The Famous Adventurer's Correspondence School For Heroes

Game Master Antoine Gagnon

Dungeons & Dragons. Play-By-Post. Ghosts of Saltmarsh until we get bored.

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Flan Pathfinder (HP via Roll20) | Init +1 | Passive Perc 16; Invest. 12; Insight 12 AC 14 | Saves: Str +5; Dex +3; Con +2; Int +2; Wis +2; Cha +0 | Inspiration 0/1 Mad Mardigan's Cheat Sheet | D&D Beyond
Dungeon Master Tony wrote:
Venn Greenbough wrote:

Venn keeps his eyes and ears open:

Investigate: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19

Venn focuses and overhears snippets of conversation as he moves about the room. He learns that Gatren is well-respected, revered even. Most of the chatter in the room is now confused--they'd expected a quick slaying of an evil surface wizard and now they're questioning the whole affair.

You learn Gatren is the real deal--a force for good and a powerful one, but something of a blunt instrument if you get my drift.

You note there are two mermaids who have set themselves apart from the, "party", and one of them is clearly very upset. You hear that one is trying to comfort the other.

You overhear part of Prince Oliveay speaking to Gatren: "...Are you sure? Are you Positive?! And... What *exactly* has Iliza told you?..."

Dammit! I'm playing against type here.

Venn moves in to eavesdrop more on the gossip
Not sure which skill is best here: 1d20 ⇒ 20

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Character Sheet Human Bard 6 (HPs 42/52) | Init +4 | Passive Perc 17; Invest. 12; Insight 12 AC 15 | Saves: Str +0; Dex +6; Con +6; Int +1; Wis +1; Cha +7 | Inspiration 0/1
Dungeon Master Tony wrote:

Oliveay is still back on his heels Vs. Alisanne.

"You know, I'm starting to wonder that myself? Since you arrived here I'm feeling like I missed a few council meetings. Okay, well... Is there a way we can verify that Iliza isn't bewitched? That seems to be at the heart of it. If we can't find a way to confirm that, I'm not sure we're getting out of here without a duel."

Do you have spellcasters among your attendants here? A simple Detect Magic would reveal if she was under an Enchantment. One of my companions could likely cast it, but I'm guessing Lord Gatren would not believe us. I'd also be happy to cast Dispel Magic on her, but again, I don't know that you would trust that I've succeeded or not.

As for the duel, you've stated earlier that the arcane arts are not an option, as Lord Gatren is no spellcaster. Likewise, arms are not something Lord Belwick has experience with. So, if we cannot duel with martial prowess nor arcane power, we must find something that both can compete at with equal proficiency. I believe that they both share a keen intellect, skilled in tactics and strategy. Both are leaders, having commanded forces to victory on the battlefield. And what battleground is more hallowed, more ancient, more prestigious than that venerable field of honor, DRAGONCHESS!

Character Sheet
Dungeon Master Tony wrote:
"I know little of the Duel Code, I'm afraid. I am a Priestess of Eadro--such things are not part of my training. I can tell you that Prince Oliveay asked me to serve as their Healer for the duel. Apparently each side needs one. I'm to see to Sir Gatren should he be injured or killed."

"I'll likely be called upon for the same. Say, are we able to help each other? I mean, if your man goes down, can I help him or would that just be dishonorable or something? I'm thinking of an accidental death. We don't want that, and I may be able to prevent it, after the fact."

He goes on to talk about Revivify - talking technical with his cohort in god.

After that he'll hunt up the Baron and fill him in on what he's learned, "Which isn't much I'm afraid. They're nice people, and I get the sense that folks don't really want bloodshed here, but they're kind of stuck with the whole honor thing."

"If you can convince Oliveay or Gatren, that your girlfriend isn't ensorceled, we're home free. But I don't know how you prove a negative."

He listens to Alisanne try.

