Dathius |

perception to see who scoffed: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15
sense motive: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24
Looking at the black robed side, Dathius's eyes run from one to the other til they stop at the scoffer. You have something you wish to say or are you just being a buffoon.

Windsworn son of Galan Windborn |

Windsworn senses that the atmosphere is about to sour and steps in before things go awry.
"Calm yourself friend. Having being redirected by another who wears the same robes. It maybe that all of them are the same. For now If it's your intention to take the tests...perhaps it would be better to ask who is available to accept you as an acolyte under them."
Attempted Diplomacy 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8 so much for calming things down....

Dathius |

I know you but little, but I know the past glory of the knights of solomnia. They were well trained and well spoken. Most of them were said to have made sense when giving advice, so I to will forbear for now but I will not forget the sleight. Dathius folds his arms and settles back on his heels waiting. whew thank you solamnia. I about bit of more than I could chew I am sure. My pride always was a downfall they said even for just an urchin from the streets.

Telerin Quenya |

I am sure he meant no disrespect, Master Dalamar. But this is part of the reason I have come to ask the Conclave to help new students and aid to new members and the Order itseld.

Telerin Quenya |

Mistress Coryn Brinefolk, Mistress Jenna, Master Dalamar, members of the Conclave, I ask that a school of study of the wizardly arts in Baelph. Baelph has recently been founded in Southern Ergoth by the remants of the Qualanesti, Kagonesti, and Silvanesti, that survived the War of the Lance and the War of Souls.

Telerin Quenya |

Like the rest of the Ansalon, indeed Krynn, we lost our magic at the end of the Chaos War and have only now begun to rebuild the godly magic that is our heritage. Unlike the diaspora of Silvanesti and Qualanesti, we have a defensible city and community. We only do not have many teachers to foster and teach those touched by the gods of magic. Baelph needs your help. Please send us trained wizards.

Dathius |

Dathius looks from Telerin to the speaker and back. Patience is not my forte! rrrr! wish they would just do something or move the conversation along. he grumbles inside while trying to keephis frustration from his face.

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Finally after gathering firewood and hunting for small game, Anatoli will set up the camp fire to slowly cook some meat and then set up a nice overhead cover for rain and finally just sit down and drink some water and eat some camp fire roasted meat and wait for his friends to be done.

Quantharas Tirmon |

Quantharas also proves to be an able hunter and even has a small axe for chopping firewood and cutting temporary shelter poles.
"Don't know what the wizards would want with me," he opines to Anatoli as the little encampment comes together. "Probably nothing good."
Survival +8, unaffected by difficult terrain in forest.

Cevendyl |

Finally after gathering firewood and hunting for small game, Anatoli will set up the camp fire to slowly cook some meat and then set up a nice overhead cover for rain and finally just sit down and drink some water and eat some camp fire roasted meat and wait for his friends to be done.
Cev casts Prestidigitation and begins to tidy their camp area a little
"Friend Anatoli, please let me know if I can conjure any additional flavor for you. I do not consider myself a cook by any means, but my mother did show me a few tricks. The simple magic really is the stuff of life."

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

As Anatoli sits on a log he looks to Cev and says the fact that you are an ogre changes nothin for me Cev. I appreciate you being honest about it. My folks talked about your people and their role in the upholding of the Goddess through the time when the stars were lost. We are simply friends. Quantharas, glad to have you here too. I have no idea why you were brought here but if you might like to continue on with us we might find purpose together.

Quantharas Tirmon |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Quantharas is quiet during the failed hunt, though he's only too glad to forage some wild onions, roots, and mallow. He brings this back and uses deadwood to make a small pile of sticks in a shallow pit that he digs.
"For as long as I can remember the wizards have always bent the forest to their will. A hint of arrogance. Regardless, we are prisoners now. We must wait for the drama inside of the tower to play out."

Shalafi2412 |

The Conclave listens to the request from Lady Telerin. Mistress Jenna looks at the Head of the White Robes. I believe that we can send a fully initiated elven white robe or two to help the community of Baelph. We have few elven wizards who have passed the Test of High Sorcery, and of those, fewer of the White. We have more who have taken the Black Robes of Nuitari

Shalafi2412 |

The Head of the Black Robes speaks as the Black Robes get angry at this comment. Black Robes are just as accepted as members of this Order and the fact that there are many demonstrate the hypocrisy of the elven people, who call any who do not wear the White dark elves, yet these elves have done much against the minotaurs and goblins and Dark Knights who have conquered lands they would not be able to enter. [/b]

Dathius |

Dathius wants to reply but does so only in his head...pomp from a pomped up fool. I hope I get a chance to study under red. I would struggle with black robes and thier self righteous ness.

Windsworn son of Galan Windborn |

Windsworn knew of what the Black robe spoke.
Despite their reputation during his time on the field he had seen all three orders on the battlefield lending their might and yet the same could be said on the other side.
He wanted to speak but decided strongly against it.
This battle was Lady Telerin's.
Perhaps Dathius would speak up since he was also versed in the mysteries of magic.

