Abomination Vaults (Inactive)

Game Master Januaryfrost1971

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Welcome travelers to the small town of Otari.

Otari is a thriving, diverse lumber town and trade port with a storied past and its fair share of sinister secrets. Founded by a group of adventurers over 400 years ago, the town has weathered attacks from kobolds and strange monsters, economic woes and windfalls, and cycles of prosperity and strife. Today, the town is a prosperous community and one of the largest settlements along the island’s southern coast. Otari is nestled in a coastal valley between two looming cliffs. The Osprey River flows into the sea through the middle of this valley, and the sturdy stone to either side of this river supports hundreds of buildings and a deep harbor. Otari rarely floods, but the numerous caves, warrens, and channels dug beneath the town do so regularly. Though day-to-day life in Otari resembles that in any small town, its skyline stands out due to the enormous waterwheel at its eastern edge, the ingenious and enormous flume that brings lumber down the cliffside for easy transportation, and a stunning domed temple to Sarenrae to the west. The town’s location near a major highway and its long history as a home to various adventuring parties draw many visitors. Lively trade passing through means unusual wares (and even magic items) aren’t too difficult to find. Just over 1,200 people live in Otari. While most of its residents are humans, some dwarves, elves, and other ancestries also live here. The majority of its residents work in the local fishing and lumber industries. For the most part, people in Otari are friendly and welcoming, though they prefer its small-town feel and make lighthearted fun of visitors from big cities. Coffee is a mainstay, a favorite drink among the hardworking and early-rising townsfolk. Oseph Menhemes, a descendant of one of Otari’s founders, has served multiple terms as the town’s elected mayor thanks to his easygoing efficiency and the townspeople’s general deference to tradition. He also runs one of the town’s main lumber companies, making him wealthy as well as influential.

Character Creation:
Books allowed: Core Rulebook, Advanced Players Guide, Abomination Vaults Player's Guide
Background: PCs may be from anywhere in Golarion, just add to your backstory as to how you ended up in Otari.

GM will deal with Initiative rolls.
Characters will start with 5 Hero Points and 5 more at each level.
We can discuss any other changes to help speed up the game as to keep it interesting and flowing.

This is an adventure path for 5 heroes. Recruitment ends on September 1st.
Serious inquiries only please.

Feel free to ask questions I may not have covered.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

IT IS SAID that heroes don’t have the need to be known as heroes, they just do what heroes do because it is right and it must be done.
It is this type of humility, and even meekness, that Cobb Gilroy radiates as he goes about his mundane day-to-day life. It is only his sense of adventure and desire to make something of himself that made him use his modest inheritance to purchase a sword and suit of mail before he joined a caravan to see the world.

This modest inheritance is a result of the passing of his father after a long, happy life as a militiaman and farmer back on the mainland. Cobb grew up as the youngest sibling on his successful farm. Now his older brothers and sisters bicker over the fields, pastures, and humble manor left by the elder Gilroy. Along with daily goat milking and help with the yearly harvest, Cobb remained content to take on odd jobs around his hometown, including helping lumberjack crews just outside of town.

It was on one of these jaunts into the forest on a lumberjack crew where Cobb first overcame his fears and began to figure out what it means to serve, and what it means to be brave. The aggressive boar actually never had a chance. Cobb's arrow found it's mark, and the clean kill meant a feast later that evening where Cobb was toasted multiple times.

Someday Cobb will return to the farm. But today he finds himself a humble caravan guard with a sense of adventure much like his father had many years ago.

More on Cobb:

He is a human fighter (versatile heritage) with the local scion background. I am working hard to make him multi-dimensional. Of course he'll be a true bastion standing between evil and his fellow adventurers. I am attempting to split the difference between being a tank and a melee striker.
Cobb will also have a winning smile (CHA 14) that will often turn the hearts and minds of potential allies to his party's side.

We'll also see what we can do to have a few useful skills. Cobb's character sheet here on the Paizo boards will have some updates soon with all of the crunchy bits for this character.

A few more comments:
This is the third time I have submitted this character for an AP or longer adventure. I fear some may see a human fighter as too vanilla. I prefer to see him as iconic, and a hero many of us can easily identify with. In any case, perhaps the third time's a charm!

About the player:
I have been playing RPG's since 198coughcough, so I suppose I am obviously of a certain vintage! It has always been a pleasure to enjoy these games with new people, either in person at a con, or here on these boards. I also have a couple of at-home groups. I am more of a Starfinder player right now, though I have played a significant number of Pathfinder Society games. Although I still feel like a bit of a novice when it comes to Pathfinder 2, I feel like I should be able to fight through any rules issues relatively quickly.

I am new to 2nd edition as well and have been around RPGs since the 80's. After watching Knights of the Everflame, I was inspired to run a 2nd edition game. Since there aren't many local games, this is the option I am presented with.

I found this site for character creation. Looking for a way for players to send this either email or to my inbox on this site.

Charcter Sheet Creator

Januaryfrost1971 wrote:

I found this site for character creation. Looking for a way for players to send this either email or to my inbox on this site.

Charcter Sheet Creator

Character Creation UPDATED

Character Creation::
Core Rulebook, Advanced Player's Guide, Abomination Vaults Player's Guide, Lost Omens Character Guide, Lost Omens Gods and Magic and Lost Omens World Guide

This looks like it could be interesting, I will work on a submission, I will likely either go with a Wizard, or assuming I get the chance to look through the Secrets of Magic, perhaps a Magus of some sort.

