Roads and streets of the Empire (Inactive)

Game Master Escharid Blackrose

A Warhammer 4th edition adventure

Konrad Wounds 14/14 Fate 3 Fort 3/3 Resil 2 Resolve 3
Brunhilde Wounds 11 / 11 Fate 3 Fort 3 /3 Resil 3 Resolve 3
Felver Wounds 15/15 Fate Fort Resil Resolve
Gottfried Wounds 12/12 Fate 3 Fort 3/3 Resil 3 Resol 3
Imrik Wounds 14/14 Fate 1 Fort 1 Resil 1 Resol 1
Udo wounds 15/15 Fate 3 Fort 3 Resil 3 Resolve 3

STA-Short Term Ambitions
Imrik:Succesfully use magic to defeat a foe or overcome a challenge

Udo: Meet the Master Mason and show your worth as apprentice (a +1 Sl on a skill roll) DONE

Gottfried:stay legit: Win money by honest work, and spend it honestly

Brunhilde: get in the good graces of someone in power (at least Silver status) (Charm SL+2)

Felver :Out perform your foe in single fight (deliver more damage than your foe-it doesn't have to be a fight to the death, a fist fight might do)

Konrad Show your skills as a duellist (defeat an opponent in a public fight)

[dice=Konrad ( )]1d100[/dice]
[dice=Udo ( )]1d100[/dice]
[dice=Felver( )]1d100[/dice]
[dice=Imrik( )]1d100[/dice]
[dice=Brunhilde( )]1d100[/dice]
[dice=Gottfried ( )]1d100[/dice]

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Grand Lodge

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Not forgotten or abandoned. Today is the US Monday so I figured any games slow down for that plus I had a court appointment today (ended well) and it's my oldest daughter's birthday. Between running around on both errands? Let's just say I didn't have a lot of bandwidth.

Guaranteed, you'll see a return to form starting tomorrow.

No problem, happy birthday to your daughter, it's more important than a game! Enjoy some family time

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Happy valentine day to all!

Will be mostly away this week end, can't guarantee a post before monday

Konrad Brandt WS (45) BS (28) Str (31) T (40) I (31) Ag (35) Dex (23) Int (29) WP (30) Fel (36) Armor (2) W (13/14) Fate (3) Resilience (2) Fortune (2/3) Resolve (3) Corruption (1)

Have fun! Or not, but I hope you do

Grand Lodge

;) as do I.

Human (Reiklander) Artisan (Apprentice) | Standing: Brass 2 | W: 14/15 | Fate: 3 | Fortune: 2/3 | Resilience: 3 | Resolve: 3/3 | Movement: 4 | Corruption: 0 | Conditions: -
WS 31 | BS 23 | S 42 | T 40 | I 27 | Agi 26 | Dex 31 | Int 29 | WP 31 | Fel 28
Udo the Gedenksteinmetzlehrling (Apprentice Tombstone Maker)

Slammed at work gang, will be mid-week before I'm likely clear of the madness and headaches of offshore oil.

Please bot Udo as necessity arises.

Grand Lodge

Sweet. Hope it comes good.

Got the flu.. will post when I'm better

Grand Lodge

Get well soon

Human (Reiklander) Artisan (Apprentice) | Standing: Brass 2 | W: 14/15 | Fate: 3 | Fortune: 2/3 | Resilience: 3 | Resolve: 3/3 | Movement: 4 | Corruption: 0 | Conditions: -
WS 31 | BS 23 | S 42 | T 40 | I 27 | Agi 26 | Dex 31 | Int 29 | WP 31 | Fel 28
Udo the Gedenksteinmetzlehrling (Apprentice Tombstone Maker)

Work continues to stymie me folks - be the weekend now before my decks are cleared and I'm mentally reset.

Still not totally flu-less...

Grand Lodge

It's all good.

started a new job this monday, will post tonight, thanks for your patience

will be away for Easter, back Tuesday I guess

Grand Lodge

Happy Easter

WS 40 | BS 30 | S 40 | T 35 I Init 35 | Agi 30 | Dex 30 Int 30 | WP 27 | Fel 29 | W 12[12] | Fate 2/ 3 | Fortune 3 | Resilience 3 | Resolve 3 | Movement 4 Male Human (Reiklander) Rogue / Outlaw 1 / Brigand Condition: Fear, and must succeed to another Cool test (with 1 SL)

Had a health scare and a brief hospital stay. Back posting tomorrow

Take care! The game is slow anyway

Grand Lodge

Just resting up

Human (Reiklander) Artisan (Apprentice) | Standing: Brass 2 | W: 14/15 | Fate: 3 | Fortune: 2/3 | Resilience: 3 | Resolve: 3/3 | Movement: 4 | Corruption: 0 | Conditions: -
WS 31 | BS 23 | S 42 | T 40 | I 27 | Agi 26 | Dex 31 | Int 29 | WP 31 | Fel 28
Udo the Gedenksteinmetzlehrling (Apprentice Tombstone Maker)

Slammed at work folks - will likely be well into the weekend before I'm afforded some free time.

