Omens Better Left Lost: An Age of Worms Campaign

Game Master Kobold Catgirl

It has been over a hundred years since Aroden's death, since the ravaging of Absalom. The Age of Glory is over before it began, almost all prophecies shattered and tossed to the winds. But the Age of Lost Omens may already be nearing its own end. What age comes next?
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Three Faces of Evil Maps (Current: Slide 4); 16th of Arodus, Time: 8:24 PM

Welcome, my friends, to the story of Golarion's next and perhaps final age, and the fools who'll try to stop it.

As difficult as the choice was this time around, I am incredibly happy with the PCs I've chosen.

Kata Coszma, N human bard of Pharasma
Rosella Breban, NG human fighter of the Bronzewood Lodge
Briar Vervain, CG human oracle of Calistria
Alaïs Thalanassa, CG elf skald noblewoman
Broccan Dunchad, NG human brawler of no account
Edrukk Thorvirgunson, CG dwarf warpriest of Gorum

Edrukk Thorvirgunson, your roleplaying style was already known to me. I really enjoyed playing alongside Edrukk's uncle, and I know Edrukk Jr will make a wonderful addition to this party, and a great fit for the Age of Worms. He's a gentle fire that nonetheless burns brightly.

Broccan Dunchad, again, I knew your style from our previous game together. Broccan is an incredibly sweet, lovable character, with a vulnerability I don't often see in D&D PCs—especially big tough brawlers. His original incarnation was the heart of the old Shackled City party, and I think he rounds out this party very well.

Alaïs Thalanassa, I think you have a very compelling and effective way of crafting PbP characters. Alais's long-distance relationship would be an excellent hook on its own, but that, coupled with her haunting ambitions, give an amazing depth of purpose to play with. She seems like a blast, and I'm so glad you decided to accept my invite.

Briar Vervain, your character immediately caught my interest for exciting hooks, a dark but vividly imagined backstory, and a base character concept I was immediately charmed by. Calistria is such an interesting goddess, and your character embodies her very well. Briar offers genuine, interesting moral failings that could give her a compellingly complex relationship with other partymembers. A great fit for an Adventure Path about the gradual corruption of the noblest of virtues.

Kata Coszma, like I said, I like Wee Jas, but what really grabbed me about your character was how gripping your writing was. "Prose backstories" are hit or miss with me, but yours was fantastic. Kata feels very well-connected to Diamond Lake—and to the Whispering Cairn—in a way I think will only get more interesting to explore as the party moves away from both. Her focus on death, too, made a great fit for the AP about the undead.

Rosella Breban, your character swooped in and caught me by surprise when I was pretty sure my mind was already made up on my selections. Rosella's story is sweet, relatable, and utterly tragic; the first thing I said to my girlfriend was, "I have to let her into the game. She has to get to Magnimar!" That's how you know you've got a proper heart-wrenching Sad Backstory™. Of course, it wasn't just the backstory—I'm really excited by her hooks, and I think, whether she gets a happy ending or a tragic one, Rosella's going to be a great match for this AP's tone.

Welcome to the campaign, and congratulations!! I'll be looking to start the Gameplay thread tomorrow morning. Thank you so much for putting up with the wait!

As a reminder, all House Rules are included on my profile. Also, particularly in the first week or so of play, I am probably going to be checking in here now and again looking for feedback. I like feedback. PbPs don't give me a lot of it. So I beg your patience if I come across as overly insecure—I'm just trying to get to know people and get a feel for how the campaign's gonna be.

Some Basic Housekeeping:
• Can I ask what people prefer to be called? I go by she/her.
• What's everyone's comfort levels? We touched on it briefly in the Recruitment thread. Any notable topics to avoid? Of particular note, Briar's backstory has some pretty heavy stuff in it, including transphobia and homophobia. Rosella's backstory deals with some real emotional abuse and neglect. Kata's backstory contains some real trauma. Edrukk worships a god who is, in the campaign, primarily associated with violence and, in his darker embodiments, slaughter (not that Edrukk worships those darker elements!). How do we feel about some aspects of these things coming up in the campaign?

My personal alignment rules go something like this: If you'll consistently do evil things when there are other viable options, you're Evil. If you prefer to constrain your own and others' behavior around a code that is not necessarily subservient to your own convenience or morals, you're Lawful. If you consider your own personal "takes" to supersede any external framework (such as laws, codes, masters, etc), you're Chaotic. Killing or hurting a captive when there are viable alternatives, for instance, is always an evil act. You can commit evil acts and still be Good, but, well, has anyone seen Bojack Horseman? It's not enough to feel bad about it. You have to make genuine efforts to be better.

Final Backstory Tinkerings:

Does anyone want their PCs to already know each other?

So, the start of the campaign goes something like this: One or two of you (including at least one native of Diamond Lake, quite possibly Kata) have put together a plan to loot the Whispering Cairn. It's a well-kept secret among kids who grew up in the area that the Whispering Cairn has never been fully looted by the adventurers that come on by now and again. Some strangers have come to Diamond Lake of late, so the clock is clearly ticking to make it big and get out of this crummy little town!

Just as a suggestion, my favorite framing device goes something like this: Two people came up with the idea, someone invited a friend, that friend invited someone else they knew, and so on. When the party meets up, the original couple of planners can be increasingly nonplussed at just how many people have been pulled into this "secret" endeavor. It's a fun way to gradually introduce the crew.

Aside from already knowing other PCs, this is a good time to make those last-minute modifications. Briar, we talked about "localizing" Briar a little bit more, for instance. Edrukk, Gorum's worship will be a major element in the second book, as you encounter a heretical cult dedicated to his Erythnul incarnation. That might be of interest to you.

Everyone can feel free to make any tweaks they like in this time.

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Spells Per Day Remaining:
Spells/Effects Active:
Fight Defensively, Cloak of Shadows
Female Human AC 20 T 12 FF 14| HP 13/28| F +5 R +3 W +3 (+2 vs inhaled/ingested poison, roll twice take the worse)| Init +2| Perc +0 (darkvision 60ft)| Action Points 5/5

Thank you again! I’m really excited for this opportunity and excited to see where the story takes all of us :D

I especially appreciate your kind words about why you selected each of us, GM. That is really thoughtful of you!


She/her only for me. Same for Briar.

As for comfort levels, I have built up a pretty thick skin. I’ve read Berserk—though I wouldn’t say I enjoyed it—and dealt with my share of real life s*+@ so I can get through a lot if I have to, particularly if it’s happening to an NPC and not to me. Part of the catharsis of fantasy for me is being in a position to do something about it. I’ll communicate if anything comes up that I’m not comfortable with or would prefer to keep out of sight.

As a side note, I’m don’t have many hangups about sex and am known to make the occasional sex joke but I am used to keeping that restrained. I also can work around limitations. I recently wrote a post for a character who needed to be experiencing “lust” in a PG-13 game so I described her watching a woman’s hands as they pulled apart a pomegranate.

As far as Briar’s job, fade to black is perfect for me. I might take Calistria’s deific obedience eventually, and I was planning on just leaving all of that nebulously off-screen.


All makes sense to me. Briar’s got a lot of moral turbulence in her future and I’m interested to see where that takes her.

Final Backstory Tinkering

I really like the idea about localizing Briar’s background and having her Riddleport brothel job instead taking place here in Diamond Lake. How soon would this be after the very unfortunate incident of the brothel owner dying in an altercation with a customer, who also died tragically?

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Three Faces of Evil Maps (Current: Slide 4); 16th of Arodus, Time: 8:24 PM

It would probably be less than a week or so ago. The brothel was likely a rival to the Emporium, incidentally, which might lead to an interesting dynamic between Briar and Zalamandra. The latter almost definitely figured out what happened.

