Dragons of the Elven Nations (Inactive)


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Elf ranger 1 NG Init +5 HP 12/12 AC 18/20, touch 15/17, flat-footed 14/16 Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +2; +2 vs. enchantments, Senses +8 Sense Motive +7

Khyber’s eyes narrow a bit.

”Alright, I’ll come and see what all this riddle speak is about.”

Silvanesti evoker 1 HP 8/8, AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10, Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3 Init +3; Senses +6
Shalafi2412 wrote:
Who is the Green Cleric?

The head of the Temple of Branchala. One time considered the highest of the gods to Elves and Kender at lest according to DragonlanceNexus.

Male Human Gesalt Paladin (Faithful Wanderer)/Fighter (Unbreakable) 1 | HP: 13/13| AC: 17(18)/12/15(16)|Init: +2| Perc: +7| Fort: +4| Ref: +2| Will: +2| CMB: +4| CMD: 16| Falchion: +4;2d4+4| Morningstar: +4;1d8+3| Longbow +3;1d8|
Acro:-1|App:+2|Bluff:+3|Clim:+-1| Diplo:+3|Disguise:+3|E.A:-1|H.A:+3|Heal:+0|Inti:+7|K.Pla/Reli:+6|Ling:+2|Ri de:-2|SM:+0|Sleight:=2|Spell:+2|Stealth:+2|Sur:+4|Swim:-1|UMD:+3|

The Squire finds himself in the room and prays.
The Oath and the Measure from old was Immaculate but there had being changes since the last war.

Even then the Knights had recognized that times had changed and to avoid being swept up in the upcoming maelstrom, the knighthood had changed too. If it had not, a plainsman like him would not have a chance of entering even the squires of the Knights of Solamnia.

With that in mind, he retires for the night. His resolve Firmed.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------

The next day, Windsworn is up and checks his gear before seeking audience.

"Greetings and a good morn to your majesties. I have being made aware from a certain Elf named Erystelle that there may be an offer seeking a group to travel out and it may be line with the council's own. I am here to ask if this is true and if it's the council's wish that I join and lend my sword arm to this endeavor." He bows and steps back as sign of respect as he waits for them to deliberate and inform him of their decision.

Male Silvanesti Elf Wizard (5)/Wizard of High Sorcery (10)/Archmage (5)

The elven court listens to the squire. Windsworn, we would ask that you would help to escort our head wizardress to the Tower of High Sorcery at Wayreth. She will have to travel near Qualanesti, which has been taken over by goblins and dark knights. She is not powerful enough to teleport to the Tower. Of course, this would of course be up to you but it would be a great help to us the speaker says.

Dark Archive

male Human Oracle 8 (divine herbalist-life mystery) 75 hp max, +6 f, +6 r, +8 w, perc +19, init +7

Anatoli will go down and have breakfast at the inn and then go to the stables and grab Bill and his cart and go to the market square early and wait for the Alchemist to show up so he can bring him to court.

Male Silvanesti Elf Wizard (5)/Wizard of High Sorcery (10)/Archmage (5)

What is everyone else doing?

Male Human Gesalt Paladin (Faithful Wanderer)/Fighter (Unbreakable) 1 | HP: 13/13| AC: 17(18)/12/15(16)|Init: +2| Perc: +7| Fort: +4| Ref: +2| Will: +2| CMB: +4| CMD: 16| Falchion: +4;2d4+4| Morningstar: +4;1d8+3| Longbow +3;1d8|
Acro:-1|App:+2|Bluff:+3|Clim:+-1| Diplo:+3|Disguise:+3|E.A:-1|H.A:+3|Heal:+0|Inti:+7|K.Pla/Reli:+6|Ling:+2|Ri de:-2|SM:+0|Sleight:=2|Spell:+2|Stealth:+2|Sur:+4|Swim:-1|UMD:+3|

Windsworn listens as the court in a subtle way tells him that his services are not currently needed in court. He takes the opening and excuses himself with a polite bow once more.

