GM_DBH's Curse Of The Crimson Throne

Game Master DBH

The city of Korvosa has dark and deadly secrets. Those secrets are coming home to roost as some unlikely heroes are drawn into the underbelly in search of answers to their pasts.

Plague has come to Korvosa, and while the new queen and her advisors bicker over how to address the calamity, fear takes hold on the streets.
As the number of sick folk grows, people take desperate measures to avoid the plague, shutting themselves within their homes, shunning the infected, and even seeking escape from the city.
The disease is prevalent in Korvosa’s most impoverished areas, particularly Old Korvosa—blister-faced beggars and hacking common folk are visible on every corner.

Loot sheet


Handout 1

Korvosa & Wards

VC note


Hospice 1

Hospice hoedown

Hospice below

Secret level


Party <=========== May act!


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Female Human Magus (Armored Battlemage) 8 | HP: 80/80| AC: (24)22 (23/24) (26/27 W Shield spell), 14 (18) Touch, 19 (23/24)Flatfooted) | CMB: +8, CMD: 20 | Fort: +9, Reflex: +6, Will: +9 (+7)| Init: +2 | Arcane pool 9/10
Current effects::
Ablative Barrier, +2 Armor enhancement, Allied cloak (8 rounds remaining)

Sheathing her sword and rolling her shoulders, Ariadne takes hold of the rope and does a decent job of climbing up the side, taking up a guard position as Vedika works on the damaged locks.

Climb (in armor): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17

Female Human Alchemist 7 | HP: 39/39| AC: 18 (20 mutagen) (22 barkskin) touch 13, flat footed 16 | CMB: +7, CMD: 20 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +7, Will: +2| Init: +2 | perception +9(+11 ha) | active conditions: barkskin, heightened awareness, mutagen, darkvision, scent

climb: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16

Brig waits until the others have gone, serving as a rear guard, then will start the slow and steady accent up.

Are you sure you want to do that?

Vedika just gets the lock working again.

Which door, top or bottom on the map?


Brigita: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (10) + 11 = 21
Vedika: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20
Zahur: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 30
Kayleigh: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22
Ariadne: 1d20 ⇒ 11

Everyone but Ariadne can easily detect movement behind the bottom door, there is only silence behind the top door.

What now?

Female Vishkanya Unchained Rogue 3/Sorcerer 4 | 41/41 HP | AC 17 T 13 FF 14 | Fort +3 Ref +8 Will +6 | Initiative +3 | Perception +12 {+1 vs. traps} (trap spotter) | Serpent's Fangs 6/6 rounds | Toxic 2/3 | Sorcerer Spells: 1st—6/7 2nd—4/4

Vedika puts a finger to her lips, then tries to quietly open the door that has no sound behind it.

Stealth: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (12) + 14 = 26

Female Human Cleric of Milani (Merciful Healer) 6 | hp -45- 45/45 (0 NL) | AC 20, t 12, ff 18 | Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +9 | Init +4 | Perc +3 | Spd 20 ft. | Channel Positive Energy 6/6 | Restorative Touch 6/6 | wand of CLW (46/50) | wand of spiritual weapon (46/50) | Conditons/Buffs: none

Kayleigh stands stock-still, afraid that any movement in her armor might give away the group's presence.

Female Human Alchemist 7 | HP: 39/39| AC: 18 (20 mutagen) (22 barkskin) touch 13, flat footed 16 | CMB: +7, CMD: 20 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +7, Will: +2| Init: +2 | perception +9(+11 ha) | active conditions: barkskin, heightened awareness, mutagen, darkvision, scent

Brid grips her hammer shaft in anticipation of something breaking the silence with a rushing gnashing screaming thing.

Are you sure you want to do that?

Map updated.

An empty room, the sounds of movement are clearer in here. Along with a musty smell, as if there has been no cleaning for some time.

What now?

Female Human Magus (Armored Battlemage) 8 | HP: 80/80| AC: (24)22 (23/24) (26/27 W Shield spell), 14 (18) Touch, 19 (23/24)Flatfooted) | CMB: +8, CMD: 20 | Fort: +9, Reflex: +6, Will: +9 (+7)| Init: +2 | Arcane pool 9/10
Current effects::
Ablative Barrier, +2 Armor enhancement, Allied cloak (8 rounds remaining)

At the increased sounds of movement and musty smell, Arani's stomach drops as images of undead immediately come to mind. Looking to Jerrica to lead the way, she slowly draws her sword, to make as little sound as possible, a spell on the tip of her tongue should whoever lay just beyond line of sight attack.

