About Archivist Malik ZellSpells used:
Buffs: Temp Hp +12 Level 7 Phantom Blade. Human.
AC 21 TAC 14 FFAC 17 CMD 21 FCMD 17
Phantom Blade +2
Soul Lash (Phantom Blade Whip)
Unarmed Strike.
Mundane Weapons: Horn Bow MWK, Composite +2
Cold Iron Kunai
Alchemical Silver Cestus (left hand)
Special Abilities TLDRs
Healer’s Hands.
Wealth By Level 7 23,500 Carry Capacity
Specialized healer’s satchel. 3000gp 1lb
Cold Iron Kunai 4gp 2lbs
Total weight 32 for the above. Efficient Quiver:
19/20lb left side of haver sack
5.5 /20lb Right side haversack
26/80lb main haversack
Mead 8galloon 2gp
Remaining 42 GP
Mundane kit/Gear Text:
Wandermeal (per day)
Fishing kit
Chronicler’s Kit 40gp, 4.5lbs
Cooking kit
MWK Survival kit 50 gp (masterwork); Weight 4 lbs. 5 lbs. (masterwork)
A masterwork survival kit contains higher quality gear and a guide to identifying flora and fauna. It grants you a +2 circumstance bonus on Survival checks to get along in the wild, deal with severe weather, keep from getting lost, avoid natural hazards such as quicksand, and predict the weather. Mess kit
Dungeoneering kit
Gear maintenance kit
Pump water canister
HP: 10+2 @lv1. +(5+2)*6 @ levels 2-7.
Per level: 4+1 Human +1 FCB. = 6.+Int Mythweavers for a break down on actual skill distribution and bonuses etc Acrobatics 8 APPRAISE 1 BLUFF -2 CLIMB 6 CRAFT 1 DIPLOMACY -2 DISABLE DEVICE 5 DISGUISE -2 ESCAPE ARTIST 8 FLY 8 HANDLE ANIMAL -2 HEAL 15+5 circumstance (gloves) +2 if using Healer’s Kit +2 more if using Diagnosis INTIMIDATE -2 KN(All except Planes and Nobility): 5 KN(Planes) 11 (7pts. Noted for feat) Kn(nobility): 1 LINGUISTICS 1 PERCEPTION 19 (+4 when near phantom weapon..so always really +23 except sleeping) PROFESSION (Chronicler/Archivst) 5 Perform (Dance) -2 RIDE 4 SENSE MOTIVE 15 (+4 when near phantom weapon..so always really +19 except sleeping) SLEIGHT OF HAND 8 SPELLCRAFT 1 STEALTH +15 +1 extra if in hilly/rocky area. SURVIVAL 6 SWIM 6 UMD 2 spells:
Spells per day //// Lv1 4+2 //// Lv2 3+1 //// Lv3 1+1
6 Slots Lv1 (5)
4 Slots Lv2 (4)
2 Slots Lv3 (2)
Class Ability Spells.
Feat Phantom Blade
Healer's Hands (Conduit) Source Planar Adventures pg. 28 Your healing efforts are bolstered by positive energy. Prerequisites: Heal 1 rank, Knowledge (planes) 1 rank. Benefit: You can use the Heal skill to treat deadly wounds as a full-round action. You do not take a penalty for not using a healer’s kit when treating deadly wounds this way, and you can do so on a given creature more than once per day. When treating deadly wounds this way, if your result exceeds the DC by 10 or more, add your ranks in Knowledge (planes) to the damage healed. These benefits do not apply to creatures that are not healed by positive energy. You can use this feat’s benefit a number of times per day equal to your ranks in Knowledge (planes). Weapon Focus (Combat)
Prerequisites: Proficiency with selected weapon, base attack bonus +1. Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on all attack rolls you make using the selected weapon. Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new type of weapon. Weapon Finesse (Combat)
Benefit: With a light weapon, rapier, whip, or spiked chain made for a creature of your size category, you may use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier on attack rolls. If you carry a shield, its armor check penalty applies to your attack rolls. Special: Natural weapons are considered light weapons. Signature Skill
Prerequisites: 5 ranks in the chosen skill. Benefit: Choose one skill. You gain the ability listed in that skill’s 5 Ranks entry. As you gain more ranks in the chosen skill, you gain additional abilities. If you have 10 or more ranks in the chosen skill, you gain the appropriate abilities immediately. If your chosen skill is Craft, Knowledge, Perform, or Profession, you gain the listed powers only for one category of that skill, such as Craft (bows). This feat can be taken only once, but it stacks with the rogue’s edge ability and the cutting edge rogue talent.
