GM Ventiine's Ruins of Azlant (Books 1-3)

Game Master Ventiine

Books 1 & 2 | Book 3 | NPCs | Combat Maps | Loot Sheet | Island Map

Location: Pillars of Long Shadow (A5)
Current day: Fireday (Fireday), 7 Erastus (July) 4717
4717 Calendar

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Male CG Aquatic Elf Male Cleric 7 | HP 59 / 59 | AC 24 / 14 T / 22 FF | CMD 16 | Fort + 11 Ref + 6 Will + 11 Init +2 | Perception +15 (Low-Light Vision)| Speed 40 ft. |Conditions: None (Fish Person) | Effects: None | Channels: 4/5
GM Ventiine wrote:

☄. *. ⋆ Talmandor's Bounty: Alba's Shop ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・

"Nothing for sale, I'm afraid. As I've said, I'm taking some time for myself." Alba closes the door a little further. You can only see her head from between the door and wall. "Stay safe out there. The other colonists and I rely on you."

"And the other colonists count on you. Who is going to provide them what they need, Antaral? He's always on the run with us trying to help the colony. But I guess if you can turn your back on those in need without regret, I wish you a good day."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12

Wow another stellar roll...

GM Screen:

Alba: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28

☄. *. ⋆ Talmandor's Bounty: Alba's Shop ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・

Talath Na'El wrote:
"And the other colonists count on you. Who is going to provide them what they need, Antaral? He's always on the run with us trying to help the colony. But I guess if you can turn your back on those in need without regret, I wish you a good day."

The corner of Alba's mouth lifts slightly. "I suppose Antaral will."

"Good day to you as well." Alba closes her shop door completely and you hear her lock it.

Sense Motive 29:
Alba's smile could be described as being wry. She seems off somehow - as if she's not concerned about the other settlers.

M 1/2 Elf| HP 59/59 | AC: 26, T: 17, FF:23 | Spd: 30ft/ 30ft w/armor | Occultist (Haunt Collector) 7 | Init +3, Darkvision 60, Low Light Vision; Percept: +16, Sense Motive: +11 | Saves: F: +11, R: +7, W: +8 ; +2 vs enchantments, immune to sleep effects| CMB +12 / CMD 25
Talath Na'El wrote:

Since I wasn't here for the 1st book, did you guys help her or maybe do something for her where she might 'owe' you guys? Otherwise I guess we write her off unless someone wants to play burglar and it's not the clumsy cleric.

I can do a passable imitation of a burglar if I need to, but I have no IC reason to. Also, no, I can't make that sense motive check.

Male CG Aquatic Elf Male Cleric 7 | HP 59 / 59 | AC 24 / 14 T / 22 FF | CMD 16 | Fort + 11 Ref + 6 Will + 11 Init +2 | Perception +15 (Low-Light Vision)| Speed 40 ft. |Conditions: None (Fish Person) | Effects: None | Channels: 4/5
GM Ventiine wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

☄. *. ⋆ Talmandor's Bounty: Alba's Shop ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・

Talath Na'El wrote:
"And the other colonists count on you. Who is going to provide them what they need, Antaral? He's always on the run with us trying to help the colony. But I guess if you can turn your back on those in need without regret, I wish you a good day."

The corner of Alba's mouth lifts slightly. "I suppose Antaral will."

"Good day to you as well." Alba closes her shop door completely and you hear her lock it.

** spoiler omitted **

"Everyday and every situation we deal with here it becomes clearer why and how the first colony failed and why the second may fair no better than the first."

Uncharacteristically bitter and upset, Talath seems done with the mundane and petty problems plaguing Talmandor's Bounty.

Male CG Aquatic Elf Male Cleric 7 | HP 59 / 59 | AC 24 / 14 T / 22 FF | CMD 16 | Fort + 11 Ref + 6 Will + 11 Init +2 | Perception +15 (Low-Light Vision)| Speed 40 ft. |Conditions: None (Fish Person) | Effects: None | Channels: 4/5
Mauro Ocela wrote:
Talath Na'El wrote:

Since I wasn't here for the 1st book, did you guys help her or maybe do something for her where she might 'owe' you guys? Otherwise I guess we write her off unless someone wants to play burglar and it's not the clumsy cleric.
I can do a passable imitation of a burglar if I need to, but I have no IC reason to. Also, no, I can't make that sense motive check.

Talath has a +8 Sense Motive, does anyone have higher? There's a 20 somewhere in the dice roller but odds are we won't make it.

Male Human Ranger 7 (Tidal Hunter) | AC 26, Touch 16 |Flat-footed 22 | HP 67 (67) | Fort +7, Ref +9, Will +3 | Init +6 | Perception +11*, Keen Scent; Huntress: Init +2, AC 20 (12 Tch, 18 Flt)

Definitely not Asher. The ranger is strong, but not very personable.

N Female Human Bard (Archivist) 7 | hp --52-- 52/52 NL [0] | AC 21, t 13, ff 18 | Fort +5, Ref +8, Will +8 | BP 16/18 | Init +3 | Perc +11 | Speed 30 ft. | Bard Spells 1st 4/5; 2nd 3/4 ; 3rd 0/1| Lore Master 1/1 | Shirt 1/1 | Wand of CLW 30/50 | Conditions: none | To-Do List

Not Becky, either. She's loaded up on Knowledge skills for her Naturalist ability, so she's got no ranks invested in Sense Motive.

Male CG Aquatic Elf Male Cleric 7 | HP 59 / 59 | AC 24 / 14 T / 22 FF | CMD 16 | Fort + 11 Ref + 6 Will + 11 Init +2 | Perception +15 (Low-Light Vision)| Speed 40 ft. |Conditions: None (Fish Person) | Effects: None | Channels: 4/5

If no one else is close, I can roll and everyone else can roll to aid but, again, we're talking long odds. I guess this is one sub-quest that goes 'boom' on us.

