GM Ietsuna's 10-15 Tapestry's Trial (Inactive)

Game Master Ietsuna

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Any other aids before I go ahead and apply the rolls? Yanndu, you get a +2 to diplomacy from your Empath shenanigans if you want to roll

Dark Archive

Male N Elf Psychic 13 - Init. +4, Senses Low-Light Vision Perception +22 detect scrying, HA, AC 26/ touch 16/ ff 23 Deskari's Wing; hp 80/80 temp 14/14; F+11, R+11, W+14, Speed 35 ft., Climb 20 ft., Fly 60 ft. Carried: LogicRod, StaffMinArc, LckyHrshoe, Fr-LfClvr; Buffs: shield, fly, resist fire 30, det scry, mg armr, flse life, see invis, hghtnd awrnss, telbnd x2; Alc: antitx/plg/verm/syrup

Diplomacy Aid, with Shenanigans!: 1d20 + 0 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 0 + 2 = 17 Yusssssss!

Grand Lodge

Male Elf slayer 3/Un Rogue 6/snakebite brawler 2, HP 103 AC 23(27), T 17(21), FF 16(20), F +14, R +19, W +12, Initi. +11, CMD 23, Perception +21, lowlight(+24 traps)

The greater good would be aided by your assistance.

aid diplomacy: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19

Liberty's Edge

Male CG Halfling Cavalier (Gendarme) 9.1 | HP: 85/85 | AC: 26 (13 Tch, 25 FF) | CMB: +12, CMD: 24 (26 Bull Rush) | F: +11, R: +7, W: +6 (+2 vs Fear) | Init: +1 | Perc: +5, SM: +4 | Speed 15ft (40ft mounted) | Daily Abilities: Challenge: 3/3, Danger Ward: F – R – W | Active conditions: Mounted

Pooka is also an auto aid with diplomacy...

"I wouldn't want to speak for Hao Jin, but I am sure we can make arrangements within the Pathfinder Society to allow you to explore the tapestry, assuming it has been repaired, that might help inspire even more creations in the future. One possibility we spoke of was to also return the inhabitants back to the prime material plane. Think of all the new places you could explore to the same ends." Pooka tries to be helpful.

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Your arguments seem to have swayed The Maker slightly. She doesn't seem to be ready to hand over the engram quite yet though.

So this is a bit of a social / skill challenge. Valid skills include Diplomacy (to simply try and convince her), Knowledge (arcana or planes) (to drive home the metaphysical ramifications of the Tapestry’s destruction if she doesn’t help), any Craft skill (to engage her about her creation and development techniques), or a Profession skill that makes sense

The Exchange

Male CN gnome evoker (Admixture) 9 | HP: 29/65 | AC: 21 (13 Tch, 19 Fl) | CMB: +2, CMD: 14 | F: +7, R: +7, W: +8 (+2 illusion) | Init: +9 | Perc: +9, SM: +0 | Speed 20ft | Spells 1st 7/7 2nd 7/7 3rd 5/5 4th 4/4 5th 3/3 Reroll 1/1 MM Rod 3/3 | Active conditions: Mage Armor, Shield, 6 Images

"Greetings, Maker." Nugats extends a hand in between the two on the left, not sure which one to shake. "I am Nugats. You seem to have lots of interesting statues in this garden. Did you make them yourself? I am sure someone that is named The Maker surely made these."

Nugats walks over and places a hand upon one of the statues. "Maker, I am like you. I see piece of metal, shapeless, formless, and can see what it can become. I see the tongues of flames licking up to the sky, and can change it to whirling dervishes of acid. I can see the coldest chunk of ice, and make it into sound waves.

"Yet, there is something we might not see. Deep inside that chunk of ice might live an ice worm, laying its eggs to propagate its noble line. When I change that ice chunk, I am also changing that ice worms destiny.

"Hao Jin build the tapestry, a demiplane unto itself. But thousands of lives live there. Perhaps more.

"Without our aid, not only does the beautiful creation die, but lives are lost. No to mention metaphysical ramifications."

