Ice Road Trackers (Inactive)

Game Master Greycastle

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Male human fighter 6 | AC 17 (19 w shield) | hp 14/58 (6d10 HD) | Saves: +6 Str, +2 Dex, +6 Con, +0 Int, +5 Wis, +1 Cha | Second Wind used [ x ] | Action Surge used [ x ] | Init +2 | Passive Per 15 | Inspiration [ ] | Mark Retort [ 0/3 used ]

Not much of a tracker, but I got a +1... Unless, Perception to spot a trail?

Wisdom, if Survival +1, if Perception +3: 1d20 ⇒ 12

13 Survival, 15 Perception

Male LG Mountain Dwarf Wild Magic Sorcerer 4, Barbarian 3 | HP: 58/58 | AC: 19 | Init: +2 | Pass Perc: 9 | HD (4d6+3d12): 4+2/3+2 | Speed 25 | Sorcery Points: 4/4 | Spells: 4/4, 3/3 | Rage: 3/3 | Saves: STR+2 DEX+2 CON+5 INT+0 WIS-1 CHA+5 | Resistance: Poison | Inspiration: 1 | Active effects:

If we're still going round-by-round, then I've already rolled for Investigation. I mean, I rolled terribly, but I think I have to wait until it's resolved.

Game Map DCI# 4318637857

Aye, I was giving some time to let people put some actions together but I didn’t see anything that would remove the inherent threat to follow.

Examining the rap to remove it from the cord, Rodalas realizes that this cord may attach to another mechanism of this trap. That realization comes just a fraction too late as a second part of the trap reveals itself. Ice sickles rain down from the tree canopy above dropping short pointy ice daggers all over. I’ll need anyone that was with Mir helping to give me a DEX save DC 12. Piercing Damage: 2d6 ⇒ (1, 5) = 6 half if you save.

Game Map DCI# 4318637857

we will say after reading back through the actions that everyone except Baldrick and Rodalas need to make the Dex save.

As Baldrick knocks the boot away, he notices that the now right side up boot has been sealed closed and even though the boot is not attached to anything, it bounces and wiggles of its own accord a few times after being settled.


What a mean trap

Male LG Mountain Dwarf Wild Magic Sorcerer 4, Barbarian 3 | HP: 58/58 | AC: 19 | Init: +2 | Pass Perc: 9 | HD (4d6+3d12): 4+2/3+2 | Speed 25 | Sorcery Points: 4/4 | Spells: 4/4, 3/3 | Rage: 3/3 | Saves: STR+2 DEX+2 CON+5 INT+0 WIS-1 CHA+5 | Resistance: Poison | Inspiration: 1 | Active effects:

Oblivious to the falling ice and the jumps and cries of his companions, Baldrick picks up the boot, frowns at it That's not what boots look like..., and attempts to pull out whatever is sealing it.

Male human fighter 6 | AC 17 (19 w shield) | hp 14/58 (6d10 HD) | Saves: +6 Str, +2 Dex, +6 Con, +0 Int, +5 Wis, +1 Cha | Second Wind used [ x ] | Action Surge used [ x ] | Init +2 | Passive Per 15 | Inspiration [ ] | Mark Retort [ 0/3 used ]

Dex Save: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17

Turq leaps out of the way, coming up his breath visible from exertion in the cold!

Profile updated.

EDIT: Shaking his head, the warrior looks back to see if everyone is okay, Now, I am starting ta get upset...


Do I have to make the save?


In case I do
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15

HP 10/15 | AC 14 | Acr +4 Dec +4 His +2 Ins +4 Int +4 Inv +2 Perc +4 Pers +5 SoH +4 Ste +5 Sur +3 | Saves: S -1, D +5, C +1, I +0, W +2, Ch +5 Adv charm, disease; Imm Sleep| Init +4 | PPerc 14; PIns 14; Pinv 12; DrkVis | Spd 30' | Insp: No | HD 2/2 | Spell DC 13 Att +5 (1: 2/3) | BardIns 2/3 | Status: Normal | Insp: Yup! |

Dex save: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10

"Argh!" cries out Emmet as he gets hit by the two-step trap.

