The Thunder Below (Inactive)

Game Master DireMerc

Loot List

Encounter map (updated each time I post)

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Male Suli Sorcerer 5/Dragon Disciple 5| AC 22 T 13 FF 21 CMD 24 | HP 82/96| F +10 R +7 W +11; | Init +3 | Perc +14 (Darkvision 60', Blind Sense 30', Low-Light Vision)


Dwarf Magus15 HP:150/150 | AC 39 T15 FF37 | CMD31(29) | F+18 R+11 W+14 | Int +2 Per +20 | AP 10/11 | Spirit 3/5 | Ring 4/4 | Emp 5/5 | Quick 1/2 |Over Flight, Ext Spellsword, Tears to Wine, R Acid 30, Stoneskin(150), BoF, Haste

Behind the rock at BB-17

Halfling Hunter 1

Liam takes the best cover he can, knowing that his poor longbow is unlikely to harm the dragon.

Just missing Rune. I'll just put her at the cave entrance in the middle with liam.

The dragon moves forward once more (The dragons position the newly made map will be his position after moving as he should be ~100 feet from the group)

Dragon perception: 1d20 + 44 ⇒ (16) + 44 = 60

He considers his opponents spots some hiding in the cliff wall and figures that some are likely still hiding that he cant see and so decides to blanket the area with poisonous gas.

Casting a widened cloudkill (40 foot radius, 40 feet high) over the entire area.

Obviously it cant kill you as you hd is too high but you still take 1d4 con each round your in the radius (no save) unless your immune to poison.

N Female Gnome Oracle 5|Veiled Illusionist 10 Init +20 | HP 158/158 | AC47, T25, FF37 | Fort +17, Ref +22, Will +20, various modifiers | CMD 18 | Perception+41, Sense Motive +38
| Conditions: FoM, Air Walk, Resist Acid 30, Images 7, Cleromancy +5, 4|5, Gr Invis

Life bubble makes us completely immune to it.

M Tiefling; Monk (Water Dancer) 1, Kineticist 14 HP:180/285 (105 Non lethal) | 20% Miss Chance| AC 39 T29 FF?33?| CMD??? | F+29 R+26 W+21 +1vs Fear (Bless) | Int +9 Per +30 Darkvision 60

Round 3
Devlin ignores the poison gas. Frontovik's Gas Mask; not only is he immune, he can see through it....
He moves towards the dragon, staying inside the cloud for the extra concealment value, gathering elemental power as he goes. Gather Power as a move action for 2 burn available, move 20' from mobile gathering. You will have to put the cloud on the map so I can pick where i'm going; I suspect I'm going to have to move south-west to stay in the cloud. Devlin is using earth glide to stay nose-deep in the earth for cover
He hurls another blast of elemental metal at the dragon...Only this time, the dragon can't see him throwing it. Entangling, Extreme Range, Metal Blast

To Hit: 1d20 + 26 + 2 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 26 + 2 + 1 + 2 = 51
+2 from blessings of Fervor +1 from bless +2 from attacker is effectively invisible (full concealment from the cloudkill)

Damage: 16d6 + 37 ⇒ (3, 2, 2, 2, 5, 2, 5, 1, 2, 6, 3, 6, 2, 2, 5, 3) + 37 = 88
and there is a DC 28 reflex Entangle effect as a rider if it hits.

EDIT: Possible Crit!
To Confirm: 1d20 + 26 + 2 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 26 + 2 + 1 + 2 = 46
+2 from blessings of Fervor +1 from bless +2 from attacker is effectively invisible (full concealment from the cloudkill)
Extra Damage: 16d6 + 37 ⇒ (3, 6, 3, 4, 3, 2, 2, 6, 6, 6, 2, 4, 6, 2, 3, 6) + 37 = 101

Further Edit, 189 total, and I suspect he's much less happy about this fight...

@Mae So it does I admit had forgotten about it but the dragon wouldn't know about it and would act the same regardless. It still obscures vision like obscuring mist however.

@devlin cloud is on the map, solid hit Indeed.