Whip Mastery (Combat)
Prerequisites: Weapon Focus (whip), base attack bonus +2. Benefit: You no longer provoke attacks of opportunity when attacking with a whip. You can deal lethal damage with a whip, although you can still deal nonlethal damage when you want. Further, you can deal damage with a whip despite a creature’s armor bonus or natural armor bonus. Normal: Attacking with a whip provokes attacks of opportunity as if you used a ranged weapon. A whip deals no damage to a creature that has an armor bonus of +1 or natural armor bonus of +3. Improved Whip Mastery (Combat)
Prerequisites: Weapon Focus (whip), Whip Mastery, base attack bonus +5. Benefit: While wielding a whip, you threaten the area of your natural reach plus 5 feet. You can also use a whip to grasp an unattended Small or Tiny object within your whip’s reach and pull that object into your square. To do so, you must hit AC 10 with a melee touch attack. Further, you can use the whip to grasp onto an object within your whip’s reach, using 5 feet of your whip as if it were a grappling hook, allowing you to use the rest of your whip to swing on like a rope. As a free action, you can release the object your whip is grasping, but you cannot use the whip to attack while the whip is grasping an object.
+2 to One Ability Score: Human characters get a +2 bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature.
Heirloomn Weapon. Phantom Blade whip form proficiency. Does not give prof in any other whips. Highlander
Spiritualist Class abilities:
Spiritualist abilities not removed by archetype Phantom Blade: Detect Undead (Sp): At 5th level, a spiritualist’s connection with the Ethereal Plane becomes so strong that she can use detect undead at will as a spell-like ability with a caster level equal to her spiritualist level. Calm Spirit (Sp): At 7th level, a spiritualist gains the ability to use calm spirit as a spell-like ability once per day. At 11th level and every 4 levels thereafter, the spiritualist can use this ability an additional time per day (to a maximum of 4 times per day at 19th level).
Phantom Blade Class Abilities:
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A phantom blade is proficient with all simple and martial weapons. She is also proficient with light and medium armor. This ability alters the spiritualist’s weapon and armor proficiency. Add Whip and Horn Bow via racial military tradition Phantom Weapon: A phantom blade begins play with an ectoplasmic sentient weapon known as a phantom weapon whose weapon type is chosen by the phantom blade. The weapon type must be one with which the phantom blade is proficient. A phantom weapon functions similarly to the black blade of the bladebound magus archetype (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 47) except as noted on the Phantom Weapon Progression table on page 6 and in the descriptions below. A phantom blade with this class feature can’t have a phantom of any kind, even from another class. This replaces phantom, phantom recall, spiritual bond, and dual bond. Spell Combat (Ex): A phantom blade can cast spells and wield her phantom weapon at the same time. This functions as the magus’s spell combat class ability (Ultimate Magic 10). This replaces etheric tether, shared consciousness, fused consciousness, and empowered consciousness. Spellstrike (Su): At 2nd level, a phantom blade can deliver spells through her phantom weapon. This functions like the magus’s spellstrike class ability (Ultimate Magic 10) except the only weapon the spiritualist can use to deliver spells is her phantom weapon. This replaces bonded senses. Spirit of War (Ex): At 3rd level and every 5 spiritualist levels thereafter, a phantom blade gains a bonus combat feat. The spiritualist must meet the prerequisites for these feats, but she treats her spiritualist level as her base attack bonus (in addition to base attack bonuses gained from other classes and racial Hit Dice) for the purpose of qualifying for these feats. The phantom blade also treats her spiritualist level as her fighter level for the purpose of selecting feats with a minimum number of fighter levels as a prerequisite. This replaces bonded manifestation. Etheric Focus (Ex): At 4th level, the phantom blade can use her phantom weapon to aid her in casting spells with thought components. She can center herself (Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures 144) as a swift action. At 12th level, the spiritualist can center herself as a free action. This ability replaces spiritual interference and greater spiritual interference.