Knowledge (arcana): 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (12) + 19 = 31

Craft (alchemy): 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (12) + 20 = 32

Sovereign Court

Ranger 2/Rogue 10 | HP 85/99| AC 29/ 22(23) touch/23(24)flatfooted | Sneak Attack +5d6 | Resiliency 1/day F+16,R+22,W+13 ((1/day can reroll Will save)| Init. +10(+12)| Perc +19/24*(+21/26)| Evasion | Trap Sense +4 | Improved Uncanny Dodge

I tried Diplomacy before. Can I try again, or do I need to use a different skill?

Grand Lodge

Male Elf slayer 3/Un Rogue 6/snakebite brawler 2, HP 103 AC 23(27), T 17(21), FF 16(20), F +14, R +19, W +12, Initi. +11, CMD 23, Perception +21, lowlight(+24 traps)

throwing a Hail Mary skill I can use is only +6

I wish there was more I could do to help draw you to our cause. I am a simple skills are more of a physical nature, and not of the constructive and transformative nature. I can craft a snare or an alarm. Allow me to humbly demonstrate... Rallas says as he gets out his twine and assorted gears to show his work.

craft traps: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25

Holy smokes..i might have pulled it off!

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You can try diplomacy again Shel, no worries

Sovereign Court

Ranger 2/Rogue 10 | HP 85/99| AC 29/ 22(23) touch/23(24)flatfooted | Sneak Attack +5d6 | Resiliency 1/day F+16,R+22,W+13 ((1/day can reroll Will save)| Init. +10(+12)| Perc +19/24*(+21/26)| Evasion | Trap Sense +4 | Improved Uncanny Dodge

Shel gathered herself. Her words didn’t have the usual effect. She needed to try again. ”You know the power of Hao Jin so I assume you know how important a task to aid her must be. As mentioned earlier, once the tapestry is repaired, I’d imagine she would once again let you borrow the engram.”

Diplomacy 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (11) + 20 = 31

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Collectively you manage to provide enough convincing that The Maker reaches up and removes the engram from where it nestles at the base of her neck. She extends her hand out, holding the small object.

Dark Archive

Male N Elf Psychic 13 - Init. +4, Senses Low-Light Vision Perception +22 detect scrying, HA, AC 26/ touch 16/ ff 23 Deskari's Wing; hp 80/80 temp 14/14; F+11, R+11, W+14, Speed 35 ft., Climb 20 ft., Fly 60 ft. Carried: LogicRod, StaffMinArc, LckyHrshoe, Fr-LfClvr; Buffs: shield, fly, resist fire 30, det scry, mg armr, flse life, see invis, hghtnd awrnss, telbnd x2; Alc: antitx/plg/verm/syrup

Yanndu takes it with humility, broadcasting the newly acquired memories to the party.

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Yanndu sees Hao Jin, hair a deep red and appearing younger than when you met her in person as she quietly watches a young man working at a loom. As the man’s hands flicker over the threads and slowly weave a tapestry into being, a smile creases Hao Jin’s face and her own fingers begin to mimic the young man’s movements while trailing glimmering lines of eldritch energy. Hao Jin watches carefully, her fingers moving in measured cadences. As the light dims, Hao Jin leaves, but she returns again, and again. Yanndu experiences months of Hao Jin’s careful study of the tapestry weaver, and feel the mental weight of innumerable calculations as Hao Jin plans her own magnificent tapestry.

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Dark Archive

Male N Elf Psychic 13 - Init. +4, Senses Low-Light Vision Perception +22 detect scrying, HA, AC 26/ touch 16/ ff 23 Deskari's Wing; hp 80/80 temp 14/14; F+11, R+11, W+14, Speed 35 ft., Climb 20 ft., Fly 60 ft. Carried: LogicRod, StaffMinArc, LckyHrshoe, Fr-LfClvr; Buffs: shield, fly, resist fire 30, det scry, mg armr, flse life, see invis, hghtnd awrnss, telbnd x2; Alc: antitx/plg/verm/syrup

Nodding to the group as he realizes they have experienced the same visions he did, Yanndu asks, "One more engram to go, I believe. I am able to continue these efforts today, and do not require meditation yet. Shall we proceed to the Stylite? Can some of you gather information with the populace to find out if there exists some transport services to this building which is floating several miles away into the sky?"