I'm intrigued. I was playing a dragon barb in a Fall of Plaguestone game that I'd like to give another spin. I'll gin up some backstory explaining how he got to Otari and make it happen.

please see the character creation tab for available resources for this campaign. thank you.

Januaryfrost1971 wrote:
please see the character creation tab for available resources for this campaign. thank you.

If that was to me, sure, but everything on the guy in question is CRB, so it shouldn't be an issue.

Fairly certain that was for me, re: Secrets of Magic and the Magus, which was an oversight. Saw the allowed resources when I first saw the post, then when responding on my break by phone I forgot about it. So Wizard it is!

Ah, okay. But now that's got me thinking whether I should gussy up my build with anything from the APG... :)

These are the only books I have access to for 2E at the moment, so I’m looking to make this easier on myself to look over character builds.

Dark Archive

I am interested in trying out a Sorcerer so here is

Snag the Shadowcaster:

Character Name: Snag the Shadowcaster
Ancestry & Heritage: Unbreakable Goblin
Background: Fortuneteller
Class: Sorcerer [Shadow] 1
Size: Medium Alignment: N Traits: Goblin, Humanoid
Languages: Common, Goblin

Ability Scores:
Str Mod: 0 Str Score: 10
Dex Mod: 3 Dex Score: 16 [+2 Goblin, +2 Starting, +2 BG]
Con Mod: 2 Con Score: 14 [+2 Goblin, +2 Starting]
Int Mod: 0 Int Score: 10
Wis Mod: 0 Wis Score: 10 [-2 Goblin, +2 Starting]
Cha Mod: 4 Cha Score: 18 [+2 Goblin, +2 Starting, +2 BG, +2 Sorc]

Armor Class

AC = 17 (18 w/Shield) (Dex [3] or Cap[5]) *T*EML + (Item [1])
Unarmored: *T*EML Light: TEML Medium: TEML Heavy: TEML
Shield (+ 1 ) Hardness: 20 Max HP (-)/BT (-) Current HP (-)

Saving Throws
Fortitude: (5) Con [2] + Prof [3] + Item [] *T*EML
Reflex: (6) Dex [3] + Prof [3] + Item [] *T*EML
Will: (5) Wis [0] + Prof [5] + Item [] T*E*ML

Hit Points: Max [18] ; Temporary [] ; Dying [] ; Wounded [] ;
Resistances and Immunities: []
Conditions: []

Perception (Darkvision): [3] Wis[0] + Prof [3]+ *T*EML + Item []

Speed [25] Ft ; Movement Types & Notes: []

Weapon: []= Str [] + Prof [] + TEML + Item []
Dice [] + Str[] + W Spec[] + Other [] + Traits []
Weapon: []= Str [] + Prof [] + TEML + Item []
Dice [] + Str[] BPS + W Spec[] + Other [] + Traits []

Weapon: []= Dex [] + Prof [] + TEML + Item []
Dice [] + Special [] BPS + W Spec[] + Other [] + Traits []
Weapon: []= Dex [] + Prof [] + TEML + Item []
Dice [] + Special [] BPS + W Spec[] + Other [] + Traits []

Weapon Proficiencies
Simple: *T*EML ; Unarmed: *T*EML; Martial: TEML ; Advanced: TEML ; Expert: TEML

Acrobatics: [6]= Dex [3]+ Prof[3] + *T*EML + Item [] - Armor []
Arcana: [0]= Int [0]+ Prof[] + TEML + Item []
Athletics: [0]= Str [0]+ Prof[] + TEML + Item [] - Armor []
Crafting: [0]= Int [0]+ Prof[] + TEML + Item []
Deception: [7]= Cha [4]+ Prof[3] + *T*EML + Item []
Diplomacy: [7]= Cha [4]+ Prof[3] + *T*EML + Item []
Intimidation: [4]= Cha [4]+ Prof[] + TEML + Item []
[Goblin] Lore: [3]= Int [0]+ Prof[3] + *T*EML + Item []
[Fortune Telling] Lore: [3]= Int [0]+ Prof[3] + *T*EML + Item []
Medicine: [0]= Int [0]+ Prof[0] + TEML + Item [1]
Nature: [3]= Int [0]+ Prof [3] + *T*EML + Item []
Occultism: [3]= Int [0]+ Prof [3] + *T*EML + Item []
Performance: [0]= Int [0]+ Prof [0] + TEML + Item []
Religion: [0]= Int [0]+ Prof[0] + TEML + Item []
Society: [0]= Int [0]+ Prof[0] + TEML + Item []
Stealth: [6]= Dex [3]+ Prof [3] + *T*EML + Item [] - Armor []
Survival: [0]= Int [0]+ Prof [0] + TEML + Item []
Thievery: [3]= Dex [3]+ Prof [0] + TEML + Item [] - Armor []

Ancestry Feats and Abilities
Heritage 1st: Unbroken
Feat 1st: Goblin Lore

Skill Feats:
Background: Oddity Identification [You have a sense for spells that twist minds or reveal secrets. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Occultism checks to Identify Magic with the mental, possession, prediction, or scrying traits. ]

General Feats:

Class Feats and Abilities:
Feature 1st: Sorcerer Spellcasting/ Spell repertoire
Feature 1st: Blood Magic: [Shadows grow deeper around you or one target, either granting a +1 status bonus to Stealth or imposing a –1 status penalty to Perception for 1 round. ]
Feat 1st: Reach Spell [Increase a spells range by 30 ft.]

