Full Name |
Tarka Slitherscales, of the Thunderscales Tribe |
Race |
| HP: 11/11 | AC: 12 (11 Tch, 11 Fl) | CMD: 11 (10 Fl) | F: +3, R: +2, W: +2 | Init: +0 | Perc: +2, SM +2 |
Classes/Levels |
| Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none |
Gender |
Female NG Kobold Gunslinger 1 |
Size |
3’6” (34 pounds); Small |
Age |
24 |
Special Abilities |
Day Raider, Prehensile Tail, Wild Forest Kobold |
Alignment |
Neutral Good |
Deity |
Dinosaurs (Green Faith) |
Location |
The Jungles of Mediogalti Island |
Languages |
Common; Draconic |
Occupation |
Gunsmith |
Strength |
12 |
Dexterity |
10 |
Constitution |
12 |
Intelligence |
12 |
Wisdom |
14 |
Charisma |
14 |
About Tarka Slitherscales
* Biography *
- Tarka, like most other kobolds in society, never knew her actual parents, being instead born in a brood. She was born with a rare genetic mutation, that gave her a more human-like appearance, compared to other kobolds. For this, she was originally looked at with suspicion. However, over time, she proved quite powerful with a bow, long before her right of passage. For this, the tribe quickly took a warmer direction with her.
- At 12 years old, Tarka was now a freshly formed bow huntress for her tribe, “the Thunderscale Tribe”. But one faithful day, she found a flintlock pistol on the ground, battered from being trampled over, by a triceratops. At first, it scared her, when it went off! But as her curiosity grew, she slowly learned how to use it, and improved her hunting skills! Now 21, she decided to work with humans, to hunt dangerous creatures, and to honor her tribe!
- She also adopted the surname, “Slitherscales”, after the fact that she’s a mysterious green-black scaled “Ghost Kobold” - meaning she’s translucent! Now, with her new gun, and sharp sniping skills, she’s ready to join the Pathfinder Society, and bring great honor to her tribe!
* Character Sheet *
• Racial Abilities:
- Racial Ability Score Modifiers: +2 to DEX, -2 to CON, -4 to STR.
- Size Modifiers (Small): +4 size bonus to Stealth Checks, +1 Size bonus to AC & Attack Rolls, -1 to CMD & CMB.
- Normal Speed: 30 ft walking speed.
- Day Raider: Instead of Darkvision and light sensitivity, Tarka has Low-Light Vision.
- Prehensile Tail: Gain a +2 racial bonus to Acrobatics and Climb checks; draw out a hidden weapon of item as a move action, instead of a standard action.
- Wild Forest Kobold: Tarka gains a +2 to Perception & Survival checks; Stealth & Survival are always Class skills for her.
• Traits:
- Draconic Destiny: Gain a +2 Trait Bonus to stabilize, when dying; Die at an amount of negative HP equal to or greater than your Con Mod +2.
- Bountiful Herb-Lore: Once per day, after a 10-minute foraging, you can sprinkle found herbs into a consumable item (such as a potion of Light Cure Wounds). If consumed within 1 minute, it supplies as much nourishment as a whole meal’s worth of food.
• Favored Class Abilities:
- Gunslinger: Add +1 Skill Point
• Gunslinger Class Features:
- Gunsmith (Pistolero): Start with a free battered Pistol, and the ability to make, repair, and sell one-handed firearms. A battered pistol works differently from a standard pistol; in Tarka’s hands, there’s no difference. But in another player’s hands, a battered pistol works as if it was broken, such as by a misfire; if it already was broken, it’s completely non-functional, in another player’s hands. If sold for scrap, this bartered pistol is only worth 22gp. However, it can be repaired with 300gp’s worth of materials, and 24 hours worth of time. Doing so turns the battered pistol into a masterwork pistol.
- Trembling Grit (Bushwhacker): Tarka starts with a hero pool of points, called “Grit”. By expending 1 point of Grit, she can perform special abilities called “Deeds”. Normally, a gunslinger starts each adventure with a number of grit equal to their Wisdom modifier. But as a Bushwhacker, Tarka starts with a diminished pool, equal to her Wisdom modifier - 1 (minimum 1 Grit Point). Once expended, she has a number of ways to regain her Grit pool:
1. Critical Hit with a Firearm: Confirming a critical shot against an opponent more than half Tarka’s total class level in hit dice regains 1 Grit point. Doing against an opponent with less than half as many hit dice, or an opponent who is helpless or unaware does not grant extra Grit.