Human Noble Wizard 6 (HP: 37/37) | Init +2 | AC 12 (15 w/Mage Armor) | Passive Perc 10; Invest. 14; Insight 10 | Saves: Str -1; Dex +2; Con +1; Int +7; Wis +3; Cha +2 | Inspiration 1/1 | Buffs: Mage Armor | Character Sheet

Belwick listens to Baghotir. "Valuable insights, thank you. I, of course, have the ability to determine if someone is ensorcelled. But it requires someone that Gatren will trust. Perhaps this is something that your priestess friend can perform? It's not a particularly complex bit of magic for me, but I don't want to presume their ability."

Character Sheet Human Bard 6 (HPs 42/52) | Init +4 | Passive Perc 17; Invest. 12; Insight 12 AC 15 | Saves: Str +0; Dex +6; Con +6; Int +1; Wis +1; Cha +7 | Inspiration 0/1

Persuasion: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22

Character Sheet
Baron Belwick Donnamoor wrote:
Belwick listens to Baghotir. "Valuable insights, thank you. I, of course, have the ability to determine if someone is ensorcelled. But it requires someone that Gatren will trust. Perhaps this is something that your priestess friend can perform? It's not a particularly complex bit of magic for me, but I don't want to presume their ability."

"I can but ask!"

Baghotir makes his way across the room and does just that, "Do you have any divinations today? Could you not perceive any ensorceling? Then, when you know there is none, Gatren can question her and obtain the truth!" He grins at the idea.

Venn Greenbough wrote:

Dammit! I'm playing against type here.

Venn moves in to eavesdrop more on the gossip
[dice=Not sure which skill is best here]d20

I don't think you are here. You've overheard some potentially useful information, and I call for a Stealth Check to be sure you're not seen listening in. And... You Nat20'd that.

Venn overhears...

Gatren: "I do not have your head for strategy, but you must trust me."

Prince Oliveay:"WHAT did she say?"

Gatren: "Nothing. That is just it: she refuses to answer directly, and so forces my hand."

Prince Oliveay:"You hate these kinds of games!"

Gatren: "Indeed. But if forced to play, I will win."

Then Oliveay moves back to continue parley with Alisanne.

Alisanne Skullfist wrote:
..Venerable field of honor, DRAGONCHESS![/b]

Persuasion Roll is 22...

"Odd. I've seen Gatren cast such spells before. Am I to take your word over his?"

At your suggestion of dragonchess, Oliveay smiles.

"I think I like you, Lady Alisanne Skullfist. Dragonchess. I will need to sell that, but I think I can manage it. And what end is Baron Belwick seeking? What resolution will satisfy him?"

Baghotir Nightthane wrote:
Baron Belwick Donnamoor wrote:
Belwick listens to Baghotir. "Valuable insights, thank you. I, of course, have the ability to determine if someone is ensorcelled. But it requires someone that Gatren will trust. Perhaps this is something that your priestess friend can perform? It's not a particularly complex bit of magic for me, but I don't want to presume their ability."

"I can but ask!"

Baghotir makes his way across the room and does just that, "Do you have any divinations today? Could you not perceive any ensorceling? Then, when you know there is none, Gatren can question her and obtain the truth!" He grins at the idea.

"I'm sorry to say that I lack the ability to cast such divinations today. And I doubt that the word of you or your companions will suffice. Lord Gatren is a merman of honor. If he is sure, I am sure."

Character Sheet

Baghotir grins, "Yeah, I feel the same way about the Baron. He's sure he didn't convince the lass to stay with him magically. Just, you know, his natural charm."

"But I get what you're saying. Too bad. Maybe this Dragonchess thing will work. I dunno... I can never figure out how all the pieces move. But maybe Lord Gatren knows and it'll be a fair challenge."

He thanks her, bows lightly, and heads back to the Baron.

"No dice. She believes her lord much as I believe you. I'm not sure, even if she had something appropriate, she'd cast it at our request. And Gatren is so sure of his position, I doubt he'd have her check. So we're stuck."

He puts his hand on Belwicks shoulder. "I wish you the luck of the gods in your challenge! You do, you know, know how the pieces move - right?"

Baghotir passes Belwick his heroic inspiration for the bout.

