Erystelle |

The Speaker nods.
If there are no further questiosn, we thank you for your willingness to help us in this need. and he and the other council members leave.
”Yes Speaker. I believe a pledge would be in order. Please have Windsworn Son of Galen Windborn partake in an Oath of Service in promising to faithfully see Telerin to her destination.”

Khyber Elessedil |

Khyber’s eyes look between the apprentice and herbalist wondering what animus lay between them if any.
”I think what the . . . the Ranger almost called him a bookworm but thinks better of it. ”Ahem, That is to say I believe Erystelle is speaking of the human tradition of the accolade. The swearing of the oath upon the squire or knight’s naked blade. An act of Fealty sworn during a solemn ceremony necessitating an act of homage.”
He looks from the Herbalist to the Speaker.
”This is a special occasion and an important mission about to be undertaken in service of all free elves and humans left resisting the forces of Chaos. Escorting a worthy lady in pursuit of an endeavor virtuous of a true knight.”
His eyes go from the Speaker’s to Windsworn’s sheathed blade.

Windsworn son of Galan Windborn |

"I see that the word of a squire is cheap and not worth anything. If an oath is what that is required then an oath I shall give." Windsworn states feeling that this wizard like others of his kind has once more decided to put plans within plans and involving others without care.
His master had once stated that the games of wizards affected more commoners then the largest of kingdoms in history for the sake of their own gains. He should have expected it. Without any sponsor, his Mentor Knight deceased and his status as a mere squire, Was his word of any worth? He could only swallow his pride and accept it.
With that said, he faces Telerin. Placing his sheathed blade in his hands , he gives her a short bow and presents his weapon towards her with hsi head bowed.
"I Windsworn son of Galan Windborn, Squire to the late Lord Fieron of the Rose, in the presence of all here as witness hereby pledge to see Telerin safety to her destination, to keep her safe from dangers within and without to the best of my ability. My blade will be unsheathed to defend her until her safety is once more assured."
Once that is done, he raises his head and looks at her to see if she'll accept his oath and allow him to retrieve his blade.
It is clear though that the man is offended by Erystelle's suggestion that he has no honor and his word is worthless.

Telerin Quenya |

The White Robe wizardress looks a bit confused but thanks Windsworn for his oath and then she looks sadly at Ersytelle.

Erystelle |

Erystelle nods and opens his hands in acceptance.
”I believe your word is your bond and the custom has been observed. These elves have confirmed your status as Eldandili. You are currently a squire, but these traditions carry weight through knighthood and sometimes even after death itself.”
Erystelle says simply.

Windsworn son of Galan Windborn |

Windsworn nods towards Anatoli.
"Your words grants me more joy then mere accolades compared to others who presumes themselves far above others even when an Oath made is not made to them and a status granted by others must be approved by themselves."
Turning to the speaker, Windsworn asks about their travelling costs, knowing his own lack of coin may prove a hinderance.
"Speaker, How would Lady Telerin be travelling? Would it be via carriage or horses and what other basic equipment could be we b given? Feed for the mounts, rations for the journey and such? Do we purchase them on our own at our discretion or would the Court be able to provide aid in that. I understand that things are tight as of now."

Shalafi2412 |

The Speaker responds We believe that it would be less conspicious to travel the lands of Abanasinia and Qualanesti on foot. Using horses or other mounts might draw unnecessary attention to yourselves and might make you easier to track by goblins, brigands, Dark Knights or the plethora of other enemies of the elven people. We are happy to equip you with tents as well as other normal, mundane equipment.

Telerin Quenya |

We have the ability to store the equipent in this the White Robe says, holding out a bag. This bag is able to store more than it looks like in an extra dimensional place.

Telerin Quenya |

The White Robe turns to the apprentice wizard. I believe that the clerics of Quenesti Pah, as well as the other servants of the gods, have begun to recrete many items, blessed with the powers of the gods. Those resourcces were depleted after the 2nd Cataclysm when it was learned by some casters how to use the magic contained within these items to bolst their own magic.

Erystelle |

”Assumption are often the windows through which we see the world. Traditions need not be viewed as the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire.”
Erystelle says evenly.
”Let us hope the time of spell leeching is behind us. The suggestion to purchase a wand is a good one. I shall go to the temple district and make some inquiries, if that is what the group believes we should invest our wealth in?”
”I trust Khyber’s instincts for the material logistical needs and to find the additional kit I need for the journey and to blend in.”

