DM Carbide |
When chosen, please provide the usual information:
Player Name:
Character Name:
OP Number:
Slotted Faction:
Day Job (if any):
Any other slotted boons:
Gava Son of Emer |
Player Name: The Ragi
Character Name: Gava
OP Number: 291669-706
Slotted Faction: Wayfinders
Day Job (if any): Profession (herbalist): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (16) + 11 = 27
Any other slotted boons: Nothing useful
Sturmvanger |
Player Name: EbonFist
Character Name: Sturmvanger
OP Number: 143948-705
Slotted Faction: Wayfinders
Day Job (if any): None
Any other slotted boons: Honorbound Allies
Sturmvanger's dragonkin Partner Bond is with Seggas. It provides the following benefits -
A dragonkin and its partner can communicate with each other as if they both had telepathy with a range of 100 feet. In combat, when a dragonkin is within 30 feet of its partner, both creatures roll initiative checks separately and treat the higher result as the result for both of them.
K'ssatak-Sul |
I'd like to participate if there are still available seats.
Player Name: ‘Eκάτη
Character Name: K'ssatak-Sul
OP Number: 342384-703
Slotted Faction: Exo-Guardians
Day Job (if any): -
Any other slotted boons: -
Amy Mercury |
Player Name: Keith Smith
Character Name: Amy Mercury
OP Number: 124312-18
Slotted Faction: Dataphiles
Day Job (if any):
Any other slotted boons: Yaraesae's Wisdom (Social), Dream Whispers (Ally)
DM Carbide |
K'ssatak-Sul, I have six signed up on the list--I'll put you on the waiting list in case one of the six can't join.
Darkrunner-42 |
Player Name PaleDim
Character Name DarkRunner-42
OP Number 272301-701
Slotted Faction Dataphiles
Day Job (if any) -
Any other slotted boons TBD
DM Carbide |
Based on your levels, we'll nominally be playing at Tier 1-2.
Seggas Yakan, DVM DMD |
Ahhh Forgot to check in earlier and lost track of this thread!
Player Name: Sedoriku
Character Name: Seggas Yakkan
OP Number: 108507-706
Slotted Faction: Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)
Day Job (if any): "There's not time for a petty day job if you're serious about testing things!"
Any other slotted boons: Depends on if we go into space combat or not.
XperimentalDM |
Still figuring out which character to play. Are we starting ASAP? I have a mechanic 2 that is currently in round 3 of the last fight of 1-16. Or I have mystic 2 more or less ready to go.
Player Name: JAson Schimmel
Character Name:
OP Number: 13332-70X
Slotted Faction:
Day Job (if any):
Any other slotted boons:
DM Carbide |
The way we've been rolling in the 1-16 game, I wouldn't count on wrapping up any time soon. :-( The mystic should be fine, though.
ETA: My daughter and son-in-law are visiting tonight through Saturday morning, and we're going museum crawling tomorrow--posting will hence be scarce.
El'zar Ill Magnificao |
Player Name: JAson Schimmel
Character Name:[b] El'zar Ill Magnifico
[b]OP Number: 13332-705
Slotted Faction: Wayfinders
Day Job (if any): Professions(chef)
Any other slotted boons:
Promotional: Skitter Goblin Shirt
Social: Savior of the Scoured Stars
Slotless: Starfinder Insignia
DM Carbide |
Each of you will have to try to make an impression on the delegate, via a Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate check. Unfortunately, these are independent checks--you can't help each other out with Aid Another.
DM Carbide |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I've been unexpectedly busy with work the past few days, and tomorrow promises to be more of the same. I should be able to get back on track this weekend, though.
Sturmvanger |
Thanks for letting us know, DM!
Hopefully things will slow down and you can get back to what's really important ;-)
DM Carbide |
Work settled down, but I'll be on the road today visiting family. First time since we all got vaccinated.
Sturmvanger |
I'm still pro-mask, mostly because I have a child too young to get vaccinated, but being able to sit with my family for hours at a time without having to wear a mask is definitely nice.
Also, being able to drop my daughter off at the in-laws for a sleepover, again is very nice.
Seggas Yakan, DVM DMD |
I'm still waiting for the country I live in to get it in gear and offer vaccines to the general public.
Darkrunner-42 |
This is an FYI that I'll be away this coming weekend, 6/12-13, with no access to computers or phone signal. I should be able to resume Sunday evening (US/Pacific time). Given that it's a weekend I expect minimal disruption.
DM Carbide |
Thanks for the FYI.
Sturmvanger |
Same here. I'll actually be out starting the 11th. Hopefully, being the weekend it won't be a big deal.
DM Carbide |
It shouldn't; I'm going to be tied up most of Saturday anyway.
DM Carbide |
And we're done! Thank you all for playing, I hope you enjoyed the game (I certainly did--nice jobs, all), and I'll get the chronicles out in the next day or so.
Gava Son of Emer |
Profession (herbalist): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (13) + 11 = 24
I'll help myself to these 48 extra credits.
DM Carbide |
Gava, you already rolled your day job and got 54 credits. I'd take the first roll if I were you....
Gava Son of Emer |
Gava, you already rolled your day job and got 54 credits. I'd take the first roll if I were you....
That's wise advice, I'll take it. xD
DM Carbide |
Chronicle sheets!
Let me know once you have the chronicle, and if I made any mistakes. Once you all have yours I'll set the campaign inactive.
ETA: Hey, this was my 36,000th post to the boards!
DM Carbide |
That's weird. It should've been "anyone with the link." Let me get on that....
ETA: Try it now.
Gava Son of Emer |
Access granted!
There's no more fame in SF, we get Achievement Points instead.
Did we get 2 reputation for our factions?
DM Carbide |
You did get 2 Reputation for your slotted faction, yes. I reported the results today as well.
ETA: The switch to APs was as of 5/28, and we started the game before that. Do you know if it goes by reporting date or start date?
Also ETA: if you have a chance, check your character sessions to make sure you all got 4 AcP.
Gava Son of Emer |
It's the reporting date that counts, but they are added automatically, so all is good.
Thanks for GMing!
Time to level up this operative!
DM Carbide |
I'm going to set this inactive. The chronicles will continue to be available at the links here; I'm nowhere near my data cap on Google Drive, so it's not a problem.