Bonus Feats:

Bulk [] ; Encumbered [] = 5 + Str[] ; Maximum []= 10 + Str[]
CP: ; SP: ; GP: ; PP:
Spell Attack Roll: [7]=Key [4] + Prof [3] + *T*EML
Spell DC: [17]= 10+ Key [4] + Prof [3] + *T*EML
Magic Tradition: Occult
Cantrips (5):Chill Touch (S), Daze, Detect Magic, Shield, Telekinetic Projectile
Innate Spell:
Focus Spells: Dim the Light [Focus 1]
L 1 (3): Grim Tendrils (S), Mage Armor, Bane

Snag is a goblin whose clan shaman saw the sorcerous spark in him. The shaman took him as an apprentice and began to teach Snag the ways of Occult magic. Snag quickly took on the early lessons and grew arrogant in his near infinite magical might. To calm his apprentice down the Shaman decided to show Snag the true power of Shadow magic. In the process things went awry and Snag was sucked into a Shadow portal that flung him across Golarion. The portal streaked through the darkness of night until it hit the morning light and ruptured around Snag who found himself on a hill overlooking Otari. Thanking the gods that he was an Unbreakable Goblin, Snag stood up and dusted himself off. He then set off to Otari to figure out where he was and to decide if it was a good idea to return to his village or suicidal to go back to learning from the Shaman.

Malinor. wrote:
I am interested in trying out a Sorcerer so here is ** spoiler omitted **...

What item gives you +1 to AC?

Everything looks good for your character. Change Performance skill to +4 because that skill is Charisma based not Intelligence and I need to know what item gives you a +1 to AC. You also have 15 gold to buy weapons and gear. Thanks

Dark Archive

I will always have Mage Armor up. It gives +1 AC. I can also get a bonus from the Shield if I use the single action.

Malinor. wrote:
I will always have Mage Armor up. It gives +1 AC. I can also get a bonus from the Shield if I use the single action.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

As it stands we have 2 tank characters and 2 magic Users. lol!

I used Pathbuilder to plug in information on Malinors' character and it worked great. I was able to find the one error that he had which was minor and that's what I'm going to use to track PCs. It was a very cheap app on my chromebook and it looks great with 2 different sheet layouts. one looks just like a professional sheet the other is a stat block layout.

This is Redblade8, I decided instead of hauling one of my characters halfway across the continent, I'd pull in someone closer to Otari.

Badhru is a man Friday/apprentice to a PI in Absalom by the name of Woodrose. One of Badhru's recurring tasks for the past few months has been travel to and from Otari, conveying correspondence between Woodrose and a woman named Wrin Sivinxi. Dhru's been unable to sneak a peek at any of their letters, and while the elf woman has been fairly civil to him, she's been as tight lipped as the old man about what they're doing...

Dhru will be a half-orc Rogue, in all likelihood a Scoundrel. I'm working on putting him together in HL and I'll update as soon as I can (so disregard anything in the profile right now, please; this post is mostly just declaration of intent).

Januaryfrost1971 wrote:

As it stands we have 2 tank characters and 2 magic Users. lol!

I used Pathbuilder to plug in information on Malinors' character and it worked great. I was able to find the one error that he had which was minor and that's what I'm going to use to track PCs. It was a very cheap app on my chromebook and it looks great with 2 different sheet layouts. one looks just like a professional sheet the other is a stat block layout.

I paid for the web version and I really like it. I do have HeroLab also, but the planning feature of Pathbuilder is really strong.

It could be interesting to make an astrologer cleric for this.

Verdant Wheel

I'd like to submit Hammid for application - a Desert Elf Ruin Delver Cleric / Archeologist - I have added his "Abomination Vaults Backstory" in housed spoiler.

Mechanically, Hammid should play a bit like Kyra plus Merisiel, leaning fully into the Ancestral Longevity chain of elven feats for Recalling Knowledge. Personality wise, he will probably start off as guarded, being over a century old, but will readily share the love of "shedding light" on ancient knowledge as the party plumbs to the depths of the Abomination Vaults! In terms of Deity, I was thinking the Cosmic Caravan depicted in the Player's Guide. If selected, I would make the minor changes to this Alias (Background, Deity, Level) and house his "PFS Identity" in another Alias until such a time as the campaign concludes.

Immediate feedback: I like your Hero Point Plan, and will probably steal the idea!

Good luck folks!

Sadly, I've got some housework to do today, but should have an Alias and build up by tomorrow. I will be doing with a Seer Elf Wizard, Spell Blending Evoker. I will be picking up the Witch Dedication at 2nd with the Curse Patron ... using, Everhart my Witch slots fir utility, as I blend my wizard slots for higher level blasting spells.

I'm not super familiar with casters but the concept sounds fun to me!

OK I've got Badhru's stats updated to a 2e level 1 Rogue. I'm definitely going to tweak the layout of this stuff, even if I leave the crunch as is, but in a pinch, he's ready to go!

There are a couple of GM's Guide pieces I didn't see here:
using the Free Archtype option
using Ancestral Paragon

For me, I would confirm my interest if we were using the Paragon rules, and I do like the Free Archtype rule, but I'm not married to it.

Evindyl wrote:

There are a couple of GM's Guide pieces I didn't see here:

using the Free Archtype option
using Ancestral Paragon

For me, I would confirm my interest if we were using the Paragon rules, and I do like the Free Archtype rule, but I'm not married to it.

I wish not to use the Ancestral Paragon option.