Human Noble Wizard 6 (HP: 37/37) | Init +2 | AC 12 (15 w/Mage Armor) | Passive Perc 10; Invest. 14; Insight 10 | Saves: Str -1; Dex +2; Con +1; Int +7; Wis +3; Cha +2 | Inspiration 1/1 | Buffs: Mage Armor | Character Sheet
Baghotir Nightthane wrote:
He puts his hand on Belwicks shoulder. "I wish you the luck of the gods in your challenge! You do, you know, know how the pieces move - right?"

"Yes, I know the game well. It was one of the few things my father and I did together. Once a week, up until the day of his passing. I've not had occasion to play much since then, but he was a skilled player and I will forever remember our matches."

Baron Belwick Donnamoor wrote:
Baghotir Nightthane wrote:
He puts his hand on Belwicks shoulder. "I wish you the luck of the gods in your challenge! You do, you know, know how the pieces move - right?"
"Yes, I know the game well. It was one of the few things my father and I did together. Once a week, up until the day of his passing. I've not had occasion to play much since then, but he was a skilled player and I will forever remember our matches."

A Ted Lasso reference gains Heroic Inspiration, which Baghotir just gave you so pass it on to another.

Human Fighter 7 | HP 67/67 | AC 22 | Init +2

Caelius leavs Iliza and goes to find Belwick. He watches as the board is laid out and the pieces are aligned. "You got a plan Baron?" He asks nervously, not wanting to shed blood over a misunderstanding. Though he will defend himself if necessary.

Human Noble Wizard 6 (HP: 37/37) | Init +2 | AC 12 (15 w/Mage Armor) | Passive Perc 10; Invest. 14; Insight 10 | Saves: Str -1; Dex +2; Con +1; Int +7; Wis +3; Cha +2 | Inspiration 1/1 | Buffs: Mage Armor | Character Sheet

We might be jumping to conclusions regarding Dragonchess? Still needs to be sold to Gatren, I think?

"Plan?" Belwick says as Caelius returns. "I have an intention: win Iliza free of this farce. I will not resort to violence unless the merfolk demand it, which I doubt they'll do. I'll play their game for now."


Oliveay returns to Alisanne a few minutes later.

"He knows the game. Best of three to claim victory, by surrender or checkmate. We do not have a board here at present and will need to acquire one. Can one be obtained in Saltmarsh?"

Character Sheet

"I can try to find one." Baghotir offers.

If accepted, he swiftly swims back to shore and heads into town. He hunts down the best dragon chess set he can find! He doesn't want the Baron embarrassed by some cheap thing.


You can purchase one from one of the local shops for 1 Gold Piece, but it will be a very basic set.

Or, if you really want a nice set, you can use some skills or abilities and see if you can track one down.


While Baghotir goes to fetch a board, the crowd mingles. Feel free to investigate or talk to someone.

Oliveay swims over to Alisanne and continues negotiations. "Very good. "Weapons", are chosen and accepted. The terms are Best of Three by surrender or checkmate. If victorious, Gatren demands a lavish apology, followed by Belwick making a public display of relinquishing any hold he has over Salvager Iliza, and severing of any ties between himself and her. Forswearing his, "Love", as it were. What are your terms, Second?"

Character Sheet

Baghotir asks around for a social club that plays the game, or a place where players are known to play.

Persuasion?: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25 (If it's Investigation, well, that's a -1)

If he finds someone-someplace he'll see if there are any really fine sets around (not sure what to roll for an appraisal).

Fine set: 1d20 ⇒ 1

If he actually has any luck (and he doesn't know what a fine set looks like apparently), he tries to persuade the owner to sell his set. And he pays well for it.

Persuasion?: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20

"My good friend, I need this set. It's finer than the others I've seen, and it's for a savior in his yearning search for his love. It's complicated, but this set may well decide the happiness for two people for the rest of their lives! Truly, I must have it. Please. I'll pay well for it."


Baghotir runs into Captain Fireborn.

"Woah there, Preacher. I understand you're looking for a dragonchess board, something more than a simple set? As luck would have it... I was just gifted a new set, so the set I've had for years might do for you. It should go to a new home. Here..."

Captain Fireborn offers you the purchase of his second-hand set, a lovely antique, precious for its age and how well the Captain has maintained it, if not for materials.