"This Squire will take your request and escort your Head Wizardress to the tower of High Sorcery. With your leave, I shall prepare and set off immediately."

His pack lies prepared already as is his training had trained him for. It was a simple matter to enter his quarters and do a minimal tidying before picking it up and heading to where he needed to meet with the Personage he was to escort. He remembered the previous day conversation with the overly eager elf wizard and decides to make a detour towards the Market Square to see if he could meet the Ranger, Herbalist and Alchemist once more. Perhaps they might be more interested now that he had verified its authenticity.

Silvanesti evoker 1 HP 8/8, AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10, Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3 Init +3; Senses +6

Erystelle started his work day taking his tea in the scriptorium with a little clover honey and cream.

Swizzling the spoon around in the steaming liquid, he made mental notes of all of his current projects. What could be completed before tomorrow, what would need to be put off and what notes he needed to make for those continuing on with the most pressing pieces.

Looking down at the white, blue and gold sleeve of his robed arm, Erystelle let out a small sigh.

Erystelle did truly enjoy his work and his efforts were both meaningful and impactful. He had been free to indulge his own research interests while also archiving, collecting, organizing and preserving the amassed knowledge and culture here at the Central Repository. Erystelle was especially grateful to have something to pour his energy and talents into during the nearly 100 years since magic mysteriously fled the world. Without purposeful and intellectually stimulating tasks his classically trained mind would have been driven to despair.

Now that magic had returned however, he was eager to face his destiny and test his potential.

The rare Elves like him had to rise up or the darkness would swallow what was left of the combined civilizations of the surface elves. He grimaced inwardly. If what he had learned yesterday was true, the anger, displacement and suffering experienced by young elves gifted with magical talent was causing them to be seek power and revenge, driving them to the Black. He wondered if the Elven Culture was so broken that these elves no longer feared being shunned by it. Were things so bad that elves were willing to become like their enemies to defeat them? Did they not see they would also destroy what they sought to protect in the process?

He shook his head there was so much that he did not know enough about yet to understand all the politics, but his studies had reinforced that evil begets evil, evil eventually consumes itself and not only does evil lead to ruin and woe, it also stifled and destroyed creativity.

Finishing his tea he arraigned it for the steward to clear and excused himself from the table. After quickly gathering his belongings and staff, Erystelle walked to the market.

Elf ranger 1 NG Init +5 HP 12/12 AC 18/20, touch 15/17, flat-footed 14/16 Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +2; +2 vs. enchantments, Senses +8 Sense Motive +7

Khyber was restless.

He found the city his people were reclaiming quite interesting, but felt confined at the same time.

”Damn the would be wizard for teasing me with a chance to leave the island and chase across places as yet unknown. How am I going to react to seeing the ruin of the places the elders have filled my head with?”, he whispered to himself.

A scowl growing on his face.

”I know how I’d like to. . . “

The fingers of his right hand traced the pommel of his sword pommel, his left thumb was hooked into his weapon belt, fingers cupped the leather sheath of his elven hunting knife.

”Babysitting wizards while trying to lead them through the wilderness all the while having no idea what would be found in the lost lands. What kind of mission is that?”

His brow held the faintest of tension.

”One that they definitely needed someone like me for.”

He thought to himself.

Weaving his way through the market square he made it to the designated tree. Looking around he spotted the elf which looked like a potential herbalist seeing to a mule.

Though his steps were silent, Khyber took pains to make sure he was seen as he strolls up.

”I assume you must be the merchant of herbs known as Anatoli? I believe we have a mutual acquaintance, a particularly outgoing scribe who told me I would find someone of your description and another companion of yours that is uhhh . . . Shoot . . . an alchol-hemist? Or something to that effect?”

”I am Khyber, one of the border guard.”