Sovereign Court

Ranger 2/Rogue 10 | HP 85/99| AC 29/ 22(23) touch/23(24)flatfooted | Sneak Attack +5d6 | Resiliency 1/day F+16,R+22,W+13 ((1/day can reroll Will save)| Init. +10(+12)| Perc +19/24*(+21/26)| Evasion | Trap Sense +4 | Improved Uncanny Dodge

Shel does her business, gladhanding and blending with the crowd, keeping her ear to the grind for any news about their final quarry.

Diplomacy to Gather Info 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (4) + 20 = 24

The Exchange

| Male N Medium Human Shaman 11 | HP 106/106 Maka 53/53 | AC 21, T 9, FF 21 | CMB +5 CMD 15 | F +12 R +8 W +23 | Init +10 | Perc +25 | Speed 30ft fly 40ft| Channel Pos. Energy 5/5 Monstrous Insight 7/7 | Active Conditions: Overland Flight, Ant Haul, Life Bubble

Ograk aids Shel's attempts, trying to avoid drawing too much attention to themselves.

automatic aid

Grand Lodge

Male Elf slayer 3/Un Rogue 6/snakebite brawler 2, HP 103 AC 23(27), T 17(21), FF 16(20), F +14, R +19, W +12, Initi. +11, CMD 23, Perception +21, lowlight(+24 traps)

Rallas does his sleuthing amongst the crow., picking people's mind here and there.

know local: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24

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With a little sleuthing and questioning you establish that the next engram is inside The The Stylite. This is a vast library that drifts above the city of Axis in mysterious patterns like a stone cloud. You find the nearest travel portal with little difficulty and are whisked up to it.

A large open plaza comprised of octagonal, glossy black flagstones sits between a small, colonnaded building on one side and the dizzying vista of the Eternal City on the other. The wind whistles sharply over the drop down to the city thousands of feet below. From this vantage point, nearly all the major sites of Axis are spread out below like a pristinely-ordered painting: the tower of the Adamantine Crucible, alight in blue flame, the Grand Market of Abadar near the concentric circles of the golden city of Aktun, the nearly two-thousand-foot-tall Citadel of Resplendent Clockwork that serves as Brigh’s domain, the crystalline Threefold Pillars of the Axiomite Godmind aglow with infinite calculations, and Pharasma’s Spire behind it all, stretching up, seemingly infinite, all the way into the Astral Plane.

Sovereign Court

Ranger 2/Rogue 10 | HP 85/99| AC 29/ 22(23) touch/23(24)flatfooted | Sneak Attack +5d6 | Resiliency 1/day F+16,R+22,W+13 ((1/day can reroll Will save)| Init. +10(+12)| Perc +19/24*(+21/26)| Evasion | Trap Sense +4 | Improved Uncanny Dodge

Shel had never been scared of heights, but she never remembered being quite this high up, however. She carefully stayed away from the edges of the Plaza. She begins looking for anything that would lead the group to their next engram.

Perception 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (6) + 18 = 24

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Besides the colonnaded building and the travel portal the square is basically bare and looks like it does not see many visitors.

Dark Archive

Male N Elf Psychic 13 - Init. +4, Senses Low-Light Vision Perception +22 detect scrying, HA, AC 26/ touch 16/ ff 23 Deskari's Wing; hp 80/80 temp 14/14; F+11, R+11, W+14, Speed 35 ft., Climb 20 ft., Fly 60 ft. Carried: LogicRod, StaffMinArc, LckyHrshoe, Fr-LfClvr; Buffs: shield, fly, resist fire 30, det scry, mg armr, flse life, see invis, hghtnd awrnss, telbnd x2; Alc: antitx/plg/verm/syrup

Yanndu is speechless (even more so than usual) upon witnessing the vistas before him. Such heights! Such perspective! The architect of this floating island must have been an impressive being indeed.

After taking several minutes of observing Axis and the Boneyard Spire, Yanndu touches the ground, concentrates, and looks for residual psychic signatures.

