[D&D 5e] Wrath of the Righteous ala Fabian (take 2) (Inactive)

Game Master Fabian Benavente

Telling the interactive story of a group of unlikely heroes and their fight against the demon incursion in Golarion.

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For more than a hundred years, the demon-infested Worldwound has warred against humanity, its Abyssal armies clashing with crusaders, barbarians, mercenaries, and heroes along the border of lost Sarkoris.

But when one of the magical wardstones that helps hedge the demons into their savage realm is sabotaged, the crusader city of Kenabres is attacked and devastated by the demonic hordes. Can a small band of heroes destined for greatness survive long enough to hold back the forces of chaos and evil until help arrives, or will they become the latest in a long line of victims slaughtered by Deskari, the demon lord of the Locust Host?

I am looking for five PCs to star in the Wrath of the Righteous AP. The game will be run using D&D 5e Rules.

The PBP will be run a little bit differently than most.

Game format:

Players and GM post on the Discussion tab leaving the Gameplay tab for the archive of the turn recaps where all the information such as OOC information, maps, pictures, health status, etc. is put in a chapter-like post.

Game and turns
The game will be run this way: I will post a turn recap on the Discussion tab (and Gameplay tab for archive purposes) and you will all respond to it on the Discussion tab. I expect you all to write at least one to two paragraphs per turn recap, which I aim to post every day.

I will then post a turn recap with all your responses incorporated and will describe the results, add something to it setting up a new situation where your input is needed, and then wait for your responses again on the Discussion tab. These are for turn recaps; however, I check the boards a few times per day and questions or small comments/actions will be posted promptly on the Discussion tab.

I expect the vast part of your responses in character; if it is not then please add OOC in front of any comment, question, etc. (or you may use the ‘ooc comment’ format.)

I strongly encourage you to involve other PCs and NPCs in your posts by ‘tagging’ them (asking them questions, requesting them to do something, etc.); this gets the ‘roleplaying juices’ flowing and makes for a much better game.
Actions 1?, Actions 2?, WHAT?

The turn recap format allows for the roleplaying of different scenes at the same time; I’ll denote this by breaking up the turn recap with ‘Actions 1?’, ‘Actions 2?’, etc. where PC input is desired or required. This playing more than one scene at a time can be done as long as the results of Actions 1? do not affect (or significantly affect) the setup of Actions 2?. For example, the PCs may be discussing what to cook for dinner in ‘Actions 1?’ while also traveling the next day under ‘Actions 2?’.

Please see this page for a sample of the game format. There you may see what my intention is with regards to gameplay, use of maps, how combat is handled, etc.
If you have any questions on the game format, please do not hesitate to ask.

Character selection will NOT be first come first serve, and we will take time to develop characters. The game will have action as well as problem solving so a good mix of characters is recommended.

I am looking for "roleplayers" whose posts are NOT a one sentence reply. All players are expected to post AT LEAST ONCE PER DAY so if you can't meet that schedule please do not bother applying to the game.

If this sounds like a game for you, then please post a character with the following sections: a) appearance, b) background, and c) personality. Please make the characters interesting, the strong and silent types just don't cut it in this type of game.

Just so you can start thinking about the crunch part (some people work this way), here are some guidelines: 27-point buy and 1st level. However, please be reminded that PC selection will be based on the ‘fluff’ and not the ‘crunch’. I want players firmly engaged in the AP so please read the Paizo Player’s Guide.

I will accept PC submittals until Saturday May 23, 2020. However, I may end recruitment earlier if I have a good batch of submittals from which to select PCs from. In any case, I will give a 48-hour notice should this occur.

I’m sure I missed something here so please ask me questions.

Game on!


Hi Fabian, what are your plans on converting the mythic rules to 5e, or are you going to balance encounters so it's not necessary?

Popliteal wrote:
Hi Fabian, what are your plans on converting the mythic rules to 5e, or are you going to balance encounters so it's not necessary?

I was just going to make you all feel 'special'. :)

Seriously, it's all a matter of perception. In a non-mythic campaign, a 20th level PC feels like a god (demigod?).

Since I will have to convert the encounters to 5e anyway, I was thinking of keeping PC leveling up to level 20 (sometime in the middle of the 6th book) and adjust encounters so they are 'challenging'.

