Ice Road Trackers (Inactive)

Game Master Greycastle

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Male human fighter 6 | AC 17 (19 w shield) | hp 14/58 (6d10 HD) | Saves: +6 Str, +2 Dex, +6 Con, +0 Int, +5 Wis, +1 Cha | Second Wind used [ x ] | Action Surge used [ x ] | Init +2 | Passive Per 15 | Inspiration [ ] | Mark Retort [ 0/3 used ]

Turq doesn't have that foundational knowledge. ;) Right now, he is accumulating data and forming hypotheses! XD

Male N Hill Dwarf L5 | HP 64/64 | AC 16 | HD 6d10 (0 used) | 2nd Wind avail Skills: Anim Hand 5, Athl 6, Decp 3, Surv 5 | Disadv on Stealth Saves: S 7, D 1, C 6, I 0, W 2, Ch 0 | Init 1 | PP 12 | Speed 25'

Umikh thinks Rodalas just relates better to animals, and he's okay with that. Even if it's a big off the mark.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I amtempt8ng to give each season a distinct feel

Male human fighter 6 | AC 17 (19 w shield) | hp 14/58 (6d10 HD) | Saves: +6 Str, +2 Dex, +6 Con, +0 Int, +5 Wis, +1 Cha | Second Wind used [ x ] | Action Surge used [ x ] | Init +2 | Passive Per 15 | Inspiration [ ] | Mark Retort [ 0/3 used ]

Turq makes his rounds, checking to make sure that everyone on okay. If anyone is fairing particularly poorly with the cold, he will use his mug to make a steaming cup of hot chocolate for them.

So, Mother Tusk, 'afore we wander too much off track, I ask again. If'n we have an opportunity fer a peaceful solution, I think we should take it. Are ye willin' ta meet a representative? It might be a powerful tool in this task!

Game Map DCI# 4318637857

shall we move on?

After a good rest on a bed of thistles, you find breakfast waiting for you in the form of a small berry. Nourishing beyond belief, you feel ready to take on another day. Mother Tusk shifts her way into your cave. ”Spritzel tells me you were discussing the hunters to our north.” Mother Tusk points a flipper northward, “Yonder is the forest we use for hunting and shelter. A group of two- leggers moved there not long ago, and now they hunt us. You must talk to them on our behalf, for they only see us as prey. Please convince them to leave us in peace, or drive them away.”

With only faint light of twilight at mid day, it’s hard to know what time it is. Your best guess is you slept through the night and it is morning though the dark sky would never admit it.

Male N Hill Dwarf L5 | HP 64/64 | AC 16 | HD 6d10 (0 used) | 2nd Wind avail Skills: Anim Hand 5, Athl 6, Decp 3, Surv 5 | Disadv on Stealth Saves: S 7, D 1, C 6, I 0, W 2, Ch 0 | Init 1 | PP 12 | Speed 25'

Umikh would've looked at that single berry like Mother Tusk done lost her mind. And after feeling quite satisfied after consuming it, still incredulous.

Sure, we can reason with them. He would enquire as to the specific boundaries if that wasn't already clear, just in case parlay works. He would also want to know all of the details they have - their numbers, any physical description, whatever can help.

The permanently dark sky is creepy, and not conducive to being out in it. But they must soldier on!

Male human fighter 6 | AC 17 (19 w shield) | hp 14/58 (6d10 HD) | Saves: +6 Str, +2 Dex, +6 Con, +0 Int, +5 Wis, +1 Cha | Second Wind used [ x ] | Action Surge used [ x ] | Init +2 | Passive Per 15 | Inspiration [ ] | Mark Retort [ 0/3 used ]

Turq nods as he shoulders his pack, Any intelligence that ye could give us would be a great help.

