike arrives at the Sanctuary of Shelyn at midmorning, fully kitted out with her backpack bulging, to claim her share of the reward, only to be told by Brother Theolan that the "young people" had decided to go to Gold Market in Midland before returning to the Sanctuary. So to Gold Market she goes, and eventually finds Audria, Abella, Dal and Pip. She is her usual taciturn self and does not go into most of the shops even once the reward is distributed, but waits outside looking like a particularly odd form of private security. The exception is Trapper's Hole, where she is interested in the bows.

On the way past Bailer's Retreat, the rough tavern next to the abandoned warehouse where she had taken their captured Red Mantis candidate, she notes that the drunk being thrown out is a guard, by his uniform. If anything this makes her warier of becoming involved. She swerves around the crumpled man and keeps on her way.

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Female Human Paladin (Chosen One) 3/Fighter (Mobile Fighter) 2 HP: 46/46 NL: 0 | AC: 19/13/16 CMD: 21/18| F: +7 R: +5 W: +3 | Init: +3, Per: +7 | Smite: 1/1, LoH (1d6): 2/2 Arrows: 19 Holy Water: 2 Holy Weapon Balm: 2, Harrow Points: 8
HP: 23/23| AC: 18/16/16 CMD: 8/6 SR: 9| F: +4 R: +4 W: +7 | Init: +2, Per: +13 (Lowlight) | ToG: 1/1

Reunion, 12 of Desnus, the evening of Eodred's Remembrance, guest room; Audria, Talanaliel, Jessica, Eliana:

Audria's grateful for Jessica's shepherding and questions. It gives her the time she needs to compose herself again. She nearly laughs as Jessica forces a glass of water into Eliana's hands. Audria smiles as she listens to Eliana's story, thought she can't help feeling a twinge of pain as her friend admits to wanting to stay, and more than twinge as she hears Eliana put herself down.

"Ellie, Shelyn chose you, too," Audria says. "And if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be here. Besides, I don't think I'm all that brave."

She shakes her head, clearing the thought and memories of the nightmares she'd had from her mind.

"Anyway, if you're silly, what does that make me and Trinia," Audria asks with a laugh. "Or Tallyfeather?"

An indignant trill comes from where the little thrush is perching herself.

"I am not silly!"

Audria laughs, though an apology flows down her link to her companion.

"Ellie, you're my best friend, my sister. I-- well, I had an audience with the queen yesterday, and when I was asked how I wanted to be introduced, I used your family name. I-- I hope that is alright with you. I did it because you were the first family that I had."

Audria smiles again as she pushes the doubts away for a moment and revels in her friends success.

"If Queen Illeosa likes you enough to want you around, I'd say that's a pretty good sign that you aren't just some silly flutist and dancer."

Audria wraps Eliana up in a hug and holds her tight.

"I'm happy to hear you're enjoying it. Be a joyful artists and create beauty for the enjoyment of it, isn't that what Brother Theolan keeps telling us?"

Audria thinks for a moment as she lets Eliana go and looks to the evening sky outside of the window.

"Ellie, do you think it'd be fine if I stayed the night in your room? I think Jessica's had her fill of me and Tally after this morning."

GM, I was planning on filling Ellie in on everything. Audria's excited for her, and will make that clear, though she is going to miss her. She'd like to see if she could come up and visit with Eliana or if Eliana could come visit her. She'd also see if there is anything that Ellie wants from their room, since she's going to be living here a while.

She is going to make sure that when Ellie finds out that their secret about the Blackjack novels is out that Talanaliel is given full credit for that one.

Oathday, 13 of Desnus, Midland
After trying to give Theolan the coin she'd gotten on her escapades after returning from Castle Korvosa, again, the chastened paladin joins the others in a shopping trip to enjoy their new found wealth. Audria sells her sword, the armor she'd worn the night she'd meet Shrike and Abella, and the chainmail she'd taken from Giggles' corpse. Then she bought a breastplate that was made to be easier to move and jump in as well as a pair of gauntlets and a beautifully made halberd.

Getting clothing for Talanaliel proves to be a more... interesting venture.

One of the things the others notice is that she carries around a dagger and a shortsword now. Something about the past few days having changed something about the young Shelynite's demeanor.


Audria is in the middle of asking Abella, Dal, and Pip if they wanted to help get the children who still have families to go to home when the commotion from the Bailer's Retreat draws her attention.

"Are you alright," she asks the man as she hurries over to him, Talanaliel flying along behind.

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Abella smiles as she turns to watch the man stumbling and fumbling. The smile fades as it turns to confusion and then recognition. She rushes over to help him up. ”Grau! Watch Sergeant Grau Soldado! Well aren’t you a sight. You need a little help?” She waves over to the others. ”One of my sister’s coworkers, dears.”

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CG F Half-Elf Vigilante (Double Scion) 5 | HP 40/40 | AC 18 (T 14 FF 14) | CMD 19 | Fort +2 Ref +7 Will +5 (+7 v. enchantment, +6 v. compulsions) | Init +10 | Perc. +8/+10 (dim light or darkness) | Conditions: - | Harrow Points: 9

Shrike pauses, and then reluctantly turns around to go help Abella get the man to his feet, quite as though she hadn't been about to just walk on by.

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Roll20 Map | Loot inventory

"C-Ca- no. No, she's dead. You're... the sister." The man slurs his speech, and this close the reek of old sweat and strong alcohol hits like an eye-watering hammer.

"Don't need help. Whassa point? Can't do anythin' prop'rly. Everyone's dead. Whassa point?" The watch sergeant begins to sob, clinging to Abella with one hand for balance.

