Captain Generica |

Hello! I'm looking for 3-6 players for a game! I've tried to organize this massive text blast, feel free to contact me with any questions you might have! For reference, I try to run serious games, with moments of levity, where the rule of cool is in effect. I grew up reading a lot of Neil Gaiman, Diana Wynne Jones, Terry Pratchett, and Douglas Adams, and there's a pretty high chance you will see their influences in the tone of the game. Post expectation is about once a day, more if you can, let us know if there's gonna be a gap. Leniency on weekends.
All that being said, the theme is undead apocalypse. Maybe you're from a village that was devoured by the hoard. Maybe your family managed to flee to one of the safe cities in time to escape the onslaught. Maybe you lived in one of those cities before the sun went dark. Or maybe something completely different! Something needs to be done before the necromancers running this apocalypse manage to snuff life out on this world forever!
The world that this adventure takes place on is known as The Cube. This is because it is shaped like a cube, with 6 "planes" serving as continents. Like all planar boundaries, things get kind of strange near the edge of the continents. Some scientists argue that a cube shaped planet is incredibly improbable, and shouldn't be able to stand under the tremendous pressure. The answer of The Cube's continued existence is incredibly simple. Magic.
Some have speculated that the Cube is near the end of creation. This certainly would explain why so many strange things occur there. The sheer frequency that extraplanar beings try to gather even the smallest amount of influence in The Cube. The two thoughts are either that The Cube is on the edge of reality, making it a prime location for any faction that wants to carve something out of all the nothing that's next to it. The other is simply that outsiders have nothing better to do other than in the best of cases a general nuisance, and at the worst, an extreme hazard to life and limb.
Two of the faces are predominantly occupied by humans, both of them being rolling plains and light temperate forest. One houses a great city, built by mages for mages. The other face consists of several factions of kingdoms, plagued by constant skirmishing, as well as monsters. The elves once sprawled across the entirety of the Cube, but now they mostly exist within the dense forest and jungle that double as gates to the fey wild. One plane is a great desert, in the center of which lays the mighty Tavern of the Gods, from which mutagenic energies spill forth. All the strange races come from the desert. Ratfolk, catfolk, kobolds, goblins, all come from the peripheries of the desert, where the radiation is not too strong. One face has been lost the the mysterious event known as the future wars. Before the plane was leveled, the dwarves made their home there, now they are nomadic, looking for a way to reclaim their lost home from the strange metal contraptions that fight there. The last plane is surrounded by mountains. To cross the mountains was to never return. The sun never shines upon that face. Efforts to scry upon it inevitably end in either failure or insanity for reasons that will be become clear.
The game will begin in the human lands, in one of the warring kingdoms, the city of Mullern.
For the past hundred years, the sorcerer/wizard war has ravaged the great city of mages, as well as the countryside, and the general peace of mind of anyone who doesn't want a stray fireball to burn their entire village to the ground. 100 years of war has culled the most powerful mages of the time. Except all the necromancers the wizards had banished. Dozens of necromancers, armed with the knowledge of lichdom had been sent to live in solitude. They made their way to the face where the sun does not shine, and there they formed a sinister coalition, raising their armies, searching for the remains of dead gods, summoning allies, and biding their time. When Grand Mage Merrick the Mighty perished, they knew their time was nigh.
Working together, they wove a great spell, creating a miasma between the sun and The Cube. Full noon is now as bright as twilight. Night is now a pitch black. The hordes of the dead now roam across the countryside, shepherded by their deceased masters. If something is not done soon, no life will survive the onslaught. The graves of the long dead are now empty, and all manner of foul creatures roam the earth, from the Shuffling Horde, to the Boneyard, to the Vampiric Legion. Some cities stand against the darkness, with their great walls, but everyone knows in their heart of hearts that the dead have nothing but time, and with each passing day their ranks swell. 2 years have passed since the necromancers attacked. 2 years have passed since the last sunrise. This is the time of Endless Night!
Start at level 3, and tell me how you got there.
Wealth by level for level 3
I love rolling for stats! But not everyone enjoys the randomness that comes with it, especially when someone ends up gimped by nothing more than bad luck. In compromise, I'm going to roll 5 sets of 4d6(drop lowest) You can choose any of the arrays that you want, multiple people can chose the same array! Any low stat in this case will be more voluntary than usual.
All the core races are allowed. Featured too. Changelings exist. Races with the native outsider tag are pretty common, and for the most part are treated like their non-outsider racial heritage.
All classes are allowed, but see the house rules if there are changes. I personally don't like getting guns in my fantasy, but considering the setting, they exist. Keep in mind that most of the arcane spellcasters just spent 100 years murdering each other!
Cheese is allowed, but not at the expense of RP. You wanna optimize? That's fine with me, just make it all work story-wise, and expect RP to exist.
All characters should know at least one other character in the party. You don't have to be friends, but some connectedness would be great! Feel free to interact in the recruitment, just spoiler it as RP.
Selfish is allowed. Active evilness is not.
Gimmie as much backstory as you're able/willing to! I won't definitely prioritize more over less, but I will absolutely prioritize something over nothing.
Last of all, have fun with this! Pathfinder's so versatile that there's no need for your healer to be a cleric, or even a spellcaster at all! I love seeing new things I hadn't thought of before.
House Rules
Fractional BaB and saves
Variant aid another (10=+1, every additional 5 points adds another +1)
CMB checks only provoke on a failure
Sorcerers are not a level behind wizards for progression, and get bloodline spells two levels earlier (Maintaining that spell, not WoP)
Witches, Sorcerers and Oracles use words of power (Unless otherwise desired, and an explanation is provided)
Rogue is full BaB
Fighter gains combat stamina for free at 3rd
Occult classes on a case by case basis
Channel energy buffs
*Add primary spellcasting stat to heal/damage
*Variant channeling save only removes the additional effect, instead of halving damage
*Clerics can only spontaneous domain spells, but domain slot is added to normal slots. Ask me about architypes if that's going to be a problem!
Smite evil works on any creature with an appropriate aura class feature
Bloodragers use unchained rage
Synthesist is still ok
May at any time chose one story feat
Elephant in the room taxes
1 free teamwork feat at 1st, 4th, and every 4 levels after.
Background Skills
2 traits, 3 with drawback
You made it to the end! Thanks for reading all of this! I'll leave the recruitment open until the 17th, or until we've got a whole lot of applicants. I love getting messages on the boards, so if you've got any questions that I missed, please don't hesitate to send them over.

