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Thaleles enters the scene weather studiously. Quickly passing his eyes over everyone he greets. He has a long leather coat on, faded and worn from long travels. You see several small vials along his belt, a bow rests over his shoulder, and a sword hangs off his left hip, his quiver providing balance on his right.

Shalafi2412 |

The world has changed in the last year or so. Ansalon, indeed the land of Krynn is different. The gods have returned, their constellations and plants are in new places in the sky. The moons of magic have returned and the Orders of High Sorcery have been re-established.
The elves on the mainland of Ansalon are a people in diaspora. Gone is the beautiful land of Qualanesti, the capital having been turned into the Lake of Death as the the Green Overlord, Beryl was killed. The Ancient Elven land of Silvanesti has fallen to the minotaur empire, who is ravaging the ancient trees to create weapons to further their conquest on Ansalon and have taken many Silvanesti and Kagonesti prisoners, or worse. Gilthas Pathfinder and his wife, the Kagonesti Lioness, seek a homeland for the elves that have traveled with them.
However, for the elves of Southern Ergoth, things have not been as bad. Though a group of heroes was able to defeat the last of the Dragon Overlord, Gellidus and banished the Ghoul Queen back into the River of Time, they have begun to work together: Kagonesti, Silvanesti and Qualanesti,have left the Island of Southern Ergoth to rebuild the Ancient City of Baelph, on the Isle of Crystine.
Trade has come and a sense of stability in unstable times.
OR has it?

Quen Pah |

Solinari shines brightly in the sky and the constellations are also present. The City is wreathed in candle light as a celebration of beings, to dedicate the Temple of Light to the Gods of Light, and within the grottos, shrines to the Gods of Balance are to be consecrated this night.

Windsworn son of Galan Windborn |

For someone who is a knight, this man doesn't come across as one.
His weapons are well worn but kept to a high degree of maintenance. No pomp and bluster on his lance, sword or Morningstar. Just weapons made to perform what they were meant to be.
His armor itself seemed to be hand me down or perhaps scavenged from a battle field that litters the entire land now. Lance on shoulder, sword and morningstar at this side with bow on his back, he filled the impression of a mercenary but his manner which stood out in contrast.
His back was straight with pride and he carried himself as if he was bearing a great burden. He was strong plainsmen and like most of them tall as well however his speech indicated that he was had had training in courtly manners as befits a squire. If he was a squire, then where was his knight lord? Perhaps he was among those squires who had lost their knight lords in battle and was seeking a new knight to squire under or was he on a quest?
Windsworn did not bear any of these in thought as surely as he took little note of those who might view him that way. He was Squire of one of the finest Knights of Solamina? Lord Fieron, a Knight of the Rose. The order had dispatched him as his final task before granting him his knighthood to this elven kingdom on account of the work that his previous lord had committed too. Like his lord, he too bore the title of Elf Friend.
Like his lord, he was dispatched to aid the kingdom as best as he could.
Unlike his Lord, he wasn't a knight yet.....
With letter of recommendation in hand, Windsworn greets the guards in fluent Elven even as he represents his letter.
"Squire Windsworn, formerly under Sir Fieron Knight of the Rose of the Solamic Knghts, presents himself to the court as appointed by the Order. I hope to be of service to the Kingdom." he finishes with a low courtly bow.

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Anatoli had come with his supply of healing herbs and his cart and the travel clothing along with his earnings and his holy symbol worn under his shirt to find work once more in the square. He pulled out the chair and the folding table in case of a serious injury and found a shady spot under some trees that might last for the day and out his back against the tree in his chair with it's cushion to wait for the days business "Ghrymm Healing" the sign said.

Shalafi2412 |

A serious looking elder Qualanesti female, dressing in flowing robes looks at the half-elf. Squire Windsworn, thank you for your attendance and presentation here at court. Perhaps it would be best for you to familarize yourself with our city? with that she looks up as a young Silvanesti elf enters, wearing blue and white and with a medallion around his neck. This is Erawain Lantherian, of House Cleric and servant of the Blue Phoenix. We have tasked him to be your guide. We thought it would be appropriate as a follower of the Blue Phoenix and you are a hopeful for the Order of the Crown.

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Anatoli covers his eyes a bit at the fellow looking at his cart and offers him a seat in his spare folding chair and says well, I am Anatoli Ghrymm and this is my herbalist cart. I am a professional herbalist of some years. I suspect our knowledge crosses to be sure at many junctures. I just got set up here so haven't any coin to prepay you with nor even a license to do what I am, however I am sure we shall garner attention eventually sitting in the shade here and we might find something to do. How about splitting coin on anything you help with?