Male LG Mountain Dwarf Wild Magic Sorcerer 4, Barbarian 3 | HP: 58/58 | AC: 19 | Init: +2 | Pass Perc: 9 | HD (4d6+3d12): 4+2/3+2 | Speed 25 | Sorcery Points: 4/4 | Spells: 4/4, 3/3 | Rage: 3/3 | Saves: STR+2 DEX+2 CON+5 INT+0 WIS-1 CHA+5 | Resistance: Poison | Inspiration: 1 | Active effects:

Unfazed by the morning's darkness (it's often dark underground anyway), Baldrick stows his gear quickly and efficiently. When Mother Tusk arrives, he is standing stiffly, ready for the day.

As mentioned earlier, if he's given the opportunity, Baldrick will ask Mother Tusk about the boots.

Also, @Greycastle, does Mother Tusk have any comment about what the nomads should hunt/eat or does she just want them gone?


The difference when the eladrin appears in the morning could not be more stark. Where he once exuded green and life and a joy in life, that is now gone. Now the eladrin is as bright as the noon day sun. His demeanor has changed. There is a much more serious air to him.

Male human fighter 6 | AC 17 (19 w shield) | hp 14/58 (6d10 HD) | Saves: +6 Str, +2 Dex, +6 Con, +0 Int, +5 Wis, +1 Cha | Second Wind used [ x ] | Action Surge used [ x ] | Init +2 | Passive Per 15 | Inspiration [ ] | Mark Retort [ 0/3 used ]

As if just remembering something, Turq speaks to Mother Tusk, No doubt Spritzel told ye about the talking wolf that was hunting him and his brothers. Someone ye know?

Noticing the change in Rodalas, Good morn, Sir Elf. Ready for business, are ye?


The eladrin nods.

AC 0 / HP: 35/35 / THAC0 17 (15 with Scimitar)
Greycastle wrote:

shall we move on?

After a good rest on a bed of thistles, you find breakfast waiting for you in the form of a small berry. Nourishing beyond belief, you feel ready to take on another day. Mother Tusk shifts her way into your cave. ”Spritzel tells me you were discussing the hunters to our north.” Mother Tusk points a flipper northward, “Yonder is the forest we use for hunting and shelter. A group of two- leggers moved there not long ago, and now they hunt us. You must talk to them on our behalf, for they only see us as prey. Please convince them to leave us in peace, or drive them away.”

"Is there room for negotiation?" - Aggrammar asks - "I mean... It may be they are nasty individuals, but then again they may also be huntin' for a matter of survival" - the dwarf shrugs - "Would ye be willin' to help them fishin', or some other alternative?"

Sorry for insisting Greycastle, but I don't think the questions from either Emmet or Turq regarding parley and a peaceful solution were answered? So Aggrammar is kinda asking them again ;)

Game Map DCI# 4318637857

No that’s fine. I figured Id address your options in this discussion with her. I apologize for any questions being re asked. I just noticed that I missed Turq’s direct question altogether while doing my last post.

Mother Tusk seems to mull over your questions for some time. ”We know little about them. When we have approached, the hunters have chased us off. I do think they must be wanderers though, since they were not here when we first came to this area.”

”There are many of them, mostly tall like you” pointing a flipper at Turq ” along with some shorter folk with green complexions and pointy ears. They seem to be honorable people though, with a respect toward strength over pretty words. With that in mind, I’d be willing to meet with one of these tribesman, or if a reasonable deal can be reached with you, we would honor it.”

When Baldrick asks about the boots Mother Tusk indicates that she did not know the person who owned these boots and they would be yours to claim.

When asked about the wolf, Mother Tusk seems to shift uncomfortably ”I think I do know this wolf. A servant of our previous Master that did not come with us when we left. It concerns me that they are hunting us, surely he knew Spritzel was his prey.”