However, I may give out Epic Boons or extra feats or some other type of reward. But this only means that the encounters will need to be adjusted so they will still be 'challenging'.


Game on!

You know I'm here for this Fabian. Let me kick around a couple of ideas.

Is Artificer allowed?

I’m at the limit of my games. But popping in to say that I’m enjoying being in one of Fabian’s other games, and anyone who gets into this is fortunate.

I was curious about the artificer too, and the gunslinger fighter subclass. I'm thinking something along the lines of the Dune Drifter cavalier archetype.

It would take a while to get online in 5e, but a mounted gunslinger would be really awesome riding around the Worldwound.

Always interested in playing WotR.

I'll need a pair of days to sprout an idea. What sources are allowed? I usually develop a concept looking at the classes, both mechanics and flavor, though a week ago I swore my next character would be a bard...

@Vrog Skyreaver and Popliteal: While I'm not against the technological themes, I think I would like to keep the themes for this campaign firmly rooted in religion and classical fantasy.

Think of a ravaged land, post-apocalyptic in many aspects, being overrun by demons. For decades, people have been struggling just to contain them and now they are finally going to go into this land (and elsewhere) to end this once and for all.

@Jereru: Player's Handbook and Xanathar's Guide to Everything. Try me with UA or other 3rd party stuff if it fits the themes


Game on!

Okay, that makes sense. Have you had a chance to look at the Blood Hunter (another Matt Mercer semi official homebrew).

I want to do a Van Helsing style monster hunter, and the ranger subclass hasn't been modified with the revised ranger.

Here's a link to it on D&D Beyond: https://www.dndbeyond.com/classes/blood-hunter

Also, Tieflings? The players guide says they are fighting the crusade, despite some understandable caution from others. Is that your thoughts as well?

okie dokie. I'll look around and see if anything really jumps out at me.

@Popliteal: I would stay away from the blood hunter but you can use the monster hunter 'archetype' as a 'conclave' with the revised ranger. I don't think that's overpowered, highly specialized but I think it would be OK. You'll want to add the 'extra attack at 5th level' feature to your 'revised monster hunter conclave'.

Tieflings are full of RP flavor for this campaign so big yes to that.

@Vrog: let me know if you have further questions.

Game on!

Hey Fabian

I've seen your recruitments before and they've always intrigued me.

I'm curious, how are you handling the conversion of campaign traits over to 5Ed ?


Spazmodeus wrote:

Hey Fabian

I've seen your recruitments before and they've always intrigued me.

I'm curious, how are you handling the conversion of campaign traits over to 5Ed ?


Here are my initial thoughts on the campaign traits.

All the fluff remains as is and the mechanics will be converted as follows:

Chance Encounter: Once per day, you have advantage on an Acrobatics, Deception, Sleight of Hand, or Stealth check.

Child of the Crusade: Once per day, you have advantage on a saving throw against an effect created by a demon that would possess or incapacitate you mentally.

Exposed to Awfulness: Once per day, you have advantage on a saving throw against an effect created by a demon that would kill or physically incapacitate you.

Riftwarden Orphan: You have a +2 bonus on concentration checks.

Stolen Fury: Against demons, you have a +2 bonus on shoving them away from you, knocking them prone, or grappling them.

Touched by Divinity: Once per day, you may cast one of the 1st level spells granted by the domain associated with your deity without expending a spell slot. Wisdom is your spell-casting ability.

However, if there's something off or a better idea, I am always listening and learning from people so things are not set in stone.


Game on!

Grand Lodge

So, I loved the idea of WOTR so much that I actually ran it FTF using the Mathfinder system (make that Pathfinder/Mythic) through the end of the fifth book before we called it quits. I would love to be a player in the campaign, but wasn’t interested in dealing with the Mythic rules. 5th ed. streamlining of the adventure would be amazing, and I would love to try making a Paladin for your game, but I am worried that I know too much from my Mathfinder DM-img of it.

Question 1: Just curious really, why not using DNDBeyond Forums for the 5e game?

