Init +20 | HP 158/158 | AC47, T25, FF37 | Fort +17, Ref +22, Will +20, various modifiers | CMD 18 | Perception+41, Sense Motive +38
| Conditions: FoM, Air Walk, Resist Acid 30, Images 7, Cleromancy +5, 4|5, Gr Invis
N Female Gnome Oracle 5|Veiled Illusionist 10
About Mae, Gnome Illusionist
Mae is a deep gnome who grew up in the mountains between Cheliax and Nidal. Her family were rich and influential and she often travelled with her father on business through the winding passages of Nar'Voth. It was on one of these trips that Mae became lost. She wandered for what seemed like forever through winding caverns filled with immense mushroom forests, caves of glittering gems and crystals and past inky black underground seas. On her own, something found her, and her mind has ever been the same since. Her father and his guards found her several days later, wandering lost and alone.
Returning home Mae had changed. Normally an exciteable girl interested in everything she had become withdrawn, quiet, gloomy even. She would go for days without speaking and often wandered off, even when under guard. Her family brought in healers and priests but none could explain what had happened. Slowly she came back to herself but there was always something different about her. Eventually she wandered off and never returned home.
Mae has travelled widely since then and learned far more about who she is and what happened to her. She is a cheerful woman, interested in others and their stories but she is easily distracted. She likes people, new places and exploring and never really minds if she ends up getting lost along the way. She has found that she can generally blend in wherever she goes.
Mae maintains the following spells on her at all times:
Extended Ant Haul (30 hours)
Extended Magic Vesment (armour and shield, 32 hours)
Extended Life Bubble (64 hours)
Extended Veil (32 hours, to appear as a human normally)
Greater Shadow Conjuration (Draconic Ally, Astral) (16 days)
She often uses the following spells regularly while travelling:
Extended Air Walk (320 minutes)
Extended Tears to Wine (320 minutes)
Extended Communal Acid Resistannce (160 minutes, me and Obidiah)
Extended Deathwatch (320 minutes)
Extended Tongues (320 minutes)
The followig short duration spells are often used during or shortly before combat
Wondrous items are crafted at half cost.
Magical Gear otherworldly kimono, belt of mighty constitution +6, circlet of persuasion, cracked magenta prism ioun stone (sense motive), cracked pale green prism ioun stone (saves), dark blue rhomboid ioun stone (slotted), eyes of the eagle, gloves of elvenkind, handy haversack, headband of mental superiority +6, orange prism ioun stone, page of spell knowledge (barbed chains, burrst of radiance, bless, calm emotions, deathwatch, dream feast, ironskin, protection from evil, remove fear, remove sickness, sanctuary, sound burst, unbreakable heart), ring of freedom of movement, ring of revelation (lesser), stone of good luck (luckstone)wayfinder
Wandswand of cure light wounds (50 charges), wand of heightened awareness (50 charges), wand of longstrider (50 charges)