Male N half-orc brawler (hinyasi) 8 | HP: 83/83 | AC: 22 (15 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +13*, CMD: 27* | F: +11, R: +12, W: +6 | Init: +3 | Perc: +12, SM +12 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none.

Everyone up, Zahur takes back his grappling hook and holds it by its reddish rope. "If the door isn't locked or trapped, you step back, uh?"

Female Human Magus (Armored Battlemage) 8 | HP: 80/80| AC: (24)22 (23/24) (26/27 W Shield spell), 14 (18) Touch, 19 (23/24)Flatfooted) | CMB: +8, CMD: 20 | Fort: +9, Reflex: +6, Will: +9 (+7)| Init: +2 | Arcane pool 9/10
Current effects::
Ablative Barrier, +2 Armor enhancement, Allied cloak (8 rounds remaining)

"Zahur with me through the door first, Brig, right behind us the Vedika and Kayleigh. We move in and fan out." Ariadne says drawing upon her inner font of arcane power as sigils momentarily flare to life on her armor.

Spend one arcane pool point to enhance armor (+2)

Female Human Cleric of Milani (Merciful Healer) 6 | hp -45- 45/45 (0 NL) | AC 20, t 12, ff 18 | Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +9 | Init +4 | Perc +3 | Spd 20 ft. | Channel Positive Energy 6/6 | Restorative Touch 6/6 | wand of CLW (46/50) | wand of spiritual weapon (46/50) | Conditons/Buffs: none

Kayleigh follows Ariadne's directions, fanning out to the left as she gets inside the room.

Are you sure you want to do that?

Map updated. Carowyn manor 2nd .

E2a. Gallery:
Finely framed works of art cover the walls of this gallery, looking down upon the hall below. Great windows look out to the west and south, and an alcove to the east is set with chairs for musicians.

In mockery of the room’s beauty, several costumed corpses are positioned about the hall, some posed like ghastly statues while others are rigged to look like contemplative critics.

Three zombies dressed in flashy metallic costumes wander aimlessly through the room, pantomiming appreciation and criticism of the paintings of Korvosan cityscapes and Carowyn portraits on the walls. Periodically,
a zombie stumbles over one of the dozen dead bodies on the floor here

The moment the door opens the Zombies turn to attack you!

What is everyone doing?

Are you sure you want to do that?


Female Human Alchemist 7 | HP: 39/39| AC: 18 (20 mutagen) (22 barkskin) touch 13, flat footed 16 | CMB: +7, CMD: 20 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +7, Will: +2| Init: +2 | perception +9(+11 ha) | active conditions: barkskin, heightened awareness, mutagen, darkvision, scent

hammer: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (19) + 11 = 30
damage: 2d6 + 14 ⇒ (2, 6) + 14 = 22

Brig does not like the confined fighting conditions, imagining attempting to evade the gnashing teeth of the undead they were watching shamble toward them. "Only three..." she says before she pushes into the room, bringing her massive hammer down on the nearest of the zombies.

Female Vishkanya Unchained Rogue 3/Sorcerer 4 | 41/41 HP | AC 17 T 13 FF 14 | Fort +3 Ref +8 Will +6 | Initiative +3 | Perception +12 {+1 vs. traps} (trap spotter) | Serpent's Fangs 6/6 rounds | Toxic 2/3 | Sorcerer Spells: 1st—6/7 2nd—4/4

Vedika lets out a quiet hiss of frustration and draws her kukri.

Ready to attack when a zombie closes.

Readied kukri attack: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11

Female Human Cleric of Milani (Merciful Healer) 6 | hp -45- 45/45 (0 NL) | AC 20, t 12, ff 18 | Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +9 | Init +4 | Perc +3 | Spd 20 ft. | Channel Positive Energy 6/6 | Restorative Touch 6/6 | wand of CLW (46/50) | wand of spiritual weapon (46/50) | Conditons/Buffs: none

Kayleigh moves to the northwest corner of the railed opening overlooking the floor below, both to protect the group in case something hostile emerges through either of the doors to the north and to peer below to see if any more threats are present. She relays any intel she might discover.