Question 2: Are you planning to follow the AP relatively closely (in which case I should probably not apply because spoilers), or perhaps more loosely with the system conversion so that maybe I could play?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Brother_Guiness wrote:

So, I loved the idea of WOTR so much that I actually ran it FTF using the Mathfinder system (make that Pathfinder/Mythic) through the end of the fifth book before we called it quits. I would love to be a player in the campaign, but wasn’t interested in dealing with the Mythic rules. 5th ed. streamlining of the adventure would be amazing, and I would love to try making a Paladin for your game, but I am worried that I know too much from my Mathfinder DM-img of it.

Question 1: Just curious really, why not using DNDBeyond Forums for the 5e game?

Question 2: Are you planning to follow the AP relatively closely (in which case I should probably not apply because spoilers), or perhaps more loosely with the system conversion so that maybe I could play?

Answer 1: I have never been on the DNDBeyond forums other than to try and get some attention for this game. However, I have been playing on these forums for quite some time and have come to like them. I am also running another game and playing in one more here so it's nice to keep everything together in one website.

Answer 2: I do plan to follow the AP but I heavily modify things to my players so there will be changes but not to the overall story. That being said, I have no problem with people having knowledge of the AP. I mean, it's a pretty popular and 'old' AP so everyone has some knowledge of it. The only thing I ask is that you keep player knowledge separate from character knowledge. If you can do that then I have no qualms about accepting someone with prior knowledge of the AP.

More questions?

Game on!


I saw you post on the DnD forum and it sounded interesting and I'll try and send you something in the next couple of days (never played PF so I'll be coming in blind to the story)

Quick question, I was considering making a druid character, specifically the (UA) circle of stars subclass (mostly for flavor over technical aspects though I find those pretty interesting too). Would that be allowed for this AP? If not I've got a couple of other ideas I could work on.

Also any PC races not allowed?


Zoldier wrote:


I saw you post on the DnD forum and it sounded interesting and I'll try and send you something in the next couple of days (never played PF so I'll be coming in blind to the story)

Quick question, I was considering making a druid character, specifically the (UA) circle of stars subclass (mostly for flavor over technical aspects though I find those pretty interesting too). Would that be allowed for this AP? If not I've got a couple of other ideas I could work on.

Also any PC races not allowed?


Thanks for your interest.

As for races, all core are allowed with the exception of dragonborn and drow.

I think a druid with the circle of stars would be fine for this AP.

Since you're new to the AP (and site?), you will want to download the Wrath of the Righteous Player's Guide..

This will give you an idea of what the AP is about and may even offer other possibilities for a PC.

More questions?

Game on!

Silver Crusade

Brother Guiness has the honor to introduce you to Damon Grimm, Paladin and Knight of the Order of the Sunrise Sword.

Character details as requested are in the Alias profile, and a DnD 5e character sheet is linked to his name in the profile. Please let me know if there are any questions.

So I have an idea for a character, but it's...a bit out there:

Character Idea:

Okay, so I was digging through some UA stuff and I found the totem of the beast barbarian, which can get a bite attack while raging that lets them heal themselves, and there's also a revnant race (from the gothic options UA article), so between the two I got the idea that it might be cool to play a vampire.

I realize it's a little wacky in general, and for this AP specifically, but I thought I'd get your opinion on the idea in general.

Mechanically, I'd be doing 3-6 levels of barbarian and some levels of fighter as well.

Let me know what you think, and if you're not okay with it I'll look at doing something else.

Grand Lodge

I am so eager to play this I can't think... will put the character background etc together tonight.

I am a consistent poster with Posts that range from the aforementioned one line all the way to top notch descriptive writing/DM narrative.

Edit: Unearthed Arcana feats available?


You study the arcane arts, gaining the following benefits:

Increase your Intelligence score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
You gain proficiency in the Arcana skill. If you are already proficient in the skill, you add double your proficiency bonus to checks you make with it.
You learn the Prestidigitation and Detect Magic spells. You can cast Detect Magic once without expending a spell slot, and you regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest.

I am either going Human Eldritch Knight... or an Elven Bladesinger crunch was.

Question- Bonus Feat at level 1? It really helps customise characters with different feels and allow concepts to be actualised or on track early.

Actually, I'm bringing back an old favourite of mine, re-written slightly for this AP... a failed pathfinder. A man who has been more driven by circumstance (as opposed to led by destiny) to Meldev... A Criminal (Lets face it, that's what a lot of Pathfinders are) Bard - Borden Read!

He'll be playing the role of Reluctant Hero... Sorta Jack Burton from Big Trouble in Little China.



