Bloody Jack, A Tale Most Dreadful. (Inactive)

Game Master Zesdead

Party Health
Amelia Blackheart: 28/43HP
Vera Marshall: 6/33HP
Mama Frill: 38/38HP

The Great Wheel

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This recruitment is restricted to those who have received invitations to apply.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I bid you welcome… to the Blight

It’s Clark Ashton Smith and China Miéville, Lovecraft and Dickens, Shelley and Carroll all in a festering brew of toil, tears, and injustice just screaming for heroes to clean up the streets (more likely to die — or worse — trying) or anti-heroes to clean up the streets (or, at least, a little corner in which to set up their own rackets). Castorhage is a city that never sleeps but is never fully awake, living in the shadow of its own dark dream. An insane royalty, a corrupt judiciary, a decadent aristocracy, and a half-living proletariat all jumbled together amid a thousand thousand monsters…some of them not even of the human variety.

…and the unlovely name by which Castorhage is known to those who have the misfortune to scratch out an existence within its darkest, dankest and most terrible districts? …the Blight.

Bloody Jack

Bloody Jack Carver went down to the harbour,
Taking some children to play.

An eel popped up its head… and ate them instead,
While Jack tip-toed away.

All the children of the Blight know the nursery rhymes about Bloody Jack Carver, cautionary tales for naughty or overly inquisitive children to mind their manners and obey their parents. However, their parents know the true horror of those times 30 years ago when the lunatic serial killer known as Bloody Jack Carver stalked the fog-shrouded streets of the Blight and abducted children to murder and mutilate. The killing spree finally ended, though not before the number of dead and missing children had reached into the scores, but the perpetrator himself was never caught or identified. The parents and the Watch gave a collective sigh of relief, hoping that one of the haunted city’s other horrors of the night had perhaps claimed the life of the blood-drenched psychopath and ended his reign of terror once and for all.
When the PCs are deputised and called in to assist in a homicide investigation, though, they find terrifying clues that point to the three-decade-old Bloody Jack killings and signs to indicate that they were just the beginning. Now the PCs are in a race against time across the breadth of the decrepit and deteriorating city that is the Blight as they attempt to stop a killing spree by the child murderer before it can start anew. The PCs’ investigation takes them from the halls of the Capitol and the seedy streets and alleys of Toiltown to the garish carnival piers of Festival and the pollutant-crusted banks of the Great Lyme River. Only they stand between the children of the decayed city and new nursery rhymes being written in their blood.

The GM, a crazed look in his eye, draws aside a pair of blood red velvet curtains that have certainly seen better days… he smiles, black lips and crack toothed, and bids you to take a seat at the very worst table in the house…

I will, when it arrives next year, almost certainly run the Adventure Path that accompanies Richard Pett’s “The Blight” …but the first of the smaller adventures set in the decaying city, Greg Vaughan’s “Bloody Jack”, has been wrested from the ink-stained claws of its author… and the time has finally come to enter… the Blight.

The ‘Crunch’

  • Characters shall be Level 5,
  • All Paizo published classes are acceptable,
  • 20-point ability buy,
  • Maximum HP for your class at Level One with four further level increases in HP at average for class rounded up (i.e. d6 classes get 4, d8 classes get 5, d10 classes get 6 and d12 classes get 7),
  • Core races AND Featured races from the Advanced Race Guide are acceptable (Uncommon races and Custom races will not be considered),
  • Two traits may be selected,
  • Character Wealth is 10,500 gp (WBL for Level 5),
  • Non-evil alignments only,
  • All character options must originate from Paizo published Pathfinder products; No 3rd Party Materials will be considered.

Any further questions / requests re: character creation and allowable options, please feel free to ask in the recruitment thread.

Who are you… that comes knocking at my door at this late hour?”

Note that, as I have no other Lost Lands Campaign Setting materials, I shall be running the Blight in Golarion… Castorhage is, in this world, a self-governing city state geographically located in the nation of Taldor… and replaces Cassomir on the map. Having said that, I anticipate that the adventure will be entirely self-contained within the Blight so this placing of Castorhage within the Golarion map should only really impact those who choose to write backgrounds that have them originating from beyond the city…

This is a stand-alone adventure and, as of yet, our knowledge of Castorhage is limited to what is within this module… with that in mind, no-one need write a magnum opus for their character background (unless they want to of course!!!)… but I will be looking for two things in particular…

  • Are you a resident of Castorhage? If not, what possible reason have you to come to this decadent city? …and if you are from Castorhage, how have you scratched out an existence?
  • Are you known to the authorities here within the City? (Note that at least one person will have a non-criminal connection with the City’s “Office of the Watch”… be that a personal or professional connection… or maybe some kind of reputation as someone that can get things done).

Recruitment will last through until the 25th November.

Being one who is quite interested in self-punishment...errr...having a good time, I do hereby submit Eliseera Tulman (Human female rogue, Investigator archetype) as a candidate.

Elsie was actually written for a short lived Lost Lands campaign on these boards but sadly it did not last long. Still her background should seamlessly integrate into Castorhage, for the most part. She would be a resident of the city and also have a link to the authorities.

I have a busy day today, but I look forward to creating a character for this as soon as I can! Thanks for the opportunity Zed.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

I have a bunch of ideas... at least one of which might get GM veto... hopefully everyone else's ideas will help me sort down to one real pitch...

- my first thought (which may get vetoed) is a vigilante with the serial killer archetype... his vigilante persona would be LE and keep to the 'only kills bad guys' trope, and his social persona would be LN and use his murdering skills to work as a private investigator and sometimes a consultant to the watch. Killing bloody jack would be the ultimate fulfillment of his 'murder bad guys' fantasy. edit: I know it says non-evil, but my social persona does meet that... veto away

- another (vague) idea would be to make my first foray into the occult classes... maybe a spiritualist or an occultist who performs for high society parties but isn't a charlatan and is open to using his (or her) gifts for stuff like this...

- or maybe a straight up holy warrior... a paladin or inquisitor... maybe a noble who doesn't often have to really look at the grim situation of the common folk but has an earnest desire to stop a murderer... or maybe a zealot vigilante who's a noble that doesn't want others of his station to know he's out fighting to clean up the slums...