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Thaleles considers his proposal, Do be perfectly honest, I had no desire to take your coin, but to earn my own. Our skills together could make a right pairing in forming a reputable business in the future. It is of course, my dreams to own and run an apothecary, though we will both need some coin to do this.
It appears our characters are a bit scattered about, are Anatolia and I positioned in a park across from the court, or are we in a separate area of the city altogether? Where is everyone else at? Perhaps Quen will be seen passing by us, gazing up at the sky when Wingsworn and Erawain exit the court?

Windsworn son of Galan Windborn |

With a short bow to the cleric, Windsworn spreads his hands as he does so.
"Greetings Lord Erawain Lantherian, I am in your guidance. You have my sincere thanks for guiding this humble Squire around this city. What would you suggest are the best places in the city for this Squire to visit?"

Windsworn son of Galan Windborn |

"That would be a good place to start with. I leave myself in your capable hands." Windsworn smiles at the elf as well.

Pellarin Rathenas |

Pellarion, which holy order of the stars are you associated with?
Due to his archetype, Pellarin gets his powers via an Oracle mystery and not a deity. If you would like him to be associated with a church, Chislev's probably fits the nature theme the best.

Erystelle |

An elf wearing a simple traveling robes picks his way through the peddler market in the park across from the court.
He speaks with another shopper who turns and points him towards the spot where Anatoli and Thaleles converse under a tree.
Moving up to the two, Erystelle puts down his hood as he enters the shade and bows at the waist slightly. In a refined manner and classically educated tone, he addressed the men.
”Goodmasters, I have been told that you each represent a separate, yet related, form of art. If it is true you are herbalist and alchemist, I would like to look at your wears and even raw ingredients you offer for trade.”

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Thaleles looks at the newcomer and wishes his wares were a bit more… ware-ish. As it stands my good sir, I’ma little short on raw ingredients, however, if you care to see some of the elixirs I can prepare, I’d be glad to show you my formula journal. Some of these recipes are extremely common, though you might see one or two to catch your eye. He pulls from his pack a rather beaten journal. Some of the pages are worn from frequent use and the cover has a couple stains on it. If flipped through, the wizard will see the following conditions, though he may not understand the magic that goes into making them.
1st - Brewer’s Insight (crafters fortune), Seal Minor Wounds (cure light wounds), Reveal the Passage (detect secret doors), Crafters insight (identify), Floating Belch (shield), Reduced Splash (targeted bomb admixture)

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Anatoli watches the trade and barter between the two and when his turn he says I have some John's Wart for bruises and burns. Some mint for stomach discomfort. Some chamomile to help with headache and if it's really bad some betony. Catnip for internal lung inflammation and musk mallow or periwinkle as wraps for anti inflammation. Some mug wort if you need a foot poultice. For sleep or dulling of pain a small amount of mandragora. Big you are wounded seriously I can treat your wounds for a day and get you back on the road.

Shalafi2412 |

Erawin takes the squire of the Crown on a tour of the Temple. The major shrines are of course to the Gods of Light with Quenesti Pah and Astarin having the largest areas in the Temple of the Gods. Included are shrines to the other Gods of Light. The shrines are fillwed with the colors associated with the gods. There is one dark shrine with a pine tree and a platinum dragon relief, but that is dark.
The gods of balance are recgonized with smaller shrines than those of the gods of light.
A relief of the Silver moon can be seen above the main area, in homage to Solinari. Lunitari and Nuitari are not represented.
Various acolytes and even higher ranking clerics of all 3 elven groups can be seen tidying their respective shrines, though the gods of balance, other than Chiselv do not seem to have much attention placed to them.

Erystelle |

The scholarly elf pours over the formula book.
”Fascinating, with these concoctions you blur the line between physical enhanced phenomenon and the magical weaving of ethereal power.”
He looks over to the herbalist.
”I do not call myself an herbalist, but I know a little of it.”
”What I am interested in combining is Acetoxybenzoic acid with chamomile and mandragora in a powered form which can be stored in outwardly waxed paper bindles.”
When he looks up again his eyes make a scan around them.
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10
But after a cursory look, his eyes are drawn back to the formulary scrips.

