Warden's in Wonderland (Inactive)

Game Master Kazmanaught

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Yeah I’ll pick a Hanover or Welf ancestor who died young, have them live for a branch family and build it out. Fun excuse to look up the insanity of the Germanic royal houses.

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Guinevere will be the party face if she's chosen - lots of Cha, lots of Dip and lots of entitlement! (Have fun with that gents!)

You know what I am going to go for a caster. It's going to be wizard. That is all. Nobody is doing it and plenty of people are going skill slots

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So I'm still thinking about rogue vs. Picaroon, thought I would take a look at the possible makeup of the rest of the party. The easiest way to do that is to start a List!
In order of Appearance:
Lapyd: Armand Bertreaux Male human brawler (hinyasi, snakebite striker) 3
Robert Henry: Angus Elphinstone Scottish noblemans son, who likes to play with swords and revolvers...
TheWaskally: Enzo Montalbano is one of the last Holy See paladins recognized by the famous city state known as The Vatican.
Black Dow: Ranveer Singh Male Human Fighter (VMC Rogue) 3
Master Han Del of the Web:
Simeon: Lionel Ravenstone Human bard (arrowsong minstrel) 1/gunslinger (musket master, mysterious stranger) 2
Phillip Gastone: Icabhod Tilneros Male Human Alchemist (Vissectionist)
DjinnBob: Would the Vampire Hunter class be at all appropriate?
Edelsmirge: I am going to go for a caster. It's going to be wizard.
Ash..: Some kind of magusketeer adapting to the rifle seems in setting. Hrm.
Nikolaus de'Shade: Guinevere will be the party face if she's chosen

If I've gotten anything wrong, please let me know and I will correct it.

Hmmm, three Full BAB: a brawler, a paladin and a Sikh Warrior. Accompanied by: an Alchemist, a musical gunslinger, a vampire hunter, a magusketeer, a wizard and Guineverre. It's not like we need Angus to be a frontliner....

Black Dow, what are you using for your free 1st lvl teamwork feat? I'm thinking Precise Strike any opinions?

Edit: It was asked earlier, but I didn't see a clarification, right now I have angus built with a 23 point buy.

Kazmanaught wrote:
(+1 build point per level in addition to the flat +1 every 4 levels)

Since Angus is 3rd level does this mean I get to add three stat points to my build?

Also How prevalent are magical items, would the automatic bonus progression serve us better than expecting a 'magic-mart' on every corner?

Thank you Robert Henry!

You started at point buy 20, but by the time you get to 5th level, it'll be like you started with a 25 point buy. This is different than the level 4 +1, which acts much more like a racial stat bonus; this affects the base number. If you had a 16 and wanted to get it to 17, that's 3 points in a point buy, so at level 3, you could bump it to a 17. It's 4 more points to get it to an 18, so that's another 4 levels! I put this system in place back when I had people roll stats as a way for people who rolled poorly to catch up, but it's still a good way to bolster poor stats, or make a long term investment for future growth!

I know it's a bit of an uncommon house rule, so if people need more help, I'm here to try and explain it again, and in a different way.

Of note is that so far I see no characters with a Sorcerous origin!

Magical items are common enough, but also for the most part made to order. Also the fey have a lot of magic items, especially the elves

A note on Cold Iron: Cold Iron is just iron that was mined from the Feywild. Any weapon taken off of a fey creature that has metal edges would be cold iron. Magicians say it's a planar thing, scientists say that it probably has a slightly different composition.

(Waves to Nik)

@Robert Henry: Hadn't looked at the Teamwork Feat as yet. Precise Strike makes sense to me chief.

Am working on Ranveer's background, tying into some real world history with some fantasticalness - Sapper's having to defuse magic traps in warfare etc. Also helps me select appropriate Traits to bring his past more "mechanically" relevant.

Will look at interlinking with Angus' colourful background also.

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A personal recommendation for the 4th level feat for those who have 4 BaB... Blood For The Empire.

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Presenting Lionel Ravenstone, minor noble, expert survivalist, and big game hunter!


Lionel Ravenstone
Human ranger (trophy hunter, trapper) 3 (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat 67, Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 65)
CN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +3; Senses Perception +9
AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 24 (3d10+3)
Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +4; +2 trait bonus against fear while you have a firearm drawn
Speed 30 ft.
Melee mwk machete +4 (1d6/19-20)
Ranged mwk rifle +7 (1d10/×4)
Special Attacks deeds (quick clear), favored enemy (magical beasts +2), grit (3)
Str 10, Dex 16, Con 11, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 14
Base Atk +3; CMB +3; CMD 16
Feats Additional Traits, Amateur Gunslinger[UC], Endurance, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot
Traits armed grit, honeyed tongue, mathematical prodigy, monster scholar
Skills Climb +3, Craft (Firearms) +7, Craft (traps) +6, Diplomacy +9, Disable Device +11, Knowledge (arcana) +8, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +5, Knowledge (geography) +5, Knowledge (nature) +7, Perception +9, Stealth +8, Survival +9, Swim +3
Languages Common, Latin
SQ favored terrain (forest +2), improved tracking, track +3, trapfinding +1
Other Gear +1 chain shirt, mwk machete, mwk rifle[UC], handy haversack, bedroll, blanket[APG], box of fishing tackle (2 lb), cold weather outfit, fishing pole, simple (1 lb), flint and steel, folding pole[UE], hemp rope (50 ft.), hot weather outfit[APG], iron spike[APG] (2), masterwork thieves' tools, mess kit[UE], pot, shaving kit (worth 0.2 gp), small tent, 981 gp, 4 sp
Special Abilities
Amateur Gunslinger Although you are not a gunslinger, you have and can use grit.
Endurance +4 to a variety of fort saves, skill and ability checks. Sleep in L/M armor with no fatigue.
Favored Enemy (Magical Beasts +2) (Ex) +2 to rolls vs. magical beasts foes.
Favored Terrain (Forest +2) (Ex) +2 to rolls when in forest terrain.
Grit Tracker Helper This is a dummy ability to add an extra entry for the amatuer gunslinger's grit in another section of the statblock (since it is shown with a different name in the two places, we can't use sbName).
Improved Tracking (Ex) Can make a DC 15 Knowledge (nature) check to learn type/condition of tracked creatures.
Point-Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.
Precise Shot You don't get -4 to hit when shooting or throwing into melee.
Track +3 Add the listed bonus to Survival checks made to track.
Trapfinding +1 Gain a bonus to find or disable traps, including magical ones.


Lionel Ravenstone was born in 1833 to a well-to-do family in the lower aristocracy a ways outside of Birmingham. He excelled in his studies as a boy and had a special passion for the tales of the great beasts that lurked in the dark corners of the world, learning all he could about them. His life changed dramatically when he took part in his first hunt at the age of 13. His father, grandfather, and older brothers were all prolific hunters, and he was inducted into the family tradition. They rode their manor’s wood on horseback, looking for deer and foxes. It was a crisp autumn morning and even now, Lionel fondly remembers most every detail of that day. He had found another great passion, one that unbeknownst to him at the time, his life would grow to revolve around.

He took to hunting as naturally as a fish takes to water. The courtly ways of hunting soon proved boring to him, and he spent a few months in the Scottish highlands learning to truly hunt from the rugged trappers and hunters that made their homes there. As the youngest son of a wealthy family, he had all the money he could wish for and none of the expectations. He tracked tigers in Bangladesh, hunted bison beside Comanche braves, even took down an elephant in the savannas of Kenya. The tales of the monstrous beasts of legend dogged him as he drifted off to sleep each night. The animals of the wilds no longer challenged him. He needed more.

The dense forests of America’s Pacific Northwest held legends of the Sasquatch, and Lionel decided it would be his next target. The journey was long, and the American’s infrastructure was about as terrible as one would expect. It took nearly a month to get to Seattle and a month again the catch the beast’s trail, but after nearly a week of constant tracking, he found the mighty beast. His shot missed, and the creature vanished, never to be seen again. It did not deter him. He hunted mokele-mbembe in the stifiling heat of the Kongo River basin, chased thunderbirds in the Dakotas, rode alongside Mongol steppe herders in pursuit of the Gobi death worm. He even slew a few of those wild creatures, mounting their heads in his hunting lodge.

With the establishment of the Wardens of the Wyrd, an agent of the Crown reached out to Lionel. His skill with hunting beasts of legend had piqued the interests of those in the halls of power as a man who could greaty aid in taming the realm of the fey for the glory of the Queen and the Empire.