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Init +2;| Perception +9 37/38 HP
Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +1; +2 vs. enchantments, +2 bonus vs. poison|
18, touch 14, flat-footed 16(+2 amulet +4 armor, +2 Dex)
uses per day:
bombs 9/9 extracts 8/8 Healer's hands 5/5

Alba, I'll be back and we can talk more in private later. I'll let the matter sit for a few days. Antaral says loud enough that those in the house can hear.

Male CG Aquatic Elf Male Cleric 7 | HP 59 / 59 | AC 24 / 14 T / 22 FF | CMD 16 | Fort + 11 Ref + 6 Will + 11 Init +2 | Perception +15 (Low-Light Vision)| Speed 40 ft. |Conditions: None (Fish Person) | Effects: None | Channels: 4/5

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14

Yep not enough aids to make that 29. Off to the next option!

Male Human. Arcanist 7. AC 16/20*, touch 16/20*, flat-footed 14/18*. hp 46/46. Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +6. Init +2; Senses Perception +9, (*Mage armor) (Speed 30), Arcane Reservoir 10/10

Crispin. "You mean people can say things that aren't true?" No Sense motive at all!

M 1/2 Elf| HP 59/59 | AC: 26, T: 17, FF:23 | Spd: 30ft/ 30ft w/armor | Occultist (Haunt Collector) 7 | Init +3, Darkvision 60, Low Light Vision; Percept: +16, Sense Motive: +11 | Saves: F: +11, R: +7, W: +8 ; +2 vs enchantments, immune to sleep effects| CMB +12 / CMD 25

Mauro is non-plussed "Damn, I was hoping she was producing a proper brew. Well, now that we are gathered, let's go back to the barbeque and plan our next expedition. Carver told us that the Pathfinders have records of a crystal monument on a forested island off the coast to the north west. Who feels like taking a look around? Although I think we will need to borrow a boat; I could swim there with my cloak but what about the rest of you?"

Also, if we want to pursue the Alba issue and someone can come up with a good reason, Mauro's not above a little burglary tonight...

Male CG Aquatic Elf Male Cleric 7 | HP 59 / 59 | AC 24 / 14 T / 22 FF | CMD 16 | Fort + 11 Ref + 6 Will + 11 Init +2 | Perception +15 (Low-Light Vision)| Speed 40 ft. |Conditions: None (Fish Person) | Effects: None | Channels: 4/5

"I know someone (looks at Becky) is eager to go swimming but I agree that we should borrow a boat to travel to the island. We may need to go swimming at some point since it sounds like it might be partially submerged. Plus we can scout the area around the island via swimming once we arrive. I would like another night to rest, scribe a scroll, and pray to Desna before we leave for the crystal monument site."

Since I missed Book 1 I don't have knowledge of or a connection to Alba so Talath has no interest in pursuing the matter. He is more curious about why Ramona isn't on edge after the news of vampires and demons though.

✦ Talmandor's Bounty * ˚ ✦

After failed attempts to persuade Alba to reopen her shop, the party returns to the Barracks. The mood in Talmandor's Bounty is mostly somber but there are a few, like Anya and Eamon who are managing to keep up spirits.

There's still gossip about farmer Levin's goats and you hear whispers about the winged chupacabras and strange gillman that's been brought to Talmandor's Bounty. News from your latest excursion has spread since dinner and a few settlers look at you with distrust. You hear whispers of discontent as you settle down: "I heard they brought back a human with gills." "Ramona isn't doing enough as our colony leader." "I bet there is a whole chupacabra nest somewhere - how else could the goats have been drained?" As Talmandor Bounty's troubleshooters, some party members may feel troubled by the general mood of the colony but there's not much you can do other than continue your exploration of the island.

✦ Talmandor's Bounty * ˚ ✦

Today is Moonday (Monday), 26 Sarenith (June) 4717.

You wake in the Barracks to the general bustle of Talmandor's Bounty. You hear Luetin's assertive voice in the town square. When you exit the Barracks, you see he's talking with Kereda and a few other settlers about the construction of a fishing dock.

Perrell, a scholar and historian for the Bountiful Venture Company (and Becky's mother) is standing at the Provisions Building with a woman you recognize as Eskelda Teredein. Eskelda's pet raven is perched on her shoulder. They appear to be discussing herbs.

It's early morning but it's already hot. You feel yourself beginning to sweat, signally that it's going to be another tropical day on Ancorato. Luckily, you've all made plans to explore the Crystal Monument (area D) today. The trip there will require a bit of swimming that's sure to feel refreshing.

When the party is ready to proceed, you gather your gear and set out. You could take the rowboat, or you can hike then swim the remainder. Hiking is faster than skirting along the coastline in a rowboat.
Here (link) is the map from Book 1. I put a red star to show where area D is.

Regardless of the party's transportation method, the crystal monument becomes visible at the closest part of Ancorato's shore. You passed the locathah camp on your way here. Some of you may wonder if your trading partner Koloshkora has seen the structure. Standing on the sandy beach, you think it will be about a mile of swimming.
(For reference - and I think we discussed it before in Book 1 - the space from A (Talmandor's Bounty) to D (Strange Trail) measures about 5 miles. You can look at the linked map in this post or slide 4 of Island Maps.

The ocean waters appear calm, its low tide, and the spit of land you're traveling to acts as a buffer from the larger ocean waves.

Please describe what/how you arrive. I won't make the party pass swim checks but anyone rolling a Swim 10 or higher makes it without embarrassing themselves.