Male N Hill Dwarf L5 | HP 64/64 | AC 16 | HD 6d10 (0 used) | 2nd Wind avail Skills: Anim Hand 5, Athl 6, Decp 3, Surv 5 | Disadv on Stealth Saves: S 7, D 1, C 6, I 0, W 2, Ch 0 | Init 1 | PP 12 | Speed 25'

Hmmm, while it seems normal for a regular wolf to not really care who or what his next meal is, seems out of character for a talkin' one. Wonder if they was sent on purpose.

Waiting for others to chime in, but yeah we got a description and some options. Sooner we're off, sooner we can get to fighting! I mean, talking, heh.

Male Goliath Druid 2 | AC 12 | hp 17/17 (2d8 HD) | Saves: +3 Str, +1 Dex, +3 Con, +1 Int, +4 Wis, +1 Cha | Init +1 | Passive Per 12 | Inspiration [ Y]

Mир sits quietly listening and muching on some bread.

Male human fighter 6 | AC 17 (19 w shield) | hp 14/58 (6d10 HD) | Saves: +6 Str, +2 Dex, +6 Con, +0 Int, +5 Wis, +1 Cha | Second Wind used [ x ] | Action Surge used [ x ] | Init +2 | Passive Per 15 | Inspiration [ ] | Mark Retort [ 0/3 used ]

No worries, bud. It is easy to miss, especially when you got a bunch of posts to sift through. ^_^

Turq frowns in thought, If it comes to it, there may be a fight. The tribesmen of the Dale respect strength, but maybe we could get away with a challenge rather than full blown melee...

The sturdy warrior nods at the comment about the wolf, I figured as much. Best keep an eye out fer that one... Well, I think we are good to go. Where are we headed?

HP 10/15 | AC 14 | Acr +4 Dec +4 His +2 Ins +4 Int +4 Inv +2 Perc +4 Pers +5 SoH +4 Ste +5 Sur +3 | Saves: S -1, D +5, C +1, I +0, W +2, Ch +5 Adv charm, disease; Imm Sleep| Init +4 | PPerc 14; PIns 14; Pinv 12; DrkVis | Spd 30' | Insp: No | HD 2/2 | Spell DC 13 Att +5 (1: 2/3) | BardIns 2/3 | Status: Normal | Insp: Yup! |

Emmett had a miserable night. Somehow, the cold never got off his old bones and he feels his body like an old wooden plank found at the back of the barn on a crispy winter morning. As he rises to greet the other and put something warm inside his mouth, he swears he can hear his spine creak and threaten to splinter or shatter from any slight bending. As a result, he walks with a straight back for a while, bending at a right angle to get his bowl.

He listens to the conversation with intent: "We will have to find the right arguments then. I wonder if we should bring the fact that they are sentient up? I mean, I understand people wanting to hunt for survival, and we don't know yet whether it would be only for sports until we know more about them, but even then, eh? If it were you going for a hunt, would you listen to some other people asking you to spare the animals? If it were me, my first thought would be that these animal savers were of bad faith, wanting the hunting all for themselves... On the other hand, if we say that the animals are sentient, then we might open another can of trout guts..." he comments. more or less muttering to himself.

Male LG Mountain Dwarf Wild Magic Sorcerer 4, Barbarian 3 | HP: 58/58 | AC: 19 | Init: +2 | Pass Perc: 9 | HD (4d6+3d12): 4+2/3+2 | Speed 25 | Sorcery Points: 4/4 | Spells: 4/4, 3/3 | Rage: 3/3 | Saves: STR+2 DEX+2 CON+5 INT+0 WIS-1 CHA+5 | Resistance: Poison | Inspiration: 1 | Active effects:

Not to mention that it's easy to lose track when we keep throwing up tangents :)

Case in point: Are those boots sized for a dwarf? Human? I don't think we established what kind of humanoid they came from. As for trying them on, Baldrick wouldn't bother with that right now, as we are about to head out. If they are dwarf-sized, he might try them if his own get wet, but he's more likely to just keep asking people about them - maybe the nomads lost someone?