M Tiefling; Monk (Water Dancer) 1, Kineticist 14 HP:180/285 (105 Non lethal) | 20% Miss Chance| AC 39 T29 FF?33?| CMD??? | F+29 R+26 W+21 +1vs Fear (Bless) | Int +9 Per +30 Darkvision 60

Devlin's mobile gathering ended with him in N-17

Halfling Hunter 1

Remembering that Mae might be able to assist him, Liam moves to her. That takes a double move, but I can get there if I'm reading the map right.

dragon reflex for the entanglement: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (2) + 18 = 20

Dragon is entangled.

Male Suli Sorcerer 5/Dragon Disciple 5| AC 22 T 13 FF 21 CMD 24 | HP 82/96| F +10 R +7 W +11; | Init +3 | Perc +14 (Darkvision 60', Blind Sense 30', Low-Light Vision)

Can an entangled flying dragon still fly?

M Tiefling; Monk (Water Dancer) 1, Kineticist 14 HP:180/285 (105 Non lethal) | 20% Miss Chance| AC 39 T29 FF?33?| CMD??? | F+29 R+26 W+21 +1vs Fear (Bless) | Int +9 Per +30 Darkvision 60

The character is ensnared. Being entangled impedes movement, but does not entirely prevent it unless the bonds are anchored to an immobile object or tethered by an opposing force. An entangled creature moves at half speed, cannot run or charge, and takes a –2 penalty on all attack rolls and a –4 penalty to Dexterity. An entangled character who attempts to cast a spell must make a concentration check (DC 15 + spell level) or lose the spell.

Doesn't say it can't fly, just 1/2 speed.

As noted it can still fly just slower.

Dwarf Magus15 HP:150/150 | AC 39 T15 FF37 | CMD31(29) | F+18 R+11 W+14 | Int +2 Per +20 | AP 10/11 | Spirit 3/5 | Ring 4/4 | Emp 5/5 | Quick 1/2 |Over Flight, Ext Spellsword, Tears to Wine, R Acid 30, Stoneskin(150), BoF, Haste

Obidiah takes a 5' step southeast, out of the edge of the cloudkill.

The casts a quickend Dimension Door on himself and moves to F37.

"Torags Beard!!! You are a big beastie!!!" he calls out.

The he full attacks (via Dimensional Agility) with spell combat with his hammer.

Warhammer Haste Attack: 1d20 + 29 ⇒ (4) + 29 = 33 (+11bab, +5str, +1wpn focus, +4wpn training, +5enhancement, +2bof, +1 haste, -2spell combat, +2bane)

damage: 1d8 + 16 + 2 + 2d6 ⇒ (6) + 16 + 2 + (3, 6) = 33 + frost: 1d6 ⇒ 3 + shock: 1d6 ⇒ 6 + flaming burst: 1d6 ⇒ 1

Warhammer 1st Attack: 1d20 + 29 ⇒ (1) + 29 = 30

damage: 1d8 + 16 + 2 + 2d6 ⇒ (4) + 16 + 2 + (2, 4) = 28 + frost: 1d6 ⇒ 4 + shock: 1d6 ⇒ 6 + flaming burst: 1d6 ⇒ 3

Warhammer 2nd Attack: 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (8) + 24 = 32

damage: 1d8 + 16 + 2 + 2d6 ⇒ (3) + 16 + 2 + (6, 4) = 31 + frost: 1d6 ⇒ 3 + shock: 1d6 ⇒ 4 + flaming burst: 1d6 ⇒ 5

Warhammer 3rd Attack: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (16) + 19 = 35

damage: 1d8 + 16 + 2 + 2d6 ⇒ (7) + 16 + 2 + (1, 3) = 29 + frost: 1d6 ⇒ 4 + shock: 1d6 ⇒ 5 + flaming burst: 1d6 ⇒ 6

Concentration Check for Spell Combat: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (18) + 22 = 40

Casting Intensified Shocking Grasp

Warhammer Spell Combat Attack: 1d20 + 29 ⇒ (7) + 29 = 36

damage: 1d8 + 16 + 2 + 2d6 ⇒ (8) + 16 + 2 + (4, 5) = 35 + frost: 1d6 ⇒ 5 + shock: 1d6 ⇒ 4 + flaming burst: 1d6 ⇒ 2

Spell Resistance: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (15) + 18 = 33

Shocking Grasp Damage: 10d6 ⇒ (6, 3, 3, 5, 1, 4, 5, 1, 4, 1) = 33

Then he hovers in place, next to the dragon.