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Male CG Aquatic Elf Male Cleric 7 | HP 59 / 59 | AC 24 / 14 T / 22 FF | CMD 16 | Fort + 11 Ref + 6 Will + 11 Init +2 | Perception +15 (Low-Light Vision)| Speed 40 ft. |Conditions: None (Fish Person) | Effects: None | Channels: 4/5
GM Ventiine wrote:

✦ Talmandor's Bounty * ˚ ✦

After failed attempts to persuade Alba to reopen her shop, the party returns to the Barracks. The mood in Talmandor's Bounty is mostly somber but there are a few, like Anya and Eamon who are managing to keep up spirits.

There's still gossip about farmer Levin's goats and you hear whispers about the winged chupacabras and strange gillman that's been brought to Talmandor's Bounty. News from your latest excursion has spread since dinner and a few settlers look at you with distrust. You hear whispers of discontent as you settle down: "I heard they brought back a human with gills." "Ramona isn't doing enough as our colony leader." "I bet there is a whole chupacabra nest somewhere - how else could the goats have been drained?" As Talmandor Bounty's troubleshooters, some party members may feel troubled by the general mood of the colony but there's not much you can do other than continue your exploration of the island.

Talath will speak quietly to the others, "The good news is when the mutiny starts they'll go after us first."

He chuckles and returns to his food.

Male CG Aquatic Elf Male Cleric 7 | HP 59 / 59 | AC 24 / 14 T / 22 FF | CMD 16 | Fort + 11 Ref + 6 Will + 11 Init +2 | Perception +15 (Low-Light Vision)| Speed 40 ft. |Conditions: None (Fish Person) | Effects: None | Channels: 4/5

Talath has Water Breathing memorized so if we want to hike and then swim, he should be able to protect the non-water breathers for long enough to reach the island.

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12

Talath scans the discussions and people for anything unusual about their behavior, worried whatever is happening to Alba might be happening to others.

During the hike, Talath keeps his eyes and ears open.

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11

Male Human. Arcanist 7. AC 16/20*, touch 16/20*, flat-footed 14/18*. hp 46/46. Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +6. Init +2; Senses Perception +9, (*Mage armor) (Speed 30), Arcane Reservoir 10/10

Crispin offers Touch of the sea if anyone needs help swimming.

With it he can always take 10 while swimming so no need to roll. :)

Talath's Perception and Sense Motive checks don't reveal any additional information. Some settlers seem more on-edge or cranky but given the strange events, it's not unreasonable. Nobody is acting outrageous enough or Talath's rolls aren't high enough to pick out specific individuals. Alba's decision to close her shop is on the extreme end compared to the general gossip and complaining.

Init +2;| Perception +9 37/38 HP
Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +1; +2 vs. enchantments, +2 bonus vs. poison|
18, touch 14, flat-footed 16(+2 amulet +4 armor, +2 Dex)
uses per day:
bombs 9/9 extracts 8/8 Healer's hands 5/5

I'll prep something for the swim then. If there are things that we need as we go on let me know. I think I have the knack down for improvising what we need as we go. It might take me a moment but should be able to figure something out. Antaral states just before they head out.

M 1/2 Elf| HP 59/59 | AC: 26, T: 17, FF:23 | Spd: 30ft/ 30ft w/armor | Occultist (Haunt Collector) 7 | Init +3, Darkvision 60, Low Light Vision; Percept: +16, Sense Motive: +11 | Saves: F: +11, R: +7, W: +8 ; +2 vs enchantments, immune to sleep effects| CMB +12 / CMD 25
Talath Na'El wrote:

Talath will speak quietly to the others, "The good news is when the mutiny starts they'll go after us first."
He chuckles and returns to his food.

Unnerved by Talath's dire prophecy, Mauro is watchful, scrutinizing the settlers and paying attention to their conversations as he prepares for the expedition to the crystal monument.

Perception: 1d20 + 5 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 5 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 3 = 18
5 rank +3 trained +1 wis +2 racial +3 Skill Focus

Once out of town, his spirits pick up with the fresh air and sunshine. When they reach beach, he wades right in, diving into the saltwater as it reaches his thighs. His cloak of the manta ray envelops him and then Mauro-manta is frolicking in the waves as he waits for the others to come join him...

Swim speed of 60 and waterbreathing, I should be fine getting to the island of the crystal monument...

Male CG Aquatic Elf Male Cleric 7 | HP 59 / 59 | AC 24 / 14 T / 22 FF | CMD 16 | Fort + 11 Ref + 6 Will + 11 Init +2 | Perception +15 (Low-Light Vision)| Speed 40 ft. |Conditions: None (Fish Person) | Effects: None | Channels: 4/5
GM Ventiine wrote:
Talath's Perception and Sense Motive checks don't reveal any additional information. Some settlers seem more on-edge or cranky but given the strange events, it's not unreasonable. Nobody is acting outrageous enough or Talath's rolls aren't high enough to pick out specific individuals. Alba's decision to close her shop is on the extreme end compared to the general gossip and complaining.

The dice roller has declared war on all of my PCs. If this keeps up, I'm going to ask other players to roll for my PCs. It's getting ridiculous.

Male CG Aquatic Elf Male Cleric 7 | HP 59 / 59 | AC 24 / 14 T / 22 FF | CMD 16 | Fort + 11 Ref + 6 Will + 11 Init +2 | Perception +15 (Low-Light Vision)| Speed 40 ft. |Conditions: None (Fish Person) | Effects: None | Channels: 4/5

"Whomever would like the ability to breathe under water, please gather around me so I can cast the spell upon you. Even if you can swim well I would recommend it; many predators hunt these waters."