To Mother Tusk, Baldrick salutes stiffly, ready to talk or fight when the time comes. He stands at the ready, looking to see if his companions are prepared - if any of the less soldiery-types are slow or sloppy with their packing, he'll move over to help them out.


Thr eladrin practices his sword play as he listens to Mother Tusk.

Game Map DCI# 4318637857

@Baldrick it doesn’t say what race the body was so we’ll leave it to chance.
1-3 human, 4 dwarf, 5 elf, 6 goliath, 7-8 small size creature

1d8 ⇒ 5

further point, magic items usually resize to fit the wearer in 5e. It’s up to interpretation to how that actually happens.

Male LG Mountain Dwarf Wild Magic Sorcerer 4, Barbarian 3 | HP: 58/58 | AC: 19 | Init: +2 | Pass Perc: 9 | HD (4d6+3d12): 4+2/3+2 | Speed 25 | Sorcery Points: 4/4 | Spells: 4/4, 3/3 | Rage: 3/3 | Saves: STR+2 DEX+2 CON+5 INT+0 WIS-1 CHA+5 | Resistance: Poison | Inspiration: 1 | Active effects:
Greycastle wrote:
further point, magic items usually resize to fit the wearer

I figured, but (so far) Baldrick has no reason to suspect they might be magical (and he's not likely to intuit that on his own...)

Male human fighter 6 | AC 17 (19 w shield) | hp 14/58 (6d10 HD) | Saves: +6 Str, +2 Dex, +6 Con, +0 Int, +5 Wis, +1 Cha | Second Wind used [ x ] | Action Surge used [ x ] | Init +2 | Passive Per 15 | Inspiration [ ] | Mark Retort [ 0/3 used ]

Does anyone have Arcana? Maybe they could identify it as enchanted?

Male N Hill Dwarf L5 | HP 64/64 | AC 16 | HD 6d10 (0 used) | 2nd Wind avail Skills: Anim Hand 5, Athl 6, Decp 3, Surv 5 | Disadv on Stealth Saves: S 7, D 1, C 6, I 0, W 2, Ch 0 | Init 1 | PP 12 | Speed 25'

Baldrick, those boots you pick up better than the ones you got? Try 'em on, let's see, maybe someone could use 'em. Heh, just trying to provide incentive to at least try them on.

Male LG Mountain Dwarf Wild Magic Sorcerer 4, Barbarian 3 | HP: 58/58 | AC: 19 | Init: +2 | Pass Perc: 9 | HD (4d6+3d12): 4+2/3+2 | Speed 25 | Sorcery Points: 4/4 | Spells: 4/4, 3/3 | Rage: 3/3 | Saves: STR+2 DEX+2 CON+5 INT+0 WIS-1 CHA+5 | Resistance: Poison | Inspiration: 1 | Active effects:

Baldrick holds up the boots dubiously: "Nnnn... I think they're too long and narrow - the explorer was one of the fair folk. Maybe... HEY, RODALAS! DO YOU NEED SOME BOOTS?"


He takes a look at the boots as he finishing his set. He tries them on.

Male human fighter 6 | AC 17 (19 w shield) | hp 14/58 (6d10 HD) | Saves: +6 Str, +2 Dex, +6 Con, +0 Int, +5 Wis, +1 Cha | Second Wind used [ x ] | Action Surge used [ x ] | Init +2 | Passive Per 15 | Inspiration [ ] | Mark Retort [ 0/3 used ]

Time's a-wastin', boyos, Turq announces, standing after attaching his snow shoes, Let us pound snow, eh? Which way we headin' Mother?

AC 0 / HP: 35/35 / THAC0 17 (15 with Scimitar)

How do you 'identify' magical items in 5e? :P

Male N Hill Dwarf L5 | HP 64/64 | AC 16 | HD 6d10 (0 used) | 2nd Wind avail Skills: Anim Hand 5, Athl 6, Decp 3, Surv 5 | Disadv on Stealth Saves: S 7, D 1, C 6, I 0, W 2, Ch 0 | Init 1 | PP 12 | Speed 25'

Turq's up and at 'em and we're over here trying on shoes like we got all the time. Heh heh. I think you identify magic items with arcana, and you gotta have the skill, no lucky guesses. Or, trying it on / drinking it / opening it. I like playing the character that's already pressed the big red button before you can say 'don't touch the big red button'.