Kayleigh Fairwind Perception Check: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19

Female Human Magus (Armored Battlemage) 8 | HP: 80/80| AC: (24)22 (23/24) (26/27 W Shield spell), 14 (18) Touch, 19 (23/24)Flatfooted) | CMB: +8, CMD: 20 | Fort: +9, Reflex: +6, Will: +9 (+7)| Init: +2 | Arcane pool 9/10
Current effects::
Ablative Barrier, +2 Armor enhancement, Allied cloak (8 rounds remaining)

Sword in hand, Ariadne moves forward, falling in line with Brig as she brings her free hand up, sending a ray of positive energy streaming toward one of the approaching zombies. "Two now!"

Disrupt Undead (Ranged Touch) vs Orange: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17
1d6 ⇒ 5

Assuming red doesn't;'t survive Brig's onslaught, firing at Orange

Male N half-orc brawler (hinyasi) 8 | HP: 83/83 | AC: 22 (15 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +13*, CMD: 27* | F: +11, R: +12, W: +6 | Init: +3 | Perc: +12, SM +12 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none.

Sorry, was actually waiting for initiative. Wasn't sure if we were up.

"Get moving, girl, the zombies will not get here for sure." He says to Vedika.

With Brigita in the way, Zahur bolts forward, then grabs the rail and jumps over the gap in the stairs, landing by the next undead.

Acrobatics: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (9) + 13 = 22

Hook in hand, he spins it to bring it down on the zombie in his face.

Attack, Risky Strike: 1d20 + 16 - 2 ⇒ (13) + 16 - 2 = 27
Damage, Risky Strike: 1d8 + 10 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 10 + 6 = 23

Are you sure you want to do that?

Zombies are not a threat at your level. So I'm speeding the encounters with them up.

The group easily dispatches the 3 Zombies on this level.

Among the dead you find corpses of 3 musicians. Ruan is not among them.

The other room on this level.

E2b. Bedroom:
Olauren Carowyn, now a zombie, stands in the center of this room dressed as a Galtan queen, her sprawling pearl-studded gown flowing around her and her elaborate, powdered wig nearly brushing the ceiling. A second zombie—dressed as a Qadiran princess—attends her.

They attack and you kill them.

Kayleigh looks down to the floor below and sees another 6 Zombies, all wearing noble dress and dancing with each other in a grotesque mockery of a formal dance.

Use the Carowyn manor 1st map for this. You are looking down into E1A.

What now?

Female Human Cleric of Milani (Merciful Healer) 6 | hp -45- 45/45 (0 NL) | AC 20, t 12, ff 18 | Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +9 | Init +4 | Perc +3 | Spd 20 ft. | Channel Positive Energy 6/6 | Restorative Touch 6/6 | wand of CLW (46/50) | wand of spiritual weapon (46/50) | Conditons/Buffs: none

Kayleigh does a quick scan of the zombies' corpses, looking for any obvious signs of the blood veil on their faces or other exposed skin. She also casts a detect magic cantrip while in the bedroom and scans for any emanations as she slowly makes her way to the others to head downstairs.

Kayleigh Fairwind Perception Check: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21

Female Human Magus (Armored Battlemage) 8 | HP: 80/80| AC: (24)22 (23/24) (26/27 W Shield spell), 14 (18) Touch, 19 (23/24)Flatfooted) | CMB: +8, CMD: 20 | Fort: +9, Reflex: +6, Will: +9 (+7)| Init: +2 | Arcane pool 9/10
Current effects::
Ablative Barrier, +2 Armor enhancement, Allied cloak (8 rounds remaining)

"I guess we may as well engage those." Ariadne says, preparing to head down to the next level.

Female Human Alchemist 7 | HP: 39/39| AC: 18 (20 mutagen) (22 barkskin) touch 13, flat footed 16 | CMB: +7, CMD: 20 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +7, Will: +2| Init: +2 | perception +9(+11 ha) | active conditions: barkskin, heightened awareness, mutagen, darkvision, scent

Brig, who mainly hits things with her hammer until it stops moving, stops herself. "We could..." being of few words, she doesn't finish and instead pulls out a leather strap with a small cup in the middle and a smoothed rock.

We could use ranged?

Male N half-orc brawler (hinyasi) 8 | HP: 83/83 | AC: 22 (15 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +13*, CMD: 27* | F: +11, R: +12, W: +6 | Init: +3 | Perc: +12, SM +12 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none.

"Let's play safe. You block the stairs, I go fishing." Zahur says, using the full length of grappling hook to attack the zombies from the second floor.

My grappling hook as 15ft. reach. Should be enough.

