Izabelia Nirodin |

You're fully rested, all everything refreshed. Consider yourselves fully healed if you had damage.
Thanks, DM!

Izabelia Nirodin |

My cat’s seriously injured and can’t walk on his own. I’m his nurse (carrying, lifting, medicating him) until his surgery next week. I won’t be back on the boards until next week. Sorry about all this personal upheaval. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Izabelia Nirodin |

I really can’t. The surgery is costing $10,000. Hubby and I cringed when the vet surgeon quoted us, but our fur baby needs to get the surgery, so we’re sucking it up. Thanks for trying to keep Bel alive, DM Dickie.

Izabelia Nirodin |

Hello, all. I was very eager to play in this game, however with all the recent personal upheaval and bad luck in my RL, my free time, health and energy levels are at an all time low. I don't wish to take up a spot with a character I'm unable to play, and, I have no idea when I can back to the boards with any sort of regularity. Regrettably, I am withdrawing from the game (this is one of my busiest games with the most amount of posting and I don't feel I'll be able to catch up on the reading and then getting back into the character). DM Dickie, you've been great and I sincerely appreciate your gaming style and also your kindness/understanding during my prolonged absence. To my fellow players, it's been a pleasure gaming with you.
I wish you all the best and much success.
Kind Regards,

Saria Fartul |

I'm sad to see you go, but it's perfectly understandable given your current situation - with all that's going on, your well-being has to come first! I hope everything works out as swiflty and as best as possible!

DM Dickie |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

I'm very sorry to hear that, but FWIW I personally have an open-door policy where I will try and work someone back in if they're able and want to rejoin in the future.
Would you prefer me to mark you inactive or let it stand for now?
For now I'm going to bot Bel until either an opportunity pops up during exploration to explain her absence or the characters leave The Crow at which point she will chase a pressing personal issue that suddenly ly came up.
This is why I tend to take more than four players to begin with, and at the moment four is where we are so I don't see a need to recruit someone to fill the spot just yet. Frankly, I think if I went below four on either table I might try and find a way to merge both tables. Ancient Thassilonian magic can do weird stuff, so it would be possible to find a way to merge two realities, lol. You're both in roughly the same place so far (way different paths getting there though).

Saria Fartul |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I'm sorry to see you go as well Mallory, but I can relate - my job can get pretty busy at times and I know how hard it can be to keep up with a PbP when it happens.
Best of luck with the new job!

DM Dickie |

Soon I am going to re-open recruitment to find some one or two new players, we still have Saria, Esk, and Zadira (you all are still jere, right? Lol). If anyone knows anyone that light be a good fit, send them our way. Until then, I'll get back to posting this week and try my best to bot folks and keep things moving.

Zadira |

Yes, still here. :)

DM Dickie |

If anyone has time and wants to provide an opinion on any characters in recruit thread, I'd love to hear them. With an already established group some of the challenge is figuring out who will blend in well. If I were just grabbing one I'd wing it based on my own perceptions, but two at once is a little more complicated.

Zadira |

I kind of like Sokkla the chicken girl. Seems hilarious. No preference besides that.

Saria Fartul |

Same here. And, like Mallory, she was also led to the pathfinders by her deity - seems like our quest is gathering quite the divine attention :).
I'll give them all a closer look after submissions are closed and give you my own views on each one.

Ragnar av Gundrun |

Funnily enough, I considered applying, but 2 characters in the same module at the same rough place?
My concept would have been reasonably funny though. Mutagenic Mauler/Fractured Mind or spiritualist/Fighter.
Mutagens, a split personality and a lot of frontline presence with an fairly intelligent phantom to assist in things on top.

Zadira |

Welcome new people! :)

Tormnyr |

Changed the name to "Tormnyr," otherwise here is the profile with the Level 1 stats.
Have 1 skill point from 1st level unspent for team collaboration, as well as the level 2 updates to make (but the GM said to just show the level 1 stats so I will level whenever told to do so).
Glad to be here. Thanks for the invite.

Sokkla |

Hi all
Thanks for having us.
Alias should be all up to date for level 1, just got to add level 2 in. GM, are we OK to go ahead and do this or should we hold off?
I'm happy to tweak Sokkla's crunch or fluff if anyone has any ideas.

DM Dickie |

I'm going to be writing up a short little vignette for the both of you in the next day or two. The others will need to head back soonish I'm guessing, but since both characters have some sort of ties to the Society we can get you there very soon.
For the moment, go ahead and do HP rolls for leveling. I use a rule where if you roll half or less the HD, you end up with half+1. I didn't say before, and yes, go ahead and add wealth per the CRB (1000gp).

Zadira |

Also, Sokkla, if you could put some basic information in your tag line, that would be helpful... different people do it differently, as you will see if you scroll up, but the basics are race, class, level, hit points, armor class, and your initiative and perception modifiers.

Sokkla |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Also, Sokkla, if you could put some basic information in your tag line, that would be helpful... different people do it differently, as you will see if you scroll up, but the basics are race, class, level, hit points, armor class, and your initiative and perception modifiers.
I always forget that bit! Should be done now. Copied your format ;)
HP: 1d10 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10 I'll take that. I'll get all up to date on Level 2 tomorrow.

