Irizati Grunyar |
Good point. The Seek trick isn't in Core. My take 10 on Handle Animal is a 26 though which would hopefully be enough.
Irizati has Baloo guard Grog again then follows behind still trying to find invisible enemies.
perception: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (7) + 15 = 22 +8 for scent.
The Ettin takes a look around then follows Irizati.
perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (3) + 12 = 15
Pietro Slaszval the Boisterous |
Double move.
Pietro rounds the corner at a jog pushing off the far hallway wall to right himself as he does. Blast! he thinks to himself. The woman has cast herself another mass of black wibbly-wobbly tentacles--kinky that. I'll have to dispel it when I get closer!
GM Aerondor |
As Pietro gets up to the corner he sees the woman.. women in red lurking nearby. She dashes past him toward the final doors, turning at them to cast a spell at the priest.
Will DC 20 for Pietro, poor woman.
Status, bold may post
Silgil -; ; freedom of movement, greased,
Irizati 36 damage;
Pietro 20 damage; Gets an AOO
Woman in red. (red) 6 images
Grog half orc |
double move
"Hey cat follow me!" Grog calls out to the large feline. Heading towards the cleric he sees the woman. "Guys she's over here!"
Pietro Slaszval the Boisterous |
There can be only one!: 1d7 ⇒ 1 +3 morningstar v ladies in red (AoO, enlarged, heroism, power attack): 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (20) + 16 = 36 damage: 2d6 + 8 ⇒ (6, 3) + 8 = 17
Confirm?: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (1) + 16 = 17 additional damage: 2d6 + 8 ⇒ (6, 3) + 8 = 17
Will (heroism): 1d20 + 11 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 11 + 2 = 20 +1 more competence bonus vs death, drain, illusions, and negative energy
GM Aerondor |
While not especially obvious, and dropped from my previous edit, the woman/women are also kind of fuzzy in outline.
miss chance: 1d100 ⇒ 57
real woman on 1: 1d7 ⇒ 4
The priest, just, manages to retain control of his limbs.
Pietro completely destroys one of the women. Who vanishes, silently. The other women sneer in unison.
Status, bold may post
Silgil -; ; freedom of movement, greased,
Irizati 36 damage;
Pietro 20 damage;
Woman in red. (red) 5 images, blurry (20% miss)
Silgil |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Hearing the sound of battle and sighing in frustration, Silgil pulls out a scroll of expeditious retreat and reads it.
"I hope that pit goes away soon."
Pietro made his own roll for the mirror images. would you prefer that we let you do it?
Irizati Grunyar |
Baloo follows Grog. Irizati and the Ettin double move.
GM Aerondor |
Darn I missed that. Fine for you to do the rolls yourselves just do it on a line by itself so I can see it.
The women gasp in pain as Pietro's morning star smashes into one of them.
Status, bold may post
Pietro 20 damage;
Woman in red. (17 damage; 6 images, blurry (20% miss)
Silgil -; ; freedom of movement, greased, expeditious retreat.
Irizati 36 damage;
The pit may or may not still be there. Hidden among those golden black tentacles. But nobody is around to admire it. Or them.
Pietro Slaszval the Boisterous |
"Hey cat follow me!" Grog calls out to the large feline. Heading towards the cleric he sees the woman. "Guys she's over here!"
"I KNOW! AND WHERE HAVE YOU ALL BEEN THIS WHOLE TIME!?" shouts the hill giant-sized cleric who, despite all the evidence to the contrary, still sounds like he expects a response (or even acknowledgement) from his teammates.
I'm not sure which 5' square the lady is in, but assume Pietro, a man of the cloth (the same cloth that all barkeeps clean their mugs with) leaves enough space for Medium-sized Jesus to fight without being squeezed between them.
20% miss?: 1d100 ⇒ 47
There can be only one!: 1d7 ⇒ 5
+3 morningstar v ladies in red (enlarged, heroism, power attack): 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (6) + 16 = 22 damage: 2d6 + 8 ⇒ (5, 2) + 8 = 15
GM Aerondor |
Pop goes another image.
With a curse the woman steps back from the large Pietro.... looks at the door... and vanishes.
Status, bold may post
Pietro 20 damage;
Silgil -; ; freedom of movement, greased, expeditious retreat.
Irizati 36 damage;
Woman in red. (17 damage; 5 images, blurry (20% miss)
Grog half orc |
Grog moves up to the door and attacks the area square to the north. I'm assuming she didn't open the door. I moved in a straight line through the cleric to the door.
