GM Ventiine's Ruins of Azlant (Books 1-3)

Game Master Ventiine

Books 1 & 2 | Book 3 | NPCs | Combat Maps | Loot Sheet | Island Map

Location: Pillars of Long Shadow (A5)
Current day: Fireday (Fireday), 7 Erastus (July) 4717
4717 Calendar

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M 1/2 Elf| HP 59/59 | AC: 26, T: 17, FF:23 | Spd: 30ft/ 30ft w/armor | Occultist (Haunt Collector) 7 | Init +3, Darkvision 60, Low Light Vision; Percept: +16, Sense Motive: +11 | Saves: F: +11, R: +7, W: +8 ; +2 vs enchantments, immune to sleep effects| CMB +12 / CMD 25

Mauro is non-committal about the possibility of another teenage girl joining the party, "Let us discuss the matter and we will let you know"

Ok, metagaming, we are already running 6 pc's on a module intended for 4 (which, IIRC, Ventiine is not modifying). Also, adding long term with the party NPC's means more work for Ventiine... On a more in character level, extra people are pretty much extra options and actions, but what are the diplomatic consequences of refusing the NPC's, and what happens if something bad happens to them?


He asks Skalorah "Have your folks explored the ruins of the tower? What have you found? Would you object to us investigating it?"

Male CG Aquatic Elf Male Cleric 7 | HP 59 / 59 | AC 24 / 14 T / 22 FF | CMD 16 | Fort + 11 Ref + 6 Will + 11 Init +2 | Perception +15 (Low-Light Vision)| Speed 40 ft. |Conditions: None (Fish Person) | Effects: None | Channels: 4/5

With a +8 and taking 10, Talath makes the Sense Motive.

Continuing to work on the grass sash for Skalorah, he stops when she mentions that the patrol of aquatic elves went from two to one.

"It actually was not me you saw on patrol two evenings ago. I can understand the mistake since we look quite similar from the great heights you fly and that we were swimming. Two nights ago we were on the other side of the island and nowhere near here. Could you describe where you spotted the patrol? The news that one 'went missing' is unsettling; the only way your scouts would see only one is if something happened to the other one. I hope it is not a relative or friend of mine..."

When the topic of the trouble with the locathah tribe comes up, Talath adds:

"Fortunately we were able to help that particular tribe with a problem they were having. Their elder, Koloshkora, will at least listen to us since we are on good terms with them. We will speak on your behalf but I cannot guarantee that we can mend the relationship between your two peoples but we will do our best."

Knowledge (what) for scrags? Talath might have heard something of them since they would likely have crossed paths with the aquatic elves.

Noting Skalorah's comment about the trees in the area on the map she points to,

"Are those trees something your people would value?"

When Skalorah points to the second spot on the map Area L Talath will ask,

"What do your people know of this area?"

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Male Human. Arcanist 7. AC 16/20*, touch 16/20*, flat-footed 14/18*. hp 46/46. Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +6. Init +2; Senses Perception +9, (*Mage armor) (Speed 30), Arcane Reservoir 10/10

When there is a break in the conversation Crispin politely speaks. "Your tattoos are so beautiful. Would it be permitted for an outsider to have some of your art on his body?"

Crispin has been away too long. He's entering his rebellious phase!

✦ Sheshkadrann (area D) * ˚ ✦

Mauro Ocela wrote:
He asks Skalorah "Have your folks explored the ruins of the tower? What have you found? Would you object to us investigating it?"

The village elder explains the hexagonal tower is solid all the way through so there is no entering it. Flying over the top, the strix have seen the same design running through its interior as what covers the outside.

Talath Na'El wrote:
"...The news that one 'went missing' is unsettling; the only way your scouts would see only one is if something happened to the other one. I hope it is not a relative or friend of mine..."

Skalorah describes an elf with a dark cloak with feathers on the shoulders and an underwater crossbow. Some party members realize this individual may have quaffed a potion, like a potion of touch of the sea, or used some other means to swim because the individual described does not sound like an aquatic elf, like Talath. Instead, the individual described sounds like Mauro.

Talath Na'El wrote:
"Are those trees something your people would value?"

Skalorah shakes her head. "We settled here 910 moon cycles ago, this island is our home. However, if you needed wood, I suggest going there. The area is rich in resources if you can defeat the scrags." She was just being friendly by sharing information. This tribe of strix doesn't seem interested in expanding their territory.

Knowledge Local? DC15 (Scrags):
Dwelling in both fresh and saltwater, scrags are cousins of the troll. Scrags can regenerate but only if they are touching water. Scrags are less bestial in appearance than their terrestrial cousins, though no less violent.

Knowledge Local DC25 (Scrags):
You recall scrags have the special attack rend, which is a powerful natural attack that utilizes the creature's strength. Their sheer strength makes scrags intimidating, as their methods include rending the flesh directly off their opponents to feed their voracious appetites. You know trolls and scrags alike are not very intelligent.

Crispin Xantrian wrote:
When there is a break in the conversation Crispin politely speaks. "Your tattoos are so beautiful. Would it be permitted for an outsider to have some of your art on his body?"

The strix tattooing another pauses to look at Crispin and nods approvingly, "it will take time, but I would be honored to share our culture with you. Come back after your visit to the locathahs. You will share your adventures and I will immortalize them on flesh."

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥

As the party is getting ready to leave, Ookra goes still by Mauro's side. Her face carries an expression similar to Mauro's when he reads objects. Then, she feels her way over to Antaral and grasps the alchemist's hand. She gives his hand a squeeze and you can detect sympathy in her voice: "Don't blame yourself, Antaral. It's not your fault."

Male CG Aquatic Elf Male Cleric 7 | HP 59 / 59 | AC 24 / 14 T / 22 FF | CMD 16 | Fort + 11 Ref + 6 Will + 11 Init +2 | Perception +15 (Low-Light Vision)| Speed 40 ft. |Conditions: None (Fish Person) | Effects: None | Channels: 4/5
GM Ventiine wrote:

✦ Sheshkadrann (area D) * ˚ ✦

As the party is getting ready to leave, Ookra goes still by Mauro's side. Her face carries an expression similar to Mauro's when he reads objects. Then, she feels her way over to Antaral and grasps the alchemist's hand. She gives his hand a squeeze and you can detect sympathy in her voice: "Don't blame yourself, Antaral. It's not your fault."

