Rosella Breban |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

For accents, Rosella definitely has one that makes her sound rural (at least to those with time spent in big cities). I am however very bad at writing accents so the specific details will be left to the readers' imagination.

Briar Vervain |
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Oh Luvick is evil in Golarion canon, too. His betrayal of the Tyrant was completely self-serving because the Tyrant would have taken away the vampire food source. I just know that if I was an immortal evil vampire who has lived for 2000 years and is probably a bard, I absolutely would do something just like that. He's not *actually* that morally ambiguous. He's just very charismatic and a good writer. That productions that are more critical of him tend to end poorly for everyone involved has something to do with it, too.
That said, I'm familiar enough with Kas that that makes a perfect analogue.
That's interesting about Lastwall. I always saw Lastwall as someplace that was started to keep the Tyrant boxed up but then just completely lost the script and spent a bunch of time fighting orcs and policing borders on land that was never theirs to begin with. It was never intended to be political and is at least nominally still so, but no state can remain apolitical. The parallels are just so strong with Ordenstaat--they even have the same colors--that it's hard for me to ignore. Real world knightly orders are one of my special interests, too :D

Dungeon Madam |

Honestly, I don't know a lot about the Belkzen lore (Pathfinder lore on monster races is, well, often kind of boring). So I can't speak a lot to good or bad takes on orcs in general, but that does sound like an interesting way to run with it.
In general, I sort of swerve away from the "coding monstrous ancestries as marginalized racial/ethnic groups" stuff, so I guess that does make me a little cautious about putting Lastwall in a colonizing relationship with orcs. I'm not saying it's bad, it's just a place I personally won't go here.
There is one exception built into this AP, admittedly. Lizardfolk are the subject of AoW's third chapter, and their conflict with Magnimar is, well, definitely designed to evoke certain familiar themes. But when it comes to orcs, worgs, goblinoids, drow, kobolds and so on, I prefer to keep things fairly abstracted.
We'll see how things shake out, of course. Even Chapter 3 is a ways away right now. :P

Briar Vervain |

Pathfinder monster race lore does often end up in the generic, I agree. I think it's been getting better in 2E but it's still rather eh. I wouldn't ask you to go outside your comfort zone on something like that, though.
I have a lot of feelings on the subject that I have not entirely been able to untangle, particularly since I'm very exhausted from having trouble sleeping last night, so I'll leave it at that. An interesting discussion for another day

Dungeon Madam |
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I know a lot of people with very complicated feelings about it, so I completely understand wanting to take time to untangle them. I'm actually kind of restraining myself here, too—I have a lot of tangly thoughts on it, but, well, it's all an awful lot to deal with, and right now your main enemies are a) dogs, b) bugs, c) very shouty walls. So I'm holding off. :P

Briar Vervain |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Am I regretting making a character weak to poison and afraid of bugs already? Let's find out!

Dungeon Madam |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Oh, I, uh... it hasn't come up yet, but I should probably have mentioned we're using Unchained Poisons rules, huh?

Briar Vervain |

Oh. That's good to know. I need to learn those then, especially since I'm going to be poisoning people myself later

Dungeon Madam |

Yeah, sorry, it honestly slipped my mind until now. Poison is not very prominently-featured in Whispering Cairn.

Dungeon Madam |

This is a very gentle hint that you are all a quarter of the way to leveling up and you can probably afford to spend an Action Point here or there for this encounter.
Not that your rolls this round could really do much with them. Oof.