JonGarrett |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Well, this appeals to me in several ways. I especially love the free teamwork feat - they're generally really underused, so some freebies make a lot of sense to try them out!
Obsidian Apocalypses has some great ideas for how this might work, including making zombie hordes real dangerous, if you haven't taken a peek at them.
When are you intending to roll up the stat lines for us to choose from?

Captain Generica |

See, this is where I knew I was missing something!
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 2, 2) = 12 10
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 3, 5, 3) = 16 13
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 5, 5) = 17 15
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 4, 3, 1) = 11 10
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 2, 2) = 12 10
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 2, 3, 6) = 13 11
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 2, 2) = 11 9
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 6, 4) = 18 15
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 1, 2) = 9 8
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 6, 4) = 16 15
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 1, 3, 4) = 10 9
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 4, 3, 2) = 11 9
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (6, 3, 3, 4) = 16 13
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 1, 5) = 12 11
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 2, 4, 1) = 9 8
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 3, 1, 2) = 7 6
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 5, 6, 1) = 16 15
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 5, 3, 2) = 11 10
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 2, 6, 2) = 13 11
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 2, 5, 3) = 12 10
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 3, 6) = 14 12
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 4, 3) = 9 8
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 2, 2) = 12 10
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 6, 3) = 17 14
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 2, 4, 2) = 13 11
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 2, 2) = 13 11
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 4, 3) = 15 13
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (6, 4, 2, 2) = 14 12
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 5, 1, 4) = 15 14
Stat: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 1, 5) = 15 14
Not the best set I've ever seen, so I'll add in this house rule that we've had success with in the past: every level gain one point as if you had increased your point buy by 1. So a 12 could go to a 13 in a level, but to go from a 13 to a 14, it would take 2 levels. So 3 points to spread around since we start at 3rd!

