About Antaral Ne'lethbornAntaral Ne'lethborn level 5
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Standing at a lithe 5 foot 11 inches, he rarely ways much over a 120 lbs. His hair is silver white, light blue eyes pierce you as if you are already being judged weighed and found lacking. The eyes meld well with the colors of his pale aqua green skin.
He wears a missed matched conglomeration of loops, satchels, and bags. Each one is filled to the brim with things that he is dyeing to mix. His hair is always a bit messed up as if under the constant barrage of wind. He usually can be found with a book in his pocket or backpack. Much of his spare time is spent reading. background:
Antaral grew up in an orphanage. Abandoned by both parents and having no siblings that he knew of, he grew up in Taldor. The orphanage was just minutes from the docks and shoreline and he played and explored these as he grew. One bookseller took special interest in the youngling and often had him run errands for his shop. In exchange he taught the young on how to read and many languages. The stories of Azlanti drew his attention and with help of his friend, he learned the language and began to study the texts in their original language.
His reading soon led him to ancient formulas of things he had no idea about. He began to search for some one that could instruct him with the formulas. He eventually found another half-breed, a half orc whom was trained in the use of formulas and willing to take on an apprentice. Thus began his study in magic. First thing he was taught was the mundane skills of healing. Then slowly magical healing was added. He was encouraged to experiment on his own with mixing things and several of the formulas that he learned came from trial and error; blood and scars. Two of the results from his experiments had explosive results. One literally exploded when thrown, bombs. The other was more of an internal explosion of power, mutagens. With them he could change the literal structure of his body to heighten its physical abilities albeit making his mental abilities lacking. His experimentation continues and has led him to sign on to Talmandor’s Landing expedition with hopes of finding more materials to experiment with and ancient Azlanti knowledge and artifacts. motivation and goals:
1)Gather rare reagents to experiment with.
2)Find formula's from the ancient Azlanti civilization and texts. 3.)Start his own alchemist workshop weakness:
Has some residual resentment towards elves in general because he was abandoned by his mother and had to grow up outside of the elven enclaves. all formula links:
false life invisibility barkskin, Cure mod., animal aspect detect thoughts fox's cunnint restoration lesser blood transcription aid invisibility bubble cure light wounds,
351gp Shared spell book with Crispin (contains the following) 1st level - skim, waterproof, snowball(Crispin) 2nd level - animal aspect(antaral), tears to wine, Cat’s grace venomous bite(antaral) 3rd - Glimpse the hidden, Gaseous form, Drain Poison (antaral) Fire trail, rage Bloodhound or Blood biography(crispin) or dark vault magic wish list-one shots:
travelers anytool caber twig oragami swarm feather token=whip,swan boat, sky hook, lance, floating feather, tar and feathers, seige tower, ram,catapult Iron morph dust abjuration dust bottled cloud catherdral pit stone bottle of shifting sands. rings wished for:
Ring arcane signets Riverclub Ring Darklife ring Ring of grasping grave Ring of godless “” forcefangs “”curing “”sea strider other magic gear wished for: