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Ograk looks for the one following them actively.
Another perception?

GM Ietsuna |

Many onlookers watch as you pass by and you cannot discern which of them, if any, is giving you the feeling of being watched.

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Ograk continues after his outburst, asking his fellow pathfinders,” I’m telling you, someone is watching. Can you use your psychic powers to find out who? I can’t make them out...”

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Upon hearing Ograk mention someone is watching, Yanndu activates his magic ring to determine if the shaman has any cause for concern...
By concentrating on the ring as a move action, the wearer learns whether he is being observed and whether it is by one or by more than one creature. Once per day, the wearer can use locate creature on command to target creatures that are currently observing him.

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Shel begins looking around as well. If someone knew about the Society’s plan, she had to be prepared.

GM Ietsuna |

Yanndu determines that a merchant in the marketplace is the source of the intense regard. The merchant in question is human and wears the garb of a Kelish native.

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Yanndu activates his ring's second power to create a subtle beacon upon the observer.
(standard action: activating locate creature upon the merchant)
He then links his mind to some of the others.
(standard action: casting telepathic bond upon Ograk, Nugats and Rallas).
Telepathically, to those connected:
***...the human merchant in the marketplace...garbed in the clothes of a Keleshite...has a certain...continuous...interest towards us...I have activated a spell of location to follow him, if need be...perhaps if one of you is adept at bluffing...you should approach and inquire about whatever he has for sale...I will monitor your thoughts as you speak with him, and connect with the halflings in a few moments...***
He then connects his mind to Shel and Pooka, and relays the information once more, and then adds the following for the whole party:
(standard action: casting telepathic bond upon Shel and Pooka).
***...a certain amount of bluffing will be required here...I advise whoever approaches the merchant to appear genuinely interested in his goods or services...who has the most...experience in...'creative reporting'...with the Society, hmmm?...***

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Ograk telepathically talks to his allies I’m terrible at cards, someone else maybe?

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Pooka is momentarily startled by the telepathic connection, but grins at the effectiveness of this type of communication. He had be part of the message spell before, but this didn't even require whispering.
[i]Shel and I should be able to handle this. Though I have no doubt that this person will see through our ruse immediately. No matter though, I think the act of subtly letting him know he has been made will be to our advantage.[/i/]
Pooka gently presses a knee into Luna's side and the canine turns around, walking over to the merchant's tent. "I need to make sure I grab a souvenir before we get to busy. I would just as soon have one now so I am not trying to find something at the last minute when we leave." he says to Shel as the two approach. "Tell me merchant, what do you carry anything unique to the Axis? I want to make sure that whenever I see it I am reminded of my time here."
Pooka looks up at the Kelish merchant as he finishes his question, turning on his halfling charm as he does. He makes eye contact with the man and doesn't break it.
Shel and I have the same bluff modifier, so I figured one of us could aid. Also, I technically haven't lied yet, so this could just as easily be a diplomacy check, but I will let the GM rule on that one. Heck, there might not even be a reason for a check yet...
Check: 1d20 ⇒ 16 Bluff +9, Diplomacy +13

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Shel joins in. ”Such a nice collection of items. Like my friend here, I’ve never bought anything from an Axis merchant before. Tell me, is there anything here that we should be paying particular attention to? Something that is really worth our undivided focus?”
Check 1d20 ⇒ 2 +9 to Bluff, +20 to Diplomacy.

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While the halflings keep the merchant busy, Yanndu turns away from the merchant and produces two scrolls of telempathic projection, casting them both in quick succession, in order to assist the halfings' efforts.
This grants Pooka and Shel +5 insight bonus to one Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Perform, or Sense Motive check they will do in the next 11 minutes... Pooka total: Bluff +14, Diplomacy +18; Shel total: Bluff +14, Diplomacy +25.
Afterwards, Yanndu will continue his browsing of other nearby stalls, extending his consciousness towards the merchant to read his emotion aura.
Full round action, Empath feat
Perception/Read Aura, Heightened Awareness, Four-leaf Clover: 1d20 + 18 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 18 + 2 + 2 = 30 vs. DC of 20 + creature’s HD: The colors within the target’s aura reveal its emotional state. If successful, you learn the target’s disposition and its attitude toward any creatures within 30 feet of it, as well as whether that creature is currently affected by a fear or mind-affecting effect and the relative strength of that effect (minor, moderate, strong, as defined in detect magic).
For a number of rounds equal to the amount by which you exceeded the skill check’s DC, You gain a +2 circumstance bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense Motive checks against the target.