And so it begins!

Talath thanks Skalorah for the information on the trees in that area.
"Yes the colony does need lumber so this knowledge will be very helpful, thank you again."

@GM: Just to make sure you didn't miss it, Talath asked Skalorah about Area L. He's curious if the strix have any information or interactions with the Witch. It would appear the scrags do.

Init +2;| Perception +9 37/38 HP
Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +1; +2 vs. enchantments, +2 bonus vs. poison|
18, touch 14, flat-footed 16(+2 amulet +4 armor, +2 Dex)
uses per day:
bombs 9/9 extracts 8/8 Healer's hands 5/5

Antaral looks down on Ookra and says simply and quietly What's not my fault?

✦ Sheshkadrann (area D) * ˚ ✦

Talath Na'El wrote:

When Skalorah points to the second spot on the map Area L Talath will ask,

"What do your people know of this area?"

"A sea hag moved to the tower there some moon cycles ago. ...182 cycles? We see less of her now, but we know she's still there." Some quick napkin math by the party calculates the sea witch must have moved in about 14 years ago. "For longer than our tribe has been on this island, we've seen her on the rare occasion, but we've always avoided her. She makes deals with the scrags and sahuagin who terrorize us and our allies. Back when we traded with the locathah, the sahuagin sometimes intercepted their trade routes to Talasantri. Sadly, I doubt that's changed."

Antaral Ne'lethborn wrote:
Antaral looks down on Ookra and says simply and quietly "What's not my fault?"

Ookra continues to hold Antaral's hand in her small juvenile one. "The sea on fire. You looked so heartbroken."

The other strix begin talking to each other, filling the canopy with chatter. Skalorah stands from her cushion, "Ookla's predictions could be under today's sun or after several moon cycles." (She's saying the vision could happen today or months from now.) "I must prepare my tribe for whatever may come to pass. Please, visit the locathah on our behalf." The strix tattooing and the recipient both get up and gracefully fly out from the open structure. Other strix, whom have been present in the canopy until now, also get up to fly. Kalikk stands and looks at the party as if awaiting orders.

Male Human Ranger 7 (Tidal Hunter) | AC 26, Touch 16 |Flat-footed 22 | HP 67 (67) | Fort +7, Ref +9, Will +3 | Init +6 | Perception +11*, Keen Scent; Huntress: Init +2, AC 20 (12 Tch, 18 Flt)

Asher is heartened by the fortunate stroke of more friendly island chain residents.

Their ability to fly and scout will make them valuable allies.

Asher is ambivalent about Ookra joining the party. He mutters that she may be valuable at Talmandor's Bounty once the residents acclimate to her. And a ranger envoy would be a good thing to allow the two settlements to communicate not only with each other, but also with the Locathah.

Asher asks Mauro to come along with him to Kalikk to translate, so the two rangers can compare fighting styles and skills. Asher is always one to enjoy learning a new thing or two.

M 1/2 Elf| HP 59/59 | AC: 26, T: 17, FF:23 | Spd: 30ft/ 30ft w/armor | Occultist (Haunt Collector) 7 | Init +3, Darkvision 60, Low Light Vision; Percept: +16, Sense Motive: +11 | Saves: F: +11, R: +7, W: +8 ; +2 vs enchantments, immune to sleep effects| CMB +12 / CMD 25
Asher 'Cinnis' Regillenus wrote:


Asher asks Mauro to come along with him to Kalikk to translate, so the two rangers can compare fighting styles and skills. Asher is always one to enjoy learning a new thing or two.

Mauro comes along and suggests having the conversation in the shade of the tower. When Asher and Kalikk are sparring, he will investigate the tower using object reading.

I wonder if there are secret entries/passages. Even a machine that size would presumably have maintenance accesses...

It might also be worthwhile for one of our diplomats to point out that the Strix will be having less 'terrorizing' from the sahaugin after the little discussion we had with them out on Ershirani reef.

N Female Human Bard (Archivist) 7 | hp --52-- 52/52 NL [0] | AC 21, t 13, ff 18 | Fort +5, Ref +8, Will +8 | BP 16/18 | Init +3 | Perc +11 | Speed 30 ft. | Bard Spells 1st 4/5; 2nd 3/4 ; 3rd 0/1| Lore Master 1/1 | Shirt 1/1 | Wand of CLW 30/50 | Conditions: none | To-Do List

Becky tells Skalorah about the party's previous run-in with the local sahuagin and their monster shark, adding that perhaps that defeat will weaken the sea devils at least for the near future. On the subject of scrags, the bard informs her friends that the creatures are, in essence, aquatic trolls. "They can only regenerate their wounds while in contact with water, however."

Becky Beys Knowledge (local) Check: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (9) + 12 = 21

Male CG Aquatic Elf Male Cleric 7 | HP 59 / 59 | AC 24 / 14 T / 22 FF | CMD 16 | Fort + 11 Ref + 6 Will + 11 Init +2 | Perception +15 (Low-Light Vision)| Speed 40 ft. |Conditions: None (Fish Person) | Effects: None | Channels: 4/5
Becky Beys wrote:

Becky tells Skalorah about the party's previous run-in with the local sahuagin and their monster shark, adding that perhaps that defeat will weaken the sea devils at least for the near future. On the subject of scrags, the bard informs her friends that the creatures are, in essence, aquatic trolls. "They can only regenerate their wounds while in contact with water, however."

[dice=Becky Beys Knowledge (local) Check]1d20+12

"How does one deal with a troll? And stop it from regenerating?"