Please bot Udo as necessary.

Grand Lodge

Cool. I'm more or less coming back now.

Human (Reiklander) Artisan (Apprentice) | Standing: Brass 2 | W: 14/15 | Fate: 3 | Fortune: 2/3 | Resilience: 3 | Resolve: 3/3 | Movement: 4 | Corruption: 0 | Conditions: -
WS 31 | BS 23 | S 42 | T 40 | I 27 | Agi 26 | Dex 31 | Int 29 | WP 31 | Fel 28
Udo the Gedenksteinmetzlehrling (Apprentice Tombstone Maker)

Gang I'm going to withdraw from this one - feel I'm offering very little to the collective right now.

@DM LE: Thanks for the opportunity, apologies on lack of creative input on my behalf.

WS 40 | BS 30 | S 40 | T 35 I Init 35 | Agi 30 | Dex 30 Int 30 | WP 27 | Fel 29 | W 12[12] | Fate 2/ 3 | Fortune 3 | Resilience 3 | Resolve 3 | Movement 4 Male Human (Reiklander) Rogue / Outlaw 1 / Brigand Condition: Fear, and must succeed to another Cool test (with 1 SL)

I did like Udo. He was stand out different but consistent to the setting.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I can understand, Udo, no ill feelings.

So, that left me with only two players out of 6...

Is it useful to try to soldier on and continue?

Grand Lodge

Unless you can recruit two? I'm pretty sure the game is done, in our current position particularly in a narrative sense, it's hard to plug in new characters to boot.

I could try to recruit two (or more) players, it's true...

We're in the final stages to fight the local Big Bad Guy.

The most logical thing would be to say the new characters are locals, who want to get rid of the Dullahan once and for all.

I'll put a post on the recruitment thread, pause the game, and wait a week to see if we have someone interest.

Grand Lodge

Sounds good

Human (Reiklander) Artisan (Apprentice) | Standing: Brass 2 | W: 14/15 | Fate: 3 | Fortune: 2/3 | Resilience: 3 | Resolve: 3/3 | Movement: 4 | Corruption: 0 | Conditions: -
WS 31 | BS 23 | S 42 | T 40 | I 27 | Agi 26 | Dex 31 | Int 29 | WP 31 | Fel 28
Udo the Gedenksteinmetzlehrling (Apprentice Tombstone Maker)

Thanks gang - good luck with the new blood. Apologies again :)

No problem Udo!

So far, we have one new player interested.

For those who have stayed so far, I give 150 XP (and two points to Gryffondor) to spend, you will need them.

Just post here how you spend them

WS 40 | BS 30 | S 40 | T 35 I Init 35 | Agi 30 | Dex 30 Int 30 | WP 27 | Fel 29 | W 12[12] | Fate 2/ 3 | Fortune 3 | Resilience 3 | Resolve 3 | Movement 4 Male Human (Reiklander) Rogue / Outlaw 1 / Brigand Condition: Fear, and must succeed to another Cool test (with 1 SL)


I'll work on that over the weekend.

WS 40 | BS 30 | S 40 | T 35 I Init 35 | Agi 30 | Dex 30 Int 30 | WP 27 | Fel 29 | W 12[12] | Fate 2/ 3 | Fortune 3 | Resilience 3 | Resolve 3 | Movement 4 Male Human (Reiklander) Rogue / Outlaw 1 / Brigand Condition: Fear, and must succeed to another Cool test (with 1 SL)

AGL 28 to 30... 50xp
Dex 28 to 30... 50xp

50 to think about

WS 40 | BS 30 | S 40 | T 35 I Init 35 | Agi 30 | Dex 30 Int 30 | WP 27 | Fel 29 | W 12[12] | Fate 2/ 3 | Fortune 3 | Resilience 3 | Resolve 3 | Movement 4 Male Human (Reiklander) Rogue / Outlaw 1 / Brigand Condition: Fear, and must succeed to another Cool test (with 1 SL)

Assuming I make it back to the group (still unclear on that) was there any sign of bows etc in the guard house?

You have seen no bows, but you haven't search for some either

Male Dwarven Outlaw | Wounds 16/16 | Fortune/Fate 1/2 | Resolve/Resilience 2/2 | Armor: Body 1, Buckler 1

Sorry for the delay. I've got an alias for Thyrik now. Ready to go anytime.

Male Dwarven Outlaw | Wounds 16/16 | Fortune/Fate 1/2 | Resolve/Resilience 2/2 | Armor: Body 1, Buckler 1

Read the recent parts of the gameplay thread. I'm thinking it could work to just have Thyrik show up late for the militia call...not that he's part of the militia (see also: outlaw) but he's sick of being cooped up.