GM Ietsuna |

You are breaking the scenario. STOP IT :P Seriously, thank you. You are making me think outside the box and it is fun.
The merchant stops and speaks with Pooka and Shel. Hello, hello. I see you are accompanied by an Orsheval. A most fortunate guide in this part of Axis. A souvenir you say? Here, let me conjure my wares.
The merchant begins to cast a spell.
Blast it. Someone has dampened my magical abilities. I must go and fetch them myself. They are just behind the back wall here. One moment
The merchant moves behind the back wall of the stall and does not return.

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Sense motive 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22
Shel watches the merchant closely, as the game seemed to be afoot. ”Hey, I don’t think you are doing what you say you are doing!”. Shel had watched a lot of magic up close over the years, and while she wasn’t Sure what he was doing, she was sure something was wrong.
”Wait a second,” she said as he ducked out of the stall.
I assume he ported away or something and Shel doesn’t have a chance to stop him. If I still have a chance, obviously, I’d give chase.

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Hmm..perhaps he only wants us to think he teleported...Rallas says as he checks the area for any tracks and looks for clues that might help.
survival, track: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (4) + 12 = 16
perception: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (18) + 16 = 34

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Sense Motive: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (19) + 16 = 35
Telepathically to everyone:
***...the merchant has a strong mind and is good at controlling his emotions...fascinating...I cannot read his disposition towards us...he is no more merchant that the rest of us assembled here...I would advance that he is an extremely capable agent and spellcaster...his employer is no doubt without significant means or wealth...I can surmise that he is about to cast a spell for other purposes than he is letting on...***
Automatic success at Spellcraft
***...our merchant spy has just dispelled magic present on his person...intriguing...thankfully the location spell I activated is centered on me, not on him, and we can perhaps resume our search later if he decides to...leave us without answers...a pity...it would be... ... .... ...........hmmm... ... ...perhaps I have been going about this...the wrong way...***
Yanndu pulls his hood forward, further shielding his rapidly-turning-white eyes from the crowd as he begins to activate his most powerful and terrifying of powers... he focuses on the stall, and his temporal sight begins to turn back time, at first slowly, and then with increasing speed. Deep within his psyche he can hear, although faintly at this time, ancient and utterly unknown hymns from his elven ancestors from ages and eons long past. He sees himself step backwards away from himself, walking backwards, and then sees his past self merge back with the rest of his fellow Pathfinder agents the way they came... Yanndu then turns away from the group, and focuses on the merchant and his stall, seeing time flow in reverse to see when the merchant arrived and occupied the stall, who was there before him, any conversation that were had, etc. etc. etc. INSERT GM DESCRIPTION... OF THE PAST!!!!
Casting Retrocognition, up to 11 minutes duration, seeing past events near the merchant's stall at the rate of 1 hour per minute of concentration.
Concentration check, if a psychically disturbing event has occurred during the past 11 hours at this location: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (16) + 20 = 36

GM Ietsuna |

Rallas does not see any tracks and there is no sign of the merchant anywhere, even considering the distinctive clothing that the merchant was wearing.

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"Well I would say that whomever is keeping tabs on us is now aware that we know. They will be more careful in the future I suspect." Pooka tells the others as they reassemble at the gate.
"Yanndu, I can't say I have ever met someone with such prowess as yours. It is remarkable!" the halfling smiles, congratulating the elf on his well displayed skill.
"It is entirely possible you have made yourself a target if this person or people watching us is an enemy. Luna and I will stick close, just in case. Shall we go through the archway now?"