Dark Archive

male Human Oracle 8 (divine herbalist-life mystery) 75 hp max, +6 f, +6 r, +8 w, perc +19, init +7

Anatoli sat once more in the shade watching the hustle of the morning as the people began coming to purchase wares. Quiet suddenly a rather quiet fellow walked up and blocked his view to introduce himself. yes, I am Anatoli the herbalist and I am waiting for the alchemist to arrive. It's a pleasure to meet you Khyber. Care for a spot in the shade while we wait?

Elf ranger 1 NG Init +5 HP 12/12 AC 18/20, touch 15/17, flat-footed 14/16 Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +2; +2 vs. enchantments, Senses +8 Sense Motive +7

I could think of no place I’d rather be right now than sitting under a tree.”

”Under a tree, I achieve stillness, as my heart is able to calm and embody a vibration of love. Beyond that, my soul feels nothing short of free. And I owe all of this to the majesty of a tree.”

He smiles and sits down in the Kagonesti style.

”I wish more of our brother and sisters would take the time to just sit down like this.”

Dark Archive

male Human Oracle 8 (divine herbalist-life mystery) 75 hp max, +6 f, +6 r, +8 w, perc +19, init +7

You and I have much in common. There is nothing I enjoy better then being in the garden and working under the shade in the outdoors. Anatoli smiles to Khyber.

Elf ranger 1 NG Init +5 HP 12/12 AC 18/20, touch 15/17, flat-footed 14/16 Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +2; +2 vs. enchantments, Senses +8 Sense Motive +7

”I have never tended a garden, but I suppose one day I might. For me the draw of nature is walking through the wilds or climbing the ridge to see what lies on the other side of the vale or around the next bend in the river. Or simply sitting near the edge of a meadow remaining undetected at the last light of dusk so that I can hear the stags roar in fall.”

”I guess I have that wanderlust in me still.”

Khyber says while looking up into the boughs.

Male Human Gesalt Paladin (Faithful Wanderer)/Fighter (Unbreakable) 1 | HP: 13/13| AC: 17(18)/12/15(16)|Init: +2| Perc: +7| Fort: +4| Ref: +2| Will: +2| CMB: +4| CMD: 16| Falchion: +4;2d4+4| Morningstar: +4;1d8+3| Longbow +3;1d8|
Acro:-1|App:+2|Bluff:+3|Clim:+-1| Diplo:+3|Disguise:+3|E.A:-1|H.A:+3|Heal:+0|Inti:+7|K.Pla/Reli:+6|Ling:+2|Ri de:-2|SM:+0|Sleight:=2|Spell:+2|Stealth:+2|Sur:+4|Swim:-1|UMD:+3|

Windsworn has no haste in his movements just sure and steady strides as he makes his way towards the marketplace. He didn't know if they would be there but he trusted his instincts that they would.

It didn't take long before his height allows him to spot the group taking shade from the merciless sun. His attire is such that no one wouldn't guess that he's ready for travel.

"Greeting and well met." he nods with a smile to the group.
"It seems that the Council does have a task for us and this Robed one does speak true that this task will take us out of the city."

Dark Archive

male Human Oracle 8 (divine herbalist-life mystery) 75 hp max, +6 f, +6 r, +8 w, perc +19, init +7

Anatoli will get up and brush himself off and say Your word I trust, I will come with you to see the council and see what they offer With that he packs up his cart and move with Bill to see the council

Male Silvanesti Elf Wizard (5)/Wizard of High Sorcery (10)/Archmage (5)

Are we ready to advance or should we wait another day for the alchemist?

Elf ranger 1 NG Init +5 HP 12/12 AC 18/20, touch 15/17, flat-footed 14/16 Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +2; +2 vs. enchantments, Senses +8 Sense Motive +7

Khyber rises to his feet in a fluid yet firm motion.

”The scribe may be an artist and somewhat of a dreamer at times, but he is not know for lying. I am interested to see what the council has in mind. Must be serious if they are sending a party to the mainland.”