Appearance and Personality:

Lionel is a tall, slim man with short salt-and-pepper hair. He tries to stay clean-shaven, but long days in search of prey often leaves him with stubble on his chin. One of his greatest pleasures when he stops through London is getting a full hot shave. He wears well-made khaki hunting clothes and carries an enchanted backpack that can carry all the survival equipment he could ever need. There’s a finely crafted machete he bought in Brazil while hunting mapinguari in a sheathe on his belt and a rifle from Gunnar’s Guns slung over his shoulder.

The wilderness is a harsh place where the strongest rise to the top. Lionel sees humans as a contender for the strongest creature the world has ever known. Mundane beasts stood no chance against his rifle, so he’s decided he will prove the superiority of humanity, and perhaps most decidedly the English, by finding the most magnificent beasts the world has to offer and killing them in spectacular fashion. Beyond his nearly all-consuming passion for the hunt, Lionel sees little use in the politicking of the Empire, no point in the Lords and their thirst for power. The rule of beasts is one of skill at arms and the hunt, after all. That said, Lionel thoroughly enjoys the comforts of civilization when he can indulge in them. A hot bath in his London townhouse and a trip to the social clubs never fails to satisfy him.

Icabhod's role will be extracts via infusion that he is willing to share to help the group(But dislikes being pestered) Healing, buffing. Unlike the traditional 'Mr.Hyde' Vissectionist who sprouts claws and fangs, he goes for thrown weapons/alchemy items with plenty of pinpoint feints with dagger, flasks, and other items.

Finished leveling. Now to equip.

Considering a Bloodrager suffragette (we're a year early for the start of the Kensington Society, but presumably there was already talk of this sort of thing.) Obviously some of the bloodlines won't work, but there should be a few that fit the setting.

Grand Lodge

Here is Edelsmirge's wizard thus far. I have held off on the teamwork feat at 1st so we as a group might discuss what we would like to do with it.

I'd be interested to try playing a mind-blanked "created" sorcerer. Would any bloodline be available, or a limited selection based on what they might have had? Also, could I be in hiding, pretending to just be a normal human, or would I have to be supervised by someone? ... I would be cool with either way, since the supervision part would also be interesting to play, but she might be working towards freedom.

Idea: She was a mage that was so enamored of the idea of this new magic that she experimented on herself... kept extensive journals about the process and the origins. So, the knowledge from those was enough to fake her way as far as pretending to be who she used to be. The same face helps... but the journals didn't have the important things (if any) about her home life or her parents or significant other, or anything of the sort. As far as she knows she was a hermit, staying in the rooms where she woke up, and she's continued writing in the journals, though her handwriting seems to have changed somewhat.

She's trying to keep up, but then she has to go on this... trip... with people she doesn't know, and leave the rooms that she knows, and she's frightened, and quite aware of the consequences if she is found out.

Okay with playing it another way too though... and how extensive is the mind blank? I am assuming they don't forget language and motor skills... just surface memories, but if it is more extensive, let me know.

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Most bloodlines are available, although some are far more common due to the relative ease of acquiring the reagents needed to make it, like the elemental bloodlines. I'd recommend picking a theme, and trying to stick with it, although I certainly won't begrudge anyone staple spells, like mage armor, shield, etc. Of note, anything showing signs of a powerful affiliation with Enchantment or Necromancy is highly scrutinized by the Wardens, due to The Applewood Incident. It would be very difficult to pretend to be a regular human who had managed to get into the Wardens, and into the feywild no less, but I'm always game to let people give their backstories a shot.
As far as self experimentation: The creation of Sorcerers is both super illegal, and morally bankrupt, considering the process. It involves preying on vulnerable populations as raw materials to distill the blood enough for a host to keep any semblance of a mind. Of course, most who create sorcerers believe that the secret to unlocking 4th level spells is just getting the blood exactly right, and then administering it to themselves, but most of these scientists aren't quite so mad as to do it to themselves without plenty of previous experimentation.
The mind blank is inevitable, but acts like movie amnesia, although as of yet no one has recovered any memories of beforehand, even when being reintroduced with lovers, parents, children, etc. Languages and motor skills stay, and some aspects of personality, although the process can change people pretty dramatically.
If that's all ok with you, I look forward to reading backstory and stats!

Sounds good. I'll put something together and see if I can make a compelling character, who obviously used to be morally bankrupt, but who knows who she is now after losing her memory. :)

If I am not hiding, how would we work it... would one of the other characters be monitoring/supervising then?

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Been lurking, was thinking almost on the exact same lines as Zanbabe, mind blanked sorcerer who used to be someone ill intentioned and is now firmly under the thumb of the Wardens and going along with it.

Was looking more specifically at the Sylvan bloodline and wondering what's the amount of contact the British have had with the elves and other races of the Feywild?

I do also have a fortune teller/circus strongwoman from a different Victorian recruitment but I'm struggling to figure out how she'd have been inducted into the colonization efforts.

Might go a third direction and have an American rail/oil baron/venture capitalist wanting to profit off of the Feywild's natural resources and has paid an exorbitant amount of money to place themselves on the go team and see it all up close and personal

The Lobster:
The answer is it's complicated. A few Elves have released themselves into the care of the Wardens, considering it some sort of novel game. Unfortunately, if they're kept from the feywild for too long, they grow frail, and die. One elf was actually made an honorary member of the Wardens, and granted citizenship after his aid in the elimination of the False Church. Mostly though, they have a vaguely adversarial relationship. Most of the English don't understand the elves, and visa versa. And for fey more alien than elves, it gets far more complicated far quicker.

Classified Documents: The False Church:

The False Church, aka the Gommorites, were a splinter sect of the Anglican church, who believed that God had left England, and the only way to get His attention again would be to commit a blasphemy so terrible that he would have no choice but to cleanse London of it's sin, a-la Sodom and Gomorrah. It is currently unknown how long this plan has been in place, but seeing as they were in possession of the Last Dragon of England, which they kept imprisoned deep beneath the earth, and harvested for scales, blood, and other valuable body parts, it certainly existed for more than the past 50 years. The Last Dragon of England was thought to be killed by Saint George, but was confirmed to only be the second to last dragon of England by an elven asset. Regardless, the dragon perished in the encounter with Warden agents, which we believe eliminated the entirety of the cult.
The cult was using the draconic elements to the end of providing them to disreputable alchemists. The Gommorites often arrived at the scene before the Wardens, and retrieved the dead bodies of both civilians and sorcerous entities for the express purpose of creating an amorphous abomination of grafted dead flesh, roughly 2 stories tall. A half completed entity was discovered along with the Gommorite's headquarters, although it repelled inorganic material from penetrating it's membranous exterior, it allowed organic material to pass into it, although not out again. This indicates that once animate, the necrotic entity would be able to subsume additional organic components into itself, possibly creating a scenario where all of London could have been consumed.
Fortunately, the entity was only semi-animate, and was exceedingly vulnerable to fire in it's half finished state, and the entire thing was destroyed. Further investigations into other sects of the Gommorites is comprised of a group effort with both the Vatican, and the Russian Orthodox Church, and is currently ongoing.

The spoiler contains most of the important plot points in the main story of the last campaign that I ran in this setting.

Equipped and ready to go.

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So its not implausible that someone with the time/dedication could have learned either Elvish or Sylvan before the game starts?

Also, fun fact. In keeping with family tradition Guinevere is a rescusant - a practising catholic in England. The Howards have been ever since the Reformation. Prejudice won't be so much of a problem now that the Catholic Emancipation Act has been passed (assuming that it has?) but she'd be a lot happier about working with emissaries of the Vatican than most people!

(Waves back to BD)

<-- Okay here is my (incomplete) submission.

The structure is there, but need to finish the spells, equipment, and weapons selections (there is stuff there, but it is from an older character) -- also need to add what background there is, but there won't be much since she was mind-blanked.

Mind-blanked Sorcerer, Aberrant, took improvisation and advanced improv, so at this level pretty good at all skills (can try anything untrained as well), but of course the specialists will outpace her at later levels. My story idea for this is just that she has no idea who she is or what she used to be good at, so she thinks, well, maybe I have a talent for that, and she goes for it.

Took a trait to get diplo, so she can be the face if needed.

I didn't see anything about a specific way of doing HP so I did full for level one and half+1 for the other levels, which seems pretty standard on the boards, but let me know if you do it differently (or if I missed where you mentioned it somewhere).

Took Bonded Mind as a teamwork feat, but can change it if others don't think it is a good idea as we move forward.