Alaïs Thalanassa |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

And now, for a diversion from being eaten by spiders and beetles...
Oh wow! I knew about the masterpiece and the bard archetype but I did not realize there was a specific NPC related to it. I hope my jab at a take on it does not clash too hard with your image of them. I can happily declare it non-canon if it does. I just like making up stuff, so please let me know if I'm stepping on anyone's toes too much.
And speaking of making up stuff, here's all the literature I've made up about Golarion in the past. Having it all collected in one place makes it rather obvious where my special interests are haha.
** spoiler omitted **...
Oh, no worries! And let me know if I’m at risk of shutting down something you’re trying to spin out. With the exception of my PCs and their pet/associated background NPCs, I’m trying to be less of a control freak and get into the spirit of, “Yes, and…”
Also, I love the authors you’ve come up with! Alaïs would be a total snob in this, as in all things, but I can imagine she would have surprisingly(?) strong opinions about Punch Master Shin if she’s introduced to the series (I think she would definitely prefer the last ten or so installments, and mouth off about those while pretty much ignoring everything that came before (<.< >.> Is totally not projecting from her own experiences with unfamiliar fandoms)), and she would un-ironically love Briana Wessex, with due allowances for her limitations. “Competently-written?” Ouch. We’re going the whole “damning with faint praise” route, then? :)
Oh, yeah, I do need to talk to you about your plans for Lina—in particular, do you want her to be an NPC with a role in things, or more of a distant figure under your control, solely encountered via letters? I know she's your sort of default "Kingmaker PC submission", so I want to be sure I don't mess with your plans for her elsewhere.
I guess I was thinking primarily along the lines of Schrödinger’s (N)PC. :)
As you said, a more distant figure, overwhelmingly via letters. But I was thinking you could use Lina as a window onto how the Age of Worms might be affecting other parts of the world (so just the odd note like, "In her latest letter Lina writes that there are rumours of something strange affecting the Moonpools along the Endowhar, which must be serious if that news is getting as far as Hymbria..."), and also maybe a source for other factoids and useful stuff as appropriate if local sources don’t pan out. (So, if the Laments or Sorrow don’t turn up in town, for example, Lina’s correspondence with Alaïs might account for how a copy eventually arrives on our skald’s doorstep.) But how often that would work depends on your ideas for how easy communication is or isn’t in Smolarion. (And now I’m thinking of silly situations to account for WBL constraints like, “100 platinum shipping/handling and import duties?! It’s one book!” I mean, the sensible thing is just to handwave the mechanics of the game economy, but my imagination is not sensible. :) )
I think you mentioned that at some point your take on the campaign will likely see us visiting Garund? If our route just happened to take us through the River Kingdoms / Kyonin – which I certainly wouldn’t expect or ask you to incorporate – I could imagine that likewise Lina could just happen to appear for a moment as an “actual” NPC for you to play with a bit more, especially since as a magus the obvious game-y NPC roles I can imagine her playing wouldn’t be anything that I would have to think about for my head-canon: info-dumping and useful spells from her spellbook, possibly with a hint of The Perils of Pauline (but certainly not "damsel in distress!" Ugh). Does that sound like a plan?

Kobold Catgirl |

That all sounds reasonable. I will note that as your party approaches 20th level, teleportation and sending will enter play. In my other Age of Worms game, one PC has a romance with his girlfriend who's literally across the world. So odds are good that the option will at least be available for Alais to spend time with Lina in-game, let alone communicate easily.

Broccan Dunchad |
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Since NPCs are being mentioned, it should be noted that Broccan looks after his mother, the Widow Dunchad, and will likely take time in downtime moments to visit her and bring her needfuls (food, firewood, etc), at least as long as the group is in town.

Broccan Dunchad |

I find it funny that when we are active on the map, we have names like, Anonymous Liger, Anonymous Badger, Anonymous Dinosaur, etc. I don't think it shows our own, if we are the only ones looking at it though, so I'm not sure which one is me.

Briar Vervain |

I'm logged into my google account so it shows my face from my view, but yeah everyone else "anonymous [insert animal]"

Briar Vervain |

And now, for a diversion from being eaten by spiders and beetles...
Briar Vervain wrote:Oh wow! I knew about the masterpiece and the bard archetype but I did not realize there was a specific NPC related to it. I hope my jab at a take on it does not clash too hard with your image of them. I can happily declare it non-canon if it does. I just like making up stuff, so please let me know if I'm stepping on anyone's toes too much.
And speaking of making up stuff, here's all the literature I've made up about Golarion in the past. Having it all collected in one place makes it rather obvious where my special interests are haha.
** spoiler omitted **...
Oh, no worries! And let me know if I’m at risk of shutting down something you’re trying to spin out. With the exception of my PCs and their pet/associated background NPCs, I’m trying to be less of a control freak and get into the spirit of, “Yes, and…”
Also, I love the authors you’ve come up with! Alaïs would be a total snob in this, as in all things, but I can imagine she would have surprisingly(?) strong opinions about Punch Master Shin if she’s introduced to the series (I think she would definitely prefer the last ten or so installments, and mouth off about those while pretty much ignoring everything that came before (<.< >.> Is totally not projecting from her own experiences with unfamiliar fandoms)), and she would un-ironically love Briana Wessex, with due allowances for her limitations. “Competently-written?” Ouch. We’re going the whole “damning with faint praise” route, then? :)
No worries, I have never been good at improv myself and have been trying to do a better job of being less control-freaky about it myself.
Briana Wessex is actually a winking reference to Bridget Essex, a real life lesbian romance writer who has a series of lesbian lady knight books. I have some on my shelf :D
I did not mean it damning as I have come to learn that competently-written is a lot harder than people give it credit for. The books know exactly what they are setting out to do and accomplish it, which--even if those ambitions are not lofty--is still respectable. Most of all, you can tell the author is having fun, and that makes the experience fun for the reader, too.