Silvanesti evoker 1 HP 8/8, AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10, Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3 Init +3; Senses +6

Checking his robes for crease marks, Erystelle prepares himself for his audience with the Elven Council. Where other elves court etiquette had become rusty, his was still well practiced and worthy of remark. His face was poised and ready for proceedings to commence.

I think we roll with what we have. I am ready to get everyone together so we can move forward.

Male Silvanesti Elf Wizard (5)/Wizard of High Sorcery (10)/Archmage (5)

The next day the group is summoned to the wizard school. There are a few members of the Council present.

Male Silvanesti Elf Wizard (5)/Wizard of High Sorcery (10)/Archmage (5)

As you are ushered into a meeting room in the mage school, you can tell that this is not a full meeting of the Council. The Speaker begins
Thank you for accepting our proposal, or at least to seek information about what we need. As you know, the gifts of the gods of Magic have returned. Elves, beloved of the gods of good, wear the White Robes. However, it does take time for those gifts to develop and be taught before the apprenticce is ready to take the Test of High Sorcery. So far only Telerin has passed the Test of High Sorcery. he says pointing to the White Robe.

AC 16 Mage Amor, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex) hp 48 (7d6) Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +8(+1 Trait bonus to disbelieve illusions); +2 vs. enchantments Defensive Abilities resistance; Immune sleep; Resist fire 5

I go to the Tower of High Sorcery to request the help of the Wizard's Conclave to send other elven wizards here to help teach. I am not powerful enough to teleport to the Towers. I hope to entreat them so that the number of robed wizards among the elven people can increase. There are many foes that the elven people have. We need all of the help, arcane and divine that we can have.

Male Silvanesti Elf Wizard (5)/Wizard of High Sorcery (10)/Archmage (5)

The Speaker continues. The journey is perilous. We have a ship ready to sail to a port in Abanisinia. However, in order to find the Tower of High Sorcery in Wayreth, you will have to travel not only through Abanasinia but near the borders of fallen Qualanesti. The lands there have been taken over by goblins, hobgoblins and Dark Knights. The way is perilous. However, our need is great. Is this something that you can do for us? . The Speaker looks at everyone.

Male Human Gesalt Paladin (Faithful Wanderer)/Fighter (Unbreakable) 1 | HP: 13/13| AC: 17(18)/12/15(16)|Init: +2| Perc: +7| Fort: +4| Ref: +2| Will: +2| CMB: +4| CMD: 16| Falchion: +4;2d4+4| Morningstar: +4;1d8+3| Longbow +3;1d8|
Acro:-1|App:+2|Bluff:+3|Clim:+-1| Diplo:+3|Disguise:+3|E.A:-1|H.A:+3|Heal:+0|Inti:+7|K.Pla/Reli:+6|Ling:+2|Ri de:-2|SM:+0|Sleight:=2|Spell:+2|Stealth:+2|Sur:+4|Swim:-1|UMD:+3|

"The Oath and Measure has guided me this far to this fair lands and It speaks on how we should give aid where it is needed. You have my sword arm for this. I'll see this through my word I give." Windsworn speaks as The Speaker fnishes.

Male Silvanesti Elf Wizard (5)/Wizard of High Sorcery (10)/Archmage (5)

The Speaker nods.

Elf ranger 1 NG Init +5 HP 12/12 AC 18/20, touch 15/17, flat-footed 14/16 Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +2; +2 vs. enchantments, Senses +8 Sense Motive +7

The woodland strider takes in the information and was processing it still when the human spoke up.

Like the wild elves he runs with, Khyber cannot keep the emotional passion out of his response. Taking a small step forward he clenches his right hand into a fist and places it over his left breast.

”I commit myself as well. A small band has a good chance of slipping through, but only if it can avoid overwhelming entanglements. I can help with that and have longed to walk Qualanesti. Let the trees feel the return of elven feet treading on the soil that roots us to the land.”

He steps back having said his piece, his face the picture of determination.