- actually, I'm going to stop writing ideas and see what everyone else has to say...

Thanks for the invite! I'll sit down in the next day or two and flesh out a concept :).

Hmm, couple of questions :

1) Would you have an issue with an underage character? Given the topic of the AP, this could be very appropriate or very inappropriate. I'm thinking early to mid teens. This could be just a standard member of the race, but small, like a human or drow or elf or whatever, but small rather than medium, or it could have the full Young template applied. I'd lean toward the former, but would accept the latter too.

2) If playing a spiritualist, would you have an issue with a Fantom whose size changes based on whether they are in or out of combat? For example, out of combat they'd be small, but in combat, medium. I'll drop you a note with the reason why.

Hmm I've got a couple of ideas. One is my first foray into the occult classes the other would be my first time messing with the inquisitor class. Of course I have been wanting to play a barbarian, but the boisterous bruiser would be out of place in The Blight.

I'm really leaning towards the silent psychic with a scary streak a mile wide.


My initial thoughts are...

A private detective who specializes in finding missing persons... or at least what happened to said missing persons. Class: Investigator (Sleuth)

A bored, decadent nobleman who has cultivated a network of informants by day, but who dons a mask and takes the fight to the streets at night. Class: Vigilante

A cat burglar with a "Robin Hood" complex, who breaks into the homes of the corrupt rich and gives their ill-gotten gains back to the poor Class: Unchained Rogue (Burglar archetype)

A kid from the streets who stumbled across a wizard's corpse, liberated the dead man's spellbook, and actually was able to teach herself a little magic. Class: Unchained Rogue (Eldritch Scoundrel archetype).

Right now, I'm leaning toward the private eye (Investigator)...

*peeks in*

Hey, thanks for the invite to apply! I'll be thinking on a possible character though since I'll be working the next few nights it may be a day or two before I get anything concrete put together.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Lol- I come hoping to gain clarity from other people's succinct ideas and am greeted with indecision to match my own!

Thinking of an appropriate character for this!

Would it be reasonable to create a character who lost their sibling (or even Aunt/Uncle/Cousin) to Bloody Jack? I could see such a character either becoming involved with the Office of the Watch in retaliation to the evils his family was dealt, or going the exact opposite and becoming something of a vigilante for the sake of justice.

Since this allows for a little more variety in race I'm thinking some sort of Fetchling (probably an oracle or sorcerer), wanting to help put an end to this mess before people start looking to folks like her as possible culprits and scapegoats.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The question of races has come up in a few PM's, and the answer is as stated in the recruitment (Core and Featured races are fine)... but, for info and to help you (or hinder you), here is Richard Pett's missive on the peoples of Castorhage...

Richard Pett, Purveyor of Madness wrote:

R is for... 'The Races of Castorhage'

Dwarves …Toilers, SprawlMason and Salt-o-the-Earth
Elves …Forsaken, Travelers and Primitives
Gnomes …Alchymysts, Shortstones and Tradelords
Half-Elves …Charmwells, Hidelings and Sorrowful
Halflings …Gypsy-Blood and Boatmen
Half-Orcs …Savages and Shadowlamps
Humans …Capitolers, Commoners and Criminals. that covers the Core races - there is little mention of other races, and so, folks deciding they wish to walk a road less travelled, they'd better trust that the folk of Castorhage are an open-minded, welcoming people...

...they're not.

Hmm, forsaken elf that lived in an orphanage during the Bloody Jack killings? Watched multiples 'siblings' go missing or be found mutilated.

I'm not planning to propose a divine-focused PC, but what gods are worshiped in Castorhage?

Will we be using the Lost Lands pantheon?

Also: Are any optional rules from Pathfinder Unchained in effect? (e.g. background skills, skill unlocks, automatic bonus progression, variant multiclassing, etc.)

Are firearms allowed? If so, what tech level?

...we're going to go with the Golarion pantheon of gods... mainly on account of that's what I know...

More from the fevered mind of Richard Pett wrote:
Whilst the gods of the Blight occasionally walk the street, there are still countless other older gods and deities whose names are invoked on a daily, sometimes momentary, basis. These gods have their own local names, but as with any icons, scholars have surmised that many are only local aspects of more widely named or quoted gods...

Haladir wrote:
Also: Are any optional rules from Pathfinder Unchained in effect? (e.g. background skills, skill unlocks, automatic bonus progression, variant multiclassing, etc.)

All - it's a big yes to Background Skills from Pathfinder Unchained

...and a yes to Skill Unlocks as well (how have I never noticed these before?).

...and, a resounding 'go on then' to Variant Multiclassing as well...

But there's no need to worry about Automatic Bonus Progression, this adventure won't see you get past Level 5 so the supposed benefits of ABP (housekeeping / better use of equipment slots for fun stuff) don't really apply...

Haladir wrote:
Are firearms allowed? If so, what tech level?

From Richard Pett's 'Crooked', firearms are definitely a thing... whether they make it across to Castorhage is yet to be seen... but in my Castorhage, there's definitely guns... and they are absolutely a symbol of power / status...

Emerging Guns - Firearms become more common. They are mass-produced by small guilds, lone gunsmiths, dwarven clans, or maybe even a nation or two—the secret is slipping out, and the occasional rare adventurer uses guns. The baseline gunslinger rules and the prices for ammunition given in this chapter are for this type of campaign. Early firearms are available, but are relatively rare. Adventurers who want to use guns must take the Gunsmithing feat just to make them feasible weapons. Advanced firearms may exist, but only as rare and wondrous items—the stuff of high-level treasure troves.

Awesome to all the Unchained goodies allowed :)

(And hey, you should've seen the initial party one of my Carrion Crown games started with: an Osiriani cleric of Pharasma, a halfling Dirge Bard who looked like a mini Marilyn Manson, a human wizard that was basically Severus Snape + a slob, a cold, largely emotionless tiefling Investigator, a Forlorn elf ranger with anger issues, and a changeling Inquisitor with a fear of fire. Talk about getting the evil eye from the local population...)