I'll write another post for Audria and Lania after dinner.

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M NG Human (Chelaxian) Witch (Alley Witch) 3 | HP: 21/21 | AC: 13, T: 12, FF: 11) | CMB: +0, CMD: 12 | F: +4, R: +3, W: +4 | Init: +4 | Perc: +8 Sense Mot: +3[ut] | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: N/A | Harrow Points: 1

Spend that money, honey!:

Scribing some scrolls
Spell Level x Caster Level x 12.5 gp
Burning Hands x2 (CL 3) x: 75 GP
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15 DC 8
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11 DC 8

Chocolate Bar: 5 G

Total Spent: 80 GP

Dal stayed one last night at the castle, mostly because he assumed that’s what everyone was doing. He spent several hours scratching a spell on some parchment.

The next morning, he joined up with the others on the dreaded shopping excursion.

Ostensibly, Dal hated shopping. He grumbled and complained about everything. He noted the ludicrous prices, especially given the recent turmoil. But, anyone who paid enough attention could see how much he enjoyed the activity. Every shop was an adventure. Every window display showed treasures of things that he could never afford but, he could dream. And now? Now with a purse full of clinking coins, Dal wasted little time purchasing supplies to write some scrolls that evening plus a bar of chocolate from a local vendor, which he happily shared with the others.

Dal had been filling in the group on his conversation with Sabina Merrin when he nearly tripped over the fallen man. “...Tayce and Brienna Soldado. Merrin didn’t give any more specifics beyond their names and that they live in Trail’s End. I didn’t get the best impression from her but, I also think it wouldn’t hurt to earn a little good faith from the Queen’s personal guard. Geez!” Dal exclaimed.

“We need to get him somewhere where he can sober up,” Dal said.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Human Paladin (Chosen One) 3/Fighter (Mobile Fighter) 2 HP: 46/46 NL: 0 | AC: 19/13/16 CMD: 21/18| F: +7 R: +5 W: +3 | Init: +3, Per: +7 | Smite: 1/1, LoH (1d6): 2/2 Arrows: 19 Holy Water: 2 Holy Weapon Balm: 2, Harrow Points: 8
HP: 23/23| AC: 18/16/16 CMD: 8/6 SR: 9| F: +4 R: +4 W: +7 | Init: +2, Per: +13 (Lowlight) | ToG: 1/1

Audria's eyes narrow at the man's, Grau Soladado, drunken ramblings, but her capricious side gets quashed as she sees him start to sob.

"Do you have a place to stay," she asks him. "I think you'll feel better once you get cleaned up, and bathed." She says as cheap alcohol nearly knocks her out and sends Talanaliel fleeing for fresher air and landing on Dal's shoulder.

Diplomacy(If needed): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16

Turning to Dal, she asks, "Do you think the people Lady Merrin asked you to check on are related to him? They have the same last name."

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Oh bloody hells, he’s crying. ”Oh Cainabeth is just temporarily indisposed out of contact. She just happens to be indisposed in the Boneyard. Nothing I will not be able to fix eventually.” She then realizes that he’s probably not just crying about Cainabeth considering his use of the word “everyone.” While she would rather not get involved, he *did* spar with Cainabeth and pass on some swordfighting knowledge, so ‘Beth would be cross with her for not helping him. ”What other dead people are you on about? Canary is right, you aren’t much use to anyone like this.”

Diplomacy Aid: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16

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Roll20 Map | Loot inventory

"Whassa point? Can't go back. King's dead. Guards dead, people dead, city dead." Grau Soldado stumbles through a few more such cheerful declarations. "In'sposed inna Boneyard. Heh. I like you." He tries to pat Abella's shoulder, and misses.

"I think I'll be in'sposed too." He does, indeed, look a little green around the gills.

CG F Half-Elf Vigilante (Double Scion) 5 | HP 40/40 | AC 18 (T 14 FF 14) | CMD 19 | Fort +2 Ref +7 Will +5 (+7 v. enchantment, +6 v. compulsions) | Init +10 | Perc. +8/+10 (dim light or darkness) | Conditions: - | Harrow Points: 9

Even with the mask, the reek makes her eyes water. Recognizing what's coming, Shrike sighs silently and switches her grip from under one of the drunkard's armpits to his arm. She supports him over to the nearest gutter so that he can empty his guts. "Come on. Better out than in." He's drunk enough to kill a horse. Casting up his accounts now may save his life. She stays away from crossing in front of his mouth, not wanting any of his stomach's contents to end up on her.

She doesn't add more questions to those from the others. He seems in no state to give sensible answers yet. Although that is not a common last name, and she suspects that Audria is right that he is related in some way to these people Captain Merrin had asked Dal to check on, which is itself an odd coincidence. If they can't find his family, it may be that the Sanctuary of Shelyn will be taking in one more castaway.

Female Human Paladin (Chosen One) 3/Fighter (Mobile Fighter) 2 HP: 46/46 NL: 0 | AC: 19/13/16 CMD: 21/18| F: +7 R: +5 W: +3 | Init: +3, Per: +7 | Smite: 1/1, LoH (1d6): 2/2 Arrows: 19 Holy Water: 2 Holy Weapon Balm: 2, Harrow Points: 8
HP: 23/23| AC: 18/16/16 CMD: 8/6 SR: 9| F: +4 R: +4 W: +7 | Init: +2, Per: +13 (Lowlight) | ToG: 1/1

"Right! Let's not do that in the middle of the street," Audria says as she sees the signs and gets behind the guardsman to help guide him over to the gutter where the rain at least has a chance of washing it away and people shouldn't step in it.

Strength: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14

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