Khyber Elessedil |

Eager to move forward with planning for tomorrow’s departure, the Ranger injects his own thoughts to the conversation.
”I am not opposed to getting a wand. It is both practical and portable.” the Ranger looks to the others to see if there are any objections to the suggestion.
”I think for those of us who wear armor, we armor up. Chain shirts conceal well under woodland clothes and aren’t as cumbersome as full chainmail. Windsworn, maybe you would like to upgrade to a breastplate? I will pick up a serviceable sword for Erystelle. Wear. We need ranged weapons for all of those who can use them and everyone needs to be outfitted like survivors in the woods, because in fact that’s what we will have to do in order to make our way to the Tower.”
”Most of my life humans have been my main concern they have been both good neighbors and adversaries, but in the fallen lands we will face much greater and rarer threats.”
”Does the council know of any specific dangers we can prepare for? For instance, ones which require silver, coldiron, or magic to overcome?”

Shalafi2412 |

Justs a reminder:
he Speaker nods in thanks. We can equip you with basic materials, weapons, armors. The clerics of Quen Illumini have donated 5 potions of healing as well as 2 scrolls of healing. Other than that, your compensation will be 500 stl, 250 up front and 250 when you return.

Windsworn son of Galan Windborn |

"I do not oppose the use of a wand especially if it'll help with wounds and such but I'm unable to use such an item and I may not have enough coins to afford one as well." Windsworn answers Khyber, ignoring Erystelle entirely.
"A breastplate would be nice though I might need to bring more arrows and such. My fellow humans unfortunately as a whole though might see us as easy pickings if we were to be dressed in gear to finely crafted or new." he points at his own battered armor.
"We'll also need a cover story and honestly, some of you do not look the part of warriors." as he eyes the rest of the elves especially though not used to wielding weapons.
"We'll need disguise kits, magical ones if we could or one really skilled in using those."

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Anatoli says we would need someone skilled in disguise to use them and help us. Perhaps we need to find someone with such skills? Also I am fairly talented with herbalism and healing through those means and I have never tried a wand like this, but I am willing

Shalafi2412 |

The Speaker says We can give you half of what we would pay you now and half upon your return. You can use that money to help equip yourselves. The clerics of Quenesti Pah have donated these items but you might want to ask if they have anymore healing items, if you can use them.

Windsworn son of Galan Windborn |

Nodding the squire follows the elven ranger.

Erystelle |

We leave at dawn tomorrow says the white robe,
”Of course Wizardess, where would you have us meet in the morning? Shall I have the bulky gear delivered to you before hand so that you may pack it in the Bag of Holding?”

Khyber Elessedil |

The elf addressed his human companion.
”I see you are hesitant over the breastplate there. Does your scale mail have sentimental value to it? I have to admit, I have always thought a full suit of scale wins the best in show category, but I personally find heavier armors too restrictive.”
Khyber says conversationally as he checks the fit of the well made chain-shirt he had just traded his studded leather in for.
”I really liked that suit of studded leather, fit like a glove, but this is probably more practical and is about as heavy as I am willing to wear in the woods.”
Signaling his approval to the shop keeper he pulls his jerkin over the armor and belts it, keeping it concealed even before his pulls back on his travelers cloak.
”Hey, it even makes me look like I put on a little more muscle, should be good for first impressions made on rescued elf maidens.”
He chuckles lightheartedly at himself.

Erystelle |

We will meet on the docks she replies.
”As you direct Wizardess.”
Detecting the curtailed manner of her speech, Erystelle clasps his wrists and bows in manner servitor to his better.
Straightening he says.
”I shall see you then.”
As he is already packed, he returned to the Archives and attempts to research the ocean they will cross and information on their destination. Once this is done he pours over the maps he can find and looks for information about the regions the party will travel through. He looks for historical references and reports as well as the most current information he can find.
Speaking to himself as he thumbs through sheafs of writings he ponders,
”Windsworn was very displeased that I request the Council have him make a questing oath. Perhaps I misunderstood the importance of the ceremony. What it would mean to him or others? I suppose it is a bit like those who simply take the colored robe of their fancy and wear it if their own accord rather than waiting to be granted the honor? . . . I don’t know, maybe it is simply he wants to cut his own path? He is only in his 20s I would assume? Only aware consciously as an adult for what? . . . Under a mere decade? Any way, it was an educational exchange at least.”
”Almost as interesting as what it is that drives Anatoli. I look forward to learning more of him.”
He opens his journal and begins making notes on his findings.