Thurin Foehammer |

Alright then, I like it. Makes characters really grow up, so to speak, as nobody can start with the usual 18s.
Got a WIP character here. Dwarven Eldritch Scoundrel Rogue VMC Magus (Maybe Wizard...or Sorcerer?). Dangerous to go with such a MAD character. Str for hit/damage, Dex for AC, Con for AC, Int for spells, Wis for trapfinding. No armor proficiency. Subject to revision. I think it can still work though.
But with 3k gold to spend, going to roll the dice on a Wayfinder with Ioun stone.
Resonant Power: 1d100 ⇒ 5
...and nice. With that, he has Str (16) Dex (14) Con (14) Int (14) Wis (14) Cha (9)
Background up Monday-ish


Interesting and exotic.
I'll go with the last stat roll.
I'm thinking of a Summoner. One whose Eidolon looks almost like her, which is why she's 'died' several times. She runs and hides while the Eidolon takes the hit.
As the Eidolon gains evolutions it looks less and less like her, and less human as well.

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This sounds like a cool setting! Thinking of rolling up a half-orc sacred huntmaster inquisitor, intended as a champion of Erastil ruthlessly hunting down the damned with his hornbow and ferocious war tiger.
I'd pick the fifth set as well. Will try to do the writeup tonight! The teamwork bonus feats sound cool. Never saw that before as a houserule.

Thurin Foehammer |

Alright! Crunch is done. Ended up with Eldritch Scoundrel Rogue (2) Vampire Hunter (1) VMC Magus. Few things to point out:
(1) Against Undead: +1 Hit, +1 Damage, +2 AC, +2 saves vs spells and SLAs. Also has Detect Undead at-will.
(2) Wears Armored Kilt and Double Plated Mithril Chain Shirt (+6AC, +4 Max Dex, -10% ASF, -0 ACP, Medium Armor). ASF goes down to 0% with arcane armor training. Better than mage armor, and can sleep in it by taking off the armored kilt. Had considered just going fighter so he could eventually have mithral plate, but in the end decided that it didn't fit the character style.
(3) Full BaB power attack. Pretty standard fare. Damage is increased by (few of which he actually has yet) arcane strike, sneak attack and arcane pool. Really comes online at lvl5.

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Helpful (Halfling)
Source Halflings of Golarion pg. 30
Category Race
Requirement(s) Halfling
You see nothing wrong with letting others achieve greatness so long as the job gets done. Whenever you successfully perform an aid another action, you grant your ally a +4 bonus instead of the normal +2.
How would this work for your aid another house rules?

Captain Generica |

@Redblade and Rorek: Psychic spellcasting is practically non-existent in the world. Exceptions available on request, but I'd like to hear the basic background concept before anyone gets too deep in the crunch-weeds! I really like the concept though of the grandfather's sword! Does the spiritualist have anything that black blade magus doesn't really have going for it?
@Two-Hands: I'm willing to give anyone a chance! Feel free to apply!
@Kelionn: 10 would be a +3, 15 +4, 20 +5, etc. So add 2 to whatever you would have gotten. I've always really like aid another builds!

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if I did go sorcerer, could I use the pathfinder casting system? I would like to play but I don't really have time to read through the entirety of the words of power system.
As for the psychic-
I was thinking about taking the Psychic Marauder archetype and the amnesiac. The premise would be that he was a powerful sorcerer before the necromancers struck. The details are undecided for me, but someone close to him was in league with the necromancers and captured him for "study" He suffered horrible experiments for nearly a year before, his mind unable to bear it further, pulled upon his magical might. He pulled every essence of his being and his magic into his mind before releasing it to cause an arcane explosion of great power. This both freed him of his shackles, and freed him from the burden of the memories of his life lost. Though sadly not all the memories were lost. He remembers some of his time spent as a plaything for necromancers, and that he was a person of some importance before, though whenever he tries to delve to deep into his memories a deep anxiety swells within him. Due to all of this, his mind has fractured. Or, more aptly cracked. His perceptions on reality are skewed, what many would look at in horror he has little reaction too. He seldomly says things that seem to make sense to him, but are completely nonsensical, with perhaps only the mildest of correlations to a conversation. Indeed, it seems a mixture of his insanity, and his latent magic mixed to grant him these strange powers.
If you didn't want a "fully psychic" character for reasons, I could flavor it as, his twisted mind and magic is altering reality for fractions of a second, just long enough for him to cast his psychic spells. After all, magic can do anything. Or perhaps, in his insanity and possibly due to the horrible experiments he went through, he has inadvertently found a way to manifest magic in a different form.
I'm also considering a level of mesmerist to go along with it.

