Male Human |

To the escaped slaves he adds with a whisper - "Do you have any food or water? Our exploration of the area may take us a few days... Do you have any means to aid your subsistence?"
"We have nothing. Some had a slice of bread on them, but what little we had is already gone." the man replies.
As Ohrmizd suggests fighting the spider his eyes grow wide. "You can see the spider leave the tower for hunting shortly before sunset. It's the horror."

Ohrmizd |

"If only Sarenrae had given me the blessings to silence our approach, that would be more easily accomplished" Ohrmizd comments with resignation, then he points out what he knows about the troglodytes "The trogs... they have their own language which I think no one of us know how to speak..."
That's basically what Ohrmizd know from his K. local check. You can open the spoiler
"Ok, so we have a vote for the snake and two votes for the statues." then turning to the stairs "And we have two votes to explore the stairs and one against it. It seems we are hard a planning and coming to agreement" Ohrmizd laughs truthfully while scratching the back of his head.

Omari the Landless |

As Ohrmizd suggests fighting the spider his eyes grow wide. "You can see the spider leave the tower for hunting shortly before sunset. It's the horror."
"So you know where it's lair is, and it is probably asleep during the day. Excellent!"
"If only Sarenrae had given me the blessings to silence our approach, that would be more easily accomplished" ...
"Give me 15 minutes and Erastil may provide where Sarenrae has not. As a plan, buff, hit the spider's lair under cover of silence, and immediately after it dies, rush to the statue's tower before our magics's expire..."
Foxy, did Manuun get anything from his knowledge checks? (and maybe from taking 10 ( DC 20) on K local Gnolls, Troglodytes)...

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Taking 10 Know Local 21
"So you have seen the Spider? Can you give me a description of the beast? You make it sounds like its gigantic.
I will take my daily 20 on identifying the Spider from the description. That give me a 28 on Know Nature or 31 on Know Dungeoneering
"As I said I agree with Omaris Plan, we need a safe place to hide these people before the Gnolls decide to search this place or somebody comes up the stairs."

Foxy Quickpaw |

The time to approach the spider's lair during daytime if passing quickly. When approching the House of the Best it was already late afternoon and now after evaluating options and getting to know the slaves the sun comes around the minarettes.
The late evening sun, casts a golden light on the upper half. At a height of 40 feet a small black square is the only opening in the middle minarett. While Omari settles to have some peaceful minutes to study, but with a view to keep an eye on the entrance, he notices a black thin leg coming out of this black hole. One after another reaches out until finally the black body of the vermin squeezes out.
The spider legs throw long shadows around the curve of the tower. As the spider scuttles down the minarett in frightening speed, its long legs span most of the visible facade of its lair. Then it is gone from sight.
You can only guess what it hunts for, but you wouldn't be surprised if it would be horses or elks.

Ohrmizd |

"That's a hell of a spider..." comments Ohrmizd, while he tries to identify its potential dangers.
K. nature: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23
"I am just ok with whatever plan, let's just make it to work before the night falls" while the group decides the next step, Ohrmizd tends to the weak men "Is there anything else we can do to help you?"

Omari the Landless |

The time to approach the spider's lair during daytime if passing quickly. When approching the House of the Best it was already late afternoon and now after evaluating options and getting to know the slaves the sun comes around the minarettes.
The late evening sun, casts a golden light on the upper half. At a height of 40 feet a small black square is the only opening in the middle minarett. While Omari settles to have some peaceful minutes to study, but with a view to keep an eye on the entrance, he notices a black thin leg coming out of this black hole. One after another reaches out until finally the black body of the vermin squeezes out.
The spider legs throw long shadows around the curve of the tower. As the spider scuttles down the minarett in frightening speed, its long legs span most of the visible facade of its lair. Then it is gone from sight.
You can only guess what it hunts for, but you wouldn't be surprised if it would be horses or elks.
** spoiler omitted **
Khedron is medium, and thus I am assuming he has been able to squeeze into area A with the rest of us...If not, please tell me now.
Also, is the only entry to the minaret's we know about 40' up? That's the kind of detail we need to know about when planning...
"Well, it's out and on the hunt now. New plan, we hide for the night with the slaves and hit it tomorrow morning, after it's come home and gone to sleep. At least I can feed these poor souls though"
Omari will attempt to fill his 3ed level slot with Create Food and Water. Assuming he succeeds, he can feed 15 medium creatures (or 5 horses) for a day...

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"Wow thats a bit bigger than we thought. I think I heard about these, Its poisonous and can throw its webs around. I dont think we want to meet her during the night so we better keep vigilant sentries around, in case she comes looking here."
All basic spider stuff just in very huge.