For what my two cents might be worth as an applicant, I'd be fine not bothering with Free Archetype either.

Grand Lodge

So it looks like you have a cleric, fighter, rogue and sorcerer already applying. Therefore, I will throw my hat in the ring as a bard.

How do you feel about Tengu? For some reason, I just keep picturing my bard as a hardened version of the singing rooster from the animated Robin Hood movie. I am certainly not tied to it, though.

In any case, I am thinking of a strong connection to Wrin Sivinxi, either a confidant or drinking buddy, as well as a follower of the Cosmic Caravan. But were Wrin is claustrophobic, my Tengu would be more of a spelunker. Sort of an opposites-attract connection.

I'll work up something today, but please let me know if Tengu is not your cup of tea, because this concept would work easily as a halflingm, gnome or elf as well.

As stated previously, I should have my Wizard completed this afternoon. Currently he's a Kyonin agent, in the area to study, or protect, elven relics,or elf gate ruins in the area.

PJP wrote:
How do you feel about Tengu? For some reason, I just keep picturing my bard as a hardened version of the singing rooster from the animated Robin Hood movie. I am certainly not tied to it, though.

Thirty-ish years ago, I was running a supers RPG in which I had a "black ops chicken" who was basically Foghorn Leghorn pulling the Punisher's schtick, so this is me not throwing stones! :D

PJP wrote:

So it looks like you have a cleric, fighter, rogue and sorcerer already applying. Therefore, I will throw my hat in the ring as a bard.

How do you feel about Tengu? For some reason, I just keep picturing my bard as a hardened version of the singing rooster from the animated Robin Hood movie. I am certainly not tied to it, though.

In any case, I am thinking of a strong connection to Wrin Sivinxi, either a confidant or drinking buddy, as well as a follower of the Cosmic Caravan. But were Wrin is claustrophobic, my Tengu would be more of a spelunker. Sort of an opposites-attract connection.

I'll work up something today, but please let me know if Tengu is not your cup of tea, because this concept would work easily as a halflingm, gnome or elf as well.

I don't mind odd races.

Badhru wrote:
For what my two cents might be worth as an applicant, I'd be fine not bothering with Free Archetype either.

After reading about archetypes, lets not use those.

Januaryfrost1971 wrote:
Evindyl wrote:

There are a couple of GM's Guide pieces I didn't see here:

using the Free Archtype option
using Ancestral Paragon

For me, I would confirm my interest if we were using the Paragon rules, and I do like the Free Archtype rule, but I'm not married to it.

I wish not to use the Ancestral Paragon option.

I think both varients were added later when they realized that Feat segregation was cutting off access to the flavor a player might want. There isn't like total feat crossover like there is in 1e ... so if you want a character who is REALLY Elven or REALLY Sylphy, you're pretty much out of luck.

Likewise, Free Archtype allows for the development of Multi-Class characters ... without degrading the primary.

Let us take a poll. Who would like to use the archetype rules? I am new to 2E. Running a PbP will make it easier to learn as we get into the campaign.

Verdant Wheel

Since you asked, I actually prefer Ancestry Paragon over Free Archtype, and am open to doing both, one, or neither; it doesn't change my submission either way.

Reasoning: For nearly every PFS character I have, I usually end up using my 3rd level General Feat slot to pick up another Ancestry feat, because, well, they are so cool and thematic.

Imho, both of them improve character capability along a horizontal power line (versatility) than a vertical power line (specialization), which is another good thing going for them (and probably why the guide suggests considering them for this campaign).

rainzax wrote:

Since you asked, I actually prefer Ancestry Paragon over Free Archtype, and am open to doing both, one, or neither; it doesn't change my submission either way.

Reasoning: For nearly every PFS character I have, I usually end up using my 3rd level General Feat slot to pick up another Ancestry feat, because, well, they are so cool and thematic.

Imho, both of them improve character capability along a horizontal power line (versatility) than a vertical power line (specialization), which is another good thing going for them (and probably why the guide suggests considering them for this campaign).

THIS! I echo the 3rd level choice as well, because you are allowed to choose another Ancestry Feat even if it is 1st level only.

Also, while it dilutes your primary class, Archtype choices are otherwise available; Ancestry Feats are not. Other than the 3rd level feat choice, there are no other crossovers selectable.

With that said, I will also say, it is a huge deficit of some character builders in that it isn't implemented. With all the love that I have for Pathbuilder, it sucks not to be able to switch on the Ancestry rules. Thankfully, I have HeroLab as well, so I can build a character with both varients active. (Anyone who wants to see, we can Zoom or something)

Dark Archive

I have no idea on this, but assuming there is no huge balance concerns I think it is good to let people play with random toys.

Evindyl wrote:
rainzax wrote:

Since you asked, I actually prefer Ancestry Paragon over Free Archtype, and am open to doing both, one, or neither; it doesn't change my submission either way.

Reasoning: For nearly every PFS character I have, I usually end up using my 3rd level General Feat slot to pick up another Ancestry feat, because, well, they are so cool and thematic.

Imho, both of them improve character capability along a horizontal power line (versatility) than a vertical power line (specialization), which is another good thing going for them (and probably why the guide suggests considering them for this campaign).

THIS! I echo the 3rd level choice as well, because you are allowed to choose another Ancestry Feat even if it is 1st level only.

Also, while it dilutes your primary class, Archtype choices are otherwise available; Ancestry Feats are not. Other than the 3rd level feat choice, there are no other crossovers selectable.