BelacRLJ |
My submission: Dasti Hillhold, CN Halfling Rogue/Ranger (VMC Witch)
Before the sun went out, Hillhold’s Sundries was a well-known grocery and general store in the Western Hills, notable for providing delivery services to regular customers. The Halfling family that owns it lived in a quiet estate nearby, though they spent most of their time operating the store. Few guessed, however, that the business wass a cover for an even more extensive smuggling operation, running weapons and mined gems to and from the local hill goblins and other inhabitants of the nearby wilds. Even fewer guessed that the matronly baker supervising the prepared foods section was in fact a skilled backwoodswoman and hunter.
Dasti married into the family in her youth, and for decades ran the shop while her husband handled the illegal business, keeping her from knowledge of more than the basic elements. Only when their sons came of an age to help did she learn the true nature of the Hillhold family business. She was not appalled or frightened—on the contrary, the idea sparked in her a thrill for adventure. She took over the money-laundering aspects of the operation, selling and buying rarely-used goods at inflated prices, while the menfolk oversaw the smuggled items changing hands without payment.
All went well for a time, until her husband and eldest son got greedy and joined the human smugglers in a scheme to swindle the necromancer hiding out in the nearby wilds. They were captured and taken up into the hills. Dasti left the honest business in the hands of her younger son and went after them, teaching herself woodcraft and enough arcana to get past undead, and managed to both rescue them and smooth things over with the necromancer. Upon their return, she demoted her menfolk to bookkeeping chores and took over the smuggling operation herself.
Dasti is very organized and clearheaded, and decades of looking after cloudheaded menfolk have given her a motherly attitude toward everyone. She’s a clever negotiator and, from a grocer’s familiarity with produce, a minor expert on poisons and natural healing. Although she’s always up for adventures, she’s too smart to just go haring off wildly. As a small person, and a middle-aged woman, she prefers to handle situations with a minimum of violence, but won’t hesitate to strike when necessary if the minimum amount is nonzero. She has no compunction against cheating or stealing if she thinks she’ll get away with it (and no sympathy for victims of fraud, who should have kept their wits about them), but is also very conscious of the value of a reputation for honesty, and will protect that at high cost. The weights and measures at Hillhold’s Sundries were always completely accurate, and she never traded in clipped coins, but those were for business reputation—the theft or swindling she engaged in was on a scale that’s worth it and well separated from her day job. Her one soft spot, as a mother, was for families with small children, and she always charitably provided for them, taking care to be seen to do so as well.
Since the sun went out, the store was converted into a village gathering place, and Dasti used her contacts to ensure that food and news kept coming in as long as possible. Now it is becoming untenable to remain, and the family is moving to the nearby city while its gates remain open, but Dasti knows when running away is a prudent escape and when it's merely delaying the inevitable. She's heard of a band of adventurers trying to stop the end of the world, and that's good for business. She's in.
Dasti respects no laws but those that give her some advantage, and is only restrained by strategic common sense. Despite her mercenary attitude, she loves the world and wants to see things continue as they have, and all her customers to live and shop in peace. She's willing to talk to and deal with anyone to accomplish her goals, and has absolute confidence in her wits to get her out of any situation she finds herself in.
Levels: uRogue 2, Ranger (Wilderness Explorer) 1
Using 14/14/13/12/11/11
Str 11 -2 (+1 point): 10
Dex 14 +2: 16
Con 13
Int 14
Wis 12 (+1 point): 13
Cha 11 +2 (+1 point): 14
Speed: 20 feet
Init: 7: +3 (Dex) +4 (Jerboa)
HP: 23
Fort: 4 (2 class, 1 con, 1 racial)
Ref: 7 (3 class, 3 dex, 1 racial)
Will: 3 (1 class, 1 Wis, 1 racial)
BAB: +3
CMB: 5: 3 (BAB) + 3 (Dex) -1 (Size)
CMD: 15: 10 + 3 (BAB) + 3 (Dex) -1 (Size)
AC: 19 (+4 Armor) (+3 Dex) (+1 Dodge) (+1 size)
Touch AC: 15
FF AC: 15
Atk: (+1 size bonus)
+7, 1d4, MW dagger
+7, 1d6, MW Longbow
1100: Mithral chain shirt
604: 2 MW daggers
375: Small MW Longbow
1001gp (Will buy assorted basic equipment)
Careful Combatant
Successful Shirker
1st level Teamwork: The party should coordinate this, but I vote Escape Route
1: Mobility
3: VMC Witch (Familiar)
Race Features:
+4 size modifier to stealth
+2 saves vs fear
+1 racial bonus to all saves
Resourceful: Throw Anything and Catch Off-Guard feats
+2 to perception
Class Features:
Trapfinding (+1)
Finesse Training
Sneak Attack +1d6
Rogue Talent: Slow Reactions
Cultural Contact
Favored Enemy: Undead
Track (+1)
Familiar: Jerboa
Climb: 6 (3 ranks, class)
Disable Device: 12 (3 ranks, class, 3 dex, 2 MW tools, 1 Trapfinding)
Perception: 9 (3 ranks, class, 1 Wis, 2 racial)
Stealth: 14 (3 ranks, class, 3 dex, 4 size, 1 trait)
Survival: 6 (2 ranks, class, 1 Wis)
Diplomacy: 8 (3 ranks, class, 2 Cha)
Bluff: 8 (3 ranks, class, 2 Cha)
Acrobatics: 9 (3 ranks, class, 3 dex)
Sleight of Hand: 7 (1 rank, class, 3 dex)
Knowledge (Local): 6 (1 rank, class, 2 Int)
Intimidate: 6 (1 rank, class, 2 Int)
Swim: 5 (2 ranks, class)
Use Magic Device: 6 (1 rank, class, 2 Cha)
Profession (Grocer): 7 (3 ranks, class, 1 Wis)
Appraise: 7 (2 ranks, class, 2 Int)
Handle Animal: 6 (1 rank, class, 2 Cha)
Level 4: Rogue (dex to damage)
Level 5: Ranger (TWF fighting style)
Level 6: Rogue (Debilitating Strike)
Levels 7-10 Ranger