The figures are carved from soapstone and have a satisfying heft. All three boards fold in and out of a wooden box, carved with griffins and shields hanging from parapets.

"My niece commissioned the new set and it is lovely. But this one I bought--splurged on it with my first pay, earned by fighting for His Majesty. It's not made of precious stones or anything, but the artistry is fine and these carvings have always spoken to me."

Religion 15:
Thse symbols are of Daern, the Hero-Goddess of Defenses and Fortifications.

"Use it to protect The Lady's honor. Tell Baron Donnamoor good hunting and not to under-estimate the Sylphs."

Cost is 25 Gold

Character Sheet

"A mighty fine set indeed - thank you captain!!" Baghotir is excited by the find. A set with history. That'll more than make up for it's simple form.

Religion: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19 vs DC 15

"Very nice, very nice - Daern is it? I didn't do well in school, but I always liked playing with fortifications. Daern came up a lot." he grins warmly.

He presses 30 gold into the good captain's hands and won't take any back. "You've really helped me out of a jam. Thank you! And I'll certainly pass your message along."

He carefully wraps it and stows it as he swiftly returns to the scene. When he gets back, he fills the Baron in on the history of the set, and the captain's admonitions.

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It occurs to you that this board will not function underwater.

Human Noble Wizard 6 (HP: 37/37) | Init +2 | AC 12 (15 w/Mage Armor) | Passive Perc 10; Invest. 14; Insight 10 | Saves: Str -1; Dex +2; Con +1; Int +7; Wis +3; Cha +2 | Inspiration 1/1 | Buffs: Mage Armor | Character Sheet

While Baghotir is away fetching the game board, Belwick tries not to get nervous. He decides that he needs a distraction, and also to be less of a pariah among the merfolk.

Finding a cluster of well-dressed merfolk, he glides through the water with the ease his magical cloak provides. Greetings and well met. I suspect you already know this, but I am Baron Belwick Donnamoor. It's... been an interesting day so far, has it not? I'm embarassed to say that I am only partially aware of merfolk customs. But my old teacher always said I was curious, and so here I am. If I may ask: do challenges like this occur often?"
Persuasion: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17

Character Sheet

Damn and blast!

Baghotir swears as he approaches the waterline to delve back into the sea. "I need another set!" he shouts at the water.

He turns back to town, and continues the hunt!

Persuasion?: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11 (If it's Investigation, well, that's a -1)

Unable to find something suitable (I suspect) he keeps hunting, though he's worrying about the time it's taking.

Persuasion?: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8 (If it's Investigation, well, that's a -1)

He'll grab the 1gp set, as he's beginning to suspect that time is more a factor than quality at this point...

Baron Belwick Donnamoor wrote:

While Baghotir is away fetching the game board, Belwick tries not to get nervous. He decides that he needs a distraction, and also to be less of a pariah among the merfolk.

Finding a cluster of well-dressed merfolk, he glides through the water with the ease his magical cloak provides. Greetings and well met. I suspect you already know this, but I am Baron Belwick Donnamoor. It's... been an interesting day so far, has it not? I'm embarassed to say that I am only partially aware of merfolk customs. But my old teacher always said I was curious, and so here I am. If I may ask: do challenges like this occur often?"

A mermaid with her hair just... Wildly out of control, but decorated with shells and random knick-knacks, speaks up.

"No, not often, Baron. Sir Gatren is something of an iconoclast in these matters, and nothing Salvager Iliza does is ever, 'typical'. They are each very... I believe the surface expression is something like they... Dance... to their own beat. Or something like that. They're both rather eccentric."

Human Noble Wizard 6 (HP: 37/37) | Init +2 | AC 12 (15 w/Mage Armor) | Passive Perc 10; Invest. 14; Insight 10 | Saves: Str -1; Dex +2; Con +1; Int +7; Wis +3; Cha +2 | Inspiration 1/1 | Buffs: Mage Armor | Character Sheet

Belwick considers the mermaid's words. "You have the saying just right. Iliza does indeed dance to her own beat. Although I would think that what Sir Gatren has chosen as his path is more akin to exploitation of an old tradition than it is an attack on that tradition."

