GM Zin |

Please see the Recruitment tab for chronicle reporting information; all other OOC discussion should take place here; thanks!

GM Zin |

Not really! From a party composition standpoint, either fills the same role. Go ahead and read the scenario's summary on the Campaign Info tab, and bring the PC you think you'd enjoy doing that with the most.

sergiogq |

Hello! Thanks for having me here, GM Zin.
This will be my first PbP game on Paizo. So, I will probably need to first a few things regarding information that is required, where and formatting. I have more thn 15 years of playing by post and gamemastering on another platform for D&D and Pathfinder, though. So, it is merely that I am not familiar with this platform. But have patience with me on the first days, please!
By the way, I will be playing a half-elf Fighter level 2.

GM Zin |

Hello! Thanks for having me here, GM Zin.
This will be my first PbP game on Paizo. So, I will probably need to first a few things regarding information that is required, where and formatting. I have more thn 15 years of playing by post and gamemastering on another platform for D&D and Pathfinder, though. So, it is merely that I am not familiar with this platform. But have patience with me on the first days, please!
By the way, I will be playing a half-elf Fighter level 2.
It starts by filling out the information I've requested on the Recruiting tab. If you have any questions about that info, go ahead and ask them over there (just to keep things tidy).
Between now and when we get started, the information in the guides here will be a big help. Review that, and we'll help you along once we get going!

GM Zin |

Yes, post something in the Gameplay tab. If you immediately delete it, it doesn't leave any clutter behind and you'll be marked as a player in this campaign; it will then show up on your My Campaigns tab.

GM Zin |

Only if requested. Online GMs--just like in real life--have the right to review them, but I only do that rarely; I think you'll find that to be the norm. It's a good practice to have copies of them available electronically so you can share them with the GM if requested, but I don't plan on requesting them for this game.

GM Zin |

By the way, I do not know if I need to do something to be shown properly on the tab of Characters. Right now, it only shows my alias not the one of my character. And only under Previous Characters.
If you make your introductory post under Gameplay using your character's alias (instead of as "sergiogq"), your character alias will appear on the Character tab with the others.
If you're not ready to make an introduction, you can just post anything at all and then delete it. That will also trigger your character's alias to appear.

GM Zin |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I will get a rhorough post in Gameplay tomorrow, but please continue introducing yourselves in light of the announcement!
We kick off in earnest in less than 24 hours! I will begin sending PMs tomorrow.

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Hey, sorry for inactivity, this week. I had a crazy week, to deal with! But it won’t interfere with my participation! Also, I do have a boon to play a kobold, along with the right source book, to play her as a Ghost Kobold.

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Also, would it be alright with everyone, if I attempted to make a comic out of our adventure? I’ve been wanting to chronicle my characters’ adventures, for some time.

GM Zin |

Okay, I've sent PMs to our absent players. Four have checked in, so we're all good even if they don't show up; we're a legal table.

GM Zin |

Alright! The slide deck is up; there's a link to it at the top of all pages, and under my tagline on every post. The 2nd page includes a marching order, along with BBcode formatted quick-roll spoilers for my use during the game.
Please move your token where you want it to be in the marching order, and then change "PC Name" in your box to your name so I know you're done. If you don't care about the marching order, I can slot you in later too.
At the same time, I've prefilled your character's modifiers in those quick-roll spoilers; feel free to review what I've put in, and let me know if I got something wrong, or if you have situational modifiers that I missed.

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Also, would it be alright with everyone, if I attempted to make a comic out of our adventure? I’ve been wanting to chronicle my characters’ adventures, for some time.
Sounds amazing. You would draw it?

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Tarka Slitherscales wrote:Also, would it be alright with everyone, if I attempted to make a comic out of our adventure? I’ve been wanting to chronicle my characters’ adventures, for some time.Sounds amazing. You would draw it?
Of course! Gotta put that art major in college (specifically in traditional drawing, cartooning, & clay sculptures) to good use, at some point! XD
But in all seriousness, yes. I’ll just need a way to know, at some point, what everyone looks like.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Alright! The slide deck is up; there's a link to it at the top of all pages, and under my tagline on every post. The 2nd page includes a marching order, along with BBcode formatted quick-roll spoilers for my use during the game.
Please move your token where you want it to be in the marching order, and then change "PC Name" in your box to your name so I know you're done. If you don't care about the marching order, I can slot you in later too.
At the same time, I've prefilled your character's modifiers in those quick-roll spoilers; feel free to review what I've put in, and let me know if I got something wrong, or if you have situational modifiers that I missed.
Everything looks good, here!