Casting Detect Psychic Significance and if positive, will spend time performing a seance of Psychometry. Psychometry: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (13) + 15 = 28

Grand Lodge

Male Elf slayer 3/Un Rogue 6/snakebite brawler 2, HP 103 AC 23(27), T 17(21), FF 16(20), F +14, R +19, W +12, Initi. +11, CMD 23, Perception +21, lowlight(+24 traps)

Remind me when we get back to the lodge to buy one of those trinkets that lets you float like a feather if you fall... Rallas says, taking is the view.

Any idea how to proceed? I mean, my tracking skills might be nigh useless here...

The Exchange

Male CN gnome evoker (Admixture) 9 | HP: 29/65 | AC: 21 (13 Tch, 19 Fl) | CMB: +2, CMD: 14 | F: +7, R: +7, W: +8 (+2 illusion) | Init: +9 | Perc: +9, SM: +0 | Speed 20ft | Spells 1st 7/7 2nd 7/7 3rd 5/5 4th 4/4 5th 3/3 Reroll 1/1 MM Rod 3/3 | Active conditions: Mage Armor, Shield, 6 Images

Man I love the flashbacks to the creation of the tapestry!

Nugats thinks back to his conversation with Hao Jin. Another engram contains elements of my client’s magical theory, and it is in the Stylite. The arbiter winces and looks skyward before pointing to a floating building miles away. There. You should just be able to present your credentials and be done.

Friends, I believe that we just have to present our credentials. TO whom, I am not sure. Where, I have not a clue. Are my credentials worthy enough, not a chance. But where is the fun in adventure if you don't hit a stumbling block or ten? Right?" he takes in the vista enjoying the trills of the heights.

The Exchange

| Male N Medium Human Shaman 11 | HP 106/106 Maka 53/53 | AC 21, T 9, FF 21 | CMB +5 CMD 15 | F +12 R +8 W +23 | Init +10 | Perc +25 | Speed 30ft fly 40ft| Channel Pos. Energy 5/5 Monstrous Insight 7/7 | Active Conditions: Overland Flight, Ant Haul, Life Bubble

Indeed, I think we need to find someone to present credentials to. If you fall, I don't think I'll be able to do much, you'll be going to the boneyard.

Grand Lodge

Male Elf slayer 3/Un Rogue 6/snakebite brawler 2, HP 103 AC 23(27), T 17(21), FF 16(20), F +14, R +19, W +12, Initi. +11, CMD 23, Perception +21, lowlight(+24 traps)

Well, if I do fall, use this scroll... he taps a scroll tube on his hip.It's a clerical spell to bring the dead back to life...I hope I never have to use it...on anybody...

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Yanndu feels the pull of another Engram from within the building.

Dark Archive

Male N Elf Psychic 13 - Init. +4, Senses Low-Light Vision Perception +22 detect scrying, HA, AC 26/ touch 16/ ff 23 Deskari's Wing; hp 80/80 temp 14/14; F+11, R+11, W+14, Speed 35 ft., Climb 20 ft., Fly 60 ft. Carried: LogicRod, StaffMinArc, LckyHrshoe, Fr-LfClvr; Buffs: shield, fly, resist fire 30, det scry, mg armr, flse life, see invis, hghtnd awrnss, telbnd x2; Alc: antitx/plg/verm/syrup

"To the building agents... I feel the engram pulling at my consciousness."

Yanndu casts detect magic within 50 feet of the door.

The Exchange

| Male N Medium Human Shaman 11 | HP 106/106 Maka 53/53 | AC 21, T 9, FF 21 | CMB +5 CMD 15 | F +12 R +8 W +23 | Init +10 | Perc +25 | Speed 30ft fly 40ft| Channel Pos. Energy 5/5 Monstrous Insight 7/7 | Active Conditions: Overland Flight, Ant Haul, Life Bubble

A psychic is proving most valuable

Well done once again Yanndu

Liberty's Edge

Male CG Halfling Cavalier (Gendarme) 9.1 | HP: 85/85 | AC: 26 (13 Tch, 25 FF) | CMB: +12, CMD: 24 (26 Bull Rush) | F: +11, R: +7, W: +6 (+2 vs Fear) | Init: +1 | Perc: +5, SM: +4 | Speed 15ft (40ft mounted) | Daily Abilities: Challenge: 3/3, Danger Ward: F – R – W | Active conditions: Mounted

Apologies for my long absence!