Male CG Aquatic Elf Male Cleric 7 | HP 59 / 59 | AC 24 / 14 T / 22 FF | CMD 16 | Fort + 11 Ref + 6 Will + 11 Init +2 | Perception +15 (Low-Light Vision)| Speed 40 ft. |Conditions: None (Fish Person) | Effects: None | Channels: 4/5
Mauro Ocela wrote:

I wonder if there are secret entries/passages. Even a machine that size would presumably have maintenance accesses...

Casting Guidance on himself, Talath can take 10 for a 25 Perception. Obviously the DC could be 26+ so it's up to the group if we want try the safer route or gamble on a high roll. Plus we'd have to search the entirety of the tower and it sounds sizeable.

Mauro Ocela wrote:

It might also be worthwhile for one of our diplomats to point out that the Strix will be having less 'terrorizing' from the sahaugin after the little discussion we had with them out on Ershirani reef.

Becky beat me to it!

Male CG Aquatic Elf Male Cleric 7 | HP 59 / 59 | AC 24 / 14 T / 22 FF | CMD 16 | Fort + 11 Ref + 6 Will + 11 Init +2 | Perception +15 (Low-Light Vision)| Speed 40 ft. |Conditions: None (Fish Person) | Effects: None | Channels: 4/5
GM Ventiine wrote:

✦ Sheshkadrann (area D) * ˚ ✦

Talath Na'El wrote:

When Skalorah points to the second spot on the map Area L Talath will ask,

"What do your people know of this area?"

"A sea hag moved to the tower there some moon cycles ago. ...182 cycles? We see less of her now, but we know she's still there." Some quick napkin math by the party calculates the sea witch must have moved in about 14 years ago. "For longer than our tribe has been on this island, we've seen her on the rare occasion, but we've always avoided her. She makes deals with the scrags and sahuagin who terrorize us and our allies. Back when we traded with the locathah, the sahuagin sometimes intercepted their trade routes to Talasantri. Sadly, I doubt that's changed."

"We will do our best to convince our locathah friends that your people were not responsible for the attack on their hunter. Given what you've told us about the hag and her dealings with the sahuagin and the scrags, I suspect one of those two were behind the attack and hopefully they will agree."

Where would you all like to travel to next?

Male CG Aquatic Elf Male Cleric 7 | HP 59 / 59 | AC 24 / 14 T / 22 FF | CMD 16 | Fort + 11 Ref + 6 Will + 11 Init +2 | Perception +15 (Low-Light Vision)| Speed 40 ft. |Conditions: None (Fish Person) | Effects: None | Channels: 4/5
GM Ventiine wrote:
Where would you all like to travel to next?

It sounds like we're going to search around the crystal monument to see what, if anything, we can learn and/or find (secret doors!). After that maybe get the tour of the village and then probably back to the locathahs. By then the ultimate power we have released from the crystal monument should infuse the PCs and transmogrify them into demigods...or kobolds, we haven't decided yet... ;)

N Female Human Bard (Archivist) 7 | hp --52-- 52/52 NL [0] | AC 21, t 13, ff 18 | Fort +5, Ref +8, Will +8 | BP 16/18 | Init +3 | Perc +11 | Speed 30 ft. | Bard Spells 1st 4/5; 2nd 3/4 ; 3rd 0/1| Lore Master 1/1 | Shirt 1/1 | Wand of CLW 30/50 | Conditions: none | To-Do List

Becky joins the search for a secret entrance into the blue crystal tower. She also examines it with detect magic to see what if anything registers.

Becky Beys Perception Check (secret door): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25

Agreed--a visit to the locathah seems the logical next step.

Male Human. Arcanist 7. AC 16/20*, touch 16/20*, flat-footed 14/18*. hp 46/46. Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +6. Init +2; Senses Perception +9, (*Mage armor) (Speed 30), Arcane Reservoir 10/10

Crispin is delighted by the response to his question on tattoos. He truly thinks them beautiful and would love to have something like a tattoo sleeve with them.

"Getting the Locathah and the Stix friendly again would be good. Once that's done we have two local tribes that could be friendly with Taldor's bounty. Trade and defense alliances will benefit us all."

He joins in the search of the tower.

perception Aid another: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15

Almost missed this one.

Knowledge local Scrags: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27

"Beware the Scrags Rend attack. Getting close to them can mean having your flesh torn off your body. Ranged attacks would be our best option."

M 1/2 Elf| HP 59/59 | AC: 26, T: 17, FF:23 | Spd: 30ft/ 30ft w/armor | Occultist (Haunt Collector) 7 | Init +3, Darkvision 60, Low Light Vision; Percept: +16, Sense Motive: +11 | Saves: F: +11, R: +7, W: +8 ; +2 vs enchantments, immune to sleep effects| CMB +12 / CMD 25

Ok, I'm assuming that the crystal tower is dungeon dressing, given that object reading is giving me nothing.

After several attempts at object reading, Mauro has a headache; there is apparently little psychic resonance left in the mysterious azlanti ruins...

Thwarted, he turns to the discussion as to what to do, "Yes, we may as well visit the Locathah on the way back to Talmandor's Bounty. After visiting them, we can overnight with the Locathah and then we can see about this nest of scrags. If they eat people and make deals with sahaugin and hags, I am sure Ramona will want them sorted out... But before we go, can we get the Strix to show us, on our map, precisely where this mysterious elf was sighted?"

Male CG Aquatic Elf Male Cleric 7 | HP 59 / 59 | AC 24 / 14 T / 22 FF | CMD 16 | Fort + 11 Ref + 6 Will + 11 Init +2 | Perception +15 (Low-Light Vision)| Speed 40 ft. |Conditions: None (Fish Person) | Effects: None | Channels: 4/5
Mauro Ocela wrote:

But before we go, can we get the Strix to show us, on our map, precisely where this mysterious elf was sighted?"[/b]

Talath had asked that but the GM didn't respond so not sure if the module doesn't cover it or if it was missed in my wall of text posting.

Male CG Aquatic Elf Male Cleric 7 | HP 59 / 59 | AC 24 / 14 T / 22 FF | CMD 16 | Fort + 11 Ref + 6 Will + 11 Init +2 | Perception +15 (Low-Light Vision)| Speed 40 ft. |Conditions: None (Fish Person) | Effects: None | Channels: 4/5
Becky Beys wrote:

Becky joins the search for a secret entrance into the blue crystal tower. She also examines it with detect magic to see what if anything registers.