Male N Hill Dwarf L5 | HP 64/64 | AC 16 | HD 6d10 (0 used) | 2nd Wind avail Skills: Anim Hand 5, Athl 6, Decp 3, Surv 5 | Disadv on Stealth Saves: S 7, D 1, C 6, I 0, W 2, Ch 0 | Init 1 | PP 12 | Speed 25'

Dex save: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

Umikh looks up just as the ice daggers drop down, unfortunate for him!

Noticing Baldrick fiddling with the boot part of the trap, he exclaims I think this thing is meant for us, not bears!

Male Goliath Druid 2 | AC 12 | hp 17/17 (2d8 HD) | Saves: +3 Str, +1 Dex, +3 Con, +1 Int, +4 Wis, +1 Cha | Init +1 | Passive Per 12 | Inspiration [ Y]

Dex: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14

With a warning shout, Mир flings his heavy cloak above himself.

AC -2 (1 without Shield) / HP: 35/35 / THAC0 17 (15 with Scimitar)

Dex Save: 1d20 ⇒ 9

The dwarven cleric is not fast enough to avoid the icicles, and is badly skewered - "Damned be this trap!" - he roars, still standing, but spitting blood.

I believe 5e Clerics do not get to swap apells for heals?

Male human fighter 6 | AC 17 (19 w shield) | hp 14/58 (6d10 HD) | Saves: +6 Str, +2 Dex, +6 Con, +0 Int, +5 Wis, +1 Cha | Second Wind used [ x ] | Action Surge used [ x ] | Init +2 | Passive Per 15 | Inspiration [ ] | Mark Retort [ 0/3 used ]
Aggrammar Deepdelver wrote:

[dice=Dex Save]d20

The dwarven cleric is not fast enough to avoid the icicles, and is badly skewered - "Damned be this trap!" - he roars, still standing, but spitting blood.

I believe 5e Clerics do not get to swap apells for heals?

You are correct. But depending on your Domain, you get two spells automatically prepared. i.e. Life Domain automatically has cure wounds and bless prepared, I believe...


The eladrin will simply look at Turq with the Hmm Mmm, look.

Male human fighter 6 | AC 17 (19 w shield) | hp 14/58 (6d10 HD) | Saves: +6 Str, +2 Dex, +6 Con, +0 Int, +5 Wis, +1 Cha | Second Wind used [ x ] | Action Surge used [ x ] | Init +2 | Passive Per 15 | Inspiration [ ] | Mark Retort [ 0/3 used ]

Turq rolls his eyes, Good luck making icicles grow exactly where ye want, elf.


Eladrin, human. Eladrin. the eladrin replies.

Male human fighter 6 | AC 17 (19 w shield) | hp 14/58 (6d10 HD) | Saves: +6 Str, +2 Dex, +6 Con, +0 Int, +5 Wis, +1 Cha | Second Wind used [ x ] | Action Surge used [ x ] | Init +2 | Passive Per 15 | Inspiration [ ] | Mark Retort [ 0/3 used ]

Turq grins broadly, There's a difference? #NotAll... XD

Male N Hill Dwarf L5 | HP 64/64 | AC 16 | HD 6d10 (0 used) | 2nd Wind avail Skills: Anim Hand 5, Athl 6, Decp 3, Surv 5 | Disadv on Stealth Saves: S 7, D 1, C 6, I 0, W 2, Ch 0 | Init 1 | PP 12 | Speed 25'

Oooooh there's a difference. But let's get away from this durn thing!

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Male LG Mountain Dwarf Wild Magic Sorcerer 4, Barbarian 3 | HP: 58/58 | AC: 19 | Init: +2 | Pass Perc: 9 | HD (4d6+3d12): 4+2/3+2 | Speed 25 | Sorcery Points: 4/4 | Spells: 4/4, 3/3 | Rage: 3/3 | Saves: STR+2 DEX+2 CON+5 INT+0 WIS-1 CHA+5 | Resistance: Poison | Inspiration: 1 | Active effects:

This is the point in my other campaign where my gnome would turn to the halfling and say "everyone mostly just looks like knees to me"

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Male Goliath Druid 2 | AC 12 | hp 17/17 (2d8 HD) | Saves: +3 Str, +1 Dex, +3 Con, +1 Int, +4 Wis, +1 Cha | Init +1 | Passive Per 12 | Inspiration [ Y]

While bleeding from his arm, the large humanoid looks to each of his companions with concern and looks over thier wounds.