Tormnyr |

HP: 1d10 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9 new total 22.
Feat: Step Up
Skills: Survival, Perception x2
Still have that 1 skill point to spend - maybe Linguistics for a shared obscure language?
Purchases: probably a MW weapon and saving the rest for now. Will update tomorrow.

Sokkla |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I'm all updated to Level 2. Nothing major, unlocked smite and lay on hands/paws.
Just need to go shopping. Is there anything the party thinks would be helpful for all? or can I be selfish :)
I'm putting together an Alias for the chicken too. Given the development under the chosen One archetype I think its easier to run it as a separate Alias.

Saria Fartul |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Nothing comes to mind at the moment - I already bought a CLW wand for the group, so we have that covered already. I'd say go ahead and spend it on yourself :).

Zadira |

I don't think you have to read through unless you want to know the back story. You can easily role play without that since your character won't know it.

Tormnyr |

Was looking through the Gameplay a bit and this caught my eye:
Eskander, regarding your question on the AoO - I don't think you threaten the corners of the 5x5 square around you - they should be 15ft away - which means an enemy can close on you by moving along the diagonal. And you should remember that if they are 10ft from you at the start of their turn, they can always close by just taking a 5ft step
It may be important later, so I thought I would note the FAQ on this:
10-Foot Reach and Diagonals: I’m confused about reach and diagonals. I heard somewhere online that you don’t threaten the second diagonal with a 10-foot reach but that you somehow get an attack of opportunity when opponents move out of that square, but the Rules Reference Cards show that you do threaten the second diagonal. Which one is correct?
The cards are correct. As an exception to the way that diagonals normally work, a creature with 10 feet of reach threatens the second diagonal. These changes will be reflected in the next errata.
A rather crucial fix.
You do threaten all around you with a reach weapon, and there is no way to use a 5' step avoid the AOO by closing in on the diagonal from 15' away to 5' away (this makes sense, as the characters don't perceive the world on a grid of 5' squares).Tormnyr won't be using a reach weapon, but he may be a good candidate for Enlarge Person in the future which would give him 10' of reach.

Saria Fartul |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Thanks for the correction. It does make more sense for it to be this way. Thankfully it didn't really make a difference at the time.

Sokkla |

Evening GM
Would it be OK to get a Wayfinder (Inherited/found with the armour etc.) with my L2 funds? Just thought I'd check since you mentioned you this was going to be a PFS themed adventure, I don't want to tread on any narrative toes.

DM Dickie |

Sorry for delays, been hard at work on my games despite relative quiet.
Yes. You can purchase a Wayfinder. It isn't exactly a "sanctioned one" as in not an official badge of membership. It would have been one your familiar lead you to on your journey to Magnimar in flavor terms. Anyway, expect some larger posts soonish, lots of stuff going on!

Sokkla |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Ok, Sokkla should be fully up to speed now.
Purchases: Wayfinder (downgraded the Ioun torch to a dull grey stone, its redundant and more interesting as a simple stone) and a couple more chickens to fill out the flock. Saving the rest for later.
The idea is that, wrapped in the armour Sokkla "stole" was her fathers old bag of accoutrements inside were trinkets and trifles along with the Wayfinder and the Ioun stone.

DM Dickie |

If anyone happens to be interested in a Starfinder game I'm starting one via VTT on Sunday nights. Check out my Sunday Starfinder Against the Aeon Throne
It's a half-AP, by which I mean just three books, so not a huge commitment. Starships, ancient empires, guerrillas, a Babylon 5-like black market space station, and the kind of bad guys you just can't feel bad about shooting!

DM Dickie |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

My character isn't there to see it, but uh, whoops. That's the blonde that I pushed off the roof?! Did her evil deity bring her back to life then?
Yes and not exactly, but kinda-sorta, sure lol. It is something that could, maybe help work an otherwise optional subplot into things down the road. They set the optional encounters in some books way off in left field, so any potential threads could be useful.
Besides, she was the first real threat y'all faced and she for sure made that fight a challenge. I feel like she deserves a touch more screen time, maybe (maybe not) a recurring nemesis role, as a result.
I haven't found the same sort of "in" yet, or a rival for the other group yet, but their luck will run out soon, I'm thinking...muhahaha! =P

DM Dickie |

FYI - my work went bonkers and we are doing way more OT this week than usual so my posting may be slightly delayed for a few days/into next week. I'm here, but might be slow, thanks in advance for your patience!
Side note: would folks be interested in joining a Discord server where I can type messages like the above once instead of copy/pasting to each individual game I'm running/playing in?

Zadira |

Cool with joining for informational messages, as long as we aren't switching the game over to that. I have to have Discord open at work, and having game chats pop up constantly would be too distracting. I'd have to mute the channel, and then I might miss something.

DM Dickie |

I'm on Discord as Dickie#4462 and am working on creating a server with an open lounge as well as separate channels for different games. Hopefully back to normal levels of overtime lol!
Add me if you want, not required by any means, but might work out for me long term with PbP and other gaming.
No, I won't be moving the game there, lol, not sure how that'd even work TBH. I feel like it would make the posts a mess and tougher to read/reread/find things easily.
BTW, I believe you can shut notifications off for a specific server and even specific channels on the server, but my experience is still pretty limited.