"But I suppose as the agrieved person here I must admit my bias. And far be it for me to quibble about language. After all, the few words I've learned of the language of the sea are from Iliza. And they are of a more... colourful nature. Not the sort appropriate for polite company."

"Also, I must say that you have some very lovely shells decorating your hair. You have a discerning eye for the best mollusk shells. Are you also a Salvager? Forgive me, but I don't have a perfect grasp of titles amongst your people. I am still learning."

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Character Sheet Human Bard 6 (HPs 42/52) | Init +4 | Passive Perc 17; Invest. 12; Insight 12 AC 15 | Saves: Str +0; Dex +6; Con +6; Int +1; Wis +1; Cha +7 | Inspiration 0/1
Dungeon Master Tony wrote:

Oliveay swims over to Alisanne and continues negotiations. "Very good. "Weapons", are chosen and accepted. The terms are Best of Three by surrender or checkmate. If victorious, Gatren demands a lavish apology, followed by Belwick making a public display of relinquishing any hold he has over Salvager Iliza, and severing of any ties between himself and her. Forswearing his, "Love", as it were. What are your terms, Second?"

I think that Lord Belwick would seek terms in kind. A lavish apology, followed by a public display of relinquishing any hold he has over Salvager Iliza, freeing her from her "captivity" and severing of any ties between himself and her, forswearing his "Love". Does that suffice?

Alisanne Skullfist wrote:
Dungeon Master Tony wrote:

Oliveay swims over to Alisanne and continues negotiations. "Very good. "Weapons", are chosen and accepted. The terms are Best of Three by surrender or checkmate. If victorious, Gatren demands a lavish apology, followed by Belwick making a public display of relinquishing any hold he has over Salvager Iliza, and severing of any ties between himself and her. Forswearing his, "Love", as it were. What are your terms, Second?"
I think that Lord Belwick would seek terms in kind. A lavish apology, followed by a public display of relinquishing any hold he has over Salvager Iliza, freeing her from her "captivity" and severing of any ties between himself and her, forswearing his "Love". Does that suffice?

Oliveay considers it for just a moment before he agrees.

"Fair. Though I'll add: Should Iliza be magically controlled, I'll need to get involved. I will not allow one of my subjects to be abducted. Should Baron Belwick win the contest, he may yet find himself beset by Merfolk blades. Gatren isn't a strategist, but he was clever enough for that. We will need a way to prove she is her own. I will think on the matter, and you should as well. Now... Chess, underwater, will prove difficult. Tomorrow. Dawn. On the beach. Are we agreed?"

Baron Belwick Donnamoor wrote:

Belwick considers the mermaid's words. "You have the saying just right. Iliza does indeed dance to her own beat. Although I would think that what Sir Gatren has chosen as his path is more akin to exploitation of an old tradition than it is an attack on that tradition."

"But I suppose as the agrieved person here I must admit my bias. And far be it for me to quibble about language. After all, the few words I've learned of the language of the sea are from Iliza. And they are of a more... colourful nature. Not the sort appropriate for polite company."

"Also, I must say that you have some very lovely shells decorating your hair. You have a discerning eye for the best mollusk shells. Are you also a Salvager? Forgive me, but I don't have a perfect grasp of titles amongst your people. I am still learning."

She preens a little and can't help but smile. There's an audible sort of scoff from a couple of the others present but the maid you're speaking to doesn't acknowledge it. "Well, you are charming! And a bit naughty as well to imply such discussions with Iliza. I am a Salvager. Salvager Asherah. Salvagers are something like... I think your closest analogue would be, 'Ranger'. We explore, we gather and, when necessary, we hunt!" She punctuates this with a playful snap of her teeth and a wicked smile.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Baghotir Nightthane wrote:

Damn and blast!

Baghotir swears as he approaches the waterline to delve back into the sea. "I need another set!" he shouts at the water.

He turns back to town, and continues the hunt!

[dice=Persuasion?]1d20+5 (If it's Investigation, well, that's a -1)

Unable to find something suitable (I suspect) he keeps hunting, though he's worrying about the time it's taking.