Scruffy is a good word to use to describe Borden. He stands a broad shouldered 5'11 with some good heavy muscle tone under a layer of belly fat. He is typically ill shaven (though he has a local barber do the job every 3 or 4 days). His hair is worn long and a bit on the shaggy side.

He is loud and brash but possessed of a roguish charm. The twinkle in his eye and his confidence has been the downfall of many a womans inhibitions.



A native of Absolom Borden ended up in Meldev about a year ago, not long after washing out of the Pathfinder Society. One too many failed examinations (caused by whatever carousing he could manage to cram into that dreary existence) had led to the Society washing its hands of him but he still had the skills. Coincidence and assorted angry men has driven him to board on a boat out of Absolom. Many epic escapes from husbands, fathers and brothers have led him here, of all places Meldev - while he would have preferred a life of breaking into tombs or historical sites looking for ancient relics or propping up the bar while he tells long tales, Meldev is more in need fun than any nation... ever.

It wasn't long ago a potential amorous encounter ended with him bare-ass naked and strapped to a wooden board. Weird but potentially fun. Except it seems that he was now the central part in a demonic ritual after it turns out that rather than a kinky date, that he had instead been captured by cultists. Whatever the ritual's purpose may have been, it didn't work out the way his captors envisioned - rather than corrupting Bordens soul, it seemed that he absorbed the ritual's energy and made it his own before being rescued by some Iomadaen inquisitors.

Ever since, he's been haunted by strange nightmares about the ritual, and have long felt that the energies unleashed have changed him. Recently, those energies have changed­ it's as if he's finally managed to come to terms with your past and have turned the ritual's after affects to his advantage, following the old adage of "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger". Borden has been unable to learn more about the ritual or what it was for, but the question lingers in the back of his head to this day. This nagging has instilled in Borden a fury against demonkind.

In any case he's been plagued by a debt he owes those damn joyless Iomadaen's - he hates leaving debts of that nature (gambling debts, "trifling" loans, promises of marriage and so on are different) unpaid... and so he's made himself available to them hoping for a suitable quest or task to square the ledger... and maybe get a little payback in against those damn demons!



Borden is a man's man. He is honest about his dishonesty and unapologetically open about his faults: Ale swiller, b&&*%#*~ artist, whore monger and brawler. Oh, and add to that, 'failed Pathfinder', 'treasure hunter' and 'tomb robber'. He'll drink with any man that will buy a round in return and fight any man that gives him cause.

He is exactly the sort of foreign expat that is frowned on in most cities - loud, disrespectful of the local 'superstitions' (though he is unfailingly polite to anyone who can help him) and with no regard at all for historical claims of ownership when it comes to antiquities.

Though he has many failings he's got heart of gold and is a soft touch under all his bluff and bluster. He's always up for a fight, true, but its his hand is typically held out in friendship afterwards, rarely bearing any grudge. When not trying to denude such tombs that remain unspoiled of their treasures he earns his drinking money as a professional story teller - specialising in tall tales and sagas.

* Edited into DM desired format. Crunch/Character sheet is TBA

Traits - Stolen Fury

- If there is a bonus feat at level 1? I'm taking Tavern Brawler.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Damon Grimm wrote:

Brother Guiness has the honor to introduce you to Damon Grimm, Paladin and Knight of the Order of the Sunrise Sword.

Character details as requested are in the Alias profile, and a DnD 5e character sheet is linked to his name in the profile. Please let me know if there are any questions.

Thanks for submitting Damon; I like him!

I'll look over things more closely to see if I have a question but, at first glance, your application is complete.


Game on!

Vrog Skyreaver wrote:

So I have an idea for a character, but it's...a bit out there:

** spoiler omitted **

So I found the barbarian path, Path of the Beast, and I would be OK with that.

The revenant is a cool concept but way too overpowered for my taste so that's a no.

Vampire-type PCs don't really go together with this AP so I would need a really strong story to consider them.

More questions?

Game on!

Borden Read wrote:

Actually, I'm bringing back an old favourite of mine, re-written slightly for this AP... a failed pathfinder. A man who has been more driven by circumstance (as opposed to led by destiny) to Meldev... A Criminal (Lets face it, that's what a lot of Pathfinders are) Bard - Borden Read!