Spells Per Day Remaining:
Spells/Effects Active:
Fight Defensively, Cloak of Shadows
Female Human AC 20 T 12 FF 14| HP 13/28| F +5 R +3 W +3 (+2 vs inhaled/ingested poison, roll twice take the worse)| Init +2| Perc +0 (darkvision 60ft)| Action Points 5/5

I do love that. Secrets are most interesting when they are discovered, after all. Did you have any thought on what “clue” Briar found on the Left Hand Raven? I’m happy to keep it the little black book, but if something else suits your purposes better, I’m happy to change it.

Three Faces of Evil Maps (Current: Slide 4); 16th of Arodus, Time: 8:24 PM

Shoot, lost my post. I'm happy with the little black book, but I think she's acquired it recently, and has yet to decipher it—it's in a language she doesn't speak, and perhaps a code besides. She might need outside help.

As an aside that seems suspiciously related but actually is about something else, it might be good for someone in the party to put a point into Linguistics, or to have a way to comprehend written languages. Otherwise, you'll be dependent on getting NPC aid for a certain segment of the adventure. Allustan is the standard resource, since he's studying the Whispering Cairn anyways.

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Male Dwarf Warpriest (forgepriest) of Gorum 3 | AC 20 (waraxe and shield), T 11, F 19, CMD 16, 20 vs bull rush or trip | F 6 R 2 W 5, +2 vs poisons, spells, SLAs | hp 27/27 | Init +2 | Perc +7 (+9 for unusual stonework) | Darkvision 60' | AP 6/6 | Blessings 4/4 | Fervor 4/4 | Effects:

For the character, Edrukk is he/him, more likely to be confused and insecure on the topic than I am.

For the player, I'm intentionally vague because I want the character's persona to be the one that matters. I absolutely respect anyone's choice to do otherwise, naturally, but I will be fine with whatever you are most comfortable using. Or make it fun for observers and change it and let them wonder...

As for comfort levels, I think I'm fine with whatever someone else wants to share, but I have not had my limits tested very much, so you might surprise me.

As for pushing your limits, outside of the potential for violence in my character's actions that are a result of describing combat, my posts are likely to be pretty PG-13. If I intentionally post something that feels like it might offend someone, it's going to have so many disclaimers (because of my personality), that it's not worth it, so I expect any limits I push will be veiled.

I'm old. I was posting here long before people were talking about lines and veils and pronouns. I have tried to keep up with the mores of our times and will say up front that it bothers me greatly to offend someone sharing the gaming table - or at all, really. If I screw up, I expect you to call me out, privately or publicly, and I will do my best to do better.

Because I'm a softie, my characters tend to be softies. Edrukk has no problem plowing through an adversary that threatens him, his friends, or someone that he feels should be defended, but if they surrender, he will give them the chance to heal up, rest up, and come back later to die on his blade. My feeling is that he celebrates the action of the battle, not the death that results from it. The chaos of the scrum and a willingness to let a surrendered or unconscious foe live lead me to think that he skews toward chaotic good. We'll see how he turns out when the dice are rolling. He does have a dwarven lawful upbringing, but he also left that behind because he didn't quite fit in, so his respect for laws and authority might be variable. Or one might say, chaotic.

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Male Human Brawler 3 I AC 17 T 13 FF 14 l HP 40/40 l F +7 R +6 W +2 l Init +3 l Perc +1 I Action Points 1/6 I Att +6 I CMB +5/+7*/+9** I CMD 17/+19*

WoooHooo! I'm excited to get this campaign underway! This is a great group of characters, and I get wait to interact with everyone in story.

Basic Housekeeping:

1.) He/Him, in and out of character.

2.) I am perfectly fine with a PG-13 themed game. There isn't anything in particular coming to mind that I would find too troubling or disturbing, especially if the plan is to keep things inside that range. I can handle R and NC-17, but neither is necessary for me to enjoy a well-told story.

Your take on Alignment works for me!

Broccan's a Diamond Lake native. Considering how small a town Diamond Lake is, it wouldn't surprise me that he is at least passingly familiar with the other local characters.

A few hooks for the other local characters to consider to relate to Broccan:

-Broccan was born and raised in Diamond Lake. His father, Fergus, died in a mining accident when he was eleven. His mother, Glynnis, has been working as a washerwoman to pay her living expenses since. Broccan got a job as miner at the earliest age they would take him. He checks in on his mother from time to time, and gives her a few coins to help her get by. Broccan isn't in the single employ of one mine boss. Instead, he checks in with each one about available work. He tries to avoid working for Smenk, if he can help it, since Smenk's mine is where his father died, and Smenk employs the half-orc, Kullen, who he tries to steer clear of whenever possible.

-Broccan was always a shy kid, who never said a lot, but would actively play with the other kids in town, preferring physical games to creative pay. He gave up playing when he had to go to work to support himself and his mother.

-More often than not, Broccan found himself at the Feral Dog after working the day in the mines. The drinks were cheap, and there were opportunities to make a bit of extra coin gambling on various sporting events. Broccan found himself drawn to the bare-knuckle boxing matches, and eventually worked up the nerve to step into the ring himself. He proved to be a solid competitor, mostly due to his unusual stamina and tolerance for pain. He began winning bouts on a regular basis, and he was slowly able to squirrel away an impressive amount of coin. Eventually, his success caught the attention of one of the Feral Dog's more dangerous regulars, the half-orc, Kullen. He challenged Broccan to a boxing match, thinking to humiliate the upstart, but was caught off-guard by the young man's toughness and tenacity. The match went longer than Kullen expected, and when Broccan knocked him off his feet with a vicious uppercut, the half-orc flew into a rage, seized his great axe from a by-standing lackey, and cut Broccan with a vicious, diagonal swing that left a gaping wound from his jawline to his pelvic bone. Broccan went down in a spray of blood and flesh, and the room went silent as the assembled onlookers thought for sure the young man was cut in half. His rage subsided, Kullen leaned over the body to survey his gruesome work, only to see that Broccan was still breathing, and struggling to get back to his feet. Broccan managed to stand, hunched over, one hand clutching his stomach, the other balled into a fist, ready to finish the fight. Kullen laughed, spit on the ground, and walked out of the ring. It took Broccan weeks to recover, and he hasn't set foot back in the Feral Dog since. He tries to avoid Kullen whenever he can, but harbors a burning desire to face him in the ring again, and beat him.

-Broccan's many injuries and scars have made him a regular with the local healers. The great axe wound that nearly disemboweled him was the topic of frequent conversation in their circles during his recovery, and it is still mentioned as an example of a person surviving something that should have been fatal.

-Broccan has recently used his squirreled-away cache of fight winnings to purchase adventuring gear. He wants to find his fortune outside of Diamond Lake, and leave it behind forever, if he can. However, he is concerned about his mother, and wants to make sure she is taken care of before he goes.

Broccan's Personality:

Broccan has a sort of mush-mouthed manner of speaking (a bit like "One Punch Mickey", as played by Brad Pitt in the movie Snatch), a result of having no formal education. It is basically a regional dialect of Common with a heavy influence of Dwarvish pronunciation. In fact, he and Edrukk sound rather similar when they speak, and sometimes a conversation between the two becomes rather incomprehensible to those not familiar with their lingo.

Broccan's shyness makes it difficult to make eye contact with people while speaking with them. Because of this, he is often misunderstood as being rude or uncouth, especially by people who hold to standards of social decorum. He appreciates when people recognize his hard work, or his talent as a fighter, but gets embarrassed at any gestures of overt, public recognition, as he doesn't feel deserving of such praise.

Broccan is very loyal and protective of people he considers friends. He will readily commit himself to actions that appear to be suicidal/self-sacrificing if he believes it is necessary to save the lives of those he loves.

Broccan has a very simple, sometimes crass sense of humor. Subtle jokes and clever word play are generally lost on him. He might even take such statements at face value, which has caused some to assume he is stupid. In truth, his mind is a practical one, devoted to practical knowledge and development of useful skills.