(Have to work in an hour, so can't finish up now, but will get it done later today.)

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Black Dow's Sikh Fighter (VMC Rogue) taking shape nicely...

Have built on the courage of the Sikh soldiers and warrior creed by picking some Feats that build upon this (Iron Will) and bolster his Bravery ability (Inspiring Bravery - sharing his pluck with comrades in arms). Having some fun with the Background skills also to try and give him a real sense of flavour. Regardless of if I'm lucky enough to be picked he's been a fun build :)

@Kaz: In spending our 6k starting finances can we purchase magic items? Am presuming yes - in that they've been supplied by the Wardens, but wanted to make sure. Most of Ranveer's kit will be mundane or masterwork, but this flavoursome item took my fancy: Traveling Master's Turban.

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Ninja'd by BD, cool Turban!

I seemed like it was time to update again.

In order of Appearance:
Lapyd: Armand Bertreaux Male human brawler (hinyasi, snakebite striker) 3
Robert Henry: Angus Elphinstone Scottish noblemans son, who likes to play with swords and revolvers...
TheWaskally: Enzo Montalbano is one of the last Holy See paladins recognized by the famous city state known as The Vatican.
Black Dow: Ranveer Singh Male Human Fighter (VMC Rogue) 3
Master Han Del of the Web:
Simeon: Lionel Ravenstone Human ranger (trophy hunter, trapper) 3
Phillip Gastone: Icabhod Tilneros Male Human Alchemist (Vissectionist)
DjinnBob: Would the Vampire Hunter class be at all appropriate?
Edelsmirge: Alister DeMori Male Human Wizard lv 3
Ash..: Some kind of magusketeer adapting to the rifle seems in setting. Hrm.
Nikolaus de'Shade: Guinevere is a rescusant - a practising catholic in England.
informatic: Considering a Bloodrager suffragette
Zanbabe: Median Zeroux Female Aberrant Bloodline Sorcerer 3
The Lobster: mind blanked sorcerer

If I've made any errors please let me know and I will correct them.

Black Dow wrote:
@Robert Henry: Hadn't looked at the Teamwork Feat as yet. Precise Strike makes sense to me chief.

I like Median's recommendation of Bonded Mind, but I think Angus would take Precise Strike first.

Hey Kazmanaught, with five full BAB applicants (three completed) on board I'm going to keep Angus as an Un-Rogue, thanks for being willing to 'stretch' picaroon, but I'm just not feeling it. As a wise man said:

Wise man wrote:
Poor Picaroon. I've looked at it so many times... and it never gets better.

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I quite like that turban Black Dow! Yes magical items are allowed, I would encourage primarily relatively generic magical items. (ie a flaming sword is a much bigger deal than a +2 sword despite having the same cost, but both do exist in setting! It's just a +2 sword is "easier" to make.)

Cool - would just be the Turban for Ranveer methinks, rest of his gear will be Masterwork kit.

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@Kaz: Quick question regards the mission into the feywild - will be in there for the duration or will we get the opportunity to resupply etc? Just looking at rations, ammo etc vs carrying capacity?

Presume the 2 square mile zone the Warden's have claimed as British sovereignty is a fortified basecamp of sorts?

Edit: Additional question. Given we're campaigning in the Feywild am presuming that Cold Iron weapons would be a savvy outfitting...

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I'm not overly fond of tracking ammo, although I know firearms are expensive. Rations on the other hand, could be a big deal. You will not be in the fey for the entirety of the campaign, so resupplying is an option. And yes, the 2 square miles is pretty heavily fortified, with quite strict instructions to remove any trees that show up inside of the basecamp ASAP.

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No bother - I'll buy up ammo at the moment (because as you say its expensive) and look at rations also.

On the ability points buy I'm pretty sure I've got it - but just want to be sure...


23 point buy (20+1 build point per level in addition to the flat +1 every 4 levels)

2 Points (2/20) - STR (12) = 12
5 Points (7/20) - DEX (14) +2 = 16
5 Points (12/20) - CON (14) = 14
2 Points (14/20) - INT (12) = 12
3 Points (17/20) - WIS (13) = 13
3 Point (20/20) - CHA (13) = 13

3 (2+1) Points (3/23) - STR (12+1) = 13
5 Points (8/23) - DEX (14) +2 = 16
5 Points (13/23) - CON (14) = 14
2 Points (15/23) - INT (12) = 12
5 (3+2) Points (20/23) - WIS (13+1) = 14
3 Point (23/23) - CHA (13) = 13

+2 Racial Bonuses to DEX

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Alright folks! It's been 6 days; nearly a week! Since I see so many half completed profiles, I'm going to leave it open until Monday, but this is a 48 hour notice! Try and get profiles/posts ready!
I'm really very thankful to have so many quality submissions, and I've very much enjoyed reading through them! Hopefully you've enjoyed reading my ramblings too! It's gonna be a difficult selection process.

Thanks for the heads up, Kazmanaught. I'll update the list one more time on Monday!

Hey BD, remember our GM said:

Kazmanaught wrote:
Firearm level: Due to industrialization, prices are as guns everywhere, but proficiencies are as commonplace guns. As government employees, you'll be allowed to have guns, but remember that the average citizen both wouldn't have access to the mass produced revolvers, and wouldn't have the proficiency.
Kazmanaught wrote:
I'm not really a gun expert, but cartridge based weapons exist (so advanced firearms, but not modern) so the revolver and rifle would be weapons of choice.

You have a blackpowder musket listed, I'd highly recommend that be a rifle, (500 gp.)

if that's an issue let me know, I'm sure the Elphinstone family can spare a weapon for the man who saved their son's life :)

Also, folks might find bandolier, endless and bandolier, beneficial of interest.

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Cassius P. Haigh, Cash for short and $ for shorter, because time is money and money is more money.

Savage Technologist Barbarian 2/Constructed Pugilist Brawler 1

Character Summary:
Cash has been called many things. Industrialist. Capitalist. Pugilist, shootist, the American-est! Engineer, inventor, robber baron, fraud, trickster, con man, and father. Made his fortune from having a fortune, but expanded it by buying mineral rights during the California Gold Rush, then divested his portfolio into oil, rails, and textiles. After years of doing all the wheeling and dealing himself, the man has finally found people he trusts to run the company for him.

Having mostly retired from his living of, as his many critics are wont to put it, exploitation and theft, the wealthy American has moved to London, purchased a Scottish castle in a vain attempt at earning a Lordship and spent the last several years helping finance the crown's excursions into the Feywild.

But boredom sets in, and after hearing tale after tale of the riches and exotic beauty of this strange wilderness, a man gets to wondering how he can best exploit these untapped natural wonders. And thanks to an obscene donation of wealth, Cash has hornswoggled his way into an extraplanar journey with the Wardens of the Wyrd, ostensibly as one of their own, though those that know him (or even know of him) know his true motivations lie in self interest.

Sent you a few questions about the build before I make any final decisions.

I updated Armand's sheet with a brief summary, but wanted to keep it somewhat open so we can make connections - especially if anyone else selected is of noble birth, in which case he could be their particular butler :)

Icabhod is a rather pale and up all night industrialist/procurer of meat. Not really noble birth, but is working on rising higher. Seems kind of twitchy and spends a lot of time tinkering on things

Median's sheet should be all updated.

Question... could I take Stabilize with the Two-World magic trait? Wasn't sure whether that counted as divine magic or not. It's not exactly a cure spell, but it could come in handy if it is allowed. If it is, then I will take an appropriate drawback and add it to the character.

Also, let me know if anything seems incongruent with the world. Happy to change it up.

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It's on the witch spell list, so go ahead. They're a bit funky. Remember that Sorcerer's tend to be themed, so I'd like you to take a second and ask yourself does this spell fit the flavor of the origin of your abilities/other spells? If so, grab stabilize! If not, maybe go for a different cantrip.

I want to generally do a polymorph theme, but there just aren't enough polymorph spells at lower levels, so I am more trying to work with Transmutation as a first choice, and Conjuration / Evocation as second choices... avoiding necromancy and enchantment because you said those are the ones that are most scrutinized... but there are also other ones because I just don't know how a magic using character can get along without Detect Magic, etc.

I figure that cantrips will be the most diverse since they are easier to learn, and maybe she has some subconscious spiritual memory of them, but the theme will get stronger as I actually have access to spells of the polymorph subschool.

... if that doesn't work though, I could probably do a lot stronger theme if I change my bloodline to something else and stick with a specific element or something like that.