[dice=Persuasion?]1d20+5 (If it's Investigation, well, that's a -1)

He'll grab the 1gp set, as he's beginning to suspect that time is more a factor than quality at this point...

Baghotir is now carrying two dragonchessboards and standing on the beach looking... For some way to carry wooden pieces into the water.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Character Sheet Human Bard 6 (HPs 42/52) | Init +4 | Passive Perc 17; Invest. 12; Insight 12 AC 15 | Saves: Str +0; Dex +6; Con +6; Int +1; Wis +1; Cha +7 | Inspiration 0/1


Alisanne reaches out her hand to shake in acceptance.

She then withdraws to Belwick.

We've agreed to terms, Belwick. Dragonchess at dawn on the beach. I hope you're as smart as I think you are.

Alisanne explains the conditions and terms of the match.

We should head back up and prepare. See if Baghotir had any luck finding a nice set to play with.

Human Noble Wizard 6 (HP: 37/37) | Init +2 | AC 12 (15 w/Mage Armor) | Passive Perc 10; Invest. 14; Insight 10 | Saves: Str -1; Dex +2; Con +1; Int +7; Wis +3; Cha +2 | Inspiration 1/1 | Buffs: Mage Armor | Character Sheet

Belwick excuses himself politely as Alisanne returns.

"Thank you. All things considered, this is about as good a situation as this farce gets. Though I can't say I like the idea of Prince Oliveay stepping in after the match. Perhaps he'll have more sense though, and won't ignore the obvious facts before him."

The nobleman leads the others out of the cove and to the beach. There is sees Baghotir, stymied by the water and holding two game sets. He can't help but laugh. "My friend, I only need one set! Which do you prefer I use for this 'duel' tomorrow? And don't worry, we'll be playing on the beach."

Character Sheet

"On the beach?!" the out of breath Baghotir is both crestfallen and pleased. We get to use the good set at least! he says to himself before sharing the providence of the set he suggests the Baron uses.

"And I have a spare set in case something happens." he grins.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Human Noble Wizard 6 (HP: 37/37) | Init +2 | AC 12 (15 w/Mage Armor) | Passive Perc 10; Invest. 14; Insight 10 | Saves: Str -1; Dex +2; Con +1; Int +7; Wis +3; Cha +2 | Inspiration 1/1 | Buffs: Mage Armor | Character Sheet
Baghotir Nightthane wrote:

"And I have a spare set in case something happens." he grins.

"A spare set is good. Because I intend to beat Gatren so bad he'll likely flip the board in impotent rage."

Human Fighter 7 | HP 67/67 | AC 22 | Init +2

"Perhaps a parting gift if this goes without bloodshed." Caelius purses his lips together. He has a terrible feeling in his gut about the entire situation they have found themselves in.

Character Sheet

Baghotir waits impatiently for the match to begin. He doesn't sleep well that night, unlike the night before the sahuagin raid.

That was easy. Go in, kill everything that moves, get out. This? This is something altogether different. Belwick has to play a game that could go either way with a bit of luck, or a simple mistake. And if it goes the wrong way - and either way could be the wrong way - the party might be the cause of a break in the accords which are even now bringing peace to the region.

He frets.

A little bleary eyed, he spends a bit more time on his knees the next morning praying for aid in the coming trial. But not so much that he's late to the event!


Dawn arrives.

3d20 ⇒ (17, 9, 16) = 42

It is freezing, this morning and grey. Light rain is constant. By the time you make it to the beach, every part of you is soaking wet and your teeth chatter.

Everyone needs to make a DC10 Constitution Save or be Exhausted 1. This will mean -2 to all D20 Tests. If you have appropriate rain gear, you pass this saving throw automatically. You do not have time to shop before the duel.

Gatren, Oliveay and their designated healer await. They look unbothered by the cold and rain. Each is on a sort of of litter bared by locathah servants. Several merfolk heads can be seen in the nearby water, watching.

Oliveay motions for his folk to bring him forward, where he meets Alisanne.

"Good morrow, Lady. We are prepared for the contest. It appears the weather favors us this day. Are you prepared? And I am obligated by the code to ask once more if Belwick will concede."