WS 40 | BS 30 | S 40 | T 35 I Init 35 | Agi 30 | Dex 30 Int 30 | WP 27 | Fel 29 | W 12[12] | Fate 2/ 3 | Fortune 3 | Resilience 3 | Resolve 3 | Movement 4 Male Human (Reiklander) Rogue / Outlaw 1 / Brigand Condition: Fear, and must succeed to another Cool test (with 1 SL)
Gottfried Daimler wrote:
Assuming I make it back to the group (still unclear on that) was there any sign of bows etc in the guard house?

So, do I make it back to the guardhouse?

Male Human Peasant

@DM: Hey all. Hans here.

When should we join the narrative?

@ Gottfried: yes, you are back to the guard's house

@Hans: you can get near the guard's house and introduce yourself

Grand Lodge

Good to see you guys in game

Male Human Peasant

Right back at you, you charming rogue you.

@Thyrik: What do you think about pairing up during our travel? I imagine Hans was instructed to deliver a message containing a warning to the local noble that there are signs of a Chaos incursion. He can travel well but is not the best fighter.

Male Dwarven Outlaw | Wounds 16/16 | Fortune/Fate 1/2 | Resolve/Resilience 2/2 | Armor: Body 1, Buckler 1

@Hans: maybe Thyrik found you on the road, but figured you weren't worth stealing from?

Male Human Peasant

Good enough, perhaps Hans thought that Thyrik was a traveler and offered companionship, and told him that he is heading to Hallt to deliver a message, and Thyrik thought to join up and operate in the innocent peasant's shadow?

FYI, I'll be away this week end, back on monday

Grand Lodge


WS 40 | BS 30 | S 40 | T 35 I Init 35 | Agi 30 | Dex 30 Int 30 | WP 27 | Fel 29 | W 12[12] | Fate 2/ 3 | Fortune 3 | Resilience 3 | Resolve 3 | Movement 4 Male Human (Reiklander) Rogue / Outlaw 1 / Brigand Condition: Fear, and must succeed to another Cool test (with 1 SL)

Just an FYI, I'm off to the snowfields at the end of the week on a working holiday, so if at drop for a few days, I'm still here in spirit. Bot me as needed and I will return.

WS 40 | BS 30 | S 40 | T 35 I Init 35 | Agi 30 | Dex 30 Int 30 | WP 27 | Fel 29 | W 12[12] | Fate 2/ 3 | Fortune 3 | Resilience 3 | Resolve 3 | Movement 4 Male Human (Reiklander) Rogue / Outlaw 1 / Brigand Condition: Fear, and must succeed to another Cool test (with 1 SL)

Sort of back... on a working holiday... which is a LOT more work than holiday. Week 1? 60 hrs. Fortunately a lot of night watchman type work. Unfortunately sleep is ... problematic.

A few infos on combat for new players

1: Roll to Hit
Melee: To attack, perform an Opposed Melee Test with your Opponent (both you and your opponent Test your Melee Skill). Whoever scores the highest SL wins. If you win the Test, you hit your opponent and gain +1 Advantage. If you lose the Opposed Test, your opponent gains +1 Advantage and your Action is finished.

2: Determine Hit Location
If you successfully hit, find out where — reverse the roll to hit and compare this number to the Hit Locations table. So, a roll of 23 to hit would become 32 on the table, a hit on the Right Arm.

3: Determine Damage
Once you have determined the hit location, it is time to work out how much Damage you deal. Each weapon has a Weapon Damage characteristic (see page 293). This is usually your modified Strength Bonus for melee weapons, or a fixed number for ranged weapons. Take the SL of your Opposed Test and add
it to the Weapon Damage of the weapon you’re using. This final number is your Damage.
Summary: Damage = Weapon Damage + SL

4: Apply Damage
Using the Damage and the Hit Location you struck, you now see how many Wounds your opponent loses from your attack.
Subtract your opponent’s Toughness Bonus and any Armour Points protecting the Hit Location from your Damage.

So, taking

Male Human Peasant

I'll see if I understood this well:

1. I must succeed against my own weapon skill (which also determines the hit location when the roll result is reversed)
2. My roll must also be better than the opponent's opposed check (which they get automatically)
3. Depending on how good my roll is (compared to my WS), I get success levels (a roll of 1 compared to 21 WS is a +2 SL success)
4. I deal 1d10 + SL in damage (plus any other bonuses from traits or weapons)

You can hit an opponent if you fail your roll by less than him too

Exemple: You get a -1 SL, but your opponent fails his roll by 3 (SL -3), in case your result is +2 for you.

Don't forget to add the Strenght Bonus to Damage you do, and the Toughness Bonus to any damage you receive.

Big weapons give a bonus to damage. Armor can help you survive the blows

Grand Lodge

Sorry, had some insane shift work. 13 hr days... and I've another today. I have the Aust Friday off and will catch up.

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