Male Dwarf Warpriest (forgepriest) of Gorum 3 | AC 20 (waraxe and shield), T 11, F 19, CMD 16, 20 vs bull rush or trip | F 6 R 2 W 5, +2 vs poisons, spells, SLAs | hp 27/27 | Init +2 | Perc +7 (+9 for unusual stonework) | Darkvision 60' | AP 6/6 | Blessings 4/4 | Fervor 4/4 | Effects:

Edrukk's time in town is open to what makes the best story. He's traveled here looking for his uncle and has only found that he's out of clues. He has taken a job repairing weapons and tools while he waits for the next portent to tell him where to go. He's a dwarf - while he might not always adhere to a plan, he can be very very patient.

He is open to accompanying a group seeking an adventure (if approached) as long as it sounded like there might be some excitement (feel free to read "excitement" as "combat"). He would also consider taking on a job to protect someone in their endeavors.

He's not outgoing, but he doesn't default to unfriendly. Most anyone that will grab an ale, pull up a chair, and sit down will find him willing to talk. Though he has learned that he is generally a better listener...

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Male Human Brawler 3 I AC 17 T 13 FF 14 l HP 40/40 l F +7 R +6 W +2 l Init +3 l Perc +1 I Action Points 1/6 I Att +6 I CMB +5/+7*/+9** I CMD 17/+19*
Edrukk Thorvirgunson wrote:

Edrukk's time in town is open to what makes the best story. He's traveled here looking for his uncle and has only found that he's out of clues. He has taken a job repairing weapons and tools while he waits for the next portent to tell him where to go. He's a dwarf - while he might not always adhere to a plan, he can be very very patient.

Here's a thought:

Broccan could have worked with Edrukk's Uncle for a few months, years back when Broccan was a youth, first getting started as a miner. Broccan told Edrukk's Uncle the tale of how his father died in a mining accident, so the dwarf took the lad under his wing, and mentored him on the structural engineering of mines (how to properly brace, reinforce tunnels, spot structural weaknesses, etc.). It also explains why Broccan's accent has a dwarvish flavor to it, as the impressionable boy adopted the vocal mannerisms of the person who acted as a father figure to him, even if only for a short time.

What happened to Uncle? Some possibilities: 1.) He moved on, giving no indication as to where he went. 2.) He died (whatever cause suits), and is buried in the Diamond Lake Boneyard. 3.) He disappeared without a trace (could be discovered later that he stumbled upon the Ebon Triad and they got killed him to prevent discovery).

The nice thing about Options 2 (and 3 possibly), is that Edrukk might take an interest in Broccan because his Uncle did. His Uncle saw some potential, some spirit in the boy that needed mentoring. Edrukk might decide to finish what his Uncle started. Or he might just be grateful to Broccan for answering the question that has been plaguing him for so long.

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Male Dwarf Warpriest (forgepriest) of Gorum 3 | AC 20 (waraxe and shield), T 11, F 19, CMD 16, 20 vs bull rush or trip | F 6 R 2 W 5, +2 vs poisons, spells, SLAs | hp 27/27 | Init +2 | Perc +7 (+9 for unusual stonework) | Darkvision 60' | AP 6/6 | Blessings 4/4 | Fervor 4/4 | Effects:

I rather prefer an open-ended option.

One day, Broccan comes to meet Edrukk the uncle for breakfast, as they would do on a given day or perhaps every workday, you decide, but an appointment that he never missed. Until this day.

When Broccan’s curiosity drove him to Edrukk’s quarters, he found the door closed but unlocked. The old dwarf had moved on, but there was a note.

”Brocco, me lad, there’s somethin’ ahind th’ bar Ah need ye t’ keep ‘n eye on. Someone will be lookin’ fer ‘t. Ye’ll know ‘im ye see ‘im. Yer old friend.”

When you checked with the barkeep, he reached down behind the bar and brought forward Edrukk’s greatsword. ”Crazy dwarf didn’t say much, just to give you this when you asked.”

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Spells Per Day Remaining:
Spells/Effects Active:
Fight Defensively, Cloak of Shadows
Female Human AC 20 T 12 FF 14| HP 13/28| F +5 R +3 W +3 (+2 vs inhaled/ingested poison, roll twice take the worse)| Init +2| Perc +0 (darkvision 60ft)| Action Points 5/5
Edrukk Thorvirgunson wrote:

For the character, Edrukk is he/him, more likely to be confused and insecure on the topic than I am.

For the player, I'm intentionally vague because I want the character's persona to be the one that matters. I absolutely respect anyone's choice to do otherwise, naturally, but I will be fine with whatever you are most comfortable using. Or make it fun for observers and change it and let them wonder...

I have plenty of friends and acquaintances that use multiple pronouns, including some who ask to change it up, so I’m used to switching it up and might just do that.

“Edrukk Thorvirgunson” wrote:

As for comfort levels, I think I'm fine with whatever someone else wants to share, but I have not had my limits tested very much, so you might surprise me.

As for pushing your limits, outside of the potential for violence in my character's actions that are a result of describing combat, my posts are likely to be pretty PG-13. If I intentionally post something that feels like it might offend someone, it's going to have so many disclaimers (because of my personality), that it's not worth it, so I expect any limits I push will be veiled.

I'm old. I was posting here long before people were talking about lines and veils and pronouns. I have tried to keep up with the mores of our times and will say up front that it bothers me greatly to offend someone sharing the gaming table - or at all, really. If I screw up, I expect you to call me out, privately or publicly, and I will do my best to do better.

I’m an oversharer, in no small part due to being autistic. I like to think I have a pretty good handle on it usually, though.

I’m a direct person so I will usually say something if I need to and like it when other people do the same. I try to do it privately unless it affects the group as a whole and it’s a boundary I want everyone to be aware of. I dislike holding grudges and won’t hold mistakes against people who apologize and try to do better. I don’t expect anyone to be perfect (except perhaps myself).

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Hi All! I'm really pleased to be part of the selections. I've really enjoyed reading folks' submissions and backgrounds. Dungeon Madam, thanks for the selection. You had a ton of really awesome options to choose from, and I appreciate the care and consideration that went into your recruitment pitch and the discussion that happened in the recruitment itself.


She/her for Kata, he/him for me. As for boundaries, I don't think Kata will be pushing many. She's at heart a sympathetic and old soul.

Kata's player is fine with PG-13 to R games. I'd prefer that cruelty to children and the vulnerable be vague rather than explicit, but understand its purpose if if it drives the story (not so much for pure titillation). I agree with Briar/Hrothdane about fantasy being a great vehicle for catharsis. Writing/cooperative gaming too.

Dungeon Madame, your take on alignment sounds great. I've got Kata N at the moment, but I'm not sure that's where she'll land.

Backstory stuff:

Kata is local to Diamond Lake, and in addition to working with the Pharasmans/Jadisians, she sings from time to time at the The Emporium or another suitable venue (I just chose The Emporium b/c I found it in the setting description).

She likely knows Broccan the best. Depending on his age, she may have even assisted with his father's funeral (though if she did, she would have been too young to sing/orate at it, and would have assisted in a more mundane logistical capacity). Kata's father also died in one of Smenk's mines, so she'd have a lot of sympathy towards Broccan because of that.

She'd know who Rosella is, but as Rosella grew up out of town a bit and works for the mines in a capacity that includes violence, Kata might in general avoid Rosella.

If Briar is a local, or moved to Diamond Lake for her work, Kata would know her. If Briar works at the same establishment, they'd probably know each other very well. If Briar's fathers were murdered in Diamond Lake, then like Broccan above, depending on the timing Kata could have provided assistance to Briar during her time of grieving.

Build considerations:

I need to get an alias set up and will do so today. I've still got some mechanical bits to figure out (apologies, it takes me forever to build PCs).

I have some build questions, Dungeon Madame:

I still need to pick a feat. I'm considering down the Eldritch Heritage (Arcane) feat line. Two related questions:

* If I went this direction, I'd like to take the Figment familiar archtype and refluff it as a songbird/least psychopomp of Pharasma. Would this refluff and non-core archetype be OK? This would also help turn a five-feat chain into a four-feat chain, as I wouldn't have to take Improved Familiar to get an actual psychopomp; the songbird "psychopomp" would suffice.

