Rising Dawn |
I’m good with it if Inara is good. :D
Rising Dawn |
Finished backstory!
Having heard of the Rivethun, he sought them out and asked for their aid. The spiritual dwarves welcomed Vjaerz with open arms. They taught him to find peace within his soul and provided magical assistance in making his outside body match who he saw himself as on the inside. And thus, Vjaerz transitioned to the woman she had always been. With her true gender revealed, she cast her old name aside and chose a new name for herself, symbolic of her rebirth: Rising Dawn.
Dawn remained among the Rivethun for many years, training to invoke the spirits that they worshipped, calling them into her body to grant her great strength and endurance. She also trained to battle some of the dwarves' ancestral enemies, the giants, learning how identify their tracks and to roll with heavy blows and lessen their impact. She chose her new purpose then--to foil the plots of evil giants and ensure the safety of the dwarven people, while also seeking to further discover her self out in the wider world.
Dawn ventured out into the surface world, eventually making her way to Trunau...
Just as a hand worn raw is more sensitive to the grain in a vein of stone, so too is a soul worn raw more open to the subtleties of the spirit world. This sensitivity helps adherents cultivate a well of inner power to draw upon, sometimes in the form of magic, but in other cases the rage of inner strength or the focus of martial ki. The Rivethun teach adherents to draw strength from their most difficult experiences, and those most fully embracing the sect are often those who have dealt with chronic difficulties from a young age. Those who transition between genders are heavily represented among the tradition, so much so that in many dwarven cities the word “Rivethun” has become an informal term for anyone who transitions their gender. The Rivethun pass on a number of recipes, rituals, and formulae that ease such transitions, and even encourage members with no need to transition to do so on a temporary basis to broaden their perspective, mirroring the cult of the empyreal lord Arshea.
Rising Dawn |
I’ll wrestle you for naming rights.
Dwarves wrestle naked, by the way. In mud.
It’s my culture!
Casia Spinther |
Arcanist 2
HP +4
BAB +1
Will +1
Spell Preparings:
+1 Cantrip
Spell Castings:
+1 1st
New Spells:
Endure Elements
Feather Fall
Mage Armor
Positive Pulse
Skills: 6+2
Knowledge (arcana) +1, Knowledge (religion) +1, Knowledge (local) +1, Perception +1, Spellcraft +1, Use Magic Device +1, Craft (leather) +1, Knowledge (history) +1
Ok, loot is compiled. Oh, wise and noble GM, feel free to create a link to the spreadsheet which can be found here:
In summary: Everyone gets 999.6 gp each for the selling of the loot.
Included in that are some things that I feel we should purchase back:
(Feel free to ignore any of the below suggestions)
Poppy should take the wand of CLW (@ 60 gp)
The other three PCs should each take one of the potions of CLW (@ 75 gp ea)
Casia is taking the scroll of hold portal (@ 12.5 gp), the steel scroll case (@ 25 gp), the silk rope (@ 5 gp), and the star rose quartz amulet (@ 37.5 gp)
She'd like someone to purchase for her the following scrolls (@ 35gp each - including the ink to scribe it into her book) while she studies and transfers the hold portal spell into her book.
air bubble
burning hands
keep watch
monkey fish
unseen servant
(That will give her a share amount of 559.6 gp in coin.)
Casia will spend an hour and 10 gp to transfer the hold portal spell from the scroll to her spellbook (Take 10 on Spellcraft gives her an 18).
Rising Dawn |
Casia, can you make the loot sheet public? It's telling me to request access to it.
Are not potions of cure light wounds 50 gp? So they would have a sell price of 25 gp, not 75 gp.
EDIT: Level 2 Barbarian
Rage Power: Guarded Stance
Uncanny Dodge
Casia Spinther |
Casia, can you make the loot sheet public? It's telling me to request access to it.
Sorry about that. Try this link instead:
Are not potions of cure light wounds 50 gp? So they would have a sell price of 25 gp, not 75 gp.
Yes. Yes, they do. I was looking at the line total instead of the individual price from the sheet. Sorry again.
Poppy Mooncloak |
Level 2 Oracle:
- +7hp
- +1 will
-Mystery Spell:Fumbletongue
-New orison known: Stabilize!
Poppy will keep the wand at 60gp and will buy Casia's spells at 210 gp leaving her with 729.6gp
She buys Prim some Chain Shirt barding so her AC is now 16 instead of 12.
Prim now has armor a will save and intimidate!
Casia Spinther |
Sorry about that. Casia will provide the coin for her scrolls. She doesn't expect anyone to spring for gold on her behalf. She just plans to spend the time scribing. :)
Thayer Flintforged |
So far, Thayer is the most inept, pathetic rolling character I've ever had. For giggles, I went back through the last five pages of rolls: 5,2,17,3,6,5,6,5,1,7,3,7,6,8,5,6,2,18,3,4. Average: 5.95
Poppy Mooncloak |
Dual-Cursed Oracle Level 3
Revelation: Misfortune
Improved Init (I know have positive initiative!)