Windsworn son of Galan Windborn |

Windsworn shakes his head at his companion's observation.
"I'm afraid almost everything I own on my person has being with hard earned coin or scavenged from battlefields or sold by peddlers looking to make a quick coin. I worry more that our current supplies might not be enough on a journey as such. Furthermore a group as conspicuous as yourselves being mostly elves would definitely attract unsavory attention. The war may have being over but your people have long being seen as aloof and overly proud to most of the common men. Not that I could say the same about the Order until War came and forced change upon us all. That was what my Lord Knight used to lecture me about."
"Skilled woodsmen as yourself would know better then i what sort of armor would be better. I was not trained in woodcraft much to know any better but I would say that the studded one with copper inlays look much better on you."

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Anatoli looks over the goods and starts hauling things and says You think they will watch over Bill and my cart while we are gone? Anatoli says thinking of it as he shops for a trip he might not return from.

Khyber Elessedil |

”Elves come in many flavors, some are better known to the outer world than others.”
He smiles.
”They all have their merits and all have come about through their own unique struggles.”
”Take Erystelle for instance, clinging to tradition and following court manners of a court which no longer exists, burying himself in the past, he has been drilling daily as a masterless apprentice for over a century. Others would dismiss him as a deluded relic . . . But, tradition helps the long lived maintain consistency, his manners were born out of thousands of years of a society which lived in relative harmony for time immemorable, his knowledge of the past gives insights for the future, and . . . should we be able to reestablish our own magical schools, people like him will be needed. Otherwise those with the magic blessing or curse will go rogue, take the black or worse.”
”My forebearers’ chaffed at the Rigid way of the Sivanesti. So they broke off and formed their own elven way. At the time they did so did they really think themselves that different than their brethren? I would say they did. They went as far as calling their leaders the Speaker of the Sun as opposed to the Speaker of the Stars. Literally day and night different in their eyes. But, did the rest of the world see them that way? I am not human, but I am guessing they simply saw both as elves and not much different from one another.”
”I earned that the Qualenesti had enslaved, for all intents and purposes, the Kagonesti. There are black marks in all our histories. Bookworm was the first to tell me about many of them.”
For a moment he looks like he will speak further, but pauses for a while before speaking again.
”Ignorance is bliss, but there are lessons in the wisdom of ages.”
He looks at Windsworn.
”When my people broke away from Silvanost, they wanted freedom, then they first made servants, then worse out of our cousins the Kagonesti. They exploited those who chose to remain close with the lands they were given.”
”The Kagonesti remained wild as some would call them, but at the expense of not keeping up with the world. This made them vulnerable to others control, but is a strength in time like these because they are survivors.”
”Bottom line is, in these times we need all good persons and those who just wish to be left to live in peace to come together. Otherwise evil leads to chaos and chaos eventually consumes itself.”
Feeling himself getting too deep and broad, the Ranger changes subject. He picks up his old armor.
”Anything hard earned has value in my eyes. My gear has been acquired and crafted over many decades. There was a time that coin could not purchase such things.”
He taps his armored chest under the jerkin.
”But I am also practical, when I have a chance to hedge luck or fate to my side a bit, I’ll take it.”
He smiles again.
”I think fate has brought you to us Windsworn. We elves need you.”

Khyber Elessedil |

Anatoli looks over the goods and starts hauling things and says You think they will watch over Bill and my cart while we are gone? Anatoli says thinking of it as he shops for a trip he might not return from.
”I would think so. I am guessing Bill is more of a companion than a tool to you? If it were me I think I would choose to leave my prized horse here rather than bring her along on a trip where I don’t know if I would have to sell her for a few meals and a silver in order to cross a swamp or mountain range.”
He nods to the herbalist.
”The paths ahead are shrouded in mists and no one knows where they will lead.”
”It may be hard enough to feed ourselves let alone mounts.”
”I believe Bill will enjoy himself here. He may even become a bit spoiled.”
He tries to say reassuringly.