No arcana for me

Male human fighter 6 | AC 17 (19 w shield) | hp 14/58 (6d10 HD) | Saves: +6 Str, +2 Dex, +6 Con, +0 Int, +5 Wis, +1 Cha | Second Wind used [ x ] | Action Surge used [ x ] | Init +2 | Passive Per 15 | Inspiration [ ] | Mark Retort [ 0/3 used ]
Aggrammar Deepdelver wrote:
How do you 'identify' magical items in 5e? :P

Rodalas can also attune to the item and find out what it does, but that will take an hour. ;)

Game Map DCI# 4318637857
Turquoise 'Turq' Barreltap AL wrote:
Time's a-wastin', boyos, Turq announces, standing after attaching his snow shoes, Let us pound snow, eh? Which way we headin' Mother?

Technically you guys get to decide which way to go. There has been much talk about the hunters to the north. You also have the option of figuring out what caused their fresh water spring to freeze over. Also, there is a scary cave that Mother Tusk and her family used before they were scared away by unnatural noises coming from its bowels.

Male human fighter 6 | AC 17 (19 w shield) | hp 14/58 (6d10 HD) | Saves: +6 Str, +2 Dex, +6 Con, +0 Int, +5 Wis, +1 Cha | Second Wind used [ x ] | Action Surge used [ x ] | Init +2 | Passive Per 15 | Inspiration [ ] | Mark Retort [ 0/3 used ]

Honestly, I couldn't remember the other missions! ;p Is there one that Mother Tusk feels would benefit them more? Is the old cave more secure than this one? Maybe the spring water might be the most urgent... What do you all think?

Male LG Mountain Dwarf Wild Magic Sorcerer 4, Barbarian 3 | HP: 58/58 | AC: 19 | Init: +2 | Pass Perc: 9 | HD (4d6+3d12): 4+2/3+2 | Speed 25 | Sorcery Points: 4/4 | Spells: 4/4, 3/3 | Rage: 3/3 | Saves: STR+2 DEX+2 CON+5 INT+0 WIS-1 CHA+5 | Resistance: Poison | Inspiration: 1 | Active effects:

lol - I just assumed we'd do the nomads first, since that's what we've been talking about. I think the most urgent task was to find Spritzel - I don't think any urgency was expressed about the rest.

Male Goliath Druid 2 | AC 12 | hp 17/17 (2d8 HD) | Saves: +3 Str, +1 Dex, +3 Con, +1 Int, +4 Wis, +1 Cha | Init +1 | Passive Per 12 | Inspiration [ Y]

Mир rumbles deeply, "Hunters.."

HP 10/15 | AC 14 | Acr +4 Dec +4 His +2 Ins +4 Int +4 Inv +2 Perc +4 Pers +5 SoH +4 Ste +5 Sur +3 | Saves: S -1, D +5, C +1, I +0, W +2, Ch +5 Adv charm, disease; Imm Sleep| Init +4 | PPerc 14; PIns 14; Pinv 12; DrkVis | Spd 30' | Insp: No | HD 2/2 | Spell DC 13 Att +5 (1: 2/3) | BardIns 2/3 | Status: Normal | Insp: Yup! |

Emmett is all wrapped in thick fur and looks to the others: "What's all this fuss about a pair of boots? I thought we were heading out to meet some hunters and negotiate an understanding, no? Turq even has his snow shoes on! We should head out as soon as possible, try to make the best of daylight, yes?"

