Devlin Plumb |
just one thing stone sculptor only works on pure stone and not dirt/earth. I'll say certainly can find a cliff somewhere around there with enough solid rock that you can sculpt a hiding spot into sure. making trenches and such wont work unless you can also do Move Earth however.
If Devlin can spot a convenient boulder or two, he'll use them for bunker making. (turn the spheroid into a crescent moon with the fortification side untouched, except for a Tiny see/cast spells through slot). If not, well, everyone else will just have to stay a bit back in the undergrowth. Either way Devlin will take advantage of Earth Glide to stay undercover up to nose level...
If your going ahead with the blast go ahead and do the rolls.
With a deep breath, Devlin sinks underground. The ground shakes just a tiny bit, as elemental force gathers underground. He surfaces, straining with power, his jaw clenched, and releases it - to no apparent effect! Pouring power into nothing... Another deep breath and he sinks again, and the soles of your feet feel elemental force gather on more. This time when he rises and releases the power, a mass of sharp-edged steel chains fly towards the dragon, and is followed immediately by a second one.
Right then, let's hope for hot dice
Round 0, get Bless
Round 1, get Blessing of Fervor (take the +2 to hit option), sink to -20' gather power full round (3 burn)
Round 2, rise and launch Delayed Entangling, Extreme Range, Empowered Metal Blast
To Hit, Delayed Blast: 1d20 + 26 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 26 + 2 + 1 = 44 vs sleeping dragon
+2 from blessings of Fervor +1 from bless
damage, delayed blast: 16d6 + 37 ⇒ (4, 3, 2, 4, 2, 2, 5, 1, 6, 1, 5, 6, 4, 5, 2, 3) + 37 = 92 X1.5 = 138
There is a DC 28 reflex Entangle effect as a rider if it hits.
Round 3, sink to -20' gather power full round (3 burn)
Round 4, rise and launch Entangling, Extreme Range, Empowered Metal Blast
To Hit, Blast: 1d20 + 26 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 26 + 2 + 1 = 35 vs sleeping dragon
+2 from blessings of Fervor +1 from bless
damage, delayed blast: 16d6 + 37 ⇒ (2, 3, 2, 4, 6, 6, 2, 2, 4, 1, 2, 3, 5, 5, 5, 6) + 37 = 95 X1.5 = 142
There is a DC 28 reflex Entangle effect as a rider if it hits.
Obidiah Gerheart |
Obidiah times his Haste with Devlins first non-blast and then will take cover, so he will burn two rounds of spell duration in his rounds 3 and 4.
Devlin Plumb |
Yep, physical blast, no spell resistance, counts as a magic weapon for DR. When you say suddenly vanishes, do you mean pop goes the illusion? Is there any blood spattered around?
PS. Folks with Spellcraft/K Arcana, might time for some checks; was that an illusion? A vanish spell? A dimension door effect?
Devlin Plumb |
It occurs to me that that might have been considered a surprise round; we definitely haven't rolled initiative. Thus:
Init: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19
Jonuli Mudarch |
Jonuli prepares for the attack by casting resist energy acid, followed by mirror image. Just as he is about to cast a fireball the dragon disappears and he attempts to find what it did.
Kn: Arcana: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (1) + 20 = 21
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (3) + 20 = 23
DireMerc |
Make sure to list things like that under you name next to perception, makes it easier for me to keep track I checked and I didn't see that anyone had casted it. If you have it racial or permanent and it was listed somewhere I missed it. The dragon is indeed invisible. The dragon did not take any action to cast the spell so you guess that it activated automatically as a reaction to him taking damage
Mae, Gnome Illusionist |
Spellcraft takes the sme penalties as perception so being over 400' away makes it difficult.
With the dragon vanishing Mae's surprise round plan changes. She weaves an invisibiliy purge spell around the group so we all know where the dragon is if it approaches.
At caster level 16 that affects an area in an 80' radius of me
Initiative: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (11) + 20 = 31
In general I find it is a lot quicker all round if the GM just rolls initiative for everyone.
Mae, Gnome Illusionist |
Mae prepares the group for the dragons assault by casting another communal acid resistance on anyone who doesn;t have it yet.
Get ready everyone, it wont be long now
Devlin Plumb |
Acid Resistance, thank you.
@Jonuli Don't forget talking is a free action, the occasional bit of play by play might help everyone who can't see invisible... Yes, I should have thought to buy a potion (or two).