Female Human Magus (Armored Battlemage) 8 | HP: 80/80| AC: (24)22 (23/24) (26/27 W Shield spell), 14 (18) Touch, 19 (23/24)Flatfooted) | CMB: +8, CMD: 20 | Fort: +9, Reflex: +6, Will: +9 (+7)| Init: +2 | Arcane pool 9/10
Current effects::
Ablative Barrier, +2 Armor enhancement, Allied cloak (8 rounds remaining)

With a nod of agreement to both Brig and Zahur, Ari sheathes her blade, drawing and loading her crossbow.

Female Human Alchemist 7 | HP: 39/39| AC: 18 (20 mutagen) (22 barkskin) touch 13, flat footed 16 | CMB: +7, CMD: 20 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +7, Will: +2| Init: +2 | perception +9(+11 ha) | active conditions: barkskin, heightened awareness, mutagen, darkvision, scent

Brig eyes the crossbow and hook, then her own sling. She then shrugs, puts it up, and moves to guard the stairwell, ready to hammer anything that come up back down.

Are you sure you want to do that?

secret stuff:

stealth: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (1) + 17 = 18
heal Kayleigh: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (18) + 11 = 29

Kayleigh examines a corpse, while it looks to have Blood veil she soon picks up someone has used a Sculpt corpse spell to give it the signs of the disease. The spell was also used to disguise the wounds that killed the person?

As the rest of you prepare to go fishing the Zombies from above there is a creak from below as someone trying to be stealthy steps on a loose floorboard, followed by a foul curse in a female voice.

Looking in that direction you see a shadow dart back around the corner from you.

X marks where the voice came from. They were sneaking around trying to stay out of your view. They moved back when they failed their stealth check. :(.

What now?

Female Human Cleric of Milani (Merciful Healer) 6 | hp -45- 45/45 (0 NL) | AC 20, t 12, ff 18 | Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +9 | Init +4 | Perc +3 | Spd 20 ft. | Channel Positive Energy 6/6 | Restorative Touch 6/6 | wand of CLW (46/50) | wand of spiritual weapon (46/50) | Conditons/Buffs: none

Kayleigh's about to report her findings to the others when she hears the creak and curse from below. Thinking quickly--for her at least--the cleric calls out, "Don't worry--we're here to save you!" She looks at the others, shrugs, and whispers, "Maybe she'll buy that; who knows? The zombies don't seem to be attacking whoever she is, though...."

I suppose I ought to make a Bluff check for that....

Kayleigh Fairwind Bluff Check: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9

Male N half-orc brawler (hinyasi) 8 | HP: 83/83 | AC: 22 (15 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +13*, CMD: 27* | F: +11, R: +12, W: +6 | Init: +3 | Perc: +12, SM +12 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none.

"Enemy or not, I think we should first deal with these corpses." Zahur says, swinging his hook at another zombie.

Are you sure you want to do that?

Same deal. At this level Zombies aren't a problem for you. You take a couple of rounds to pull them up and end them.

The last Zombie is put to rest and silence falls over the manor. There has been no sound from the mystery female since she retreated.

You are on the 2nd floor map which you have cleared. You will need to go to the Carowyn manor 1st map to continue.

What are you doing now?

Female Human Alchemist 7 | HP: 39/39| AC: 18 (20 mutagen) (22 barkskin) touch 13, flat footed 16 | CMB: +7, CMD: 20 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +7, Will: +2| Init: +2 | perception +9(+11 ha) | active conditions: barkskin, heightened awareness, mutagen, darkvision, scent

Brig moves back to the others "We should find this person before going down"

Female Human Magus (Armored Battlemage) 8 | HP: 80/80| AC: (24)22 (23/24) (26/27 W Shield spell), 14 (18) Touch, 19 (23/24)Flatfooted) | CMB: +8, CMD: 20 | Fort: +9, Reflex: +6, Will: +9 (+7)| Init: +2 | Arcane pool 9/10
Current effects::
Ablative Barrier, +2 Armor enhancement, Allied cloak (8 rounds remaining)

"I'm pretty sure she's on the floor below us, likely hiding, though whether because she's a survivor or a perpetrator of whatever happened here remains to be seen." Ariadne say's, slinging her crossbow over her back and drawing her sword again before moving to lead the group down the stairs.