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Anatoli nods a few times as he picks up a few last minute items and says do you think we have enough food and water with us? turning his face to the preserved iron rations to not overly show his concern for Bill to his new friends
bluff: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29

Khyber Elessedil |

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22
”Well, we have Elven rations, they are compact, little bit goes a long way, they last nearly forever and most importantly they taste good if not amazing.”
”I think we are well provisioned. We have large and small tents if needed, though I am certain we will spend more than a few nights wrapped in our cloaks tucked in to the roots of a tree.”
”We will forage and hunt when we can. If we can resupply along the way we will get fresh.”
He pauses for a bit.
”Water may be a problem. We can go a month without food. Unpleasantly, but you can survive that.”
He looks at Anatoli’s back.
”Can you create water?”

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Anatoli looks at Khyber and pulls out a little stick from his belt pouch in a y and says sometimes I can find water on a hunch and get enough to fill a flask or so and Anatoli slides the branch back into his pouch.

Shalafi2412 |

The next morning, the group rises early and makes their way to the dock. The morning is foggy and there is a light misty rain falling down.
As they meet at the dock, they are met by the Lady Telerin, who is already on board the ship.

Shalafi2412 |

The crew of the ship moves quickly to move whatever needs to be moved, both party and the materials and supplies that will be needed from the ship.
The Captain of the Ship approaches the party and Lady Telerin. I am Captain Valthin Seabreeze, of House Mariner. Glad to have you aboard.

Erystelle |

Erystelle places his fingers and thumbs together and bows to Telerin.
”I am glad this day has come and that I am here to join you.”
He pivots to face Captain Seabreeze and dips his brow to him.
”A pleasure to meet you Captain. I am Erystelle of House Mystic, thank you for giving me the privilege of coming aboard your vessel for passage.”
”House Mariner shall always have my gratitude for bearing many, including me, away to safety during the Great Flight.”
”May your sails always find wind and your compass always point towards safe harbor.”

Khyber Elessedil |

”Ma’am.”, he says as he nods politely to Telerin in response to her greeting.
Turning his attention to Valthin he says in a genuine manner.
”Glad to be aboard Captain. Let me know where I can stow my gear and don’t be afraid to call on me to help out should I be needed.”

Windsworn son of Galan Windborn |

"Greetings Captain. I place myself in your expert care." Windsworn returns the greeting but he doesn't do it with all the solemn flare he would have done so at court.
"Do let us know of our quarters and if we can be of any aid as well." he finishes.
If the captain offers a handshake, Windsworn will grasp it firmly and give it a good shake as greeting.

Shalafi2412 |

The week spent on the ship is relativly uneventful. The weather is fine, cool evenings and mornings with warmer days. The only break in the sameness of the travel is a flight of silver dragons is seen flying towards Solamnia.
As you get closer to Abanasinia, however, the weather begins to get darker. There are storms and winds and lightning, not enough to put the ship off course but enough to be worried about.
The captain makes sure that the passengers are safe, if uncomfortable due to the inclement weather.
On the 8th day, the yell of Land Ho, is heard as the ship begins docking procedures. The weaher is still stormy,

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Anatoli steps off the boat happy to be on land his body still feeling it's moving in a boat for a bit as this was his first trip by boat ever and he thanks the captain and his fine crew and says well here is where we will need to stage and move from.

Windsworn son of Galan Windborn |

Packing his gear and making sure everything is in place, Windsworn stretches his limbs and strides towards Lady Telerin Quenya's quarters to ensure her well being as part of his routine he's being doing throughout the voyage.
Standing outside her door, he gives it two concise knocks to indicate his presence and waits outside her door.
"Lady Telerin, we are disembarking to continue on our journey. Are you ready to join us?"
With that done, he steps back and waits to esscort her off the ship as well.

Telerin Quenya |

The Lady Telerin opens up the door for Windsworn. She is dressed in traveling clothes and not her White Robes, though she does have component pouches on her belt. She carries a walking staff and had her backback on.
I am ready to go, Sir? I am sorry, Windsworn, but what is your proper title?

Telerin Quenya |

As she walks down the plank onto the dock she thanks the Captain for his services and begins to walk ahead. After a bit, she does look back waiting for the rest of the party.