Character Sheet

I have Clothing, cold weather. In case that doesn't cut it...

Con Save: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6 vs DC 10

Geeze, even my dice are cold.

Baghotir stays close to the Baron, but otherwise says nothing. He's not a mouthpiece in this particular case.

Character Sheet Human Bard 6 (HPs 42/52) | Init +4 | Passive Perc 17; Invest. 12; Insight 12 AC 15 | Saves: Str +0; Dex +6; Con +6; Int +1; Wis +1; Cha +7 | Inspiration 0/1

Draining the last of her coffee, Alisanne grabs her oilskin duster, happy to have its familiar weight on her shoulders in the dreary morn. She heads directly for the beach to meet with the others for the "duel".

Seeing the Mer contingent advancing onto the shore, Alisanne proceeds forward to meet Oliveay.

Good morn, Prince Oliveay. We are ready. Lord Belwick is steadfast in his innocence. Where is Slavager Iliza? Is she not to witness the duel? She has as much staked on this endeavor as anyone.


"She is watching from the bay... Over... There."

He motions to a waving hand and face.

"Before you ask, she's elected to watch from the waves. Her motives are her own. Perhaps to not be a distraction?" He shrugs.

Human Noble Wizard 6 (HP: 37/37) | Init +2 | AC 12 (15 w/Mage Armor) | Passive Perc 10; Invest. 14; Insight 10 | Saves: Str -1; Dex +2; Con +1; Int +7; Wis +3; Cha +2 | Inspiration 1/1 | Buffs: Mage Armor | Character Sheet

Belwick arrives, once more sporting his magical cloak of the manta ray. Water rolls off the cloak in waves, keeping his fine noble attire from the wetness.
Also not sure if that suffices, so here's a Con save in case.
Con save vs DC 10: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13

When it becomes clear that Iliza is not present, the nobleman's ire increases. "I would be a great deal more comfortable hearing those words from her mouth. Because otherwise it looks like you're holding your own subject hostage. I suppose I'll have to find out myself."

Not waiting for a reply, he retrieves his magical conch shell. Whispering the activation word, he speaks quietly into the shell. "Are you well? Did you choose to stay away? I had hoped you'd be present."


Oliveay bristles. Gatren smirks and with a click of his mouth, his litter-bearers start to approach. Olivey shoots him a glance and with a firm hand, stops him. He scowls, but obeys.

"She's not a hostage, she's a drama queen!. Lady Alisanne, please ask Baron Belwick to step back. There is a reason the formalities are left to the Seconds. Heated tempers will do us no good here."

To Belwick:"I am here! I am watching from the waters with friends, fear not! I wouldn't miss this for all the plunder in the seas."

Human Noble Wizard 6 (HP: 37/37) | Init +2 | AC 12 (15 w/Mage Armor) | Passive Perc 10; Invest. 14; Insight 10 | Saves: Str -1; Dex +2; Con +1; Int +7; Wis +3; Cha +2 | Inspiration 1/1 | Buffs: Mage Armor | Character Sheet

The response calms as he hears the reply from Iliza. He shoots Gatren a baleful look, but respects Oliveay's position enough to step back. He avoids a retort, though the temptation is strong. "Lady Alisanne, as the good Prince says. Let's see if we can resolve this quickly."

Flan Pathfinder (HP via Roll20) | Init +1 | Passive Perc 16; Invest. 12; Insight 12 AC 14 | Saves: Str +5; Dex +3; Con +2; Int +2; Wis +2; Cha +0 | Inspiration 0/1 Mad Mardigan's Cheat Sheet | D&D Beyond

CON Save: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11

Human Fighter 7 | HP 67/67 | AC 22 | Init +2

Con DC 10: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12

Caelius shakes from the chill but it doesn't boter him too bad. He is used to patrolling in rain, snow, and the oppresive heat of the day. "Where shall we wait and watch?"


Oliveay and Alisanne set up the board in the freezing rain. Once it is prepared, Gatren approaches and squints at it.

"A lovely board. I am ready to begin."