Captain Generica |

Regular casting would be fine. As far as the psychic goes, that's a really cool story, and I'd be willing to sign off on it! I do have a couple of concerns though. First and most importantly, I'm a little worried about how someone that truly chaotic could work in a group setting. My other concerns are just some backstory details. All the powerful arcane casters kicked the bucket, got banished to different planes of existence, or had other terrible fates inflicted upon them during the sorcerer/wizard war. Secondly, why would the necromancers not just kill and raise you? Sadism is all good and well, but pragmatism is also important to them.
Thurin, either version of rogue gets the BaB.

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dotting for possible submission...thinking ranger/inquisitor...
stat: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 6, 3, 2) = 1311
stat: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 5, 3, 1) = 1312
stat: 4d6 ⇒ (6, 1, 5, 3) = 1514
stat: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 2, 4, 6) = 1513
stat: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 6, 2) = 1412
stat: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 1, 2, 6) = 1211
stat: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 6, 5, 5) = 1916
stat: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 6, 2) = 1312
stat: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 4, 4) = 1612
stat: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 2, 1, 5) = 1312
stat: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 6, 1, 6) = 1514
stat: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 4, 1, 4) = 1211
stat: 4d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 2, 4) = 1715
stat: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 2, 4) = 1211
stat: 4d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 2, 5) = 1513
stat: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 2, 4, 4) = 1513
stat: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 3, 1, 4) = 98
stat: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 2, 2) = 1110
stat: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 2, 5, 1) = 1110
stat: 4d6 ⇒ (6, 1, 5, 1) = 1312
stat: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 5, 2, 3) = 1513
stat: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 2, 4) = 1210
stat: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 2, 2, 3) = 1210
stat: 4d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 1, 1) = 1312
stat: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 3, 6, 2) = 1211
stat: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 5, 5) = 1715
stat: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 6, 6, 4) = 1916
stat: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 1, 2) = 98
stat: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 4, 3) = 1613
stat: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 3, 1, 5) = 1412