Phantom Weapon :
Phantom Weapon Ability Descriptions A phantom weapon has special abilities (or imparts abilities to its wielder) depending on the wielder’s spiritualist level. These abilities are cumulative. A phantom weapon normally refuses to use any of its abilities when wielded by anyone other than its phantom blade, and acts as an incorporeal masterwork weapon of its type. Alertness (Ex): While the phantom blade is wielding or harboring her phantom weapon, she gains the Alertness feat. Phantom Touch (Ex): A phantom weapon is always treated as a ghost touch weapon, regardless of weapon type or any other abilities modifying the weapon. If the phantom weapon would ever be destroyed, it is instead harbored in the spiritualist’s consciousness for 24 hours. Telepathy (Su): While the phantom blade is wielding or carrying her phantom weapon, she can communicate telepathically with the weapon. Weapon of the Mind (Ex): The phantom blade can harbor her phantom weapon in her consciousness or manifest it in its ectoplasmic form. The phantom blade can manifest the weapon through a ritual that takes 1 minute to perform. Harboring the phantom weapon requires a full-round action. While the weapon is harbored, the phantom blade gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat and treats her unarmed strike damage as a monk of her level – 2. If the phantom blade already has this feat, she instead gains Weapon Focus (unarmed strike). The phantom blade’s unarmed strikes gain the phantom weapon’s enhancement bonus and other abilities when the weapon is harbored. The phantom weapon also recovers a number of hit points equal to its ego score every hour that it is harbored. Quick Manifest (Ex): At 3rd level, the phantom blade can manifest her phantom weapon as a swift action. Ectoplasmic Pool (Ex): At 5th level, the phantom blade gains a reservoir of excess ethereal energy and ectoplasm that she can draw upon to improve her phantom weapon. This pool has a number of ectoplasmic points equal to half her spiritualist level + her Wisdom modifier. The pool refreshes once per day when the spiritualist refreshes her daily spells. The phantom blade can spend a number of ectoplasmic points to enhance or modify her phantom weapon. As a free action, she can spend 1 point to manifest or harbor her weapon. The spiritualist can also spend 2 ectoplasmic points as a free action to allow attacks made with her phantom weapon to resolve against touch AC for 1 round. As a swift action, she can spend 2 ectoplasmic points to grant the weapon one of the following weapon special abilities for 1 minute: corrosiveUE, defending, flaming, frost, keen, mercifulUE, shock, or throwing. Reshape (Ex): At 7th level, a phantom blade can change the weapon type of her phantom weapon when she refreshes her daily spells. Spiritualist Class Level Enhancement Bonus Cha Int/Wis Ego Special
Backstory GM Only please.:
Zellgrad’s life has been a tad odd. In his youth Zellgrad daily life was simple farming. A life of a villager. However, unlike many of his peers he was a bit of the local reader; unlike most areas his small hamlet actually had a fair amount of books and education was something considered smart-although you had to pay in kind for it. Education in the morning, work in the evening. Zellgrad really liked it; enough so he got over the local legend about the book owners--whom were a pair of grumpy elderly couple. Their home housed most of the books in the town, as well as a great deal of unsettling and creepy items. Zellgrad wasn’t particularly harty for a village kid, but was curiously brave. So, he volunteered to help the “creepy old book owner” . So every morning education, then every evening helping to clean, organize, repair. It was enjoyable, even if the Elder was always cranky. Sometimes he missed the animals but he didn't miss the dirt or the butchering. However, there weren’t only educational or useful tools. The elder kept some strange objects. One of which Zellgrad ran afoul of. A small cursed item. When Zellgrad opened a book he found in a corner, under a box--thinking it was just lost or fell down at some point in such a messy place. He was idle, curious and opened it. The next thing he knew; he saw his own body on the floor and felt like he was scattered, as if he was seeing from multiple perspectives. He wasn’t sure how long he was like that-perception was scattered. He felt as if there was something else as well, in him, around, everywhere. Realistically it was just a short afternoon; but it was rather terrifying if he could truly remember the whole experience. He awoke with the Elder looking fervent at them, touching a small obsidian-like gem embedded on the back of his hand and glowing with as oft light. He’d never seen them use magic before; never seen magic before that night. He came to later learn that the book was a cursed object from an unknown origin that they were trying to decipher and hide. Its power seemed diminished now; and Zellgrad felt changed. Over time he found that he occasionally would be focusing on something and feel as if he split; yet he was not. According to the Elderly couple, Zellgrad’s soul was sharded-but somehow undamaged. Further he seemed to be able to send portions outward; generally it didn’t do much, it simply felt like his senses were hazy, fuzzy and expanded.
Adopted into a scholarly abby/library. He grew up and of course was part of the procession-did not take well to the religion (not opposed just disinterested to an extent) but loved the learning and reading.
It was not a week to forget. A local merchant who would visit monthly had made an early trip in order to try and upsell a few trinkets to the Abby leadership who had a secret love of some unusual book topics. The merchant discovered the condition of the siege and set off to obtain aid. The abby's fate was denied with the timely arrival of the local lordship's forces who set about routing the undead inhabiting the area. Malik never learned much about the why, or who of what happened there.