* I need to take Skill Focus, which is kind of a feat tax IMO. Could I trade Dirty Fighting for Skill Focus (religion)? I don't see dirty fighting coming into play much for Kata, and she's not going to pursue any of the feats that come further down the line from it. This would also allow her to focus remaining feats in other areas, which she'll need to do as a caster bard (Spell penetration and greater, Spell focus and greater, and probably a lot more).

I asked about Spheres in the recruitment but I don't think it is really intuitive about how they'd work with the Dirge Bard archetype, so I don't think I'll go in that direction. So I'll be theming Kata's spells around enchantments, necromancy, and healing/status relief. I'll be trading out grease for something more appropriate. Suggestions are welcome!

Male Human Brawler 3 I AC 17 T 13 FF 14 l HP 40/40 l F +7 R +6 W +2 l Init +3 l Perc +1 I Action Points 1/6 I Att +6 I CMB +5/+7*/+9** I CMD 17/+19*

For the other characters:

Kata would most likely know Broccan, at least in passing, as they grew up together in a small town. He would also know Caith, the girl who went missing.

Rosella might know Broccan, if she takes any interest in the fights at the Feral Dog. She might have seen the match, or else heard the story of how Kullen nearly killed a man who almost beat him, only to realize that man was Broccan. Or, she might just recognize him as a miner who works in Tilgast on occasion.

Briar is a bit trickier. It would depend on how long she has been in town. Broccan doesn't generally go into the Emporium, as he feels out of place (it's too 'high class' for the likes of him). He has been so motivated to bank-roll his way out of town as of late, that he hasn't spent his money in the brothels, only a few cheap drinks at the Feral Dog, some going to wagers, and the rest into his adventure gear fund. She may have heard about Kullen nearly cutting a guy in half from a client or possibly one of the local healers. Or, she could have been the healer who was called-in to save Broccan from dying after the fight.

Alaïs, as far as Broccan is concerned, is a high-class lady. He would feel even speaking to her as an act of impertinence on his part. I doubt they would know each other, initially, though he might recognize her as one of the 'important people' in town.

Three Faces of Evil Maps (Current: Slide 4); 16th of Arodus, Time: 8:24 PM

The Figment familiar sounds fine to me! That said, if you want a least psychopomp, I'm a little unsure why you'd go with a Figment familiar, which specifically is not a being from another plane or connected to higher powers (hence why they can't be witches' familiars or shamans' spirit animals). I don't have any objection, I just wonder what your angle is for it.

A way I often see familiars handled is as beings that have been bound into an animal's form—in one game, I had a songbird familiar flavored as a silvanshee of Shelyn, just temporarily stuck in a songbird's body for story reasons. So if you just want to say your songbird is a psychopomp, I'm fine with that without any Familiar Archetypes needed. If you like Figment for the mechanics, that's okay; I'm fine with reflavoring a little.

As a sidenote, I generally like to flavor non-Unchained summoner eidolons as being from the dream world. So a Figment familiar might be considered a kind of eidolon, if you like. That's not an issue or anything, just a fun fact.

EDIT: Oh, and I'm cautiously okay with Skill Focus replacing Dirty Fighting. Cautiously—Dirty Fighting is being made free for all because maneuvers in particular are a pain to acquire otherwise, not to provide a general-purpose bonus feat. Is Skill Focus a prerequisite for something else, or are you trying to make her as knowledgeable about religion as she's meant to be?

EDIT x2: Oh, wait, I looked up Eldritch Heritage. I didn't know that feat required Skill Focus (any Knowledge). Yeah, that's fine by me.

N Female Human Bard (Dirge Bard) 3 | HP: 13/21 | AC: 15 ( 12 Tch, 13 Ff) | CMB: +4, CMD: 16 | F+2 R+5; W+2 (+2 vs. enchantments, drugs and poisons; +4 vs fear, energy drain, death, necromantic effects) | Init: +2 | Perc: +8 (+9 vs. traps); SM: -1 | Speed 30 ft | Spells: 1st: 5/5| Bardic Performance 12/12 | Action Points: 3 | Active conditions: inspire courage 0/2
Dungeon Madam wrote:
That said, if you want a least psychopomp, I'm a little unsure why you'd go with a Figment familiar, which specifically is not a being from another plane or connected to higher powers (hence why they can't be witches' familiars or shamans' spirit animals). I don't have any objection, I just wonder what your angle is for it.

It is a bit incongruous, and I'd like to totally do away with the bit about the figment not being from another plane or connected to higher powers. Instead, it is a figment in that it isn't wholly present in the material plane, being both here and beyond. To represent this, I like the idea of the familiar being even more fragile, as it is a manifestation from beyond the material plane and not wholly present in Kata's reality (and this fits with Kata being a bit figment-like herself, having left something behind in the Cairn, if the rumors of the townsfolk are true).

I figured I could use the evolution point to give the familiar something obviously otherworldly, so it wouldn't look just like a songbird.

Dungeon Madam wrote:
So if you just want to say your songbird is a psychopomp, I'm fine with that without any Familiar Archetypes needed.

OK that works too! Could I give it something that makes it obviously not just a songbird? Some other otherworldly feature, purely cosmetic?

Dungeon Madam wrote:
As a sidneote, I generally like to flavor non-Unchained summoner eidolons as being from the dream world. So a Figment familiar might be considered a kind of eidolon, if you like. That's not an issue or anything, just a fun fact.

I generally don't play pet classes (other than the spiritualist, which I quite love), but that sounds a lot more fun to me than being (un)chained to a plane as a concept!

Dungeon Madam wrote:
EDIT: Oh, and I'm cautiously okay with Skill Focus replacing Dirty Fighting. Cautiously—Dirty Fighting is being made free for all because maneuvers in particular are a pain to acquire otherwise, not to provide a general-purpose bonus feat. Is Skill Focus a prerequisite for something else, or are you trying to make her as knowledgeable about religion as she's meant to be?

Skill Focus (any knowledge) is a prerequisite for the Eldritch Heritage feat line (Arcane bloodline). Note that I'd be dropping fluff about the bloodline itself and instead treating the abilities gained from the feats as stemming from a deeper connection to Pharasma/Wee Jas. The Skill Focus is a gate to additional feats:

* Level 3 (familiar at level -2)
* Level 11 (additional spell known, with two more spells known at later levels IIRC)
* Level 15 (+2 DC to one spell school)

Mechanically, the last two feats would help Kata become more castery, though she'll still suffer from SPD issues and can only be a full caster in short bursts.

Spells Per Day Remaining:
Spells/Effects Active:
Fight Defensively, Cloak of Shadows
Female Human AC 20 T 12 FF 14| HP 13/28| F +5 R +3 W +3 (+2 vs inhaled/ingested poison, roll twice take the worse)| Init +2| Perc +0 (darkvision 60ft)| Action Points 5/5

I’m thinking she’s originally from a much larger, more cosmopolitan city, so that’s where she would have lost her fathers and where she would have been nobility.

She’s been in Diamond Lake working for one of the Emporium’s competitors for four years, so there would have been plenty of opportunity to see her around.

She moonlights—or perhaps sunlights would be a better word—doing alchemy. She had to pick up the skills to make her own antitoxins, and her work means it’s good to know how to make Calistria’s Kindness, so she has just picked it up. She can make Anderos Salve and Mulibrous Tincture, too, She’s happy to provide alchemical remedies and such to people under the table, so if any of the other characters might have found themselves in need of such things, they might have sought her out.

She has also been her specifically to keep an eye out for someone, so she has spent a fair amount of her free time socializing and making connections with people. She might have started a conversation with someone in a bar to get information, playing it off as socializing or even flirting. She would have had a fling or two with women around town, but with her plans meaning she does not want to be too tied down, it would have been something casual and diverting more than serious. Ideally, her main focus will be shadow and other illusion magic, but she should also get a fair share of divine only buffs like blessing of fervor, shield of faith, etc....