Fly Check: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (13) + 21 = 34

Edit: what was that? Rolling 4, 1, 8 , 16, and 7 on five attacks!

N Female Gnome Oracle 5|Veiled Illusionist 10 Init +20 | HP 158/158 | AC47, T25, FF37 | Fort +17, Ref +22, Will +20, various modifiers | CMD 18 | Perception+41, Sense Motive +38
| Conditions: FoM, Air Walk, Resist Acid 30, Images 7, Cleromancy +5, 4|5, Gr Invis

Mae waits for Liam to get to her and reaches out and touches him, granting him the air walk blesing.

You know dear, an experienced adventurer like you should have some way of getting into the air.

Obadiah unfortunately fails to connect a single blow on the dragon.

Ok lets skip aurora again so I believe we are just missing Jonuli and then back to dragon.

In the future lets try to keep OOC discussion in OCC the extra posts in making it harder for me to keep track of who posted their actions.

Male Suli Sorcerer 5/Dragon Disciple 5| AC 22 T 13 FF 21 CMD 24 | HP 82/96| F +10 R +7 W +11; | Init +3 | Perc +14 (Darkvision 60', Blind Sense 30', Low-Light Vision)

Round 4

Jonuli casts a spell and Images: 1d4 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8 images of him appear.

He then moves out of the cloud at CC-15.

She keeps invisible readying to use her Assassinate ability when the dragon is at it's closest to her.

@Aurora Been multiple rounds I assumed you were still holding and waiting but good to have confirmation

The dragon focuses his innate powers and the magic entangling him vanishes. He then moves forward ignoring the dwarf for the moment.

Obidiah also loses his ability fly falling 15 feet before regaining it.

The chimeras are on the way but are still about 400 feet from the battle they will arrive in roughly ~4 rounds.

M Tiefling; Monk (Water Dancer) 1, Kineticist 14 HP:180/285 (105 Non lethal) | 20% Miss Chance| AC 39 T29 FF?33?| CMD??? | F+29 R+26 W+21 +1vs Fear (Bless) | Int +9 Per +30 Darkvision 60

Round 4
Devlin continues to take advantage of the dragon's own cloud. He moves again,still staying inside the cloud, gathering elemental power as he goes. Gather Power as a move action for 2 burn available, move 15' through mobile gathering, to square O-19 (still staying nose-deep in the earth for cover). He blasts again. I am not sure if I am within 120', so he repeats his Entangling, Extreme Range, Metal Blast

To hit: 1d20 + 26 + 2 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 26 + 2 + 1 + 2 = 50
+2 from blessings of Fervor +1 from bless +2 from attacker is effectively invisible (full concealment from the cloudkill)

Damage: 16d6 + 37 ⇒ (2, 2, 3, 5, 5, 1, 4, 1, 6, 5, 3, 5, 2, 5, 5, 1) + 37 = 92
as usual, there is a DC 28 reflex Entangle effect as a rider if it hits.

I'm redrawing the map at the moment will post shortly note that cloud kills moves 10 feet each round (heading down and left on the map)So that likely changes were you moved so let me know.

M Tiefling; Monk (Water Dancer) 1, Kineticist 14 HP:180/285 (105 Non lethal) | 20% Miss Chance| AC 39 T29 FF?33?| CMD??? | F+29 R+26 W+21 +1vs Fear (Bless) | Int +9 Per +30 Darkvision 60
DireMerc wrote:
I'm redrawing the map at the moment will post shortly note that cloud kills moves 10 feet each round (heading down and left on the map)So that likely changes were you moved so let me know.

It's not worth redrawing; currently you have me at the edge of the cloud, P-18. If I'd known about the cloud movement I would be at Q-18. Just so long as I'm deep enough in the cloud to have full concealment from the dragon.