He'll be playing the role of Reluctant Hero... Sorta Jack Burton from Big Trouble in Little China.

Thanks for submitting. I like this guy. I can see potential for him being disruptive to the group but, as long as that is kept within reasonable levels, I would be OK.

No bonus feat at 1st level. Feats are powerful stuff in 5e. You can, however, be a human and use human variant traits to get a feat at 1st level.

Bard? I read him more as a brawler. Have you considered the brute martial archetype from UA? It would remove some of the flexibility of a bard but could be used.

Let me know once your stats are done (no hurry).


Game on!

Grand Lodge

Fabian Benavente wrote:

Bard? I read him more as a brawler. Have you considered the brute martial archetype from UA? It would remove some of the flexibility of a bard but could be used!

He'll be going Valor Bard. I like unconventional character approaches. Most bards are fops. Borden would be able to fit multiple roles.

I could also go with another Valor Bard concept... which is more like a Viking.

Actually, I may submit that one as well... maybe it might be a better fit.

Are UA skill feats Available?

Helaman wrote:
Fabian Benavente wrote:

Bard? I read him more as a brawler. Have you considered the brute martial archetype from UA? It would remove some of the flexibility of a bard but could be used!

He'll be going Valor Bard. I like unconventional character approaches. Most bards are fops. Borden would be able to fit multiple roles.

I could also go with another Valor Bard concept... which is more like a Viking.

Actually, I may submit that one as well... maybe it might be a better fit.

Are UA skill feats Available?

My first response to UA feats is yes but tell me which one and I'll take a closer look at it.

More questions?

Game on!

Grand Lodge


You become fearsome to others, gaining the following benefits:

Increase your Charisma score by 1, to a maximum of 20.

You gain proficiency in the Intimidation skill. If you are already proficiency in the skill, you add double your proficiency bonus to checks you make with it.

When you take the Attack action on your turn, you can replace one attack with an attempt to demoralize one humanoid you can see within 30 feet of you that can see and hear you. Make a Charisma (Intimidation) check contested by the target's Wisdom (Insight) check. If your check succeeds, the target is frightened until the end of your next turn. If your check fails, the target can't be frightened by you in this way for 1 hour.

It would go nicely with the fearsome warrior skald concept.

Edit: can I swap out a music instrument for a language?

Helaman wrote:


You become fearsome to others, gaining the following benefits:

Increase your Charisma score by 1, to a maximum of 20.

You gain proficiency in the Intimidation skill. If you are already proficiency in the skill, you add double your proficiency bonus to checks you make with it.

When you take the Attack action on your turn, you can replace one attack with an attempt to demoralize one humanoid you can see within 30 feet of you that can see and hear you. Make a Charisma (Intimidation) check contested by the target's Wisdom (Insight) check. If your check succeeds, the target is frightened until the end of your next turn. If your check fails, the target can't be frightened by you in this way for 1 hour.

It would go nicely with the fearsome warrior skald concept.

This is a better version than a cause fear (1st level spell) that you can use at will. It will even be more difficult to save against this ability than a cause fear spell.

The only thing nerfing this is its duration.

I would be OK with it as long as this ability can only be attempted once per hour (succeed or not) on the same creature. We can't have you menace the same guy round after round.


Game on!

Grand Lodge


He'll be a Viking from the lands of the Linnorm kings... dragged across Irrisen and Lands of the Mammoth Lords, or something like that...

Will post tomorrow.

Definitely a warrior bard

<waves at Helaman>

Been wanting to play this AP with a monk...love the idea of punching demons ! :)

Okay, fair enough. It's a cool concept, but I'll be the first to concede that it's not appropriate to the themes of the game.

Allow me instead to offer the following character:


...My time among the Ulfen has yielded surprising discoveries. While it's true that they lack a written historical tradition, there are those among them that carry the stories of the times before the Worldwound; back when the Ulfen were known as the Sarkorians. What is even more rare is that there are still a few individuals hidden among the tundras of the Lands of the Linnorm Kings who practice Sarkorian magic.

Once I heard these rumors, I endeavored to find their source. Though it took me the better part of a year, I eventually managed to find one of these hidden schools of Sarkorian magic. It was another tense month before I was trusted enough to be allowed to speak with the instructor of the school, and through our talks I came to learn the philosophy of Sarkorian magic.

