GM Falling Darkness |

So a freight train of fat running 160 ft in a round chases after a terrified train of despair who ran 240 ft...
Round one 160 to 360...
Round two 320 to 480
Round three 480 to 600.
Round four 640 to 720
Round five 800 to 840
Round six 960 to 960... So you match him at round six and pass him on round seven.

Talia Vess |

The cook hands you the keys and the apron and another cook grabs a spare pair of pants and a shirt and hands it to you. You also have two bloodied guard uniforms next to the wedged door. This takes one round with the whole group working together.
There's 6 of us, 7 if you count Grumblejack, but only two wanted a disguise. They should be the only two spending the round getting the clothing.
Meanwhile, Audi is locking the door. That should also take one round(the same as getting disguises).
Meanwhile, the rest of us should be going after Blackery in that same round.
Unless I'm drastically missing something, that is. Which I very well might be as it's 6am for me, and I need to head to bed, lol.

Wiktor Hrobka |

To be fair Wiktor is merely dressing his lanky frame with a cook's apron. His ghoulish mien is not likely to fool anyone :)

Leralesti Murellin |

I am a little lost - I was trying to hash some sort of plan or at least try some deception, but with the party the way it is, I only see chaos at the moment. I have no idea of what's going on anymore at this point :$

GM Falling Darkness |

So here is a summary:
Aggghhh ran out the door after Blackerly
Prisoner grabbed a shield and went out with
Abdi made a plan to go for a tower and use the window in the useful item to get to the other side of the outer wall. He is holding a set of keys and following Aggghhh
Wiktor put on a kitchen outfit and has yet to declare If he is going outside
Lerlesti turned into a dwarf and has yet to declare
Talia wanted a clarification and I summarized that Blackerly was just passing the corner when Aggghhh got outside this giving the party another chance to decide to chase or follow a different plan based on Party actions and the kitchen staff helping Blackerly and then helping you next (cause kitchen staff wanna live)

Lapyd |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

If Abdi is up for it, Leralesti would follow with them posing as a hostage (in case they'd run into anyone). If they're going off the door on the open, then it's a different story, but we can still make it work (as if they were using the hostage as a "human shield", or she could be screaming "don't shoot", things like that).
Wiktor is going more for a comic effect than actually disguising himself :) which is fine, but a different approach than Leralesti's.

Audi ibn Jad |

Audi just wants to find the correct wall to place The Window. He is following Aggghhh and Grumplejack because the Witch ain't strong enough to climb out of said Window.

Audi ibn Jad |

Ok. We probably want to escape correct?
We probably want to find our stuff?
We probably want to murder, burn, everyone and everything here?
Audi doesn't think we have time to do all 3, but the Ancestors suggest we escape now and come back later fully prepared and not wearing rags.

Audi ibn Jad |

Well, unfortunately, we are divided on how to properly proceed. The Intelligent Witch really thinks departing until another day is a feasible solution to our problem.
The handsome, but a bit impulsive (I actually like playing Chaotic characters, but Audi is Lawful) orc has blood on the brain, so the Witch follows the muscle, because....he can't make that Window climb check.
Besides, we can collect loot and bang heads!

Leralesti Murellin |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Me too. If we already have a way out, let’s go. We can always come back later and more prepared. I’m also willing to simply leave behind whoever wants to to for Blackerly - wish you all great luck, but I ain’t risking my skin for it :)

Lapyd |

Hi mates,
Posting it on all my games - unfortunately I will have to take a hiatus due to some complications at work. I'll be extra busy for the next 6 to 8 weeks, and instead of limiting myself to a single post or two per week, I will instead just fully take a break from the forums and some other activities.
My profound apologies to GMs and my fellow players, as well as the players from the games I host. This came today a little out of nowhere (talk about mondays) as a push for the last quarter of the year. Please, feel free to bot my characters, replace if I can be waited, whatever you see fit. I hope we get the chance to play again in the future no matter what!
Always wishing you have the most fun,

Prisoner 1723 |

If it's going to be at least six weeks, I'm for bringing in somebody else. It's early and it's often odd. We can bring the character back later that when we get the next opening.