Pooka sits comfortably atop Luna, wondering how it seems that so far an assignment from the society has managed to go without life-threatening conflict.

Ready to go through that door!

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Heading inside the colonnaded building, you find yourselves in a large, semi-circular entrance hall supported by more columns and decorated with a large floor mosaic depicting geometric symbols. Numerous colored balls of light illuminate the room, floating about at random, and a single desk has been placed in the middle of the entrance hall. At it sits a wizened-looking petitioner wearing cream and silver robes. Behind him are four closed steel doors.

The petitioner does not look up when you enter, but continues to feverishly write with a large quill in an enormous book set before him.

Dark Archive

Male N Elf Psychic 13 - Init. +4, Senses Low-Light Vision Perception +22 detect scrying, HA, AC 26/ touch 16/ ff 23 Deskari's Wing; hp 80/80 temp 14/14; F+11, R+11, W+14, Speed 35 ft., Climb 20 ft., Fly 60 ft. Carried: LogicRod, StaffMinArc, LckyHrshoe, Fr-LfClvr; Buffs: shield, fly, resist fire 30, det scry, mg armr, flse life, see invis, hghtnd awrnss, telbnd x2; Alc: antitx/plg/verm/syrup

Yanndu presents the credentials, "We are here to recover Hao Jin's memory engram. Here are our credentials. Would you be so kind as to point us in the right direction good Sir?"

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Can I help you? he asks in a stern and impatient voice. I wasn’t aware of anyone having a scheduled visit today. Who would have ever expected so much chaos in the Perfect City? That prodigious devil overstays his scheduled visitation, and now more mortals wandering in without so much as an appointment!

Sovereign Court

Ranger 2/Rogue 10 | HP 85/99| AC 29/ 22(23) touch/23(24)flatfooted | Sneak Attack +5d6 | Resiliency 1/day F+16,R+22,W+13 ((1/day can reroll Will save)| Init. +10(+12)| Perc +19/24*(+21/26)| Evasion | Trap Sense +4 | Improved Uncanny Dodge

”What devil,” Shel asks with a wry grin. She had. A pretty good idea what was going to happen next.

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The librarian huffs A devil named Beyschosz currently occupies the main lecture hall. He had an allotment of time to study on of Hao Jin's engrams, but that time has long since expired and he simply refuses to leave. Had Tabris asked the aeons to remove him I am sure they would have jumped to his aid, but for me I am simply not a high enough priority. They just tell me that the devil has not caused a disturbance and they have more pressing matters to deal with.

The quill continues to scratch across the pages as he speak with you.

Dark Archive

Male N Elf Psychic 13 - Init. +4, Senses Low-Light Vision Perception +22 detect scrying, HA, AC 26/ touch 16/ ff 23 Deskari's Wing; hp 80/80 temp 14/14; F+11, R+11, W+14, Speed 35 ft., Climb 20 ft., Fly 60 ft. Carried: LogicRod, StaffMinArc, LckyHrshoe, Fr-LfClvr; Buffs: shield, fly, resist fire 30, det scry, mg armr, flse life, see invis, hghtnd awrnss, telbnd x2; Alc: antitx/plg/verm/syrup

"We will remove this devil for you. Here are our credentials. We are to bring the engram to Eleven-Sun-Truth."

The Exchange

Male CN gnome evoker (Admixture) 9 | HP: 29/65 | AC: 21 (13 Tch, 19 Fl) | CMB: +2, CMD: 14 | F: +7, R: +7, W: +8 (+2 illusion) | Init: +9 | Perc: +9, SM: +0 | Speed 20ft | Spells 1st 7/7 2nd 7/7 3rd 5/5 4th 4/4 5th 3/3 Reroll 1/1 MM Rod 3/3 | Active conditions: Mage Armor, Shield, 6 Images

Don't be chaotic, don't be chaotic

"Greetings, Nugats is my name. Did this devil Beyschosz, make an agreement with you about studying the engram, perhaps sign a contract? Is there anything more you can tell us about it?"

Nugats nods vigorously as Yanndu suggests removing the devil.