Telerin Quenya |

I ask the Conclave to remember the age old traditions of the elven people, we allow only White Robe wizards within in our ranks, just as we only allow clerics of the gods of light to minister to our people, though the Kagonesti revere Chiselv. The elves have lost much, we are doing our best to maintain our civilization with most of our people in diaspora.

Shalafi2412 |

The Mistress of the White Robes agrees That is what we had in mind. I have in mind some of elven wizards that should be able to help you and in doing so help the elven people. Tell me, Lady Telerin would you like to be among this group of wizards to teach?

Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti |

Lady Telerin Quenya may be talented as a wizard but she is not yet strong enough in the Art to even cast a teleport spell, which is why she and her companions had to come across land to get to Wayreth, thus risking her life and theirs. No, the elven people will be better served by more powerful mages, if there are any in the elven members of the Order of the White Robes.

Windsworn son of Galan Windborn |

Windsworn finds that he can bear it no longer and thus speaks out.
"Begging your pardon towards the gathered masters of the Conclave for perhaps speaking out of turn. Lady Telerin Quenya may not be strong enough in the Art in the eyes of some of you yet here she stands whether it be by design or fate but here she stands pleading for her people to receive aid. She has braved and suffered through this journey to plead her case and while I do not understand the minds of Wizards, I do know that Lady Telerin has finally stepped forward to bring to her and it has being answered. Rather then simply being called upon her faults and weaknesses, would the Conclave not see her strengths and potential instead?"
Diplomacy 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14 Why am I even trying diplomacy on this guy. lol

Shalafi2412 |

Jenna takes a look at Windsworn I understand the points you are trying to make, Windsworn, son of Galan Windborn, but the Master of the Renegade Hunters is correct. A mage of sufficient ability and knowledge of the Mystical Arts is needed to teach others. Lady Telerin is indeed talented but she needs to grow in her abilities and magical knowledge. Though I am sure that with time and learning, she may become an excellent Shalafi
basically saying she is not high enough level

Shalafi2412 |

With that sad, the Master of the White Robes looks at Lady Telerin. For now, in lack of a different teacher, until you return to Baelph, the White Robes would ask you to begin tutelage of Dathisus, to help you prepare for the day when you do become a teacher.

Telerin Quenya |

She looks a little stunned and then looks at Coryn and then at Dathius I believe we should ask Dathius if that is what he wants. After all, we respect the free will of others.
Coryn and Telerin look to Dathius.

Dathius |

I would be amendable to anything but the black.Dathius says with a glance at the head of the black robes.

Windsworn son of Galan Windborn |

Windsworn gives a short bow to the Master of White Robes.

Shalafi2412 |

Jenna speaks again Now that that business has taken place and the elves of Baelph's situation, the CoNclave has other business to discuss. You are free to spend some time here in the Tower as our guests. Lady Telerin, as a member of the White Robes, you can wander as you please, the rest we ask that you remain in your rooms, you will be provided for. Dathius, Lady Telerin can accompany you here. You will find in your room that there is appropriate apprentice robes for you.

Dathius |

My thanks go to you Lady Jenna Dathius graciously says with a minor head bow.

Windsworn son of Galan Windborn |

"Is my Oath thus Fulfilled Lady Telerin?" Windsworn turns and bows to the elven wizardress.
"It seems that thy protection is to be handed over to another while I wait within my room."

Telerin Quenya |

She gives the squire a smile. My protection will be for him as a new generation of wizard. Do you think your oath has been fulfilled Winsworn?
she asks as she begins to leave the Hall of Mages.

Shalafi2412 |

A red robed wizard stands at the door ready to show you to another part of the Tower.
As Telerin is a Tested wizard she is given a suite on a higher level while guests are given a room that is would make a room in the home of the Lord of Palanthus look like a shack, hers is still that much nicer.

Windsworn son of Galan Windborn |

Windsworn's brow furrows as he thinks about what he may have meant.
His oath was forced out of him before they started this journey and while he had not intention to forsake it. He was unsure if this was considered an oath fulfilled. With his Knight Master deceased, his studies were limited and in this case he was left with no answer.
Was his Oath Fulfilled as per the Measure or was it merely transferred to another.
The plainsman in him felt like he had being traded to another Owner of his Oath and yet the Knight he was training to be considered that since Lady Telerin did not reply in the positive, His Oath was still in effect. All these because a single elf had seen fit to call upon the Ancient Ritual of giving oath before a court. He was at loss on how to proceed as he returns to his quarters to meditate on this.

Windsworn son of Galan Windborn |

Windsworn considers leaving his quarters to look for the rest of his companions.
He also thinks about getting them some food from the tower as well.
They might be better then what could be found here.

Dathius |

Dathius spend his evening in his room contemplating just what he has gotten himself into.

Cevendyl |

Anatoli picks up a pair of sticks and starts tapping on various logs until he gets a drum set and then starts jamming on the logs
... and the ogre calls his mom and says he's good and has learned everything he needed to learn from the outside world. The End.

Shalafi2412 |

The people who remained outside of the Tower are taken care of with fruits and nuts and berries being provided by Wayreth.
A few days later the group is re-united as there are 4 elven white robes who will transport the group and themselves, complete with spellbooks, components, and various supplies to teach things which wizards should know to Baleph on the wings of teleport spells.