Alaïs Thalanassa |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Oh, gotcha. And absolutely, I was aiming for a bit of tongue-in-cheek, thinking, in contrast, of how one might go about trying to convince a friend to give them a shot, or how one would thank the author. There is so much wrong with the cult of genius – but, as our DM reminds us when we do, that’s getting into heavier territory.
I mean, unless everyone wants to go into a deep dive into aesthetics in the discussion thread, while we collectively solve all the problems with art. Oooh, life imitating art, given, you know, Alaïs, decadent skald, and all that. Whoa. That's a rabbit hole, then. Wilde would approve, we hope. ;)

Kata Coszma |

Busy morning for me here. I hope to be along this afternoon.

Dungeon Madam |

For what it's worth, I have no problem with alcohol being featured in the game—it's a poison, obviously (one I indulge in myself on occasion), but it's a fantasy game and we're here to have fun, and I think we can all understand that Alais is partaking healthily and safely while also being a total party girl from time to time. :P
Also, I'm very pleased with how everyone handled the encounter. Big improvement off of the last time I ran it—no one died before casting their first spell!

Briar Vervain |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Another of my characters is an alcoholic former socialite (Caydenite wine mom) so I have no problem with handling the subject. Briar's curse makes her the lightest of lightweights, much like her player (SSRIs + HRT = drunk after 1 margarita, which is pretty impressive for 6'2.5" 250 lbs), so she will be teetotaling.
Also, @Alais, I miscounted before and forgot you are not on the discord. You don't have to if you don't want to, of course, I just was worried you you missed the link (which I have just reshared). Easier to chat about aesthetics and such there :P

Edrukk Thorvirgunson |

I am unconcerned with responsible drinking, in real life or in the game. Edrukk might imbibe socially. Probably will, in fact.

Kata Coszma |

I also have no problems with depictions of drinking or substance use.

Kata Coszma |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Morning! I'm going to be in meetings most of the morning and afternoon and will get caught up this afternoon, Pacific Time. If needed, please bot Kata. In a fight, she'll use inspire courage and then stab things. If there's no room to stab, she has a sling. She as two scrolls of CLW CL1 if needed as well.

Edrukk Thorvirgunson |

In case I'm not available when my turn comes around, Edrukk will be trying to be a bulwark for his allies to fire their weapons past, fighting defensively with waraxe and heavy shield. I will update his AC on the status line accordingly.

Edrukk Thorvirgunson |

Change of plans: He's on total defense for an AC of 22.

Broccan Dunchad |

Can we assume that we know what gear a botting PC has in his/her pack?
For example: It seems Edrukk is the only one who bought and brought torches. I don't think anyone has any alchemist's fire left. Torches and lamp oil are about all we have to use against the bug swarm.
I understand it would require a round or two to retrieve and light the torches, but can we assume that we wouldn't have to ask about them first before pulling them out of Edrukk's pack?

Edrukk Thorvirgunson |

Especially when Edrukk has forgotten that he has torches.
(I honestly thought I replaced those with a lantern and oil, which I should have offered, anyway.)

Rosella Breban |

Rosella also has torches, a lantern, and lamp oil; she just hasn't been using them because there's been no need for the extra light and she prefers to have her hands free.

Briar Vervain |

I found a feat that Broc qualifies for and can grab with martial versatility, Rat Catcher, that would allow him to punch a swarm

Briar Vervain |

I have a level 12 brawler (well, brawler/bard/monk, long story) so I know a lot of the standard niche feats for martial versatility. Honestly one of my favorite abilities in the game tbh.

Alaïs Thalanassa |

*Takes notes.* I love magic too much to ever do more than dabble in a straightforward martial class, but I've a few characters that might be tempted to take Barroom Brawler.
Ritual Hex is probably my single favourite feat for similar reasons.

Broccan Dunchad |

Alaïs Thalanassa |

Proposed Calistrian idiom: “Lady give you good.” It references how, of the three prongs of Calistria’s knife, only one of them is generally something you’d want to be on the receiving end of, as generally people do not like being tricked or revenged upon. The phrase was originally “Lady give you the good one” but usage wore it down over time.
The two canon Calistrian phrases I found were too melodramatic for every day use (“I stab you with my heart”), and I wanted to come up with something more working class that Briar would actually use, probably picked up from her coworkers
Aaaa, that’s so great! I mean, Calistrians talk a good game and all – I love the quotation that heads her entry in Inner Sea Gods, and that’s the sort of stuff that one of my other characters, a theologically-minded warpriest, is all about – but I think they have a very healthy sense of how “the fear of the Lady is the beginning of wisdom,” to paraphrase other scriptures.
So, absolutely, “savor the three stings,” – it’s in holy writ! – but word your prayers carefully? Love it!
And yes, the canon aphorisms in ISG are just … a bit much? “Love the food, not the chef?” Yikes.
And now I’m imagining that somewhere in Alaïs’ past there must be an ex who wasn’t anywhere near as keen on romance as she is, and who had the nerve to quote that at her, which … “Darling, what a metaphor! Though I suppose some people have to settle.”