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knowledge nature: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27
craft alchemy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22
That’s one hell of a pain killer, Thaleles comments, Mixing aspirin and mandrake will surely put a guy on his backside given the right dosage. Though the waxed paper throws me, some kind of incense perhaps? All three ingredients do have calming effects, though why not just make it a tonic instead to introduce the chemicals faster?
Google is my friend

Erystelle |

A smile reaches the robed elf’s lips as he nods in shared understanding.
”Yes, exactly. The fast acting powdered compound mixed with the calming effect of the Chamomile flower to induce calm and reduce anxiety and the strong sedative of the Nightshade family to promote restful sleep, I think it would prove to be quite a successful medicinal.”
”The paper bundle, waxed only on the outside, would prevent humidity and oxidation from spoiling the final mixture. I theorize one could place the contents of the waxed paper container in about 4-6 ounces of water.”
”For instance you are suffering from over eating or you are Experiencing a sniffling, sneezing, so bad you can’t sleep situation. Grab two bindles and remove the tops. Then take a glass of water and plop-plop-fizz-fizz- Oh! What a relief it is! And . . . . “
The Silvanesti elf abruptly stops and looks hard into the crowd. His face a mixture of suprise and awe.
A wizard!? Of the Black!? Maybe, maybe not, but it could have been a real Wizard of the High Tower!”
”Um pardon my abrupt change of topic, but have either of you seen a man wearing a hooded cloak, dressed all in black with a quarterstaff in hand here today!?”
”I must speak with this person.”
He asks sounding hopeful.

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Anatoli considers looking for someone in black but then looks at the sea of folk passing by and says sorry fella, I wasn't looking for any specific folk but if he stops by after you are gone and you give me a name and place you are staying I will give it to him

Erystelle |

The herbalist’s words jar the robed elf’s attention back to his present company.
He inclines his head and performs an elaborate gesture with his hands ending with his palms pressed to his breast.
”My deepest apologies goodmasters’.”
He returns his arms to his sides in a neutral position.
”My name is Erystele . . .”
He looks as though he was going to say something more, but changes his mind and continues.
”I work nearby as a scribe and an apprentice sage in the Repository of Knowledge. I have a breadth of experience in many fields of study.”
He smiles at himself.
”And a dabbler in many hobbies, including basic alchemy and herbalism, but I suppose you would say that my learning in the sciences is very classical and not specialized.”
”When you handed me your notes sir, and I saw your specimens sir, I completely misplaced my manners in my excitement.”

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Always happy to help a kin from the homeland says Thaleles. Silently he wishes to be able to return in fact, but without much coin, there really isn’t a point. He wonders if thoughts of his own ship might be keeping him from something more. Adventure and danger has called his name once, perhaps it will again.

Windsworn son of Galan Windborn |

Windsworn admires the architecture of the temples and thier surrounding buildings.
"I notice that the Gods of balance aren't represented here much. Is there a reason and if so, pray enlighten me." Windsworn askes his guide.
"Perhaps the next place we should head to would be the marketplace or trading center. I'm sure knowing such a place would come in useful for one such as I." he adds in with a smile.

Shalafi2412 |

We are the Chosen children of the gods of light. E'li and Quenesti Pah show their favor. The gods of twilight have never really had the same draw to the elven people. Of course the gods of darkness would not be included here. To be found worshipping them would constitute becoming a dark elf. The sane is true of practitioners of High Sorcery. Any who don aby robes but white are cast from the light if they ever return to elven landa he says as leads the squire out t9 the market plave.

Erystelle |

Polite mannerisms observed, Erystelle moves to excuse himself.
”I must regretfully end this most enjoyable conversation as I need to find this person to speak with them. I shall look for you again. I should like to discuss alchemy in much greater detail.”
He waits for any other pleasantries before quickly moving off.
He cranes his neck trying to find the black robe in the crowd.
It should be a rare robe color here, right?
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10
He uses his contacts, connection and charisma to try and locate the person.
”Excuse me, but can you help me? I am looking for a person that may have passed by here wearing black robes with a staff in hand. The person is about this tall and built like . . . “
Know local, Gather Information: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27

Erystelle |

The contact does look strangely at the apprentice.
”Well, I know It sounds strange, but I know what I saw. It wasn’t necessarily a wizard. Maybe it was just one of those adventurer types. You know, with cowled hood, gloves, “you can’t see any part of my skin” mysterious types.”
He shrugged.
”Thank you anyway.”
He sighed and started wandering back towards the tree where the alchemist was set up.

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Thaleles things for a moment and asks, I don’t suppose you have any components I could use to make a tanglefoot bag do you, Perhaps some different types of acids would be better though? he begins rummaging through a small pouch by his side, looking for any extra ingredients that may be left over that he can use.

Khyber Elessedil |

Khyber stalked the city streets like a wolf trapped in an animal park. It wasn’t that he felt ill at ease in the city, nor did he feel particularly at home there, Khyber felt there was something stirring here. Something was about to happen.

Windsworn son of Galan Windborn |

With his guide, Windsworn arrives at the marketplace.
Cue to the others.