[dice=Becky Beys Perception Check (secret door)]1d20+9

Agreed--a visit to the locathah seems the logical next step.

Talath can't fail to Aid the check so, with Cripin's Aid, we're at 29...can someone get us over 30?!??!

Init +2;| Perception +9 37/38 HP
Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +1; +2 vs. enchantments, +2 bonus vs. poison|
18, touch 14, flat-footed 16(+2 amulet +4 armor, +2 Dex)
uses per day:
bombs 9/9 extracts 8/8 Healer's hands 5/5

Antaral is a bit shaken by the comment of the young strix but also is a bit excited because it brings ideas of a new concoction or two to try if he can just mix the ingredients correctly.
He joins the others looking over the tower in careful consideration.
perception aide other: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24

✦ Sheshkadrann (area D) * ˚ ✦

While the strix are busy, you examine the hexagonal monument. Becky leads the examination, aided by Crispin, Talath, Antaral, and Kalikk. Ookra stands nearby, as she is blind. Like Skalorah described, the structure appears solid.

Mauro places his hand on the monument.

Mauro (Object Reading):
You sense this structure used to amplify something but the specific purpose has been lost to time.

When you try to read it for more details, you see the monument in it's former glory. Its so tall that you can't see the top from where you stand. The sky darkens and fiery stones plummet towards the ground. There's a deafening boom as one makes contact with the hexagonal monument. The experience is so terrifying that you jolt out of the vision reeling.

✦ Locathah Camp (area E) * ˚ ✦

When the party is ready, you depart from the island, swimming a mile back to Ancorato. You continue from the beach to the camp of the Okoloro tribe, lead by Koloshkora.

As you approach the village, Koloshkora comes to greet you. Like previous times, she goes out of her way to speak Common. "Talath and wine-gifting friends! You came to visit Koloshkora and Okoloro tribe, yes?" It looks like the locathah are having an easy time settling in. There are several huts and drying racks setup on the beach.

She spots the two strix accompanying you. "Why are strix here? Strix are no good."

Male CG Aquatic Elf Male Cleric 7 | HP 59 / 59 | AC 24 / 14 T / 22 FF | CMD 16 | Fort + 11 Ref + 6 Will + 11 Init +2 | Perception +15 (Low-Light Vision)| Speed 40 ft. |Conditions: None (Fish Person) | Effects: None | Channels: 4/5

Talath smiles and offers his hand to Koloshkora, "Friend Koloshkora, we have visited with these strix and they told us of your friendly relations before the incident where one of your tribe was found killed. But their village did not attack us and took the time to both explain the situation and their desire to see good relations restored between your two peoples. We have also learned that the Witch that Vriskirsa warned us of has been working with both the sahuagin that were causing a problem to your tribe and some scrags. It seems likely the Witch would have encouraged an attack on your people, as the sahuagin did, and it was unfortunate timing that you came upon the fallen hunter at the same time as the strix. The strix's elder told us of the great trading relationship your two people had; why would they risk that? Doesn't it seem more likely that an enemy such as the sahuagin, and the Witch, were behind the attack? Especially since the strix have nothing bad to say about your people and they would like to become friends with you again."

Taking 10 on Diplomacy for a 25, which includes the +4 bonus you provided earlier and +1 from Guidance, which Talath would have cast just out of sight/hearing of the locathah. Everyone else please make an Aid check. :)

N Female Human Bard (Archivist) 7 | hp --52-- 52/52 NL [0] | AC 21, t 13, ff 18 | Fort +5, Ref +8, Will +8 | BP 16/18 | Init +3 | Perc +11 | Speed 30 ft. | Bard Spells 1st 4/5; 2nd 3/4 ; 3rd 0/1| Lore Master 1/1 | Shirt 1/1 | Wand of CLW 30/50 | Conditions: none | To-Do List

Becky tells Koloshkora about the party's visit to the strix village, including their version of the event that drove the two people apart. She also points out that in addition to the possibilities for trade, an alliance between underwater folk, airborne strix, and the landbound people in Talmandor's Bounty would seem to have all bases covered in terms of mutual defense.

I believe Talath's our best diplomat, so I'm just going to make a Diplomacy (Aid Another) check to hopefully get him a bonus on his check (+3 thanks to Becky's Helpful trait).

Becky Beys Diplomacy Check (Aid Another--Talath): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23 SUCCESS!

Init +2;| Perception +9 37/38 HP
Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +1; +2 vs. enchantments, +2 bonus vs. poison|
18, touch 14, flat-footed 16(+2 amulet +4 armor, +2 Dex)
uses per day:
bombs 9/9 extracts 8/8 Healer's hands 5/5

Antaral, knowing he is blunt and often no help in diplomatic situations, errs on the side of caution and keeps his mouth shut. He watches the okolora tribe for responses.

perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23
s. motive: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (6) + 0 = 6

✦ Locathah Camp (area E) * ˚ ✦

Aided by Becky, Talath gives a thorough explanation of what the party's discovered since their last encounter with Koloshkora As the aquatic elf is talking, Kalikk, the strix ranger looks quite impressed. (I assume Mauro would continue to translate?)

"Helekhterie working with sahuagin... Talath and wine-gifting friends make good points, yes. Koloshkora did not think of that possibility." Talath's passionate speech to Koloshkora managed to turn heads of everyone in the village. Most of the locathah only understand broken Common but the general message seems to get across.

Kalikk steps forward to Talath's side. She speaks in Azlanti, "Talath speaks truth. It's time to put old grudges behind us. We should work towards a new cooperative future to strengthen both our tribes."

In Azlanti, Koloshkora responds: "Kalikk, I'm happy to see you. We've missed too many tides, but now Okoloro tribe and Akkiti-Skah tribe will be united again. Friend of the sea and friend of the sky working together."

Koloshkora turns her large eyes to Talath. In perhaps her best Common yet: "On behalf of the Okoloro tribe, we thank you."