Ohrmizd |

"That spider is poisonous. Likely damaging your strength. And from that distance I can tell it is at least 15 feet in size" the Keleshite looks from afar.
Ohrmizd stares at the spider, looks at the structures, then at the slaves, and finally to the team. With a sigh, he stabs the ground with the scimitar "Ok, I will make first watch"
The man climbs up to the highest spot he can still use to hide under cover, and there he retrieves his sling and starts his watch.
Casting heightened awareness to help out through the night, he makes his best at guarding versus unexpected visits.
Perception+heightened awareness: 1d20 + 10 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 10 + 2 = 30

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"Sounds like we have a plan. Let me take the second watch."
Perception + Darkvision: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (15) + 11 = 26

Foxy Quickpaw |

From his vantage point Ohrmizd can see the gnoll patrol every now and then. They don't seem to take their business very serious. With the silence of the night, one can hear them laugh a lot with their hyena like laughter. Their cause of entertainment is teasing and punching the weakest in their group.
After dark another patrol shows up. Two gnolls riding around on hyena like creatures, but of monstrous size. They snoop around, but before coming close to the tower you're in, they stop that and race each other out of the premise. All in all one can conclude that the guarding of the grounds by the gnolls is spotty at best.
As the new day dawns the spider returns. It scuttles up the middle tower, poises for a moment and then squeezes through the dark opening into the minaret.

Ohrmizd |

Ohrmizd yawns waking up after the Sun raises and Roryx shakes him "Yes? Hmmm.... is the spider back? Good"
As the group gets ready, the man makes sure to eat a slice of cheese and some dry bread "Did you see the gnoll patrols? They are even less rigorous that they were in Kelmerane. I guess they are relaxed in their own medium"
Once everyone is ready, the Keleshite straps the shield on his forearm and gets ready to advance scimitar in hand "I know we are not all trained for stealth, but let's make our best to avoid unwanted eyes. Distance and distraction shall do the rest"
In such a guise, Ohrmizd leads the assault to the spider's nest.
Stealth: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17
Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19

Ohrmizd |

"The one who probably needs it the most is Omari, Heshan" Ohrmizd points out as they get closer to the spider's lair.
Short before entering, the Keleshite calls a few blessings to Sarenrae "Dawnflower, protect this faulty server of your will in this dark corner of Golarion" casting light on scimitar, guidance and shield of faith. Sheathing the scimitar during the approach, until light is completely needed or the assault begins.

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"Hmm Thats quite a ard climb. And whoever gets up there first might have to contend with an angry spider. Not considering the fact that we cannot expect the fugitives to climb up there once we secured the place."
"Looks to me like we should take care of the gargoyles first."

Ohrmizd |

Ohrmizd will wait to cast spells until we are inside the hole.
Besides, he can hit DC 18 if allowed to take 10
Ohrmizd hangs his shield to his back and retrieves a rope "I can likely make the climb and set a rope for you all to brace against the minaret"

Omari the Landless |

Come the morn, Omari prays to Erastil for spells:
L0 (4) : Guidance, Detect Magic, Stabilize, Light
L1 (3+1+1) Divine Favor, Bless, Bless(domain), Murderous Command, Speak Local Language
L2 (2+1+1) Featherfall (domain), Burst of Radiance, Burst of Radiance, Silence
L3 (1+1) Prayer (domain), Create Food and Water
He uses Create Food and Water to provide food for the escapees for another day.
As we prepare to assault the spider's lair, Omari asks "Does anyone have a grappling hook? I can silence it magically, and then we can throw it up there (with a rope) and make an easy climb... An alternative would be for Manuun to sneak around and see if there is an alternative way into these minarets."

Ohrmizd |

"I have a rope says Ohrmizd" the Keleshite shows his ring of feather fall to Roryx "No need to spend your spells still. I can make the climb and set the rope"
Climb DC 18: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20
Climb DC 18: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26
Assuming he succeeds to climb up the minaret, Ohrmizd gives a look around to make sure it is safe, then he ties the rope to one of the minaret columns and let's the other side fall to his friends.
Assuming everything went well, it is generally a Climb DC 5 now to climb a rope bracing against a wall

Omari the Landless |

Given I really doubt an Elk is climbing a 40' rope...
Omari has Khedron stay and guard the escaped slaves (in Area A).
He waits his turn at the rope, as he does so, he casts a light cantrips on 3 coin, putting them in his pocket, so he can pull them out at need. When it is his turn, he slings his bow and then takes the climb slow and careful.
climb, Take 10: 10 + 2 - 2 = 10
+2 str -2 ACP
climb, Take 10: 10 + 2 - 2 = 10
climb, Take 10: 10 + 2 - 2 = 10
climb, Take 10: 10 + 2 - 2 = 10
Soon enough, he is up top with Ohrmizd.

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Seeing the others riding up the rope Manuun shrugs "If thats what we do.", casts a spell Heroism and starts climbing.
Climb Take 10: 10 + 6 + 2 = 18
Climb Take 10: 10 + 6 + 2 = 18
Climb Take 10: 10 + 6 + 2 = 18
Climb Take 10: 10 + 6 + 2 = 18

Heshan Antar |

Remembering how the last time climbing a rope went, he spent some stretching first. Not because he was scared or anything.
Climb take 10: 10 = 10
Climb take 10: 10 = 10
Climb take 10: 10 = 10
Climb take 10: 10 = 10
Eventually, he is able to make it up as well.