Thanks for the invite! Thinking of making some sort of occultist, the class has always seemed interesting to me. I like the thought of a Sylph occultist who's just trying to make an honest living by doing odd magical jobs for people, while trying desperately to pretend that yes, he is indeed human-he just got really, really lucky that one time that someone shot a crossbow at him and the bolt got deflected by a sudden gust of wind.

(It wasn't actually luck.)

I'm actually thinking about a divine character--a member of the church with secrets of his own to hide, either a cardinal cleric or the living grimoire Inquisitor.

Name : Amelia Blackheart
Gender : Female
Age : 32 (Apparently 15)
Race : Aasimar
Class : Spiritualist (Scourge) 5

I'll get to equip later, wanted to get a basic build up.

Lilly (calm)
Thorne (Amelia's Weapon)


Amelia was born at the height of the last Bloody Jack Rampage, and has grown up with those who lost friends. Amelia was an orphan, left on the doorstep of the orphanage. From a young age, she scared most of the Orphanage staff, speaking to ghosts, especially one named Lilly. This was especially terrifying to the staff, as Lilly was one of the orphans taken by Bloody Jack. For Amelia, Bloody Jack has never been a myth, she grew up knowing he was real. As she grew up, the staff became more and more fearful of her, for she seemed to age so slowly, less than a year for each year she lived. Finally, after she had been in the orphanage for 15 years, they threw her out, telling her she was 'old enough' to make her own way.

She has, her training has been... varied, to say the least, but Amelia and Lilly have made names for themselves, be it as someone to get rid of malevolent spirits, or someone to guard you, or just someone you can trust to deliver messages unopened and unread, the duo have earned a reputation for thinking outside the box, and surviving situations that many older appearing folks lost their lives to.


Name : Lilly
Gender : Female
Age : Apparently 11
Type : Hatred

Lilly has no memories of how she died, but she has a burning hatred in her soul that flares with terrifying effects when she or her Spiritualist are threatened.

HP : 38 (10 + (3x8) + (5x2=10))
Str 12, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 17
AC : 17 (10 + 4 (Armor) + 3 (Dex))
BAB : +4
Attacks : +8 Slam (x2) 1d8/1d10+1 (Out of Combat, In Combat)
Fort : 5, Reflex : 7, Will : 1
Speed : 30 ft
Fourth level Stat bonus to Con

Feats :
Weapon Finesse, Improved Natural Attack (Slam), Weapon Focus (Slam)

Phantom Starting Statistics: Type Outsider (phantom); Size As spiritualist or one size category smaller (or one size category larger, if the spiritualist is Small or smaller); Speed 30 ft.; AC +2 dodge (in incorporeal form) or +2 natural armor (in ectoplasmic form); Attack 2 slams (1d6 or 1d4 if size Small); Ability Scores Str 12, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 13.

Class Skills The following skills are class skills for the phantom:
Acrobatics (Dex) +10 (4 Ranks + 3 Trained + 3 Dex)
Bluff (Cha) +8 (2 Ranks + 3 Trained + 3 Cha)
Craft (Int)
Disable Device (Dex)
Fly (Dex)
Intimidate (Cha) +9 (3 Ranks + 3 Trained + 3 Stat)
Knowledge (planes) (Int)
Perception (Wis) +7 (4 Ranks + 3 Trained)
Sense Motive (Wis)
Stealth (Dex) +9 (3 Ranks + 3 Trained + 3 Stat)

Hated Target (Su)
+2 Attack, +2 Damage

The phantom can take a move action to designate one creature within its line of sight as a hated target. The phantom gains a +2 bonus on attack rolls against its hated target, and a bonus on damage rolls equal to 1/2 the phantom's Hit Dice (minimum 1). The phantom is so focused on this hated target that it takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls against all other creatures. The phantom can maintain these bonuses against only one target at a time, and these bonuses remain in effect until either the hated opponent is dead or it has been out of the phantom's line of sight for at least 1 minute. When the spiritualist reaches 7th level, the phantom can use this ability as a swift action, and takes no penalty when attacking creatures that are not designated as its hated enemy. The phantom must be manifested in ectoplasmic form to use this ability (unless the spiritualist is 17th level or higher; see Shared Hatred below).

Darkvision (Ex)

The phantom has darkvision out to a range of 60 feet.

Link (Su)

A spiritualist and her phantom share a mental link that allows for communication across distances (as long as they are on the same plane). This communication is a free action that can be performed even when it isn't the spiritualist's turn, but the spiritualist and the phantom must both be conscious to communicate in this way. This allows the spiritualist to give orders to her phantom at any time. Magic items interfere with a spiritualist's connection to her phantom; as a result, the spiritualist and her phantom share magic item slots.

For example, if the spiritualist is wearing a magic ring, her phantom can wear only one magic ring. In the case of a conflict, the items worn by the spiritualist remain active, and those worn by the phantom become dormant.

The phantom must possess the appropriate appendages to utilize a magic item.

Share Spells (Su)

The spiritualist can cast a spell with a target of “you” on her phantom (as a spell with a range of touch) instead of on herself. A spiritualist can cast spells from the spiritualist spell list on her phantom even if the spells normally do not affect creatures of the phantom's type (outsider). This ability does not allow the phantom to share abilities that aren't spells, even if they function like spells.

Deliver Touch Spells (Su)

The phantom can deliver touch spells for the spiritualist when fully manifested in incorporeal or ectoplasmic form. The spiritualist and the phantom need not be in contact to accomplish this, but the phantom must be within 30 feet and the spiritualist must be able to see the phantom. If the spiritualist is 12th level or higher, the phantom can deliver touch spells within 50 feet of the spiritualist. The spiritualist can cast the spell, and then the phantom can deliver the touch as an immediate action. If the touch spell deals damage, the phantom must make the attack roll. The phantom can't hold the charge of a touch spell cast by the spiritualist using this ability. If the spell is delivered to the phantom, it must touch a target or the spell is lost. If the spell allows you to touch up to six willing targets, the phantom can accomplish this with an immediate action, but all of the willing targets must be within the phantom's melee reach at the time.