"Hey Silgil got anything that will make her visible?
attack: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (8) + 17 = 25
miss: 1d100 ⇒ 69
damage: 1d12 + 11 ⇒ (9) + 11 = 20
high good
do the spellcasters know if she used teleport or dimension door?
Silgil |
"Nope. Fresh out," Silgil responds, not spilling about the ability to see invisible just yet. Would want the resourceful opponent to dump him in a pit or something to make sure he couldn't use it.
"Does that mean she vanished again?"
Pietro Slaszval the Boisterous |
do the spellcasters know if she used teleport or dimension door?
The cleric doesn't have any ranks in Spellcraft. Pietro prays for his spells rather than wasting time studying. ;)[/ooc]
"Hey Silgil got anything that will make her visible?
Typical that no one would ask me that, thinks the elephant-sized Pietro in the room. Not that he could help at present, but it's the thought that counts.
He moves (move action) forward toward the doors and uses strength surge upon himself (standard action).
"OH. BY THE WAY," Pietro says leaning down as if to whisper something to Grog before grabbing the little half-orc by the collar and point-blank bellowing "WHERE IN THE NINE HELLS IS GERRARD!?! I'VE ONLY BEEN ASKING SINCE THE MIDDLE OF PAGE ELEVEN!!"
GM Aerondor |
The door definitely did not open. And it was not like she moved *through* it. She just vanished. Although there was something that to the uninitiated may have looked a bit like spell casting going on.
Pietro Slaszval the Boisterous |
Grog half orc wrote:do the spellcasters know if she used teleport or dimension door?The cleric doesn't have any ranks in Spellcraft. Pietro prays for his spells rather than wasting time studying. ;)[/ooc]
Grog half orc wrote:"Hey Silgil got anything that will make her visible?Typical that no one would ask me that, thinks the elephant-sized Pietro in the room. Not that he could help at present, but it's the thought that counts.
He moves (move action) forward toward the doors and uses strength surge upon himself (standard action).
"OH. BY THE WAY," Pietro says leaning down as if to whisper something to Grog before grabbing the little half-orc by the collar and point-blank bellowing "WHERE IN THE NINE HELLS IS GERRARD!?! I'VE ONLY BEEN ASKING SINCE THE MIDDLE OF PAGE ELEVEN!!"
Is that Grog's final answer?
Pietro assumes she will remain hidden until she attacks us again, so we might as well get on with it.
Silgil |
If the pit has vanished, Silgil will join the others using the southern route, hoping to spot the summoner; otherwise, he will go clockwise.
GM Aerondor |
Silgi can see no pit, dismisses his tentacles and takes the southern route. Apart from one very injured slave that apparently the woman had been "playing" with... the room is empty of living creatures.
She doesn't jump out at him.
Happy to drop out of initiative for the moment.
Silgil |
Silgil calls out, "I don't know about Gerrard, but we have another slave to free right here."
Are there others? The initial description of the room suggests that there are a number of struggling victims and that they are manacled. Is that correct?
Pietro Slaszval the Boisterous |
Happy to drop out of initiative for the moment.
No can do. Pietro Str Surged and now that he's got an (quasi-)answer about Gerrard from one of his companions meaning that at least now he knows he himself is not invisible and silenced he will not use Grog to batter down the doors in front of him, but instead rely on pure, brute +3 morningstar.
Str check v door (enlarged, Str Surge, Favored Enemy): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (14) + 12 = 26
Silgil calls out, "I don't know about Gerrard, but we have another slave to free right here."
"HOW COULD YOU LOOSE HIM!? I SWEAR I CAN'T LEAVE YOU LOT ALONE FOR A MINUTE! IT'S LIKE HERDING CATS!" shouts the giant as he batters the double doors. Then he stops and considers for a moment before adding "...AND A DWARF, AND A HALF-HUMAN."
Irizati Grunyar |
The Ettin aids with the door before disappearing.
strength check: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28
GM Aerondor |
Pietro has doors as a favored enemy? +4 to str normally, +1 from enlarge, +4 from str surge (which is a standard action to do btw, so while Pietro can move up to the door in one round, it will be next round that he bursts it open, happy for the surge to apply to that though. That is a total of +9. I'm obviously missing something somewhere. However given the Ettin did even better..
The Ettin shoves Grog and Pietro away and smashes the door to pieces.
Which is kind of unfortunate for the door, but also for the brave pathfinders who find their path covered in yet more black tentacles.
This is also kind of unfortunate for the bevy of ladies in red who are also caught up in the tentacles... or are they?
CMB: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (7) + 15 = 22
Anyone who has a CMD less than 22 is grappled, takes damage: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10 and is sickened (if they fail a DC19 fort save)
The women throw up in unison and try to wiggle their fingers
concentration: 1d20 ⇒ 2
fort: 1d20 ⇒ 9
Status, bold may post
Pietro 30 damage; grappled, sickened (fort DC19)
Silgil -; ; freedom of movement, greased, expeditious retreat.
Irizati 36 damage;
Woman in red. (27 damage; 5 images, blurry (20% miss), sickened.
Silgil |
Silgil is caught on the wrong side of the building and does his best to catch up with the rest of the group(double move). Even with the expeditious retreat spell he only makes it half way. Such is the life of a dwarf.
Pietro Slaszval the Boisterous |
Pietro has doors as a favored enemy? +4 to str normally, +1 from enlarge, +4 from str surge (which is a standard action to do btw, so while Pietro can move up to the door in one round, it will be next round that he bursts it open, happy for the surge to apply to that though. That is a total of +9. I'm obviously missing something somewhere. However given the Ettin did even better..
Except the ettin doesn't have space/reach to reach the door based on where everyone is standing.
So the math.
+3 Str bonus from Str 16 score
+5 Enhancement bonus to from Str Surge* note this does not stack with the +1 Enhancement bonus to Str from his belt of giant strength +2
+4 size bonus to Str from being large and breaking things** that does not stack with the +2 size bonus granted by enlarge person
3 + 5 + 4 = 12 MATHFINDER!
As a standard action, you can touch a creature to give it great strength. For 1 round, the target gains an enhancement bonus equal to 1/2 your cleric level (minimum +1) to melee attacks, combat maneuver checks that rely on Strength, Strength-based skills, and Strength checks. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.
Pietro is level 10 so the bonus is +5
When a character tries to break or burst something with sudden force rather than by dealing damage, use a Strength check (rather than an attack roll and damage roll, as with the sunder special attack) to determine whether he succeeds. Since hardness doesn’t affect an object’s Break DC, this value depends more on the construction of the item than on the material the item is made of. Consult Table: DCs to Break or Burst Items for a list of common Break DCs.
If an item has lost half or more of its hit points, the item gains the broken condition (see Conditions) and the DC to break it drops by 2.
Larger and smaller creatures get size bonuses and size penalties on Strength checks to break open doors as follows: Fine –16, Diminutive –12, Tiny –8, Small –4, Large +4, Huge +8, Gargantuan +12, Colossal +16.
A crowbar or portable ram improves a character’s chance of breaking open a door (see Equipment).
Pietro rolls his eye and says "I SHOULD HAVE STAYED UPSTAIRS."
And now I gotta go to work. ;)
Pietro Slaszval the Boisterous |
And as for "moving up to the door", he had done that already. Basically it was: the doors, Grog, and Pietro (and his 10' reach).
Fort save (heroism): 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (11) + 13 = 24
CMB v black tentacles (heroism): 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (19) + 14 = 33
Being made of sterner stuff (and a lot of it whatever it is) pulls himself free of the grasping, sickening tendrils and out of the way of any additional magical fire.
Pietro moves back because moving forward down stairs would slow him up to the point he would still be in the field of the tentacles, plus there would be a good chance that he might be the only one at the bottom for a round or two.
are there guards or women on the other side? Are they obviously enemy spell casters? sorry, missing something :)
I am pretty sure the bunched up images of guards at the foot of the stair are our invisible ladies in red. Here's another question though, can we now see her/them?
GM Aerondor |
Outside of combat I'm happy with friendly creatures sharing a space for a short amount of time. BTW your character header still has you as only level 9!
In which case Pietro smashes the door open just before the Ettin tries to push past him.
Status, bold may post
Pietro 30 damage; grappled, (sickened fort DC19)
Silgil -; ; freedom of movement, greased, expeditious retreat.
Irizati 36 damage;
Woman in red. (27 damage; 5 images, blurry (20% miss), sickened.
Pietro Slaszval the Boisterous |
Outside of combat I'm happy with friendly creatures sharing a space for a short amount of time. BTW your character header still has you as only level 9!
Oh yeah, well you still have him grappled and having to make a fort save. ;p
GM Aerondor |
Yeap, but as you indicate, you would have smashed the door open anyway, which essentially triggers the happenings.