To paraphrase it, Sarkorian magic is all about strife, and battling both internal and external forces to make oneself better. Practicianers of the art seek out the strongest foes to ply their magics against, and many die before their time battling things far beyond their ability. Some, however, survive and even manage to thrive.

Most of the followers of the Sarkorian way that survive their intial trials end up becoming adventurers, where their powerful offensive magic is put to good use. After a time, some get the urge to return to their people and begin teaching their ways to the next generation; such was the way with the man that I spoke to.

- Durvin Gest, Pathfinder

All of this is a long way to go to say that I am going to be playing a Warmage wizard.

Allow me to introduce Onyx, Popliteal's submission for this game. I'm still working on some of the crunch, but it's pretty much all there. I think he works much better as a rogue (Scout subclass at 3), but I also whipped up a Dex fighter version of him if necessary. I think it'll fit the theme well, but I was hoping we could talk about the Riftwarden Orphan trait. My background is based around that, but I will have next to no use for +2 concentration checks.

His D&D beyond sheet

Thanks for your interest.

As for races, all core are allowed with the exception of dragonborn and drow.

I think a druid with the circle of stars would be fine for this AP.

Since you're new to the AP (and site?), you will want to download the Wrath of the Righteous Player's Guide..

This will give you an idea of what the AP is about and may even offer other possibilities for a PC.

More questions?

Game on!

Gotcha, was going to use a more exotic race but I'll switch it up to better fit the setting. I'll try and submit a character by today or tomorrow

Some very nice concepts already, guys. Still looking for something that calls my attention. A gritty warrior? Swift archer? Stormy and charismatic sorcerer? Maybe a divine caster? Arg, can't decide!

Hey FB, very interested and thanks for running this. Thinking of human fighter sword and board devotee of Iomedae, who was a failed priest. Is Variant human allowed and if so, can we choose a feat at 1st level?

(Waves back)

- Problem with level 1 is that it's hard to explain how I got from point a) to point b)... but here it goes.

Hallvarðr is a Viking (Pirate Background) warrior-bard from the Land of the Linnorm Kings... Again, I like Bards that AREN'T rapier wielding fops. This is another tweak on the Bard angle... with something of a religious leaning.



Tall, muscular and proud in bearing. His hair and beard are both red like old blood, and his eyes grey as polished steel. He is yet young, perhaps 18 Summers or so... but he carries himself with the confidence of an experienced warrior. He proudly wears a silver pendant of the Symbol of Gorum on a leather thong around his neck. He looks as fearsome and intimidating as any infamous Viking raider.



Earnest is the best way to describe this young man. He is as yet untouched by the cynicism of age and loss. What he is tasked to do, he completes, and completes well to the best of his ability. In his eyes there burns a naked ferocity and his posture is always one of preparation for fighting. He is not contrary to words or quick to boast or argument, and when he thinks it apt, he will take direction from others.

He sings oft of Gorum, and enjoys retelling the Sagas of his people,



The faiths of Abadar, Iomedae, Sarenrae, Shelyn, and Torag are the most active among the crusaders of Mendev, but they are by no means the ONLY faiths invested in driving back the demons, and while religious piety is a common motivation, it is by no means the only motivation!

And so Hallvarðr, a young warrior, barely past his first raid and only newly blooded, joined a pilgrimage of warriors from his homeland bound for glory to smite the Demon foe. A mixture of Toragites, Erastilites and Gorumites... for while the Lord in Iron rejoices in conflict, the prospect of all Warriors becoming demon worshippers pleases Him not at all.

The boy had long had dreams of Gorum, or His Servants, and always did his blood sing in the Holy places - the fortress like temples, and the weapon strewn shrines both. Now he could manifest his Faith, and while not called to His Priesthood, he could inspire warriors or curse them in Gorum's name. He learned the histories and of hero's long past, and LO', now he could join their number! He and his Battle-Kin have travelled far and through danger to arrive a Mendev, and are eager to prove their skill in battle.

* Nominally I get the feeling that Touched by Divinity is supposed to be a priestly trait but I can make it work here... and it definitely works with the War Domain.

** Things like Vicious Mockery will be flavoured instead as dreadful curses and vile fearsome threats instead of "Your mother was a Hamster, and your Father smelt of Elderberries". Heavy on the Vicious... very light on the Mockery.