Game Map DCI# 4318637857
Baldrick Longhall wrote:
lol - I just assumed we'd do the nomads first, since that's what we've been talking about. I think the most urgent task was to find Spritzel - I don't think any urgency was expressed about the rest.

I assumed hunters as well until Turq asked so we’ll say the safety of her children comes first. The forest in question is north of Dougans Hole, and nearby Ten Town. You’ll be going right by the town. I just need to know if you guys might want to go there, so I can bone up on the location out of the main book.


We should deal with the hunters first. the eladrin opines.

Did the boots do anything?

Male human fighter 6 | AC 17 (19 w shield) | hp 14/58 (6d10 HD) | Saves: +6 Str, +2 Dex, +6 Con, +0 Int, +5 Wis, +1 Cha | Second Wind used [ x ] | Action Surge used [ x ] | Init +2 | Passive Per 15 | Inspiration [ ] | Mark Retort [ 0/3 used ]

That was my assumption as well, though if they have been without fresh water for a while, the spring may take precedence... To Dougan's Hole it is, then!

Okay, ta talk ta these Longlegs first then. We'll be going near Dougan's Hole. They ain't the most hospitable o' folk, but mayhap we can get supplies if we need. Otherwise, I am sure we can make it there and back right quick, assuming they is amenable. Ready ta go?

Depends if it is an attunable item or not... DM?

Male LG Mountain Dwarf Wild Magic Sorcerer 4, Barbarian 3 | HP: 58/58 | AC: 19 | Init: +2 | Pass Perc: 9 | HD (4d6+3d12): 4+2/3+2 | Speed 25 | Sorcery Points: 4/4 | Spells: 4/4, 3/3 | Rage: 3/3 | Saves: STR+2 DEX+2 CON+5 INT+0 WIS-1 CHA+5 | Resistance: Poison | Inspiration: 1 | Active effects:
Greycastle wrote:
You’ll be going right by the town. I just need to know if you guys might want to go there

Baldrick would be focused on completing the task ahead of him, so a detour into town wouldn't occur to him, at least not on the way out.

EDIT: lol - I keep getting ninjaed by Turq!

"Maybe we should stop for supplies on the way back?"

Male human fighter 6 | AC 17 (19 w shield) | hp 14/58 (6d10 HD) | Saves: +6 Str, +2 Dex, +6 Con, +0 Int, +5 Wis, +1 Cha | Second Wind used [ x ] | Action Surge used [ x ] | Init +2 | Passive Per 15 | Inspiration [ ] | Mark Retort [ 0/3 used ]

Turq nods, I'm wonderin' if these folk might not be swayed by some Good Mead, if'n they are truly tribesmen from the tundra. I have only a little, but I wonder if a cask might hold more weight.

The stout warrior hesitates a moment, Though, it sounded like they got some gobbies or the like. We may be in fer more of a fight than we hope.


At the mention of longlegs by Turq, the eladrin will stop what he is doing and give him a once, twice over.

Male human fighter 6 | AC 17 (19 w shield) | hp 14/58 (6d10 HD) | Saves: +6 Str, +2 Dex, +6 Con, +0 Int, +5 Wis, +1 Cha | Second Wind used [ x ] | Action Surge used [ x ] | Init +2 | Passive Per 15 | Inspiration [ ] | Mark Retort [ 0/3 used ]

Turq looks at Rodalas defensively, What? That's Mother Tusk, called them! Ain't it?

Male LG Mountain Dwarf Wild Magic Sorcerer 4, Barbarian 3 | HP: 58/58 | AC: 19 | Init: +2 | Pass Perc: 9 | HD (4d6+3d12): 4+2/3+2 | Speed 25 | Sorcery Points: 4/4 | Spells: 4/4, 3/3 | Rage: 3/3 | Saves: STR+2 DEX+2 CON+5 INT+0 WIS-1 CHA+5 | Resistance: Poison | Inspiration: 1 | Active effects:

"Ah, well, goblins aren't all like in the stories - we used to trade with some back in the mountain-home. They seemed no better or more wicked than the other traders."

