The tomb

Game Master loc

An artifact has been stolen from the city of Caliphas in the country of Ustalav. The prince has personally reached out by letter to adventures to assist in recovering the stolen artifact. You are one of the lucky few chosen to embark to retrieve it.

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HP 54/54 +12THP. Fort 7 Ref 6 Wil 10 AC 21 TAC 14 FFAC 17 CMD 18 FCMD15 Join Battle +4 Perc +23 (w/ phantom)

Indeed. Hope ya'll good~

I take a peek when i check my other online play. Since I check all those off the main campaign page for my account.

halfling shaman 5 / stargazer 2 | 55/55 hp | 23 AC 16 T 19 FF | F 9 R 9 W 13 (+2 fear) | Ini +4, Perc +13|
Active Spells:
False Life (14 temp hp), Heightened Awareness, Protection from Evil

I guess, Halloween is over

Ru-Shi Dhampir Male Haunt Collector (Occultist) 6/Mortal Usher 1 | HP 65/65 | AC 27 Touch 12 Flat 26 CMB +12 CMD 24 | Fort +11 Ref +5 Will +9 (-1 vs sonic; +2 vs disease/mind-affecting) | Speed 20 ft | Init +1; Per +16, SM +1 | Focus (Abjuration 4/4, Necromancy 1/1, Transmutation 6/6) | Spells (Lv1 5/6; Lv2 4/4) | Active: Lead Blades (6 min)

It seems that way, unfortunately. Nice playing with y'all.

50/51 HP, +4 initiative, 15 AC (15 to, 11 ff), 17 CMD (13ff), +6 fort, +7 ref, +7 will, +3 BAB

The characters were cool

Ru-Shi Dhampir Male Haunt Collector (Occultist) 6/Mortal Usher 1 | HP 65/65 | AC 27 Touch 12 Flat 26 CMB +12 CMD 24 | Fort +11 Ref +5 Will +9 (-1 vs sonic; +2 vs disease/mind-affecting) | Speed 20 ft | Init +1; Per +16, SM +1 | Focus (Abjuration 4/4, Necromancy 1/1, Transmutation 6/6) | Spells (Lv1 5/6; Lv2 4/4) | Active: Lead Blades (6 min)

I'm hiding this from my campaign tabs to reduce clutter. If the GM returns and resumes gameplay, please private message me. Otherwise I might not see anything.

Cheers, all.

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