Grand Lodge

So two battle bards offered...

Borden, Roguish failed pathfinder who likes a brawl as much as a roll in the hay.
Hallvarðr, Viking Warrior with religious visions and thirst for glory in battle.

Grand Lodge

Helaman wrote:

So two battle bards offered...

Borden, Roguish failed pathfinder who likes a brawl as much as a roll in the hay.
Hallvarðr, Viking Warrior with religious visions and thirst for glory in battle.

I can go Torag rather than Gorum if it would help but Gorum doesn't get a lot of "love" ;)

@Spazmodeus: I am fine with a monk for this AP, especially one with religious undertones. Looking forward to seeing what you put forth.

@Vrog: looking good; can I get to see some of his personality or how you intend on playing him?

@Onyx Duskrunner: I like him. Your application is complete. Thank you.

@Zoldier: OK let me know if you further questions.

@Jereru: any of those would work but, you're right, make sure you come up with something that really speaks to you. I want you to be enthusiastic about your PC.

@Death-Lok: Yes, variant human traits are in play. Looking forward to what you put forth.

@Helaman: both of your PCs would work. I sort of like Borden a little more but maybe it's because you put him forth first. Your applications are complete. Thank you.

More questions?

Game on!


Basically my character will be a headstrong and forward-focused caster who wears armor (I'm going to variant human, and I think I'll start picking up the armor training feats or multiclass with an armor class).

His viewpoint is that strife is the only way to grow as a person, so he has set himself up against the demonic invasion of the worldwound, believing that this will make him the strongest.

I'm working on doing a more complete writeup on him now, and should have that up today, after I get some sweet, sweet, cheeseburger action for lunch.

Dark Archive

Fabian Benavente wrote:

Here are my initial thoughts on the campaign traits.

...some things...

However, if there's something off or a better idea, I am always listening and learning from people so things are not set in stone.


Game on!

Hi there!

Character submission from Atlas2112!

I have...an idea. As one can guess from the aforementioned quote, I would like to propose something.
Now, I'm trying to do something with this character, and, fortunately, the idea is in line with the theme.

Oh my I'm starting to ramble. I'd better spoiler the rest. ^_^


Idea the First: The Big Picture.

Rankev is from one of the Noble Houses that sees the "big picture" in the war against the demon tide. They are part of a merchant consortium that brings badly needed supplies in to the fore, without which the whole enterprise might shrivel on the vine. Sure, they have profited from it, but they keep the bread and butter flowing.

Rankev is a middle-son and, with few prospects in the house, combined with his mouth, he is to go forth and make something of himself. Or die trying. Either way, problem solved.

My Idea is that his campaign traits bring two, minor, but applicable, points.

His traits would be called something like "Power to the People" or "Lord of the People" and would altruistic in nature. (That his power allows him to give of himself, while in speech he's a but of a self-centered egotist is something I find infinitely funny and makes the character VERY fun to run. =)

The first aspect of "Power to the People" is: Once per day, you may spend one of your Lucky Points for the benefit of someone else. Prerequisite: the Lucky feat.

(Heh, yes, I've built him with the Alternate Human Variant and that's his Feat. =)

Point the Second: Call the Bannermen!

Are you planning on doing Mass Combat? I only ask because it's mentioned in the Players Guide and it seems very exciting! I've never done Mass Combat in either 5E or PF, so I'm quite curious how this would go!

Alas, the thing I've made is a Wizard, and it seems that many Mass Combat stats are Charisma based. I -could- re-make him as a Sorcerer...but he was a Sorc in the last game I played him in and I've never ran a Wizard in 5E, so that is how my muse is currently blowing. Hence:

The second aspect of "Power to the People" is: When engaged in Mass Combat, all statistics that you contribute toward that would normally be based on Charisma are instead based on Intelligence.

Hence, he would be a bit of an homage to the famous General Patton line: "They won't do it 'cause they love me. They'll do it 'cause they're good soldiers."

I feel okay asking for this campaign trait because it doesn't actually -give- me anything. All the other traits allow a character to do something -more-, however minor. All this does is allow me spend what I have, possibly faster, for something that isn't even my benefit.

