shaventalz |
If Mykel was 5' farther in, that would prevent the tengu from 5' stepping to a safe spot. Not sure if that was Mykel's player moving him or someone else.
Venture Teller Play b'Post wrote:How long do you want to study the formula book?As long as the others allow? Say 5 minutes..? How much can I discern from perusing it? Need a Spellcraft or Linguistics Check..?
How long do you want to study the formula book?
The rules section on deciphering arcane writings doesn't give any indication of how long it might take to get useful information.
However, after doing some digging, Read Magic gives a figure of one page per minute. Not sure if that's the "normal" speed (after doing Spellcraft) or if it's specific to using the spell.

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If Mykel was 5' farther in, that would prevent the tengu from 5' stepping to a safe spot. Not sure if that was Mykel's player moving him or someone else.
I put the token on the map, he can move wherever he wishes, of course.
The rules section on deciphering arcane writings doesn't give any indication of how long it might take to get useful information.
However, after doing some digging, Read Magic gives a figure of one page per minute. Not sure if that's the "normal" speed (after doing Spellcraft) or if it's specific to using the spell.
Will resort to read magic if it speeds things up, but otherwise, just try to decipher it without arcane aid.

Venture Teller Play b'Post |

shaventalz wrote:If Mykel was 5' farther in, that would prevent the tengu from 5' stepping to a safe spot. Not sure if that was Mykel's player moving him or someone else.I put the token on the map, he can move wherever he wishes, of course.
shaventalz wrote:Will resort to read magic if it speeds things up, but otherwise, just try to decipher it without arcane aid.The rules section on deciphering arcane writings doesn't give any indication of how long it might take to get useful information.
However, after doing some digging, Read Magic gives a figure of one page per minute. Not sure if that's the "normal" speed (after doing Spellcraft) or if it's specific to using the spell.
One page a minute is my understanding, and a spell takes one page per level. However, since you are looking for specific formulas, you only have to identify what formulas are present and are not trying to learn to decode them.
In less than a minute you find three that fit your criteria: barkskin, cat’s grace, false life

shaventalz |
In less than a minute you find three that fit your criteria: barkskin, cat’s grace, false life
That's not too bad, then.
Is the map correct? Are "both" tengu standing in the same space?
Is this just a normal whip? That is, one that doesn't do any damage to someone with armor?

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Oh, good call, yeah, I forgot who the real bad guys were, changing my action to stopping there and magic missile the main guy.

shaventalz |
ok can anyone else not see my previous post? I see it dotted in the 'recent thread in Play by Post" If there are two, please ignore the second.
I can see the duplicate post.
Koryo's action post for last turn included rolls for his AoOs. So that would be 32 to hit for 21 damage.
I assume 28 confirmed the critical? It matters because panache.

shaventalz |
Waiting to hear if this guy is still up before posting Koryo's next action.
He's got... let's see. 72 damage, plus hopefully 21 from Koryo's AoO, 20 from Spica's spell. That's 113 dmg, plus whatever Mykel's AoO does. That seems like the range where he may or may not be standing by the time Koryo goes; if he's not, there's other doors Koryo can stand beside.

shaventalz |
Koryo doesn't know for sure what Sorithar just cast, but assumes it's some mystic door-locking thing. Yell if you need help!
Really wish the reply function on these boards didn't remove spoilers. There's a LOT of rolls in my out-of-turn spoiler that I keep needing to retype.
Mykel rushes up with Koryo, setting up a brutal spot for anyone to step into.
By my count, 12 squares of movement can get Mykel to the square below Koryo (not quite threatening the doorway). Do you want me to move your token there, or were you trying for somewhere else?

shaventalz |
yes please....i thought i moved...guess i miscounted too...Monday morning math is hard...lol
It's possible that you counted using a diagonal step through the doorway (around a hard corner); counting like that would have put you one square farther. Still not to the door, though.
Alternatively, you mgiht have counted before Koryo moved. 12 squares of movement would have gotten you into Koryo's square.

