About OgrakOgrak Fatespinner
Special Attacks channel positive energy 5d6 5/day (DC 19), hexes [DC 24] (chant, evil eye, misfortune, life link, witch hex [swine], silkstring snare), spirit ability (monstrous insight 7/day)
Spirit Animal Maka (HP 48; AC 18; Protector Archtype)
Favored Class Bonus:Shaman:
2 HP, Liberating Command, Ant Haul, Burst of Radiance, Cleromancy, Communal Resist Energy,3rd level spell, Freedom of Movement, Greater Path of Glory, life bubble Physical Description: Ograk is a relatively small man with a short beard wearing furs and a mithral breastplate. He carries a shield and has a small dagger at his side, but no other weapon. He wears Ulfen tribal markings. He is not overly strong nor fast, but has made up for this from the favors of fate he has received. History: Ograk was born in the land of linnorm kings to an Ulfen tribe. A giant raid left him orphaned early, but a pixie took pity upon him and helped him survive in the wild. She taught him how fickle fate could be, and how it could be manipulated. As he grew into a teenager, he eventually encounter a tribe of hunters, and the reluctantly decided that he belonged among his own kind, and not living as a Fey does. Living with others, he learned to specialize his talents towards healing. While hunting one day, this group encounter a tomb and didn’t wisely stay back. They roused an evil within, but fortunately it was not this Year, not yet for Ograk. He was rescued by a group from the pathfinder society. He saw them as an opportunity to continue his exploration of magics and returned with them to Absolom. He trained extensively with Master Zey and was eventually confirmed as a new field agent. While he was there, a new venture captain took him under her wing as a protege and further taught him some tricks about how to wisely avoid such things.
Chronicle Boons:
Protege: +2 to one stat [wisdom] (54527-10 from 54527-2) Confirmed Field Agent (wayfinder for 1 prestige), Explore, Report, Cooperate: You have an excellent sense of what makes an exemplary Pathfinder. As a free or immediate action, you may consider whether a particular action you name—such as subduing but not killing an enemy, befriending an NPC, or recovering a particular item—would help realize the goals of the Pathfinder Society. The GM then informs you whether the action’s impact would be positive (contributes to meeting a secondary success condition for the scenario), negative (opposes the secondary success condition), or negligible (neither contributes to nor opposes the secondary success condition). If none of these three options accurately reflects the action’s impact on the PC’s fulfillment of the secondary success conditions, the GM may respond with a phrase of five words or less. Once you use this boon, cross it off your Chronicle sheet. Friend of Janira Gavix: The field agent who oversaw your Confirmation is appreciative of your bravery and camaraderie in the face of danger. She helps you perform research, granting you a +1 bonus on Knowledge checks attempted while you are in the Grand Lodge. The Yagevna family recognizes you, +2 diplomacy in Irrisen when you mention them. Kelishite Patron Mind Crystal Spoiler:
This pale blue crystal hums with hidden power. Simply carrying this crystal provides protection against mental intrusions. Whenever you fail a saving throw against a compulsion effect, you can attempt a new saving throw at the end of your turn (using the original DC). If you succeed at this saving throw, the effect is negated or reduced (as per the compulsion effect). The crystal may have other powers, but they are not known to you at this time. Clockwork Engineer Spoiler:
+2 bonus on Knowledge(Arcana) vs constructs and can roll untrained, can cross off to treat check as natural 20 Cairnlands Persererence: Extra prestige Inubrix Ore Unlife Gem Spoiler:
This dark blue crystal pulses faintly with a supernatural heartbeat. The gem has 5 charges. Simply carrying it provides protection against life-stealing magic, granting a resistance bonus equal to the number of remaining charges on saving throws against spells and effects with the death descriptor. The gem also absorbs attacks that inflict negative levels. Each time it absorbs such an effect, the gem loses 1 charge. In addition, the gem can be used as an additional focus when casting a spell that creates one or more undead creatures. Doing so drains 1 charge from the gem (2 charges if the created undead either has 10 or more Hit Dice or is size Huge or larger) and grants that creature the advanced simple template. Tanbaru’s Respect Spoiler:
of the Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3 as if the improved familiar were available as an Additional Resource. If you do not take Tanbaru as a familiar, he gifts you with a tiny portion of the power he retains from his days as a dosojin kami. You may use one of the following as a spell-like ability once, using your character level as your caster level. After you use one of these spell-like abilities, cross this boon off your Chronicle Sheet. If you use this spell-like ability, you cannot later select Tanbaru as an improved familiar.
Subtier 5–6: You may cast dispel magic, fog cloud, or invisibility. Wayang’s Favor +2 on charisma checks with Wayang
Zahra’s tactics [][][] +1 Insight attack/dmg vs genie Righteous Redemptions (2 scrolls lesser restoration, 6 flasks holy water, oil of bless weapon) Worthy foe[][][] Scales (+2AC or +2 bonus on saves against their stuff, swift action) Custom Skillchip Portable Technologist Fossilblight’s Savior Graveknight’s Gratitude Mutani Manual of Martial Mastery +1 Dodge bonus vs Grapple Peacemaker of Brevoy Crushing Victory: +1 competence on climb and knowledge(engineering), cross off for +5 instead after roll Diguo-Dashu archeologist +2 compétence to any knowledge before rolling, +5 if ratfolk, darklands, or constructs diguo-dashu agreement[x][x][x][][][][][] When all checked, get something worth 3000 gp or less or 2000gp. Riftwarden Magic Treachery in the Weave |