Male Human. Arcanist 7. AC 16/20*, touch 16/20*, flat-footed 14/18*. hp 46/46. Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +6. Init +2; Senses Perception +9, (*Mage armor) (Speed 30), Arcane Reservoir 10/10

Crispin gets close to Talath, but makes sure he doesn't have a weapon out. :)

Male CG Aquatic Elf Male Cleric 7 | HP 59 / 59 | AC 24 / 14 T / 22 FF | CMD 16 | Fort + 11 Ref + 6 Will + 11 Init +2 | Perception +15 (Low-Light Vision)| Speed 40 ft. |Conditions: None (Fish Person) | Effects: None | Channels: 4/5
Crispin Xantrian wrote:
Crispin gets close to Talath, but makes sure he doesn't have a weapon out. :)

Thanks for reminding me, I forgot to have Talath buy a sap!

N Female Human Bard (Archivist) 7 | hp --52-- 52/52 NL [0] | AC 21, t 13, ff 18 | Fort +5, Ref +8, Will +8 | BP 16/18 | Init +3 | Perc +11 | Speed 30 ft. | Bard Spells 1st 4/5; 2nd 3/4 ; 3rd 0/1| Lore Master 1/1 | Shirt 1/1 | Wand of CLW 30/50 | Conditions: none | To-Do List

Becky, decked out in the beloved enchanted eelskin, joins Mauro in the water, swimming around gracefully, a big change from the nerdy girl who usually lacks confident in anything physical she attempts. She swims closer to Mauro, obviously marveling at his magical cloak and its transformation upon him.

"Wow--that's really neat!" she gurgles. "You can still speak while wearing that thing, right?"

Becky's AC drops to 17/13/14 while wearing the enchanted eelskin; she gains a swim speed of 30 ft. and the ability to breathe water while wearing it. It also provides +5 competence bonuses to Escape Artist and Stealth checks. Lastly, it allows its wearer to take a full turn of actions during a surprise round (when she can act in the round).

M 1/2 Elf| HP 59/59 | AC: 26, T: 17, FF:23 | Spd: 30ft/ 30ft w/armor | Occultist (Haunt Collector) 7 | Init +3, Darkvision 60, Low Light Vision; Percept: +16, Sense Motive: +11 | Saves: F: +11, R: +7, W: +8 ; +2 vs enchantments, immune to sleep effects| CMB +12 / CMD 25
Becky Beys wrote:

"Wow--that's really neat!" she gurgles. "You can still speak while wearing that thing, right?"

Not sure, "as Beast Shape II", and that wouldn't allow speech. On the other hand, it specifically lists what you get, "a +3 natural armor bonus, the ability to breathe underwater, and a swim speed of 60 feet, like a real manta ray. The cloak also allows the wearer to attack with a sting ray’s tail spine, dealing 1d6 points of damage. This attack can be used in addition to any other attack the character has, using his highest melee attack bonus. The wearer can release his arms from the cloak without sacrificing underwater movement if so desired". It doesn't say anything about losing the ability to speak...

Male Human Ranger 7 (Tidal Hunter) | AC 26, Touch 16 |Flat-footed 22 | HP 67 (67) | Fort +7, Ref +9, Will +3 | Init +6 | Perception +11*, Keen Scent; Huntress: Init +2, AC 20 (12 Tch, 18 Flt)

Asher looks to the grumbling crowd and looks to see if there is an actual danger of rebellion.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16

Later, as they march to the shoreline, he looks at Becky and Mauro having their fun and smiles.

He centers himself with his breathing exercises and graciously accepts Talath's spell. He can breathe underwater for a long spell due to his unique talents, but the ability to glide through the water will be welcome.

Male CG Aquatic Elf Male Cleric 7 | HP 59 / 59 | AC 24 / 14 T / 22 FF | CMD 16 | Fort + 11 Ref + 6 Will + 11 Init +2 | Perception +15 (Low-Light Vision)| Speed 40 ft. |Conditions: None (Fish Person) | Effects: None | Channels: 4/5
Asher 'Cinnis' Regillenus wrote:

Asher looks to the grumbling crowd and looks to see if there is an actual danger of rebellion.

[dice=Sense Motive]1d20 + 2

Later, as they march to the shoreline, he looks at Becky and Mauro having their fun and smiles.

He centers himself with his breathing exercises and graciously accepts Talath's spell. He can breathe underwater for a long spell due to his unique talents, but the ability to glide through the water will be welcome.

Crispin and Talath need a count for spell slots (Crispin) and spell duration (Talath). So it sounds like Asher for Swimming and Water Breathing, Crispin for both. Becky and Mauro can swim and breathe so they're okay. What's the story for Antaral?

Male CG Aquatic Elf Male Cleric 7 | HP 59 / 59 | AC 24 / 14 T / 22 FF | CMD 16 | Fort + 11 Ref + 6 Will + 11 Init +2 | Perception +15 (Low-Light Vision)| Speed 40 ft. |Conditions: None (Fish Person) | Effects: None | Channels: 4/5
Mauro Ocela wrote:
Becky Beys wrote:

"Wow--that's really neat!" she gurgles. "You can still speak while wearing that thing, right?"

Not sure, "as Beast Shape II", and that wouldn't allow speech. On the other hand, it specifically lists what you get, "a +3 natural armor bonus, the ability to breathe underwater, and a swim speed of 60 feet, like a real manta ray. The cloak also allows the wearer to attack with a sting ray’s tail spine, dealing 1d6 points of damage. This attack can be used in addition to any other attack the character has, using his highest melee attack bonus. The wearer can release his arms from the cloak without sacrificing underwater movement if so desired". It doesn't say anything about losing the ability to speak...

Still my favorite magic item with Bottled Yeti Fur coming in a close second.