Magic Attacks (Su)

When the phantom manifests in ectoplasmic form, it treats its slam attacks as if they were magic for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. If the spiritualist is 10th level or higher, all of the phantom's weapons are treated as the alignment of the phantom for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.



HP (d8) : 8 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + (1x5) + (1x5) = 38
Fort (+4), Reflex (+1), Will (+4)
BAB +3
Str 13, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 17, Cha 12
Init : +7

Deathless Spirit Particularly strong-willed aasimars possess celestial spirits capable of resisting the powers of death. They gain resistance 5 against negative energy damage. They do not lose hit points when they gain a negative level, and they gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against death effects, energy drain, negative energy, and spells or spell-like abilities of the necromancy school. This racial trait replaces celestial resistance.

Scion of Humanity Some aasimars' heavenly ancestry is extremely distant. An aasimar with this racial trait counts as an outsider (native) and a humanoid (human) for any effect related to race, including feat prerequisites and spells that affect humanoids. She can pass for human without using the Disguise skill. This racial trait replaces the Celestial language and alters the native subtype.


Eyes & Ears of the city (+1 Perception, class skill)
Rice Runner (+1 Acrobatics, Class Skill)


Skill Focus (Acrobatics) From Phantom
Skill Focus (Perception) From Phantom
Improved Initiative, Combat Casting, Armor Proficiency (Med)


Base Points : 4x5 = 20
Acrobatics (Dex) +10/13 (4 Ranks + 3 Trained + 2 Dex + 1 Trait & +3 Skill Focus (situational))
Bluff (Cha)
Craft (Int)
Fly (Dex)
Heal (Wis) +7 (1 Rank + 3 Trained + 3 Wis)
Intimidate (Cha) +5 (1 Rank + 3 Trained + 1 Cha)
Knowledge (Arcana) (Int) +4 (1 Rank + 3 Trained)
Knowledge (Religion) (Int) +4 (1 Rank + 3 Trained)
Knowledge (All) (Int)
Linguistics (Int)
Perception (Wis) +12/16 (4 Ranks + 3 Trained + 3 Wis + 1 Trait +2 Racial & +3 Skill Focus (situational))
Profession (Wis)
Sense Motive (Wis) +7 (1 Rank + 3 Trained + 3 Wis)
Spellcraft (Int)
Use Magic Device (Cha) +8 (4 Ranks + 3 Trained + 1 Cha)

Weapon and Armor Proficiency:

A spiritualist is proficient with all simple weapons, kukris, saps, and scythes, as well as with light armor.

Spell Casting:

Spells per day :
1st : 4+1
2nd : 2+1

Table: Spiritualist Spells Known
Level Spells Known
0th Stabilize, Detect Magic, Guidance, Mage Hand, Detect psychic significance, Telekinetic Projectile
1st Remove Fear, Shield, Mage Armor, Cause Fear
2nd Invisability, Resist Energy, Lesser Restoration

A spiritualist casts psychic spells drawn from the spiritualist spell list. She can cast any spell she knows without preparing it ahead of time, assuming she has not yet used up her allotment of spells per day for the spell's level. To learn or cast a spell, a spiritualist must have a Wisdom score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a spiritualist's spell equals 10 + the spell level + the spiritualist's Wisdom modifier.

A spiritualist can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. Her base daily spell allotment is given on Table: Spiritualist. In addition, she receives bonus spells per day if she has a high Wisdom score.

A spiritualist's selection of spells is limited. A spiritualist begins play knowing four 0-level spells and two 1st-level spells of the spiritualist's choice. At each new spiritualist level, she learns one or more new spells as indicated on Table: Spiritualist Spells Known. Unlike her number of spells per day, the number of spells a spiritualist knows does not affect her Wisdom score. The numbers on Table: Spiritualist Spells Known are fixed.

Upon reaching 5th level, and at every third spiritualist level thereafter (8th, 11th, and so on), a spiritualist can learn a single new spell in place of one she already knows.

In effect, the spiritualist loses the old spell in exchange for the new one. The new spell's level must be the same as that of the spell being exchanged, and it must be at least 1 level lower than the highest-level spiritualist spell she can cast. A spiritualist can swap out only a single spell at any given level and must choose whether or not to swap the spell at the same time that she gains new spells known for the level.

Knacks: A spiritualist learns a number of knacks, or 0-level psychic spells, as noted on Table: Spiritualist Spells Known under Spells Known. These spells are cast like any other spell, but they can be cast any number of times per day. Knacks prepared using another spell slot, because of metamagic feats applied to them, for example, consume spell slots as normal.


A spiritualist begins play with the aid of a powerful and versatile spirit entity called a phantom. The phantom forms a link with the spiritualist, who forever after can either harbor the creature within her consciousness or manifest it as an ectoplasmic or incorporeal entity. A phantom has the same alignment as the spiritualist, and it can speak all the languages its master can. A spiritualist can harbor her phantom in her consciousness (see the shared consciousness class feature), manifest it partially (see the bonded manifestation class feature), or fully manifest it. A fully manifested phantom is treated as a summoned creature from the Ethereal Plane, except it is not sent back to the Ethereal Plane until it is reduced to a negative amount of hit points equal to or greater than its Constitution score.

A spiritualist can fully manifest her phantom through a ritual that takes 1 minute to perform. When the phantom is fully manifested, the spiritualist can change the form of the phantom's manifestation (either from ectoplasmic to incorporeal or vice versa) as a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity. When the phantom manifests, its hit points are unchanged from the last time it manifested, unless the phantom was slain and returned to the Ethereal Plane; in this case, the phantom manifests with half its maximum number of hit points.

The phantom does not heal naturally, and can be healed only with magic or by being tended to with the Heal skill while fully manifested in ectoplasmic form. The phantom stays fully manifested until it is either returned to the spiritualist's consciousness (a standard action) or banished to the Ethereal Plane. If the phantom is banished to the Ethereal Plane, it can't return to the spiritualist's consciousness or manifest again for 24 hours.