That said, I'm just talking in general about spells here, but taking a trait just to get that cantrip... maybe a different trait would work better. I will take a look and see if I can find one that is more thematic.

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Angus Elphinstone wrote:

Thanks for the heads up, Kazmanaught. I'll update the list one more time on Monday!

Hey BD, remember our GM said:

Kazmanaught wrote:
Firearm level: Due to industrialization, prices are as guns everywhere, but proficiencies are as commonplace guns. As government employees, you'll be allowed to have guns, but remember that the average citizen both wouldn't have access to the mass produced revolvers, and wouldn't have the proficiency.
Kazmanaught wrote:
I'm not really a gun expert, but cartridge based weapons exist (so advanced firearms, but not modern) so the revolver and rifle would be weapons of choice.

You have a blackpowder musket listed, I'd highly recommend that be a rifle, (500 gp.)

if that's an issue let me know, I'm sure the Elphinstone family can spare a weapon for the man who saved their son's life :)

Also, folks might find bandolier, endless and bandolier, beneficial of interest.

Yeah I'd deliberately went with a musket as Indian troops were often provided with inferior equipment, however agree with your thoughts (especially given the Wardens are likely to be well equipped). The Snider-Enfield rifle was widely used by the British Indian Army and am guessing the extension of the Napoleonic Wars has accelerated the (literal) arms race.

Will run with the aforementioned rifle and may well spring for one of those bandoliers also as I should be good with coin :)

Have some final rejigging of Ranveer to go, then nail down his backstory a little more.

@MH: Like the idea of him having saved Angus while they served in India and when the Wardens come knocking for young Lord Elphinstone he sends for Ranveer as a "bloody good man to have in a rammy*"

* Scots for a brawl/quarry/fight :)

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Well I was waiting in case there was any feedback for my background, but since we have a deadline, here is Lady Guinevere Howard.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----
Howard, Duke
Merlin Arthur George William Howard, 13th Duke; b. 12th August 1791, s. 1842; ed. Eton; Oxon; m 1814 Lady Charlotte Sophia Leveson-Gower, dau of George Leveson-Gower, 1st Duke of Sutherland, and has issue.
Sons Living
Uther Henry, b. 7 Nov, 1815. (Earl of Sussex).
Arthur William, b. 20 June, 1821 (Baron Glossop).
Daughters Living
Lady Guinevere Victoria Margaret, 4 Feb, 1837, (unmarried).
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----
The above is the only reference that one will find in Debrett’s Peerage of 1864 regarding Lady Guinevere Howard. Although Debrett’s deserves its title of ‘the indispensable guide to the peerage of the United Kingdom’, its dry style glosses over any number of scandals and interesting pieces of gossip, some of which shed a clearer, or at least more interesting, light on one of the most unusual members of the British aristocracy at present.

Third child and only daughter of Merlin ‘the Mad Duke’ of Norfolk, Lady Guinevere was exposed to the study of arcana from an early age. Unlike her brothers, who followed their father to Eton and Oxford, she was educated at home, where both her parents ensured that she received a thorough education in arcane theory and history, as well as languages, music and the other accomplishments that make English ladies the most desirable in Europe.

Reportedly precocious and generally recognised as a child of some beauty, Lady Guinevere was taken into the royal household, aged nine, to act as a companion to the Princess Royal. The two ladies reportedly became close friends and it is known that Lady Guinevere was present when the Princess was first introduced to the sorcerer known as Ember.
Much like the Princess Royal, Lady Guinevere is as yet unmarried, a situation which might be explained by her current position as an accredited diplomat to Her Majesty’s Wardens of the Wyrd. The common thinking on the subject holds that the Mad Duke interceded on his daughter’s behalf, given his own status as a generous patron of the arcane arts, to secure her a position within the prestigious organisation. Exactly what Lady Guinevere does for such a secretive and martial organisation can only be imagined, but reports of her playing an active role in the Furness Fae-gate Incursion must surely be overstated.

In short, Lady Guinevere represents the pinnacle of the aristocracy – highly educated, beautiful and possessed of a considerable dowry alongside other features which may serve her less well – her arcane talents, an iron will and a reportedly fearsome temper. There can be no doubt that she ought to find a husband in short order. Whether any member of the aristocracy will wish to try their luck with her is another matter entirely!

Lady Guinevere Howard

Female Human Mesmerist 3
CG Medium Humanoid (Human)

Init +2 (+2 Dex)

Senses: Perception +8.

AC 13, touch 12, flat-footed 11 (+1 armour, +2 dex).

HP 18/18 [8+2[5])

Fort +1 (1 base, +0 Con)
Ref +5 (3 base, +2 Dex)
Will +10 (3 base, +2 Wis, +5 Cha)

Sword Cane +3, d6, 19-20 x2.
Revolver +4, d8, x4. 20ft.

Spd 30 ft
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.

0 (DC15): Daze [17], Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Light, Message, Prestidigitation (∞/day)
1 (DC16): Charm Person [18], Cure Light Wounds, Ear Piercing Scream, Tears to Wine (3+2/day)

Str 10 (+0)
Dex 13 (+1)
Con 10 (+0)
Int 14 (+2)
Wis 14 (+2)
Cha 20 (+5) [16 base, +2 racial, +2 enhancement]

Base Atk +2 (+2.25 Mesmerist)
CMB 2 (2 BAB, +0 Str)
CMD 13 (10, +2 BAB, +1 Dex, +0 Str)

Spell Focus (Enchantment) [Level 1]: Add +1 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws against spells from the school of magic you select.
Skill Focus (Diplomacy) [Human Bonus]: You get a +3 bonus on all checks involving the chosen skill. If you have 10 or more ranks in that skill, this bonus increases to +6.
??? [Bonus Teamwork]:
Greater Spell Focus (Enchantment) [Level 1]: Add +1 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws against spells from the school of magic you select. This bonus stacks with the bonus from Spell Focus.

Noble (Regional): You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (nobility) and Sense Motive checks.
Charming Smile, Cunning Soul (Social, Exemplar): You gain a +1 trait bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense Motive checks. This bonus increases by 1 for every two other social traits you have.
Pride (Drawback): When someone threatens, accuses, or challenges you, you take a –2 penalty on Diplomacy checks and Sense Motive checks involving that creature until the creature apologizes to you.

Bluff +15 (3 ranks, +5 Cha, +3 class, +1 mesmerist, +2 racial, +1 trait)
Diplomacy +17 (3 ranks, +5 Cha, +3 class, +2 racial, +3 skill focus, +1 trait)
Intimidate +12 (3 ranks, +5 Cha, +3 class, +1 trait)
Knowledge (Arcana) +8 (3 ranks, +2 Int, +3 class)
Knowledge (History)* +7 (2 ranks, +2 Int, +3 class)
Knowledge (Local) +8 (3 ranks, +2 Int, +3 class)
Knowledge (Nobility)* +9 (3 ranks, +2 Int, +3 class, +1 trait)
Linguistics* +6 (1 rank, +2 Int, +3 class)
Perception +8 (3 ranks, +2 Wis, +3 class)
Sense Motive +9 (3 ranks, +2 Wis, +3 class, +1 trait)
Spellcraft +8 (3 ranks, +2 Int, +3 class)
Use Magic Device +11 (3 ranks, +5 cha, +3 class)

Total Points: 33 [3x(6 Mesmerist + 2 Int + 1 fcb + 2 background)]
AC penalty is 0

Common [English], French, 2(Elven), 3 (Sylvan)

Headband of Charisma (4,000gp)
Mrwk Silken Ceremonial Armour (180gp)
Mrwk Revolver (1300gp)
Mrwk Darkwood Sword-cane (365gp)

155 gold 0 silver 0 copper

Focused Study: All humans are skillful, but some, rather than being generalists, tend to specialize in a handful of skills. At 1st, 8th, and 16th level, such humans gain Skill Focus in a skill of their choice as a bonus feat. This racial trait replaces the bonus feat trait.
Silver Tongued: Human are often adept at subtle manipulation and putting even sworn foes at ease. Humans with this trait gain a +2 bonus on Diplomacy and Bluff checks. In addition, when they use Diplomacy to shift a creature's attitude, they can shift up to three steps up rather than just two. This racial trait replaces skilled.