Again, that he contributes in an altruistic manner is funny to me. Hence I've tried to make it a theme. ^_^


Rock on!

Grand Lodge

You can still manage a decent 14 Cha wizard build without too much effort.

@Rankev: I am Ok with your proposal but it hinges on you being the commander of your 'little army', which is something you'll have to discuss IC with the other players.

As far as mass combat goes, I am leaning towards 'yes', but we'll probably do it with PF1 rules (5e mass combat seems 'too' simplistic). My hesitance is that it really only involves one player, the commander, but I guess we could RP the commander taking advice from the other PCs. We'll gloss over the rules if they become tedious and/or centered in only one person but my initial thought is 'yes' to mass combat.

The lucky feat is a little overpowered so I'll probably let it affect your rolls only and not your opponents.

More questions?

Game on!

Dark Archive

Well thank you sir!

Let us address your answers in the Irish way...of having more questions! =)

1) re: Feat.

That is good and reasonable. I have heard roughly the same in other places and that is quite fine.

In the same vein, mightn't, when using my power for the good of others, we allow it to affect the enemy's roll in that instance only?

The scenario I have in my head is someone is dealt a horrendous or mortal blow. Or both. And then I swoop in and mitigate it. And there was much rejoicing.

Just a thought. Since it is once a day and for someone else it could be viewed as okay. Or not, as you see fit.

2) On War!

I have a few thoughts on this.

i) As to only have one "general" in charge, the most obvious answer is to break the encounter up. One need only look at something like, say, The Battle of Antietam to see how many battles without modern conveniences like radios, are actually three separate battle--in the Left, Center, and Right. Hence, there could be 3 PCs having their own battle with three separate enemy units, with the fate of each resting on the fate of others.

Any PCs left over could have other, more passive roles, such as granting their Cha bonuses on top of the others, or something more direct, such as modifying a unit's single outcome.

ii) As far as which system to use, I've come across two systems that I thought were both easy and good.

The system used by Savage Worlds is good. (If you're not familiar with it I could probably lay it out in a few PMs, if you wish.)

Also, the old BattleSystem is quite fine, even to this day. (Basically it breaks each unit down into a "Character", changes its numbers into percentages, and goes from there. Removes a lot of luck and becomes intuitive.)

Just spitballing here. ^_^

Rankev "Power" Davis wrote:

Well thank you sir!

Let us address your answers in the Irish way...of having more questions! =)

We would have to think about how to implement the feat on other people (and even yourself) because it's PBP and I do not want to have to retcon too many times. So I would probably ask you for some hard rules as to when to apply it (first hit on so and so, critical hits, etc.) The good thing is that it's only once per day for other people.

Thanks for your thoughts on mass combat rules, but I do not want to over complicate thing by having a split up army or even learning a new system. Mass combat will only be used to enhance RP so it will be 'quick', especially since it won't involve all the players. The system used will be the PF1 system because all the armies are already tailored to it and there won't be any need to convert.


Game on!

Just a little summary of what we have submitted thus far:

Popliteal: Onyx Duskrunner, male tiefling rogue
Vrog Skyreaver: male human wizard
Brother_Guiness: Damon Grimm, male half-elf paladin
Helaman: Borden Read, male human bard or Halvaror Stormbrow, male human bard

There are others who have expressed interest and put forth concepts but nothing 'complete' yet.

Let me know if I missed anyone.

I'd like to get started this Friday if possible, this weekend for sure.


Game on!

Sorry for the delay getting my submission in. Life got in the way a little bit the past couple of days and I also gave myself a crash course on Pathfinder Lore but I'll have my submission up later this afternoon. I will be trying a human druid character.


Zoldier wrote:

Sorry for the delay getting my submission in. Life got in the way a little bit the past couple of days and I also gave myself a crash course on Pathfinder Lore but I'll have my submission up later this afternoon. I will be trying a human druid character.


No problem. I just wanted to see who was still thinking of submitting.

Let me know if you have any question about PF lore.

Game on!

As a player in a few of Fabian's past campaigns, I can echo what others have said, that it'll be a great experience. Unfortunately, real life is a higher CR foe than any demon, and that's the one I've got to face down right now, or I'd be all in!

I'm sorry but I don't seem to grab a good idea for the nice character this deserves. Not wanting to hold you, I think it's time to step back. Have fun!

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