The Exchange

| Male N Medium Human Shaman 11 | HP 106/106 Maka 53/53 | AC 21, T 9, FF 21 | CMB +5 CMD 15 | F +12 R +8 W +23 | Init +10 | Perc +25 | Speed 30ft fly 40ft| Channel Pos. Energy 5/5 Monstrous Insight 7/7 | Active Conditions: Overland Flight, Ant Haul, Life Bubble

Removing a problematic devil seems a small price to pay for completing our mission, Ograk nods in agreement with his fellow pathfinders.

Liberty's Edge

Male CG Halfling Cavalier (Gendarme) 9.1 | HP: 85/85 | AC: 26 (13 Tch, 25 FF) | CMB: +12, CMD: 24 (26 Bull Rush) | F: +11, R: +7, W: +6 (+2 vs Fear) | Init: +1 | Perc: +5, SM: +4 | Speed 15ft (40ft mounted) | Daily Abilities: Challenge: 3/3, Danger Ward: F – R – W | Active conditions: Mounted

Pooka experiences a series of flashbacks to his days supporting the fight against the demonic hordes pouring out of the worldwound for the society. He quickly catches himself though, remembering that demons are rather different from devils. He nods at Nugat's question. If there was a contract in place, it was no doubt deceptively in favor of the devil. One thing about contracts though is in order for it to be legitimate, it must have an ending time. If this devil has gone past that time, well this might just be pretty cut and dry.

Still, just in case, Pooka pulls out his oil of align weapon (good) and keeps it in hand, just in case he needs to quickly apply it to his lance.

I've got a scroll of align weapon good also, along with an oil of daylight, just in case this goes sideways.

Grand Lodge

Male Elf slayer 3/Un Rogue 6/snakebite brawler 2, HP 103 AC 23(27), T 17(21), FF 16(20), F +14, R +19, W +12, Initi. +11, CMD 23, Perception +21, lowlight(+24 traps)

We will do what we can do...evict this devil who oversteps his bounds.

really wish i still had my cold iron greatsword still...spiked gauntlet and kukri will have to do...

Dark Archive

Male N Elf Psychic 13 - Init. +4, Senses Low-Light Vision Perception +22 detect scrying, HA, AC 26/ touch 16/ ff 23 Deskari's Wing; hp 80/80 temp 14/14; F+11, R+11, W+14, Speed 35 ft., Climb 20 ft., Fly 60 ft. Carried: LogicRod, StaffMinArc, LckyHrshoe, Fr-LfClvr; Buffs: shield, fly, resist fire 30, det scry, mg armr, flse life, see invis, hghtnd awrnss, telbnd x2; Alc: antitx/plg/verm/syrup

Yanndu renews his shield spell by triggering his staff's power. He also enables mirror image and invisibility on himself. In the next few moments he addresses the party telepathically:

***...friends, please assemble around Pooka...I will put a spell of fire resistance on you case this is the kind of devil who likes to play with fire...***

Resist Fire, Communal: fire resistance 30 on everyone

The Exchange

| Male N Medium Human Shaman 11 | HP 106/106 Maka 53/53 | AC 21, T 9, FF 21 | CMB +5 CMD 15 | F +12 R +8 W +23 | Init +10 | Perc +25 | Speed 30ft fly 40ft| Channel Pos. Energy 5/5 Monstrous Insight 7/7 | Active Conditions: Overland Flight, Ant Haul, Life Bubble

Ograk does as told, and casts Freedom of movement on himself in case he devil likes to grab and eat humans.

and heightened awareness

Liberty's Edge

Male CG Halfling Cavalier (Gendarme) 9.1 | HP: 85/85 | AC: 26 (13 Tch, 25 FF) | CMB: +12, CMD: 24 (26 Bull Rush) | F: +11, R: +7, W: +6 (+2 vs Fear) | Init: +1 | Perc: +5, SM: +4 | Speed 15ft (40ft mounted) | Daily Abilities: Challenge: 3/3, Danger Ward: F – R – W | Active conditions: Mounted

Ohh... Hopefully this actually turns into a fight if we are all buffing up... in that case, I'm going to go ahead and apply the oil of align weapon good to my lance. [insert **** joke here] What the heck... might as well drink my potion of shield of faith also. I'll do that right before we head in since we are assuming this will be a fight...