Consummate Lair: A mesmerist adds 1/2 his mesmerist level (minimum 1) as a bonus on all Bluff checks. In addition, the mesmerist qualifies for the Improved Feint and Greater Feint feats, even if he doesn't have Combat Expertise or an Intelligence score of at least 13. He can also ignore Combat Expertise and an Intelligence score of 13 as prerequisites for other feats that require Improved Feint or Greater Feint.
Knacks: Mesmerists learn a number of knacks, or 0-level spells. These spells are cast like any other spells, but they do not consume any slots and can be used again. Knacks cast using other spell slots, due to metamagic feats, for example, consume spell slots as normal.
Hypnotic Stare: A mesmerist can focus his stare on one creature within 30 feet as a swift action. That creature takes a –2 penalty on Will saving throws. This penalty changes to –3 at 8th level. A mesmerist can maintain his stare against only one opponent at a time; it remains in effect until the mesmerist stares at a new target, the opponent dies, the opponent moves farther than 30 feet away, or the mesmerist falls unconscious or dies. The mesmerist can remove the memory of his stare from the target's mind; The creature doesn't remember that it was affected (nor does it realize that it is currently being affected) unless the mesmerist allows it. The hypnotic stare is a psychic effect, and relies more on the mesmerist's focus than the target's perception of his stare. It can't be avoided in the same ways a gaze attack can. The mesmerist can use this ability even while blinded, but must succeed at a DC 20 concentration check to do so. Staring at a creature requires the mesmerist's focus, so if he uses a gaze attack or similar ability, he must target the subject of his hypnotic stare or voluntarily end the stare. The penalties from multiple mesmerists' stares don't stack, nor do they stack with penalties from witches' evil eye hexes. This is a mind-affecting effect.
Painful Stare: When an attack that deals damage hits the target of a mesmerist's hypnotic stare, the mesmerist can cause the target to take an amount of additional damage equal to 1/2 the mesmerist's class level (minimum 1).
The mesmerist can use this ability as a free action, and can use it even if it isn't his turn. If the mesmerist uses this ability to increase his own damage, the additional damage increases by 1d6 points for every 3 class levels the mesmerist possesses. This damage is precision damage and is not multiplied on a critical hit. A mesmerist can trigger this ability only once per round, but a single creature can take damage from multiple mesmerists' painful stares in a round.
Mesmerist’s Tricks: A mesmerist can create hypnotic bonds with his allies, implanting magical suggestions in their minds that he can later activate. Each day, he can implant a number of these tricks equal to 1/2 his mesmerist level (minimum 1) plus his Charisma bonus (if any). He can have only one trick implanted at a given time, and implanting a new trick ends the previous one (the mesmerist still loses the use of this ability he spent on the previous trick).
To implant a trick, the mesmerist must take a standard action and either touch a willing creature or implant the trick in himself. A creature can be the subject of only one mesmerist trick at a time. The mesmerist can activate the trick as a free action when a triggering condition is met (as defined in the trick's description), even if it isn't his turn. The subject must be within medium range (100 feet + 10 feet per level) for the mesmerist to trigger the trick.
The mesmerist monitors for the trick's triggering condition through a subtle telepathic connection, so he doesn't need line of sight to trigger it—but anything that blocks telepathic contact prevents him from triggering tricks. An implanted trick lasts until the next time the mesmerist regains his spells.
Once triggered, a trick is no longer implanted, and can't be triggered again until the mesmerist implants the trick again. The duration of the effect caused by triggering a trick is either instantaneous or appears in the trick's entry. The DC for any mesmerist trick or masterful trick that requires a saving throw or skill check is 10 + 1/2 the mesmerist's level + the mesmerist's Charisma modifier.

False Flanker: A duplicate of the mesmerist appears momentarily, as though he were fighting in tandem with the subject. The mesmerist can trigger this trick when the subject moves into or begins her turn in a square where she threatens an enemy. An illusory duplicate of the mesmerist appears in any unoccupied space adjacent to that enemy. This duplicate counts as threatening the enemy for the purposes of determining flanking, but can’t actually make attacks. The duplicate disappears at the end of the turn during which the trick is triggered. This is an illusion (figment) effect, and a creature that interacts with the false flanker can attempt a saving throw to disbelieve the effect.

Towering Ego: At 2nd level, a mesmerist gains a bonus equal to his Charisma bonus (minimum 0) on Will saving throws. If the mesmerist is under any effect that would prevent him from providing the emotional component of psychic spells, he loses this bonus on saving throws.
Bold Stare: At 3rd level and every 4 levels thereafter, a mesmerist’s hypnotic stare imposes a further effect upon its target. The mesmerist chooses one option each time he gains a new bold stare improvement, and the choice can’t be changed later. The mesmerist can’t choose the same bold stare improvement more than once unless otherwise noted. All of the mesmerist’s bold stare improvements affect the target as long as it is affected by the mesmerist’s hypnotic stare.
[spoiler=Stares]Psychic Inception: The hypnotic stare and its penalty can affect creatures that are mindless or immune to mind-affecting effects (such as an undead or vermin). The mesmerist can also partially affect such a creature with his mind-affecting spells and abilities if it’s under the effect of his hypnotic stare; it gains a +2 bonus on its saving throw (if any), and if affected, it still has a 50% chance each round of ignoring the effect. Ignoring the effect doesn’t end the effect, but does allow the creature to act normally for that round.

Eunice Firth, Bloodrager (Sphinx) 3:

[SIZE=+1]Eunice Firth[/SIZE]
F CG Human Bloodrager 3, Level 3, Init 2, HP 29/29, Speed
AC 18, Touch 12, Flat-footed 16, CMD 19, Fort 5, Ref 3, Will , CMB +7, Base Attack Bonus 3
Claws +7/+7 (1d6+4, X2)
Breastplate (+6 Armor, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 18, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 11, Wis 8, Cha 15
Condition None
Feats Power Attack, Hurtful, Raging Vitality
SkillsAcrobatics +8, Intimidate +8, Know (Arcane) +5, Perception +5, Survival +5
Traits]Community Minded, Irrepressible
SkillsAcrobatics +8, Intimidate +8, Know (Arcana) +6, Perception +5, Survival +5

The youngest and, it is thought, only surviving child of the explorer and Egyptologist Sir Preston Firth. She’s been a ward of the state for nearly 15 years, following a disastrous expedition led by her father seeking the Tomb of Thutmose II.

The exact nature of the calamity was never known. Wardens found a scene of great violence in the encampment, with huge rents torn though the tents and monstrous tracks leading to one of the nearby pyramids. When a sortie was attempted to find survivors, the rescuers found themselves driven back by Sir Firth himself, along with other adult members of his party, all driven raving mad by an unknown malady. In the end, the wardens sealed them up in the pyramid, still alive, and took Eunice back to Britain.

It was hoped that the child had escaped whatever curse had befallen her family, but that proved only partly true. Though she never fell into the madness demonstrated by her father, as she Eunice developed a terrible temper marked by unnatural strength that deformed her very body. That, and a tendency to ask uncomfortable questions, led physicians to conclude the girl and her family had likely suffered an attack by a sphinx. A course of therapy was enacted — a constant stream of puzzles and logic problems to keep her overactive brain engaged, and regular vigorous exercise — she was conscripted into the Wardens at young age — to slake her bloodthirst.

It’s worked well for years, but Eunice has grown considerably more independent-minded as she’s neared her 18th birthday. Worse, she’s been attending meetings of the Reform League and the Kensington Society that are pushing for greater voting rights.

Talkative and gregarious, but a a tendency toward contrarianism; will often poke at tradition or cherished beliefs. Doctors aren’t sure if that’s the curse’s influence or if she’s just can’t help being a jerk sometimes. Her critical phases rarely last long, though; she’s easily distracted and rarely stays on one subject for very long. (One exception is politics; she sees the nascent suffrage movement as a parallel to her own history, and wonders whether she, too, could one day control her own fate.)

Still have to do a bit of shopping and see if there’s a good drawback for her.

Born into luxury but fancying himself an independent, Cash left home during the California gold rush, and everywhere that prospectors started circling, he'd buy up the land and mineral rights, build a mine (paying his workers as little as they'd take, of course), take everything and leave, nothing but smoke and ashes in his wake.

That was just stepping stones to later excess and largess.

Over the next twenty years, he'd expand rail lines across the States (running freight where he promised he'd run passengers), strike oil so many times it grew boring, buy a number of textile mills on the East Coast, then auction off shares of his businesses to retire in England.

He quickly fell in love with the place. There, the nobility knew how to be rich rich, dammit, and he deserved a spot right there with them. He became a naturalized citizen and bought a manor in the heart of the city, a castle in the Scottish Highlands and began to help finance their ridiculous expeditions to the realm of fairies and elves and goblins. Anything to ingratiate him to the Crown.