With that said, I will also say, it is a huge deficit of some character builders in that it isn't implemented. With all the love that I have for Pathbuilder, it sucks not to be able to switch on the Ancestry rules. Thankfully, I have HeroLab as well, so I can build a character with both varients active. (Anyone who wants to see, we can Zoom or something)

Did you check all the options available after you open the loaded the character

Januaryfrost1971 wrote:
Evindyl wrote:
rainzax wrote:

Since you asked, I actually prefer Ancestry Paragon over Free Archtype, and am open to doing both, one, or neither; it doesn't change my submission either way.

Reasoning: For nearly every PFS character I have, I usually end up using my 3rd level General Feat slot to pick up another Ancestry feat, because, well, they are so cool and thematic.

Imho, both of them improve character capability along a horizontal power line (versatility) than a vertical power line (specialization), which is another good thing going for them (and probably why the guide suggests considering them for this campaign).

THIS! I echo the 3rd level choice as well, because you are allowed to choose another Ancestry Feat even if it is 1st level only.

Also, while it dilutes your primary class, Archtype choices are otherwise available; Ancestry Feats are not. Other than the 3rd level feat choice, there are no other crossovers selectable.

With that said, I will also say, it is a huge deficit of some character builders in that it isn't implemented. With all the love that I have for Pathbuilder, it sucks not to be able to switch on the Ancestry rules. Thankfully, I have HeroLab as well, so I can build a character with both varients active. (Anyone who wants to see, we can Zoom or something)

Did you check all the options available after you open the loaded the character

Absolutely. Like I said, in Pathbuilder, it just isn't there yet. A lot of things aren't. HeroLab has almost everything (if you are willing to pay for it)

I’ve spent plenty in the last couple months. Another pc builder i cant do

If we're not going "vanilla", I like Rainzax's suggestion of using Ancestry Paragon rules. Like him it won't change my application.

Here is PJP's submission - a Tengu Bard. I am still working on the full backstory, but basically Akka-Dak (Dak for short) is a wandering mistral in search of adventure as muses to write great songs. He settled into Otari for now, having met Wrin Sivinxi who became a fast friend. The two spend hours drinking and looking up at the stars, pontificating over the world's grand plan. Lately, though, Dak has become restless and if something interesting doesn't happen soon, it will be time to move on.

If the material is in the books i listen go ahead. Malinor didn’t have any problems making his character so there are 4 opens spots left.

I'm afraid I'll have to withdraw from consideration.

I'm running lots of Starfinder right now, both on these boards and with a home group. It wouldn't be fair for me to add something new right now.

I really am hoping to play some PF2 soon. Perhaps in a couple of months.

Januaryfrost1971 wrote:
If the material is in the books i listen go ahead. Malinor didn’t have any problems making his character so there are 4 opens spots left.

Lol listed not listen. I need to sleep more.

Recruitment ends at midnight est on the 1st

I'm uncertain if recruitment is still valid (kind of depends on your timezone!).

I would like to put forth an Alchemist. I haven't made an Alias as of yet-trying to figure out if I can repurpose an old one from a dead pbp. Or a way to "retire" them. As its annoying to have so many alias options when I've posted via phone during work lunch.

I've put in a spoiler a backstory. Though It still needs editing. It may also need some editing depending on level (backstory assumes I had Pathfinder Agent archetype).
I'm figuring PC could be around due to Wrin having previous history with his mother. Wren visiting being on a list of "people to meet" while on his trip. Name may alter if I end up repurposing a previous Alias. The pathfinder agent archetype isn't specifically required. I just like it's ability to give attempting most skill things and Thorough Reports feat fits the Beastiry of Flavors concept well.

TLDR version::
PC is a book obsessed person, whose also trying to write a Beastiary of his own to submit to the Records of the Society (and libraries in general). He's researching creatures-ecology, biology...and taste. He'll try eating just about anything once to add to his knowledge notes.

Mechanically, Alchemist bomber field study. Focusing on debuffs or weakness targeting. If GM allowance, he'll also be using the Aid Action to provide support via thrown darts/shurikens. (Aid rule does not require melee but does state its usually melee but its up to GMs). Patfhinder Agent archetype would be wanted-as this allows him to attempt many things even if he's not fantastic at it. I love gapfil characters.

Ancestral human to snag shuriken proficency, and later on (if later on happens) the human Aid feats to help ascertain that effectiveness of choice for the character.

Alchemist base class. but Pathfinder Agent is a multiclass I like the idea of. As is Snarecrafter if Pathfinder Agent doesn't really suit the game's storyline or mechanics.

me as a player:

Howdy. I've not played much 2E previously, mainly in the playtest era and some one shots after. I do want to retry Alchemist. WHich was the one I liked the most. I'm looking at re-making my playtest/early games style of character using what is more available now post erattas.
I currently do have 2 PbP games I play in.
I tend to build for being a sidekick or secondary character type.
I'm not entirely certain what I should list here. Been a while since I applied to a game.

Backstory. Long:

Age 23 6’1” 210lbs

Fuse Fowl (Real name Foster Emu; but he avidly avoids anyone ever knowing that) aspires to be a member of the Pathfinder Society. However, his goals are not to see the world, nor is it for a life of adventure. No. Fuse’s goals are rather simple. He wants access to the Pathfinder Society’s vast collection of books. Fuse is obsessed with two things in this world. Books and good food/drink to go with reading. Fuse wants to use the society to gain access to their library, and various kingdom’s libraries using the society’s name. It is a windfall that some of the adventures and assignments for the Society occasionally involve uncovering forbidden books or lost tomes.