With both tribes reconciled, you all feel a little bit stronger. You are now level 6!

✦ Talmandor's Bounty (area a) * ˚ ✦

When the party is ready, you hike back to Talmandor's Bounty. It's dark and you'd typically expect everyone to be settling down for the night, but you see groups of villagers (4 to 6 in a group) patrolling the beach! They're calling out for Kereda Harper.

"Found anything yet?" someone calls. "No, you?" someone from another group returns. Some are rummaging through supply crates, searching under the two dinghy boats left by The Peregrine (ship you arrived on in Book 1), lifting fishing nets, or checking tall plants.

Ramona is out on the beach searching too. She approaches you holding a lit torch. Medrinnah's father, colonial solider Sighra Harleau, and two other guards are standing near her. The two guards you're less familiar with shoot disapproving glances at Kalikk and Oorka. Sighra Harleau nods once at Becky. He seems to have a healthy amount of respect for you all.

"Thank the gods you're back." She pauses to look at the strix. "...Oh, uhh, you brought back more individuals? Envoys of another tribe, I hope." She gives a short laugh. "I admire your ability to make friends but isn't the best time. Come with me."

Ramona leads you and the two strix to her home (area 9), the former residence of Rayland Arkley who now sleeps in the Barracks. She instructs the soldiers "wait outside." You would know the colony leader usually conducts her business in the Government Building (area 10).

You communicate the introduce Kalikk and Oorka. Although they don't speak Common, Ramona has taken enough language classes from Ariel and Urlana to communicate.

The colony leader switches back to Common, knowing the strix can't understand: "I see. Well, I can't say I'm not relieved, but your tidings come at a bad time. Kereda Harper has gone missing. Nobody can find him and some of the colonists are blaming the locathahs. Another theory is a pack of chupacabra have flown him to their nest. Others are saying Tasrel ate him. We've locked her up for now." She sighs and puts a hand to her temple. "I'm afraid he may have deserted. I'm sure you remember how anxious he was when we first landed." (In Book 1 you had to convince several colonists to disembark The Peregrine because they were spooked seeing the empty colony.)

I will post a story update tonight. Don't stress about posting if you're busy. This is more of a cinematic moment.

N Female Human Bard (Archivist) 7 | hp --52-- 52/52 NL [0] | AC 21, t 13, ff 18 | Fort +5, Ref +8, Will +8 | BP 16/18 | Init +3 | Perc +11 | Speed 30 ft. | Bard Spells 1st 4/5; 2nd 3/4 ; 3rd 0/1| Lore Master 1/1 | Shirt 1/1 | Wand of CLW 30/50 | Conditions: none | To-Do List

Seeing Ramona stressed out stresses out Becky, and the young bard asks if there's anything she or her friends can do to help out. She suggests (if Ramona doesn't) that most of the party should search for tracks or other signs of the missing Kereda Harper. She offers to interrogate Tasrel herself, though she intends to take Ookla and her BFF Medrinnah along as well. (Becky doesn't like the thought of Medrinnah being alone when people are starting to vanish again.)

Not sure if Ookla has any powers that might help in the questioning. Since Becky won't have a rank in Sense Motive until the next morning, my plan is for her to give Tasrel a detailed inspection for blood or any other clue regarding Kereda (take 20 on Perception for a total of 29); she'll also try to allay any fears the gill-woman might have, assuring her that this is a misunderstanding caused by the fears of a few frightened colonists (Diplomacy check below). Becky will also make sure Tasrel gets plenty of water. (Do gill-men need to keep their skin hydrated? Knowledge (local) check for that below as well.)

Becky Beys Diplomacy Check: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8

Becky Beys Knowledge (local) Check: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (5) + 12 = 17

Male CG Aquatic Elf Male Cleric 7 | HP 59 / 59 | AC 24 / 14 T / 22 FF | CMD 16 | Fort + 11 Ref + 6 Will + 11 Init +2 | Perception +15 (Low-Light Vision)| Speed 40 ft. |Conditions: None (Fish Person) | Effects: None | Channels: 4/5

Everyone in the group remembers seeing Talath be diplomatic with the strix and the locathah; he doesn't appear that way right now. In fact you think you can almost see the steam coming out of his ears...

"Release Tasrel - now. We have just restored an alliance between the strix and the locathah. If your people move against the locathah, the strix will undoubtedly come to their defense. It would be wise to communicate to the mob mentality that their foolishness should be tempered with enlightened self-interest for preservation."

Take 10 Diplomacy for 21 although it should be clear with a -9999999 Sense Motive check releasing Tasrel is *not* a request.

Male Human Ranger 7 (Tidal Hunter) | AC 26, Touch 16 |Flat-footed 22 | HP 67 (67) | Fort +7, Ref +9, Will +3 | Init +6 | Perception +11*, Keen Scent; Huntress: Init +2, AC 20 (12 Tch, 18 Flt)

recognizing the foolishness of antagonizing one, if not two, local tribes, Asher takes up a position behind the furious cleric and nods in agreement.

Diplomacy (Aid Another): 1d20 ⇒ 14 (Talath gets another +2)

Asher also offers to try and track the whereabouts of the missing Harper if anyone at the settlement can give him his last known location.[/ooc]

✦ Talmandor's Bounty (area a) * ˚ ✦

Tension grows in Ramona's home as Talath demands the release of Tasrel. The colony leader stands up straight, staring hard at the aquatic elf. "Trust me, I don't enjoy jailing Tasrel but if someone else goes missing we'll be able to rule her out as a suspect. I can protect her more-"

There's a sharp rap at the door and you hear Sighra Harleau's voice. "Ramona, I think you'll want to see this."

Ramona's expression tightens and she puts her hand on the door. "If we can prove Tasrel's innocence to the other settlers I'll release her." She opens the door allowing everyone outside, exiting last.

Standing with one of the small search parties, you see a bruised Kereda Harper "S-someone tried to kidnap me! Well, two people."