I picked alternative positions that I figured would be about were you and jonuli wanted to be

N Female Gnome Oracle 5|Veiled Illusionist 10 Init +20 | HP 158/158 | AC47, T25, FF37 | Fort +17, Ref +22, Will +20, various modifiers | CMD 18 | Perception+41, Sense Motive +38
| Conditions: FoM, Air Walk, Resist Acid 30, Images 7, Cleromancy +5, 4|5, Gr Invis

Mae looks on at the dragon, a growing sense of horror on her face. A dragon, inside an antimagic field...not sure there is much I can do about THAT! Maybe this will help.

She quickly casts a spell, weaving bits of shadowstuff around her and forming it into a shape behind her. A tall figure of a woman with a snake like tail and long feathered wings appears behind her and starts to sing.

Don't think too hard about her, just go with the flow.

Mae uses greater shadow conjuration to duplicate summon monster 6 summoning a Lillend. It begins its bardic performance providing +2|2 to attack and damage as a move action and then moves back into the caves to avoid being in the line of fire.

Halfling Hunter 1

Still stading next to Mae, Liam nods thoughtfully when the antimagic field appears. "That only affects the area right around the dragon, right?" Liam asks, looking to the chimeras closing from afar.

N Female Gnome Oracle 5|Veiled Illusionist 10 Init +20 | HP 158/158 | AC47, T25, FF37 | Fort +17, Ref +22, Will +20, various modifiers | CMD 18 | Perception+41, Sense Motive +38
| Conditions: FoM, Air Walk, Resist Acid 30, Images 7, Cleromancy +5, 4|5, Gr Invis

Yes, about 10' around the stupid thing. I can probably handle the chimera.

I Believe the dragon is up now.

The dragon moves up at the edge of the gas and hovers removing all the gas he then drops on the ground right in front of Devlin.

Devlin becomes trapped in the ground as his earth glide ability stopped to function.

The chimeras continue to advance (~280 feet away)

Will update map shortly.

M Tiefling; Monk (Water Dancer) 1, Kineticist 14 HP:180/285 (105 Non lethal) | 20% Miss Chance| AC 39 T29 FF?33?| CMD??? | F+29 R+26 W+21 +1vs Fear (Bless) | Int +9 Per +30 Darkvision 60

A question about how you are handling Earthglide being turned off. Is Devlin form fitted into the earth? ie. is he effectively helpless, or can he at least duck lower into the hole. Also, does he get a reflex save or some such, to duck below the level of the earth (and thus out of line of effect for the AM shell), as the dragon descends?

M Tiefling; Monk (Water Dancer) 1, Kineticist 14 HP:180/285 (105 Non lethal) | 20% Miss Chance| AC 39 T29 FF?33?| CMD??? | F+29 R+26 W+21 +1vs Fear (Bless) | Int +9 Per +30 Darkvision 60

Devlin scrunches as low as he can in his hole and hopes that his friends can get him out of this one.

Devlin chooses to delay to Init 10; let's see what everyone else does...

Male Suli Sorcerer 5/Dragon Disciple 5| AC 22 T 13 FF 21 CMD 24 | HP 82/96| F +10 R +7 W +11; | Init +3 | Perc +14 (Darkvision 60', Blind Sense 30', Low-Light Vision)

Round 5

Seeing the chimeras approach and the dragon on the ground Jonuli lets the other melee people deal with him and starts attacking the chimeras. He throws a fireball at the most densest group of them.

Fireball Damage DC 20: 10d6 + 10 ⇒ (6, 3, 3, 2, 6, 5, 1, 3, 6, 1) + 10 = 46

N Female Gnome Oracle 5|Veiled Illusionist 10 Init +20 | HP 158/158 | AC47, T25, FF37 | Fort +17, Ref +22, Will +20, various modifiers | CMD 18 | Perception+41, Sense Motive +38
| Conditions: FoM, Air Walk, Resist Acid 30, Images 7, Cleromancy +5, 4|5, Gr Invis

How close together are the chimeras?

I don't have a specific number in mind but they started out over hundred feet apart so it's unlikely they would be clustered together enough for a single AOE to hit more than one. As a note there are only 4 of them.

Chimera reflex 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16

Halfling Hunter 1

Which direction are the Chimeras? I don't see them on the map.

