Brunhilde das Flittchen |

GM, I had skipped adding the free points to Fate/Resilience during character creation. I changed it to 3/3/3/3, so it should be 3/2/3/3 now after spending the point of Fortune to find the intact lantern.

DM Lil" Eschie |

Will update! (perhaps tomorrow: I have a cat on my thighs right now ^^)
Felver needs to update his Fate, Fortune/ Resolve/ Resilience too: as a Human you start with 2 Fate and 1 Resilience. Fate allows you to cheat death (for all physical damage), Resilience allows you to stay sane and resist attacks on your psyche (mental/psychological damage). You have 3 points to share between Fate and Resilience. Your initial Fortune (to reroll or get an automatic minor success (SL 1); to have a lucky break ) is equal to your Fate, and your starting Resolve is equal to your Resilience

Brunhilde das Flittchen |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Please note that Brunhilde's exasperation with all of you stupid men is purely her opinion, and does not reflect the opinion of the man behind the keyboard.

Gottfried Daimler |

All good.
What's the bet our man with the new armour and shiny axe starts having strange dreams, twitching and an uncanny urge to collect pumpkins? ;)

Brunhilde das Flittchen |

All good.
What's the bet our man with the new armour and shiny axe starts having strange dreams, twitching and an uncanny urge to collect pumpkins? ;)
That, and his head will start to go all squishy and eventually fall off ;)

Gottfried Daimler |

For those inside the carriage:
The carriage suddenly topples, and comes to a halt, sending yourself and your companions in a rough tumble. Make an average (+0) Athelitcs test or get 1 Wound, without any armor or toughness bonus
- Gottfried made his save. He should be at full health.

Konrad Brandt |

It’s a risk Konrad is ignorant enough to take!

Udo Steinspalter |

Please note that Brunhilde's exasperation with all of you stupid men is purely her opinion, and does not reflect the opinion of the man behind the keyboard.
:) All good. Great speech and roleplaying. I'm trying to play Udo as a man who deeply reveres Morr and essentially respects the dead as much as the living, so there will be some tension lol.
His trade and epiphany have opened his eyes to the possibility of serving Morr in a greater sense (if we develop the characters beyond this adventure it would be Artisan [Mourner's Guilder] then Priest of Morr as career development).
Regardless love the disparate mix of motivations and emotions on show in the party :)

DM Lil" Eschie |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

I don't want to promise anything, But I downloaded a few Warhammer adventures, so we will see if this get the long-term treatment.
Just realised I made a mistake with the Dullahan, I used his plain WS for his rolls, not his Melee (Basic) skill. My bad, you learn everyday. But Konrad's Crits, and the fact that he got unconscious, didn't helped him.

Gottfried Daimler |

It was definitely something I didn't think I'd see

Konrad Brandt |

With someone else help, you can finish to remove the armor. Now how will you carry it?
I don't know what armor he is wearing. And I can't find rules for it in the WFRP rulebook. But looking to pathfinder 1e, 2e and D&d5e
https://www.aonprd.com/Rules.aspx?Name=Getting%20Into%20and%20Out%20of%20Ar mor&Category=Armor
For Padded, leather, hide, studded leather, or chain shirt, it takes 1 minute to remove armor, with half the time with assistance. It takes 1 minute to don armor, with 5 rounds if done hastily.
For what he can't quickly throw on, Konrad has a sling bag. I'd assume he has leather jack and leggings? I'd imagine that the jack could be quickly thrown on and the leggings could go in the bag. If he can't get anything on, then he'd take Dullahan's sack, dump out the pumpkins, and shove the armor inside. 2 pumpkins are probably of fairly decent size, so it should be able to hold leggings or the like (I'd assume)

DM Lil" Eschie |

He had medium (chain) armor, 2 points of armor on all body (except head of course, and see what happened!) , Encumbrance would be 6. (Mail coat and chausses)
I would say you would need a few minutes to put the armor all by yourself, less of course if helped, and logically it would take longer than for a simpler set of armor (maybe 5 mn alone, 2 mn with help for the whole thing). The suit of armor would need to be fitted by a smith.
you can easily take the Dullahan's sack, the pumpinks fit in.

Konrad Brandt |

Ah, mail. That makes more sense on why it would take longer. And more than fair to say that it would need to be fitted (Valghaz had to pay for that as well when we found some mail). With only 1 silver to his name, it'll likely be awhile. Maybe it would make sense to sell/trade it when we get to town...bird in the hand is better than two in the bush, afterall.