Male CG Aquatic Elf Male Cleric 7 | HP 59 / 59 | AC 24 / 14 T / 22 FF | CMD 16 | Fort + 11 Ref + 6 Will + 11 Init +2 | Perception +15 (Low-Light Vision)| Speed 40 ft. |Conditions: None (Fish Person) | Effects: None | Channels: 4/5

"Antaral, if you could check on Mr. Harper's health please."

With Antaral's Heal being so high I didn't see the point of investing a point for Talath but I should have.

Turning to Kereda Harper, Talath gently places a hand on his shoulder, "It's okay, you can relax, you're safe now. Did you see the two people who tried to kidnap you?"

Not a long enough interaction for a Diplomacy check usually but, if needed, take 10 for a 21.

N Female Human Bard (Archivist) 7 | hp --52-- 52/52 NL [0] | AC 21, t 13, ff 18 | Fort +5, Ref +8, Will +8 | BP 16/18 | Init +3 | Perc +11 | Speed 30 ft. | Bard Spells 1st 4/5; 2nd 3/4 ; 3rd 0/1| Lore Master 1/1 | Shirt 1/1 | Wand of CLW 30/50 | Conditions: none | To-Do List

Becky's in a tough position as her friends start to question Ramona's leadership decisions. "Tasrel's probably safer away from the townsfolk who accused her!" Becky manages to squeak with some heat when Medinnah's dad interrupts.

Though she's glad that Kereda's safe, the news that a pair of kidnappers are stalking the settlement makes her jump at shadows. She suggests going with Sighra to check on his daughter, and maybe to peek in on Tasrel as well.

Accusing her of eating Kereda is so outlandish that maybe it's a ploy to isolate her for an abduction as well!

M 1/2 Elf| HP 59/59 | AC: 26, T: 17, FF:23 | Spd: 30ft/ 30ft w/armor | Occultist (Haunt Collector) 7 | Init +3, Darkvision 60, Low Light Vision; Percept: +16, Sense Motive: +11 | Saves: F: +11, R: +7, W: +8 ; +2 vs enchantments, immune to sleep effects| CMB +12 / CMD 25

Mauro steps out the front door and give a great shout "Hey, spread the word. Kereda's been found. Now get back to town before some of the rest of you end up feeding the wildlife!" The obvious out of the way, he steps back inside to hear the rest of the conversation...

✦ Talmandor's Bounty (area a) * ˚ ✦

Ramona looks a little surprised at Mauro’s outburst. “Please, Becky, Talath, Antaral, Crispin, Kalikk, Oorla, follow Mauro back inside. There’s a bottle of whisky in one of the cabinets.”

Regardless of the party’s speed in adhering to Ramona's request, you hear the colony leader address the search party that found Harper: “Thank you for all of your hard work. I know this late-night search has been stressful and we’ll all no doubt be tired in the morning.”

“However, I’m afraid I have one more request of you all: inform the other search parties that Kereda Harper has been found and that I will be making a formal statement tomorrow morning. Please rest up and I’ll see you all tomorrow in the town square.”

The search party leaves and you hear Ramona address the three guards. “Tell Perrell that Kereda has been found but we’re still proceeding with our discussed plans. Proceed with your shift change as normal, I need you all well rested. Sighra, I trust your judgement. I think we should proceed with your suggestions.” You hear the three guards leave towards the Government House.

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥

Kereda looks around Ramona's home, agreeing to sit down on the cushioned bench. He looks at Talath as the cleric speaks. Antaral sees some minor injuries on Kereda – scrapes and bruises. The wounds look about a day old. He's healed some from sleeping.

Ramona enters her home, locks the door, and gives Becky’s shoulder a comforting squeeze as she walks by.

“Last night while I was getting ready for bed, two people with burlap sacks tied over their heads assaulted me in my home. I had the door barred.” (He’s a carpenter so it’s probably easier for him to made extra security modifications to his home.) “They must have climbed through the window… They beat me until I was nearly unconscious then dragged me from my home. I think they wanted to kill me. They dragged me around the east side of the palisade towards the pitted ground.” (area 13) He sobs, “I thought I was going to die. I’m not sure how I escaped. There was noise and it must have spooked them because I was able to pull free. I ran back and hid in a tree.”

Male Human Ranger 7 (Tidal Hunter) | AC 26, Touch 16 |Flat-footed 22 | HP 67 (67) | Fort +7, Ref +9, Will +3 | Init +6 | Perception +11*, Keen Scent; Huntress: Init +2, AC 20 (12 Tch, 18 Flt)

Asher addresses Kereda.

Can you show us where you just came from? Maybe we can track your attackers.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male CG Aquatic Elf Male Cleric 7 | HP 59 / 59 | AC 24 / 14 T / 22 FF | CMD 16 | Fort + 11 Ref + 6 Will + 11 Init +2 | Perception +15 (Low-Light Vision)| Speed 40 ft. |Conditions: None (Fish Person) | Effects: None | Channels: 4/5
GM Ventiine wrote:

✦ Talmandor's Bounty (area a) * ˚ ✦

The search party leaves and you hear Ramona address the three guards. “Tell Perrell that Kereda has been found but we’re still proceeding with our discussed plans. Proceed with your shift change as normal, I need you all well rested. Sighra, I trust your judgement. I think we should proceed with your suggestions.” You hear the three guards leave towards the Government House.

Talath's eyes narrow as he listens to Ramona's orders...

"'Discussed plans'...'proceed with your suggestions'....What, exactly, are you up to?"

GM Ventiine wrote:

“Last night while I was getting ready for bed, two people with burlap sacks tied over their heads assaulted me in my home. I had the door barred.” (He’s a carpenter so it’s probably easier for him to made extra security modifications to his home.) “They must have climbed through the window… They beat me until I was nearly unconscious then dragged me from my home. I think they wanted to kill me. They dragged me around the east side of the palisade towards the pitted ground.” (area 13) He sobs, “I thought I was going to die. I’m not sure how I escaped. There was noise and it must have spooked them because I was able to pull free. I ran back and hid in a tree."