Foster grew up in his parent’s Atelier shop; which was well known to those in the know; yet it was not the kind of shop that only catered to the powerful. The owner was a kind Elf; despite the fact she could make a great deal of money if she worked for a kingdom she instead loved her little shop. Whether it was someone powerful, or just a mother looking for medicine for her child--she would always price it accordingly. She had run the shop for many years; being a member of a long lived race. As for his father, he was a powerful Hunter, who specialized in gathering the materials with his mother. Foster grew up hearing stories of their previous travels and works, as well as how they had met. His mother had saved his father from a sickness when he was young and he decided he wanted to help her. He became a strong hunter. He showed up at her shop as a young adult. and became her personal hunter for her supplies for her shop.
Over the years they became closer; until one day during their gathering missions he revealed a power neither of them knew. Abombable strength, not like that of a human, further he remembered non of the battle. It was quite problematic; he had a cursed item within his body, a deep strong curse. It gathered power-at the cost of will and emotion. Ultimately it would turn the Hunter into something emotionless, will-less, possessing great power. In effect it would kill him and leave a powerful slave husk.
It took them years to overcome it; the mastermind having seeded children throughout the land with cursed items in their youth; most died, some lived but never awoke their power-simply living a pointless life, while emotions and will slowly evaporated from their lives. The mastermind being a deamon summoned by a cult it had promptly killed; it enslaved and abused the wish granting powers of Genies as well as its own deamonic power to create the items; as part of a long running scheme done out of boredom.
Together they prevailed; the result of it was he became stronger; and they created their own cursed item; which curse was to consume other curses-in effect it was used to negate the curse; resulting in both curses' purification and the energy that was too much of a burden on the Hunter was gathered and sealed within a ring by the thankful and freed supernatural creatures.

They eventually had a child, Foster , though he became more known as Fuse(Fo-us; originally “fuse” like gunpowder but he adapted it) as a result of his fiery hair in his youth. He idolized his parents; his mother a long lived master in spellcraft; specializing in enchanting items, and alchemy. His father, the strongest person he's ever seen-wielding a blade of silly size, yet swinging it without much effort. He wanted to be like them.
They of course had worries--but it was in effect a family business at this point. So, he learned, quite happily. While he didn't compare to either of his parents-he still had talent in it. He wasn't great at magic, nor was he amazing with weapons. But he could do a little of each; what he was good at was alchemy and the enchanting.

While not as skillful in combat, he became proficient and would go with his parent’s jobs or watch the shop performing minor enchantments, alchemy and medicine to patrons. He is proud to be the child of his parents and loves the idea of combining the Blade with Alchemy and Enchantments to create his own style-to truly take after both without leaving either parent’s teachings behind. Like his parents, he loves his research, and he loves to help patrons.

His father-while still strong, is growing older. Thus the child began to take on more of the material gathering, wanting his parents to relax and enjoy life more oft. Though his parents had a different plan; they both have seen the world-with the shop and without. They want him to go on a journey for a few years while he’s young. See the world, find where he truly fits-in a shop like this, or elsewhere.

The first stop he had, was to take a family friend’s advice-Join the Pathfinder Society. It will offer access to books he’s never read, while giving him the means to travel the world on a grander scale. Fuse met Ilyaria while working towards this goal. Both share the goal of entering Pathfinder Society, Ilyaria was one of those who showed Fuse his limitations, and where his place is. Filling the gaps that others show, excel in improving others. Ilyaria proved more skilled in combat and alchemy than Fuse, which spurred on his work ethic. Since they both share a passion for knowledge, and partially overlapping goals, they have worked together on occasion. Fuse wanting books, and Ilyaria wanting knowledge and alchemy.

They both worked together to join the Society, as well as performing the first steps together. Investigating a few small mysteries around the city of Absolom. The various different small events testing the potentials. Over the next several years they worked small, or large tasks as needed. Typically they preferred to work together when possible. Ultimately they graduated due in part to an incidental occurrence.

Eventually due to the difference in their goals and skills, they work together less and less. Yet they remain in contact, often through letters left at the home station, or through letters sent within the Society. On occasion they will both make a trip back to Fuse’s family’s shop. Ilyaria is most likely the only person he’s told his real name to since departing from his shop. To everyone else, and any paperworks he’s referred to himself as Fuse Fowl.

Growing up, Fuse never had the talent for combat, nor magic, what he was good at was simply reading and following directions. To this end, what he became skilled at was effects that one could read about. Languages, alchemical items, and the like. Fuse is better with books than he is with people, but he’s learned to deal with people, finding that life goes easier if he cooks them a fine meal once in a while as a bribe.
Because Fuse had no real talent for the physical combat, in the pursuit of finding something he ~could~ do he learned how to do many things passably. Fuse favors thrown weaponry because he fears being hurt. Carrying a knife is a matter of practicality for Fuse, it is highly useful, but he can use the tanto knife in a pinch. As a matter of course, he learned how to fling his alchemical bombs he creates, often using them as supports for his strange hodgepodge style of combat. Because his instructors have all told him he is subpar but passable at the various combat styles he has tried, Fuse concluded that he is better off attempting to support another and help open up the enemies defenses or bolster his allies when team battle occurs. Fuse prefers to have the right tool and method for the job, bringing many fractured and incomplete combat points together into his own strange style, that mysteriously seems to have gotten him this far.