Thurin Foehammer |

The lives of the dwarven people were not easy ones. This was true back when they had their homeland, but it was even more relevant after they were forced to become a people in exile. Not that Thurin knew about the former, for he was born long after the great loss was suffered. For him all he knew was the road. And the anvil. For his family kept to the old ways, and took great pride in their craft. Even with the Mage Wars in full force, they kept their heads down and just tried to stay out of trouble. And this worked, until the Endless Night began.
He remembered when it happened all too well. He was in a small village at the time. His caravan had stopped there looking for work, and Thurin had just finished his day's tasks. And then the sun had vanished. Everyone had stopped and stared, and muttered and gossiped. But when it did not return, they all returned home. For what else was there to do? Days past and still it did not come back. The caravan stopped in place, his clan unwilling to venture into such uncertainty. And then...the undead came. First it was just a single zombie, wandering into a farmer's fields. The reports continued, with the outlying farmers fleeing the night and huddling together in the village. They were not warriors, but Thurin's Clan were, and the farmers sought the protection of dwarven steel. Protection which was looking to leave at first opportunity.
And that was when the stranger came in. A man of pale skin and sharp teeth. A man who said that he knew what was happening and how to solve it. Necromancers, he said. Kill the necromancers and the undead would be leaderless. He asked only for brave volunteers to accompany him. Thurin was one of them. It was the night in which he learned what true fear was, as well as what bravery looked like.
Suffice to say, the necromancer was killed. With the roads cleared, Thurin's clan made ready to leave. But the young dwarf stayed behind, asking the Vampire Hunter whom he had joined with that night to teach him what he knew. Because Thurin feared that there would be no safe place to flee to while the sun was gone. The only way to live would be to stand up towards the horrors that faced him. And in this, the hunter obliged.
For months Thurin traveled with the Vampire Hunter, learning the trade. Already trained by his own people on how to swing a hammer, the young dwarf learned how to work the arcane arts, how to identify the troubles of the world, and how to kill them. In these months he worked dutifully to learn all that he could. Until he was told 'no more.' His mentor had found the trail of a liche, and that was a fight beyond the young dwarf's abilities. Having sworn to follow his mentor's orders, whatever they might be, Thurin was powerless to refuse. The Vampire Hunter vanished into the long night, with but one last order. To carry on their work.
Thurin has now come to the city of Mullern, looking for like minded individuals. Men and women willing to face the darkness, and all that dwelt within.

Drogeney |

I have to admit that this sounds rather itneresting. What is the focus going to be on in this. More RP heavy? More combat heavy?
Where do you intend to take this exactly? Are we trying to save everything? Can we save everything? I don't mind the apocolypse but I like to at least know there is hope preventing it.

Jereru |

That's a nice recruitment!
I have two questions:
First is related to Ability advancement. Do we get to save some of these points we get each level until we can buy a higher cost ability point? How does this interact with Ability boosting items? Does this stack with the 1 point each 4 levels all characters usually get?
Second, the Arcanist, which is what I had in mind. Does it get to use Vancian magic or WoP? Does it still lag a level behind the Wizard (and the Sorcerer in this case)?

Thurin Foehammer |

Completed Submissions
Thurin Foehammer Dwarven Unchained Eldritch Scoundrel Rogue (2) Vampire Hunter (1) VMC Magus
Kelionn, Knight of Shadows Human High Guardian Mutagen Warrior Fighter VMC Cleric (3)
Dasti Hillhold Halfling Wilderness Explorer Ranger (1) Unchained Rogue (2)
And as concepts, we have a summoner, pyro sorcerer, phantom blade spiritualist, Amnesiac Psychic Marauder and lizardfolk druid.