While fully manifested, a phantom can't be returned to the Ethereal Plane by means of dispel magic, but spells such as dismissal and banishment work normally. Whenever the spiritualist is unconscious or asleep, the phantom immediately returns to the spiritualist's consciousness. If the spiritualist dies, the phantom is returned to the Ethereal Plane, and can't return to the spiritualist's consciousness until 24 hours after the spiritualist is brought back to life.

A phantom can't be dismissed or banished (by a spell or any other similar effect) while it resides in the spiritualist's consciousness, as the phantom is protected from such effects by the power of the spiritualist's psyche.

Fully manifested phantoms can wear armor magic items [see FAQ] and use items (though not wield weapons) appropriate to their forms. Any items worn, carried, or held by a phantom are dropped when the phantom returns to the spiritualist's consciousness, and must be retrieved and donned anew if the phantom wishes to use them when it fully manifests in the future.

Phantoms are self-involved, even jealous, creatures that do not play well with other summoned companions.

A phantom refuses to manifest (either fully or as part of a bonded manifestation; see Bonded Manifestation) in the presence of an eidolon or shadow summoned by the phantom's master. Furthermore, if a phantom is manifested when such a creature is summoned, it immediately retreats into its spiritualist's consciousness, and will not manifest again until the eidolon or shadow is dismissed.

A fully manifested phantom's abilities, feats, Hit Dice, saving throws, and skills are tied to the spiritualist's class level and increase as the spiritualist gains levels. See the Phantoms section for more information.

Shared Consciousness (Su):

At 1st level, while a phantom is confined in a spiritualist's consciousness (but not while it's fully manifested or banished to the Ethereal Plane), it grants the spiritualist the Skill Focus feat in two skills determined by the phantom's emotional focus, unless the spiritualist already has Skill Focus in those skills. It also grants a +4 bonus on saving throws against all mind-affecting effects; at 12th level, this bonus increases to +8.

Lastly, once per day, when the spiritualist fails a saving throw against a mind-affecting effect, as an immediate action she can shunt that effect into the phantom's section of her consciousness instead. When she does so, she is not affected by the mind-affecting effect, but for the normal duration of that effect, the spiritualist loses the bonuses on saving throws against mind-affecting effects and the Skill Focus effects granted by her phantom, and can't use this ability to shunt a mind-affecting effect into the phantom's consciousness or manifest her phantom in any way. When a mind-affecting effect is shunted into the phantom's consciousness, spells such as dispel magic and break enchantment can be cast on the spiritualist to end the effect's duration as if the spiritualist were affected by the mind-affecting effect.

Etheric Tether (Su):

At 1st level, a spiritualist can force the phantom to manifest in an area around her by pushing the phantom's consciousness though the veil of ethereal essence, allowing it to fully manifest in either ectoplasmic or incorporeal form. Whenever her manifested phantom takes enough damage to send it back to the Ethereal Plane, as a reaction to the damage, the spiritualist can sacrifice any number of her hit points without using an action. Each hit point sacrificed in this way prevents 1 point of damage dealt to the phantom. This can prevent the phantom from being sent back to the Ethereal Plane.

This tether is limited. When the phantom is fully manifested, it and the spiritualist must remain within 50 feet of one another for the phantom's manifestation to stay stable with little to no concentration on the part of the spiritualist. The spiritualist can stretch the limited tether, but only when the phantom is in ectoplasmic form.

When a spiritualist starts her turn and her ectoplasmic phantom is more than 50 feet away from her (but closer than 100 feet), the spiritualist must concentrate on the link as a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity or the ectoplasmic phantom immediately returns to the Ethereal Plane and cannot be summoned from that plane for 24 hours. This concentration can be interrupted as if it were a spell. Treat this effect's spell level as equal to 1 + 1 per 10 feet farther than 50 feet that the phantom is from the spiritualist (maximum spell level 6th). If the tether is interrupted or the check fails, the phantom immediately snaps back into the consciousness of its spiritualist master.

If the ectoplasmic phantom is ever more than 100 feet away from its spiritualist, or the incorporeal phantom is ever 50 feet away from the spiritualist or outside of line of effect from the spiritualist for more than 1 round per spiritualist level the spiritualist possesses, the tether is automatically broken; the phantom immediately returns to the Ethereal Plane and can't be summoned from that plane for 24 hours.

Bonded Senses (Su):

At 2nd level, as a standard action, a spiritualist can share the senses of her manifested phantom, hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting, and feeling everything her phantom does. She can use this ability a number of rounds per day equal to her spiritualist level, but those rounds do not need to be consecutive. There is no maximum range for this effect, but the phantom and the spiritualist must be on the same plane. The spiritualist can end this effect as a free action.

Bonded Manifestation (Su):

At 3rd level, as a swift action, a spiritualist can pull on the consciousness of her phantom and the substance of the Ethereal Plane to partially manifest aspects of both in her own body. When she does, she uses this bonded manifestation to enhance her own abilities while the phantom is still bound to her consciousness.

For the spiritualist to use this ability, the phantom must be confined in the spiritualist's consciousness; it can't be manifested in any other way.

During a bonded manifestation, the phantom can't be damaged, dismissed, or banished. A spiritualist can use bonded manifestation a number of rounds per day equal to 3 + her spiritualist level. The rounds need not be consecutive. She can dismiss the effects of a bonded manifestation as a free action, but even if she dismisses a bonded manifestation on the same round that she used it, it counts as 1 round of use.

When a spiritualist uses this ability, she must choose either ectoplasmic or incorporeal form. When she makes this choice, she gains all of the abilities based on the form she chooses and her spiritualist level.