DM Lil" Eschie |

Konrad, could you check your Encumbrance, with the armor? (6 Encumbrance)
You can of course spread the weight between 2 characters (one taking the leg covering, another taking the rest)
Remember you can carry STR+Tou bonuses Encumbrance. Carrying double that amount will reduce your Movement by 1, triplying it will reduce it by 2. The snow isn't deep enough to hamper your movement

Konrad Brandt |

Enc: 7
Loot: 6
Rapier: 1
Buckler: 0
Courtly Garb, Common Clothes, Pouch (containing Tweezers, Ear Pick, and a Comb), Sling Bag (containing Clothing not worn, 3 bandages), 1 silver 10 copper
I don't think that the change of clothes, bandages, tweezers and ear pick equal a point of encumbrance. So long as they don't, Konrad will be fine.

Brunhilde das Flittchen |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I currently have 0 Encumberance, so would be happy to help us get the nine hells out of here.

Udo Steinspalter |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Udo also has 0 Encumbrance, although the guilt in leaving those unburied dead weighs heavy ;)

Udo Steinspalter |

Enjoying the RP :)

Konrad Brandt |

Me too! Also got to love a setting where the smart thing to do is not loot expensive gear. :)

Konrad Brandt |

I love these forums. Except for the updates. They have been an issue for as long as I can remember.

Brunhilde das Flittchen |

GM, I think it would be appropriate if Brunhilde keeps her dagger in a sheathe strapped to her inner thigh, don't you think? It's not a weapon that she keeps in easy reach as she is not a fighter, and finds it best if people think she is no threat.

Gottfried Daimler |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

For the record.
I'm a battered poorly dressed youth with a sword that's likely too good for the likes of his appearance.
And if we have cut off armour in a sack? Weeeeell, does look like bandits to me :)
I'd say we're screwed,

Brunhilde das Flittchen |

Off-topic, but I have found that it's important in WFRP to have beginning PCs find a way to get some cash ASAP. Those of us "lucky enough" to be Brass-ers don't come with enough cash to even buy a bed for a single night in any inn, at least according to the table on p. 302 of the Core Rulebook where a single night in a common room costs 10d and a private room costing 10/–! When I started "Enemy Within", I just gave all the PCs and additional 10/–, just to cover incidentals for a few days without having to worry if they would starve to death or be able to recoup Wounds.

Gottfried Daimler |

On Goswin's corpse:
Some books, a silver dagger, 14 shillings
On Old Hans:
a whip, 16 pennies
- 20 silver seems very steep on the room. That's a gold coin for 4 ppl.
I'm still juggling Warhammer prices.
Edit: Turns out a room is 10 shillings a night so it works out at 5 shillings a night if we pay. It's a steal.
I don't think we can pay for it though. Unless she wants a silver dagger that is...

Brunhilde das Flittchen |

I would also argue (against myself, mind you) that Brunhilde would not be expecting any of you to share any of the loot from the fight with her. She had nothing to do with it, after all, other than just being a passenger in the carriage.
I think that "sharing the loot" is a D&D adventuring party concept that IMO doesn't apply to us. We are not a "party", we are a bunch of people who were sharing a mode of transport together. You guys don't owe Brunhilde anything, from her perspective.

Udo Steinspalter |

Ditto on this for Udo. He's here to conduct business - happenstance and misfortune has thrown us all together (and in his eyes it will likely be a short term arrangement!)

Imrik Farstrider |

Does the money from classes only come once or is it somehow a stipend? Because you do go up in how much you make as you progress. Most people should be in tier one and never see a silver coin. Which makes the room costs just seems steep based on the starting coin.
But I guess that is more of a game developer question based on balance.

Brunhilde das Flittchen |

So... sleep huddled outside then
Or you could ask if there's work to be done at the inn and pay your own way the way I have.

DM Lil" Eschie |

A normal dagger cost 16/-, so we get 26/- base value for a silvered dagger.
The Innkeeper failed her Evaluate roll (by 2 SL), overestimating the price (probably around 30/- in her head). The double room (for the six of you) was rented for 20 silver a night, the meal would have cost three more silvers (half a silver for each) so she thought she could get some coins by selling it herself.
So the deal wasn't dishonest or one sided. She can try to sell the dagger by herself and still make a profit of it (3 silvers before Haggling rolls), but it would be a smaller profit than she expected.
Besides, you really hadn't enough money to pay the rooms, but I'm happy to improvise.

Gottfried Daimler |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

That trade was really very dissatisfying but I had no other idea and no more to try to secure the group a room.
You did good mate. The needs must.

Imrik Farstrider |

I think you bartered as much as you could with what we had and our numbers. Good job on that!

Konrad Brandt |

As Konrad reached his first short term goal (?) I was thinking as a new one: “earn money as a legally hired duelist.” Does that work?

Brunhilde das Flittchen |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

As Konrad reached his first short term goal (?) I was thinking as a new one: “earn money as a legally hired duelist.” Does that work?
It works for me!
Oh wait, it has nothing to do with me.

Konrad Brandt |

“ Motivation: To defeat a worthy opponent in single combat, thus proving to himself that he is worthy of the path he is on.”
After taking down the horse and then dullahan, I think that it would count as proving to himself that he is worthy to continue as a duellist