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Could at least give us a heads-up guys...
Why don't you give Sorithar some room behind you two and he'll Ready to cast a persistent glitterdust on the crowed in the room right before the two of you rush in..?
If no objections, I'll post to that extent in the game thread.

shaventalz |
Could at least give us a heads-up guys...
Why don't you give Sorithar some room behind you two and he'll Ready to cast a persistent glitterdust on the crowed in the room right before the two of you rush in..?
If no objections, I'll post to that extent in the game thread.
Aww... what do you have against splitting the party? ;)
That said, Koryo would welcome some arcane backup. He mainly ran over here that quickly because he expected reinforcements to pour in through West1. However, given the sounds he's hearing from inside, they may be less prepared in there than they should be.

Venture Teller Play b'Post |

Window yes. It doesn't open, but could be broken. The slaves are in no condition to run however.
More info in a while. But the slaves can tell you Flak'Ak has lost the keys too many times & is not allowed to carry them anymore. Only Jandiel has the keys.

shaventalz |
Koryo wrote:Looks like Koryo, which makes sense since he was also scouting around the estate.With nobody speaking against it, Koryo shrugs. "Sounds good to me."
After using the chime the Venture-Captain had given them, Koryo takes a casual try at the lock. Take 10 for 33 Yes, Corvius really did spring for the good stuff. "It'll just take a couple of minutes" he says, concentrating on the collar.
Take 20 for 43; 2 minutes worth of work.
That was meant to convey "whoever has the chime uses it on the lock before Koryo starts using lockpicks." Re-reading it, that doesn't come through well.
In general, Koryo probably makes the least sense to carry the chimes because he's got a higher bonus using his own Disable Device.

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FYI, that was a persistent glitterdust, so two saves each, take worst.
Also, Sorithar would have grabbed the wand before alerting Spica to the scroll.

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"Hey dogs, guess what? I've got a secret weapon that you don't have..."
"Opposable. Thumbs."
Koryo gives the closed door two waggling thumbs-up. Let's see them work that doorknob.

shaventalz |
Also, I never got a response to this question. Was Fla'ak using a "normal" whip? As opposed to a scorpion whip or one with the Deadly enhancement.
I'm guessing he was a warpriest using Sacred Weapon to up the damage, but that presumably wouldn't affect the other properties of the whip - like the ones that say he couldn't deal damage to Mykel or Koryo.
EDIT: Or possibly even Mordak, if he kept Ezren's prep of mage armor and used it before coming here.

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Sorry, Koryo, didn't see you there, you were hidden behind the blue guy. Though if you are find with this, roll reflex.

shaventalz |
Sorry, Koryo, didn't see you there, you were hidden behind the blue guy. Though if you are find with this, roll reflex.
I'm fine with it, but Koryo is absolutely going to take issue with the friendly fire.
Reflex: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (7) + 14 = 21
EDIT: So he saved for half, then fire resist 2 (from chronicles) kicks in, making it 5 dmg total.

Venture Teller Play b'Post |

Also, I never got a response to this question. Was Fla'ak using a "normal" whip? As opposed to a scorpion whip or one with the Deadly enhancement.
Yes it does lethal damage even through armor. This is because of feats though, not the whip itself.

shaventalz |
shaventalz wrote:Also, I never got a response to this question. Was Fla'ak using a "normal" whip? As opposed to a scorpion whip or one with the Deadly enhancement.Yes it does lethal damage even through armor. This is because of feats though, not the whip itself.
Does Blue opening the door provoke an AoO?
EDIT: And did 27 intimidate Red from this attack? It might matter for one of my boons.

shaventalz |
Checked the boon in question again. Fla'ak seems to have been a solo encounter. Was his CR at least 9?
If so, critting him here also fulfills the condition of that boon (it's one of the "do X, Y, or Z a certain number of times" boons.)

Venture Teller Play b'Post |

Opening a door does not provoke an AoO.
You never said what Intimidate you were doing, I forgot to ask. 27 beats the DC for most Intimidate checks on this one.
Yes Flakak was CR9+.
No sneak attack against Green.

