
Male Human's page

59 posts. Alias of Foxy Quickpaw.


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"If you got something against hangovers we could use that regularly." Dwayne replies.

Dwayne looks disdainfully at Tarjun's stiff leg. "The mill runs all hours with light. There are no afterhours." He turns and leaves.

"What? NO! Dwayne calls out.

"Are you crazy? This is a dangerous and complex machine. Chances are, you'd destroy the saw, cut yourself in half or some other kind of catastrophe."

"And even in the best case, you'd cost me money, because the saw doesn't saw my trunks in the time you need."

"Not Jack." Dwayne replies with a grin. "I can sell you rope if you have money, or you can check in that barrel over there, where the garbage goes. We have a lot of broken ropes, maybe you can make something of them."

Dwayne looks at Jewel with wide eyes. "Why are you talking to me? Ask the guys, if they are interested in working on that. If you need wood, there is a whole forrest. Is there anything else?"

"Oh, shut up!" Dwayne replies annoyed.

"You can check on the firewood pile over there" Dwayne tells pointing to the pile next to the sawmill where everything lies that isn't a proper board "or you take the tools into the woods."

"There is a whole forest full of trunks. There are the tool, if you're able to use them without breaking them."

"Why don't you shoot a tree anyways?"

Dwayne looks up. "Why you're asking. You finally want a real job instead of feeding off your parents?"

Dwayne hangs around the sawmill in his usual grumpy mood scolding some lumberjack for lollygagging.

"That sounds a lot like bullshit to me, but you managed to persuade Mrs. Johnson and it doesn't change anything if I believe you or not." Dwayne replies somewhat grumpy.

"Yeah, no. You better get to work before your crazy tree friend shows up again."

Sense Motive DC15:
This is half true.
Perception DC18:
Looking around you find that on a cart at the sawmill in the shadow there are saplings with the roots put in sacks.

As Jewel comes closer to the saw mill the door flies open and an angry Dwayne comes out. "Where have you been? We've searched for you for days! Do you have an idea what that costs!"

"You're one to tell. Remind me when you payed a round for the house. Never?"

"You don't knwo our names, how do you put it on the right tab? I don't want to pay for the next guy's beer."

"Bring me another one too." the man tells and three others find that there is little left in their mugs and join the order.

"Milk - hahaha - get that boy an ale! Put it on my tab." one of the patrons replies.

Some of the others spend some copper and one tells to play more. All in all its an ale and four copper between them.

"Are you trying to have secrets from your parents? That's going to backfire so hard in this village." Dwayne laughs at the attempt but also at the imagined picture of how it will go. "But if you want to try, ask Gertrud."

"Ask your father."

"No. Don't have carpenter's tools."

Dwayne nods to Tarjun to lift the board with him together and put it down on the cart. "Don't mention it." he replies to Jewel.

"Staying right here. Just send me a note once you know where it happens. Thanks."

"Cumberbatch. Benedict Cumberbatch. I'm here in this establishment for three more weeks, before I return to Korvosa."

"Hope you're wrong, with that far away thing." the man replies. "Wish you the best of luck."

"Not so much interested in the written stuff, but to see what happens when it will be reforged!" the man replies.

Next try at going to the dining room.

As the group sits over dinner one of the guests comes over to the table.

"Excuse me, aren't you that group of pathfinders, that recover the Sihedron? How's it going?"

And there you thought the manners are better than that in an establishment like that. But if they let in Abomentolor one could deduct the issue here.

"Just take two cut boards from the stack" Dwayne replies.

The boards are somwhere between 25 and 40 feet long, one to two feet wide, two inches thick and really heavy.

"We cut them for firewood. Why are you asking?"

Dwayne turns to Jewel. "Would you plaese tell your brother how to behave?"

"And send my regards to Will and Shelly."

"No. That's why I'm asking."

"You are going to cook?" Dwayne inquires from Tarjun looking at him with suspicion.

"Bwahaha, that's a good one. They are good at ripping open trail rations. So in three days. A great idea, thanks. I'll tell the guys."

I would need to put some more thought into who does what here. The workers have to eat every day and so far no one in game volunteered to cook for them. Is a large pot of stew something you'd buy at the general store?

"Great. When?"

Dwayne chuckles but doesn't deem it worth an answer.

To Jewel he comments "Just mark the trees we can cut down. Make it at least ten. We won't manage to cut that many per day, but that allows for some slack on your side if you're busy elsewhere."