As for build stuff, there’s a fair chance Briar ends up taking the Evangelist prestige class. The extra skill points and class skills alone make it worth it imo, but I may reconsider if it looks like we may need her to exploit the human favored class bonus for more spells known. I plan to keep upping her craft (alchemy) so she can supplement healing with some crafted items.

Three Faces of Evil Maps (Current: Slide 4); 16th of Arodus, Time: 8:24 PM

Briar could easily be from Magnimar. Magnimar is a major location in the transition from "early levels" to "mid levels" for this AP. Riddleport is also an option—you'll wind up in Riddleport in the ninth chapter, so it might be interesting there as well.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
N Female Human Bard (Dirge Bard) 3 | HP: 13/21 | AC: 15 ( 12 Tch, 13 Ff) | CMB: +4, CMD: 16 | F+2 R+5; W+2 (+2 vs. enchantments, drugs and poisons; +4 vs fear, energy drain, death, necromantic effects) | Init: +2 | Perc: +8 (+9 vs. traps); SM: -1 | Speed 30 ft | Spells: 1st: 5/5| Bardic Performance 12/12 | Action Points: 3 | Active conditions: inspire courage 0/2
Dungeon Madam wrote:
EDIT x2: Oh, wait, I looked up Eldritch Heritage. I didn't know that feat required Skill Focus (any Knowledge). Yeah, that's fine by me.

OK, great, thank you!

Briar Vervain wrote:
I’m thinking she’s originally from a much larger, more cosmopolitan city, so that’s where she would have lost her fathers and where she would have been nobility.

Ah, that's right. I forgot that Briar was nobility. Since she's been in town for four years, she and Kata likely know each other. Kata would be really appreciative of Briar's under-the-table alchemy business providing such things to folks in need.

Re: Linguistics: I'm happy to move a skill point here if no one else plans to. It fits in that Kata has studied Pharasman/Jadisian texts and learned Necrill through them and through her contacts with the church.

Three Faces of Evil Maps (Current: Slide 4); 16th of Arodus, Time: 8:24 PM

Oh, languages might be a good thing to touch on in general. Aside from the monstrous/planar languages, the regional languages that are most prominent in this area of the continent are Varisian, Taldane, Polyglot, Kelesh, Razatlani, and Osiriani. Hallit, Skald and Shoanti are also prominent in some areas.

Osiriani has been widely exchanged thanks to the trade supremacy of Katapesh. It's extremely widely-spoken in coastal areas, though Kelesh is more common the further east on Avistan you go.

Kelesh is not as commonly spoken in this version of Varisia, but it's still an important trade tongue, especially to the southeast.

Taldane was promoted by Taldor and Cheliax as their empires rose under the divine promise of Aroden. These two empires behaved very similarly, and are remembered similarly by the people of Varisia. One conqueror is much the same as another. Similar to Polyglot, Taldane actually encompasses numerous distinct languages that are simply similar enough to be translated between.

Varisian manages to distinguish itself fairly well from Taldane, and remains a reasonably common language for the region.

Polyglot is generally regarded as the Common tongue of western and southern Garund. It's fairly commonly spoken in Varisia, since there's a lot of travel between there and the Mwangi Expanse. Wizarding traditions in Varisia are basically an amalgamation of lingering customs from Thassilon and the teachings of Old-Man Jatembe, so Polyglot, Draconic, and ancient Thassilonian are often considered the three languages of magic.

Razatlani is the dominant language of the Arcadian nations nearest Varisia. It's very rarely-spoken around here, but occasional explorers do arrive from Arcadia to loot tombs, study curiosities, or learn more about the strange continent of Avistan.

EDIT: Varisian Sign is a fairly common language—Deafness being fairly common itself in the region. You can assume you know it if you know Varisian and have at least 13 Int.

Male Human Brawler 3 I AC 17 T 13 FF 14 l HP 40/40 l F +7 R +6 W +2 l Init +3 l Perc +1 I Action Points 1/6 I Att +6 I CMB +5/+7*/+9** I CMD 17/+19*
Dungeon Madam wrote:

So, the start of the campaign goes something like this: One or two of you (including at least one native of Diamond Lake, quite possibly Kata) have put together a plan to loot the Whispering Cairn. It's a well-kept secret among kids who grew up in the area that the Whispering Cairn has never been fully looted by the adventurers that come on by now and again. Some strangers have come to Diamond Lake of late, so the clock is clearly ticking to make it big and get out of this crummy little town!

Just as a suggestion, my favorite framing device goes something like this: Two people came up with the idea, someone invited a friend, that friend invited someone else they knew, and so on. When the party meets up, the original couple of planners can be increasingly nonplussed at just how many people have been pulled into this "secret" endeavor. It's a fun way to gradually introduce the crew.

Kata is the most likely instigator of the plan. Who is her first recruit, and then who recruits who from there?

I think Kata would recruit Broccan second, after her initial conversation with her first recruit (Briar maybe?), basically saying, "I know a guy who's good in a fight and is comfortable making his way around underground in the dark. I'll ask him to join us, if that's okay."

Broccan shares the plan with Edrukk, who is interested, and decides to join him. Broccan figures that two strong fighter-types who are both comfortable underground are better than one, and has no reason to believe Kata would object. He just forgot to clear it with Kata before the final meeting.

I'm not sure how the other recruitments would go, though. Any thoughts?

Male Human Brawler 3 I AC 17 T 13 FF 14 l HP 40/40 l F +7 R +6 W +2 l Init +3 l Perc +1 I Action Points 1/6 I Att +6 I CMB +5/+7*/+9** I CMD 17/+19*

Question for DUNGEON MADAM:

Should 'Common' on our character's listed languages instead be Polyglot, Taldane, or Varisian?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Kobold

By default, Common is Taldane. Either works. :)

Spells Per Day Remaining:
Spells/Effects Active:
Fight Defensively, Cloak of Shadows
Female Human AC 20 T 12 FF 14| HP 13/28| F +5 R +3 W +3 (+2 vs inhaled/ingested poison, roll twice take the worse)| Init +2| Perc +0 (darkvision 60ft)| Action Points 5/5

Magnimar sounds perfect. And as for linguistics, she will def start putting points into it next level since she has a little black book to decipher. With the information on the languages and how common they are, I might just switch some of Briar’s, as my intend was her to have common trade languages, aka things more useful for talking with people than for study. Probably skald for polyglot.

As I look more at revelations and feats, I’m realizing I’ll be kinda strapped for both, and I’m thinking I may drop the psychic searcher archetype, especially since there’s already a bard and a skald for knowledges. Shadow looks like a really fun mystery and I want to get as many revelations as I can out of it.

Three Faces of Evil Maps (Current: Slide 4); 16th of Arodus, Time: 8:24 PM

Oh, I almost forgot Varisian Sign. Muteness and Deafness are fairly common in this region, for unknown reasons, so there's a pretty thriving nonverbal linguistic tradition built into the Varisian language. Not everyone who knows Varisian knows Varisian Sign, but it functions a lot like literacy. Anyone who starts play knowing Varisian with at least a 13 Int can assume they have at least some familiarity with it. I don't really care to count pennies here, so it's basically up to you whether you think your PCs would know it, and how fluent you want them to be. :)

Male Dwarf Warpriest (forgepriest) of Gorum 3 | AC 20 (waraxe and shield), T 11, F 19, CMD 16, 20 vs bull rush or trip | F 6 R 2 W 5, +2 vs poisons, spells, SLAs | hp 27/27 | Init +2 | Perc +7 (+9 for unusual stonework) | Darkvision 60' | AP 6/6 | Blessings 4/4 | Fervor 4/4 | Effects:

Edrukk is eligible for two more languages, but I just chose a pair of his racial bonuses. He would likely have picked up some trade languages, especially as he has traveled and earned coin in different regions.