Ectoplasmic Bonded Manifestation: When a spiritualist uses this ability and chooses ectoplasmic form, she gains an ectoplasmic shield that protects her without restricting her movement or actions. She gains a +4 shield bonus to Armor Class; this bonus applies to incorporeal touch attacks. The ectoplasmic shield has no armor check penalty or arcane spell failure chance. At 8th level, the spiritualist also sprouts a pair of ectoplasmic tendrils from her body. Once per round as either a swift or a standard action (spiritualist's choice), the spiritualist can use one or both tendrils to attack creatures within her melee reach (using the attack bonus and damage dice of her ectoplasmic manifested phantom) or to manipulate objects. She can even use that action to have one tendril make an attack and the other manipulate an object, as long as that object can be manipulated with one hand. At 13th level, the phantom's ectoplasm clings to the spiritualist like a suit of armor. This grants the spiritualist a +6 armor bonus to AC without imposing an armor check penalty, an arcane spell failure chance, or any reduction in speed. At 18th level, the spiritualist can take a full-round action to attack all creatures within her melee reach with her tendrils (using the attack bonus and damage dice of her ectoplasmic manifested phantom). When she does, she rolls the attack roll twice, takes the better of the two results, and uses that as her attack roll result against all creatures within her melee reach. If the better attack roll threatens a critical hit, the spiritualist chooses one target that she hit to confirm the critical hit against. The other attacks that hit are considered normal hits rather than critical threats.

Incorporeal Bonded Manifestation: When a spiritualist uses this ability and chooses incorporeal form, she becomes shrouded in a haze of insubstantial mist, granting her concealment against ranged attacks. At 8th level, the spiritualist can better affect incorporeal creatures with melee attacks; her unarmed strikes and melee weapon attacks are treated as if they had the ghost touch magic weapon special ability. At 13th level, the spiritualist can take a standard action to become invisible (as the invisibility spell) until the start of her next turn. At 18th level, the spiritualist gains the incorporeal subtype and a fly speed of 30 feet (good) while using this form of bonded manifestation.

Spell Scourge (Su):

At 4th level, when a scourge’s phantom damages a creature, it causes severe pain, requiring that creature to succeed at a concentration check (DC = 20 + spell level) to use spells, spell-like abilities, and other abilities that require concentration for 1 round.

The phantom gains a +2 bonus on attack and damage rolls when making attacks of opportunity. Any creature threatened by the scourge’s phantom takes a –2 penalty on concentration checks.

This ability replaces spiritual interference.

Detect Undead (Sp):

At 5th level, a spiritualist's connection with the Ethereal Plane becomes so strong that she can use detect undead at will as a spell-like ability with a caster level equal to her spiritualist level.

mdt wrote:

Hmm, couple of questions :

1) Would you have an issue with an underage character? Given the topic of the AP, this could be very appropriate or very inappropriate. I'm thinking early to mid teens. This could be just a standard member of the race, but small, like a human or drow or elf or whatever, but small rather than medium, or it could have the full Young template applied. I'd lean toward the former, but would accept the latter too.

2) If playing a spiritualist, would you have an issue with a Fantom whose size changes based on whether they are in or out of combat? For example, out of combat they'd be small, but in combat, medium. I'll drop you a note with the reason why.

I think you've answered your own questions by giving us some early glimpse of what Amelia and Lilly might be like... In terms of appropriateness of underage characters for this particular adventure, I think your fifteen (or at least an appearance of being fifteen) is an entirely fine age... I think much characters that are younger, certainly anything sub-teens, might start to challenge some of the assumptions of the way the protagonists / plot are built... but I think you've navigated around that...

With regards to the Phantom (can we call it a Phantom rather than Fantom?) changing size... I don't see any problem with that...

The Pale King wrote:
Hmm, forsaken elf that lived in an orphanage during the Bloody Jack killings? Watched multiples 'siblings' go missing or be found mutilated.

...possibly... and maybe there is some way of connecting such a character with mdt's Spiritualist?

All - note there is no need to spend any real effort working out any pre-existing inter-character relationships during recruitment, we'll work out why you are a 'Party' once we've got the game going in earnest...

Yep, it's a Phantom, I mistyped it as Fantom earlier. :)

I was looking at races, and realized the Aasimar tied in nicely, a 32yo Aasimar would look ~ 14/15 or so, which worked out well. She's old enough to have experience, but people will underestimate her.

All - In the spirit of having a shared expectation, I thought it would be worth reiterating, as if it wasn't quite clear already, just what you folks are in for when you step into 'The Blight'... This adventure contains mature themes that may not be suitable for some readers or players. As mentioned in the advertising materials and the introduction to this adventure, it explores the mystery surrounding a serial killer that singled out children thirty years ago and works to prevent him from starting his killing again.

For thousands of years, human folklore has explored the dire consequences that await “naughty” children or those who do not heed the advice of their parents and elders. From Hansel and Gretel and Little Red Riding Hood to The Boy Who Cried Wolf we have seen that children have not been spared from the horrors of adult life, and more often than not the stories involve some bogeyman that specifically targets such children for its depredations.

This adventure brings that concept to life as it explores the long-term ramifications upon a populace when just such a bogeyman is real (in the form of the eponymous 'Bloody Jack') and gives the players the opportunity to thwart just such a threat.

Frog God Games wrote:
Our purpose at Frog God Games is not to make tasteless products or violate the Pathfinder® Roleplaying Game Compatibility License that requires publishers to create products for the general public that would not be classified as “adult content,” offensive, or inappropriate for minors. But we do intend to make thrilling adventures in the style of old-school game play that test the players’ stalwartness and bring difficult and layered nuances to their game. Simulating and navigating the struggles of real life (and/or their fantasy equivalent) with exceptional powers and skills as characters while freeing players of the prospect of actual consequences is one of the great draws of roleplaying games, and we always strive to create that experience in our products.

...consider yourselves warned.

Zed, how do you look at the age of longer lived races? Would an Elf not reach physical maturity until 100 years of age, or is that simply a benchmark in Elven society that would therefore not necessarily be true of a forlorn elf who has lived most of their life in human society? I am trying to gauge what kind of age range an Elf would be considered physically immature enough to still be in this orphanage.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

oh, i got it!

i'm going to build a gunslinger 1/alchemist 4. not sure about archetypes yet, which will effect backstory/personality, but this is the direction I'm going...

Grand Lodge

let me ponder on a character for this...ideas are blossoming as i type this....

