Lyra Heatherly

Saria Fartul's page

115 posts. Alias of Pancakes.

Full Name

Saria Fartul




Shaman (Name-keeper) 2 | HP 25/25; AC 19, Touch 13, FF 16; | F:+2 , R:+3, W+10 | Init 4; Perception +13; Low-light vision | Spells: 1st: 4+1/4+1






Neutral Good

Strength 7
Dexterity 14
Constitution 12
Intelligence 13
Wisdom 22
Charisma 12

About Saria Fartul


As the daughter of a renowned pathfinder, Saria grew up fascinated with tales from her mother's or her colleagues adventures, and she hoped to one day join the pathfinders herself and go with her mother in one of her missions.

But shortly after finally joining the Society, her mother's name was added to the Wall of Names - gone missing during a mission in Varisia. It was then that Saria decided to join the Name-keepers, hoping to find out more about her mother's final mission and finish it herself.

When the Lodge issued a call for volunteers to explore the Varisian frontier, she jumped at the opportunity, hoping to find out more about what her mother's final assignment might have been.

IC Sample:

As she approaches Heidmarch Manor, Saria stops for a moment and gazes at her mother's old wayfinder.

Here I am, following in your footsteps. Are you proud of me, or should I have stayed back home, helping at dad's store?

I know he would feel safer if I took a different path, but I know he understands, and I know you would too - you felt this was your calling, just as I do.

I have no illusions about the dangers. I've seen the Wall, I know the names and the tales behind many of them. But that's just one more reason to be here - I will make sure no one's tale is cut short.

And I'll bring the last chapter of yours home as well.



Neutral Good Medium Half-Elf Shaman 2;

Init 4; Senses Perception: +13


AC 19, touch 13, flat-footed 16

hp 25 (8+1 con +1 fcb +8 racial, 6+1con+1 fcb)

Fort 2, Ref 3, Will 10


Speed 20 ft.

Melee MW Elven Branched Spear +4 (1d8+3 /x3),
Cestus+3 (1d4-2, 19-20)
Cold Iron Dagger +3 (1d4-2, 19-20)

RangedLight crossbow +3 (1d8 19-20),

Shaman spells prepared (CL 2; concentration +8)

0th (at will)- Daze (DC 16); Detect Magic; Guidance; Dancing Lights

1st (4+1) - Cure Light Wounds x2; open x2; Spirit (1/day): Stone shield

Str 7, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 22, Cha 12

Base Atk + +1; CMB +-1; CMD 10

FeatsExotic Weapon Proficiency (Elven Branched Spear); Weapon Finesse (Elven Branched Spear);

SQ Inherited Wayfinder; Spirit Ability: Monstrous Insight; Shaman Spirits: Lore;

Hexes: Evil Eye (DC 17)

Languages: Common, Elven, Celestial, Thassilonian

Skills Diplomacy +5; Knowledge (arcana) +2; Knowledge (dungeoneering) +2; Knowledge (geography) +2; Knowledge (history) +5; Knowledge (nature) +2; Knowledge (religion) +5; Linguistics +7; Perception +11; Sense Motive +8; Spellcraft +6;

Armor: MW Breastplate

Money 87g, 5s
Equipment 10x Paper, rice (1 sheet); 20x Bolt(s), crossbow (10); Backpack, masterwork; Bandolier; Case, scroll; Charcoal; Flint and steel; Holy symbol, wooden; Hook, grappling, common; Outfit, Traveler's; Rope, silk (50 ft.); Waterskin; Alchemist Fire x4

Scrolls: Monkey Fish, Obscuring Mist

Elven Reflexes
Exchange Agent (Linguistics)

Racial Traits
Low light vision
Elf blood
Ancestral Arms
Fey Thoughts (Perception, Sense Motive)
Keen Senses
Elven Immunities

Resistance +1
Dodge +1

Previous Stats:


Neutral Good Medium Half-Elf Shaman 2;

Init 6; Senses Perception: +11


AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14

hp 17

Fort 1, Ref 2, Will 8


Speed 20 ft.

Melee Cestus -1 (1d4-2 19-20), Longspear -1 (1d8-2 /x3),

Ranged Light crossbow +3 (1d8 19-20),

Shaman spells prepared (CL 1; concentration +6)

0th (at will)- Daze (DC 15); Detect Magic (DC 15); Guidance (DC 15);

1st (1/4) - Cure Light Wounds; Spirit (1/day): Stone shield

Str 7, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 20, Cha 14

Base Atk + +1; CMB +-1; CMD 10

Feats Improved Initiative;

SQ Inherited Wayfinder; Spirit Ability: Monstrous Insight; Shaman Spirits: Lore;

Skills Diplomacy +6; Heal +9; Knowledge (history) +5; Knowledge (religion) +6; Linguistics +6; Perception +11; Spellcraft +6; Use Magic Device +8;

Equipment Breastplate; 10x Crossbow bolt(s), heavy/light/hand (10); 10x Paper, rice (1 sheet); 4x Acid (1 flask); Backpack, masterwork; Bandolier; Bedroll; Canteen; Case, scroll; Charcoal; Holy symbol, wooden; Outfit, Traveler's; Rope, silk (50 ft.), Wand of Cure Light Wounds (50/50);

Dangerously Curious
Exchange Agent (Linguistics)

Racial Traits
Low light vision
Elf blood