But try as he might, he could not get a title of his own. Even though he deserved it. More than a small part of him believed in the divine right of kings, and by his reckoning, that included him. He was good at making money, good at spending it, and was above everyone. He knew that's what Jesus would have wanted for him.

Some things about England annoyed him. As much as he enjoyed mingling in high society, the nobility were real hoity-toity, very particular. He studied his manners as best he could, but could not rid himself of his American pride and exceptionalism. So he started tryna find his folk, the more rough-and-tumble, back alley type, the type who, back home, would threaten to shoot ya after a game of poker.

One thing he quickly learned, the greatest game hereabouts was magic. People went nuts over the stuff! For his part it just creeped him the hell out, but these English, they'd turned it into an artform. There were even some men going around, injecting and drawing blood from peasants before turning the needle on themselves, trying to turn themselves into something greater, something past man.

As far as he was concerned, it was an affront to God, but also? There was money to be made here.

Secretly, he helped finance the creation of a sorcerer that his business partner- a magician named Lucienne Poole -swore would have regenerative properties, something that could be harvested and monetized. When finally, she created their masterpiece, it exploded on him, burning into his flesh and costing the man his left arm and right eye in the process. But she had kept her word, and he was able to harvest the materials, the gray goo, the liquid glass, the primordial ooze that remained.

Now paranoid as a result of his injuries, he exposed the magician to the courts, feigning innocence as an injured bystander, and collected on the substance, selling it off to the Crown and commissioning a prosthetic arm to be made out of what was left.

This arm was his pride and joy, a gleaming mechanical contraption that could release into a whiplike appendage, and it finally earned him the attention he so deserved. He was getting invited to the right parties, getting to box and shoot and have fun like he did in America, but with fancy people.

So this time, when he appealed for a Lordship again, this time he thought he would finally be heard. But again, a quick and summary rejection.

Everything that had brought him joy so shortly before turned from gold to gray in his eye. But he knew what needed to be done. In America, he'd spent 20 years making a name for himself, but here? Here he all he was was a foreigner, trying to reclaim some imagined birthright. It was clear now, the only thing that stood in his way between what he wanted and him having it, was his retirement. He needed to make a name for himself again. And he'd do it, dammit!

He sold off his remaining shares in his businesses stateside, severing himself from new cash flow, and poured all of it into the Wardens' journeys in the Feywild, buying himself a ticket on their frontlines. He would help them colonize, he'd strike oil once again, but Fey oil, and get richer than God. And once he'd made a name for himself here, no one could say no to him ever again.

23 Pt. Buy Crunch:
Cassius P. Haigh, Human Barbarian (Savage Technologist/Superstitious) 2, Brawler (Constructed Pugilist) 1
Init +2; Perception 4
AC 19, touch 12, flatfooted 17
HP 30 (2d12+1d10+3+2)
Fort +7/9, Ref +5/9, Will -2/2 (+3/7 vs charm or compulsion)
Speed 40 ft.
Liquid Glass Flex Arm B d6/20x2 (+7/+9, +4/+6)
Gore P d8/20x2 (+6/8/1/3, +3/5/2/3)
Revolver d8/20x4 (+6/8) BP
Str 16, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 7, Cha 16
Base Attack +3; CMB +6/8; CMD 18/22
F: +7/9 R: +5/9 W: -2/2(+3/7 vs charm or compulsion)
Feats: Additional Traits, 1st Teamwork, Combat Expertise, Extra Rage Power, Improved Trip
Traits: Child of London, Signature Moves, Larger than Life, Irrepressible, Keeper of the Veil
Drawback: Hedonistic
Favored Class Bonus: Barbarian, 2 HP
Alternate Racial Traits: Silver-Tongued (replaces Skilled, +2 to Bluff and Diplomacy, can shift attitudes by three steps rather than two)
Skills: (6/Barbarian, 6/Brawler)
Acrobatics: +7 (3 rank, 2 DEX, 3 class, -1 ACP)
Bluff: +13 (3 rank, 3 CHA, 3 class, 2 racial, 1 trait, 1 competence)
Diplomacy: +11 (3 rank, 3 CHA, 3 class, 2 racial)
Intimidate: +11/15 (3 rank, 3 CHA, 3 class, 1 trait, 1 competence, +4 size bonus when gun is drawn)
K. Arcana: +3 (1 rank, 2 INT)
Perception: +3 (2 rank, -2 WIS, 3 class)
Sense Motive +3 (2 rank, -2 WIS, 3 class)
Survival: +2 (1 rank, -2 WIS, 3 class)
Background Skills:
Appraise: +7 (1 rank, 2 INT, 3 class, 1 trait)
Craft (Weapons): +6 (1 rank, 2 INT, 3 class)
K. Engineering: +3 (1 rank, 2 INT)
K. Geography: +3 (1 rank, 2 INT)
K. Nobility: +6 (1 rank, 2 INT, 1 trait, 2 circumstance)
Profession (Mining): +2 (1 rank, -2 WIS, 3 class)
Languages: English, Spanish, French
Masterwork revolver (700 gp)
30 metal cartridges (45 gp)
30 cold iron cartridges (90 gp)
+1 chain shirt (1250)
Pocketwatch (250 gp)
Heritage Book (50 gp)
Fashionable Accessories (20 gp)
Jewelry (100 gp)
4 dose exotic perfume (400 gp)
4 dose silvertongue (300 gp)
Courtesan's Kit (10 gp)
1 dose Fellowship Film (190 gp)
Masterwork Backpack (50 gp)
Book of Letters (50 gp)
Pink and Green Cracked Ioun Stone (Intimidate, 200 gp)
Hip Flask (1 gp)
1 bottle absinthe (30 gp)
3 fine cigars (15 gp)

130 gp

2 Valets (2 gp/day)
3 Footmen (1.5 gp/day)
1 good meal (.5 gp/day)
2 common meals (.6 gp/day)
3 poor meals (.3 gp/day)
4.9 gp lifestyle expense per day

Noble's Outfit (Free)
Signet Ring (Free)
Masterwork Liquid Glass Arm (Free)

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A savage technologist is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, all firearms, light armor, and shields (except tower shields).

Fast Movement (Ex): A barbarian's land speed is faster than the norm for her race by +10 feet. This benefit applies only when she is wearing no armor, light armor, or medium armor, and not carrying a heavy load. Apply this bonus before modifying the barbarian's speed because of any load carried or armor worn. This bonus stacks with any other bonuses to the barbarian's land speed.

Rage (Ex): A savage technologist can enter rage as a barbarian, except she gains a morale bonus to Strength and Dexterity instead of Strength and Constitution, and she does not take a penalty to Armor Class. She retains the bonus on Will saving throws. When a barbarian ability would increase the savage technologist’s Constitution while raging, it increases her Dexterity instead. This ability alters rage.

A barbarian can call upon inner reserves of strength and ferocity, granting her additional combat prowess. Starting at 1st level, a barbarian can rage for a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + her Constitution modifier. At each level after 1st, she can rage for 2 additional rounds. Temporary increases to Constitution, such as those gained from rage and spells like bear's endurance, do not increase the total number of rounds that a barbarian can rage per day. A barbarian can enter rage as a free action. The total number of rounds of rage per day is renewed after resting for 8 hours, although these hours do not need to be consecutive.

While in rage, a barbarian gains a +4 morale bonus to her Strength and Dexterity, as well as a +2 morale bonus on Will saves. While in rage, a barbarian cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration.

A barbarian can end her rage as a free action and is fatigued after rage for a number of rounds equal to 2 times the number of rounds spent in the rage. A barbarian cannot enter a new rage while fatigued or exhausted but can otherwise enter rage multiple times during a single encounter or combat. If a barbarian falls unconscious, her rage immediately ends, placing her in peril of death.

Rage Powers (Ex): As a barbarian gains levels, she learns to use her rage in new ways. Starting at 2nd level, a barbarian gains a rage power. She gains another rage power for every two levels of barbarian attained after 2nd level. A barbarian gains the benefits of rage powers only while raging, and some of these powers require the barbarian to take an action first. Unless otherwise noted, a barbarian cannot select an individual power more than once.

Superstition (Ex): The barbarian gains a +2 morale bonus on saving throws made to resist spells, supernatural abilities, and spell-like abilities. This bonus increases by +1 for every 4 levels the barbarian has attained. While raging, the barbarian cannot be a willing target of any spell and must make saving throws to resist all spells, even those cast by allies.