Ohrmizd |

It is now that Ohrmizd casts his spells. With his scimitar in the right hand, he moves the light in it forward to see inside the web.
Slowly, he looks for footing inside, and if he finds the ground, he walks inside, using the scimitar to remove the webs in front.
Ohrmizd will wait there for everyone to make it up before proceeding to explore deeper into the minaret.

Foxy Quickpaw |

You've found the spider.
Manuun: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20
Ohrmizd: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17
Heshan: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16
Roryx: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13
Omari: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12
Spider: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9
We'll wait for Ohrmizd's roll.

Ohrmizd |

I am fine for you to roll for me Foxy
Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28
"People, we have found the spider" Ohrmizd points out where the spider is hiding. Then he casts lend judgment on Omari who I assume is the other person by him activating the justice judgement "Sarenrae, help us make this a save place for the slaves and our mission"
+2 sacred to hit for both Ohrmizd and Omari
HP 48/48 AC 24 TAC 14
light 50 min (scimitar)
shield of faith 5 min
guidance 1 min
lend judgment (Omari) 5 rounds (standard)
judgement (justice; +2 sacred to hit) (swift)
Ohrmizd will use his move to adjust his position depending on map positioning. Likely getting closer to the spider.

Omari the Landless |

Without a local map, lots of stuff I don't know... 1) Do the webs inside the minaret block movement? 2) Can Omari take a 5' step to get out of it's reach? 3) Can Omari take a 5' step to make a space for another party member? 4) Does Omari need to make the perception check with Ohrmizd pointing it out? It makes for a number of contingencies... Also, did Ohrmzid draw an AoO for casting? (Maybe he should make a concentration check to cast defensively)

Foxy Quickpaw |

1+2+3) Web is difficult terrain, this means no 5 foot steps. You can't get out of reach of the spider without going outside again.
4)Everyone now knows where to look, that's good enough for me.
5)The one who hasn't acted yet gets no AoOs.
As for the map: Imagine a round floor 25 feet in diameter with a 15 foot spider at the ceiling. We'll ignore the stairs leading down for now.

Omari the Landless |

Omari looks up where Ohrmizd is pointing and says "Sh!t". His feet are moving at the same time as his mouth, stepping away from the window. As he moves, he draws his longspear. He finishes with a vigorous upward thrust at the monstrous arachnid!
Move Action - move 15' so everyone else can get in the window (as close to the stairs as I can, without leaving attack range of the spider), draw weapon as part of move (bab > +1)
Standard Action - attack!
To Hit: 1d20 + 3 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 3 + 2 + 2 = 16 vs FF AC
+3 bab+2 str+2judgement
Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
+3 strX1.5 (two-handed weapon)

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Hearing Ohrmizd Crying out inside the tower, Manuun jumps up the rope for the last few feet and dives inside the tower trying to get his bearings before the Spider can attack him.

Foxy Quickpaw |

Omari manages to draw first blood, or whatever one wants to call the yellow goo that comes out of the wound. In return the spider bites Omari.
Bite: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 212d6 + 6 ⇒ (5, 5) + 6 = 16
Poison Str Dmg DC16: 1d8 ⇒ 8
After a minute you have to save again.
Ohrmizd, Manuun, Heshan, Roryx, Omari <--

Ohrmizd |

"Tsk!" Ohrmizd moves next to Omari AoO and seeks to defend him raising his beautiful mithral shield with Sarenrae emblazoned on it "Gather close one to each other so we can defend us better!"
There, he readies to strike at the spider when if she tries to bite again anyone adjacent to Ohrmizd.
Readied Attack: +1 Scimitar+judgment-PA: 1d20 + 9 + 2 - 2 ⇒ (13) + 9 + 2 - 2 = 22
Magical/Slashing damage+PA: 1d6 + 5 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 5 + 4 = 15
HP 48/48 AC 24 TAC 14
light 50 min (scimitar)
shield of faith 5 min
guidance 1 min
lend judgment (Omari) 5 rounds
judgement (justice; +2 sacred to hit)
I hope that cleans the AoO for others to move and use their bows and spells more freely

Heshan Antar |

"We found more than just the spider my friend. We may have found its entire home."
As much as it was safe outside, he figured it was better not to stay on a dangling rope for long. So he got himself in the tower as he figured what spell to do.
Will I have a standard action after getting inside?

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Manuun steps up next to Ohrmizd to benefit from his cover and lets fly at the huge beast.
Short Bow: 1d20 + 8 + 1 + 3 + 2 + 1 - 4 ⇒ (19) + 8 + 1 + 3 + 2 + 1 - 4 = 30 (+1 Point Blank, +3 Luck, +2 Heroism, +1 MW - 4 behind Ohrmizd)
Dam: 1d6 + 1 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 1 + 3 = 8
HP: 32/32
AC: 17 +2 vs. non-magical ranged
Luck: 5/6 2 lingering, Heroism: 45/50 min remaining
Spells: L2 2/3 (DC14), L1 5/5 (DC13)
I gave myself -4 because I was not sure how that cover by Ohrmizd would work, please ignore it of it is enough to stand next to him.

Roryx |

Is the spider still clinging to the ceiling? If that is the case, and Roryx can see her, he will cast Slick Walls on the area she is clinging to. If he cannot see her yet, he casts Shield.