2. Killing Blow with a Firearm: Reducing an opponent to 0 or fewer hit points with a gunshot during combat increases grit by 1 point. The opponent must have at least half the amount of hit dice as her Gunslinger level, but can be helpless or unaware, in order to gain a Grit Point.
- Craven Deeds (Pistolero/ Bushwhacker): Grit points are spent on special abilities called “Deeds”. Deeds are special abilities, that can grant amazing abilities to the Gunslinger, and takes years to learn. Tarka’s list of Deeds are wildly different from most gunslingers. Please see below, for a complete list of Deeds!
• Deeds:
- Up Close & Deadly (1st Level): By spending 1 Grit Point while targeting an opponent with a one-handed firearm (not a scatter shot), Tarka can add +1d6 precision damage to the shot. If she misses, the shot still grazes the target, dealing half the precision damage, anyways. This stacks with Sneak Attack damage, and is negated by creatures immune to Sneak Attacks. This precision damage does not multiply on a Critical Hit, nor can the Grit Point cost be reduced in any way.
- Stacked Deck (1st Level): When making a Bluff, Profession (Gambler), or Sleight of Hands check, Tarka may spend 1 grit point, in order to add 1d6 to the outcome. On a natural “6”, she may freely add another 1d6 to the outcome, up to her WIS MOD.
- Quick Clear (1st Level): Tarka can repair her broken firearm as a standard action, so long as she has a single Grit Point. Alternatively, she can spend a Grit Point to fix it as a move action. The firearm must have broke from a misfire.
- Precision Damage Dice: +1d6
- Grit Points: 03
• Feats:
- (1st Level) Kobold Sniper: (Requirements: Kobold; Stealth 1 rank) Reduce the penalty to stealth checks after sniping to only a -10.
- 1st Level; Bonus) Gunsmithing (Pistol): Tarka may now purchase firearms, firearms ammunition, alchemical cartridges, & firearm equipment. (Special: Gunslingers like Tarka are the only ones who can craft firearms, ammo, and the like.)
• Skill Points: 5 (4+Int Mod)
- Class Skills: Acrobatics, Bluff, Climb, Craft, Handle Animal, Heal, Intimidate, Knowledge (engineering), Knowledge (local), Perception, Profession, Ride, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Survival, and Swim.
- Character skills: Alchemy 01 (+05), Craft (Firearms) 01 (+05), Survival 01 (+07), Heal 01 (+06), Stealth 01 (+08), Diplomacy 01 (+03)
• Statistics:
- Hit Points: 11 HP; Damage Reduction: 0/-; Spell Resistance: 00
- Initiative: +00
- Armor Class points: 12; Touch AC: 11; Flat-Footed: 11
- Base Attack Bonus: +1; CMB: +1; CMD: +11
- Fort Save Bonus: +1 (Total: +3); Reflex Save Bonus: +2 (Total: +2); Will Save Bonus: +0 (Total: +2)
• Carrying Capacity:
- Light Load: 32.25 pounds or less.
- Medium Load: 32.5-64.5 pounds.
- Heavy Load: 64.75-97.5 pounds.
- Lift Over Head: 97.5 pounds
- Lift off Ground: 195 pounds
- Drag or Push: 487.5 pounds
• Items:
- Equipment: Explorer’s Outfit; Reinforced Tunic; Pathfinder’s Kit (a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a clay mug, a dagger, two fishhooks, a flint and steel, Signaling Whistle, 50ft. String, 50ft. Thread, 07 Days Rations, Waterskin, & Whetstone); Battered Pistol; 4 Powder Horns; Gunsmith’s Kit; Machete; 2 Bandoliers; Reinforced Scarf
- Pets: Pony (Mister Hooves)
- Remaining Money: 48 GP
• Attacks:
- Pistol (Attack bonus: +1; Critical: X4; Type: B&P; Range:20ft.; Ammo.: Firearm Bullets (Cap.: 1); Damage: 1d6+1)
- Machete (Attack bonus: +2; Critical: 19-20 X2; Type: S; Range:—; Damage: 1d4+2)