"And you heard no one trying to open your door? How many people know that you have the door barred? Have you had any disagreements or confrontations with anyone recently?"

Perception: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (7) + 15 = 22

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16

Checking the reactions/mannerisms of both Kereda and Ramona.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
N Female Human Bard (Archivist) 7 | hp --52-- 52/52 NL [0] | AC 21, t 13, ff 18 | Fort +5, Ref +8, Will +8 | BP 16/18 | Init +3 | Perc +11 | Speed 30 ft. | Bard Spells 1st 4/5; 2nd 3/4 ; 3rd 0/1| Lore Master 1/1 | Shirt 1/1 | Wand of CLW 30/50 | Conditions: none | To-Do List

Becky's eyes narrow like Talath's. Why wasn't I involved in these secret plans? Oh yeah--'cause we just got back from our mission!

"Did you get a look at your attackers?" the bard asks Kereda. "Could you at least tell if they were male or female?"

She also nods at Asher's suggestion of tracking the culprits. "I can cast a light spell to help."

☄. *. ⋆ Attempted Kidnapping ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・

Asher 'Cinnis' Regillenus wrote:
"Can you show us where you just came from? Maybe we can track your attackers."

The carpenter nods, "yes, I can show you."

Talath Na'El wrote:
"And you heard no one trying to open your door? How many people know that you have the door barred? Have you had any disagreements or confrontations with anyone recently?"

"That's right, no sound from my door. I didn't hear them until it was too late. A lot of people know about my special installations. It's one of the many things I build along with furniture and window frames."

"Nobody comes to mind. But I remember they were both wearing armor. It looked like the armor our soldiers wear but it could have been anybody."

Ramona will cut in to ask: "did you tell anyone about the alarm bell?"

Kereda's eyes widen "do you think that's why?"

"It's best to explore all options."

The carpenter wrings his hands. "Well, I delivered the first hanging frame to Luetin yesterday but several people were around. He's a loud talker so anyone could know."

Ramona will turn to you all and explain "Our settlement scholar and historian, Perrell Beys advised we build three alarm bells across town after one of our fishermen, Soran Vigaldo, went missing. It's taken us until now to make just one of them because our blacksmith, Leutin Calewick, had to make the pour. We also have a severe wood shortage which has made building certain things difficult. We're planning on unveiling the first bell tomorrow. After I signed off on it, Perrell has overseen the whole project personally. Hopefully, you will find us a good supply of wood soon so we can finish the rest."

Becky Beys wrote:

"Did you get a look at your attackers?" the bard asks Kereda. "Could you at least tell if they were male or female?"

She also nods at Asher's suggestion of tracking the culprits. "I can cast a light spell to help."

"I can't see in the dark very well so I'm not sure. I'm sorry. I wish I had more details."

Male Human Ranger 7 (Tidal Hunter) | AC 26, Touch 16 |Flat-footed 22 | HP 67 (67) | Fort +7, Ref +9, Will +3 | Init +6 | Perception +11*, Keen Scent; Huntress: Init +2, AC 20 (12 Tch, 18 Flt)

Asher hears Ramona mention the lack of wood and motions to the others.

So, we need wood? It's a good thing we made friends with our feathered friends and they told us of a spot on the island rich in lumber.

We just need to clean out some hazards.

He then turns to Kereda.

Aa soon as we finish here, take us to where you escaped so we can pick up the trail.

N Female Human Bard (Archivist) 7 | hp --52-- 52/52 NL [0] | AC 21, t 13, ff 18 | Fort +5, Ref +8, Will +8 | BP 16/18 | Init +3 | Perc +11 | Speed 30 ft. | Bard Spells 1st 4/5; 2nd 3/4 ; 3rd 0/1| Lore Master 1/1 | Shirt 1/1 | Wand of CLW 30/50 | Conditions: none | To-Do List

Becky's eyes widen somewhat at Ramona's explanation, but she otherwise does a decent job of hiding that she's shocked that the colony leader and her own mother didn't confide in her regarding the alarm system. She nods at Asher's wisdom.

Becky Beys Bluff Check: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18

Init +2;| Perception +9 37/38 HP
Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +1; +2 vs. enchantments, +2 bonus vs. poison|
18, touch 14, flat-footed 16(+2 amulet +4 armor, +2 Dex)
uses per day:
bombs 9/9 extracts 8/8 Healer's hands 5/5

Antaral stays quiet watching and thinking.

Male CG Aquatic Elf Male Cleric 7 | HP 59 / 59 | AC 24 / 14 T / 22 FF | CMD 16 | Fort + 11 Ref + 6 Will + 11 Init +2 | Perception +15 (Low-Light Vision)| Speed 40 ft. |Conditions: None (Fish Person) | Effects: None | Channels: 4/5
Becky Beys wrote:

Becky's eyes widen somewhat at Ramona's explanation, but she otherwise does a decent job of hiding that she's shocked that the colony leader and her own mother didn't confide in her regarding the alarm system. She nods at Asher's wisdom.

[dice=Becky Beys Bluff Check]1d20+7

Talath takes 10 on his Perception for 21 - busted! 8)

Male CG Aquatic Elf Male Cleric 7 | HP 59 / 59 | AC 24 / 14 T / 22 FF | CMD 16 | Fort + 11 Ref + 6 Will + 11 Init +2 | Perception +15 (Low-Light Vision)| Speed 40 ft. |Conditions: None (Fish Person) | Effects: None | Channels: 4/5
Asher 'Cinnis' Regillenus wrote:

Asher hears Ramona mention the lack of wood and motions to the others.

So, we need wood? It's a good thing we made friends with our feathered friends and they told us of a spot on the island rich in lumber.

We just need to clean out some hazards.

He then turns to Kereda.

Aa soon as we finish here, take us to where you escaped so we can pick up the trail.

"We release Tasrel first. Locking her up to 'keep her safe from her accusers' is a sign of weakness. Having her stay by Ramona's side, to show she is both watched and protected, would be a sign of strength. Why was she accused, because Harper went missing after she arrived? Harper's attempted abduction occurred after I arrived, do you want to try to arrest me?"