Lesser Fiend Totem (Su): While raging, the barbarian grows a pair of large horns, gaining a gore attack. This attack is a primary attack (unless she is also attacking with weapons, in which case it is a secondary attack) and is made at the barbarian’s full base attack bonus (–5 if it is a secondary attack). The gore attack deals 1d8 points of piercing damage (1d6 if Small) plus the barbarian’s Strength modifier (1/2 if it is a secondary attack).

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A brawler is proficient with all simple weapons plus the handaxe, short sword, and weapons from the close fighter weapon group. She is proficient with light armor and shields (except tower shields).

Constructed Limb (Ex): A constructed pugilist begins play with a special prosthetic limb built for fighting and typically made of iron, steel, stone, or wood, with the corresponding hardness and hit points (see Table 7-13). She treats attacks with this limb as unarmed strikes that gain all the benefits of the brawler’s unarmed strike class feature. She treats the limb as a light weapon and is proficient with it. Removing or reattaching the constructed limb takes 10 minutes.

The constructed pugilist can improve her constructed limb as if it were a normal melee weapon. For the purpose of rebuilding the limb as a masterwork weapon, rebuilding the limb out of a special material, or adding certain magical special abilities to it, the limb counts as a one-handed melee weapon that costs 60 gp and weighs 6 pounds—though it is specially fitted to the constructed pugilist and can’t be resold or used by anyone else. A constructed limb can benefit from either its own enhancement bonus and special abilities or those granted by an amulet of mighty fists, but if it would benefit from both simultaneously, it benefits only from the source with the higher effective enhancement bonus (the limb benefits from its own abilities in the case of a tie).

Limb Modification: A constructed pugilist chooses one of the following limb modifications at 1st level and another at 6th, 10th, 12th, and 20th levels. These modifications do not require the constructed pugilist to rebuild her constructed limb.

This replaces martial flexibility.

Flex Limb: The limb is divided into jointed segments held in place with rigid rods. As a standard action, the constructed pugilist can release the rods and turn her limb into a whiplike appendage. In this mode, the prosthesis can be used to make trip attempts, and it grants a +2 bonus on disarm attempts made using it. The constructed pugilist doesn’t run the risk of dropping her limb if she fails. Returning the limb to its rigid form takes a standard action. As a standard action, a constructed pugilist with both flex limb and limb extender can activate or deactivate one of those limb modifications or both simultaneously; when the constructed pugilist has both flex limb and limb extender activated, she gains the benefits of reach with the flex limb abilities.

Unarmed Strike: At 1st level, a brawler gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat. A brawler may attack with fists, elbows, knees, and feet. This means that a brawler may make unarmed strikes with her hands full. A brawler applies her full Strength modifier (not half) on damage rolls for all her unarmed strikes.

Usually, a brawler’s unarmed strikes deal lethal damage, but she can choose to deal nonlethal damage instead with no penalty on her attack roll. She has the same choice to deal lethal or nonlethal damage while grappling.

A brawler’s unarmed strike is treated as both a manufactured weapon and a natural weapon for the purpose of spells and effects that modify either manufactured weapons or natural weapons.

Despite his selfishness and abundant/exuberant American exceptionalism, Cash intends to be a team player. And in contrast with a primary role as a melee fighter, he can also easily serve as a primary or secondary face for the party, with high Bluff, Diplomacy and Intimidate but low Sense Motive.

His backstory has wiggle room for having met or been involved with several different submissions

Chose a different trait.

Let me know if anything looks off, or doesn't fit the world. For instance, the actual text of the drawback doesn't exactly fit for someone with no memory, but I thought the title and penalty were pretty spot-on, so I kept it, but there are several others I could choose instead if it seems off.

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So I'm swooping in relatively last minute after lurking for the last week and hoping to make the deadline, but at the very least I wanted to throw my hat in the ring with my concept while I try to figure out how to mechanically build this.

Charles Lutwidge Dodgson was a lecturer in mathematics at Christ Church at the University of Oxford, and an aspiring author and poet. The Dodgson family had produced some of England's finest army officers and Anglican clergymen, of which Charles was expected to proceed with the latter. He was nearly ready to proceed with his ordination two years ago when he abandoned the call to priesthood and was expelled from his post at Christ Church. The exact circumstances behind his decision to leave are uncertain--indeed, Charles cannot provide a satisfactory answer--but it has altered young Charles' life course irreparably.

It might have something to do with the blood condition that he was having treated towards the end of his priesthood training. He began having these strange dreams, burbling up from deep within his psyche. Forsaking his impending vows, he took up the study of wizardry, fascinated by the sacred geometry innate in archaic formulae. Moreover, he felt drawn inexplicably to the Feywilds, and has recently registered for service with Her Royal Majesty’s Wardens of the Wyrd.

But he wanted to leave his old life behind. He still believed in God, of course, but if he was to continue in his new pursuits then he could not be a Dodgson. And so he registered under his new name...

Lewis Carroll.


Lewis Carroll will be a Blood Arcanist of the Fey bloodline. Crunch coming ASAP.

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I realize it's early the last day, but I wanted to get this updated in case I didn't have time to do it later.

In order of Appearance:
Lapyd: Armand Bertreaux Male human brawler (hinyasi, snakebite striker) 3
Robert Henry: Angus Elphinstone Scottish noblemans son, who likes to play with swords and revolvers...
TheWaskally: Enzo Montalbano is one of the last Holy See paladins recognized by the famous city state known as The Vatican.
Black Dow: Ranveer Singh Male Human Fighter (VMC Rogue) 3
Master Han Del of the Web:
Simeon: Lionel Ravenstone Human ranger (trophy hunter, trapper) 3
Phillip Gastone: Icabhod Tilneros Male Human Alchemist (Vissectionist)
DjinnBob: Would the Vampire Hunter class be at all appropriate?
Edelsmirge: Alister DeMori Male Human Wizard lv 3
Ash..: Some kind of magusketeer adapting to the rifle seems in setting. Hrm.
Nikolaus de'Shade: Lady Guinevere Howard, Female Human Mesmerist 3
informatic: Eunice Firth, Female Human Bloodrager 3
Zanbabe: Median Zeroux Female Aberrant Bloodline Sorcerer 3
The Lobster: Cassius P. Haigh Male Human Barbarian (Savage Technologist/Superstitious) 2, Brawler (Constructed Pugilist) 1
polyfrequencies: Lewis Carrol, Blood Arcanist of the Fey bloodline.

If I've gotten something wrong, please let me know. I will try and get it fixed.

If there is anymore information posted hopefully I can get it updated. But if not, Good luck everyone. Kazmanaught thanks for running the game, we appreciate it!

Ranveer's crunch all done, just need to finish up his backstory when I get back from work today.

@Robert Henry: Thanks for compiling and updating the submissions list also chief.

The Society Papers, No 1222:
~Viscountess Braemar, Magi Margaret Elizabeth Sophia Victoria Hanover Erskine, remains at odds with her father the Earl of Mar!~ ~Scandal, Secret, or Sorcery?~
--Although details of the estrangement remain private, rumors persist that it is over the matter of marriage and a "woman's place". Owing to her mother's continued support, and the grace of the Queen, Lady Margaret has been assigned to Her Majesty's Wardens of the Wyld, to consult on matters related to production of the new Kindrochit Rifling Enchantment, purported to be a design of her own making, and conduct field tests thereof. The Wardens, The Viscountess, The Earl, and The Crown declined to comment.

Crunch to follow once I figure out where gold goes. We took a dip in gunslinger and are going to run down magus (eldritch archer) for the remainder of our levels.

(Rather lengthy) background done - tied in with Angus' ill-fated campaign and how he's been summoned by his old military friend.

@Kaz: Don't envy you chief - some great submissions here!

ਹਰ ਕਿਸੇ ਨੂੰ ਚੰਗੀ ਕਿਸਮਤ

Alright: I live in the Eastern Standard Time zone, so I'm going to close it at 9PM, my time, or about 2.5 hours from this post! I'm both looking forward to reading all of these applications, and dreading choosing. Hopefully, I'll have made my choices by sometime later tonight.

Cool, ignore Angus' purchase list, still working on it. Does the Wardens of the Wyrd provide ammunition?


Good luck everyone.

Good luck folks!