"Also consider a path out of the woods with a horse and the cut tree."

"Sure thing." Dwayne replies and leads to the trees.

Dwayne gives Jewel a tour through the woods and explains what kind of trees they cut down for what. Basically everything can be used. But for business they prefer trees that are tall and straight for timber. And trees that are not, are cut for firewood. Only trees that are softwood and not straight are spared.

What is also interesting is what he doesn't talk about: What happens to the land when they are done, or how to plant trees.

As Jewel comes back to the village Dwayne is standing outside on the open field. He greets her with a wave and inquires from afar "You marked the trees already?"

"You know me too well." Dwayne replies with a shrug and leaves to gather the workers.

"Wonderful!" Dwayne exclaims. "It's great how you care for the village. I see a great future for you."

"With all settled now, I have to ask you to excuse me, I need to talk to my men now, to get work started again as soon as possible."

"Great if Will can support you with his knowledge. As I told already, I'm only cutting them. Maybe ask that tree guy? I suggest you start marking trees that can be cut, or those that shouldn't be cut? What do you think works better?"

"And I'll have a talk with my woodcutters so they know what to do and don't. And of course I need to have a special talk with Jack so he behaves in the future. Do we have a deal?" Dwayne asks offering his hand for Jewel to accept.

"That's ridiculous." Dwayne starts laughing tears.

"I'm sorry. I can't help myself" Dwayne excuses himself, as he wipes a tear from his eye. "I accuse you of being the problem and not to you, but to Gertrud, while you stand at the side. And you give me a sober rundown of events and what has to happen."

"It's ridiculous." Dwayne shakes his head. "I had Jack here a few minutes ago, and he threw a tantrum like a three year old. Whining about getting wet and calling you names, I will not repeat. I wish some of my wood cutters had half your brains."

"But I'll be honest with you. Those guys know nothing about planting trees. I point them to trees, they cut them down, remove the branches, and the horses pull them to the mill. I don't care where the trees are from as long as the horses manage to get them to the mill as fast as I can saw them into timber. If it keeps that walking tree guy away, tell me where to cut the trees and plant trees all you want to make him happy."

"You're here faster than I thought." Dwayne greets Gertrud from his chair behind his desk. In front of him an open ledger with the deliveries and payments. He looks tired.

"I've heard the kids caused problems?"

After feasting on the reamins of the oppulent meal Omari conjured the evening before, the slaves are anxious to see what comes next. They are not happy to be left alone, but at least they are no longer hungry.

Roryx wrote:
To the escaped slaves he adds with a whisper - "Do you have any food or water? Our exploration of the area may take us a few days... Do you have any means to aid your subsistence?"

"We have nothing. Some had a slice of bread on them, but what little we had is already gone." the man replies.

As Ohrmizd suggests fighting the spider his eyes grow wide. "You can see the spider leave the tower for hunting shortly before sunset. It's the horror."

"Hush. Some are trying to listen." the one adult who visits the service scolds the kids.

"No. I don't speak gnoll, or troglodyte."

"We are five here. But there are much more slaves that didn't escape. There is a tribe of Troglodytes here that had a fight with the gnolls. In the commotion we were able to escape."

I've seen no age on Silas, but you're the one acting mostly responsible and chose to go with medium size.

Randolf's jaw drops. Not only are they not listening when they are ordered to stay here. They on purpose go after exactly what they were warned of and should stay away from. "Okay. Maybe tomorrow." he replies. "For now you all go to the kids sleeping room and think about what you did wrong here."

"The consequences will be discussed later, when Gertrud and Will are back."

As all calm down again Randolf makes the kids sit at the table and adresses Jewel. "Would you now please give a complete account on what really happened?"

"Get inside the house. Your mother needs to take a look at that." Randolf tells, shaking his head.

"You crazy bunch! Do you have any idea what could have happened?" he asks noone in particular. And it's hard to tell, if he is angry about the kids recklessness or caught up in the horrors playin gin his imagination.

He ushers all the kids inside the house into the common room and informs Shelly about what happened - that little he knows.

Randolfs face color takes the opposite direction of Clara's. He pales to white. "What? Silas, where is Silas."

Jewels answer isn't persuading and knowing his kids he knows whom to ask. "Ok... Clara where have all the kids been. I was in the barn and called you and no one answered." Randolf inquires.

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