Female Kobold

Oh, I'll be really up-front with you: Orc will see almost no use for most of the AP. Basically none, that I can recall—maybe an orc here or there. Yeah, I can think of one. Goblin's not much better off, but it's at least a common language in the area, since the Bronzewood Lodge is closely allied with a couple goblin tribes.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female NG Human Fighter 1 | HP 10/11 | AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 14 | CMB +4, CMD 18 | Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +1 (+1 vs undead) | Initiative +4 | Perception: +5 | Speed 20 ft. | Action Points: 2/5 | Stamina Pool: 2/2| Active Conditions: None

There were so many great submissions I wasn't expecting to get in, so I'm pleasantly surprised to have been wrong. Really looking forward to this game!


She/her pronouns for both the player and the character.

Comfort Levels: I don't think it will come up with this group, but if there is any super graphic and/or sexual violence I'd prefer that happen off-screen. Otherwise I'm good with whatever. Briar mentioned sex jokes; those are perfectly fine by me. (Rosella on the other hand will be doing a lot of blushing and stammering.) If something I write ever bothers anyone please let me know and I'll tone it down.


What Dungeon Madam has written works for me. Rosella's neutral good, but grew up in an overwhelmingly true neutral community and often still views the world in a 'whatever happens happens' sort of way. This will probably make her seem a bit callous at times.


Roughly in order of what I see as most to least well-known.

Edrukk: Edrukk is probably the person Rosella uses for repairing/maintaining her equipment. Depending on how long he's been in town they could have formed a quiet friendship based on both being relative outsiders. I imagine they spend a lot of time not talking at each other :)

If you're okay with that then Edrukk is the most likely person to suggest bringing Rosella into the mission. He'll know that she's recently quit her job to go exploring the hills and could use some cash. He'll also know she's a pretty good archer and familiar with the surrounding wilderness.

Broccan: I can see Rosella hanging out at the Feral Dog a lot. She's not interested in fighting herself, but does like watching the bouts. She was probably there when Broccan fought Kullen and was exceptionally impressed by him getting back up again after a blow like that.

Kata: I agree that they've probably never talked, but she knows Kata by reputation.

Alaïs: Her friend Ava might have mentioned a 'new uppity elf' in town who's irritating Ellival, but that's probably the extent of her knowledge.

Briar: Rosella's too new in town herself to be a source of potential information, and she doesn't visit the brothels. Therefore I doubt they would have ever met or have any reason to know of each other.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Dwarf Warpriest (forgepriest) of Gorum 3 | AC 20 (waraxe and shield), T 11, F 19, CMD 16, 20 vs bull rush or trip | F 6 R 2 W 5, +2 vs poisons, spells, SLAs | hp 27/27 | Init +2 | Perc +7 (+9 for unusual stonework) | Darkvision 60' | AP 6/6 | Blessings 4/4 | Fervor 4/4 | Effects:

I totally buy that relationship between Rosella and Edrukk. He would have introduced her to Broccan when the opportunity arose, especially if she mentioned the fight. ”Aye, know ‘im. Nearly got ‘isself killt ‘at time. Broccan, lad, ye need t’ meet yer fan ‘ere. Good wit’ a bow ‘n takes care o’ ‘er tools. Not one o’ ‘ose ninnies ‘at Ah ‘ave t’ ‘ammer th’ blade straight ever’ other week!” Followed by incoherent grumbling...

Female Kobold

It sounds like Briar might have dealt with anyone who had need of discrete alchemy. What if Rosella needed an antitoxin at one point and felt embarrassed going to the druids for help, so one of the townies she knew (Edrukk?) pointed her towards Briar? Just offering ideas here.

Otherwise, the pattern I'm hearing sounds like:

- Kata made plans to raid the Whispering Cairn, and she contacted Broccan
- Broccan contacted Edrukk
- Edrukk brought in Rosella, perhaps

That leaves Alais and Briar as the two who aren't yet in the loop. Alais's best connection to the Cairn is likely via Allustan, who's studying it, so that's an option you can pursue. If Briar wants to decode her book, Allustan is generally considered the smartest guy in town, though she might not want to go to him with the book directly.

Broccan also suggested that Kata and Briar or Kata and Alais were the original planners of this operation. Worth thinking about.

Spells Per Day Remaining:
Spells/Effects Active:
Fight Defensively, Cloak of Shadows
Female Human AC 20 T 12 FF 14| HP 13/28| F +5 R +3 W +3 (+2 vs inhaled/ingested poison, roll twice take the worse)| Init +2| Perc +0 (darkvision 60ft)| Action Points 5/5

Sounds like Kata and Briar know each other, so that’s an in right there. Her two main goals at the moment are getting the book translated and getting enough money to get out of town.

She is a planner and schemer, so she could easily have come up with the plan to loot the Cairn. Or perhaps planted the idea in Kata (or someone else’s) head so they would think it’s their idea :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Kobold

Oh, Kata, sorry, I missed your earlier post.

I'm okay with reflavoring the Figment familiar. I will note that my intention with my house rule on familiars was to make their deaths slightly more meaningful, so I might want the familiar to have a weakness—such as its "other half" being hidden on the Ethereal Plane, and thus vulnerable to more permanent damage if attacked on both fronts.

But yeah, I'm also perfectly fine with just minor cosmetic tweaks. Sounds fun either way!

Male Human Brawler 3 I AC 17 T 13 FF 14 l HP 40/40 l F +7 R +6 W +2 l Init +3 l Perc +1 I Action Points 1/6 I Att +6 I CMB +5/+7*/+9** I CMD 17/+19*
Edrukk Thorvirgunson wrote:
I totally buy that relationship between Rosella and Edrukk. He would have introduced her to Broccan when the opportunity arose, especially if she mentioned the fight. ”Aye, know ‘im. Nearly got ‘isself killt ‘at time. Broccan, lad, ye need t’ meet yer fan ‘ere. Good wit’ a bow ‘n takes care o’ ‘er tools. Not one o’ ‘ose ninnies ‘at Ah ‘ave t’ ‘ammer th’ blade straight ever’ other week!” Followed by incoherent grumbling...

For those who don't know, this back story event is an homage to something that happened in the original campaign Broccan and Edrukk (the Elder) were involved in. In one of the first combat encounters, Broccan went into melee against an orc armed with a great axe. The orc rolled a critical hit on Broccan, and reduced him to 1 hit point (19 points of damage. First Level Fighter Broccan had 20 hit points). The GM was so impressed, he awarded Broccan an Action/Hero Point for not dying. It was also decided that the cut left a large, permanent scar diagonally across the front of Broccan's body.

Since Diamond Lake has its own nasty, great axe wielding orc, it seemed fitting to incorporate the memorable event into this story line.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Male Human Brawler 3 I AC 17 T 13 FF 14 l HP 40/40 l F +7 R +6 W +2 l Init +3 l Perc +1 I Action Points 1/6 I Att +6 I CMB +5/+7*/+9** I CMD 17/+19*
Briar Vervain wrote:

Sounds like Kata and Briar know each other, so that’s an in right there. Her two main goals at the moment are getting the book translated and getting enough money to get out of town.

She is a planner and schemer, so she could easily have come up with the plan to loot the Cairn. Or perhaps planted the idea in Kata (or someone else’s) head so they would think it’s their idea :)

Briar overhears a group of adventurers planning to loot the Stirgenest Cairn.

She brings it up to Kata, who tells her that it's empty. It's been cleared out for years.

Kata mentions that the Whispering Cairn is the one everyone steers clear of, and hasn't been fully explored.

Briar prods Kata for more info, suggesting that if it hasn't been properly explored, then there's possibly treasure to be found inside.

Kata and Briar decide to plan a foray into the Whispering Cairn. Kata mentions that she knows an experienced miner who would be helpful to have along, and says she's going to invite Broccan.

Broccan (mistakenly thinking it is only himself and Kata going) invites Edrukk, who by way of formally introducing Broccan to Roselle, invites her, too. After all, four is a safer group size than just two.

Meanwhile, Briar goes to Allustan to get her book translated, and in the process, meets Alaïs. After a friendly conversation, she decides to invite her into the caper, thinking it will only be four people total, not six.

They all meet up at the rendezvous point, and hilarity ensues.