Fuse sometimes loses confidence in himself, he knows his limitations and accepts them for what they are. Even if he isn’t confident, all he can do is his best and live with the results. He has tried to live a straight and narrow life. Fuse has some trouble with associating with people on a personal level and prefers to keep most people at arms length with a business personality. Fuse has no god he follows in particular, and is the type who doesn’t really think about things like that often, as the “now” is full of enough he has to handle.
Hobbies include: reading, learning new tool uses and ideas he can work into his style, and cooking. He loves cooking strange dishes, or using alchemical reagents to make unique meals. The only time he really feels like he connects to people is discussing books, or seeing their smile from his cooking.
Fuse is currently working on creating his own Bestiary. He’s aiming to write his own book concerning the myriad of creatures in the world. Their ecology, weakness, strength-and absolutely how they taste. He plans to cook most things and eating it at least once. Although that will (Generally) not involve sentient creatures given how horrible that is.

Fuse has heterochromatic eyes of light fuschia and Dark deep purple,long brown-red hair, with a purple ribbon flowing down the back. Due to his upbringing, he often wears lightly fortified formal clothing, neck tie, a vest with many pockets, and long sleeve shirt. Over this he wears a lightly fortified long duster jacket (padded armour). Fuse wears glasses from time to time, although no one knows if they are real or not. With how inconsistent he wears them. However, the formal attired does not continue to his footwear, which are of appropriate traveling durable sort.
Fuse’s armaments are placed strategically around his body. He carries two sheaths for his dagger, on within the left side of his duster, and the other scout-carry placed on his lower back. Darts are placed in various easily accessible spots. Item pouches line his belt, along with a satchel built to hold his variety of Alchemical Tools safely, and a backpack for his travel supplies

Dhruva Ven

Dhruva is an Otari native of Varisian descent. She has a natural curiosity and a love of the wilderness, but her hopes of adventuring far afield are tempered by the need to stay near the town and support her sick mother, the only family she has left. As a compromise, she makes their living as a wilderness guide, tracker and hunter, often helping the town’s lumberjacks navigate safely as they delve ever deeper into the dense forest surrounding Otari. Along with her faithful hound Georgina, she enjoys taking the opportunity to explore the ruins and caves around Otari, looking for valuable treasures or interesting stories. This interest has naturally drawn her towards Wrin Sivinxi, hoping for tales of exotic lands and magic.

Dhruva is enthusiastic and kind but awkward, getting along better with animals than people and preferring long periods of solitude over lots of interpersonal interaction.

Mechanical stuff:

Ancestry: Human
Heritage: Versatile (General Feat: Fast Recovery)
Ancestry Feats: Natural Ambition, Cooperative Nature (if we’re playing with Ancestry Paragon)

Background: Scout
Skills: Survival, Forest Lore
Skill Feat: Forager

Class: Ranger
Hunter’s Edge: Precision
Class Feats: Animal Companion, Crossbow Ace

Stats: 10 Str / 18 Dex / 14 Con / 12 Int / 14 Wis / 10 Cha

Trained Skills: Survival, Nature, Animal Handling, Stealth, Diplomacy, Medicine, Occultism

Equipment: Leather armor (2 gp, 1 Bulk), explorer’s clothes (1 sp, L Bulk), dagger (2 sp), adventurer’s pack (1 gp 5 sp, 1 Bulk), buckler (1 gp, L Bulk), crossbow (3 gp, 1 Bulk) + 20 bolts (2 sp, 2L Bulk), healer’s tools (5 gp, 1 Bulk)
Bulk: 4.4/10

HP: 20
AC: 18
Perception: +7
Saves: Fort +7, Reflex +9, Will +5

Animal Companion: Georgina, Dog (uses Wolf statblock)

About the player:

I'm a 27 year old grad student, I've been playing/running PF2 for a little bit, my experience before that is mostly D&D 5e and PBTA games. I use they/them pronouns.

Can't edit anymore but I just want to add that the character is 20 years old, and speaks Common, Varisian and Elven. Also I think I'll switch out Diplomacy for Athletics.

My picks for this campaign unless someone WOWS me last minute are

Snag the Shadowcaster - goblin/wizard
Badrhu - half-orc/rogue
Akka Dak - tengu/bard
Hammid - desert elf/cleric
Dhruva - human/ranger

Although there isn't a tank role in here, I believe there will be items presented to the group to help you through. some items I can replace with healing potions, but we'll see how it goes.

@Januaryfrost1971 Work was busy this week and I didn't get an opportunity to get my submission together until last night, so here it is in full, however, it is submitted after the deadline so I understand if you don't want to accept it, but I figured I would try regardless ...

It actually ended up being a Barbarian, I couldn't wrap my head around a good concept for the originally proposed wizard.

Allow me to introduce Jhereg Draegaran, former servitor of Asuulek

Jhereg is a short, broad shouldered man of Osirion descent, born on the slopes of Asuulek's Mouth in the far west of that nation. His skin has been bronzed from a youth spent in proximity to the lake of magma in which his clan's lord and regent, Asuulek, slumbers. Trained as a warrior and protector of the great & terrible dragon, his body is hard slabs of muscle and scar tissue, tattooed with draconic runes marking him as property of Asuulek, the rune wrapping across his shoulders, over his biceps and chest, encircling his heart and rising up and over his shorn scalp.