Silvanesti evoker 1 HP 8/8, AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10, Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3 Init +3; Senses +6

Standing stock still Erystelle allows only his eyes to shift briefly to the door hoping to see the dwarf and two other elves he had tried to recruit, he began despair.

His eyes shifted back to Anatoli. Would the herbalist’s defensive reaction yesterday portend a refusal to enjoin this endeavor?

He waited to hear his response . . .

Dark Archive

male Human Oracle 8 (divine herbalist-life mystery) 75 hp max, +6 f, +6 r, +8 w, perc +19, init +7

I will do this for our people and in the name of the goddess I hope we will succeed Anatoli says simply

Silvanesti evoker 1 HP 8/8, AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10, Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3 Init +3; Senses +6

Erystelle’s heart swells with optimism yet his face remains passive.

He bows at the hip, hands remaining concealed within the sleeves of his robe.

”With the greatest respect, I am honored at the invitation and shall graciously accept.”

He straightens and waits for the response.

Male Silvanesti Elf Wizard (5)/Wizard of High Sorcery (10)/Archmage (5)

The Speaker nods in thanks. We can equip you with basic materials, weapons, armors. The clerics of Quen Illumini have donated 5 potions of healing as well as 2 scrolls of healing. Other than that, your compensation will be 500 stl, 250 up front and 250 when you return.

Elf ranger 1 NG Init +5 HP 12/12 AC 18/20, touch 15/17, flat-footed 14/16 Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +2; +2 vs. enchantments, Senses +8 Sense Motive +7

Khyber’s eyes widen a bit.

”Well that sounds generous. I think we may need to excuse ourselves and gathering our supplies then.”

He looks to his new companions.

Male Human Gesalt Paladin (Faithful Wanderer)/Fighter (Unbreakable) 1 | HP: 13/13| AC: 17(18)/12/15(16)|Init: +2| Perc: +7| Fort: +4| Ref: +2| Will: +2| CMB: +4| CMD: 16| Falchion: +4;2d4+4| Morningstar: +4;1d8+3| Longbow +3;1d8|
Acro:-1|App:+2|Bluff:+3|Clim:+-1| Diplo:+3|Disguise:+3|E.A:-1|H.A:+3|Heal:+0|Inti:+7|K.Pla/Reli:+6|Ling:+2|Ri de:-2|SM:+0|Sleight:=2|Spell:+2|Stealth:+2|Sur:+4|Swim:-1|UMD:+3|

Windsworn gives a short nod to Khyber.
More equipment would always be good.

Dark Archive

male Human Oracle 8 (divine herbalist-life mystery) 75 hp max, +6 f, +6 r, +8 w, perc +19, init +7

Anatoli nods with the offer and kindness but says nothing and walks out with the rest. When they are out of earshot Anatoli says we are going to need several large tents and perhaps we might pool our resources for a wand of cure light wounds prior to departing? Also we will need provisions and more animals to carry the loads along with animal feed

Male Silvanesti Elf Wizard (5)/Wizard of High Sorcery (10)/Archmage (5)

Those things might be expensive to ship

Elf ranger 1 NG Init +5 HP 12/12 AC 18/20, touch 15/17, flat-footed 14/16 Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +2; +2 vs. enchantments, Senses +8 Sense Motive +7

”We might be better off purchasing some of what we need when we arrive.”

”I suppose we need to know where we are getting dropped off and what path we will take.”

”If we can get standard gear I could upgrade armor and pick up a few more things, elven trail rations might be key for our survival and weight savings.”

Dark Archive

male Human Oracle 8 (divine herbalist-life mystery) 75 hp max, +6 f, +6 r, +8 w, perc +19, init +7

where would we buy anything in a place destroyed by the enemies of elves? I am no master of disguise and the one man we have with us isn't exactly going to bluff his way in.