I'll get something together this weekend, but I am leaning to a fetchling or Catfolk unchained rogue/psychic combo. I've got a similar character that I have really enjoyed playing recently, but is on hiatus for the time being.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

ok, gunslinger [seige gunner] 1/alchemist [grenadier*] 4.
* the PFS Field Guide one, not the one in Monster Codex

His fluff is still coalescing in my mind but I'm leaning towards a commoner from the blight who's done alright by himself (and his close kin) by opening a reasonably successful shop that trades in alchemical wares and firearms. Also, he might be a tiefling (who would leave most/all the customer interactions to his non-tiefling relatives).

Hmmm... I'm leaning hard on making a Cavalier(constable) as a member of the watch. Playing a law-man in this scenario sounds good, and I've been wanting to play with this archetype.

Amelia's Equipment.


+1 VoidGlass Scythe 3330
+1 Mithral Agile Breastplate (worn under dress) 5400
Muleback Chords 1000
Wand of Cure light (25 charges) 375
Wand of Mage Armor (20 charges) 300
MW Backpack 50
Varius Sundries 45

If you don't object to recycling old aliases, I Nate will be using this one. I think I may be fairly busy this weekend but I'll get it filled in before the deadline for sure.

1-male, 2-female: 1d2 ⇒ 2 ... Welp, I think that settles which concept I go for.
1-human, 2-half-elf, 3-tiefling, 4-changeling: 1d4 ⇒ 3 Okay, this is getting interesting.

So, just a rough concept for the moment, but it's something that I think can be pretty fun to play and would make for an interesting character to get to know. The idea is that there's two sides to her. The dominate personality, I guess is what you would call it, is shy, but has a quirky sense of humor and doodles a lot. The other personality, on the other hand, is cold and has a habit of breaking people's minds.


Would you consider using a chalkboard as her main form of communication to be too gimmicky? It's something that I've wanted to try for a long time, but it's something that might come off as too much of a gimmick for some GMs.

@Adam - You might want to consider a Fractured Mind Spiritualist, they are split personality. A face caster, with spell like abilities (Zeal would work well with your concept, as the primary personality is shy, while the other acts like everything is life or death, and cares not for others...


A phantom with this emotional focus fixates on every task given as if it were the phantom's last. The most basic commands are treated as life-and-death situations, and the truly dangerous ones are faced with a resolve and tenacity that sometimes defies common sense. Zeal phantoms take the form of steadfast protectors or daring and manic creatures looking for the next challenge or opportunity to prove itself to either its master or itself. Often very prideful creatures, these phantoms display an orange aura upon completing their tasks. They are prone to boast about their accomplishments and chastise those around them for not accomplishing more.

Skills: The phantom gains a number of ranks in Acrobatics and Survival equal to its number of Hit Dice. While confined in the spiritualist's consciousness, the phantom grants the spiritualist Skill Focus in each of these skills.

Good Saves: Fortitude and Reflex.

Tracking: The phantom adds half its number of Hit Dice (minimum 1) to Survival skill checks to follow tracks.

Ruthless Combatant (Su)

The phantom threatens a critical hit with its slam attacks on a roll of 19–20. When the spiritualist reaches 11th level, the phantom's critical modifier with slam attacks increases to ×3. This doesn't stack with Improved Critical or similar effects.

Determination Aura (Su)

When the spiritualist reaches 7th level, as a swift action, the phantom can emit a 20-footradius aura that grants its zeal to nearby allies. Allies within the aura gain a +2 competence bonus on attack rolls and saving throws. The phantom can use this ability in either ectoplasmic or incorporeal form.

Steadfast Servant (Su)

When the spiritualist reaches 12th level, the phantom can stay manifested even when its spiritualist master is unconscious or asleep.

Zeal's Resolve (Su)

When the spiritualist reaches 17th level, three times per day as a free action, when the phantom misses with an attack roll or fails a saving throw, it can reroll the failed attack or saving throw. It must take the new result, even if that result is worse.

Fractured Mind

However, if you do that, I'd go with a Kyton spawn Tiefling, +2 con and +2 cha, -2 wis...

Actually hadn't thought of that. I was planning on using the Abomination displine, but I will definitely look into that.

OK so after checking further here, I think I will have Elsie go Unchained Rogue so as to gain the Skill Unlock feature for free here. She will be focused on Diplomacy for the most part, and I think I will pick several languages for her as her Background skills.

I should have her finished within the next day or so.

Didn't notice we were using Background skills, add the following to Amelia :

Knowledge (History) (Int) +5 (+2 Ranks + 3 Trained)
Lingusitics (Int) +7 (+4 Ranks + 3 Trained)
Profession (Bountyhunter) (Wis) +10 (+4 Ranks + 3 Trained + 3 Wis)

Do our companions get background skills as well?


GM Zed wrote:
Haladir wrote:
Are firearms allowed? If so, what tech level?

From Richard Pett's 'Crooked', firearms are definitely a thing... whether they make it across to Castorhage is yet to be seen... but in my Castorhage, there's definitely guns... and they are absolutely a symbol of power / status...

Emerging Guns - Firearms become more common. They are mass-produced by small guilds, lone gunsmiths, dwarven clans, or maybe even a nation or two—the secret is slipping out, and the occasional rare adventurer uses guns. The baseline gunslinger rules and the prices for ammunition given in this chapter are for this type of campaign. Early firearms are available, but are relatively rare. Adventurers who want to use guns must take the Gunsmithing feat just to make them feasible weapons. Advanced firearms may exist, but only as rare and wondrous items—the stuff of high-level treasure troves.

Heh, heh,

loving this thread, hope you have great fun with Bloody Jack - Vaughan has done a quite brilliant job with it - but please don't tell him or he'll become unbearable. Please do give him some feedback on how the adventure runs though. In terms of technology - just purely for information - within the Blight (which of course is still being flayed into shape by the editors) there is a sidebar that suggests exactly as GM Zed says - firearms are fine for groups that like firearms, and fit in really well with the gritty urban setting. For those that don't like them of course they similarly don't need to appear. You won't see any in adventures as written but I personally like the idea of the setting with them - it's just a matter of taste.