N Female Gnome Oracle 5|Veiled Illusionist 10 Init +20 | HP 158/158 | AC47, T25, FF37 | Fort +17, Ref +22, Will +20, various modifiers | CMD 18 | Perception+41, Sense Motive +38
| Conditions: FoM, Air Walk, Resist Acid 30, Images 7, Cleromancy +5, 4|5, Gr Invis

Mae casts greater invisibility on herself and moves to the cave exit furthest from the dragon.

@Liam they are off the map coming from the top right corner were the dragon came from.

Dwarf Magus15 HP:150/150 | AC 39 T15 FF37 | CMD31(29) | F+18 R+11 W+14 | Int +2 Per +20 | AP 10/11 | Spirit 3/5 | Ring 4/4 | Emp 5/5 | Quick 1/2 |Over Flight, Ext Spellsword, Tears to Wine, R Acid 30, Stoneskin(150), BoF, Haste

Obidiah will turn and charge the grounded dragon, hurtling down from above as his fly spell is negated.

Charge Attack: 1d20 + 21 + 2 + 2 - 3 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 21 + 2 + 2 - 3 + 2 = 39 (charge, no magic, pwr attack, inspire courage, higher ground)

damage: 1d8 + 22 ⇒ (8) + 22 = 30

Well thanks to the dragons reduced ac in amf that hits and even deals full damage since amf negates his DR. Yeah AMF if a double edged sword.

So for round 5
Mae Initiative: invis walk away
Jonuli : fireball
Devlin plum Init: delayed
Obidiah initiative: attacked and hit for 30 (dragon hp remaining ~55%)
Aurora nit: still hanging back?
Liam : action for round?

M Tiefling; Monk (Water Dancer) 1, Kineticist 14 HP:180/285 (105 Non lethal) | 20% Miss Chance| AC 39 T29 FF?33?| CMD??? | F+29 R+26 W+21 +1vs Fear (Bless) | Int +9 Per +30 Darkvision 60
DireMerc wrote:

So for round 5
Obidiah initiative: attacked and hit for 30 (dragon hp remaining ~55%)

Wow, that's pretty impressive, so far we've hit it for 450 ish, and it's at 55% of max, with all it's constitution boosting effects and so forth turned off...

I asked Liam to draw an AoO from the dragon, as that is one of the things his high AC makes him really good at, and he said he'd try. That's why I delayed, because making that CMB check is going to be iffy, +10 vs dc 20, without having to deal with the penalty from damage due to an AoO. Did Obidiah draw an AoO as he moved through the dragon's reach? If he did, I will do Devlin now, if not, I need to wait for Liam

I'll re-check the entire encounter to make sure but I don't have anywhere near 450 damage marked down as the total.

And yes your correct obidiah did draw an AOO from the dragon I forgot that part.

AOO bite: 1d20 + 34 ⇒ (4) + 34 = 384d6 + 18 ⇒ (3, 2, 4, 6) + 18 = 33

Actually think this misses as the attack takes place before obidiah enters the AMF

Edit: Rechecked dragon only took two hits before obidiah's the initial 138 on the surprise round and the crit for 189 he also healed half the damage from the initial hit.

M Tiefling; Monk (Water Dancer) 1, Kineticist 14 HP:180/285 (105 Non lethal) | 20% Miss Chance| AC 39 T29 FF?33?| CMD??? | F+29 R+26 W+21 +1vs Fear (Bless) | Int +9 Per +30 Darkvision 60

1 hit from 2 attacks in surprise round:138, miss, miss, 1 Critical hit for 189, 1 regular hit for 92. For 419 from Devlin + 30 from Obidiah. You did say "The dragon spends an action to heal some of the damage it took (you cant really see how but can assume it was a magic item) he healed ~roughly half the damage he took" in round 1 after the surprise round...