So much crunch:
Margaret Elizabeth Sophia Victoria Hanover Erskine
Female human (Ulfen) gunslinger (musket master, siege gunner, wyrm sniper) 1/magus (eldritch archer, hexcrafter) 2/wizard (Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Combat 45, Pathfinder Player Companion: Dragonslayer's Handbook, Pathfinder Player Companion: Heroes of the Street 11, Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 143, Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat 9, 50, Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 9, 48)
LG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +4; Senses Perception +7
AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +4 Dex)
hp 25 (3 HD; 2d8+1d10+5)
Fort +6, Ref +8, Will +2
Speed 30 ft.
Melee (L) cold iron bastard sword +2 (2d8+3/19-20) or
cold iron boarding axe +4 (1d6+2/×3) or
mwk cold iron cestus +5 (1d4+2/19-20) or
mithral cestus +5 (1d4+2/19-20) or
silver machete +4 (1d6+1/19-20)
Ranged clever solutions +9 (1d10+6/×4) or
practical answers +8 (1d8+1)
Special Attacks arcane pool (+1, 3 points), deeds (quick clear, steady aim, targeted blast), grit (2), spell combat, spellstrike
Magus (Eldritch Archer, Hexcrafter) Spells Prepared (CL 3rd; concentration +5)
1st—fallback strategy, reduce person (DC 13), unseen servant
0 (at will)—dancing lights, daze (DC 12), prestidigitation, read magic
Str 14, Dex 18, Con 13, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 12
Base Atk +2; CMB +4; CMD 18
Feats Alertness, Ancestral Weapon Mastery, Point-Blank Shot, Rapid Reload, Stealth Synergy[UC], Weapon Focus (pepperbox rifle)
Traits magical knack, tarnished halls runner, unintentional linguist
Skills Acrobatics +6, Bluff +5, Climb +4, Diplomacy +2, Heal +3, Knowledge (arcana) +6, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +6, Knowledge (nobility) +4, Knowledge (planes) +6, Linguistics +5, Perception +7, Perform (dance) +3, Ride +6, Sense Motive +1, Spellcraft +8, Survival +3, Swim +4
Languages Aklo, Aquan, Common, Draconic, First Speech, Greek, Skald
SQ betrayed, hex arcana, living steel, ranged spell combat, ranged spellstrike, ranged weapon bond, specialized school (admixture[APG])
Other Gear chain shirt, clever solutions[UC], cold iron bastard sword, cold iron boarding axe, cold iron metal cartridge[UC] (50), cold iron metal cartridge[UC] (50), metal cartridge[UC] (100), mithral cestus[APG], mwk cold iron cestus[APG], practical answers[UC], silver machete, endless bandolier[UE], handy haversack, bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, gunsmith's kit[UC], hemp rope (50 ft.), ink, inkpen, magus starting spellbook, mess kit[UE], pot, soap, spell component pouch, torch (10), trail rations (5), waterskin, 3 gp
Special Abilities
Admixture Associated School: Evocation
Arcane Pool +1 (3/day) (Su) Infuse own power into a held weapon, granting enhancement bonus or selected item powers.
Betrayed When use Sense motive to gain hunch, roll twice (take low, can't reroll).
Deeds Use Grit to perform special abilities with your firearms.
Deliver Touch Spells Through Familiar (Su) Your familiar can deliver touch spells for you.
Empathic Link with Familiar (Su) You have an empathic link with your Arcane Familiar.
Familiar Bonus: +2 to Reflex saves You gain the Alertness feat while your familiar is within arm's reach.
Grit (Ex) Gain a pool of points that are spent to fuel deeds, regained on firearm crit/killing blow.
Hex Arcana You can substitute Hexes for Magus Arcana.
Living Steel Some trees suck up potent minerals through their roots the same way others draw water from the ground. Though these trees blunt saws and axes used to hew them and shrug off fire, they eventually succumb to time or the elements. When properly harveste
Point-Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.
Ranged Spell Combat (Ex) Must use ranged weapon for spell combat.
Ranged Spellstrike (Su) As a full rd action, ranged spells can be combined with ranged attacks.
Ranged Weapon Bond (- custom / magic weapon -) (Ex) Must have bonded object to cast spells, doesn't interfere with somatic components.
Rapid Reload (Musket) You can reload fast with one type of Crossbow or Firearm.
Share Spells with Familiar Can cast spells with a target of "You" on the familiar with a range of touch.
Spell Combat (Ex) Use a weapon with one hand at -2 and cast a spell with the other.
Spellstrike (Su) Deliver touch spells as part of a melee attack.
Stealth Synergy Take the highest roll made by you and your allies on Stealth checks

I'm going to take the earldom of Mar (First Creation) and assume a marriage with the house of Hanover with one of the princesses that died young.

John Francis Erskine, 24th Earl of Mar
Married Elizabeth Caroline https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Princess_Elizabeth_of_Great_Britain in the 1700s.


Arcane Familiar CR –
Arctic fox (Ultimate Wilderness 190)
N Tiny magical beast (animal)
Init +2; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +10
AC 16, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex, +2 natural, +2 size)
hp 12 (1d8+1)
Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +4
Defensive Abilities improved evasion
Speed 40 ft.
Melee bite +3 (1d3-1)
Space 2½ ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks deliver touch spells
Str 9, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 7, Wis 12, Cha 6
Base Atk +2; CMB +2; CMD 11 (15 vs. trip)
Feats Skill Focus (Perception)
Skills Acrobatics +6 (+18 to jump), Bluff -1, Climb +6, Diplomacy -1, Heal +2, Linguistics +0, Perception +10, Ride +3, Spellcraft +1, Stealth +10 (+14 while in snow), Survival +2 (+6 to track by scent), Swim +6; Racial Modifiers +4 Stealth while in snow, +4 Survival to track by scent
SQ empathic link
Special Abilities
Deliver Touch Spells (Su) Deliever master's touch spells.
Empathic Link (Su) You have an empathic link with your master.
Improved Evasion (Ex) No damage on successful reflex save; half on failed save.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Scent (Ex) Detect opponents within 15+ ft. by sense of smell.
Share Spells Spells with a target of "You" can be delivered by a familiar with a range of touch.

An excerpt from a letter to Her Majesty, from the Earldom of Mar released by the Crown Records in 1978:
…The Magi, and begrudging Viscountess, Margaret Erskine is rumored to be many things. Scandalous, Sorceress, Studious. Sadly, to her regret, and my private relief, only the last is true. It isn’t that she wishes to be scandalous, nor does she wish for sorcery. Instead, and I suspect you will sympathize, she wishes she was out there—wherever that may be. After ten and six years she had all the proper, and improper, education she could beg, wrangle, or wheedle from any individual or institution willing to teach her in the north. Dancing, but also fencing. (The dance instructor has been pensioned) Needlework, but also suturing. (Dr Thorough and his wife were granted a sum to retire to Bath.) Surely this sounds familiar, eh? Another four years at university resulted in a veritable slew of accomplishments, certificates, and of course an entirely practical and thorough upper graduate education in the arts magical. Say what you will off Hanover, the university endures. Sadly, it has also resulted in a thorough investigation of mundane fire drills. (Nine professors retired! Seventeen guards were promoted. An entire class of undergraduate abjurers were graduated early, for meritorious service.) Yet she maintains “My thrice-be-damned father refuses to see me as more than a chit to be traded to France to secure his foundries.” I love my daughter. I suspect, however, that should I continue my unappreciated efforts to shelter her, she shall be headed for the colonies to seek her fortune, and the last any of us need is an American Empire. As she has no interest in politics, nor any interest or appreciation for the accompanying marriage, I believe she is in need of some time seeing what lies outside the garden of Mar, indeed what lies outside the garden of Britannia. She has the old gifts, and those gifts should be put to use. Thus, I offer her to your service, as Mar has always done. Here she is, sharp and honed with as much care as the blade and baldric she bears. Sheltered her rebellion may well have been, but she is fiercely loyal, competent, and very much in awe of you. Primed as they say to be an excellent dragon in your service. The Wardens of the Wild know their business, and the First World is well outside the shade of the Empire. We will only hope our prodigal daughter remembers her way home. For queen, and empire, all risk at your command…

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Will Cassius P. Haigh, Angus Elphinstone, Ranveer Singh, Median Zeroux, Margaret Elizabeth Sophia Victoria Hanover Erskine, and Lionel Ravenstone please report to the discussion thread!

Houseruling for your improvisation ability; I don't like that you get worse at a skill when you put ranks into it, so you can use the improvisation bonus or your actual total, whichever is higher.

I'd like to take a minute to thank each and every one of you for your interest in the game, and making a character for it. If you'd like to be considered as a replacement, should any of the people I tapped for the game decline, or bow out, please leave a response under this.

Once again, thank you for your time, and best of luck in your games!

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