Hope you enjoy Vaughan's annoying talent.

Okay, here is my submission Ruby, fetchling Oracle of the Streets. Background is mostly done, still have to do personality and get all the mechanics done but will hopefully have it all done by the end of the weekend!

Folks, thanks for your ideas so far... I have spent a little bit of time thinking over each of them - and scribbled a few ideas / questions down...

Nate Lange - Guns, whilst existing in this version of the Blight, are likely a sign of power - I am imagining them as openly worn status symbols within the powerful families of Castorhage and, as weapons, normally only available to high-ranking officers of the Watch. So… maybe your character has a front of being an alchymist - and has a shadey black market firearms operation?

Haladir - A Private Eye style Investigator sounds like a very good fit for the adventure. What do you anticipate his / her history with the Watch being? Tacit acceptance, Bad Blood, Hostility… maybe even Positive?

Adam Warnock - Colour me intrigued… Tell me more (and completely fine with the spoilered question to GM… how far might you take it?)

Lady Ladile - Fetchlings, with their 'from another plane' history, will present quite an interesting situation within Castorhage… will the common folk be able to distinguish between exiles from the Shadow Plane from monsters from Between? Wait... what is Between, I hear you ask? Ahhhh, I'm glad you asked me....

A Madman once wrote:

What is Between? Mechanically—and mechanically is really not the right word—it’s a place that touches the Blight, and only the Blight. It’s a skin-thinness away, and yet can seem impossible to reach, or more usually escape from, like being on the wrong side of an unbreakable mirror. It is looking through a dark glass at a demented reflection. To some it is also cornucopia; the land of milk, honey and unimaginable wealth...

It’s a place that is as much consciousness as geography, where strong emotion shapes and births. It’s an uber-nature, lying a step away, a grotesque caricature of a reflection in a mad mirror, a changed place, yet not a still one. Between is demented, feral, twisted, but with its hands tight around the throat of normality, making it seem familiar and yet unpleasant; cloying, sweaty, dirty and dizzy.

For players, Between is somewhere to be avoided—but it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to for too long. Between is like that, it grapples and leeches on bright young minds, hungers for them, sometimes devours them and uses their imaginations to make new things. It seems all so familiar at times, but is unavoidably preternatural; a trick of the eye given breath, a lurking corner hiding a blind thing with too many faces and joints, a stalker who wakes only as you sleep.

For everyone in the Blight, it’s a neighbor that lurks nearby, a part of life some never see, but everyone knows of—the wolf at the door. To others it’s their daily bread, with the ever-present fear of entrapment and attack—or worse. Its brooding presence weighs heavily on everyone in Castorhage, but its wealth can also bring power…

The Pale King - As per the PRD, Elves don't reach Physical Maturity until they are over a hundred… meaning that they shouldn't have access to adventurer classes until they reach that age - but, in the cold hard world of the Blight, any elf would surely have been thrown out on to the streets a long time beforehand (they are going to appear to be physically mature for a very long time without really being so - a bad combination in a Castorhage Orphanage)... if you were dead set on playing as an Elf then I think I'd be okay with dropping the class limitation... but maybe the 'Young' template would apply?

Alexgndl - An honest living? In Castorhage? Does such a thing truly exist? I do like the idea that he would be hiding his true identity… might anyone suspect?

Something Wicked - Interesting… what kind of secrets might your character be hiding? And might anyone, such as the Office of the Watch or folks in the Party, have an inkling as to your secrets?

Blue Moose – Cavalier (Constable) definitely seems appropriate although I’m not 100% sure that being a fully-fledged Officer of the Watch wouldn’t interfere with the adventure (as written)… maybe an ex-Officer of the Watch? Or an Officer currently on sabbatical, enforced leave, suspension?

mdt – I don’t see any good reason why your Spirit Companion shouldn’t also get Background Skills associated with your character’s level progression… I probably won’t get too involved in reviewing character mechanics until closer to the end of recruitment so no feedback on that yet. I wonder, how does Amelia explain being a 15yo carrying a scythe around on the streets?

Eric Swanson – Looking good… how does Elsie’s criminal past manifest itself? Are any of the gangs that she was previously involved with actively working against her? How is her relationship with the Office of the Watch?

These kind of lists are normally quite helpful during recruitment so that folks can see what sort of roles are being filled...

...and, worst case, I'll just turn it over to the Office of the Watch as a list of reprobates and ne'er do wells....

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Maybe the shop could (officially) just sell alchemical supplies including black powder, bullets, and alchemical cartridges? Being one of a presumably very small number of places where nobles can buy powder and cartridges would explain why his shop's done so well (and the occasional gun built in secret and sold for double the price to someone who isn't technically allowed to have it wouldn't hurt the bottom line either).

@GM - From the description, the only way an apparent 15yo could wander the streets by herself safely is if she were armed and capable. :) It also sounds as if the city is largely a cesspool where the guard does the bare minimum to draw coins down... I did also give her the Bountyhunter professional skill, so my assumption is she's a member in good standing of the Guild, despite her youth, and would thus carry the papers from the Guild allowing her to go about armed with whatever she wants.

@GM- I think you may have missed my first post (from this alias)... this is Nate and if you don't mind me recycling an old alias I'll use Elliomander for my gunslinger/alchemist (I've started filling him in with the crunch in between projects at work).

Elliomander Ostarian wrote:
@GM- I think you may have missed my first post (from this alias)... this is Nate and if you don't mind me recycling an old alias I'll use Elliomander for my gunslinger/alchemist (I've started filling him in with the crunch in between projects at work).

...yeah no problem - I've got no qualms about old alias' being used... we're living in the 21st Century - recycling is important!


Also, if I've started a successful business can I openly wear a firearm as a sign of my status? What about getting a permit from the watch in return for supplying them with a certain amount of alchemical cartridges each year? Or maybe as a special favor from one of those high ranking watch officers in exchange for building/fixing/replacing their gun?

...I think that you 'could' wear a firearm as a sign of your proficiency / successful business - the question is more whether it's a good idea to be drawing attention to yourself in such a way!!!

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