Liberating Command
Picked up some heal, Know religion and history as well as boosting current skills.
and other things Herolab did automatically that I can't remember...
Casia Spinther |
Arcanist 3
HP +4
Fort +1
Ref +1
Arcanist Exploit:
Lightning Lance
New Spells:
Comprehend Languages
Summon Monster I
Improved Initiative
Skills: 6+2
Knowledge (arcana) +1, Knowledge (local) +1, Knowledge (planes) +1, Perception +1, Spellcraft +1, Use Magic Device +1, Craft (leather) +1, Knowledge (geography) +1
Rising Dawn |
Unchained Barbarian 3
Feat Steel Soul
Haunt Channeler
More HP, BA, and skills
GM Nikolaus 'the Grimm' |
Claw: 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 6 + 1 = 21 Damage: 1d4 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
Claw: 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 6 + 1 = 21 Damage: 1d4 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
Claw: 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 6 + 1 = 20 Damage: 1d4 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
Claw: 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 6 + 1 = 17 Damage: 1d4 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
I missed Prims claws. Still takes 18 damage but kills the orc in round 6 not round 7.
Rising Dawn |
Leveled up. Gained spirit channeler which lets me choose a lesser totem each time I enter a trance. Chose lesser psychopomp totem this time:
While raging, the barbarian gains a +1 deflection bonus to AC against the attacks of undead creatures and a +1 bonus on saving throws against death effects, diseases, and poisons.
Casia Spinther |
Arcanist 4
BAB +1
Will +1
HP +4
New Spells
Acid Arrow
Burning Arc
Skills: 6+2
Knowledge (arcana) +1, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +1, Knowledge (local) +1, Perception +1, Spellcraft +1, Use Magic Device +1, Craft (leather) +1, Knowledge (history) +1
Poppy Mooncloak |
+1 charisma
gain one level 2 spell (4/day)
lvl 1 per day increases to 8 from 5.
Means that in this fight, I will be able to have 4 2nd level and 3 1st level spells!
New spells: Mending and Prot from Evil (communal)
Hero lab had encumbrance on so my AC is now what it should be too.
Ranks gained:
+1 Knw Geog, +1 Handle Animal, +2 dipl, +1 ride, +1 religion, +1 spellcraft
Prim, +1 con, +1 stealth
Casia Spinther |
Ok, loot for the win.
This comes out a little lopsided, though, because of the high value of Uskroth's armor and Brinya's Love (11,305 gp and 5052 gp respectively), and no value on Agrimmosh (the hammer).
Here's all the saleable goods excluding those items:
longsword 15 1 15
heavy steel shield 20 1 20
healer's kit 50 1 50
masterwork flail 308 1 308
orc double axe 60 2 120
leather armor 10 3 30
potion of cure moderate wounds 300 1 300
scroll of cause fear 25 2 50
scroll of charm person 25 1 25
scroll of grease 25 2 50
scroll of remove fear 25 1 25
scroll of summon monster I 25 2 50
wand of cure light wounds (24 charges) 360 1 360
thunderstone 30 1 30
masterwork chainmail 300 1 300
masterwork light steel shield 159 1 159
masterwork battleaxe 310 1 310
throwing axe 8 5 40
antitoxin 50 1 50
masterwork breastplate 350 1 350
masterwork splintmail 350 1 350
human-bane arrow, +1 166.04 4 664.16
adamantine crossbow bolt 60.1 13 781.3
masterwork orc double axe 660 1 660
heavyload belt 2000 1 2000
scroll of phantasmal killer 375 1 375
scroll of tongues 375 1 375
wand of inflict moderate wounds (7) 630 1 630
Total Saleable Goods: 8,477.46 gp
And here are the trade goods:
golden bird cage 80 1 80
burial fineries 1300 1 1300
Total Trade Goods: 1380.0 gp
Selling all of that generates 1,404.7 gp each
Working out what to do to balance out the high-value items can go a couple of ways. Here's my recommendation based on the fact that it sounds like Dawn would like the hammer and Thayer would like the armor.
In that case, I would throw Brinya's Love in with the saleable items and split the profits between Poppy and Casia, giving those two 4072.4 gp each and nothing but the two magic items to Dawn and Thayer. That would be even enough for me. We can work out something closer to an even split, but that would get more complicated regarding loaned gold.
If Poppy would like to keep Brinya's Love (buyback value of 2526 gp), she could purchase that out of her share of the above 50/50 split with Casia.
Opinions? Alternate ideas?
In any case, Casia will be buying back all the scrolls that she can use out of whatever share she gets.
GM Nikolaus 'the Grimm' |
Agrimmosh is a major artifact - no-one can afford it! Also, don't sell it, it's important later! :P
You also get some stuff off Skreed: mwk studded leather, mwk cold iron falchion, dagger, light crossbow with 10 bolts, true love locket containing a lock of hair, formula book (elemental touch, prot arrows, CLW, bombers eye, expeditious retreat, enlarge person, invisibility, shield, and stone fist), mwk thieves’ tools, portable alchemist’s lab, letter from Grenseldek, 37 gp.