Game Map DCI# 4318637857

Pulling at the leather flap that sealed the boot top, Baldrick finds a small creature inside the boot looking back at him. Only about a hand tall wearing a white mask, it resembles a doll but moves of its own accord. Looking up at Baldrick, it shys back into the boot timidly.

Rodalas is now sure the trap has been fully sprung. A devious trap to be sure, but the area appears to be safe for now.

Let me know if you guys want to do anything before moving on deeper into the forest.

HP 10/15 | AC 14 | Acr +4 Dec +4 His +2 Ins +4 Int +4 Inv +2 Perc +4 Pers +5 SoH +4 Ste +5 Sur +3 | Saves: S -1, D +5, C +1, I +0, W +2, Ch +5 Adv charm, disease; Imm Sleep| Init +4 | PPerc 14; PIns 14; Pinv 12; DrkVis | Spd 30' | Insp: No | HD 2/2 | Spell DC 13 Att +5 (1: 2/3) | BardIns 2/3 | Status: Normal | Insp: Yup! |

"This deviousness should be a warning to us... Perhaps we should take a moment to rest and tend to our immediate wounds before proceeding further. It wouldn't help to come to negotiate looking all bloody and weak..." offers Emmett.

Suggesting a short rest to tap our HD.

Male LG Mountain Dwarf Wild Magic Sorcerer 4, Barbarian 3 | HP: 58/58 | AC: 19 | Init: +2 | Pass Perc: 9 | HD (4d6+3d12): 4+2/3+2 | Speed 25 | Sorcery Points: 4/4 | Spells: 4/4, 3/3 | Rage: 3/3 | Saves: STR+2 DEX+2 CON+5 INT+0 WIS-1 CHA+5 | Resistance: Poison | Inspiration: 1 | Active effects:

Startled, Baldrick quickly moves the boot away from his face, out to arms-length. He almost drops it before curiosity takes hold - inching the boot slightly closer, he ventures: "Hel... hello? Who are you?"

Flicking his eyes up to whichever of his companions is turned his way, Baldrick stage-whispers: "There's someone in this boot!"

Male human fighter 6 | AC 17 (19 w shield) | hp 14/58 (6d10 HD) | Saves: +6 Str, +2 Dex, +6 Con, +0 Int, +5 Wis, +1 Cha | Second Wind used [ x ] | Action Surge used [ x ] | Init +2 | Passive Per 15 | Inspiration [ ] | Mark Retort [ 0/3 used ]

Seeing his friends winded and hurting, Turq relents, Let us take a rest, but keep an eye out. We do not know if we have alerted them to our presence...

Second Wind: 1d10 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10 Back to full.

If Baldrick shows off his new friend...:
It's a chwinga, Turq says with some fascination as he munches on some cold jerky, Had a run in with them a while back. Cute little fellas, and sometimes, if they like ye, they might bless ye...

Male N Hill Dwarf L5 | HP 64/64 | AC 16 | HD 6d10 (0 used) | 2nd Wind avail Skills: Anim Hand 5, Athl 6, Decp 3, Surv 5 | Disadv on Stealth Saves: S 7, D 1, C 6, I 0, W 2, Ch 0 | Init 1 | PP 12 | Speed 25'

Oh look I have Second Wind, too! 1d10 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8

Umikh looks over Baldrick's shoulder at the small creature, curious to see what it is and if it answers him.