Male Silvanesti Elf Wizard (5)/Wizard of High Sorcery (10)/Archmage (5)

The Speaker adds You will be going into areas of Ansalon that are not always friendly to elves. However, Crossing, which is near the coast of Abanasinia, is where you will be landing. It is a typical costal town with international tading and ships. That can be both good and bad.

Male Human Gesalt Paladin (Faithful Wanderer)/Fighter (Unbreakable) 1 | HP: 13/13| AC: 17(18)/12/15(16)|Init: +2| Perc: +7| Fort: +4| Ref: +2| Will: +2| CMB: +4| CMD: 16| Falchion: +4;2d4+4| Morningstar: +4;1d8+3| Longbow +3;1d8|
Acro:-1|App:+2|Bluff:+3|Clim:+-1| Diplo:+3|Disguise:+3|E.A:-1|H.A:+3|Heal:+0|Inti:+7|K.Pla/Reli:+6|Ling:+2|Ri de:-2|SM:+0|Sleight:=2|Spell:+2|Stealth:+2|Sur:+4|Swim:-1|UMD:+3|

"Can we have a map as well?" requests Windsworn.

"There are times when we might need to take the roads less travelled. Despite being the sole non elf in this group, there are times that it might be easier for me as well given that I'm also Solamnic. Or it could be worse."

Dark Archive

male Human Oracle 8 (divine herbalist-life mystery) 75 hp max, +6 f, +6 r, +8 w, perc +19, init +7

alright, I can haggle and work my way through the coastal towns to get what we need. Anatoli says with a nod

AC 16 Mage Amor, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex) hp 48 (7d6) Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +8(+1 Trait bonus to disbelieve illusions); +2 vs. enchantments Defensive Abilities resistance; Immune sleep; Resist fire 5

The White Robe wizardress speaks. Yes, I think that will be provided. However, I am not sure that wearing the finery and armor of a Solamnic knoght might also bring undue and unwanted attention to us

Elf ranger 1 NG Init +5 HP 12/12 AC 18/20, touch 15/17, flat-footed 14/16 Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +2; +2 vs. enchantments, Senses +8 Sense Motive +7

Khyber smiles.

”I don’t know what you are talking about miss. My friend here is a mercenary through and through. A sell sword from out of town from nunyabusiness. He’s damn good at it too, that’s how he was able to afford his weapons and breastplate. Battlefield cash advance so to speak.”

”I will be more worried about us standing out. I think small bands of elves probably survive on the outskirts?”

Male Human Gesalt Paladin (Faithful Wanderer)/Fighter (Unbreakable) 1 | HP: 13/13| AC: 17(18)/12/15(16)|Init: +2| Perc: +7| Fort: +4| Ref: +2| Will: +2| CMB: +4| CMD: 16| Falchion: +4;2d4+4| Morningstar: +4;1d8+3| Longbow +3;1d8|
Acro:-1|App:+2|Bluff:+3|Clim:+-1| Diplo:+3|Disguise:+3|E.A:-1|H.A:+3|Heal:+0|Inti:+7|K.Pla/Reli:+6|Ling:+2|Ri de:-2|SM:+0|Sleight:=2|Spell:+2|Stealth:+2|Sur:+4|Swim:-1|UMD:+3|

Windsworn looks at his battered and rough gear.

"My apologies Lady, I have not yet being given the attire of a Solamnic knight as well due to Logistics issues and by the fact that I have not being Knighted yet."

He gestures to his current equpiment.
"All these are my own equipment, scavenged from battle fields or with the little stipends given to squires."

Elf ranger 1 NG Init +5 HP 12/12 AC 18/20, touch 15/17, flat-footed 14/16 Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +2; +2 vs. enchantments, Senses +8 Sense Motive +7

”What I am saying Windsworn is that we aren’t going to call attention to your aims and goals or measure. We will need to try to blend in. With that said I know you will have your oaths, but the mission is to deliver the Wizardess to the Tower. You may have to remain silent if you cannot use ruse to further the mission.”