Mae, Gnome Illusionist |
Sadly see invis cannot be made into a potion as it is a personal spell. I should have remembered permanent spells though, permanent see invis in very helpful.
Jonuli Mudarch |
Jonuli keeps watch on the dragon as it disappears and says "He turned invisible automatically. Probably a contingency. I'll keep you updated on his whereabouts."
Devlin Plumb |
OK, I'm assuming that Jonuli's keeping up his location play by play here, so I know "400 feet away from the group, 40 feet above ground.
"I've always gambled, here's to Cayden's Luck." Elemental fury rises around Devlin again, as he hurls another blast of metal at Jonuli's direction.
Gather power as a move action (gain 2 burn), extreme range entangling metal blast (spend 2 burn). Throws the ball of sharpened metal chains through a point 400' away from the group, along the bearing to the tower, 40' up. The dragon's gargantuan (a 20x20x20 cube), so hopefully that's one of the right squares (cubes).
A 50 % miss chance from Total Concealment (invisibility)
Miss Chance: 1d100 ⇒ 55 50 or less is a miss
To Hit: 1d20 + 26 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 26 + 2 + 1 = 43
+2 from blessings of Fervor +1 from bless
Damage: 16d6 + 37 ⇒ (2, 4, 3, 5, 6, 5, 1, 6, 1, 4, 1, 5, 5, 3, 1, 4) + 37 = 93
and there is a DC 28 reflex Entangle effect as a rider if it hits.
Mae, Gnome Illusionist |
Mae takes a moment to cast a spell. As she does a cloud of chicken bones, each inscribed with a single rune appear and swirl around her. Shhe carefully examines them and the quickly reaches out to touch several which vanish.
Casting Cleromancy to give me some floating luck bonuses to use.
Cleromancy: 16d4 ⇒ (4, 1, 4, 4, 4, 2, 4, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1) = 41
Mae takes the 4's giving her five floating +5 luck modifiers to add to her rolls due to the fates favoured trait
Devlin Plumb |
A miss unfortunately. I want to specify that Devlin's second shot on the surprise round and his attack here both missed because they did not hit the dragon's Ac and not because the dragon is invisible thought you were correct that there would be a 50% miss chance.
I take it the dragon's hoard is a pile full of dragon usable magic items, that are in use...
Obidiah Gerheart |
Obidiah readies an action to throw his hammer if the dragon enters Mae's invisibility purge radius.
Devlin Plumb |
We back on the dragon? On his turn he moves 240 feet closer.
Who is visible in the group? Hiding or not?
OK, after your Init summary post, Mae cast communal resist acid. We went through the init order, with 1) Jonuli readying his Glitterdust, 2) Dragon healed and moved to 400' range, 3) Devlin threw a blast (and missed), 4) Obidiah, 5) Rune and 6) Liam all readied actions.
In the middle of that, Mae cast again (out of order), Cleromancy. ???Is that her action for this round, round 2???
Next is Jonuli, who was holding a readied action... ???He may continue to hold it??? Then comes the dragon, who's moving 240' closer (presumably to a range of 160', he was at 400')
As far as who's visible - Devlin is visible (he used gather power without playing fancy games last round) but under improved cover (up to his nose in dirt). Everybody else may still be undercover, but I don't know. The dragon probably also gets a perception roll for most of them.
Finally, don't forget frightful presence...
Obidiah Gerheart |
Obidiah is visible, but had taken cover.
With Jonuli indicating the Dragon's continued approach and no sign of the chimera's yet, Obidiah decides on his next round to swap out Bane:Magical Beast for Bane:Dragon on his warhammer.
Mae, Gnome Illusionist |
Honestly, as the GM you should really be keeping the initiative order for the table. As players, we rely on you to tell us who is able to act and to describe what the current situation is.
Mae's first round action was to cast communal resist on anyone who didnt have it. Her second round action was to cast Cleromancy. She is not actively hiding but I believe the idea was that we are in a form of bunker created by our kineticist. It must have a view port which presumably gives us at least cover and, I hope, multiple exits.
DireMerc |
@devlin Thank you devlin that helps me get things sorted there had been a lost of posting between my init and now and I wasn't sure if everyone had gone or if someone was still missing their action and I have been too busy to stop and go over everything to sort it out.
@Mae my apologies I will endeavor to keep better track in the future.