Round 5

"Cayden aid me!"Seeing the dragon distracted by Obidiah's brave assault, Devlin frantically tries to burst forth from his earthen prison...(CMB check as standard action vs DC 20. Could draw a AoO if the dragon has combat reflexes)

Devlin's CMB check in an AMF: 1d20 + 10 - 1 - 1 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 10 - 1 - 1 + 2 = 28 vs DC 20
-1 Str -1 size small +2 inspire courage

M Tiefling; Monk (Water Dancer) 1, Kineticist 14 HP:180/285 (105 Non lethal) | 20% Miss Chance| AC 39 T29 FF?33?| CMD??? | F+29 R+26 W+21 +1vs Fear (Bless) | Int +9 Per +30 Darkvision 60

Round 5 Continued after successful CMB check

Tearing free, he runs directly away from the dragon ( N by the compass rose ); as soon as he exits the antimagic field (5 or 10 feet, GM's discretion, he can tell by his Kinetic Aura reigniting as it is no longer suppressed), he uses the rest of his movement to dive underground 10' and then maneuvers horizontally (E by the compass rose, his total move is 40', so that's either 20' or 25', depending on where he exited the AMF. This puts him at roughly K-18, 10' underground.)

Halfling Hunter 1

Sorry about that, slow on the draw coming off the weekend. Glad Obidiah bailed me out. Uh, is that a cliffrunning behind the dragon?

It is a cliff yes, Also seems I did miss the 90 damage from round 4 so made note of that so his hp is indeed lower than I thought

M Tiefling; Monk (Water Dancer) 1, Kineticist 14 HP:180/285 (105 Non lethal) | 20% Miss Chance| AC 39 T29 FF?33?| CMD??? | F+29 R+26 W+21 +1vs Fear (Bless) | Int +9 Per +30 Darkvision 60
DireMerc wrote:
It is a cliff yes, Also seems I did miss the 90 damage from round 4 so made note of that so his hp is indeed lower than I thought

That's fine, you did have me a bit worried when the math came out to roughly 1000 hp's...

N Female Gnome Oracle 5|Veiled Illusionist 10 Init +20 | HP 158/158 | AC47, T25, FF37 | Fort +17, Ref +22, Will +20, various modifiers | CMD 18 | Perception+41, Sense Motive +38
| Conditions: FoM, Air Walk, Resist Acid 30, Images 7, Cleromancy +5, 4|5, Gr Invis

How close are the chimera? I assume as they are converging on us they will start to come closer together?

M Tiefling; Monk (Water Dancer) 1, Kineticist 14 HP:180/285 (105 Non lethal) | 20% Miss Chance| AC 39 T29 FF?33?| CMD??? | F+29 R+26 W+21 +1vs Fear (Bless) | Int +9 Per +30 Darkvision 60

Round 6
I am posting part of my actions early (out of order), because Devlin can't perceive the dragon (10' underground); also, the dragon can't perceive him (barring tremorsense, mindsight or something; blindsight won't do it). Thus I am working off what he knew the previous round. I will spoiler it.

Devlin's move action:

Devlin is going to move while using gather power (Mobile Gathering feat, 20 ' move). He's moving diagonally Up and to the North-East. Starting at (K-18, -10 '), he would break surface at (J-16,0'). He will look around as a free action.
If the dragon's AM shell is blocking that spot, he will presumably stop short, as his earthglide can't penetrate the surface...

Rune will stealthily move to U-18 while invisible

Halfling Hunter 1

Liam dashes forward, running straight off the cliff. Airwalk ftw! I'll head toward the Chimeras and try to help intercept them.

Dwarf Magus15 HP:150/150 | AC 39 T15 FF37 | CMD31(29) | F+18 R+11 W+14 | Int +2 Per +20 | AP 10/11 | Spirit 3/5 | Ring 4/4 | Emp 5/5 | Quick 1/2 |Over Flight, Ext Spellsword, Tears to Wine, R Acid 30, Stoneskin(150), BoF, Haste

"Hey! Is anybody going to come help fight this thing?"

M Tiefling; Monk (Water Dancer) 1, Kineticist 14 HP:180/285 (105 Non lethal) | 20% Miss Chance| AC 39 T29 FF?33?| CMD??? | F+29 R+26 W+21 +1vs Fear (Bless) | Int +9 Per +30 Darkvision 60

A quick note about where we are in the INIT order. We just finished rd 5, with Liam and Rune moving. Jonuli and Mae are up, then the dragon.

Also, by mysterious psychic vibes to Obidiah: "Working on it, but I have to be outside the field to do jack..."

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