Dungeon Madam |

And yes, the canon aphorisms in ISG are just … a bit much? “Love the food, not the chef?” Yikes.
In fairness, Calistria is a Chaotic Neutral goddess, so it makes sense that some of her doctrines would feel a bit, well, morally ill-advised. :P

Alaïs Thalanassa |

I mean, if everyone’s on the same page, but it just seems a bit tragic, y’know?
*Calistria sniffs, looks up, and glares from where she’s listening to Zevon’s “Looking for the Next Best Thing” (etc.) on repeat.* “Well, if that’s how you feel about it, why don’t go you hang out with that [[redacted]] Shelyn? I’m sure you’ll get along just fine. Just don't come crying to me when you get your heart broken.”
Also, speaking of bands with Leroys in them – Jenkins, not Marinell – I rather expected the hallway would end up a bit too crowded for Alaïs to charge this time around. Early days yet, in our adventuring careers, and we tomb raiders still have to get a feeling for everyone’s tactics. And her name’s a bit of a mouthful. Though I guess “ThalAAAAA!NNNassa!” might hit some of the same beats. :)

Briar Vervain |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Briar Vervain wrote:Proposed Calistrian idiom: “Lady give you good.” It references how, of the three prongs of Calistria’s knife, only one of them is generally something you’d want to be on the receiving end of, as generally people do not like being tricked or revenged upon. The phrase was originally “Lady give you the good one” but usage wore it down over time.
The two canon Calistrian phrases I found were too melodramatic for every day use (“I stab you with my heart”), and I wanted to come up with something more working class that Briar would actually use, probably picked up from her coworkers
Aaaa, that’s so great! I mean, Calistrians talk a good game and all – I love the quotation that heads her entry in Inner Sea Gods, and that’s the sort of stuff that one of my other characters, a theologically-minded warpriest, is all about – but I think they have a very healthy sense of how “the fear of the Lady is the beginning of wisdom,” to paraphrase other scriptures.
So, absolutely, “savor the three stings,” – it’s in holy writ! – but word your prayers carefully? Love it!
And yes, the canon aphorisms in ISG are just … a bit much? “Love the food, not the chef?” Yikes.
And now I’m imagining that somewhere in Alaïs’ past there must be an ex who wasn’t anywhere near as keen on romance as she is, and who had the nerve to quote that at her, which … “Darling, what a metaphor! Though I suppose some people have to settle.”
I’m so glad you like it! And it’s cool to have some rather extra aphorisms! Especially for a goddess as prone to decadence as Calistria. For a certain type of character, I could see using them a lot more. Especially with a chaotic and very popular deity, I imagine there would be lots of variety of sayings and that they popped up independently all over and got changed over time through usage. I just adore language and how it shifts and how much character you can put in a person with just word choice and diction. I want every character to have something that sets them apart and makes them feel different. I’ll occasionally stop and take note of which phrases or words I’ve picked up and from whom and where so I can mine that for inspiration. There is something so romantic in hearing my wife using phrases they picked up from me and vice versa. I think of all the people that we carry with us in our language and it’s just astounding and beautiful to me.

Dungeon Madam |

Two x3 crits in a row! Goodness gracious, that'll do it!

Dungeon Madam |

I mentioned it in the Discord, but I might not get a post up today. Mental health stuff. I'll try to post tonight, and if not, tomorrow morning.

Briar Vervain |

Take care of yourself <3 We'll be here.

Alaïs Thalanassa |

Absolutely! As the others have said, take care of yourself, ma'am! That's what's important. *Salutes smartly, and wanders off humming an air from Iolanthe.* :)

Kata Coszma |

Here's the list of things found in the tomb:
A suit of masterwork leather armor, padded on the interior to be apparently quite comfortable.
A scroll, which appears to be magic.
A piece of paper with some messy scrawl, impossible to decipher.
An empty vial.
Two potions which detect as magic. The liquid within the potions is a pale rosewater-pink, but share the faint lemony scent of Broccan's healing potion. Kata recognizes these immediately—it's the style of potionbrewing often used by the worshipers of Wee Jas and Shelyn, though it should be noted that some do trade with the Shrine from time to time, particularly when they don't want to be endebted to any of the more politically active cults.
A few pieces of crumpled paper with some charcoal, some with rubbings of various symbols you've seen elsewhere in the cairn.
A small fetish on a string—a little Brigid doll of straw of what appears to be a crow or raven. The dead figure was clutching it when it died. It does not detect as magic, nor does it possess any religious or political significance anyone can guess at.
The Brigid doll was claimed by Briar.

Kata Coszma |

GM, could we get a link to the loot sheet from the header of the campaign or the campaign tab? I'm having some trouble accessing discord from my work laptop, where I do most of my posting.