Pietro Slaszval the Boisterous |
Don't forget the 20% miss chance. This woman looks exactly like all of Pietro's dates do at the end of the night. ;)
Silgil |
I think Siglil already moved. If not, let me know.
Irizati Grunyar |
Irizati moves up casts Faerie Fire just hitting her. No more miss chance.
The Ettin moves up and swings at her.
flail with power attack: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (10) + 12 = 22
blugoning: 2d6 + 12 ⇒ (3, 2) + 12 = 17
image?: 1d5 ⇒ 5
Baloo just moves up.
GM Aerondor |
rearranged icons a little to put Grog in front of the Ettin as he moved first. Ettin has reach so can get past him, but Grog still provides cover.
grog miss, low is good for woman: 1d100 ⇒ 20
The Ettin removes an image, but Grog's strike is wide of the mark blur Then the real woman becomes outlined in faerie fire, making it clearer where she is.
Unwell, the woman wiggles her fingers to get out of the tentacles. She vanishes, and then reappears.
Which actually doesn't provoke. I did this wrong last round.
tentacles CMD+15: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (15) + 15 = 30
damage: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
She curses as she finds the tentacles are still able to reach her at her new location.
Ugh, bad round for her coming up I think. If you can reach her somehow.
Status, bold may post
Pietro 30 damage;
Grog 9 damage, fort DC19 or sickened, grappled.
Silgil -; ; freedom of movement, greased, expeditious retreat.
Irizati 36 damage;
Ettin. 9 damage - fort DC19 or sickened. grappled
Woman in red. (27 damage; 3 images, blurry (20% miss- countered by faerie fire) sickened. grappled
Silgil |
Silgil moves up and passes by, under?. Pietro, then takes a pot shot at her, just hoping to pop an image.
Telekinetic Fist
to hit ranged touch: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22
bludgeoning damage: 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
Pietro Slaszval the Boisterous |
Silgil moves up and passes by, under?. Pietro, then takes a pot shot at her, just hoping to pop an image.
"OR WE COULD JUST WAIT AND LET THE TENTACLES CRUSH HER." says Pietro apparently to no one in particular.
dispel magic vs black tentacles: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28
Irizati Grunyar |
Ettin isn't very bright so he just moves up to her and swings.
flail with power attack: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (16) + 12 = 28
blugoning: 2d6 + 12 ⇒ (4, 5) + 12 = 21
image?: 1d3 ⇒ 1
Baloo moves up behind Grog.
Irizati just waits to follow her if she escapes again.
GM Aerondor |
The woman cries out in pain as the Ettin thuds into her.
Status, bold may post
Grog 9 damage, fort DC19 or sickened, grappled.
Woman in red. (48 damage; 3 images, blurry (20% miss- countered by faerie fire) sickened.
Pietro 30 damage;
Irizati 36 damage;
Ettin. 9 damage - fort DC19 or sickened. grappled
Silgil -; ; freedom of movement, greased, expeditious retreat.
Grog half orc |
sorry busy Friday and weekend.
Grog tries to hit the woman and knock her out.
"Lady you're bugging me!"
miss high is good: 1d100 ⇒ 71
attack for nonlethal: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (11) + 13 = 24
damage: 1d12 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15
image: 1d3 ⇒ 3
GM Aerondor |
Grog moves up to dispose of another of the woman's images. She is starting to feel a little... exposed.
She turns and flees down the corridor.
Withdraw action.
Status, bold may post
Grog 9 damage, fort DC19 or sickened, grappled.
fire) sickened.
Pietro 30 damage;
Irizati 36 damage;
Ettin. 9 damage - fort DC19 or sickened. grappled
Silgil -; ; freedom of movement, greased, expeditious retreat.
Woman in red. (48 damage; 1 image, blurry (20% miss- countered by faerie
Silgil |
Silgi gapes at her fleeing back.
"Running again? Man is she tricky. I guess we chase her down again."
Pumping his short legs at a magically enhanced speed, Silgil is able to close the distance between him and her.
GM Aerondor |
Grog is not grappled since the dispell went off, sorry about that.
Silgil gives chase!
Status, bold may post
Grog 9 damage, sickened,
fire) sickened.
Pietro 30 damage;
Irizati 36 damage;
Ettin. 9 damage - fort DC19 or sickened. grappled
Woman in red. (48 damage; 1 image, blurry (20% miss- countered by faerie
Silgil -; ; freedom of movement, greased, expeditious retreat.
Pietro Slaszval the Boisterous |
Pietro rounds the corner and shouts "AND DON'T COME BACK!"
Then he turns and walks back the way he came.