Does that work?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Dwarf Warpriest (forgepriest) of Gorum 3 | AC 20 (waraxe and shield), T 11, F 19, CMD 16, 20 vs bull rush or trip | F 6 R 2 W 5, +2 vs poisons, spells, SLAs | hp 27/27 | Init +2 | Perc +7 (+9 for unusual stonework) | Darkvision 60' | AP 6/6 | Blessings 4/4 | Fervor 4/4 | Effects:
Dungeon Madam wrote:
Oh, I almost forgot Varisian Sign. Muteness and Deafness are fairly common in this region, for unknown reasons, so there's a pretty thriving nonverbal linguistic tradition built into the Varisian language. Not everyone who knows Varisian knows Varisian Sign, but it functions a lot like literacy. Anyone who starts play knowing Varisian with at least a 13 Int can assume they have at least some familiarity with it. I don't really care to count pennies here, so it's basically up to you whether you think your PCs would know it, and how fluent you want them to be. :)

I think any intelligent being with darkvision that encounters someone using sign language is going to see the value in it. Edrukk would absolutely have offered to travel with a Varisian troupe for a time and exchange his weaponsmithing skills for the opportunity to learn Varisian Sign. As a result, I submit for the GM's toolbox that my dwarf has a close, almost familial relationship with a clan of Varisians that may or may not be in the region. I leave all of the details to you unless you want me to play with it.

EDIT: I was also going to mention that I swapped out the humanoid languages for Varisian and Polyglot based on those being more common trade languages.

Spells Per Day Remaining:
Spells/Effects Active:
Fight Defensively, Cloak of Shadows
Female Human AC 20 T 12 FF 14| HP 13/28| F +5 R +3 W +3 (+2 vs inhaled/ingested poison, roll twice take the worse)| Init +2| Perc +0 (darkvision 60ft)| Action Points 5/5

I love that setup, Broccan! Delightful. I love the bit of Briar thinking she’s inviting a fourth only to actually be inviting a sixth.

Briar would def know sign. She’s Varisian herself, has spent a long time traveling Varisia and dealing with travelers, and would see great use in it, particularly as Edrukk has noted anyone intelligent with darkvision would. The fact that people would assume she does not have darkvision is all the more reason.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Human Brawler 3 I AC 17 T 13 FF 14 l HP 40/40 l F +7 R +6 W +2 l Init +3 l Perc +1 I Action Points 1/6 I Att +6 I CMB +5/+7*/+9** I CMD 17/+19*
Briar Vervain wrote:

I love that setup, Broccan! Delightful. I love the bit of Briar thinking she’s inviting a fourth only to actually be inviting a sixth.

Thanks! I cannot take any credit for originality, though. I was raised on late 70's/early 80's sitcoms.

Female NG Human Fighter 1 | HP 10/11 | AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 14 | CMB +4, CMD 18 | Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +1 (+1 vs undead) | Initiative +4 | Perception: +5 | Speed 20 ft. | Action Points: 2/5 | Stamina Pool: 2/2| Active Conditions: None

I like the setup too, and think it makes a lot of sense.

For languages Rosella has 10 INT and no points in Linguistics, so she only knows Common. I'll probably keep it that way, unless there's a good reason otherwise.

GM, I'm finalizing Rosella's equipment and wanted to know how you felt about mounts. (Particularly since it sounds like the first adventure is entirely dungeon-delving.) Any point in bringing a horse, or would it just get in the way?

Edit: This is probably also a good time to ask how you want to track ammunition. Depending on the answer I might want to swap a skill point into Craft (Arrows).

Three Faces of Evil Maps (Current: Slide 4); 16th of Arodus, Time: 8:24 PM

I had a horseriding hunter in the other game I ran. His horse got left behind a fair amount. So, you can bring a horse, but expect it to be a little sidelined most of the time. That said, there will be times in the early game you might be glad to have one.

I generally do track ammunition, but I'm not really invested in it. We can handwave it for normal arrows. Fancy arrows, though, we track.

Female NG Human Fighter 1 | HP 10/11 | AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 14 | CMB +4, CMD 18 | Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +1 (+1 vs undead) | Initiative +4 | Perception: +5 | Speed 20 ft. | Action Points: 2/5 | Stamina Pool: 2/2| Active Conditions: None

Sounds good. I ended up buying the horse because I think it makes sense for Rosella to have one. Just because she could carry her ridiculous amount of gear through the wilderness doesn't mean she wants to :P

N Female Human Bard (Dirge Bard) 3 | HP: 13/21 | AC: 15 ( 12 Tch, 13 Ff) | CMB: +4, CMD: 16 | F+2 R+5; W+2 (+2 vs. enchantments, drugs and poisons; +4 vs fear, energy drain, death, necromantic effects) | Init: +2 | Perc: +8 (+9 vs. traps); SM: -1 | Speed 30 ft | Spells: 1st: 5/5| Bardic Performance 12/12 | Action Points: 3 | Active conditions: inspire courage 0/2

Argh, just realized I've been writing your name with an extra E, Dungeon Madam. My apologies!


The introductory setup seems perfect to me. Nicely done, Broccan and Briar! I love the idea of Briar planting the idea in Kata's head and steering her into this plan of action. Even though she desperately wants to get out of town, I doubt Kata would consider the Whispering Cairn a viable means to do so without a little push.


Kata's crunch is almost there. I ended up taking a 2nd skill focus (through the Focused Study racial trait) in Perception since she'll be the group's trapfinder.

Focused Study:
All humans are skillful, but some, rather than being generalists, tend to specialize in a handful of skills. At 1st, 8th, and 16th level, such humans gain Skill Focus in a skill of their choice as a bonus feat. This racial trait replaces the bonus feat trait.

Kata's wisdom is 8, and I was planning on playing this as she's often not entirely present. So spending skill focus on perception is a little weird, but I figure she can also concentrate when need be, being a singer and attentive listener.

Also, I traded out grease for remove fear, and took a proficiency in Varisian Sign Language, to better server her community.

I've still got about 100gp to spend, and figure she should for story reasons. I mean, she wants to leave Diamond Lake but has 100gp sitting in her pocket? Seems pretty easy to leave with that amount of coin :)


Briar Vervain wrote:
I’m thinking I may drop the psychic searcher archetype, especially since there’s already a bard and a skald for knowledges. Shadow looks like a really fun mystery and I want to get as many revelations as I can out of it.

Kata's not going to be much of a textbook, unfortunately. She'll be maxing out Know (religion) and Lore (undead). She has to put three ranks in perform every level (percussion for mechanical reasons, sing and oratory for fluff reasons), and points in disable device and perception. Right now, I've got her maxing UMD as well, to increase her utility and castery-ness, and need to max diplomacy and intimidate. That leaves two skill points/level to spread between the knowledges. I'd like to get a point here and there into climb, swim, and escape artist as well. (Sigh) Why can't bards get like 15 skill points/level?

Male Human Brawler 3 I AC 17 T 13 FF 14 l HP 40/40 l F +7 R +6 W +2 l Init +3 l Perc +1 I Action Points 1/6 I Att +6 I CMB +5/+7*/+9** I CMD 17/+19*
Kata Coszma wrote:

I've still got about 100gp to spend, and figure she should for story reasons. I mean, she wants to leave Diamond Lake but has 100gp sitting in her pocket? Seems pretty easy to leave with that amount of coin :)

She could invest in gear for exploring the cairn: a masterwork backpack, a bedroll, waterskin or canteen, lantern/torches/sunrods, rope, rations, etc.

Broccan would likely make recommendations to her. You can look at his equipment list for ideas.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Kobold

Potions and scrolls are also a good way to eat gold. Two first level potions are 100 gp total.