Mithias Mead |

Alrighty GM here's Fanguar's application:
Aasimar Inquisitor(Royal Accuser, Sanctified Slayer) 3
Crunch is in the profile, but in brief, it's a ranged anti-undead build. Have some spells, have some skills, can do a bit of everything.
Mathias joined the Grand Order of Cryptkeepers at an early age. Tending the crypts and graves of the dead seemed like a quiet job and the work’s general feeling of rightness appealed to him. The training at abbey was tedious and maybe a bit self-serious, but Mithias was a good initiate and came to appreciate the tenants of the faith; that a body had earned its rest after a lifetime of toil in service of the soul. He also learned of all those that might corrupt or defile the peace of the dead and due to his innate aptitudes, was assigned to the sect of the order devoted to protecting the sanctity of the dead.
Assigned to one of the larger cemeteries in the area, Mithias enjoyed several years of relative quiet, occasionally there would be a ghoul incursion into the crypts or a carrion crawler would wander into the necropolis, but other than these brief moments of excitement, his time was relatively quiet.
Shortly before the sky darkened, reports began to circulate through the order. Graves being dug up in long abandoned cemeteries. Ossuaries being opened for their annual cleaning and blessings, only to be found empty. Local members of the Order did their best to find the culprits, but none were found. Local authorities blamed the Cryptkeepers for the desecrations, but did not consider the loss of the long forgotten dead a major concern. As a consequence, tithes began to fall. Within the order, these events caused mounting concern and some their meagre resources were re-allocated to smaller and abandoned burial sites.
At his own post, Mithias and his brethren had begun to notice the occasional odd scratching sounds around the cemetery. Assuming it was ghouls trying to get at the fresher corpses, they began setting traps to lure the undead to the surface, but all their efforts failed. The truth of the matter soon came to light, when one of the communal grave sites collapsed after a heavy rain, revealing a tunnel entrance. The tunnel was much more advanced than anything a ghoul or animal would have dug, further causing alarm. A scout was sent in and reported that the tunnel connected to an extensive network. A small team of exterminators were sent in and were never seen again. The tunnel entrance was collapsed rather than risk another team.
Mithias learned that this was not an isolated event and similar tunnels and disappearances had been reported at all the major burial sites overseen by the order. Reports and requests for aid were sent to the other Churches and authorities, but they were denied and more often than not, the Order was admonished as being alarmist and incompetant as they ‘Were not even capable of keeping the vermin out’. Things only got worse when the Cryptkeepers were forced to close the cemeteries in response to reports of Brethren disappearing. Mithias had witnessed the second first hand, having watched the ground give way beneath Brother Martin, pulling the screaming man into the rich graveyard soil. He was all too happy when the order came in from on high for the remaining members to close shop and relocate to the safety of the larger cities.
When the day went dark, the Order knew what to expect. They were not surprised by the rise of the dead, but the sheer scope of it was appalling. Never a large order to begin with, and further diminished by the losses taken during their investigations and defence of the dead, the Cryptkeepers were in no position to lead a proper defense against the hordes of undead that swarmed over the countryside. They did their best to organize militias and hold back the tide, but it was a losing battle. Still, they managed to save many lives in those early days of chaos and terror.
Today, the few remaining members of the Order find themselves in the few remaining cities that still stand, lending their experience and knowledge to living’s fight for survival. Mithias currently finds himself in the city of Mullern, unofficially attached to the city's defense force. For the last year or so he’s been training militia, manning the walls and performing sorties to recover resources or to tactically strike against undead incursions. Occasionally, these excursions come at the behest of the Cryptkeeper hierarchy, as they try to consolidate resources and search for new ways of combating the undead menace. In light of the current state of affairs, the Grand Order of Cryptkeepers is more popular than ever before and though the current recognition and appreciation is nice, there is an undercurrent of sadness that runs through the Church: If only people had listened to the warnings before it was too late.
Thanks for the consideration and let me know if you have any questions.

Captain Generica |

@Almonihah: Yes lizard-folk are fine! They originally came from the great desert, which is the opposite face of The Cube, so some explanation of how you came to be here would be great! I really should work on getting a rudimentary map up, huh?
@Drogeney: For the most part, the world has already ended for the everyman. Populations decimated, homes lost, no sun, all that's left is hope, and it's fading fast. I was hoping to make preservation of that hope the main focus of the campaign, whether it be through fighting the hordes, doing kind deeds, or even an attack on the local necromantic captains and generals. At the lower levels, it'll have to be smaller scale actions, but at the higher levels there will be a chance to influence the tide of this war. I like RP more than bloated, extended combats, but both should be expected, considering it's an apocalypse scenario. I'll try and do my best to keep the combat fresh and interesting!
@Jereru: Yes you can save them. It influences the base number before racial modifiers, enhancement bonuses, or other stat modifiers. The level 4 bonus is unaffected by these changes, and is in addition to the 1 build point per level.
Secondly, in my setting (which existed before arcanist was added into the game, so there was some scrambling to try and figure out where they fit in) are basically sorcerers trained to cast spells like wizards. As such Vancian casting is usually correct for them. Innate arcanists (bleh) would probably be WoP. Considering the sheer strength of some of the arcane exploits, they will remain at their reduced progression so that blood arcanists don't take everything away from sorcerers. If you want some additional details about sorcerers, wizards, and arcanists, feel free to PM me any questions you've got!