So yes
Mae Initiative: communal resist acid
Jonuli Init: hold glitterdust
dragon init: heal and move (400 range)
Devlin plum Init: blast and miss
Obidiah initiative: 16
Aurora nit: readies attack
Liam : readies bow
Mae Initiative: cast Cleromancy
Jonuli Init: still holding?
dragon init: Moves to within 160 feet
Devlin plum Init: ??
Obidiah initiative: ??
Aurora nit: ??
Liam : ??
As for the bunker I assumed that was your fallback location and that you were not currently inside of it. Was that incorrect?
Devlin Plumb |
Devlin is definitely outside of the bunker, he's not being stealthy, having taken his surprise shot and is now being obvious in the hopes the dragon will come and play. The original plan was that anybody who wasn't engaging a long range would stay hidden, so the dragon would come and play, and thus get ambushed...
As an aside, while it is in final state, the GM's responsibility for the init order and keeping track of who's doing what. It does make it a lot easier if the players are trying as well...
Devlin Plumb |
I am assuming Jonuli will have cast his Glitterdust (no SR, save only affects the blindness) on the dragon, as it is now withing 200', so I am not calculating a miss chance.
Submerged in the earth up to the bridge of his nose Improved Cover , Devlin slides forward (towards the dragon) and left (the castle side), raising elemental power around him as he goes. Gather power for 2 burn, mobile gathering. 3 diagonal square = 20' of movement . He then unleashes said power, throwing another writhing ball of chains at the revealed dragon. Entangling, Extreme Range, Metal Blast
To Hit: 1d20 + 26 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 26 + 2 + 1 = 37
+2 from blessings of Fervor +1 from bless
Damage: 16d6 + 37 ⇒ (3, 3, 4, 2, 4, 3, 3, 4, 2, 3, 3, 2, 4, 3, 2, 4) + 37 = 86
and there is a DC 28 reflex Entangle effect as a rider if it hits.
Mae, Gnome Illusionist |
As soon as the dragon is visible Mae casts greater dispel magic at it, using a charge of her cleromancy.
Caster level check: 1d20 + 16 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 16 + 5 = 38
That will dispel any four spells of caster level 27 or lower.
Devlin Plumb |
Guess who forgot the save for Frightful Presence? Yeah, the guy who brought it up in the first place...
Will save vs Frightful presence: 1d20 + 21 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 21 + 1 = 32
+21 will +1 vs fear from bless
@Diremerc, note that the tag line for Devlin doesn't include several temporary buffs (eg Bless, Blessings of Fervor, improved cover), and if you want a current #, let me know either here, discussion thread or PM
DireMerc |
Missing round 2 actions for Aurora and Liam (dragon did not trigger your round 1 readied actions I believe) but for round 2 he is 160 feet away.
Also Jonuli can post a round 3 action as the glitterdust was readied.
Dragon will save will save: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (14) + 22 = 36
The dragon is outlined by the spell and is visible to you now but he is not blinded.
Also yes roll for frightful presence if you haven't yet. Shaken if you fail, dc 26.
Mae, Gnome Illusionist |
Does the greater dispel remove anything obvious?
Frightful presence save: 1d20 + 20 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 20 + 4 + 2 = 45
Jonuli Mudarch |
Jonuli stares at the dragon a moment as it appears and stammers "I've never seen on that big before" He then cast a spell and a fireball appears around the dragon.
Fireball Damage DC 20: 10d6 + 10 ⇒ (5, 2, 6, 4, 3, 3, 6, 2, 6, 6) + 10 = 53
Will Save: 1d20 + 16 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 16 + 1 = 24
SR: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (8) + 13 = 21
DireMerc |
SR negates the spell.
I believe Liam is still having trouble connecting. His bow from what I can tell only deals 1d8 damage which cant harm the dragon his other attack require him to get in meele so lets skip him for now.
Round 3
Mae: greater dispel (removed glitterdust and invisibility perhaps more)
Jonuli : Fireball (negated by sr)
Dragon: ??
Devlin: ??
Obidiah: ??
Aurora: ??
Liam : ??
For Future reference when you post your action for the round can you specify which round the actions is for IE
Round x:
actions for the round
Sometimes I'me looking for someones action for a certain round and seeing that would make it easier for me to find it.
Before I do the dragon could you each tell me were you want your character placed on this Map
Mae, Gnome Illusionist |
Is the hidden cave our bunker? If so I will be inside at arond N10 ideally looking out using an opening to try and gain improved cover from the dragon.