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Yanndu's mind snaps back to the present after several minutes of concentration.
Telepathically to Pooka and Shel: i.e. broadcasting on Channel 2 only
***...Mister Bladespinner: I must assure you that where I come from, my abilities are quite average...I have committed many strategic and tactical errors on this journey already, as proven by the escape of our merchant spy...nonetheless, I thank you for the compliment...and I shall endeavor to double my efforts during the rest of this mission...***
Telepathically to everyone: i.e. broadcasting on both Channels 1 and 2
***...this stall was vacant and abandoned until we arrived on this plane...whoever this merchant was...I suspect he came from Golarion to keep tabs on us...the Master of Spells warned us of ongoing attempts at scrying at the beginning of our mission...I believe the Aspis Consortium has had several competing interests within the Hao Jin Tapestry along the years and this would not come as a surprise to me if they have dispatched agents to follow us...hmmm...and do the work of finding Hao Jin for them... ... ... ...our watchers now know that we can counter their attempts to eavesdrop with magic, so I would anticipate that their next move may be entirely non-magical...thus, the more action-oriented members of our team should be on their guard for the foreseeable future...perhaps even Pooka's animal companion will come in handy here and identify scents if someone disguised tries to tail us...Pooka: would you perhaps please have your animal friend smell around the empty stall now and commit the merchant's scent to memory? if there are more spies on this plane they perhaps congregate at the same location and thus all share some common smells?...if I understand correctly, most animals can detect scents at a fair distance, which could provide us some early warning...in addition, if one of you is skilled at mundane disguises, I therefore recommend to use this current break to head into a busy establishment nearby and don such a disguise...I will relay your new appearance to the rest of the group telepathically, and thus we could have a spy of our own acting as an advanced scout perhaps at a significant distance ahead of our group...this could help us ferret out any suspicious characters well ahead of time, or give us early warning on any ambush...***

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Pooka nods wordlessly, not realizing that his thoughts of agreement to Yanndu's plan were likely sent plainly through the telapathic link. He hops down from Luna's back to walk around the stall where the merchant disappeared and whistles for Luna to follow.
With a familiar wave of his hand, Luna immediately recognizes that Pooka is asking her to look for a scent. (track) Her head drops to the ground and her tail begins to wag, shaking the chain barding as she snuffles and snorts around the stall.
Having gotten a reasonable noseful of scent, she looks to her master to wait for his next command. To her disappointment, he does not release her to immediately chase after this new smell and instead guides her back to the group.

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Shel nods and pops into a nearby establishment. She puts on her hat of disguise while out of sight of the other patrons. It takes the form a a bright red bow.
Stealth 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (18) + 23 = 41
Shel wills her self to appear one foot taller, and much more heavy set, becoming quite plump rather than her normal lithe build.
She exits the shop and mentally informs the psychic of her new appearance.

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If someone wants to be sending me to the boneyard, they should know its not this day, not yet! A scout, a safe distance away, such that I can still manipulate their fate thread, seems reasonable.
I'd say no further than 100 feet away

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It's good to have a secret weapon, as it were in our group's arsenal. Handy to have... Rallas says, nodding to Yanndu. I'm going to see what I can find out... he says quietly as he sneaks same place as Shel, but keeping his distance to avoid compromising each other.
stealth: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (6) + 16 = 22
perc: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (18) + 14 = 32
just going for not being too noticable and seeing what I can snoop out as I'm going by

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Yanndu nods mentally to all, and is impressed at the change in Shel's appearance!

GM Ietsuna |

Luna picks up a scent and begins to follow it. The trail winds through the market and into a back alley where it abruptly stops, as if the individual being tracked had taken flight.
You mill about in the crowd, but there is no sign of the merchant again.

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Yanndu follows the animal's stare and looks towards the skies, sensing if the merchant went that way.
i.e. via Locate Creature, range 680ft: "You slowly turn and sense when you are facing in the direction of the creature to be located, provided it is within range. You also know in which direction the creature is moving, if any."