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N Female Human Bard (Dirge Bard) 3 | HP: 13/21 | AC: 15 ( 12 Tch, 13 Ff) | CMB: +4, CMD: 16 | F+2 R+5; W+2 (+2 vs. enchantments, drugs and poisons; +4 vs fear, energy drain, death, necromantic effects) | Init: +2 | Perc: +8 (+9 vs. traps); SM: -1 | Speed 30 ft | Spells: 1st: 5/5| Bardic Performance 12/12 | Action Points: 3 | Active conditions: inspire courage 0/2

These are both good ideas. Kata would be appreciative of Broccan pointing out that she made need some gear for the job :)

Something I like to do when starting a campaign is take a party-wide look at skills. Here's how our group looks:

Skill +Modifier (PC)
Acrobatics +2 (Briar)
Appraise +2 (Briar)
Bluff +10 (Briar)
Climb +7 (Rosella)
Craft (Armor) +0 (Edrukk)
Craft (Alchemy) +7 (Alaïs)
Craft (Weapons) +8 (Edrukk)
Craft (Arrows) +4 (Rosella)
Diplomacy +10 (Briar)
Disable Device +7 (Kata)
Disguise +8 (Briar)
Escape Artist +2 (Briar)
Handle Animal +4 (Rosella)
Intimidate +8 (Kata)
Knowledge (arcana) +8 (Alaïs)
Knowledge (dungeoneering) +4 (Broccan)
Knowledge (engineering)
Knowledge (geography)
Knowledge (history)
Knowledge (local) +7 (Kata)
Knowledge (nature) +8 (Alaïs)
Knowledge (nobility)
Knowledge (planes)
Knowledge (religion) +10 (Kata)
Linguistics +6 (Kata)
Lore (Age of Worms) +8 (Edrukk)
Lore (Undead) +7 (Kata)
Lore (Old Faith) +4 (Rosella)
Perception +6 (Edrukk/Kata)
Perform (dance) +10 (Briar)
Perform (percussion) +10 (Kata)
Perform (oratory) +8 (Kata)
Perform (sing) +8 (Kata)
Perform (string) +7 (Alaïs)
Profession (courtesan) +4 (Briar)
Ride +8 (Rosella)
Sense Motive +6 (Edrukk)
Sleight of Hand
Spellcraft +7 (Alaïs)
Stealth +6 (Briar)
Survival +6 (Rosella)
Swim +7 (Rosella) [Broccan might do better here due to ACP]
Use Magic Device +8 (Kata)

Notable omissions are the knowledges. Sleight of Hand and Heal are situationally useful.

We've got an awesome group of performers, and are pretty close to Alaïs' vision of a band of bards!

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Male Human Brawler 3 I AC 17 T 13 FF 14 l HP 40/40 l F +7 R +6 W +2 l Init +3 l Perc +1 I Action Points 1/6 I Att +6 I CMB +5/+7*/+9** I CMD 17/+19*

Broccan has Knowledge (Engineering) +4 and Profession (Miner) +5, too!

Also, his Climb and Swim are actually only +4 each, assuming he tries to do either in armor.

Female Kobold

How come Edrukk only has a +0 to Craft (armor)? Doesn't he have a +2 Int? Or is that for want of tools?

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N Female Human Bard (Dirge Bard) 3 | HP: 13/21 | AC: 15 ( 12 Tch, 13 Ff) | CMB: +4, CMD: 16 | F+2 R+5; W+2 (+2 vs. enchantments, drugs and poisons; +4 vs fear, energy drain, death, necromantic effects) | Init: +2 | Perc: +8 (+9 vs. traps); SM: -1 | Speed 30 ft | Spells: 1st: 5/5| Bardic Performance 12/12 | Action Points: 3 | Active conditions: inspire courage 0/2

Whoops, sorry I missed those, Broccan! Updated list:

Skill +Modifier (PC)
Acrobatics +2 (Briar)
Appraise +2 (Briar)
Bluff +10 (Briar)
Climb +4 (Broccan/Rosella) (Taking ACP into account)
Craft (Armor) +0 (Edrukk)
Craft (Alchemy) +7 (Alaïs)
Craft (Weapons) +8 (Edrukk)
Craft (Arrows) +4 (Rosella)
Diplomacy +10 (Briar)
Disable Device +7 (Kata)
Disguise +8 (Briar)
Escape Artist +2 (Briar)
Handle Animal +4 (Rosella)
Intimidate +8 (Kata)
Knowledge (arcana) +8 (Alaïs)
Knowledge (dungeoneering) +4 (Broccan)
Knowledge (engineering) +4 (Broccan)
Knowledge (geography)
Knowledge (history)
Knowledge (local) +7 (Kata)
Knowledge (nature) +8 (Alaïs)
Knowledge (nobility)
Knowledge (planes)
Knowledge (religion) +10 (Kata)
Linguistics +6 (Kata)
Lore (Age of Worms) +8 (Edrukk)
Lore (Undead) +7 (Kata)
Lore (Old Faith) +4 (Rosella)
Perception +6 (Edrukk/Kata)
Perform (dance) +10 (Briar)
Perform (percussion) +10 (Kata)
Perform (oratory) +8 (Kata)
Perform (sing) +8 (Kata)
Perform (string) +7 (Alaïs)
Profession (courtesan) +4 (Briar)
Profession (Miner) +5 (Broccan)
Ride +8 (Rosella)
Sense Motive +6 (Edrukk)
Sleight of Hand
Spellcraft +7 (Alaïs)
Stealth +6 (Briar)
Survival +6 (Rosella)
Swim +4 (Broccan/Rosella) (taking ACP into account)
Use Magic Device +8 (Kata)

Male Human Brawler 3 I AC 17 T 13 FF 14 l HP 40/40 l F +7 R +6 W +2 l Init +3 l Perc +1 I Action Points 1/6 I Att +6 I CMB +5/+7*/+9** I CMD 17/+19*

Any word on Alaïs? She is the only one who hasn't checked-in to the Discussion Thread.

At this point, we're pretty much just waiting on her to confirm that she's ready, correct?

Male Dwarf Warpriest (forgepriest) of Gorum 3 | AC 20 (waraxe and shield), T 11, F 19, CMD 16, 20 vs bull rush or trip | F 6 R 2 W 5, +2 vs poisons, spells, SLAs | hp 27/27 | Init +2 | Perc +7 (+9 for unusual stonework) | Darkvision 60' | AP 6/6 | Blessings 4/4 | Fervor 4/4 | Effects:
Kobold Cleaver wrote:
How come Edrukk only has a +0 to Craft (armor)? Doesn't he have a +2 Int? Or is that for want of tools?

No points invested yet and no tools. That also doesn’t count his craftsman bonus to crafting with metal or stone. With mw tools working on metal armor, he has a +6 before he trains. I need to clarify that in my character sheet or I will forget.

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Male Dwarf Warpriest (forgepriest) of Gorum 3 | AC 20 (waraxe and shield), T 11, F 19, CMD 16, 20 vs bull rush or trip | F 6 R 2 W 5, +2 vs poisons, spells, SLAs | hp 27/27 | Init +2 | Perc +7 (+9 for unusual stonework) | Darkvision 60' | AP 6/6 | Blessings 4/4 | Fervor 4/4 | Effects:

Some semi-random thoughts:

Note that Edrukk is known to take the greatsword out to a dead tree that stands on the edge of town and work out with the weapon, learning the balance of the long blade. Despite it being Gorum’s favored weapon, he had resisted its use, favoring combat in the style of his grandfather with the dwarven waraxe and heavy shield, until arriving in Diamond Lake and learning that Edrukk had left one for him.

Now he feels honor-bound to use the weapon and to use it well lest he embarrass his uncle and his god.

That said, if he’s going for the tank role and defense is critical, he will go for the shield and fight defensively to raise his AC considerably. He knows how to keep the monsters away from the priests in the back and hopes it helps keep wizard-types alive, too.

Rosella: Do you suppose that you would have been willing to teach him a thing or two about use of the shortbow? He’s been around enough to know that a formidable melee combatant can be brought down by a lesser foe with a bow and good aim and he seeks to have a response to such tactics in the form of return fire.

These ideas are why he has weapon focus in the bow rather than the greatsword. The sword is new; he’s been working on the bow for a while.

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