Wiktor Hrobka |

Sadly agree on that front, 6-8 weeks even in a slow game is a long time and know from own experience that RL can extend that sojourn.
Think a replacement with a opening down the line to return would be best for all.

Dorian 'Grey' |

I will be traveling Friday through next week. I may be a bit less active during that time.

Wiktor Hrobka |

2nd Level
d8HD: 1d8 ⇒ 1
Reroll d8HD: 1d8 ⇒ 8
+9 HP (8 rolled above +1 CON)
+1 BAB
+1 Will Saves
+1 CL
+2 0 Level Spells (Favoured Class and Level Up): Grasp & Ray of Frost
+1 1st Level Spell per Day
4 Adventuring Skill Points: +1 Rank in Appraise, Bluff, Intimidate & Stealth
2 Background Skill Points: +1 Rank in Lore (Deumus - Infernal Duke) & Sleight of Hand

Prisoner 1723 |

I went up my second level as kineticist, so there are lots of changes. I expect I'll be going 2/3 oracle, 1/3 kineticist. I'm mainly a healer not a blaster. But it's more a weapon that's not obvious off the bat.
Plus, what's the point in being possessed by a poltergeist if you can't throw things around?

Aggghhh the Unclean |

Level 2 Barbarian
HP 6+1 +3=+10
+1 in all skills
+1 Bab
+1 Fort save
+2 Rage Rounds
Uncanny Dodge:At 2nd level, a barbarian gains the ability to react to danger before her senses would normally allow her to do so. She cannot be caught flat-footed, nor does she lose her Dex bonus to AC if the attacker is invisible. She still loses her Dexterity bonus to armor class if immobilized. A barbarian with this ability can still lose her Dexterity bonus to armor class if an opponent successfully uses the feint action against her.
Rage Power:Animal Fury
While raging, the barbarian gains a bite attack. If used as part of a full attack action, the bite attack is made at the barbarian’s full base attack bonus –5. If the bite hits, it deals 1d4 points of damage (assuming the barbarian is Medium; 1d3 points of damage if Small) plus half the barbarian’s Strength modifier. A barbarian can make a bite attack as part of the action to maintain or break free from a grapple. This attack is resolved before the grapple check is made. If the bite attack hits, any grapple checks made by the barbarian against the target this round are at a +2 bonus.

Dorian 'Grey' |

We should have internet tomorrow, although the new place needs everything, so still may be a bit of time yet.
Thank you for your patience.

Audi ibn Jad |

If nobody desires the Iron Circlet of Disguise I, but definitely appreciate my Mask back!
Crap! I still need to level. Weird, I had 4 characters level this last week (or two?) and my home group is starting SoT tonight!
I will catch up late tonight, or eatler(ish) tomorrow.

Prisoner 1723 |

If nobody desires the Iron Circlet of Disguise I, but definitely appreciate my Mask back!
Crap! I still need to level. Weird, I had 4 characters level this last week (or two?) and my home group is starting SoT tonight!
I will catch up late tonight, or eatler(ish) tomorrow.
Is there just one iron circlet, or one for each of us?
The start of SoT was really fun - it's got great character development!

Audi ibn Jad |

Everybody gets an Iron Circlet...lol. Well played!
@Prisoner 1723 We just finally finished AoA. We have even talking about SoT being next and discussing character concepts since before my accident (February)!
My initial concept was Grippli Alchemist (wizard)Wizard. After many changing of the mi d, I am playing a Grippli Alchemist...lol.

Prisoner 1723 |

For SoT, this group is doing two characters each (1 gm and 3 players). I'm doing a Conrasu Staff Magus and an Ancient Blue Dragon (who happens to be reincarnated into a cute little kobold who wants to make up for her past life).

Prisoner 1723 |

91 gp left
I've got 122 left. Maybe we'll end up with enough for a wand of Infernal Healing.
It's good to be in a campaign where people don't turn their noses up at the best healing wand in the game merely because it comes with an evil aura.