GM Ietsuna |

The creature is heading north east and rising.
Also, please be aware of the following. I have kinda been dealing with it on my end so far, but I think it may get tricky in combats and such.
Because the plane of Axis is strongly law-aligned, some spells function differently there than elsewhere. Additionally, creatures with non-lawful alignments take penalties from being on a plane of pure law. For more information on these planar effects, see Chapter 7 of the Pathfinder RPG GameMastery Guide, or Chapter 2 of Pathfinder RPG Planar Adventures.
Strongly Law-Aligned: Creatures who are not lawful aligned take a –2 penalty on all Intelligence-, Wisdom-, and Charisma-based checks.
Enhanced Magic: A spell or spell-like ability with the lawful descriptor functions as if its caster level were 2 higher.
Impeded Magic: To cast a spell or spell-like ability with the chaotic descriptor, a caster must attempt a concentration check (DC = 20 + the level of the spell). If the check fails, the spell does not function but is still lost as a prepared spell or spell slot. If the check succeeds, the spell functions normally.

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Telepathically to everyone:
***...I sense that our spy is heading northeast and rising...I shall follow from a distance and return as soon as I lose him or spot where he's heading...I shall remain with you at all times via telepathy...***
Yanndu turns invisible and casts fly, following the spy at top speed.

GM Ietsuna |

Yanndu flies for a time following the beacon. It moves away for a a minute before circling back and heading toward you and finally lands near the Guesthouse of the Cage. The beacon seems to be attached to a cleric of Abadar who enters the building.

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Telepathically to everyone:
***...Our spy currently resides at the Guesthouse of the Cage. He is now passing himself as a cleric of Abadar and he is entering the building....I shall remain near the Guesthouse, hovering above its roof...waiting for you all...***
Yanndu begins to detect thoughts in the direction of the locate creature beacon, circling the building slowly to try to gain a better reading if the thoughts become hard to read.
i.e. because "The spell can penetrate barriers, but 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt blocks it."

GM Ietsuna |

Esfir resists at first but then reveals the details of your interactions with her.

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Telepathically to everyone:
***...the spy has entered the Guesthouse, the place we first arrived at...Esfir, our orsheval host, is now conversing with the spy...Esfir has just told this spy person all about our mission here in Axis...no doubt trusting anyone bearing the symbol of Abadar due to her religious bias...***
Yanndu keeps listening to their thoughts while waiting for the rest of the Pathfinders.

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Pooka's eyes widen as Yanndu relays this message, the implication seemingly clear to him.
We have a major problem then, if the spy has gotten the story from Esfir. We told Esfir we were looking for Hao Jin. If the spy already knew that, then we are at least no worse off. If the spy did not know that before, he now knows our purpose, and where we are to be looking to pick up her trail. I believe our search just became a race against our hidden foe. We should get going immediately, and keep all our senses sharp for being followed.

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Telepathically to everyone:
***...Agreed...the spy is very elusive and has access to many resources...let us head out into the portal designated by Esfir at once...setting up a trap or ambush could lead to confrontation and I do not wish to explore the consequences of disorderly behavior here in Axis...***
Yanndu rejoins the others and head out to the portal they almost took earlier. Perhaps this whole thing slowed down the spy... at least it didn't allow the spy to casually follow them into the portal earlier. With luck, perhaps Esfir didn't relay the location of the portal for the spy: why would a priest of Abadar not know it? that would have tipped the hand of the spy that he would not be a true priest of Abadar, reasons Yanndu.

GM Ietsuna |

You enter the gateway and are ported to a new location within Axis. This neighbourhood appears largely abandoned. The buildings look to be crumbling and the marble spires look like ruins. This was once the domain of Aroden, but no longer.
Approaching the nearest gate into the Golden Walled Empty Court you see that it is guarded by two individuals. Each has three legs and a body that looks to be a fusion of three torsos. This is topped by a single head bearing three faces. In their hands they hold golden halberds .
When you are twenty feet away one calls to you. Halt. What are your intentions withing the Empty Court?

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Reasoning in his mind that their hidden adversary already knows of their plans, and that these guards aren't likely a part of that scheme, Pooka speaks up.
"We are searching for the legendary sorceress Hao Jin to seek her counsel. Our investigation has lead us here as the place she was last known to be. Do you still guard this realm for Aroden?"

GM Ietsuna |

The guard speaks again You will wait. We will summon the correct authorities
You feel the buzz in teh air of magic.
This is a short post in case the party wants to react before anything further happens.