Male Human Ranger 7 (Tidal Hunter) | AC 26, Touch 16 |Flat-footed 22 | HP 67 (67) | Fort +7, Ref +9, Will +3 | Init +6 | Perception +11*, Keen Scent; Huntress: Init +2, AC 20 (12 Tch, 18 Flt)

Asher only needs Swimming. He can breathe underwater for 50 minutes a day at 5th level.

Male CG Aquatic Elf Male Cleric 7 | HP 59 / 59 | AC 24 / 14 T / 22 FF | CMD 16 | Fort + 11 Ref + 6 Will + 11 Init +2 | Perception +15 (Low-Light Vision)| Speed 40 ft. |Conditions: None (Fish Person) | Effects: None | Channels: 4/5
Asher 'Cinnis' Regillenus wrote:
Asher only needs Swimming. He can breathe underwater for 50 minutes a day at 5th level.

Talath has 10 hours to divide evenly among 2 or 3 PCs so it's not a problem.

Init +2;| Perception +9 37/38 HP
Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +1; +2 vs. enchantments, +2 bonus vs. poison|
18, touch 14, flat-footed 16(+2 amulet +4 armor, +2 Dex)
uses per day:
bombs 9/9 extracts 8/8 Healer's hands 5/5

Antaral moves close to Talath at the offer of underwater breathing. I can swim under my own concoctions power but the breathing, well that could be more problematic.

Male CG Aquatic Elf Male Cleric 7 | HP 59 / 59 | AC 24 / 14 T / 22 FF | CMD 16 | Fort + 11 Ref + 6 Will + 11 Init +2 | Perception +15 (Low-Light Vision)| Speed 40 ft. |Conditions: None (Fish Person) | Effects: None | Channels: 4/5
Antaral Ne'lethborn wrote:
Antaral moves close to Talath at the offer of underwater breathing. I can swim under my own concoctions power but the breathing, well that could be more problematic.

"No problem, thanks to the grace of Desna."

Talath displays his holy symbol and casts a spell, then touching the assembled Antaral, Crispin, and Asher.

3 1/3 hours of water breathing for each PC.

Water Breathing

✦ Sheshkadrann (area D) * ˚ ✦

You all swim one mile to the spit of land with the giant monument. As your feet touch the sandy beaches, you look around and realize there's a village here! The tropical foliage masked the village from afar but up close you can see built structures.

The village is a wondrous sight: a settlement of numerous wooden and stone structures suspended high in the boughs of massive live oaks and pines. All the structures are built around the base of a massive, octagonal tower of glittering blue crystal that reaches into the sky. This octagonal crystal tower at the heart of Sheshkadrann is 170 feet tall, with a jagged top that is clearly indicative of a fracture.

As you near the village, a pair of winged creatures with long pointy ears fly down to determine who you are and what you’re doing here. They are kind and curious, but they still retain some suspicion of the landbound humanoids who have come to visit. They speak to you in common, greeting "Hello. What brings you to Sheshkadrann?" You realize Sheshkadrann must be the name of their village.

Knowledge Local DC10:
These creatures are strix!

Diplomacy 15 (or Diplomacy 10 if bringing gifts):
You successfully bring the winged humanoids over to your side. They offer to give you a tour and seem amenable to possible trade deals.

M 1/2 Elf| HP 59/59 | AC: 26, T: 17, FF:23 | Spd: 30ft/ 30ft w/armor | Occultist (Haunt Collector) 7 | Init +3, Darkvision 60, Low Light Vision; Percept: +16, Sense Motive: +11 | Saves: F: +11, R: +7, W: +8 ; +2 vs enchantments, immune to sleep effects| CMB +12 / CMD 25

K Local, take 10: 10 + 2 = 12
+2 int

M 1/2 Elf| HP 59/59 | AC: 26, T: 17, FF:23 | Spd: 30ft/ 30ft w/armor | Occultist (Haunt Collector) 7 | Init +3, Darkvision 60, Low Light Vision; Percept: +16, Sense Motive: +11 | Saves: F: +11, R: +7, W: +8 ; +2 vs enchantments, immune to sleep effects| CMB +12 / CMD 25

Manta-Mauro zipped into the shallows of the beach, and in a blur of magic, became a 1/2 elf again, standing hip deep in the water. Wading out of the surf onto the beach, he looks up at the crystal tower and breathes out "Oh my!" Overcome with awe (and greed for knowledge and riches), he doesn't immediately reply to the Strix's greeting.

I think I will wait for someone with more diplomacy than I...

N Female Human Bard (Archivist) 7 | hp --52-- 52/52 NL [0] | AC 21, t 13, ff 18 | Fort +5, Ref +8, Will +8 | BP 16/18 | Init +3 | Perc +11 | Speed 30 ft. | Bard Spells 1st 4/5; 2nd 3/4 ; 3rd 0/1| Lore Master 1/1 | Shirt 1/1 | Wand of CLW 30/50 | Conditions: none | To-Do List

Like Mauro, Becky's awed by the blue crystal tower and the blue-feathered strix that come to greet the explorers.

"Greetings! We come from the village of Talmandor's Bounty. We'd heard a report of the crystal tower here; it's amazing!"

Becky Beys Knowledge (local) Check: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (7) + 12 = 19

Becky Beys Diplomacy Check (Aid Another--???): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

I'm pretty sure there's a better diplomat in the group than Becky, so I'm just going to roll an Aid Another at this point while being polite.

Male CG Aquatic Elf Male Cleric 7 | HP 59 / 59 | AC 24 / 14 T / 22 FF | CMD 16 | Fort + 11 Ref + 6 Will + 11 Init +2 | Perception +15 (Low-Light Vision)| Speed 40 ft. |Conditions: None (Fish Person) | Effects: None | Channels: 4/5

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (14) + 10 = 24

Take 10 for a Diplomacy of 20. Hopefully no one is upset but I think we'll give the Pearl Necklace (100 GP) as a gift. It's not going to bankrupt us, it isn't so cheap as to be an insult, and it comes from the sea and we literally did get it from there I think.