Male LG Mountain Dwarf Wild Magic Sorcerer 4, Barbarian 3 | HP: 58/58 | AC: 19 | Init: +2 | Pass Perc: 9 | HD (4d6+3d12): 4+2/3+2 | Speed 25 | Sorcery Points: 4/4 | Spells: 4/4, 3/3 | Rage: 3/3 | Saves: STR+2 DEX+2 CON+5 INT+0 WIS-1 CHA+5 | Resistance: Poison | Inspiration: 1 | Active effects:

Utterly fascinated by the little creature, Baldrick hardly registers what Turq says. Poking a thick finger over the lip of the boot, he speaks to it in a low, soft voice: "Hello little... uh... chwinga-person. Would you like to be my friend?"

HP 10/15 | AC 14 | Acr +4 Dec +4 His +2 Ins +4 Int +4 Inv +2 Perc +4 Pers +5 SoH +4 Ste +5 Sur +3 | Saves: S -1, D +5, C +1, I +0, W +2, Ch +5 Adv charm, disease; Imm Sleep| Init +4 | PPerc 14; PIns 14; Pinv 12; DrkVis | Spd 30' | Insp: No | HD 2/2 | Spell DC 13 Att +5 (1: 2/3) | BardIns 2/3 | Status: Normal | Insp: Yup! |

HD, short rest: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9 Back to full.

"Great idea to stop. I feel the air in my lungs stinging from the cold. Just a few minutes... Yes. Now, about those Goblins, how do we wish to approach them? Should we appear peaceful, yet powerful? I'm not sure if we can do that though..."

Male human fighter 6 | AC 17 (19 w shield) | hp 14/58 (6d10 HD) | Saves: +6 Str, +2 Dex, +6 Con, +0 Int, +5 Wis, +1 Cha | Second Wind used [ x ] | Action Surge used [ x ] | Init +2 | Passive Per 15 | Inspiration [ ] | Mark Retort [ 0/3 used ]

Turq frowns a little as he tries to recall all the information that they were given, Well, Mother Tusk mentioned some 'long legs' along with others smaller nasty critters, that I assume are goblins. If the long legs are hobgobs or bugbears, it's likely we'll be drawn into a fight. If we are lucky, the long legs are tribesmen and women, and in that case approaching from a position of strength will likely lead to some leverage in negotiation. At least, that is me hopes...

Correctly, if I am wrong... I don't know what is memory from our info dump, and what is from the last time I went through this one.. :(

AC -2 (1 without Shield) / HP: 35/35 / THAC0 17 (15 with Scimitar)

Short Rest: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5

"Whatcha have there Baldrick?" - Aggrammar strains to see.

HP 10/15 | AC 14 | Acr +4 Dec +4 His +2 Ins +4 Int +4 Inv +2 Perc +4 Pers +5 SoH +4 Ste +5 Sur +3 | Saves: S -1, D +5, C +1, I +0, W +2, Ch +5 Adv charm, disease; Imm Sleep| Init +4 | PPerc 14; PIns 14; Pinv 12; DrkVis | Spd 30' | Insp: No | HD 2/2 | Spell DC 13 Att +5 (1: 2/3) | BardIns 2/3 | Status: Normal | Insp: Yup! |

Emmett turns to Baldrick and Aggrammar: "Wait- You weren't kidding? You've talking about boots over and over again. I thought you had some kind of fixation... Perhaps you do... Well, you say there's a person in your boots. Well, that's... different, yes! What is the name of your boot-friend? Chwinga is it? Nice to meet you Chwinga!" says Emmett, trying not to disrupt Baldrick's episode.

Male LG Mountain Dwarf Wild Magic Sorcerer 4, Barbarian 3 | HP: 58/58 | AC: 19 | Init: +2 | Pass Perc: 9 | HD (4d6+3d12): 4+2/3+2 | Speed 25 | Sorcery Points: 4/4 | Spells: 4/4, 3/3 | Rage: 3/3 | Saves: STR+2 DEX+2 CON+5 INT+0 WIS-1 CHA+5 | Resistance: Poison | Inspiration: 1 | Active effects:

Glancing up at Emmett with a smile: "Ha! The Lieutenant he'd always say: 'a good pair of boots would carry you when all else..." and here a tremor has woven its way into his voice and hands, "*hem* when all else has failed.'"