Female Human Cleric of Milani (Merciful Healer) 6 | hp -45- 45/45 (0 NL) | AC 20, t 12, ff 18 | Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +9 | Init +4 | Perc +3 | Spd 20 ft. | Channel Positive Energy 6/6 | Restorative Touch 6/6 | wand of CLW (46/50) | wand of spiritual weapon (46/50) | Conditons/Buffs: none

Kayleigh casts another detect magic cantrip in the off chance the mystery woman has an item or ongoing spell that might betray her location. She takes her familiar position as rearguard (unless someone asks her to move toward the front to do her scanning) and follows the others downstairs.

Are you sure you want to do that?

I've placed your icons on the Carowyn 1st map. Please put yourselves where you are when you come down the stairs. Also what Perception and other rolls you're making as well thanks.

Female Human Cleric of Milani (Merciful Healer) 6 | hp -45- 45/45 (0 NL) | AC 20, t 12, ff 18 | Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +9 | Init +4 | Perc +3 | Spd 20 ft. | Channel Positive Energy 6/6 | Restorative Touch 6/6 | wand of CLW (46/50) | wand of spiritual weapon (46/50) | Conditons/Buffs: none

Unless we're in a big rush and can't spare 5 rounds, Kayleigh will cast guidance on each PC to give them a +1 bonus on their choice of a skill check.

The first floor map had the section we're about to enter still blacked-out, so I figure Kayleigh's at her usual rearguard position, probably still on the staircase, I'll roll a Perception check to determine if she might see anything out-of-the-ordinary while scanning for magic.

Kayleigh Fairwind Perception Check (guidance): 1d20 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 3 + 1 = 18

Female Human Alchemist 7 | HP: 39/39| AC: 18 (20 mutagen) (22 barkskin) touch 13, flat footed 16 | CMB: +7, CMD: 20 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +7, Will: +2| Init: +2 | perception +9(+11 ha) | active conditions: barkskin, heightened awareness, mutagen, darkvision, scent

perception: 1d20 + 11 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 11 + 1 = 30

Brig's hands tighten around the half of her hammer, the quiet creak of leather around metal, as she listens and looks for a shadow.

Female Human Magus (Armored Battlemage) 8 | HP: 80/80| AC: (24)22 (23/24) (26/27 W Shield spell), 14 (18) Touch, 19 (23/24)Flatfooted) | CMB: +8, CMD: 20 | Fort: +9, Reflex: +6, Will: +9 (+7)| Init: +2 | Arcane pool 9/10
Current effects::
Ablative Barrier, +2 Armor enhancement, Allied cloak (8 rounds remaining)

Ariadne moves forward, sword drawn, quickly enhancing her armor as she looks around.

Perception/Guidance: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12

Male N half-orc brawler (hinyasi) 8 | HP: 83/83 | AC: 22 (15 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +13*, CMD: 27* | F: +11, R: +12, W: +6 | Init: +3 | Perc: +12, SM +12 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none.

Perception, Guidance: 1d20 + 10 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 10 + 1 = 30

Zahur comes down and moves forward to look around.

Are you sure you want to do that?

secret stuff:

stealth: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (14) + 18 = 32

Despite straining their senses to the limit neither Zahur or Brigita can hear the mystery woman again.

The next few rounds are spent dealing with the shambling Zombies that lurch towards you. As if they were being sent to block you.

The red 'X' is where you heard the woman's voice. The Zombies are no threat and seem to be sent to keep you busy instead of pursuing whoever she is?

I've removed the blocking on the map so you can use the room numbers to tell me where you are exploring.

Map updated. What are you doing now?

Female Human Cleric of Milani (Merciful Healer) 6 | hp -45- 45/45 (0 NL) | AC 20, t 12, ff 18 | Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +9 | Init +4 | Perc +3 | Spd 20 ft. | Channel Positive Energy 6/6 | Restorative Touch 6/6 | wand of CLW (46/50) | wand of spiritual weapon (46/50) | Conditons/Buffs: none

Kayleigh continues to scan for any magical emanations--unless her comrades need her to brain an undead or two with her morningstar. She herds Vedika before her, if necessary, as she heads downstairs to join the others.

I'll vote for checking out E1b next.

Female Human Magus (Armored Battlemage) 8 | HP: 80/80| AC: (24)22 (23/24) (26/27 W Shield spell), 14 (18) Touch, 19 (23/24)Flatfooted) | CMB: +8, CMD: 20 | Fort: +9, Reflex: +6, Will: +9 (+7)| Init: +2 | Arcane pool 9/10
Current effects::
Ablative Barrier, +2 Armor enhancement, Allied cloak (8 rounds remaining)

As zombies drop around them, Ariadne makes an effort to push toward the direction of the errant woman, noticing the seemingly deliberate obstruction.