I meant to post his stat line, not a dice roll, so take the 20. Oops.

Realizing that a gift is expected, Talath retrieve a pearl necklace from Asher's belongings (Strongest looking guy/pack mule) and offers it to the winged stranger.

"Many apologies for arriving unannounced and unexpected. We were not told there was a village here let alone one as magnificent as Sheshkadrann. I am Talath, an aquatic elf from the region, so our people have been unknowing neighbors for quite some time. I am here with these individuals from Talmandor's Bounty, a settlement of the mighty nation of Andoran. We were sent here to explore what was described to us as a 'crystal monument' and yet we have found more than we could have expected. Speaking of the sea here is a gift from us to your people."

Male Human. Arcanist 7. AC 16/20*, touch 16/20*, flat-footed 14/18*. hp 46/46. Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +6. Init +2; Senses Perception +9, (*Mage armor) (Speed 30), Arcane Reservoir 10/10

Crispin is many things, Diplomatic is not one of them. He looks around in admiration but keeps his mouth shut and his hands to himself.

Male Human Ranger 7 (Tidal Hunter) | AC 26, Touch 16 |Flat-footed 22 | HP 67 (67) | Fort +7, Ref +9, Will +3 | Init +6 | Perception +11*, Keen Scent; Huntress: Init +2, AC 20 (12 Tch, 18 Flt)

Asher is a bit wary of the strangers, and wishes he had his bow out, but defers to the rest of the party trying to parlay.

Know(Local): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6

He is bemused at these completely unknown beings and amazed at their wings.

✦ Sheshkadrann (area D) * ˚ ✦

The pair of winged creatures focus their attention on Becky and Talath. "Talmandor's Bounty? That must be the human settlement. We've seen humans on the ocean, although they've never come here."

Despite Becky's eloquent words, the strix guards seem more at ease with Talath. One of them accepts the pearl necklace offered by Talath. "A gift for the village elder." The two look over the necklace, seeming to like it. "I see you have cultured tastes. Come, I will take you to her." The strix who accepted the necklace leads you all into the village.

There is a female strix with a longbow and leather armor (she looks like a ranger) leaning against the railing of a treehouse looking down at you. As you pass, you see her fly down from her high vantage point and follow you to the elder.

There is also a young female strix, smaller than Becky, with milky white eyes. Her long ears twitch and she raises her head as if to listen. She doesn't look directly at you, but you have the feeling she knows where you are. The child also follows you to the elder, periodically stopping to hide behind trees or other structures. She feels around for her surroundings as she moves.

You think there must be at least 100 strix living in this village. As you pass various structures, you notice there are poems engraved in Azlanti on rocks and wood. You also notice rubble from the hexagonal tower that appears to have broken off long ago that nature as reclaimed. A number of the strix also have musical instruments they are plucking or carrying around. And all of the strix here have incredibly detailed tattoos inked on their skin. The tattoos are beautiful and look very complex. Noticibly, the strix have even gone to lengths of decorating their wings with pigments. Their body art gives the strix the appearance of iridescent peacock feathers.

At the center of the village, you see the octagonal crystal tower, rising to about 170 feet, with a jagged top that is clearly indicative of a fracture. The tower is solid all the way through, but fine silver circuitry runs through its interior.

Knowledge Engineering DC15:
The octagonal tower's damage looks like it was actually once taller than it appears now. You realize the damage is indicative to its top being shorn off, perhaps during Earthfall.

A wooden bridge spirals up the octagonal tower a few stories before leading to a tree and continuing upwards. The strix with the gifted pearl necklace stops at the doorframe of a circular structure suspended in the treetops. Inside the structure, you can hear the voice of an elderly female chanting and singing in multifocal harmonies with a small group of other strix. The guard holding the pearl necklace stands at the doorframe, motioning you inside.

Inside, you see an elderly strix woman sitting in the head of a small group of other strix. They're all sitting on comfortable-looking pillows. There are more elaborate drawings painted on the walls, delicate carvings of strix playing musical instruments, and one of them has a pallet of paints carefully tattooing another.

The strix who led you here delivers the pearl necklace. The elderly strix woman examines the jewelry and addresses you: "How pretty. I am Skalorah, the village elder of the Akkiti-Skah. Who visits me?"

"We've been meaning to investigate your settlement but it looks like you discovered us first. Please, tell me of how you came here." The village elder is keen to listen to your stories and share information about Ancorato.

The two strix who followed you here enter and sit down to listen. "This is Kalikk, one of our best scouts. I'm sure she'd be willing to serve as your guide around the islands." The female strix with the longbow and leather armor nods at you. Skalorah reveals that there are several strix villages dotted around the ocean on various islands here. Each village is governed by its own village elder.

"And this is Oorka. She's been touched by the divine." Skalorah motions to the young strix girl with the milky white eyes.

After introductions are established, the forthcoming elder tells you about her tribe. Interestingly, (largely due to Becky's knowledge) you compare information with Skalorah to learn the Akkiti-Skah know nothing of their Avistani cousins, and little of their ancient past and the migration from Arcadia has survived the long march of time. The Akkiti-Skah do not call their departure an exile, but rather an exodus, and they believe it was their choice to come to the shattered ruins of Azlant. Notably, the Akkiti-Skah have history indicating that the strix traveled to Azlant from Arcadia prior to Earthfall and may have had limited trading arrangements with the Azlanti.