Baldrick stops abruptly, looking apprehensively from face to face - maybe his home was radical in their approach to this traditional dwarven enemy.

Male human fighter 6 | AC 17 (19 w shield) | hp 14/58 (6d10 HD) | Saves: +6 Str, +2 Dex, +6 Con, +0 Int, +5 Wis, +1 Cha | Second Wind used [ x ] | Action Surge used [ x ] | Init +2 | Passive Per 15 | Inspiration [ ] | Mark Retort [ 0/3 used ]

Where ye from again? Turq's eyebrows raise at the mention of trading with goblinkind...

Male LG Mountain Dwarf Wild Magic Sorcerer 4, Barbarian 3 | HP: 58/58 | AC: 19 | Init: +2 | Pass Perc: 9 | HD (4d6+3d12): 4+2/3+2 | Speed 25 | Sorcery Points: 4/4 | Spells: 4/4, 3/3 | Rage: 3/3 | Saves: STR+2 DEX+2 CON+5 INT+0 WIS-1 CHA+5 | Resistance: Poison | Inspiration: 1 | Active effects:

Let's maybe ignore that comment :P
I forgot momentarily that we were playing in the Forgotten Realms, where dwarf-goblin relations seem to be a bit more strained than in other worlds. Sorry!

Male human fighter 6 | AC 17 (19 w shield) | hp 14/58 (6d10 HD) | Saves: +6 Str, +2 Dex, +6 Con, +0 Int, +5 Wis, +1 Cha | Second Wind used [ x ] | Action Surge used [ x ] | Init +2 | Passive Per 15 | Inspiration [ ] | Mark Retort [ 0/3 used ]

No, no, I think it is a valid thing that could happen, but having been raised by Battlehammer Dwarves, I am just playing up the old prejudices... I welcome reason to change Turq's attitudes... ^_^

Male Goliath Druid 2 | AC 12 | hp 17/17 (2d8 HD) | Saves: +3 Str, +1 Dex, +3 Con, +1 Int, +4 Wis, +1 Cha | Init +1 | Passive Per 12 | Inspiration [ Y]

The goliath raises an eyebrow at the shift in conversation.

Male human fighter 6 | AC 17 (19 w shield) | hp 14/58 (6d10 HD) | Saves: +6 Str, +2 Dex, +6 Con, +0 Int, +5 Wis, +1 Cha | Second Wind used [ x ] | Action Surge used [ x ] | Init +2 | Passive Per 15 | Inspiration [ ] | Mark Retort [ 0/3 used ]

I assume that we are heading off and having this conversation...

Male N Hill Dwarf L5 | HP 64/64 | AC 16 | HD 6d10 (0 used) | 2nd Wind avail Skills: Anim Hand 5, Athl 6, Decp 3, Surv 5 | Disadv on Stealth Saves: S 7, D 1, C 6, I 0, W 2, Ch 0 | Init 1 | PP 12 | Speed 25'

Walking and talking.

I've only met goblins a couple times, did business just like anyone else. But I heard tales like any other dwarf. Guess we'll see. Ain't got high hopes but we gotta try.

HP 10/15 | AC 14 | Acr +4 Dec +4 His +2 Ins +4 Int +4 Inv +2 Perc +4 Pers +5 SoH +4 Ste +5 Sur +3 | Saves: S -1, D +5, C +1, I +0, W +2, Ch +5 Adv charm, disease; Imm Sleep| Init +4 | PPerc 14; PIns 14; Pinv 12; DrkVis | Spd 30' | Insp: No | HD 2/2 | Spell DC 13 Att +5 (1: 2/3) | BardIns 2/3 | Status: Normal | Insp: Yup! |

Emmett hated being dressed for the cold, only to sweat indoors, so he pushes everyone out as they continue discussing.

”Not sure what to think of goblins...”

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