N Female Human Bard (Archivist) 7 | hp --52-- 52/52 NL [0] | AC 21, t 13, ff 18 | Fort +5, Ref +8, Will +8 | BP 16/18 | Init +3 | Perc +11 | Speed 30 ft. | Bard Spells 1st 4/5; 2nd 3/4 ; 3rd 0/1| Lore Master 1/1 | Shirt 1/1 | Wand of CLW 30/50 | Conditions: none | To-Do List
Talath Na'El wrote:
Becky Beys wrote:

Becky's eyes widen somewhat at Ramona's explanation, but she otherwise does a decent job of hiding that she's shocked that the colony leader and her own mother didn't confide in her regarding the alarm system. She nods at Asher's wisdom.

[dice=Becky Beys Bluff Check]1d20+7

Talath takes 10 on his Perception for 21 - busted! 8)

Ha! Bluff checks are opposed by Sense Motive checks!

☄. *. ⋆ Attempted Kidnapping ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・

Ramona turns her head to stare coolly at Talath. You’ve never seen her look so angry. “Arrest you? Look, I’m sympathetic towards Tasrel’s predicament, but there’s only so much I can do as colony leader when certain facts are presented to me. As colony leader, I have to make difficult decisions to have the highest probability of keeping everyone here alive. And I will do whatever it takes to avoid complete chaos of this settlement.” She runs a hand through her hair and quietly states (more to herself that to you all) “This is exactly how Rayland said it started.”

Your colony leader seems to collect herself. “You all serve an important role here in Talmandor’s Bounty, but you’re not here 24/7. You don’t hear about and see everything that’s been happening. You’re not settling land disputes, compensating farmers for lost livestock, or planning for future infrastructure. So, tell me: If I lose everyone’s faith, who’s going to make sure everyone does their assigned tasks while you’re out adventuring? Or that settlers don’t resort to looting and defacing buildings? And don’t say Rayland Arkley because he was under powerful mind control spell when you saved him. Perrell has told me that mind control that powerful makes you more susceptible to it in the future. And I know Rayland wouldn’t be able to keep everyone calm, because Rayland and Sighra are already having trouble with some of the soldiers shirking their duties.”

”There’s rising discontent in many of our fellow settlers. Confidence in our purpose here is wavering. And the last thing, the last thing, I need from you all is to undermine my leadership. So, I’d like to ask you to please continue to trust in me, because I’m barely keeping the peace in Talmandor's Bounty and I won't be able to protect everyone without you.”

"And, you're right: Tasrel is innocent. I personally never thought she was guilty. I'll go with you to free her, but she should sleep here for safety. I'll clear her name tomorrow during the announcements."

So, does the party want to follow the kidnapping tracks then free Tasrel? Or free Tasrel then follow the kidnapping tracks? I will narrate both in consecutive posts.

It sounds like the next area will be H after this event concludes. Will the party spend 2 1/2 - 3 days in Talmandor's Bounty for the tanglefoot bag crafting before heading to H?

Male CG Aquatic Elf Male Cleric 7 | HP 59 / 59 | AC 24 / 14 T / 22 FF | CMD 16 | Fort + 11 Ref + 6 Will + 11 Init +2 | Perception +15 (Low-Light Vision)| Speed 40 ft. |Conditions: None (Fish Person) | Effects: None | Channels: 4/5
Becky Beys wrote:

Ha! Bluff checks are opposed by Sense Motive checks!

Argh I can't believe I hoofed that one! We'll just see...

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15

He's been hoodwinked! :(

Male CG Aquatic Elf Male Cleric 7 | HP 59 / 59 | AC 24 / 14 T / 22 FF | CMD 16 | Fort + 11 Ref + 6 Will + 11 Init +2 | Perception +15 (Low-Light Vision)| Speed 40 ft. |Conditions: None (Fish Person) | Effects: None | Channels: 4/5

"Keeping faith and confidence isn't confining someone you know to be innocent. In fact such unjustified actions can do more to undermine a sense of law and order than rashly taken action. It leaves people wondering if they're next if someone gossips loud enough about them. But I understand your desire to make the best possible decision to protect the colony. The people here need to work together or else they will fail. If they cannot see that, I'm not sure there's anything anyone can do to help them. As much as I want Tasrel freed I realize we must search the area for clues before they're erased. Something about this attempt is 'off' to me; we need to make haste."

Talath will cast Light to illuminate the way and then Longstrider in case greater speed is required.

N Female Human Bard (Archivist) 7 | hp --52-- 52/52 NL [0] | AC 21, t 13, ff 18 | Fort +5, Ref +8, Will +8 | BP 16/18 | Init +3 | Perc +11 | Speed 30 ft. | Bard Spells 1st 4/5; 2nd 3/4 ; 3rd 0/1| Lore Master 1/1 | Shirt 1/1 | Wand of CLW 30/50 | Conditions: none | To-Do List

Becky's head is on a swivel as Ramona and Talath exchange sharp words. She's in the proverbial hot seat, forced to choose between her personal hero (Ramona) and her new friends and comrades.

But they both make such good points...!

In the end, the young bard says nothing, deciding that not taking sides is a decision in itself. Ramona's list of the thankless tasks she's expected to make on a nearly daily basis has slightly soured Becky's plan of becoming her second-in-command or the eventual leader of the colony. And again she feels a moment of pique that she wasn't included in some of the big decisions recently made, but that feeling's swiftly replaced by one of pride: Her two biggest role models on the island--Ramona and her mother, Perrell--both seem to be doing a lot behind the scenes to make the venture a success.

As the party departs, she takes Ramona's hand and gives it a quick squeeze, also nodding in support and understanding. But she leaves with the others, because that is where she needs to be to do her part to serve and protect the people of Talmandor's Bounty.

My votes are: 1) Track then deal with Tasrel; and 2) take the 3 days that Antaral needs to craft to try to put the settlement and its security back in some semblance of order. She'd also like to gather up Medinnah to make sure her BFF is and remains safe with kidnappers on the loose.

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