Hearing about Avistani strix, the Akkiti-Skah react with a mixture of fascination and sympathy. "What a difficult life they've had!" Skalorah and the other Strix present eagerly share their art, culture, and history and encourage a cultural exchange of ideas and traditions. "What do you know of Avistani strix culture?" The Akkiti-Skah even go so far as to suggest that a representative of their tribe should travel to Avistan to meet with strix clans there and see how their long-lost cousins fared across the ocean. "Maybe a few of the tribe can travel back on one of your merchant ships?" While Skalorah, the village elder, talks to you, she takes out a basket of grass and is weaving it into what looks like another basket. "I see you admiring my work. If you wish to learn I'll teach you."

While the conversation is ongoing, some of the party may recognize from her talents that Skalorah is a skald. She also seems to have taken an immediate liking to Becky and openly encourages the youth to sit closest to her. Skalorah is very complimentary of Becky's wealth of knowledge and seems to hang on her every word with genuine interest.

Mauro, Crispin, and Asher are politely acknowledged but aren't given nearly as much attention at Becky. Talath is offered the second-best seat and Skalorah occasionally looks towards him to corroborate Becky's tales.

I goofed. The strix actually talk to the party in Azlanti, not Common. They don't know Common.

M 1/2 Elf| HP 59/59 | AC: 26, T: 17, FF:23 | Spd: 30ft/ 30ft w/armor | Occultist (Haunt Collector) 7 | Init +3, Darkvision 60, Low Light Vision; Percept: +16, Sense Motive: +11 | Saves: F: +11, R: +7, W: +8 ; +2 vs enchantments, immune to sleep effects| CMB +12 / CMD 25
GM Ventiine wrote:

✦ Sheshkadrann (area D) * ˚ ✦

I goofed. The strix actually talk to the party in Azlanti, not Common. They don't know Common.

In the background, Mauro (who speak Azlanti via Linguistics skill) quietly translates to Common so that everyone can follow...

Init +2;| Perception +9 37/38 HP
Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +1; +2 vs. enchantments, +2 bonus vs. poison|
18, touch 14, flat-footed 16(+2 amulet +4 armor, +2 Dex)
uses per day:
bombs 9/9 extracts 8/8 Healer's hands 5/5

Antaral, not being acknowledged by the tribe, stands quietly to the side watching and waiting for some sort of idea where he fits in with the whole thing. He takes note of several things that could be useful in mixing new things and makes mental note to ask permission to gather or bargain for a few.
He remains alert while the others discuss this and that.
perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10
sense motive: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (17) + 0 = 17

Male CG Aquatic Elf Male Cleric 7 | HP 59 / 59 | AC 24 / 14 T / 22 FF | CMD 16 | Fort + 11 Ref + 6 Will + 11 Init +2 | Perception +15 (Low-Light Vision)| Speed 40 ft. |Conditions: None (Fish Person) | Effects: None | Channels: 4/5

Between not being a legal colonist of Talmandor's Bounty and the interest Skalorah takes in Becky, Talath will not speak to any of the arrangements Skalorah seeks. If the party wishes Talath to use his Diplomacy, they will have to give him permission to offer things like sailing on the return ships, etc.

Talath will acknowledge Skalorah, Kalikk, and Oorka as they are introduced.
When asked how he came here, Talath will tell her of his travel to the surface lands from Talasantri (He is speaking Azlanti, learned through Linguistics).
"Greetings Skalorah, I am Talath Na'El an aquatic elf from the underwater city of Talasantri. I was actually sent by my people to check on Talmandor's Bounty and see if they were getting along well in their new home. We were told of a 'crystal monument' on this island and were asked to explore the area. One of the principle issues the colony is having is locating natural resources so we've been scouting the general area to see what is available. If I may use some of the grass? I don't know how to make baskets but I do know how to make other items."

1) Taking 10 on Perception for 24. He's observing the social interactions between the strix and notably Oorka to determine how she has been 'divinely touched.' 2) He will gather his tools from his backpack and begin to make an item of clothing - it looks like in the picture of Skalorah its wearing a sash around its waist. He will take 10 for a Craft (Clothing) check of 15 and his Resourceful trait to make a sash out of the grass. Once finished he will present it to Skalorah.

N Female Human Bard (Archivist) 7 | hp --52-- 52/52 NL [0] | AC 21, t 13, ff 18 | Fort +5, Ref +8, Will +8 | BP 16/18 | Init +3 | Perc +11 | Speed 30 ft. | Bard Spells 1st 4/5; 2nd 3/4 ; 3rd 0/1| Lore Master 1/1 | Shirt 1/1 | Wand of CLW 30/50 | Conditions: none | To-Do List

Becky falls right into character, gladly acting as Ramona's junior ambassador to the strix. Amongst all her polite chatting and question-answering, the young bard asks a pair of questions: "Did the top of this tower get torn off before your people settled here? And do you know of any threats on the island that might've been responsible for causing the original settlers of Talmandor's Bounty to vanish?"

Becky Beys Knowledge (engineering) Check: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24

Male Human. Arcanist 7. AC 16/20*, touch 16/20*, flat-footed 14/18*. hp 46/46. Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +6. Init +2; Senses Perception +9, (*Mage armor) (Speed 30), Arcane Reservoir 10/10

Knowledge Engineering: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19

Since Becky has already asked the right question Crispin remains silent on the tower. He spends most of his time admiring the tattoos adorning the villagers instead.

✦ Sheshkadrann (area D) * ˚ ✦

As Mauro is translating from Azlanti to Common, Oorka, the juvenile strix, turns her head to listen. She repeats a few of Mauro's words.

Antaral tries his best to stay out of the way, making mental notes to himself and paying attention to the surrounding humanoids. Crispin does the same, admiring the intricate tattoos of the strix.

Antaral or Sense Motive 16 (general):
Antaral notices the Oorka, the young strix, is blind however she's quite curious. She reminds you of your companion Becky, though a little younger.

Compared to your (or Becky's) knowledge of strix, you notice these strix are completely different in demeanor. These strix are welcoming and don't seem to have any reservations about humans.

Skalorah, the village elder, looks at Talath when he speaks. "Ahh, yes. I do recognize your kind. Although you all tend to keep to your underwater city as we keep to our trees." Skalorah pauses, studying Talath. "My people saw you two nights ago during your most recent patrol. I know it must have been you because when they left, one was missing. Are you staying with the humans to learn their culture?" (Everyone in the party knows it couldn't have been Talath because you all were on the other side of the island.)

Talath only:
You know patrols of the water are normal. However, your brethren would never split up during a patrol. There would only be less in a returning patrol if one were killed.

Talath or Perception 24 (Oorka):
You study the young strix and realize a few things about her. Her milky white eyes and general mannerisms indicate that she's blind. She has inked skin and feathers similar to the other strix, but her designs include religious iconography from a variety of deities. You realize Oorka is an oracle. Oorka is currently listening intently to Mauro's translations and silently parroting his words. She seems like a curious and precocious youth with an overabundant desire to experience the world.

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥

When Talath mentions resources, Skalorah's eyes light up and other strix in the canopy start whispering excitedly. "We would be happy to trade resources and knowledge. However, maybe you could help us. We've has a tense relationship with the locathahs due to a misunderstanding that happened several years ago. One of their hunters was killed and one of our tribe arrived right as one of their tribe arrived. They assumed one of our own killed them, but that is not our way. Perhaps you could convince the locathah to put their grudges behind them and work towards a new cooperative future with us. We rather enjoy the luxuries they bring from Talasantri and we used to make all of their baskets." (Convincing the Okoloro tribe, led by Koloshkora, will require a Diplomacy check. You will have a +4 to the roll for helping Koloshkora.)

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥

Upon hearing Skalorah mention the locathahs, Ookra speaks up: "Village elder, can I go too? They have another similar in age to me! Please, please, please?"

"I see. Well, they do seem as interested in you as you them. You all have my blessing. If you would like to take Ookra with you, I can vouch for her capabilities. She's a skilled healer and she can see things that have yet to happen." (The book offers this NPC to the party an an additional adventuring companion. This is optional NPC offers additional healing to the party's current capacities. She's a level 2 oracle who is blind. If joining the party, she will level up at the same story checkpoints but is always three levels behind the party.)

Excited, Ookra feels for Mauro's arm. She tries to entwine her arm around his. "You'll let me come with you, right? Please, please, pleeeeease?"

Kalikk speaks up too: "Elder, I also volunteer."

Skalorah nods, "Kalikk knows the islands well. If you're in need of a guide, she's an excellent choice." (Kalikk is a level 4 ranger. She's willing to accompany you on land, but not underwater.)

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥

Becky's questions are considered by Skalorah. "We settled this island about 910 moon cycles ago. The land had already taken back much of the structure here. We've cut back some of the vegetation because the tower is so beautiful." (Your character knows 910 moon cycles is about 70 years ago.)

Skalorah looks confused at Becky's second question. "The original settlers? I'm sorry to tell you... the Azlanti people suffered greatly during Earthfall. I'm afraid the only remains of them are the ruins of their magnificent structures." You realize there's a misunderstanding in culture - Skalorah thinks Talmandor's Bounty is the name of ruins and you're referring to the humans from long ago. It doesn't seem like the strix ever ventured to Talmandor's Bounty or interacted with the previous settlers. She seems to think you all are the original settlers.

"As for dangers, there are scrags that sometimes come ashore. Our scouts have seen them rise from the waters and trek deep into the island. She's able to point out the area on your map (and she indicates the scrags travel to area H and area L.) Her finger lingers on area H of your map, "it's a shame. That area has lots of trees that would be perfect for building and crafting."

M 1/2 Elf| HP 59/59 | AC: 26, T: 17, FF:23 | Spd: 30ft/ 30ft w/armor | Occultist (Haunt Collector) 7 | Init +3, Darkvision 60, Low Light Vision; Percept: +16, Sense Motive: +11 | Saves: F: +11, R: +7, W: +8 ; +2 vs enchantments, immune to sleep effects| CMB +12 / CMD 25

Perception: 1d20 + 5 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 5 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 3 = 25
5 rank +3 trained +1 wis +2 racial +3 Skill Focus

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19
+1 wis

N Female Human Bard (Archivist) 7 | hp --52-- 52/52 NL [0] | AC 21, t 13, ff 18 | Fort +5, Ref +8, Will +8 | BP 16/18 | Init +3 | Perc +11 | Speed 30 ft. | Bard Spells 1st 4/5; 2nd 3/4 ; 3rd 0/1| Lore Master 1/1 | Shirt 1/1 | Wand of CLW 30/50 | Conditions: none | To-Do List

Becky tells Skalorah about the vanishing of most of the settlement's original settlers, adding that their disappearance had to have happened mere months back. She looks to the others when Ookra and Kalikk offer their services to the party. Having allies capable of flight seems like a giant boon to her, and the strix's knowledge of the island may prove invaluable. Plus, the opportunity to help broker a peace between the locathah and strix is just the sort of thing that might might get her (and the rest of the party) even more appreciated by Ramona and the other colonists.

Also, having a youngster like Ookra along might offer her the opportunity to make a new friend around her own age, though...does she sense a love connection between the young strix oracle and Mauro??!!

Becky Beys Sense Motive Check: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16

Becky Beys Perception Check: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11

I'm OK with having Ookra and Kalikk join the party as long as it's not a big added burden for our GM.

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