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The devil had an agreement, but not a contract to spend time studying the engram. He has overstayed though by a few days.

The Librarian quickly jumps up and ushers you to a large door which he opens with a wrought-iron key. Best of luck now! I’ll be closing the door behind you, just knock three times when you’re ready to leave. Don’t worry if you have to get a little rough with the devil now but make certain that you don’t break anything!

Map is up. See slide 4

The lecture hall is dimly lit by sconces set at regular intervals around the room, and its vaulted ceiling stretches 60 feet high. There are four windows set 20 feet above the ground one on either side of the southwestern corner, one on the northern end of the west wall, and one on the northern corner of the eastern wall.

DC 24 Knowledge (Planes):
This is a Heresy Devil. Seemingly fused with a monstrous iron throne, this impossibly corpulent being floats several feet off the ground.

The Exchange

Male CN gnome evoker (Admixture) 9 | HP: 29/65 | AC: 21 (13 Tch, 19 Fl) | CMB: +2, CMD: 14 | F: +7, R: +7, W: +8 (+2 illusion) | Init: +9 | Perc: +9, SM: +0 | Speed 20ft | Spells 1st 7/7 2nd 7/7 3rd 5/5 4th 4/4 5th 3/3 Reroll 1/1 MM Rod 3/3 | Active conditions: Mage Armor, Shield, 6 Images

KN Planes: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (12) + 13 = 25

The Exchange

Male CN gnome evoker (Admixture) 9 | HP: 29/65 | AC: 21 (13 Tch, 19 Fl) | CMB: +2, CMD: 14 | F: +7, R: +7, W: +8 (+2 illusion) | Init: +9 | Perc: +9, SM: +0 | Speed 20ft | Spells 1st 7/7 2nd 7/7 3rd 5/5 4th 4/4 5th 3/3 Reroll 1/1 MM Rod 3/3 | Active conditions: Mage Armor, Shield, 6 Images

"Friends, this is a Heresy Devil." the gnome whispers to the others as if they knew anymore than him.

The Exchange

| Male N Medium Human Shaman 11 | HP 106/106 Maka 53/53 | AC 21, T 9, FF 21 | CMB +5 CMD 15 | F +12 R +8 W +23 | Init +10 | Perc +25 | Speed 30ft fly 40ft| Channel Pos. Energy 5/5 Monstrous Insight 7/7 | Active Conditions: Overland Flight, Ant Haul, Life Bubble

It doesn't appear to be attacking us immediately

knowledge(planes): 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (19) + 17 = 36 Plus 11 more if it is not attacking us, and thus I can use a daily ability that is a standard action

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Ograk, you have 4 pieces of information you can get additionally. What would you like?

The Heresy Devil chortles at you I told that delightfully broken little soul that I’m busy. Did she not pass along the message?

Dark Archive

Male N Elf Psychic 13 - Init. +4, Senses Low-Light Vision Perception +22 detect scrying, HA, AC 26/ touch 16/ ff 23 Deskari's Wing; hp 80/80 temp 14/14; F+11, R+11, W+14, Speed 35 ft., Climb 20 ft., Fly 60 ft. Carried: LogicRod, StaffMinArc, LckyHrshoe, Fr-LfClvr; Buffs: shield, fly, resist fire 30, det scry, mg armr, flse life, see invis, hghtnd awrnss, telbnd x2; Alc: antitx/plg/verm/syrup

Knowledge the Planes, THE PLANES!!, HA: 1d20 + 17 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 17 + 2 = 37 Resistances, Spell-like abilities, Special Attacks, Special Abilities

***...use our telepathic link to discuss things and pass information around...this thing is dangerous...more info in a moment... ....let me recall... ... .... ...***

Grand Lodge

Male Elf slayer 3/Un Rogue 6/snakebite brawler 2, HP 103 AC 23(27), T 17(21), FF 16(20), F +14, R +19, W +12, Initi. +11, CMD 23, Perception +21, lowlight(+24 traps)

Rallas studies the beast while Yanndu recalls any useful information about it.

making it my studied's only +1 but better than nothing I reckon...

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