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Yanndu does not enact more magic through his psychic abilities at the moment. He focuses on the singular creatures and reads their emotion auras.
Full round action, Empath feat
Perception/Read Aura, Heightened Awareness, Four-leaf Clover: 1d20 + 18 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 18 + 2 + 2 = 41 vs. DC of 20 + creature’s HD: The colors within the target’s aura reveal its emotional state. If successful, you learn the target’s disposition and its attitude toward any creatures within 30 feet of it, as well as whether that creature is currently affected by a fear or mind-affecting effect and the relative strength of that effect (minor, moderate, strong, as defined in detect magic). For a number of rounds equal to the amount by which you exceeded the skill check’s DC, You gain a +2 circumstance bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense Motive checks against the target.
Automakes spellcraft
Telepathically to everyone:
***...the arbitor has sent a magical message to whoever is in charge here...I advise patience and calm...***

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Ograk responds using this new communication medium Must be fun to be psychic... Well, I assume in a place like this they'd probably tell us we're going to be sumarily executed calmly if that was their intent...

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Pooka nods his head to acknowledge the telepathic instruction and rests easily in the saddle. Luna shifts her feet underneath her while Pooka drums his gauntlets on his armored leg in a quiet, steady staccato.

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The new version of Shel also waits, trying to make herself busy until given the all clear.

GM Ietsuna |

A wait of 15 minutes ensues as the guards stand vigil in silence. Eventually out of a nearby gateway comes a flying metallic sphere about a foot in diameter with one eye, two decorative wings, and a pair of arms
Greetings, mortals. This one is classified Eleven-Sun-Truth and represents the one classified Hao Jin in all matters before her Tribunal. I have been informed that you have business with said individual but must inform you that the one you seek is not accessible on orders of the Godmind itself. How else may this one be of service?

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"The one classified Hao Jin is the creator of demiplane classified as The Tapestry which harbors countless lives. The demiplane has been damaged and the large population within in danger of dying if the demiplane is not repaired. We are representatives of the Pathfinder Society of Golarion, in collaboration with the Church of Abadar, seeking an audience with Hao Jin in order to receive her advice on how to repair the Tapestry and save the civilizations located within. Could you please inform the Godmind of this development and file a special request for access to your detainee classified as Hao Jin under these unprecedented circumstances?"
Yanndu reads the metallic sphere's aura to see if it's been tampered with magically and if it has negative dispositions and existing biases against the party, while listening to the answer.
Perception/Read Aura, Heightened Awareness, Four-leaf Clover: 1d20 + 18 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 18 + 2 + 2 = 41 vs. DC of 20 + creature’s HD; see last post for rules/details on this

GM Ietsuna |

Eleven-Sun-Truth speaks to the party. Oh, if that is the case then we must move with haste. Matters of dimensional stability are most important. Please allow me to guide you to the one classified Hao Jin.
The orb spins in the air slowly toward the two guards. Please open the gates.
Eleven-Sun-Truth floats forward and speaks. Please do come this way, but I must warn you that the area beyond this wall is quite lawless.

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We can handle lawless....Rallas says confidently.
perc: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (17) + 14 = 31
He sends a thought to the rest.
We have a guardian of sorts...a sensor. Unsure if purpose is tracking or somesuch...

GM Ietsuna |

Eleven-Sun-Truth was not embellishing about the lawlessness. Distantly you can see skirmishes going on. Your guide explains that these are fights between angels, devils, and other beings battling to claim territory.
The walk takes about 20 minutes and you have the opportunity to talk to Eleven-Sun-Truth if you choose

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Yanndu has 'Detect Scrying' up right now: he automatically spots any magical sensor within a 40-foot radius of him; Yanndu and the scrier immediately make opposed caster level checks (1d20 + caster level). If Yanndu at least matches the scrier’s result, he gets a visual image of the scrier and an accurate sense of his direction and distance from him. Detect Scrying, opposed caster level check: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (3) + 11 = 14 PS: I'm fine if the GM rolls this in secret at home with a regular d20 and adds the scrier's caster level, so that we don't see it here.