"I think she'd trying to make a run for it! The zombies are a distraction.", she says, cutting down another while her shield spell rotates to block another attack.

Male N half-orc brawler (hinyasi) 8 | HP: 83/83 | AC: 22 (15 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +13*, CMD: 27* | F: +11, R: +12, W: +6 | Init: +3 | Perc: +12, SM +12 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none.

"Could also be a trap." Zahur points out. "I'd rather not rush... and while it would be good to catch who did this, our actual mission is of rescue, uh?"

Made some arrows on the map. Propose we do the red ones first and then the blue one last.

Female Human Cleric of Milani (Merciful Healer) 6 | hp -45- 45/45 (0 NL) | AC 20, t 12, ff 18 | Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +9 | Init +4 | Perc +3 | Spd 20 ft. | Channel Positive Energy 6/6 | Restorative Touch 6/6 | wand of CLW (46/50) | wand of spiritual weapon (46/50) | Conditons/Buffs: none

Sounds good to me. Kayleigh will continue to scan for magical emanations and act as rearguard--occasionally scanning behind the party as well--just in case someone tries to sneak up behind the group.

Are you sure you want to do that?

Ok. Which way first to the right or the left? And what order are you in?

Female Human Cleric of Milani (Merciful Healer) 6 | hp -45- 45/45 (0 NL) | AC 20, t 12, ff 18 | Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +9 | Init +4 | Perc +3 | Spd 20 ft. | Channel Positive Energy 6/6 | Restorative Touch 6/6 | wand of CLW (46/50) | wand of spiritual weapon (46/50) | Conditons/Buffs: none

I'll vote left. Kayleigh's at the back.

Male N half-orc brawler (hinyasi) 8 | HP: 83/83 | AC: 22 (15 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +13*, CMD: 27* | F: +11, R: +12, W: +6 | Init: +3 | Perc: +12, SM +12 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none.

No preference, but sure, left, so we can move.

Female Human Alchemist 7 | HP: 39/39| AC: 18 (20 mutagen) (22 barkskin) touch 13, flat footed 16 | CMB: +7, CMD: 20 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +7, Will: +2| Init: +2 | perception +9(+11 ha) | active conditions: barkskin, heightened awareness, mutagen, darkvision, scent

Left is good!

Female Human Magus (Armored Battlemage) 8 | HP: 80/80| AC: (24)22 (23/24) (26/27 W Shield spell), 14 (18) Touch, 19 (23/24)Flatfooted) | CMB: +8, CMD: 20 | Fort: +9, Reflex: +6, Will: +9 (+7)| Init: +2 | Arcane pool 9/10
Current effects::
Ablative Barrier, +2 Armor enhancement, Allied cloak (8 rounds remaining)

"In my experience, rescues rarely benefit from going slowly but..." Ariadne trails off with a shrug, moving along the left path all the same.

Female Vishkanya Unchained Rogue 3/Sorcerer 4 | 41/41 HP | AC 17 T 13 FF 14 | Fort +3 Ref +8 Will +6 | Initiative +3 | Perception +12 {+1 vs. traps} (trap spotter) | Serpent's Fangs 6/6 rounds | Toxic 2/3 | Sorcerer Spells: 1st—6/7 2nd—4/4

Vedika needs to go up front so that her trapfinding has a chance to save us from our own haste.

Female Human Alchemist 7 | HP: 39/39| AC: 18 (20 mutagen) (22 barkskin) touch 13, flat footed 16 | CMB: +7, CMD: 20 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +7, Will: +2| Init: +2 | perception +9(+11 ha) | active conditions: barkskin, heightened awareness, mutagen, darkvision, scent

Brig can sit in the back with Kayleigh

Female Human Magus (Armored Battlemage) 8 | HP: 80/80| AC: (24)22 (23/24) (26/27 W Shield spell), 14 (18) Touch, 19 (23/24)Flatfooted) | CMB: +8, CMD: 20 | Fort: +9, Reflex: +6, Will: +9 (+7)| Init: +2 | Arcane pool 9/10
Current effects::
Ablative Barrier, +2 Armor enhancement, Allied cloak (8 rounds remaining)

Ariadne would follow, far enough back to not trigger a trap, but close enough to engage anything Vedika stumbles across

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