Venture Teller Play b'Post |

shaventalz |
You never said what Intimidate you were doing, I forgot to ask. 27 beats the DC for most Intimidate checks on this one.
Not sure what you mean with this part.
Action-wise, it's a swift action to use on someone Koryo's hit this round (hence not working on the AoOs).
Number-wise... I put the roll at the bottom of the post, since I forgot to add it earlier. The confirmation rolls were sometimes messing with the existing rolls when I tried inserting them, so I switched to just putting new rolls at the end.
The first four gang up on the nearest intruder, Koryo.
Remember that Koryo currently has reach. Stab all the dogs as they approach! Given that at least one dog was AoO'd to death, this could drastically lower the number of enemies.
Well, stab the first 6, anyway. How does that change the events?
Will save needed from everyone.
Use Charmed Life as an immediate action (which is why riposte doesn't happen this turn.)
Will: 1d20 + 4 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 4 + 3 = 8EDIT: And that's what shirt rerolls are for. Rerolling with 1 GM star.
Will reroll: 1d20 + 4 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 4 + 3 + 1 = 14
EDIT^2: Well, the dice have spoken.
Duration: 1d4 ⇒ 4

Venture Teller Play b'Post |

Intimidate is a skill, coerce is an action (usually a one minute interaction). No action was declared for the Intimidate roll & I forgot to ask. DC for most Intimidate actions is 10+ 1.5CR. Your roll of 27 beats that, I just need to know what the action is to know wht the end result is.
Two dogs did not leave a threatened square (door was closed), hence did not provoke an AoO. Koryo did AoO the other four (shaken, crit/dead, damage, miss) given the rolls provided.

shaventalz |
Intimidate is a skill, coerce is an action (usually a one minute interaction). No action was declared for the Intimidate roll & I forgot to ask. DC for most Intimidate actions is 10+ 1.5CR. Your roll of 27 beats that, I just need to know what the action is to know wht the end result is.
Sorry. It's a swift action specifically to demoralize when I hit, from the "Menacing Swordplay" Swashbuckler deed (reproduced below).
Menacing Swordplay (Ex) (Advanced Class Guide pg. 57): At 3rd level, while she has at least 1 panache point, when a swashbuckler hits an opponent with a light or one-handed piercing melee weapon, she can choose to use Intimidate to demoralize that opponent (Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 99) as a swift action instead of a standard action.
Two dogs did not leave a threatened square (door was closed), hence did not provoke an AoO. Koryo did AoO the other four (shaken, crit/dead, damage, miss) given the rolls provided.
But with reach, even getting to the door requires leaving a threatened space. From inside B2, Koryo can attack one square beyond where magenta and cyan currently are. And since attacking at reach starts at a corner to determine cover ("When making a melee attack against a target that isn’t adjacent to you..., use the rules for determining cover from ranged attacks"), either door being open would be enough to deny the dogs cover (and thus allow AoOs into the room.)
Also note that the Gloves of Marking take the place of the additional damage from the crit; the base damage still goes through. Not sure whether you applied that damage or not.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Cast create pit centered on the junction of dogs and blue.
There, see? I'm not abandoning the team in a panic, I'm opening up tactical possibilities."

Venture Teller Play b'Post |

Sorry no post today, I gotta get reporting done.
Sorithar boon?: 1d20 ⇒ 19
Koryo boon?: 1d20 ⇒ 20
Mark Shadowlord boon?: 1d20 ⇒ 1
Mykel boon?: 1d20 ⇒ 11
Spica boon?: 1d20 ⇒ 20
Venture Teller boon?: 1d20 ⇒ 19
Nat 20! twice :)
I will pass my 19 on to Mordock (odds) or Mykel (evens): 1d100 ⇒ 45
Sorithar boon?: 1d3 ⇒ 2
Koryo boon?: 1d3 ⇒ 3
Curaigh boon?: 1d3 ⇒ 3
Spica boon?: 1d3 ⇒ 3

Venture Teller Play b'Post |

This should be set up for a reply to make it easier for you (deleting everything above). I would like the top information all a a single line. When I create chronicles, I can cut and paste this quickly.RL name (Paizo Avatar is OK): * Character Name * PFS number: * Faction
e-mail: for game day prize support. PM me if you are uncomfortable posting it here. Gameday Only.This information will make gameplay easier. When I need to bot someone they will have already made their action. Make sure to add the appropriate modifier and the final closed bracket (])to the die rolls. You can roll day jobs now or wait.
@Mykel!I need this information from you ASAP!