He wears dragon scales, shed by the kin of his master, sewn over hard boiled leathers, and embellished with bone and shards meant to emulate the fearsome nature of his former lord. Armed with a quiver of short spears, and a massive maul crafted from bone, iron and wood, in the fashion of a dragon's maw. Jhereg appears a truly brutish and fearsome warrior when in more civilized company.

Jhereg is a loyal, dedicated warrior, fiercely protective of those he loves, or has chosen to call friend. Chief amongst those is his twin sister, Jhegaala, a trained arcanist, and aspiring student of arcane mysteries. While not as gifted as his twin in the arcane arts, Jhereg is possessed of an intense curiosity, often picking up and studying delicate objects, studying their craftsmanship. However, given that his calloused hands are more used to wielding weapons of war, those fine objects are often dropped or damaged before his inspection is complete.

Jhereg has long observed nature, both of his tribe, and of the greater world, and he feels that change is a constant. Fire changes wood to ash, water wears stone to dust, and the seasons continue in their cycle, life giving way to death, only to be reborn in a constant stream of change and chaos.

However, having lost his twin to tragedy, there is a center of deep sorrow within the young warrior, a sorrow he does not wish others to observe, nor absolve. He continues to honor Jhegaala, at meals he will set a place for his sister, sharing his food, to appease her spirit, ensure she is remembered, and loved, if by none other than himself. He possesses her fledgling spellbook, and will often communicate with her, by writing his own thoughts, dreams and aspirations within it's pages.

The Draegaran people, subjugated by the ancient red dragon, Asuulek, their very blood infused with the strength of primordial flames, are the protectors of their slumbering Lord. The children are taken from their mothers and fathers at birth, raised by the elders of the caste into which they were born, speaker, sage or slayer. However, Jhereg and his sister, Jhegaala, shared the same womb, and so felt a kinship for one another despite the customs of their people. So it was that they came to know one another, to love one another, as brother and sister, in a manner frowned upon by their clan. It was felt this familial love would overcome their loyalty to Asuulek, and doom the clan to ash and flame. Knowing this, Jhereg and Jhegaala continued to meet in secret, sharing the details of one another's lives, their hopes, their dreams, their desires.

As the twins entered their fifteenth summer, the clan was visited by a scholar, Abiyombe, a representative of the Arcanamirium, so wide spread was that academy's fame, that the people of the Draegaran allowed him to remain with them for a season. During that time, the meetings between Jhereg and Jhegaala became less frequent, so intent was she at learning from the Arcanamirium scholar that she ignored her brother. However, the times they did meet, Jhereg was overjoyed at the excitement and passion within his sister, as she, finally, found opportunity to learn from someone outside the Draegaran. Abiyombe, however, was sequestered with the scholars, so his outside views would not distract the slayers, or the speakers, with his heretical ways. In time, the emissary offered the young Jhegaala sponsorship at the academy in Absalom, while she wished nothing more than to leave, she needed to speak of her desire with her brother, and so she met with him leaving Abiyombe for a time.

Together the twins decided that they would leave the Draegaran, to escape the oppressive servitude that they had been born to, to travel to new places, to meet new people, and to study under the most prestigious of instructors at the academy. And they would do it together, however, when Jhegaala returned to the scholar's lodge, she found that the elder's had learned of Abiyombe's heretical offer to remove the children of Draegaran from their clan's solemn duty to Assulek. To protect their clan, the elder's assaulted the emissary, when Abiyombe, wounded, saw the twins return, he knew, full well, what had happened. Pressing a note of sponsorship into Jhegaala's hands, he erected a magical barrier, buying the twins time to flee for the Inner Sea, there to travel to the seat of civilization, Absalom itself.

The twins fled as Abiyombe's barrier fell, his life buying their own. For a fortnight they fled, evading Draegaran slayers and scouting parties, both through Jhereg's familiarity with his brethren's tactics, and through Jhegalaa's growing arcane powers. Over the next year, the pair made their way, on foot, across Osirion, Both marveled at the sights and sounds of the wider world, the taste of fruits, fresh and suit, compared to the ashen colors of their home and tasteless tubers that they grew up on.

However, the Draegaran had not given up pursuit of their corrupted children, so fanatical were they in their service to their terrible master, Asuulek. The slayers stalked the heretics, and dogged their heels, the twins never staying in one place too long, for fear that the slayers would kill those that the twins hoped to befriend. As they closed to their goal, less than a month away, an obsidian dart pierced Jhegalaa's thigh, infused with wyrmblood ichor, it's poison ran through her. Untrained in the healing arts, Jhereg could only watch in horror as the poison coursed through his sister, robing her, first, of mobility, then of the strength to even breath, until she died in his arms. After a night of mourning, he wrapped her body in leathers, and carried her to the boat himself, where he petitioned the captain for travel to the Isle of Kortos and Absalom itself.

On arrival in Absalom, he was turned back from the halls of the Arcanamirium, the youth was no scholar, and had no aptitude in the arcane arts, and his sister's loss, while tragic, was none of their concern. Still possessed of his sisters remains, he grew increasingly disoriented in the metropolis, and sought refuge in the wilds, eventually settling in Otari, a rural lumber town. It was there he met Vandy Banderdash, who, mortified at Jhereg's story, helped him inter his sister's remains. He has stayed in Otari, aiding the wood gatherer's where he can, and honoring his sister, by allowing himself to become tutored in reading and literacy by the Dawnflower's librarian, Banderdash herself.

If Jhereg can help round at the group as a large piece of meat between them and the big bad I would be honored, if not, it is after the submission deadline and I totally understand as well.

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