Almonihah |

@Almonihah: Yes lizard-folk are fine! They originally came from the great desert, which is the opposite face of The Cube, so some explanation of how you came to be here would be great! I really should work on getting a rudimentary map up, huh?
All right, excellent! I was thinking he somehow got a bit of forewarning of the coming of the Dead (Maybe go VMC Oracle and say he had a vision?) and, knowing they'd ruin both the natural and civilized worlds, made the perilous journey to human lands, thinking they'd be more able to organize a war than the desert dwellers. But he basically arrived just barely in time to not get killed by the undead hordes, and is now stuck in the city with everyone else mourning the destruction of so much of nature outside the walls.

![]() |

My half-orc huntmaster is coming along nicely in the background. I'd like to ask something about the world:
-Are orcs and half-orcs from the fourth facet, the desert, as well? Unsure how uncommon orcs are considered to be.
-Do you have some lore ideas in place for recent history of the desert and how the conflict of the 100 year long mage-war plays into this? My current partial backstory write-up assumes there has always been a lot of war in the desert over scarce resources, with attempts to invade the richer facets every now and then. But with the (I assume, catastrophic) 100 year war between mages, more and more refugees now started going into the desert of their own accord. Is that all right, or should it be changed? It is a lot of assumption for what I suppose is a rather large part of the lore of the world.
Kind regards!

Captain Generica |

@Rorek55: I'm a little confused, you said you didn't want to learn words of power, but you're not a fan of vancian casting either? Also yes, that's a fine line of thinking, some details to smooth out, but a fine concept.
@Trevor86: The orcs originally come from the face that you are on. In my settings, orcs are of the giant subrace. Nothing other than that changes, other than they are the smallest of the giants, and very mad about their size. Perhaps some 500 years ago, the orc tribes of the foothills were disbanded, and they scattered, many of them going to the desert, where they eventually interbred to basically be half orcs exclusively. The full orcs mostly live in small groups on this face.
In addition, the desert is an incredibly chaotic environment, with the sheer amount of divine background radiation spilling from The Tavern of the Gods. Most of the mages avoided the area during the war, as the sheer amount of magical energy present often caused spells to go catastrophically awry. Those who fled the conflict to the area were hunted by bounty hunters, hired by the wizards. While skirmishes do come up, the sheer number of new races that mutate into existence, and the morphic landscape that gets all the more chaotic the further you go in mean that there has been a lot more interaction between the races than the other faces. Factions spring up, and fight with each other, but usually over more mundane things like market stall locations. In the past few years though, things have gotten more tense. The undead don't fare well in the scorching heat and flesheating bugs, but the infections are all the more nefarious there, being transmitted by beetle, by clever ghouls, by general distrust.
@Grimdog73: Check out the 4th post in the thread! There you will find the possible arrays to choose from!

Jereru |

Alright so... Where do you think this trait would be available to pick fluff wise? You've spoken of a plane created "by spellcasters for spellcasters", that might go due to the strange magics in the area, right? Or maybe in the desert side, where the Tavern of the Gods lay? Or anywhere else?

Captain Generica |

My apologies! I had been led to believe that Vancian casting was the spell slot based system, as opposed to just the type of casting that wizards/prepared casters do. Sorcerers are either WoP, or have their normal (house ruled for increased level) casting if the player doesn't have the time to learn WoP.

Thurin Foehammer |

Completed Submissions
Thurin Foehammer Dwarven Unchained Eldritch Scoundrel Rogue (2) Vampire Hunter (1) VMC Magus
Kelionn, Knight of Shadows Human High Guardian Mutagen Warrior Fighter VMC Cleric (3)
Dasti Hillhold Halfling Wilderness Explorer Ranger (1) Unchained Rogue (2)
Mithias Mead Aasimar Royal Accuser Sanctified Slayer Inquisitor
Very thematic choice for Mithias taking the final rest inquisition. And I like the choice on archetypes. Getting detect undead at-will and favored enemy undead is quite useful here, and I'm personally a fan of studied target over judgement. And I noticed that you took the Deathless Spirit alternate racial. Probably a good idea in an undead heavy campaign setting.