Returning his focus to the chwinga, Baldrick adds, quietly: "Anyways, I was always pretty good at fixin' stuff - kept them boots goin' on our longer marches. Most o' the rest o' tha gear too; long's I could, anyway"

HP 10/15 | AC 14 | Acr +4 Dec +4 His +2 Ins +4 Int +4 Inv +2 Perc +4 Pers +5 SoH +4 Ste +5 Sur +3 | Saves: S -1, D +5, C +1, I +0, W +2, Ch +5 Adv charm, disease; Imm Sleep| Init +4 | PPerc 14; PIns 14; Pinv 12; DrkVis | Spd 30' | Insp: No | HD 2/2 | Spell DC 13 Att +5 (1: 2/3) | BardIns 2/3 | Status: Normal | Insp: Yup! |

"I see... It makes sense that you bonded with your boots, yes? Felt a special connection... Yes... Perfectly makes sense..." Emmett replies and gives a knowing look to the others.

Male Goliath Druid 2 | AC 12 | hp 17/17 (2d8 HD) | Saves: +3 Str, +1 Dex, +3 Con, +1 Int, +4 Wis, +1 Cha | Init +1 | Passive Per 12 | Inspiration [ Y]

1d8 ⇒ 5 full as well

Mир looks at his assembled allies with profound confusion.


Creatures, such as fey, are not always what they appear to be. he says stoically.

Male human fighter 6 | AC 17 (19 w shield) | hp 14/58 (6d10 HD) | Saves: +6 Str, +2 Dex, +6 Con, +0 Int, +5 Wis, +1 Cha | Second Wind used [ x ] | Action Surge used [ x ] | Init +2 | Passive Per 15 | Inspiration [ ] | Mark Retort [ 0/3 used ]

Rick, Turq calls out, Are ye ready ta move on? Ye can bring yer little friend with us...

Male LG Mountain Dwarf Wild Magic Sorcerer 4, Barbarian 3 | HP: 58/58 | AC: 19 | Init: +2 | Pass Perc: 9 | HD (4d6+3d12): 4+2/3+2 | Speed 25 | Sorcery Points: 4/4 | Spells: 4/4, 3/3 | Rage: 3/3 | Saves: STR+2 DEX+2 CON+5 INT+0 WIS-1 CHA+5 | Resistance: Poison | Inspiration: 1 | Active effects:

Baldrick wouldn't have needed a short rest, but would have spent the time (an hour?) trying to bond with the chwinga. I dunno what it's reaction will be, though. At any rate, @Greycastle, if you want to push on past the short rest, I'm fine with that.

Game Map DCI# 4318637857
Turquoise 'Turq' Barreltap AL wrote:

Correctly, if I am wrong... I don't know what is memory from our info dump, and what is from the last time I went through this one.. :(

Youre not wrong. The conversation with Mother Tusk left you with a vague idea that there were some goblins there but not necessarily a village of goblinkind.

After some time of coaxing and space, the Chwinga emerges from the boot. It never speaks but you get the sense from its actions that it is great full to be free. It’s stays near Baldrick for the duration of the short camp climbing through his beard and rummaging through his gear playfully but when the others become active and showing signs of leaving the nature spirit disappears I back into the woods.

Baldrick can sense a connection to this forest now. The wind blowing through the trees, the snow weighing on their boughs. The crunch of undisturbed snow upon the ground as creatures move through. you have the ability to cast Bless, at will, for the rest of the adventure.

moving on
Picking up the trail you’d been following, the party comes to another obstacle. The path you’re following runs directly through the center of an enormous oak that’s been felled and its trunk hollowed to form a tunnel. The tree, 80 feet long and 5 feet in diameter, bridges a 60-foot-wide ravine. The ravine is at least 20 feet deep with steep sides that look difficult to climb. Walking around the ravine doesn’t look like it’d be easy, adding hours to your journey.


Perfect place for an ambush he states.

Male N Hill Dwarf L5 | HP 64/64 | AC 16 | HD 6d10 (0 used) | 2nd Wind avail Skills: Anim Hand 5, Athl 6, Decp 3, Surv 5 | Disadv on Stealth Saves: S 7, D 1, C 6, I 0, W 2, Ch 0 | Init 1 | PP 12 | Speed 25'

Nice benefit with that Bless there!

Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7 Umikh looks around but doesn't see anything that looks like a trap. Well we gotta cross this here tree over the ravine either way, best just to get on with it, yes?


Perception to see if he notices anything out of the ordinary or a TRAP
1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10

HP 10/15 | AC 14 | Acr +4 Dec +4 His +2 Ins +4 Int +4 Inv +2 Perc +4 Pers +5 SoH +4 Ste +5 Sur +3 | Saves: S -1, D +5, C +1, I +0, W +2, Ch +5 Adv charm, disease; Imm Sleep| Init +4 | PPerc 14; PIns 14; Pinv 12; DrkVis | Spd 30' | Insp: No | HD 2/2 | Spell DC 13 Att +5 (1: 2/3) | BardIns 2/3 | Status: Normal | Insp: Yup! |

At will Bless can have a lot of advantages. Three of us could have almost permanent +1d4 on rolls...

Emmett stays at the back as the group proceeds forward. Nearing the hollow tree, he frowns and nods at Rodalas, peering around them: "Are we in a hurry? So far, there's been nasty traps, with two layers even, but thankfully no one around to pick us out after... This might be different, trap and ambush..."

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24

Male human fighter 6 | AC 17 (19 w shield) | hp 14/58 (6d10 HD) | Saves: +6 Str, +2 Dex, +6 Con, +0 Int, +5 Wis, +1 Cha | Second Wind used [ x ] | Action Surge used [ x ] | Init +2 | Passive Per 15 | Inspiration [ ] | Mark Retort [ 0/3 used ]

Aye, keep yer eyes peeled... Turq tests the sturdiness of the hollowed log...

Wisdom (Perception): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23 Holey moley! Emmett and I are twinsies! Natty 20s!


The eladrin will draw his bow.

Male LG Mountain Dwarf Wild Magic Sorcerer 4, Barbarian 3 | HP: 58/58 | AC: 19 | Init: +2 | Pass Perc: 9 | HD (4d6+3d12): 4+2/3+2 | Speed 25 | Sorcery Points: 4/4 | Spells: 4/4, 3/3 | Rage: 3/3 | Saves: STR+2 DEX+2 CON+5 INT+0 WIS-1 CHA+5 | Resistance: Poison | Inspiration: 1 | Active effects:

As the others follow the trail, Baldrick spends a lot of time gazing up at the trees and listening to the sounds of the forest, often letting out small gasps as he notices something new, or murmuring to himself: "Lookit them trees! They just go up - and where do they even come from?! Hey Mир! Looka that one - looks like it's carved outta stone."

I'm not going to bother rolling Perception bc Baldrick wouldn't be paying attention anyway

Male N Hill Dwarf L5 | HP 64/64 | AC 16 | HD 6d10 (0 used) | 2nd Wind avail Skills: Anim Hand 5, Athl 6, Decp 3, Surv 5 | Disadv on Stealth Saves: S 7, D 1, C 6, I 0, W 2, Ch 0 | Init 1 | PP 12 | Speed 25'

Yeah two 20s! No surprises here. Right? ....

While the others test the tree and check things out, Umikh looks up to see what Baldrick is staring at, but sees only trees. He shrugs and pats Baldrick on the back, happy for him and his newfound wonder, even if Umikh doesn't share it.

So, is it safe then? We should get going while we discuss what we're gonna do. He looks to Emmett who seems to have put the most thought into it.

Male Goliath Druid 2 | AC 12 | hp 17/17 (2d8 HD) | Saves: +3 Str, +1 Dex, +3 Con, +1 Int, +4 Wis, +1 Cha | Init +1 | Passive Per 12 | Inspiration [ Y]

Mир carefully studies the surroundings and the tree, clearly surveying possibilities.

AC -2 (1 without Shield) / HP: 35/35 / THAC0 17 (15 with Scimitar)

After last trap, Aggrammar simply stands watch, just in case...


and will nock ab arrow.

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