He instruts his litter bearers to set him down. He retrieves two warriors and conceals one in each of his hands. He presents them to Belwick.

"Charlatan Conjurer. Choose left... Or Right."


or try something else?

Human Noble Wizard 6 (HP: 37/37) | Init +2 | AC 12 (15 w/Mage Armor) | Passive Perc 10; Invest. 14; Insight 10 | Saves: Str -1; Dex +2; Con +1; Int +7; Wis +3; Cha +2 | Inspiration 1/1 | Buffs: Mage Armor | Character Sheet

"Given my position, 'right' is the only correct choice for me."


He opens his right palm and tosses the white warrior to Belwick.

"We shall see. The first move is yours."

Character Sheet

Baghotir tries not to crowd the table, but he finds he must keep stepping back, a little as his interest shuffles him forward unconsciously. He doesn't understand the game, so the moves of the players are a mystery to him - but that only adds to his excitement. From his perspective, they could move anywhere and often do!

He roots for the Baron obviously, but he doesn’t know when he’s doing well, or poorly, so the entire game has him on the edge of his seat. Well, he’s likely standing, but you get the idea.

Under his breath, he silently prays to Clangeddin to aid his friend.

Practically, Baghotir will give Belwick inspiration once the Baron has used his up. If he can with silent prayer.

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Human Noble Wizard 6 (HP: 37/37) | Init +2 | AC 12 (15 w/Mage Armor) | Passive Perc 10; Invest. 14; Insight 10 | Saves: Str -1; Dex +2; Con +1; Int +7; Wis +3; Cha +2 | Inspiration 1/1 | Buffs: Mage Armor | Character Sheet

Belwick catches the warrior piece, turning it over in his hands and studying it. He takes comfort in the love, the care that went into maintaining the game board and all of its pieces. It's symbolic, this match of dragonchess and the situation. A game that requires long-term vision, with pieces that must be cared for.

He puts the piece down, then adjusts a few pieces to make sure their starting placements are just right. Mentally he combs through the various opens his father has used. The memory of his father, Theoden Samuel Donnamoor, always comes to him when he plays dragonchess. The trim goatee, the ever-present pipe smoke, and the uneven smile near the end. It never bothered Belwick that he lost every match. It would this time though.

The nobleman moves his hands over a sylph on the top board, sees to hesitate, then moves his hand to the middle board and instead moves a Warrior forward. A gambit he knows well. "Middle board. Warrior. C2 to C3."

Be curious, not judgemental, he thinks to himself. "So, Lord Gatren Em. I'm curious: How did you earn each of your noble titles? Lord of Deep-Water Current, Prince of Shoals, and Knight of The Seas. I realize that your herald can share this, but I would much rather hear the tales straight from the source."

Dragonchess (Int): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17 Spending my Heroic Inspiration to roll twice
Dragonchess (Int): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12


Gatren looks Belwick in the eye and for a moment, you think there might be violence. But his demeanor softens, and he smiles, and begins to play.

Insight 15:
Gatren is trained in reading people's intents and body language. Trained in Insight.

"Your curiosity does you credit. Some of that is problems with translations from our language, though our version of, "knight", is similar enough. I was given accolades when I was younger, just out of my adolescence--completed training and earned the honor of serving the Merfolk, taking oaths to serve and protect. Deep-Water Current is my demanse, and my charge to maintain and protect. While merfolk do mark some, 'landmarks', much of our fiefdoms are waters and, in fact, currents. Deep-Water Current is the name given to a stretch of waters and the sea floors within it. Prince of Shoals is a newer one. It is a small hereditary homestead that I was recently awarded. It will pass to my spawn, should I be so blessed. It was an... Apologies... Engagement present."

Dragonchess:1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17

"Ah. And... I believe that is stalemate", he says, sliding a cleric forward.

Oliveay moves forward to inspect the board.

"I declare stalemate. The Match is a draw. The board will be reset, and colors switched, unless Lady Alisanne has any objections. Should either competitor take both of the next games, a winner will be declared. If the games are split, a fourth game will be played."

There are trills, and sounds of approval from the merfolk in the nearby waters.

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