”You will be a sell-sword, which in fact you actually are since the Council hired you and bought you gear and will pay you more upon our return.”

”The rest of us will be part of a survivor band of elves. Which means.”

He gestures at the two magic users.

”None of this pure white robe and clerks uniform nonsense.”

He points at Telerin.

”I don’t know if there’s some wizard code of conduct about wearing bright white robes at all times, but if there is, you will need to cover all that up. Maybe you can do like leather britches, a jerkin with a white blouse under it or something, but go dressed like that and you will be a goblin pin cushion.”

He nods at Erystelle.

”You haven’t passed any tests. You need to get some traveling clothes and strap on a sword of some type. Otherwise, you stand out as something either more dangerous or an easy mark. Either way you are getting unwanted attention and people with start digging .”

Dark Archive

male Human Oracle 8 (divine herbalist-life mystery) 75 hp max, +6 f, +6 r, +8 w, perc +19, init +7

Not a bad story Khyber, I like it. However it has to sound believable. Like this: "What My friend Windy here? He's a mercanary from the Company of the Brine, a bunch of former marine warriors. That armor is salt brined crud that he picked off dead guys."

bluff: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29

AC 16 Mage Amor, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex) hp 48 (7d6) Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +8(+1 Trait bonus to disbelieve illusions); +2 vs. enchantments Defensive Abilities resistance; Immune sleep; Resist fire 5

She nods in understanding.

Male Silvanesti Elf Wizard (5)/Wizard of High Sorcery (10)/Archmage (5)

The Speaker adds in, speaking to Windsworn [b] This will not impinge your Measure and Code? [/b[] he asks.

Elf ranger 1 NG Init +5 HP 12/12 AC 18/20, touch 15/17, flat-footed 14/16 Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +2; +2 vs. enchantments, Senses +8 Sense Motive +7

Khyber sighs.

”I suppose I will need to learn the code too so that I know what he can and cannot do. All the hang ups and what not.”

Male Silvanesti Elf Wizard (5)/Wizard of High Sorcery (10)/Archmage (5)

Does Windsworn wear the mustaches?

Male Human Gesalt Paladin (Faithful Wanderer)/Fighter (Unbreakable) 1 | HP: 13/13| AC: 17(18)/12/15(16)|Init: +2| Perc: +7| Fort: +4| Ref: +2| Will: +2| CMB: +4| CMD: 16| Falchion: +4;2d4+4| Morningstar: +4;1d8+3| Longbow +3;1d8|
Acro:-1|App:+2|Bluff:+3|Clim:+-1| Diplo:+3|Disguise:+3|E.A:-1|H.A:+3|Heal:+0|Inti:+7|K.Pla/Reli:+6|Ling:+2|Ri de:-2|SM:+0|Sleight:=2|Spell:+2|Stealth:+2|Sur:+4|Swim:-1|UMD:+3|

No Mustache. I'm assuming that we're using the revised Oath and Measures suggested by Tanis Half Elven and the other heroes since the fall of Paladine.

Windsworn thinks for a while before gently speaking.

"As a squire, I'm aware that the Oath and Measures had being looked at and revised since the last war. If it means that some subterfuge is needed, I'm aware what needs to be done unless it's a blatant slur or disobedience to the Oath adn Measure itself." He gives a rueful face.

"The Knights are still not in a very good state either."

Male Silvanesti Elf Wizard (5)/Wizard of High Sorcery (10)/Archmage (5)

The Speaker nods.
If there are no further questiosn, we thank you for your willingness to help us in this need. and he and the other council members leave.

AC 16 Mage Amor, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex) hp 48 (7d6) Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +8(+1 Trait bonus to disbelieve illusions); +2 vs. enchantments Defensive Abilities resistance; Immune sleep; Resist fire 5

The White Robe will begin to inquire of each member of the group what their strengths and abilities are. I am an expert in protective magic and know a few evocation spells she says.

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