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Stavarg Titanshade wrote:Tarka Slitherscales wrote:Also, would it be alright with everyone, if I attempted to make a comic out of our adventure? I’ve been wanting to chronicle my characters’ adventures, for some time.Sounds amazing. You would draw it?Of course! Gotta put that art major in college (specifically in traditional drawing, cartooning, & clay sculptures) to good use, at some point! XD
But in all seriousness, yes. I’ll just need a way to know, at some point, what everyone looks like.
Hit me up in PM (or on discord) to discuss further. I have a reference image linked in Stavarg's profile, but that's not *exactly* how the character looks (and also the reference is a copyrighted likeness :) )

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Quick question, which I know I’m late in asking: is a character still able to use a Faction Pin Boon, of a faction that they no longer belong to? Because I have a Liberty’s Edge Pin, and one Fame with Liberty’s Edge (can prove both), even though my character is now a Grand Lodge character.

GM Zin |

I would have to rule that you are no longer a member of Liberty's Edge, so the pin won't help this PC, no.

GM Zin |

Khon'Ur silently walks around with everyone and grumbles something about stupid missions. Nevertheless, his eye is attentive and he tries to understand every time what the true motives of those with whom his comrades communicate are.
Some Sense Motive in advance (I'm sorry, he's just not one of those who communicates or passes knowledge checks)
[dice=SM]1d20 + 8
[dice=SM]1d20 + 8
[dice=SM]1d20 + 8
I don't know what to do with these rolls, Khon'Ur. Per this post, I need some kind of target from you; what kind of bidder are you attempting to find with these checks? You can't just spam the dice rolls.
I'm also a little concerned that you've identified a bidder but are just... walking away. You can do what you want, of course, but it doesn't seem to be a productive strategy. I think it's worth your time to try to interact and learn something; if you're concerned about your ability to meet the DC, you could pair up with another PC and use aid another to help their roll, perhaps? Otherwise, it's kind of a waste of your successful Sense Motive check that identified the bidder, if nobody then follows up to try to learn anything from them.

GM Zin |

GM Zin, I was reading about the Welcome to the Pathfinder Society boon, which did not exist when I created my character, many years ago. Can I add it to my character, which is numbered -1, or would you rather prefer that I leave this until after this scenario?
Sorry, I missed this. I believe this is allowed; I did it with my -1, myself, so I sure hope it's allowed.

sergiogq |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Sorry, I missed this. I believe this is allowed; I did it with my -1, myself, so I sure hope it's allowed.
No problem. There was no rush. Thanks for confirming this. I will fill my own chronicle for that choosing the second option (that of gaining some temporary hit points). That means that my chronicle number for Race for the Runecarved will be #5, not #4.

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Are we at the part where we can purchase items for the mission? Because I currently have one pistol, and a machete, only. No bullets or black powder, for said pistol.

GM Zin |

Yes; please go ahead and make any purchases you need. You typically don't have to wait; you can always make purchases between adventures.

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No problem from my side, Tarka. It looks like an exciting project!
I’m an about to start the webcomic. Could you send me information on how your character looks?

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A very tall and thin half-elf (almost two meters), jet-black hair and green eyes that observe carefully everything around him. He wears plain traveller clothes: black leather boots, red trousers and brown shirt. Under his traveller cloak one can see that he is no a mere commoner: the sheath of a large sword and the metallic shine of an armor show it. He also carries a big metallic shield that he seems to use well when needed.

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Hey, sorry I haven’t updated anyone on the comic - it’s been a busy weekend! But I’m currently looking at what legal hoops would be necessary to jump through, in order to get the webcomic running.

Gothic_Artificer |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Okay, good news, folks! Thanks to the legal freedom of Paizo’s “Pathfinder Inifinite”, this’ll become a full-on comic, purchased on their website! Unfortunately, it’s going to be an exclusive deal, there. Still! You will each get to have feedback on the comic development! And I will pay you the money, both to get a PDF of the comic, at the least!

GM Zin |

FYI, we will be getting our 24 hour warning to wrap this encounter up later today; we will move to Act 3 tomorrow evening whether we've completed this encounter or not; that's part of playing at a multitable special. Heads up!

Gothic_Artificer |

Hey, question: Is it too late to retcon a trait of Tarka’s? I just learned, yesterday, that she can’t have “Bountiful Herb-Lore”, since she doesn’t come from Cassomir. If it’s alright with you, I would instead like to replace it with “Kobold Faith”, which doesn’t seem likely to affect the current campaign, either. But is more on-point.